Second‐trimester contingent screening for small‐for‐gestational‐age neonate
The impact of intellectual disability and sport expertise on cognitive and executive functions
Availability of services for the diagnosis and treatment of infertility in The Gambia`s public and private health facilities: A cross‑sectional survey
Locator maps: helping customers find businesses
Inequalities and health
Research methods and evidence-based practice
Is in-shoe microclimate a neglected contributor in the pathway to diabetic foot ulceration?
Producing a Frankentext
The climate emergency across business, community and campaign groups: Motivations and barriers to driving change for the common good
A racial inclusivity training resource for physiotherapy practice education: Evaluation report
Disrupting the status quo: Global majority physiotherapists experiences of the trajectory to consultant practice - A critical study
“Raising the curtain on the equality theatre”: A study of recruitment to first healthcare job post-qualification in the UK National Health Service
Hermeneutic phenomenological research on how nurse educators make meaning of compassion and understand its role in their professional practice
Gym bodies: Exploring fitness cultures
Playing the game: a realist approach to evaluating online student access, retention, progression and attainment initiatives
Running during pregnancy and postpartum, Part B: How does running-related advice and guidance received during pregnancy and postpartum affect women's running habits?
Arrhythmias and conduction disturbances in patients with systemic sclerosis—A systematic literature review
Conflicting rights? Dutch-Turkish Muslim parents fostering a religiously coloured agency
Role of heat shock proteins in atrial fibrillation: From molecular mechanisms to diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities
Retinal microvascular abnormalities predict clinical outcomes in patients with heart failure
Clinical characteristics, genetic findings and arrhythmic outcomes of patients with catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia from China: A systematic review
Heterogeneities in ventricular conduction following treatment with heptanol: A multi-electrode array study in Langendorff-Perfused mouse hearts
Stereotactic radiotherapy: An alternative option for refractory ventricular tachycardia to drug and ablation therapy
Neural network-based distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack detection in smart home networks
Enhancing the experiences of Black, Asian, mixed heritage and minoritised ethnic students in higher education
Endothelial-derived APT1-mediated macrophage-endothelial cell interactions participate in the development of atherosclerosis by regulating the Ras/MAPK signaling pathway
Celebration or critique? Performing Peer Gynt in the heart of Norway
Teaterhistorie. Vestens teater gjennom tidene
Exploration of the experiences of physical therapists who identify as LGBTQIA+: Navigating sexual orientation and gender identity in clinical, academic, and professional roles
Physiotherapy students’ education on, exposure to, and attitudes and beliefs about providing care for LGBTQIA+ patients: a cross-sectional study in the UK
Knowledge and practices on the prevention and management of diarrhea in children under-2 years among women dwelling in urban slums of Karachi, Pakistan
Capitol assault: the real reason Trump and the crowd almost killed US democracy
Examining the role of Donald Trump and his supporters in the 2021 assault on the US Capitol: A dual-agency model of identity leadership and engaged followership
In vitro embryo production in agricultural animals: morphokinetic profiling as a tool to investigate embryo viability
Voicing teachers’ perceptions and practices of ESP: a case study of Algerian higher education ESP teachers
The role of nanotechnology for diagnostic and therapy strategies in lung cancer
Cosmic awakenings
Sport-related concussion research agenda beyond medical science: culture, ethics, science policy
Ancient light: Rematerialising the astronomical image
Climate adaptation: Protecting coastal dwellers
Brain injury training
UK Parliament POST note on innovation in adult social care
Positive destination image building: The power of diet
Hospitality futures: Towards a sustainable, healthier and ethical way of catering
The Neolib-rebellion: a critical analysis of how neoliberal values are presented in the discourse of contemporary education policy in England
Caracterización fisicoquímica de la grasa de ovino y evaluación del efecto de la pre-esterificación y transesterificación en la producción de biodiesel
Fretboard navigation strategies in jazz guitar improvisation
The fierce urgency of now? Navigating paradoxes in sustainability education
Developing guidelines for the human-wildlife interactions in conservation translocations
Attitudes towards the reintroduction of the chough to Kent
Purified venom components inhibit EGFR phosphorylation in triple negative breast cancer
Undergraduate student wellbeing: The lived experience in higher education
Severed threads, enduring ties. An anthropological exploration of the competing imaginaries of inter-country adoption from Ethiopia
Exploring Indonesia’s energy policy failures through the JUST framework
Imaging and mapping Eastern Europe: Sarmatia Europea to post-Communist Bloc by Katarzyna Murawska-Muthesius Routledge, Abingdon, 2021, 252 pp., £120.00 (hbk), £36.99 (eBook), ISBN 9781138490857
Articulating clearer fair and equitable treatment clauses within Tanzania’s international investment agreements: correcting the disparity between host state and international investor interests
Effects of chromium contamination on the soil microbiome and phytoremediation potential of crop plants
Dyslexia: An examination of the experiences and perceptions of members of Dorset Police who are dyslexic
The mission of Mary Eliza Haweis (1848-1898)
Blackstone's handbook for policing students
Unexplained profound anterograde amnesia
Deny or adore: The representation and normalization of cannabis in popular culture
Why care about integrated care? Part 3. Weighing sunlight: delivering integration in practice and measuring success
Power, Threat, Meaning Framework informed audit: the ubiquitous experience of trauma in adults with psychosis
“A place of images, plus sounds” (Chion, 1994)
Silent students with voices: an exploration of students’ silence in an Algerian EFL setting
Twelve-month prevalence of haemarthrosis and joint disease using the Haemophilia Joint Health score: evaluation of the UK National Haemophilia Database and Haemtrack patient reported data: an observational study
European principles of care for physiotherapy provision for persons with inherited bleeding disorders: Perspectives of physiotherapists and patients
Preliminary investigations in the potential use of dye-ligands to bind biological macromolecules
The development of videoconference-based support for people living with rare dementias and their carers: Protocol for a 3-phase support group evaluation
Peer support for people living with rare or young onset dementia: An integrative review
A systematic review and psychometric evaluation of resilience measurement scales for people living with dementia and their carers
Developing poetry as a research methodology with rarer forms of dementia: Four research protocols
Pain memories: A new concept to consider in the management of chronic pain in people with haemophilia
The experiences and beliefs of people with severe haemophilia and healthcare professionals on pain management, and their views of using exercise as an aspect of intervention: a qualitative study
How does a lifetime of painful experiences influence sensations and beliefs about pain in adults with severe haemophilia? A qualitative study
Occupational therapy through a feminist lens
Investigating the Influence of dietary restriction and omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on lifespan and sarcopenia in C. elegans
Quantifying religiosity: a comparison of approaches based on categorical self-identification and multidimensional measures of religious activity
A many-analysts approach to the relation between religiosity and well-being
David Matza from naturalism to cultural criminology: Exploring subculture and alcohol in an ethnographic study of young adults in the UK
Machine learning-based solutions for securing IoT systems against multilayer attacks
Medication adherence in adolescents and young children with chronic liver disease
‘”The lights and the shadows of clouds”: going through the glass with Dickens.’
Competing-risks model for pre-eclampsia and adverse pregnancy outcomes.
Preterm and term pre-eclampsia: relative burdens of maternal and perinatal complications.
Incidence of stillbirth: effect of deprivation
Estimated fetal weight at mid-gestation in prediction of pre-eclampsia in singleton pregnancy
Competing-risks model for prediction of small-for-gestational-age neonates at 36 weeks' gestation.
Effect of race on the measurement of angiogenic factors for prediction and diagnosis of pre‐eclampsia
"At the going down of the sun": vampires, comics and the world wars (vol. II)
Children's experience of foreign language learning in primary school
Product packaging sustainability and green innovation: exploring the influencing factors for sustainable packaging green innovation in the FMCG packaging supply chain
Virtual and augmented reality in healthcare education (VARE) project report
XR, music and neurodiversity: design and application of new mixed reality technologies that facilitate musical intervention for children with autism spectrum conditions
The Pilgrim-Writer: The transformative potential of the language arts and pilgrimage – an embodied investigation of self, drawing on theory and practice, including my own direct experience of contemporary pilgrimage and ‘languaging’.
