The development of videoconference-based support for people living with rare dementias and their carers: Protocol for a 3-phase support group evaluation

Journal article

Waddington, C., Harding, E., Brotherhood, E.V., Davies Abbott, I., Barker, S., Camic, P. M., Ezeofor, V., Gardner, H., Grillo, A., Hardy, C., Hoare, Z., McKee-Jackson, R., Moore, K., O’Hara, T., Roberts, J., Rossi-Harries, S., Suarez-Gonzalez, A., Sullivan, M.P., Edwards, R.T., Van Der Byl Williams, M., Walton, J., Willoughby, A., Windle, G., Winrow, E., Wood, O., Zimmermann, N., Crutch, S.J. and Stott, J. 2022. The development of videoconference-based support for people living with rare dementias and their carers: Protocol for a 3-phase support group evaluation. JMIR Research Protocols. 11 (2), p. e35376.
AuthorsWaddington, C., Harding, E., Brotherhood, E.V., Davies Abbott, I., Barker, S., Camic, P. M., Ezeofor, V., Gardner, H., Grillo, A., Hardy, C., Hoare, Z., McKee-Jackson, R., Moore, K., O’Hara, T., Roberts, J., Rossi-Harries, S., Suarez-Gonzalez, A., Sullivan, M.P., Edwards, R.T., Van Der Byl Williams, M., Walton, J., Willoughby, A., Windle, G., Winrow, E., Wood, O., Zimmermann, N., Crutch, S.J. and Stott, J.

People living with rarer dementias face considerable difficulty accessing tailored information, advice, and peer and professional support. Web-based meeting platforms offer a critical opportunity to connect with others through shared lived experiences, even if they are geographically dispersed, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We aim to develop facilitated videoconferencing support groups (VSGs) tailored to people living with or caring for someone with familial or sporadic frontotemporal dementia or young-onset Alzheimer disease, primary progressive aphasia, posterior cortical atrophy, or Lewy body dementia. This paper describes the development, coproduction, field testing, and evaluation plan for these groups.

We describe a 3-phase approach to development. First, information and knowledge were gathered as part of a coproduction process with members of the Rare Dementia Support service. This information, together with literature searches and consultation with experts by experience, clinicians, and academics, shaped the design of the VSGs and session themes. Second, field testing involved 154 Rare Dementia Support members (people living with dementia and carers) participating in 2 rounds of facilitated sessions across 7 themes (health and social care professionals, advance care planning, independence and identity, grief and loss, empowering your identity, couples, and hope and dementia). Third, a detailed evaluation plan for future rounds of VSGs was developed.

The development of the small groups program yielded content and structure for 9 themed VSGs (the 7 piloted themes plus a later stages program and creativity club for implementation in rounds 3 and beyond) to be delivered over 4 to 8 sessions. The evaluation plan incorporated a range of quantitative (attendance, demographics, and geography; pre-post well-being ratings and surveys; psycholinguistic analysis of conversation; facial emotion recognition; facilitator ratings; and economic analysis of program delivery) and qualitative (content and thematic analysis) approaches. Pilot data from round 2 groups on the pre-post 3-word surveys indicated an increase in the emotional valence of words selected after the sessions.

The involvement of people with lived experience of a rare dementia was critical to the design, development, and delivery of the small virtual support group program, and evaluation of this program will yield convergent data about the impact of tailored support delivered to geographically dispersed communities. This is the first study to design and plan an evaluation of VSGs specifically for people affected by rare dementias, including both people living with a rare dementia and their carers, and the outcome of the evaluation will be hugely beneficial in shaping specific and targeted support, which is often lacking in this population.

KeywordsDementia; Alzheimer disease (76); Frontotemporal dementia (1); Posterior cortical atrophy; Lewy body dementia ; Primary progressive aphasia; Young-onset dementia; Early-onset dementia ; Atypical dementia ; Virtual; Web-based; Videoconference; Videophone; Support group
JournalJMIR Research Protocols
Journal citation11 (2), p. e35376
PublisherJMIR Publications
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Official URL
FunderEconomic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)
Publication dates
Online02 Dec 2021
Publication process dates
Deposited09 Nov 2023
Publisher's version
File Access Level
Output statusPublished

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Harding, E., Rossi-Harries, S., Alterkawi, S., Waddington, C., Grillo, A., Wood, O., Brotherhood, E.V., Windle, G., Sullivan, M.P., Camic, P.M., Stott, J. and Crutch, S.J. 2023. ‘The oxygen of shared experience’: exploring social support processes within peer support groups for carers of people with non-memory-led and inherited dementias. Aging & Mental Health. 27 (10), pp. 1912-1928.