Modest fashion? Dress, body, and space: an ethnographic account of Muslim female stakeholders’ experiences in the modest fashion industry
“A few green leaves can make such a difference”: Pym, Larkin and Rural Retirement
The wandering lamb
Digitising the sacred: Maya women’s cosmovision online
Developing an ECEC response to the global environmental crisis: The potential of the Froebelian-inspired ‘NENE Pedagogy’
Effect of caloric restriction and omega-3 EPA supplementation on sarcopenia in C. elegans
Exploring reflection in pre-service teacher education: a social perspective on the application, value and factors influencing reflection
Belfast and the start of the troubles
Online learning and teaching during the pandemic: the experience of commuter students
Culture‑proven disseminated Mycobacterium Bovis infection (BCG‑Osis) following intravesical BCG immunotherapy in a patient with bladder carcinoma‑in‑situ: ‘Case report’.
10-minute consultation - Visible haematuria
Multiparametric ultrasound versus multiparametric MRI to diagnose prostate cancer (CADMUS): a prospective, multicentre, paired-cohort, confirmatory study
Medical statistics for urologists: Part 2 - Probability and hypothesis testing
The safety and feasibility of simultaneous robotic repair of an inguinal hernia during robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Factors causing variation in WHO surgical safety checklist effectiveness - A rapid scoping review
Medical statistics for urologists: part 3 – diagnostic testing
Urological implications associated with the use of recreational drugs: A narrative review
Are staging bone scans necessary in patients with T3a prostate cancer? A multicentre study
The experience, secondary stressors, and coping strategies of UK social care workers during Covid-19: an exploratory study providing a diagram of the interactions between stressors, destressors, and coping strategies
Investigating the role of sortilin in complex with two tyrosine receptor kinases- EGFR and TrkB, and the crosstalk with the anti-inflammatory pathway
Perspectives on collaborative learning: a case study of teachers and students of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) within an Algerian higher education institution
Blackstone's handbook for policing students 2023
Non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC): Implications on molecular pathology and advances in early diagnostics and therapeutics.
Why inherited distance and responses to inexperience of disability matters in theatre practice
Teachers' lived experience: voices of history teachers on the English National Curriculum
"It's just some numbers": Awareness of far-right tattoos
This is not a drill: police preparedness for climate emergency
Structural investigation of HIV-1 GP160 and gag-pol polyprotein recognition site with HIV-1 protease
Study on osteoarthritic joint: regenerative potential and disease markers
The problem of atomisation: from 'bowling alone' to lockdowns
The problem of the 'Covid generation'
Communication experiences of gender diverse young people
New insights to county lines drug supply networks: a research note on a study of police experiences of the intersectionality of victimhood and offending
Place, space and community: a study of Extinction Rebellion and climate activism
Constrictive pericarditis–a cloak camouflaging lymphoma
Recommendations on patient-facing websites regarding diagnostic imaging for low back, knee, and shoulder pain: A scoping review
The voices of Ellen Courtenay- the life and work of Ellen Courtenay as Helen Steinberg- poet actress, appeal memoirist and lecturer
Baby loss, grief, and the quest for community: A mixed methods study investigating stillbirth bereavement support pathways for ethnically diverse bereaved parents
The experiences and needs of supporting individuals of young people who self-harm: A systematic review and thematic synthesis
Sickle cell disease in Bahia, Brazil: The social production of health policies and institutional neglect
Saving lives or protecting borders? An analysis of EU policies towards irregular migration in Libya and Niger from 2015 to 2020
Update on the pathophysiology of cluster headache: Imaging and neuropeptide studies
Perceptions of survivors and Police Officers regarding the police response to coercive control
Recovery of fingermarks from surfaces previously considered to be problematic within practice
Developing a not-knowing approach to experiences conventionally described as severe mental illness
Gender and migration discourse in British newspapers
Research on UBI auto insurance pricing model based on parameter adaptive SAPSO optimal fuzzy controller
Novel architecture for human re-identification with a two-stream neural network and attention ,echanism
A novel data analytic model for mining user insurance demands from microblogs
Deep learning based real-time facial mask detection and crowd monitoring
Brain injury: support and complexity
A study investigating sociodemographic factors and food preferences of primary school children in the United Kingdom
A case study evaluation of a fast-track detective scheme carried out by a Police service in the South of England
The value of Covert Human Intelligence Sources: using practitioner perspectives to develop a template for data collection in order to measure the value of Covert Human Intelligence Source information in low policing
Development of new techniques for the recovery of conductive fingermarks
Keyboard instruments and their repertoire, 1560-1780
A multiscale overview of modelling rolling cyclic fatigue in bearing elements
Further investigations and parametric analysis of microstructural alterations under rolling contact fatigue
Violence against women and girls in England and Wales: the implementation of national domestic abuse policy at local level, a case study
An exploration of how newly qualified SENCos understand their professional identity and implications for the ongoing development of the professional role
Impact of acute and long-term exposure to oxybenzone on the Caenorhabditis elegans life history
Personal development of coaches in training: qualitative exploration and scoping review
Understanding the media in young children’s lives: An introduction to the key debates
Interpreting PE teachers’ personal theories of learning using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA): A case study in a nonselective school in the South East of England
'This day the organs did begin to play at White-hall before the King': The work and influence of Christopher Gibbons (1615-76)
The importance of pro-social processing, and ameliorating dysfunction in schizophrenia. An FMRI study of oxytocin
Rapid proteomic characterization of bacteriocin-producing Enterococcus faecium strains from foodstuffs
Understanding migrants' reaction to hate crime in Greece
Adverse Cardiovascular Complications following prescription of programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) and programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) inhibitors: a propensity-score matched Cohort Study with competing risk analysis
Clinical characteristics, risk factors and outcomes of cancer patients with COVID-19: A population-based study
NADPH oxidase mediates oxidative stress and ventricular remodeling through SIRT3/FOXO3a pathway in diabetic mice
Stimulating learning: A functional MRI and behavioral investigation of the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on stochastic learning in schizophrenia
A territory-wide Study of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy patients from Hong Kong
Too soon to discard Kraepelin: improving diagnosis by appropriate use of neo-Kraepelinian and unitary psychosis models
Clinical characteristics, genetic basis and healthcare resource utilisation and costs in patients with catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia: A retrospective cohort study
Clinical significance, challenges and limitations in using artificial intelligence for electrocardiography-based diagnosis
Machine learning techniques for arrhythmic risk stratification: a review of the literature
Risk factors of pancreatic cancer in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: The Hong Kong Diabetes Study
The role of late gadolinium enhancement in predicting arrhythmic events in cardiac sarcoidosis patients – a mini-review
Fertile ground of negative spaces: Material methodologies for (education) leadership
Introduction to Islamic Fintech: A challenge or an opportunity?