A mixed methods evaluation of a program exploring predeath grief and loss for carers of people with rarer dementias
Stevens-Neck, R., Walton, J., Alterkawi, S., Brotherhood, E. V., Camic, P.M., Crutch, S. J., Gerritzen, E. V., Harding, E., McKee-Jackson, R., Rossi-Harries, S., Street, R. E., van der Byl Williams, M., Waddington, C., Wood, O. and Moore, K. J. 2023. A mixed methods evaluation of a program exploring predeath grief and loss for carers of people with rarer dementias. International Psychogeriatrics.
Better living with non-memory led dementia: Protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial of a web-based caregiver educational programme
Suárez-Gonzalez, A., John, A., Brotherhood, E.V., Camic, P., MacKenzie-Jackson, R., Melville,M., Sullivan,M.P., Tudor-Edwards, R., Windle, G., Crutch, S.J. and Stott, J. 2023. Better living with non-memory led dementia: Protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial of a web-based caregiver educational programme. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 9 (172).
Symptom-led staging for semantic and non-fluent/agrammatic variants of primary progressive aphasia. Alzheimer's & Dementia
Hardy, C.J.D., Taylor-Rubin, C., Harding, H., Suárez-Gonzalez, A., Jiang, J., Thompson, L, Kingma, K., Chokesuwattanaskul, A., Walker, F., Barker, S., Brotherhood, E.V., Waddington,C., Wood, O., Zimmerman, N., Kupeli,N., Yong, K.X.X., Camic, P.M., Scott, J., Marshall, C.R., Oxtoby, N.P., Rohrer, J.D., Volkmer, A., Crutch, S.J. and Warren, J.D. 2023. Symptom-led staging for semantic and non-fluent/agrammatic variants of primary progressive aphasia. Alzheimer's & Dementia. Alzheimer's & Dementia.
Talking lines: A research protocol integrating verbal and visual narratives to understand the experiences of people affected by rarer forms of dementia
Camic, P.M., Rossi-Harries, S., Harding, E., Harrison, C. R., Sullivan, M. P., Grillo, A., Brotherhood, E. V. and Crutch. S. 2023. Talking lines: A research protocol integrating verbal and visual narratives to understand the experiences of people affected by rarer forms of dementia. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 22, pp. 1-10.
Situating support for people living with rarer forms of dementia
Sullivan, MP, Camic, P.M., Harding, E., Stott, J, Windle, G., Brotherhood, E. V., Grillo, A. and Crutch, S. J. 2023. Situating support for people living with rarer forms of dementia. BMC Geriatrics. 23 (627), pp. 1-14.
Peer support for people living with rare or young onset dementia: An integrative review
Sullivan, M.P., Williams, V., Grillio, A., McKee-Jackson, R., Camic, P.M., Windle,G., Stott, J., Brotherhood, E.V. and Crutch, S.J. 2022. Peer support for people living with rare or young onset dementia: An integrative review. Dementia: The International Journal for Social Research and Practice. 21 (8), pp. 2700-2726.
A systematic review and psychometric evaluation of resilience measurement scales for people living with dementia and their carers
Windle,G., MacLeod,C., Algar-Skaife,K., Stott,J., Waddington,C., Camic, P.M., Sullivan,M.P., Brotherhood, E.V. and Crutch,S.J. 2022. A systematic review and psychometric evaluation of resilience measurement scales for people living with dementia and their carers. BMC Medical Research Methodology.
Developing poetry as a research methodology with rarer forms of dementia: Four research protocols
Camic, P.M., Harding, E., Sullivan, M. P., Grillo, A., McKee-Jackson, R., Wilson, L., Zimmerman, N., Brotherhood, E. V. and Crutch, S. J. 2022. Developing poetry as a research methodology with rarer forms of dementia: Four research protocols. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 21 (1-9).
Subjective wellbeing in people living with dementia: exploring processes of multiple object handling sessions in a museum setting.
Camic, P., Dickens, Laura, Zeilig, Hannah and Strohmaier, S. 2021. Subjective wellbeing in people living with dementia: exploring processes of multiple object handling sessions in a museum setting. Wellcome Open Research. 6, p. 96.
Arts-based interventions for people living with dementia: Measuring ‘in the moment’ wellbeing with the Canterbury Wellbeing Scales
Strohmaier, S., Homans, K., Hulbert, S., Crutch, S., Brotherhood, E. V., Harding, E. and Camic, P. 2021. Arts-based interventions for people living with dementia: Measuring ‘in the moment’ wellbeing with the Canterbury Wellbeing Scales. Wellcome Open Research. 6, p. 59.