Fintech and Islamic financial institutions: Applications and challenges
Islamic Fintech, blockchain and crowdfunding: Current landscape and path forward
Association between sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors and risk of sudden cardiac death or ventricular arrhythmias: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Conceptualising and Teaching Biomedical Uncertainty to Medical Students: an Exploratory Qualitative Study
A novel virtual reality assessment of functional cognition: Validation study
Comparison of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor on the risks of new-onset atrial fibrillation, stroke and mortality in diabetic patients: A propensitysScore-matched study in Hong Kong
The potential of general practice to support young people who self-harm: a narrative review
COVID-19 challenges and the role of Islamic Fintech
Incident heart failure and myocardial infarction in sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 vs. dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor users
IP3R1/GRP75/VDAC1 complex mediates endoplasmic reticulum stress-mitochondrial oxidative stress in diabetic atrial remodeling
Exploring the impact of the first wave of COVID-19 on social work practice: A qualitative study in England, UK
How do people with knee osteoarthritis perceive and manage flares? A qualitative study
Mass screening for low bone density using basic check-up items
Intervening to eliminate the centre-effect variation in home dialysis use: protocol for Inter-CEPt - a sequential mixed-methods study designing an intervention bundle
'What about me?' Inequalities in medicine, a keynote speech
Relaxation of the criteria for entry to the UK Clozapine Central Non-Rechallenge Database: a modelling study
Experiences of newly diagnosed oral cancer patients during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study from Pakistan
Up regulation of long non-coding RNAs BACE1 and down regulation of LINC-PINT are associated with CRC clinicopathological characteristics
Sulfonylurea is associated with higher risks of ventricular arrhythmia or sudden cardiac death compared with metformin: A population-based cohort study
Exploring the cultural effects of gender on perceptions of cutaneous leishmaniasis: a systematic literature review
High visit-to-visit cholesterol variability predicts heart failure and adverse cardiovascular events: a population-based cohort study
Community-based interventions for the prevention and control of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis: A systematic review
Association between atherosclerosis-related cardiovascular disease and uveitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Association between duration of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist use and cardiovascular risks: A population-based competing-risk analysis
VStore: Feasibility and acceptability of a novel virtual reality functional cognition task
The impact of cardiac comorbidity sequence at baseline and mortality risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus: A retrospective population-based cohort study
P-wave durations from automated electrocardiogram analysis to predict atrial fibrillation and mortality in heart failure
Long-term cardiovascular burden in prostate cancer patients receiving androgen deprivation therapy
Drawing the Past, Volume 2: Comics and the Historical Imagination in the World
Drawing the Past, Vol. 1: Comics and the Historical Imagination in the United States
Embedding behavioral and social sciences across the medical curriculum: (Auto) ethnographic insights from medical schools in the United Kingdom
Ethnography: expanding the boundaries in EAP
Promoting occupational engagement for communities: Virtual walks in a pandemic
The challenges of rural ecotourism: a case study of NorthEast Thailand
Emotional intelligence: competencies that contribute to the professional identity of dance educators
Investigating the security issues of multi-layer IoT attacks using machine learning techniques
Model based development of torque control drive for induction motors for micro electric vehicles
‘You have to keep sight of the fact that these are children’: YOT worker perceptions of responsibilisation in youth justice
An exploration of the perceptions and practice of community nursing staff within two care settings in relation to spiritual distress at the end of life
Association between knowledge of Human Immunodeficiency Virus transmission and consistent condom use among sexually active men in Nigeria: An analysis of 2018 Nigeria Demographic Health Survey.
Examining the role of Donald Trump and his supporters in the 2021 assault on the U.S. Capitol: A dual-agency model of identity leadership and engaged followership
Beyond Bagpuss: A history of Smallfilms Animation Studio
Embedding research (ER) led by nurses, midwives and allied health professionals (NMAHPs): the NMAHP-ER model.
The Power of Light Zine 3 - Why do we explore the world around us? - an epistemically insightful way to explore the nature of science and research at Diamond Light Source, UK
The Power of Light Zine 2 - Why does life exist? - an epistemically insightful way to explore the nature of science and research at Diamond Light Source, UK
The Power of Light Zine 1 - Why do things change? - an epistemically insightful way to explore the nature of science and research at Diamond Light Source, UK
CPD 1 - Embedding Epistemic Insight and Big Questions across a whole school curriculum
Digital entrepreneurship: opportunities, but not a panacea - implications for premium products and entrepreneurship education
The climate emergency across business, community and campaign groups: motivations and barriers to driving change for the common good
Known by name: A chaplain's role
The role of research reputation in choosing a UK business school and the contrasting perspectives of students and research leaders
Statutory annexation of covenants: A practical solution built on unstable foundations
"If I see a man walking alone without a dog, without a person, I always feel a bit uneasy": Safety perceptions of female trail runners
The political economy of environmental and sustainability education: A terminal crisis?
Language learning and intercultural understanding in the primary school: a practical and integrated approach
Creating epistemically insightful learning experiences in primary classrooms: insights into the nature of science
Oncogenic role of connective tissue growth factor is associated with canonical TGF-β cascade in colorectal cancer
The Somme - innocence lost
Threatened academic professional identities: gender dynamics, workplace conditions and ‘unconscious complicity’
A performative analysis of primary school governance: labour, costs and repair work
The dissolution of the monastery: negotiating text in place, entropy, ruins and light installations
When the story comes to you: affectively negotiating parallel worlds
Waterscapes, fairies and Philip Pullman
The role of nanotechnology for diagnostic and therapy strategies in lung cancer
The visions and voices of physical education teachers - part 4
The impact of COVID-19 on the physical development of reception aged children
Face and content validity of the pictorial scale of perceived water competence in young children
Evidence of expert clinical practice among nuclear medicine non-medical staff: a scoping review
Insights into the music patterns of St Basil liturgy according to the Coptic rite
Advances in the lung cancer immunotherapy approaches
Assessing the ability of padded clothing to prevent stud Iinduced injuries in Rugby Union
Validation of a finite element model of a shoulder surrogate for accessing paddings in Rugby Union
Optimizing artificial neural networks using LevyChaotic mapping on Wolf Pack optimization algorithm for detect driving sleepiness
I have not always been who I am now. Using doctoral research to overcome feelings of imposterism
Telling complex stories: A review of the QMiP conference at De Montfort University
Parenting, partnerships and a pandemic. In conversation with Abi Locke
What is “inspiration porn” on social media and how does it effect [sic] deaf people and communities?
Turkish-Dutch Muslim and Orthodox reformed parents in the Netherlands: religious identity negotiations in contexts of children's education
Viscount Lymington: The journey of a fascist ‘fellow traveler’
How Voice Hearers Develop More Positive Relationships with Their Voices and the Role of Encountering Books Aligned with the Hearing Voices Movement
How to live cheaply at the seaside: the Kent coast as writer's retreat
'...and memory, however sad, is the best and purest link between this world and a better': name-dropping in obituaries: the cult of knowing Dickens
Electrocardiogram-based artificial intelligence for the diagnosis of heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Comment from the field
Cartilage regeneration using human umbilical cord blood derived mesenchymal stem cells: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Social media experience of young people
Functional and performance analysis of discrete event network simulation tools
HbA1c variability and cardiovascular events in patients with prostate cancer receiving androgen deprivation therapy
Exploring the experience of a strengths-based approach within a forensic service
Personalized stratification of pregnancy care for small for gestational age neonates from biophysical markers at mid-gestation
Don't listen up (5 channel mix)
Don't look up (5 channel)
Why are presidential regimes bad for the economy? Understanding the link between forms of government and economic outcomes
Causes and consequences of sleep disturbance in young people
Secure services for people with learning disabilities
An assessment of the dose and image quality difference between AP and PA positioned adult radiographic knee examinations
Health system barriers influencing timely breast cancer diagnosis and treatment among women in low and middle-income Asian countries: evidence from a mixed-methods systematic review.
Ensemble and otherness: The jazz musician in Robert Altman’s Kansas City (1996)
Beyond beauty: Taiwan from above (2013)
Z is for Zoombombing
Progressive web app for real-time doctor-patient communication and searchable health conditions
Planned delivery for pre-eclampsia between 34 and 37 weeks of gestation: the PHOENIX RCT.
Psychosexual identity development in adolescent and young adult survivors of testicular cancer
Patterns of consumption at the UK’s first “alcohol-free off- licence”: Who engaged with no- and low-alcohol drinks and why?
Cyber physical system: Security challenges in Internet of Things system
Clinical characteristics and electrophysiologic properties of SCN5A variants in fever-induced Brugada syndrome
Commentaries on Viewpoint: Hoping for the best, prepared for the worst: can we perform remote data collection in sport sciences?
Efficacy of guideline-directed medical treatment in heart failure with mildly reduced ejection fraction.
Cardiovascular toxicity of proteasome inhibitors in multiple myeloma therapy
Psychosocial and emotional morbidities after a diagnosis of cancer: Qualitative evidence from healthcare professional cancer patients
Rewriting the history of leishmaniasis in Sri Lanka: An untold story since 1904
Pacing behaviour development and acquisition: A systematic review
A Systematic Review and Thematic Synthesis of Qualitative Literature on personal recovery and voice hearing
F.F. Montresor (1862-1934)
Could posterior-anterior projection cervical spine radiographs improve image quality and dose reduction
Diagnostic radiography students' perceptions towards communication with service users who are deaf or hearing impaired.
A cross-sectional student survey of the impact of the Covid-19 lockdowns on clinical placement in England
P18 Caring for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) during the COVID-19 pandemic: a transcontinental study
The COVID-19 pandemic experiences of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (PWIDD) through a nursing lens: Global Perspectives
Anorexia Nervosa and emotion
Consensus evidence-based clinical practice recommendations for the diagnosis and treat-to-target management of osteoporosis in chronic kidney disease stages G4-G5D and post-transplantation: An initiative of Egyptian Academy of Bone Health
Prevalence and determinants of intention to use modern contraceptives among grand-multiparous women in sub-Saharan Africa.
PD-1/PD-L1 blockade accelerates the progression of atherosclerosis in cancer patients
Safe prescribing in cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic: A new initiative from the UK Cancer Coronavirus Project (UKCCP) team.
Foster caring as ‘professional parenting’: A grounded theory of the relationships between parent and professional in long-term foster care
Determining proteins responsible for the host range of potyviruses
A critical analysis of perceptions of street-based sex workers, as victims of crime, by police officers and staff in a police service in the United Kingdom
Harnessing the benefits of sanctuary scholarship: opportunities for community enhancement, widening participation and internationalisation at home
Both sides of a coin: Having open heart surgery while researching in cardiology
An Algerian musical mosaic: an ethnographic and visual exploration of the place of gender in Algerian popular music in social media platforms, live music events, and wedding ceremonies
Music theory pedagogy in Malta: implications for practice in higher education from the perspectives of teachers, lecturers and students
Driver drowsiness detection using Gray Wolf Optimizer based on voice recognition
The case for validating ADDIE model as a digital forensic model for peer to peer network investigation
Can Mentimeter enhance university student participation in taught sessions?
Attendance-related healthcare resource utilisation and costs in patients with Brugada Syndrome in Hong Kong: A retrospective cohort study.
Prevalence and factors associated with the use of long-acting reversible and permanent contraceptive methods among women who desire no more children in high fertility countries in sub-saharan Africa.
Engaging and sustaining people with intellectual disabilities in physical activity: a narrative review of existing evidence
In Nightingale's footsteps: A qualitative analysis of the impact of leadership development within the clinical learning environment
Feasibility and evaluation of an emergency department‐based general practitioner streaming and treatment service
Princess Victoria at Broadstairs
Henrietta Vaughan Stannard [Pseud. John Strange Winter]
Archibald Campbell Tait (1811 –1882)
Games outside of games
EMPOWERing older people and their communities to manage their own CARE (EMPOWERCARE): Evaluation study of a social innovation initiative across four European countries
Elastomer-based visuotactile sensor for normality of robotic manufacturing systems
Evaluating an accounting software for compassionate pedagogy and educating the whole person
Electrocardiographic features of immune checkpoint inhibitor-associated myocarditis.
Predicting acute onset of heart failure complicating acute coronary syndrome: an explainable machine learning approach
Cardiovascular risks of chemo-immunotherapy for lung cancer: A population-based cohort study.
“It allowed us to let our pain out”: perspectives from voice-hearers and their voices on the ‘talking with voices’ approach
Triglyceride-glucose index and the risk of heart failure: Evidence from two large cohorts and a mendelian randomization analysis.
Impact of heavy resistance training on pregnancy and postpartum health outcomes.
Using arts-based research in applied health care: An example from an evaluation of NHS dental contract reform in Wales
Is the digital forensic tool user interface broken?
The experience of being a working mum with young children
Invisible women. Discourses and experiences of the underprivileged working mums.
The experience of being a working mum with young children
The experience of being a working mum with young children. MSc project
Bench to Bedside (research based evidence in Aesthetics)
The DWELL Project: Development and evaluation of an innovative psychoeducational programme for people with type 2 diabetes
The importance of soil and vegetation characteristics for establishing ground nesting bee aggregations
Impact of radiographer immediate reporting of X-rays of the chest from general practice on the lung cancer pathway (radioX): a randomised controlled trial
‘Comfortably numb:’ explorations of embodiment and recovery in an ethnography of operating theatres.
Effectiveness of the community areas for sustainable dementia care and excellence in Europe (CASCADE) model of care: findings from a residential care home in Belgium
Characterising Mitochondrial Capture in an Iberian Shrew
Accounting for an encounter involving a social worker and man with learning disabilities and crafting tools for ethical social work practice
Collective victimhood in populist media about Brexit: rage against the machine?
Science and RE teachers' perspectives on the purpose of RE on the secondary school curriculum in England
A combination of surgical and chemical induction in a rabbit model for osteoarthritis of the knee
Health insurance coverage and modern contraceptive use among sexually active women in Nigeria: Further analysis of 2018 Nigeria Demographic Health Survey.
An integrative social identity model of populist leadership
Linking sustainability and spirituality: A preliminary assessment study in pursuit of a sustainable and ethically correct world
Ethnographic exploration of the lived experiences of Algerian British immigrants in the UK
Embeddedness within Police recruitment: how social networks and relationships influence the hiring of new police recruits
Practical ways to analyse Twitter data (quantitative and qualitative)
Repairing process models with non-free-choice constructs based on token replay
Investigating the security issues of multi-layer IoMT attacks using machine learning techniques
Techno-economic feasibility of retired electric-vehicle batteries repurpose/reuse in second-life applications: A systematic review
Conceptualising and embedding inclusive leadership in organisations
Association between sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors and incident atrial fibrillation/atrial flutter in heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Efficacy of vasopressin, steroid, and epinephrine protocol for in-hospital cardiac arrest resuscitation: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials with trial sequential analysis.
Grandparents raising grandchildren: analysis of an inquiry-intervention of their experiences
The perceived impact of CPD on early career science teaching
Murder in the family: representations of gender in the mid-twentieth century
Reflections on occupational science in 2022
Hagar and the Levite's concubine: reclaiming Biblical women through employing a womanist lens
The development and validation of a low-cost trans perineal (TP) prostate biopsy simulator from 3D printed mould: improving trainees’ confidence and cognitive targeting skills
Young children's actual and perceived physical activity levels within the primary school setting
Making a wave of difference in water awareness and competence through primary physical education teacher education
Utilising DOE to optimise hydrogel composition for tissue engineering
Diagnostic outcomes between home sleep apnoea testing and in-laboratory polysomnography: systematic review
Warum verließen Normannen die Normandie?
Die Sprache der Eroberer
Transforming teacher education - introducing ITE students to Epistemic Insight: a workshop
The future of virtual reality
Predicting stroke and mortality in mitral regurgitation: A machine learning approach
Book Review: 'The Kobane Generation: Kurdish Diaspora Mobilising in France' by Mari Toivanen
Debate on de-growth in tourism: reply to Higgins-Desbiolles and Everingham
Community empowerment in Nigeria’s tourism industry: An analysis of stakeholders’ perceptions
Formulation and Anorexia Nervosa
Using creative non-fiction to pinpoint moments of deCentring in intercultural mediation
Designing a system to mimic expert cognition: An initial prototype
Collaborative writing communities for Learning Development research and practice
Health through arts: Connecting people and communities, a Sidney De Haan Research Centre webinar series, Kent, UK, January–June 2022
Effectiveness of robotic exoskeletons for improving gait in children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review
Opening spatial hinges with mindful writing practice: negotiating Philip Pullman’s secret commonwealth
Planning, operation, and design of market-based virtual power plant considering uncertainty
Ideology and manipulation in travel documentaries: a cognitive-semiotic approach
Uncanny intimacies
The Writing Circle: Creative hope in anxious times
The future of policing cybercrime: Reflections on the Strategic Review of Policing in England and Wales
The role of ‘knowledgeable others’ in supporting academics’ professional learning: implications for academic development
Efficacy and safety of very early mobilization after thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke: a randomized clinical trial.
Facility dogs in UK courtrooms: Public perspective
‘I believe in something; I don’t know what it is’: an exploration of five British Hindus’ worldviews using interpretative phenomenological analysis
Sexual offences
Staff perceptions of spiritual care in intensive care: A preliminary survey.
International nursing actions to reduce health inequities faced by people with intellectual and developmental disability
Bristlebots and other friends. A progression of Epistemic insight workshops using small things to ask big questions
Science, religion and sustainability in schools: outlining a teacher learning community approach.
Does the regional proximity lead to exchange rate spillover?