Canterbury Wellbeing Scales
Camic, P. 2020. Canterbury Wellbeing Scales. Zenodo
Psychosocial outcomes of dyadic arts interventions for people with a dementia and their informal caregivers: A systematic review
Bourne, P., Camic, P. and Crutch, S. 2020. Psychosocial outcomes of dyadic arts interventions for people with a dementia and their informal caregivers: A systematic review. Health & Social Care in the Community. 29 (6), pp. 1632-1649.
Development of the Video Analysis Scale of Engagement (VASE) for people with advanced dementia
Lai, D., Crutch, S.J., West, J., Harding, E., Brotherhood, E.V., Takher, R., Firth, N. and Camic, P. 2020. Development of the Video Analysis Scale of Engagement (VASE) for people with advanced dementia. Wellcome Open Research. 5 (230).
Live and recorded group music interventions with active participation for people with dementias: a systematic review
Clare, Amy and Camic, P. 2019. Live and recorded group music interventions with active participation for people with dementias: a systematic review. Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice. 12 (3), pp. 197-220.
Using music to develop a multisensory communicative environment for people with late stage dementia
Clare, A., Camic, P.M., Crutch, S.J, West, J., Harding, E. and Brotherhood, E.V. 2019. Using music to develop a multisensory communicative environment for people with late stage dementia. The Gerontologist.
Created out of mind: shaping perceptions of dementia through art and science
Crutch, S.J., Harrison, C.R., Brotherhood, E.V., Camic, P.M., Day, B. and Woods, A.J. 2019. Created out of mind: shaping perceptions of dementia through art and science. in: Contreras-Vidal, J.L., Robleto, D., Cruz-Garza, J.G., Azorín, J.M. and Nam, J.M. (ed.) Mobile Brain-Body Imaging and the Neuroscience of Art, Innovation and Creativity Heidelberg, Germany Springer Nature. pp. 135-143
Nature activities and wellbeing in children and young people: a systematic review
Roberts, A., Hinds, J. and Camic, P. 2019. Nature activities and wellbeing in children and young people: a systematic review. Journal of Adventure Education & Outdoor Learning. 20 (4), pp. 298-318.
What factors influence healthcare professionals to refer children and families to paediatric psychology?
O'Connell, C., Shafran, R., Christie, D., Byron, M. and Camic, P. 2019. What factors influence healthcare professionals to refer children and families to paediatric psychology? Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
Maintaining the self: meanings of material objects after a residential transition later in life
Stevens, D., Camic, P. and Solway, R. 2019. Maintaining the self: meanings of material objects after a residential transition later in life. Educational Gerontology.
Using psychological and physiological measures in arts-based activities in a community sample of people with a dementia and their caregivers: a feasibility and pilot study
Bourne, P., Camic, P., Crutch, S., Hulbert, S., Firth, N. and Harding, E. 2019. Using psychological and physiological measures in arts-based activities in a community sample of people with a dementia and their caregivers: a feasibility and pilot study. Journal of Aging Studies and Therapies. 1 (1).
Singing (and other arts and cultural activities) across the dementias
Camic, P. 2019. Singing (and other arts and cultural activities) across the dementias.
Conceptualising and understanding artistic creativity in the dementias: interdisciplinary approaches to research and practice
Camic, P., Crutch, S., Murphy, C., Firth, N., Harding, E., Harrison, C., Howard, S., Strohmaier, S., van Leeuwen, J., West, J., Windle, G., Wray, S. and Zeilig, H. 2018. Conceptualising and understanding artistic creativity in the dementias: interdisciplinary approaches to research and practice. Frontiers in Psychology. 9 (1842).
Conceptualising what we mean by ‘wellbeing’ in the dementias
Strohmaier, S. and Camic, P. 2017. Conceptualising what we mean by ‘wellbeing’ in the dementias.
Understanding the structure, experiences and challenges of social support for older lesbian, gay and bisexual people: a systematic review
Hawthorne, O., Camic, P. and Rimes, K. 2018. Understanding the structure, experiences and challenges of social support for older lesbian, gay and bisexual people: a systematic review. Ageing & Society.
The arts and dementia: emerging directions for theory, research and practice
Camic, P., Zeilig, H. and Crutch, S. 2018. The arts and dementia: emerging directions for theory, research and practice. Dementia: The International Journal for Social Research and Practice. 17 (3), pp. 641-644.
Factors associated with informant-reported cognitive decline in older adults: a systemised literature review
Morrell, L., Camic, P. and Genis, M. 2018. Factors associated with informant-reported cognitive decline in older adults: a systemised literature review. Dementia: The International Journal for Social Research and Practice.