A study of how people with learning disabilities experience social media
Transcendental Meditation and the creation of soundscapes for storytelling in the work of David Lynch
Managers’ perspectives on restaurant food waste separation intention: The roles of institutional pressures and internal forces
#LTHEchat 243: Self exclusion – through digital inequalities
42 Egyptian evidence-based consensus recommendations for diagnosis and targeted management of juvenile dermatomyositis. An initiative by the Egyptian College of Pediatric Rheumatology
001 Egyptian consensus-based recommendations for the diagnosis and targeted management of Kawasaki disease. An initiative by the Egyptian College of Pediatric Rheumatology
43 Egyptian evidence-based consensus recommendations for diagnosis and targeted management of childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus. An initiative by the Egyptian College of Pediatric Rheumatology
Book review: 'Enraged, rattled and wronged: Entitlement’s response to social progress' by Kristin J. Anderson
Association of electrocardiographic markers with myocardial fibrosis as assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance in different clinical settings.
Experience of compassion-based practice in individuals with persistent pain
Accuracy and repeatability study of an elbow exoskeleton for multistage exercises
Would an increase in female representation at board level indeed better represent firms?
Association between visit-to-visit lipid variability and incident cancer: a population-based cohort study.
Critical spaces: European and U.S. institutions for outer space
Arts and creative activities for mental wellbeing during Covid-19 lockdown: report of a survey of university staff
Stabilisation of fluvial bed sediments by invasive quagga mussels (Dreissena bugensis)
Literary and film pilgrimage
"...all flirtations and curates": selling the seaside to railway readers
Kent Maps Online: Beyond Dickens
A smart and home-based telerehabilitation tool for patients with neuromuscular disorder
Conceptualising place attachment in pilgrimage destinations
Experiences of psychosis and hearing voices in the UK from an ethnic minority perspective
Parenting experiences of military veterans diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder
Developing a measure of shame in the context of unacceptable obsessions in OCD
Understanding mental health difficulties and disclosure within psychology professions
The implications of the Fetal Medicine Foundation 35-36 week preeclampsia prediction competing risk model on timing of birth.
Remote work and the COVID-19 pandemic: An artificial intelligence-based topic modeling and a future agenda.
Alpha3/alpha2 power ratios relate to performance on a virtual reality shopping task in ageing adults
An investigation into the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions for informal carers
Experiences of working in CAMHS
Teachers’ lived experience: voices of history teachers on the English National Curriculum
Self-harm in people with learning disabilities
Experiences of fiction engagement in people with mental health problems
Biofilm-based simultaneous nitrification, denitrification, and phosphorous uptake in wastewater by Neurospora discreta
Syncope prediction scores in the Emergency Department
Peripartum screening for postpartum hypertension in women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
Evaluation of susceptibility status of Phlebotomus papatasi, the main vector of zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, to different WHO recommended insecticides in an endemic focus, Central Iran
Cognition and ideological effects in the interaction between viewers and BBC travel documentaries: combining multimodal critical discourse analysis and audience research
Keeping the myth of the British Empire alive: combining a multi-semiotic analysis of two BBC travel documentaries with audience research
Political semiotics in non-political genres: investigating multimodal manipulation
Assessing e-Government maturity using country-level data: a fsQCA analysis
Comparing the performance of published risk scores in Brugada syndrome: a multi-center cohort study.
Supplementation of porcin in vitro maturation medium with FGF2, LIF, and IGF1 enhances cytoplasmic maturation in prepubertal gilts oocytes and improves embryo quality
Lower risk of gout in sodium glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors versus dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP4) inhibitors in type-2 diabetes
The epistemic insight digest: Issue : Autumn 2022
‘Goodbye mindless drinking and hello mindful living’: A feminist analysis of women’s sobriety as a practice of self-care
‘Identity’ and ‘belonging’ in the personal lives of high-status professionals living in the UK: a shift from conflicted ‘self’ and ‘other’ relations and a move towards the centrality of human to non-human relations
An ecological perspective on language learning beyond the classroom in a challenging environment: a study of learners' experiences, beliefs and autonomy
Examining the protective role of social support in forensic mental health
Leading transformation in ITE teaching within the EI consortium
Electronic assessment of the PCDA: from Covid contingency to best practice
The role of cardiac magnetic resonance in identifying appropriate candidates for cardiac resynchronization therapy - a systematic review of the literature
Richborough the secret port
Sheppey and the Poor Law
The student and staff experience in a changing environment
Stochastic frontier modelling of working capital efficiency across Europe
Patients' and healthcare professionals' perspectives on a community-based intervention for schizophrenia in Pakistan: A focus group study.
Cardiovascular outcomes and hospitalizations in Asian patients receiving immune checkpoint inhibitors: a population-based study
What is the recipe for successful council companies?
The forgotten age phase of healthy lifestyle promotion? The call for targeted physical activity and nutrition education for older adolescents
Early years assessment - English perspective
The forgotten age phase of healthy lifestyle promotion
'Seeing clearly now.' Teacher preparation and continuing professional development for including children with visual impairment in physical education
A physical education content analysis of the university primary education course offering
'Wheelie Good'! A novel approach to implementing wheels related activity AIESEP into elementary education through spiral curriculum progression
Making a wave of difference in water awareness and competence through primary physical education teacher education
Young children's actual and perceived physical activity levels within the primary school setting
The forgotten age group: The need for targeted physical activity and healthy lifestyle promotion for older adolescents
PROTOCOL: Arts‐based interventions for offenders in secure criminal justice settings to improve rehabilitation outcomes: An evidence and gap map
The influence of trial-by-trial feedback on trust in health, first-episode and chronic psychosis
Racial microaggressions in cross-cultural supervision
Arcade Britannia
Efficacy of sodium bicarbonate ingestion strategies for protecting blinding
Using instructional technologies to cater for individual learner differences
Letting students speak, or be silent if they prefer
Exploring teachers’ capacity to engage with remote English language teaching environments
Teachers’ knowledge and skills for online English language teaching: the interface between theory and practice
Freedom Seekers: Escaping from Slavery in Restoration London By Simon P. Newman. Pp. 229 + 35 illustrations. London: University of London Press, 2022. £12.00. ISBN 978-1-912702-93-0. Paperback.
Overcoming COVID-19 constraints on person centered dementia care: A narrative inquiry of lived experiences of residential care staff in Belgium
State of the art of yam production
Israel Zangwill (21 January 1864 - 1 August 1926)
R. Austin Freeman
Regenerative medicine : Challenges and opportunities
Legacy of war: Pedogenesis divergence and heavy metal contamination on the WWI front line a century after battle
A hybrid clustering method based on the several diverse basic clustering and meta-clustering aggregation technique
Mindfulness in the perinatal period
Powerful or disempowering knowledge? The teaching of Sociology in English schools and colleges
Translanguaging identities. Multilinguals using linguistic repertoires to construct everyday roles
Black, British and de-churched: a critical investigation of conservative Bible reading groups a Afroasiatic diasporic religious movements in London
The challenges of nation-building in Nigeria and the state-building alternative
Eyes on the screen: exploring the watching-eyes effect on altruistic behaviour in online and field environments
Atrial cardiomyopathy: from cell to bedside.
Association between leucocyte telomere length and the risk of atrial fibrillation: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis.
The significance for public health of the relationship between spirituality and health, as reported by people identifying as ‘spiritual but not religious.’
Myocardial performance index as a measure of global left ventricular function improves following isometric exercise training in hypertensive patients
The acute effect of endurance exercise on right ventricular structure, function and mechanics: A systematic review and meta-analysis
One year of isometric exercise training for blood pressure management in men: a prospective randomized controlled study
Mechanisms for blood pressure reduction following isometric exercise training: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Inclusion and special educational needs
This is not a drill: police preparedness for climate emergency: summary report of a scoping study
“It’s a dent, not a break”: an exploration of how care co-ordinators understand and navigate boundaries in early intervention in psychosis services
Angela Burdett-Coutts, 1814-1906
John Brent (1808-1882)
The Great Storm of 1987
Floods in Canterbury, 1909
‘Doing the best we can’: Registered Nurses' experiences and perceptions of patient safety in intensive care during COVID-19
Thomas Frost
Henry Gardiner Adams
Down from London? Looking for literary trouble at the British seaside
Media Coverage of Extended Reality Technologies: The blurred boundary between news and promotional discourse
Development of an electronic frailty index for predicting mortality and complications analysis in pulmonary hypertension using random survival forest model
ICIs-related cardiotoxicity in different types of cancer
Contesting grand narratives of the intercultural
It’s come home, but will it stay home?