Touchscreen interventions and the wellbeing of people with dementia and caregivers: a systematic review
Tyack, C. and Camic, P. 2017. Touchscreen interventions and the wellbeing of people with dementia and caregivers: a systematic review. International Psychogeriatrics.
Observing mentalizing art therapy groups for people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder
Springham, N. and Camic, P. 2017. Observing mentalizing art therapy groups for people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. International Journal of Art Therapy.
Conceptualising what we mean by ‘wellbeing’ in the dementias
Strohmaier, S. and Camic, P. 2017. Conceptualising what we mean by ‘wellbeing’ in the dementias.
Measuring physiological responses to the arts in people with dementia
Thomas, G., Crutch, S. and Camic, P. 2017. Measuring physiological responses to the arts in people with dementia. International Journal of Psychophysiology.
Effects of a museum-based social-prescription intervention on quantitative measures of psychological wellbeing in older adults
Lockyer, B., Thomson, L., Camic, P. and Chatterjee, H, 2017. Effects of a museum-based social-prescription intervention on quantitative measures of psychological wellbeing in older adults. Perspectives in Public Health.
Exploring the relationship between suburban allotment gardening and wellbeing: An interpretative phenomenological analysis
Clatworthy, J., Hinds, J. and Camic, P. 2017. Exploring the relationship between suburban allotment gardening and wellbeing: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. Ecopsychology. 9 (3), pp. 121-129.
Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: understanding what works
Todd, C., Camic, P., Lockyer, B., Thomson, L. and Chatterjee, H. 2017. Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: understanding what works. Health & Place. 48, pp. 47-55.
Non-clinical community interventions: a systematised review of social prescribing schemes
Chatterjee, H., Camic, P., Lockyer, B. and Thomson, L. 2017. Non-clinical community interventions: a systematised review of social prescribing schemes. Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice.
Collaboration in museums and health research
Morse, N., Lockyer, B., Camic, P., Thomson, L. and Chatterjee, H. 2017. Collaboration in museums and health research. BMJ Open. 7 (Supp 2).
Museum object handling: a health promoting community-based activity for dementia care
Camic, P., Hulbert, S. and Kimmel, J. 2017. Museum object handling: a health promoting community-based activity for dementia care. Journal of Health Psychology.
Social prescribing: a review of community referral schemes
Camic, P. 2016. Social prescribing: a review of community referral schemes.
Arts, health & wellbeing: reflections on a national seminar series and building a UK research network
Stickley, T., Parr, H., Daykin, N., Clift, S., De Nora, T., Hacking, S., Camic, P., Joss, M., White, M. and Hogan, S. 2016. Arts, health & wellbeing: reflections on a national seminar series and building a UK research network. Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice.
Developing a public health placement in clinical psychology
Camic, P. 2016. Developing a public health placement in clinical psychology.
The objects in our lives/the life in our objects: the psychological significance of the things and stuff around us
Camic, P. 2016. The objects in our lives/the life in our objects: the psychological significance of the things and stuff around us.
The arts and dementia: a social prescription for the best possible care
Camic, P. 2016. The arts and dementia: a social prescription for the best possible care.
Museums on prescription: setting up a new social prescribing scheme offering museum-focused creative sessions for older adults, and evaluating psychological wellbeing and social inclusion outcome.
Thomson, L., Lockyer, B. and Camic, P. 2016. Museums on prescription: setting up a new social prescribing scheme offering museum-focused creative sessions for older adults, and evaluating psychological wellbeing and social inclusion outcome.
The methodology conundrum in arts and dementia research
Camic, P. 2016. The methodology conundrum in arts and dementia research.
Public mental health training in clinical psychology
Camic, P. and Callanan, M. 2016. Public mental health training in clinical psychology.
Psychosocial factors and ageing in older lesbian, gay and bisexual people: a systematic review of the literature
McParland, J. and Camic, P. 2016. Psychosocial factors and ageing in older lesbian, gay and bisexual people: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of Clinical Nursing.
Museum objects, aesthetic stimulation and psychological wellbeing in early to middle stages of dementia
Camic, P. and Hulbert, S. 2016. Museum objects, aesthetic stimulation and psychological wellbeing in early to middle stages of dementia.
How do lesbians and gay men experience dementia?
McParland, J. and Camic, P. 2016. How do lesbians and gay men experience dementia? Dementia: The International Journal for Social Research and Practice.
Understanding the experience of group singing for couples where one partner has a diagnosis of dementia
Unadkat, S., Camic, P. and Vella-Burrows, T. 2016. Understanding the experience of group singing for couples where one partner has a diagnosis of dementia. The Gerontologist.
Development of a measure of caregiver burden in paediatric chronic kidney disease: the Paediatric Renal Caregiver Burden Scale
Parham, R., Jacyna, N., Horthi, D., Marks, S., Holttum, S. and Camic, P. 2014. Development of a measure of caregiver burden in paediatric chronic kidney disease: the Paediatric Renal Caregiver Burden Scale. Journal of Health Psychology.
Museum object handling groups in older adult mental health inpatient care
Solway, R., Thomas, L., Camic, P. and Chaterjee, H. 2015. Museum object handling groups in older adult mental health inpatient care. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion. 17 (4), pp. 201-214.
An introduction to the field of creative arts, wellbeing and health: achievements and current challenges.
Clift, S. and Camic, P. 2015. An introduction to the field of creative arts, wellbeing and health: achievements and current challenges. in: Clift, S. and Camic, P. (ed.) Oxford Textbook of Creative Arts, Health and Wellbeing: International Perspectives on Practice, Policy and Research Oxford and New York Oxford University Press. pp. 3-9
Community cultural development for health and wellbeing
Camic, P. 2015. Community cultural development for health and wellbeing. in: Clift, S. and Camic, P. (ed.) Oxford Textbook of Creative Arts, Health and Wellbeing: International Perspectives on Practice, Policy and Research Oxford and New York Oxford University Press. pp. 49-53
Community cultural development
Camic, P. 2015. Community cultural development. in: Clift, S. and Camic, P. (ed.) Oxford Textbook of Creative Arts, Health and Wellbeing Oxford and New York Oxford University Press.
The health and well-being potential of museums and art galleries
Chatterjee, H. and Camic, P. 2015. The health and well-being potential of museums and art galleries. Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice. 7 (3), pp. 183-186.
The impact of community-based arts and health interventions on cognition in people with dementia: a systematic literature review
Young, R., Camic, P. and Tischler, V. 2015. The impact of community-based arts and health interventions on cognition in people with dementia: a systematic literature review. Aging & Mental Health.
Anxiety related to discharge from inpatient neurorehabilitation: exploring the role of self-efficacy and internal health control beliefs
Genis, M., Camic, P. and Harvey, M. 2015. Anxiety related to discharge from inpatient neurorehabilitation: exploring the role of self-efficacy and internal health control beliefs. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation.
Material objects and psychological theory: A conceptual literature review
Solway, R., Camic, P., Thomson, L. and Chatterjee, H. 2015. Material objects and psychological theory: A conceptual literature review. Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice. 7 (3).
Social prescribing: a review of community referral schemes
Thomson, L., Camic, P. and Chatterjee, H. 2015. Social prescribing: a review of community referral schemes. London University College London.
Social prescribing: a review of community referral schemes
Thomson, L., Camic, P. and Chatterjee, H. 2015. Social prescribing: a review of community referral schemes. London University College London.
Viewing art on a tablet computer: a wellbeing intervention for people with dementia and their caregivers
Tyack, C., Camic, P., Herron, A. and Hulbert, S. 2015. Viewing art on a tablet computer: a wellbeing intervention for people with dementia and their caregivers. Journal of Applied Gerontology.
The wellbeing of allotment gardeners: a mixed methodological study
Webber, J., Hinds, J. and Camic, P. 2015. The wellbeing of allotment gardeners: a mixed methodological study. Ecopsychology. 7 (1), pp. 20-28.
Museum activities in dementia care: using visual analog scales to measure subjective wellbeing
Johnson, J., Culverwell, A., Hulbert, S., Roberton, M. and Camic, P. 2015. Museum activities in dementia care: using visual analog scales to measure subjective wellbeing. Dementia: The International Journal for Social Research and Practice.
The impact of viewing and making art on verbal fluency and memory in people with dementia in an art gallery setting
Young, R., Tischler, V., Hulbert, S. and Camic, P. 2015. The impact of viewing and making art on verbal fluency and memory in people with dementia in an art gallery setting. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts.
Theorising how art gallery interventions impact people with dementia and their caregivers
Camic, P., Baker, E. and Tischler, V. 2015. Theorising how art gallery interventions impact people with dementia and their caregivers. The Gerontologist.
Group singing and young people’s psychological well-being
Hinshaw, T., Clift, S., Hulbert, S. and Camic, P. 2015. Group singing and young people’s psychological well-being. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion.
Masculinity, alexithymia and fear of intimacy as predictors of UK men’s attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help
Sullivan, L., Camic, P. and Brown, J. 2014. Masculinity, alexithymia and fear of intimacy as predictors of UK men’s attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help. British Journal of Health Psychology.
Contributions to more engaged ageing: the arts, health and wellbeing mix
Camic, P. 2013. Contributions to more engaged ageing: the arts, health and wellbeing mix. Generations Review. 23 (3), pp. 11-13.