Post-imperial melancholy in English utopias of the long seventies
Science fiction at a crossroads?
A reinforcement learning-based routing for real-time multimedia traffic transmission over software-defined networking
Risk dimensions, risk clusters, and foreign direct investments in developing countries
Editorial: Eating disorders and emotion regulation, looking at the spectrum from overcontrolling to dysregulation.
The socioeconomic burden of a diagnosis of cervical cancer in women in rural Uganda: findings from a descriptive qualitative study
Putting sheep scab in its place: A more relational approach
Health visitors' experiences talking about difficulties with the parent–infant relationship
Meaningful natural mentoring relationship characteristics and informal therapeutic life space interactions for youth in care
The impact of trauma in functional neurological disorder
Refugee women business mentors: New evidence for women’s empowerment
Strategies to help people with back pain become life-long swimmers: learning from all stakeholders through the Delphi technique
Benefits of realist evaluation for rapidly changing health service delivery
Reading Obsidian Portal wikis as literature
Forging a university-aided indigenous community education: village elders and social development in a secondary city of Cameroon
Soviet tourist maps: A short overview
Association of visit-to-visit variability in fasting plasma glucose with digestive cancer risk
A descriptive case study of skilled football goalkeepers during 1 v 1 dyads: A case for adaptive variability in the quiet eye
Evaluation of in-cylinder endoscopic two-colour soot pyrometry of diesel combustion
Multi-level impact of digital continuous professional development log on workplace learning
Modeling, optimization, and analysis of a virtual power plant demand response mechanism for the internal electricity market considering the uncertainty of renewable energy sources
Ancient light: Rematerialising the astronomical image
The epistemic insight digest: Issue 4: Spring 2022
Teaching partnerships in neoliberal times: Promoting collaboration or competition?
Teaching partnerships in neoliberal times: Promoting collaboration or competition?
Interventions to reduce pesticide exposure from the agricultural sector in Africa: A workshop report
UK reporting radiographers' perceptions of AI in radiographic image interpretation - Current perspectives and future developments.
Trapped in contradictions: professionals’ accounts of the concept of schizophrenia and its use in clinical practice
Predictors of fatal arrhythmic events in patients with non-compaction cardiomyopathy: a systematic review.
Vortioxetine as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of schizophrenia
A national renal nursing course
Epistemic insight: Teaching students about the nature of knowledge, science, religion and beyond
Insightful teaching – what role is there for research co-creation as professional development?
Re-imaging STEAM outreach: The role of interdisciplinarity in (re)engaging underrepresented students
Inspiring minds research-engaged STEAM outreach: How we can and should change our practice
A case study of how research co-creation is supporting the development of ‘Epistemically `Insightful’ curriculum transformation in English secondary schools
Inspiring minds research-engaged STEAM outreach: Affecting attitudinal and attainment change through interdisciplinary outreach
Insightful teaching – what role is there for research co-creation as professional development?
Science, religion, and human identity: Contributions from the Science and Religion Forum
Single vs replicate Real-Time PCR SARS-CoV-2 testing: Lessons learned for effective pandemic management.
Culture, migration, Brexit, and COVID-19: managing the mental health of patients from Central and Eastern Europe
A new integrated assessment framework for climate-smart nutrition security in sub-Saharan Africa: the integrated Future Estimator for Emissions and Diets (iFEED)
Teacher experience of a pandemic science intervention rooted in epistemic insight
One-session mindfulness of the breath meditation practice: a randomized controlled study of the effects on state hope and state gratitude in the general population
Avengers Assemble! Critical Perspectives on the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Terence McSweeney (2018)
Placing Leishmaniasis in the limelight through the communicable disease surveillance system: An experience from Sri Lanka
Maternal race and stillbirth: Cohort study and systematic review with meta-analysis.
The moral economy of the countryside: Anglo‐Saxon to Anglo‐Norman England. By RosamondFaith. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2020. xi + 235 pp. £19.99. ISBN 978 1 108 72006 9.
Still misreporting Gaza: violence and context in the British Press Coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in 2021
Richborough: the secret port
Richborough: the secret port
Risk of new-onset prostate cancer for Metformin versus Sulfonylurea use in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A propensity score-matched study
Spatial distribution and predictors of intimate partner violence among women in Nigeria.
Performative antiracism in England
Circulating vitamin D concentrations and risk of atrial fibrillation: A Mendelian randomization study using non-deficient range summary statistics
Paddy the Cope, Michael Powell and the story of the unmade film
Sustainability is employability
We need to talk about Albert: Sustainability is employability
Interdisciplinary engineering education - essential for the 21st century
Landscapes of concealment and revelation in the Brut Narratives: Geoffrey of Monmouth, Wace, and Laȝamon
Race, policing, and Black Lives Matter
Student perspectives on audio feedback
Exploring the driving forces of stock-cryptocurrency comovements during COVID-19 pandemic: an analysis using wavelet coherence and seemingly unrelated regression
Predation preference of signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) on native and invasive bivalve species
Voluntary disclosure-cost of equity nexus and the moderating role of corporate governance: evidence from an extremely politically unstable context
'It’s like feeling and experiencing everything in HD’: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of sensory processing sensitivity
How are do you create an inclusive engineering graduate pipeline?
Applying heritage building information modelling (HBIM) to lost heritage in conflict Z: Al-Hadba’ Minaret in Mosul, Iraq
Energy-saving potential prediction models for large-scale building: A state-of-the-art review
Transformers only look once with nonlinear combination for real-time object detection
Silent coast
Burnout among primary health-care professionals in low- and middle-income countries: systematic review and meta-analysis
The Invention of Norman Visual Culture: Art, Politics, and Dynastic Ambition, by Lisa Reilly
The use of Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker in urinary tract obstruction: a systematic review
More lesson learning, less risk aversion in England and Wales? Prospects for the police (conduct) regulations 2020
Stock markets, currency markets, and money markets
Rheological properties of bioinks for printing optimisation
La ocupación durante la Segunda Edad del Hierro del povoado de Crestelos (Meirinhos, Mogadouro, Portugal). Estructuras de combustión y reocupación del foso como zona productiva
Interpretation of initial adhesion of Pseudomonas Putida on hematite and quartz using surface thermodynamics, DLVO, and XDLVO theories
Feedstocks and challenges to biofuel development
Realisation of socio-economic rights in Nigeria: a comparative study
An exploration of agency in the stories of dual qualified cross-phase teachers (14-19) at a time of curriculum reform
Secular and spiritual “myths” of mindfulness-based programs: the effects of role inductions on a brief mindfulness-based intervention.
Climate-smart agriculture and trade-offs with biodiversity and crop yield
Seeing through the façade of Anorexia: A grounded theory of emotional change processes associated with recovery from Anorexia Nervosa
Proteomic analysis of the extracellular vesicles derived from human hip joints affected by osteoarthritis
ISRSA Report: Religions and Worldviews (Weltanschauung) a personal response addressed to the ISRSA Patron and Council from Professor Trevor Cooling
Evaluation of students’ performance in CDIO projects through blended learning
‘Learning and growing’: Young people’s experiences of being peer trainers within a ‘Beads of life’ group in an oncology setting
How to create a sense of belonging for black students in a majority white academy
An insight into the current perceptions of UK radiographers on the future impact of AI on the profession: A cross-sectional survey.
Mapping the globe, and the revolution in Russia's geospatial capability
“Why ‘things’ matter? - Kurdish material culture & identity”
Forensic investigations of Google Meet and Microsoft Teams – two popular conferencing tools in the Pandemic
Exercise training in heart failure with preserved and reduced ejection fraction: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Psoriatic arthritis treatment to the target: a consensus, evidence-based clinical practice recommendations for the management of psoriatic arthritis and its concomitant clinical manifestations
Tracking the nature and trajectory of social support in Facebook mutual aid groups during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Making the transition: A focus group study which explores third year student and newly qualified midwives' perceptions and experiences of becoming a registrant midwife.