Couples constructing their experiences of dementia: a relational perspective.
Merrick, K., Camic, P. and O'Shaughnessy, M. 2013. Couples constructing their experiences of dementia: a relational perspective. Dementia: The International Journal for Social Research and Practice.
The psychological efficacy of arts interventions for early-stage dementia
Camic, P. 2013. The psychological efficacy of arts interventions for early-stage dementia.
Museums, art galleries and public health: evaluating health and wellbeing interventions
Camic, P. 2013. Museums, art galleries and public health: evaluating health and wellbeing interventions.
Viewing and making art together: an eight-week gallery-based intervention for people with dementia and their caregivers
Camic, P., Tischler, V. and Pearman, C. 2013. Viewing and making art together: an eight-week gallery-based intervention for people with dementia and their caregivers. Aging & Mental Health.
Museums and art galleries as research partners in public health interventions
Camic, P. 2012. Museums and art galleries as research partners in public health interventions.
An art gallery intervention for dementia care
Tischler, V., Camic, P. and Pearman, C. 2012. An art gallery intervention for dementia care.
Gardening as a mental health intervention: a review
Clatworthy, J., Hinds, J. and Camic, P. 2013. Gardening as a mental health intervention: a review. Mental Health Review. 18 (4), pp. 214-225.
Toward wellbeing: creativity and resilience in the life and work of Madge Gill
Camic, P. 2013. Toward wellbeing: creativity and resilience in the life and work of Madge Gill.
Museums and galleries as partners for public health interventions
Camic, P. and Chaterjee, H. 2013. Museums and galleries as partners for public health interventions. Perspectives in Public Health. 133 (1), pp. 66-71.
Perceived social stigma and attitudes toward seeking therapy in training: a cross-national study
Digiuni, M., Jones, F. and Camic, P. 2012. Perceived social stigma and attitudes toward seeking therapy in training: a cross-national study. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training. 2012 (Aug 13).
Art galleries, episodic memory and verbal fluency in dementia: an exploratory study
Eekelaar, C., Camic, P. and Springham, N. 2012. Art galleries, episodic memory and verbal fluency in dementia: an exploratory study. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. 6 (3), pp. 262-272.
A multiple single case design study of group therapeutic puppetry with people with severe mental illness
Greaves, A., Camic, P., Maltby, M. and Myllari, L. 2012. A multiple single case design study of group therapeutic puppetry with people with severe mental illness. The Arts in Psychotherapy. 39 (4), pp. 251-261.
Found objects in clinical practice: preliminary evidence
Camic, P., Brooker, J. and Neal, A. 2011. Found objects in clinical practice: preliminary evidence. The Arts in Psychotherapy. 38 (3), pp. 151-159.
New roles for art galleries: art-viewing as a community intervention for family carers of people with mental health problems
Roberts, S., Camic, P. and Springham, N. 2011. New roles for art galleries: art-viewing as a community intervention for family carers of people with mental health problems. Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice. 3 (2), pp. 146-159.
Does a ‘singing together group’ improve the quality of life of people with a dementia and their carers? A pilot evaluation study.
Camic, P., Williams, C. and Meeten, F. 2011. Does a ‘singing together group’ improve the quality of life of people with a dementia and their carers? A pilot evaluation study. Dementia: The International Journal for Social Research and Practice. 12 (3).
Factors associated with parental adaptation to having a child with a cleft lip and/or palate: the impact of parental diagnosis
O'Hanlon, K., Camic, P. and Shear, J. 2012. Factors associated with parental adaptation to having a child with a cleft lip and/or palate: the impact of parental diagnosis. The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. 49 (6), pp. 718-729.
Using focused ethnography in psychological research
Simonds, L., Camic, P. and Causey, A. 2012. Using focused ethnography in psychological research. in: Cooper, H. (ed.) APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology: Volume 2: Research Designs: Quantitative, Qualitative, Neuropsychological, and Biological Washington, DC American Psychological Association.
Viewing together: material objects, art-making and dementia care
Tischler, V., Camic, P. and Pearman, C. 2012. Viewing together: material objects, art-making and dementia care.
Role of galleries and museums in relation to wellbeing
Camic, P. 2012. Role of galleries and museums in relation to wellbeing.
The evidence for arts and dementia: recent research findings
Camic, P. 2011. The evidence for arts and dementia: recent research findings.
What research is telling us about galleries and wellbeing
Camic, P. 2011. What research is telling us about galleries and wellbeing.
Benefits of choral singing on health: a comparison of singers with high and low psychological wellbeing
Livesey, L., Morrison, I., Clift, S. and Camic, P. 2012. Benefits of choral singing on health: a comparison of singers with high and low psychological wellbeing. Journal of Public Mental Health. 11 (1), pp. 10-26.
Mind-mindedness in parents of pre-schoolers: a comparison between clinical and community samples
Walker, T., Wheatcroft, R. and Camic, P. 2012. Mind-mindedness in parents of pre-schoolers: a comparison between clinical and community samples. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 17 (3), pp. 1-18.
The role of 'meaning' in African immigrants' adaptation to HIV
Camic, P., Ebubedike, N. and Gibson, S. 2008. The role of 'meaning' in African immigrants' adaptation to HIV.
Cultural reuse as a healthcare practice: the psychosocial-ecology of using found and second-hand objects
Camic, P. 2008. Cultural reuse as a healthcare practice: the psychosocial-ecology of using found and second-hand objects.
Curiosity shops, alley pickings and assemblage: the psychological benefits of using found objects
Camic, P. 2007. Curiosity shops, alley pickings and assemblage: the psychological benefits of using found objects.
The art museum as a health promoting environment
Camic, P. and Springham, N. 2009. The art museum as a health promoting environment.
The clinical psychologist's role in the Osteo-Odonto Kerato Prosthesis Clinic(OOKP): A one year review
Camic, P., Busutill, A., Holt, C., Gomaa, A., Herold, J., Throp, S. and Liu, C. 2009. The clinical psychologist's role in the Osteo-Odonto Kerato Prosthesis Clinic(OOKP): A one year review.
Using photovoice within a community-based intergenerational intervention
Camic, P., Alcock, C. and Barker, C. 2009. Using photovoice within a community-based intergenerational intervention.
Gallery as laboratory: Experiments in new social practices
Camic, P., Roberts, S. and Colbert, S. 2009. Gallery as laboratory: Experiments in new social practices.
Creating an evidence base for using found objects in healthcare via art, art therapy and clinical psychology
Camic, P. 2009. Creating an evidence base for using found objects in healthcare via art, art therapy and clinical psychology.
University-trust collaborative research relationships: building a partnership
Camic, P., Meeten, F. and Williams, C. 2010. University-trust collaborative research relationships: building a partnership.
Does a 'singing together' group improve the quality of life of people with a dementia and their carers?: a pilot evaluation study
Camic, P., Williams, C., Clift, S. and Meeten, F. 2010. Does a 'singing together' group improve the quality of life of people with a dementia and their carers?: a pilot evaluation study.
Making research partnerships better than a blind date
Camic, P. 2010. Making research partnerships better than a blind date.
The art gallery: a place for enhancing mental health
Camic, P. 2010. The art gallery: a place for enhancing mental health.
The lives of adults over 30 living with sickle cell disorder
Caird, H., Camic, P. and Thomas, V. 2011. The lives of adults over 30 living with sickle cell disorder. British Journal of Health Psychology. 16 (3), pp. 542-558.
Intergenerational practice in the community: A focused ethnographic evaluation
Alcock, C., Camic, P., Barker, C., Haridi, C. and Raven, R. 2011. Intergenerational practice in the community: A focused ethnographic evaluation. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology. 21 (5), pp. 419-432.
Assemblage as Rorschach: empirical hermeneutic aesthetics and the art spectator
Camic, P. 2004. Assemblage as Rorschach: empirical hermeneutic aesthetics and the art spectator. in: Frois, J., Andrade, P. and Marques, J. (ed.) Art and Science Lisbon, Portugal Gulbenkian Foundation.
Gastrointestinal evaluation & treatment in psychology
Camic, P. and Gaugh, L. 2004. Gastrointestinal evaluation & treatment in psychology. in: Camic, P. and Knight, S. (ed.) Clinical Handbook of Health Psychology: A practical guide to effective interventions Cambridge, MA, USA Hogrefe & Huber.
Qualitative analysis of experience: grounded theory and case studies
Chamberlain, K., Camic, P. and Yardley, L. 2003. Qualitative analysis of experience: grounded theory and case studies. in: Marks, D. and Yardley, L. (ed.) Research Methods for Clinical and Health Psychology London, UK SAGE Publications Ltd. pp. 69-89
Creating images, sound, movement, enactment, word: the arts in clinical training
Camic, P. 2001. Creating images, sound, movement, enactment, word: the arts in clinical training. Bulletin of Psychology and the Arts. 2.
Building and blending: Creating places for the arts in psychotherapy
Camic, P. 2001. Building and blending: Creating places for the arts in psychotherapy. Bulletin of Psychology and the Arts. 2.
Incorporating the arts into graduate training programs in clinical psychology and medicine
Camic, P. 2000. Incorporating the arts into graduate training programs in clinical psychology and medicine.