The mtDNA diversity of captive ruffed lemurs (Varecia spp.): Implications for conservation
Why the aftermath of Covid-19 is a good time to critique mass tourism's critics
‘I got to understand what it means to be a cancer patient’: Qualitative evidence from health professional cancer patients and survivors
The Judaean cultural context of community of goods in the early Jesus movement Part VI, The employment of extended entrance procedures in fully property-sharing groups
Literature search for vasa praevia systematic review
The forgotten age phase of healthy lifestyle promotion? A preliminary study to examine the potential call for targeted physical activity and nutrition education for older adolescents
From ‘protection’ to ‘resilience’ – the Covid-19 pandemic and the rhetoric of children’s wellbeing
Bacterial adaptation to venom in snakes and arachnida
Why CES 2022 is more than about colour changing cars and wi-fi charging remotes.
Breast cancer survivors’ lived experience of adjuvant hormone therapy: a thematic analysis of medication side effects and their impact on adherence
Exploring voices and relationships in anorexia nervosa
Re-composition: a poetry walk
A remote mentorship model for empowering students to undertake electrocardiology research: Effects on gender equity.
Book review: Jacques the Frenchman: Memories of the Gulag
Women’s empowerment as an outcome of NGO projects: Is the current approach sustainable?
Has the way society constructed their view of autism developed or changed since the 19th century?
Exploring othering with intersectional feminist aspirations: between lived experiences and stand-up comedy
The reproducibility of 20-min time-trial performance on a virtual cycling platform.
Five years of #MedRadJClub: An impact evaluation of an established twitter journal club
The role of computer-assisted radiographer reporting in lung cancer screening programmes
Editorial: Risk stratification strategies for cardiac rhythm abnormalities
Driver drowsiness detection using Gray Wolf Optimizer based on face and eye tracking
Business model renewal and firms' performance: the role of preventive vs. promotion mindsets
The role of cognitive control in the positive symptoms of psychosis
Joint British Societies' guideline on management of cardiac arrest in the cardiac catheter laboratory
Developing new ways to understand counter-terrorism strategies
Radical citizenship education
Investigating the criminal thinking styles of mentally disordered offenders within the UK
Getting busy teachers to do a card sort: Using Q Methodology online to research teacher viewpoints
Vampirism as literary piracy in Paul Féval’s Vampire City (1875)
Bioinformatics analysis of the interaction of miRNAs and piRNAs with human mRNA genes having di- and Trinucleotide repeats
C-reactive protein and atrial fibrillation: Insights from epidemiological and Mendelian randomization studies.
Experiences of intimate continence care and the impact on the family dyad relationship for people living at home with dementia and their co-resident family members
Injectable cultured bone marrow derived mesenchymal cells vs chondrocytes in the treatment of chondral defects of the knee - RCT with 6 years follow-up.
Women in a man’s world: Coaching women in elite sport
Semi-synthetic analogues of Cryptolepine as a potential source of sustainable drugs for the treatment of malaria, human African trypanosomiasis, and cancer
Exploring online social support groups, part 2
Pathogenesis and management of Brugada Syndrome: Recent advances and protocol for umbrella reviews of meta-analyses in major arrhythmic events risk stratification
The etrog in early modern Christian eyes
“I’m Here”: Isolation and presence in the short stories of Tobias Wolff
New directions in radical cartography: Why the map is never the territory edited by Phil Cohen and Mike Duggan, Landham, Maryland, US, Rowman & Littlefield, 2021, 392 pp., USD 130 (hardback), ISBN 9781538147191
A chorus of voices: social singing and health promotion
Use of injectable acellular dermal matrix combined with negative pressure wound therapy in open diabetic foot amputation
Making spaces in exclusionary places: the spatial tactics/stories of disabled people and their families in Hong Kong
The common good and the metaphysics of citizenship
Phytomedicinal therapeutics for male infertility: critical insights and scientific updates.
Direct eye gaze enhances the ventriloquism effect
Character strength-focused positive psychotherapy on acute psychiatric wards: A feasibility and acceptability study
Reformulating the empowerment process through women entrepreneurship in a collective context
Stochastic variation in DNA methylation modulates nucleosome occupancy and alternative splicing in Arabidopsis thaliana
An initial evaluation of narrative exposure therapy as a treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder amongst Sudanese refugees in Cairo, delivered by lay counselors
A case report of radiopharmaceutical needlestick injury with scintigraphic imaging and dose quantification.
Comparisons of the risk of myopericarditis between COVID-19 patients and individuals receiving COVID-19 vaccines: a population-based study.
Liver immune-related adverse effects of programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) and programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) inhibitors: A propensity score matched study with competing risk analyses
EPR22-112: Risk of prostate cancer for Metformin versus Sulphonylurea monotherapy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A propensity score-matched retrospective cohort study
Soviet City Plans and OpenStreetMap: a comparative analysis
Effects of combined abiotic stresses on nutrient content of European wheat and implications for nutritional security under climate change
Review: Thou Art the Man: The Masculinity of David in the Christian and Jewish Middle Ages, by Ruth Mazo Karras
Skateboarding: From urban spaces to subcultural Olympians
Supporting Early Literacies Through Play
Primary pre-service teachers back in the physical education bubble
The call to make PE core within Initial Teacher Education. A response to the House of Lords Committee report
Chapter 13 - Placing an importance on health and physical activity
‘”Why were you silent when I spoke tonight?”: coming to terms in Tennyson’s “Sea Dreams” and Swinburne’s A Midsummer Holiday and Other Poems.’
Alternative dispute resolution and civil justice: A relationship resolved?
Predictive risk models for forecasting arrhythmic outcomes in Brugada syndrome: A focused review
Is it really "panic buying"? Public perceptions and experiences of extra buying at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Proposing a justice approach to ethics of care in art psychotherapy
Community engagement in Cutaneous Leishmaniasis research in Brazil, Ethiopia, and Sri Lanka: A decolonial approach for global health.
Book Review: Gargi Bhattacharya, Adam Elliot-Cooper, Sita Balani, Kerem Nişancıoğlu, Kojo Koram, Dalia Gebrial, Nadine El-Enany and Luke de Noronha Empire’s Endgame: Racism and the British State
A qualitative study of older adults’ experiences of transitioning from secure forensic services – The TOPS Study
Patients who stay “very long” (10+ years) - An evaluation of patients discharged from low and medium secure forensic services (Oxleas) in the last 15 years
Multipoint forming using hole-type rubber punch
New Woman 'Who's Who': Mary Cholmondeley.
Right ventricular outflow tract endocardial unipolar substrate mapping: implications in risk stratification of Brugada syndrome
Searching for a third-space methodology to contest essentialist large-culture blocks
Mitigating the risk of contract cheating in UK higher education: A multi-level solution
Effects of constructive politics and market turbulence on entrepreneurial Orientation–Performance relationship: A moderated mediation model
The need for robust critique of arts and health research: young people, art therapy and mental health
A meta approach to texts in Religious Education: Researching teachers’ engagement with sacred text scholarship in English secondary schools
TNA creative methodologies workshop
From human remains to powerful objects: Ancestor research from a deep-time perspective
Clinicians' experiences of using the MCA (2005) with people with intellectual disabilities
Disunity in society, fractures at home: family relating in the context of divisive socio-political issues
Inclusion and special educational needs
Singing and COPD: development, implementation and evaluation of a resource to support home practice and disease self-management
Singing and COPD: exploring the experiences of people attending a group activity
Singing and COPD: a pilot randomized controlled trial of wellbeing and respiratory outcomes
Blood pressure and cardiac autonomic adaptations to isometric exercise training: A randomized sham‐controlled study
Deep learning approach for real-time video streaming traffic classification
Twitter posts on English language learning in Japan: Attitudes towards 'Neitibu'(‘native speakers’)
Guidelines to facilitate human-wildlife interactions in conservation translocations
The role of moral identity and regret on cheating in sport
A novel three-dimensional and tissue Doppler echocardiographic index for diagnosing and prognosticating heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
Supporting the needs of people with developmental disabilities one year into the COVID-19 pandemic: An international, mixed methods study of nurses’ perspectives
A grounded theory study exploring change processes following cognitive behavioural therapy for distressing voices
Tele-tDCS: A Novel Tele-neuromodulation Framework using Internet of Medical Things
What does "good" community and public engagement look like? Developing relationships with community members in global health research
Type 2 innate immunity drives distinct neonatal immune profile conducive for heart regeneration.
Effectiveness of sacubitril-valsartan in patients with cancer therapy-related cardiac dysfunction (CTRCD): a systematic review of clinical and preclinical studies
Automatic identification of non-biting midges (Chironomidae) using object detection and deep learning techniques
Unfamiliar light: The production of enchantment.
Conservation agriculture affects grain and nutrient yields of Maize (Zea Mays L.) and can impact food and nutrition security in Sub-Saharan Africa
Effect of aqueous extract of clove basil (Ocimum gratissimum L.) and soil amendment with cassava peels compost on nutrients, pesticide residues, yield and antioxidant properties of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
Reducing the unknowns: A systematic review & meta-analysis of the effectiveness of trans-oral surgical techniques in identifying head and neck primary cancer in carcinoma unknown primary
Multiday load carriage decreases ability to mitigate ground reaction force through reduction of ankle torque production
Gert Biesta and Patricia Hannam (Eds.), Religion and Education: The Forgotten Dimensions of Religious Education? (Brill/Sense, 2021)
Radical reform in RE – a response to Mark Chater
Metformin versus sulphonylureas for new onset atrial fibrillation and stroke in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a population-based study.
Writing for publication: responding to peer review feedback.
A longitudinal study of theory of mind and listening comprehension: Is preschool theory of mind important?
Glass children: The lived experiences of siblings of people with a disability or chronic illness
The value of IGF-1 and IGFBP-1 in patients with heart failure with reduced, mid-range, and preserved ejection fraction
A reflective evaluation of a feeding clinic intervention—Parents as a reflecting team
Social distancing in the homes of queuing: Reopening theme parks
Managing group work: the impact of peer assessment on student engagement
Creative postgraduate pedagogy for personal and professional learning: Risks and rewards
Development of low-cost colourimetric and pH sensors based on PMMA@Cyanine polymers
Identifying the mechanisms of poetry therapy and perceived effects on participants: A synthesised replication case study
"Thanking God for the humiliation": Henry Scott Holland, British idealism, and the penitential self
The Association of Care Experienced Social Care Workers
Therapist and client experiences of art therapy in relation to psychosis: a thematic analysis
The effect of an abdominopelvic exercise program alone VS in addition to postural instructions on pelvic floor muscle function in climacteric women with stress urinary incontinence. A randomized controlled trial
Peer supported open dialogue in the National Health Service: Implementing and evaluating a new approach to mental health care
Evaluating an online self-help intervention for parents of children with food allergies
The perceptions of general practice among Central and Eastern Europeans in the United Kingdom: A systematic scoping review
Starting a new life as artisans and traders in Ricardian and Henrician Canterbury (c.1400 and c.1500)
Accuracy of radiographer preliminary clinical evaluation of skeletal trauma radiographs, in clinical practice at a district general hospital
Nexus Teachers' Action Pack
Agreement in the reporting of General Practitioner requested musculoskeletal radiographs: Reporting radiographers and consultant radiologists compared with an index radiologist
The importance of direct and indirect trophic interactions in determining the presence of a locally rare day-flying moth.
Repressive moralism: World making and petty fascism in transgender politics
‘Painted scenes’ or ‘empty pageants’? Superficiality and depth in (realist) political thought
Maternal echocardiographic changes in twin pregnancies with and without pre‐eclampsia
Signs from the Pictish underground: Early medieval cave ritual in Scotland
Responding to research evidence in Parliament: a case study on selective education policy
Prospections géophysiques sur le plateau, en 2010 et 2011
Investigation of the effect of equal and unequal feeding time intervals on process stability and methane yield during anaerobic digestion grass silage
K-pop and K-car: The underpinnings of 21st century Korean cultural/industrial successes
Book review: Exiles on Mission: How Christians Can Thrive in a Post-Christian World
Undiagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is highly prevalent in patients referred for dobutamine stress echocardiography with shortness of breath
Predictive performance for placental dysfunction related stillbirth of the competing risks model for small‐for‐gestational‐age fetuses
Influence of bifilm defects generated during mould filling on the tensile properties of Al−Si−Mg cast alloys
Deviation detection in clinical pathways based on business alignment
Managing public debt in the UK
Teaching paleoradiography theory using e-learning – a participatory action research study with undergraduate archaeology students
Myocardial work and left ventricular mechanical adaptations following isometric exercise training in hypertensive patients
The shortfalls of the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Act 2010 in achieving sustainable development
The relationship between developmental social work, poverty alleviation, and sustainable development in Nigeria
Bad girls. dirty bodies: sex, performance and safe femininity
Blood pressure and cardiac autonomic adaptations to isometric exercise training: A randomized sham-controlled study
Valvular heart disease in patients with chronic kidney disease
A smart and secure IoMT tele-neurorehabilitation framework for post-stroke patients
Maths, history, God, knitting and me: A reflexive bricolage of identity
A life ‘in and with nature?’ Developing nature engaging and nature enhancing pedagogies for babies and toddlers
Understanding and improving the student experience in higher education : navigating the third space
Neoliberalism ingrained: The rise and consolidation of neoliberalism in Estonia
Dance as holistic physical education
Peripartum echocardiographic changes in women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
Faith in the nexus
Down from London: Seaside Reading in the Railway Age
The fierce urgency of now and forever and unto ages of ages: Study and the restoration of Paradise on Earth
A-not-B error
Arts and health glossary - A summary of definitions for use in research, policy and practice
Bertha Porter (1852-1941)
"Played Twice": Duke Ellington's Far East Suite
Lead-rubber shielding effect on radiation dose to the gonads from a bilateral hand X-ray examination
What does it mean to be American?
Future stories: co-designing virtual reality (VR) experiences with young people with a serious illness in hospital
Small scale research project proposal
Nora Geraldine Gordon Salmon (1897-1976)
Grieving while researching grief: Using collage-making as a creative method to document my reflexivity
Edward Linley Sambourne (1844-1910)
Sir Noël Coward (1899-1973)
Positive risk taking: debating the research agenda in the context of adult protection and COVID
Classic escalation of commitment - London Premiere, March 2022
Moral values and moral identity moderate the indirect relationship between sport supplement use and doping use via sport supplement beliefs
Is there a role for stem cell therapy in erectile dysfunction secondary to cavernous nerve injury? Network meta-analysis from animal studies and human trials
Fabrication and Optimisation of Ti-6Al-4V Lattice-Structured Total Shoulder Implants Using Laser Additive Manufacturing
Spectacular disconnections 2022: from Partygate to the Schools White Paper
Mary Ann/ Marian Evans [pseud. George Eliot] (1819 –1880)
Student perspectives on audio feedback
Mary Cowden Clarke (1809-1898)
Don't listen up
Henry Russell (1812-1900)
Cognitive bias modification for paranoia (CBM-pa): a randomised controlled feasibility study in patients with distressing paranoid beliefs.
Factors influencing critical care nurses' family engagement practices: An international perspective
Romeo og Julie
Policing futures: transforming the evidence-based policing paradigm through interdisciplinarity and epistemological anarchism
Margate Radio improvisation broadcasts
How your brainwaves could be used in criminal trials
Locs and shinto
Making the impossible, possible. Lessons learnt to ensure embodied physical education teacher education within COVID-19 times and beyond, regardless of the learning medium
Encouraging children and women into sport, discussion section in 'The Wake Up Call' BBC Radio Kent
Optimising the Conceptualisation of Context Comment on "Stakeholder Perspectives of Attributes and Features of Context Relevant to Knowledge Translation in Health Settings: A Multi-country Analysis".
John Edensor Littlewood
Left ventricular assessment with artificial intelligence increases the diagnostic accuracy of stress echocardiography.
Pilgrimage as transformation - a symposium to explore contemporary thinking
Kent Police arms volunteer officers with Taser stun guns. Interview by Kit Bradshaw for ITV Meridian News
Daniel Vince (October 2022)
Preparing students to engage with science‐ and technology‐related misinformation: The role of epistemic insight
Time: Lighting World Heritage
Why should everybody learn Artificial Intelligence?
Kellie the neighbour - fine art photographic portraits
Classic escalation of commitment
Number 15 - Chatham Ladies Football Club
Future worlds: threats and opportunities for policing and security
Student experiences of learning how to teach primary physical education during the Covid-19 pandemic
Assessing the barriers and enablers to the diagnostic radiographer X-ray reporting service within the NHS in England: A systematic literature review
How your brainwaves could be used in criminal trials