Clinical training and the arts
Camic, P. 1999. Clinical training and the arts. Psychology and The Arts.
More than words: making use of the arts in clinical and counseling psychology training
Camic, P. 2007. More than words: making use of the arts in clinical and counseling psychology training. in: Serlin, I. (ed.) Whole Person Healthcare: The Arts and Health London Praeger. pp. 259-282
Blending and bending paradigms in large scale multi-site educational research
Camic, P. and Rhodes, J. 2003. Blending and bending paradigms in large scale multi-site educational research.
Clinical training in applied psychology and the Arts: New possibilities for evidence-based practice
Camic, P. 2007. Clinical training in applied psychology and the Arts: New possibilities for evidence-based practice. The California Psychologist. 40 (6), pp. 9-11.
Referrers' views of a psychological therapies service
Binks, C., Jones, F. and Camic, P. 2009. Referrers' views of a psychological therapies service. Clincial Psychology Forum. 200, pp. 18-23.
How people with psychosis positively contribute to their family: a grounded theory analysis
Coldwell, J., Meddings, S. and Camic, P. 2011. How people with psychosis positively contribute to their family: a grounded theory analysis. Journal of Family Therapy. 33 (3), pp. 353-371.
Young offenders' experiences of traumatic life events: a qualitative investigation.
Paton, J., Crouch, W. and Camic, P. 2009. Young offenders' experiences of traumatic life events: a qualitative investigation. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 14 (1), pp. 43-62.
Participant experiences of a mindfulness-based cognitive therapy group for cardiac rehabilitation
Griffiths, K., Camic, P. and Hutton, J. 2009. Participant experiences of a mindfulness-based cognitive therapy group for cardiac rehabilitation. Journal of Health Psychology. 14 (5), pp. 675-681.
Improving middle school climate through teacher-centered change
Rhodes, J., Camic, P., Milburn, M. and Lowe, S. 2009. Improving middle school climate through teacher-centered change. Journal of Community Psychology. 37 (6), pp. 711-724.
From trashed to treasured: a grounded theory analysis of the found object
Camic, P. 2010. From trashed to treasured: a grounded theory analysis of the found object. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. 4 (2), pp. 81-92.
The use of singing-in-a-group as a response to adverse life events
Von Lob, G., Camic, P. and Clift, S. 2010. The use of singing-in-a-group as a response to adverse life events. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion. 12 (3), pp. 45-53.
Supportive adult relationships and the academic engagement of Latin American immigrant youth
Green, G., Rhodes, J., Hirsch, A., Suarez-Orozco, C. and Camic, P. 2008. Supportive adult relationships and the academic engagement of Latin American immigrant youth. Journal of School Psychology. 46 (4), pp. 393-412.
Playing in the mud: Health psychology, the arts and creative approaches to health care
Camic, P. 2008. Playing in the mud: Health psychology, the arts and creative approaches to health care. Journal of Health Psychology. 13 (2), pp. 287-298.
Middle school climate examined and altered by teacher-directed intervention assessed through qualitative and quantitative methodologies
Cafasso, L., Camic, P. and Rhodes, J. 2002. Middle school climate examined and altered by teacher-directed intervention assessed through qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Research in Middle level Education. 25 (2), pp. 1-17.
Building bridges between universities and middle schools: A teacher-centred collaboration
Camic, P. 2006. Building bridges between universities and middle schools: A teacher-centred collaboration. Educational and Child Psychology. 23 (1), pp. 42-51.
The arts and global health inequities
Clift, S., Camic, P. and Daykin, N. 2010. The arts and global health inequities. Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice. 2 (1), pp. 3-7.
Coming of age for arts and health: what we hope to achieve
Camic, P., Clift, S. and Daykin, N. 2009. Coming of age for arts and health: what we hope to achieve. Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice. 1 (1), pp. 3-5.
The state of arts and health in England
Clift, S., Camic, P., Chapman, B., Clayton, G., Daykin, N., Eades, G., Parkinson, C., Secker, J., Stickley, T. and White, M. 2009. The state of arts and health in England. Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice. 1 (1), pp. 6-35.
Naming the stars: integrating qualitative methods into psychological research
Camic, P., Rhodes, J. and Yardley, L. 2003. Naming the stars: integrating qualitative methods into psychological research. in: Camic, P., Rhodes, J. and Yardley, L. (ed.) Qualitative Research in Psychology: Expanding Perspectives in Methodology and Design Washington American Psychological Association.
Expanding treatment possibilities for chronic pain through expressive arts therapies
Camic, P. 1999. Expanding treatment possibilities for chronic pain through expressive arts therapies. in: Malchioti, C. (ed.) Medical Art Therapy with Adults London, UK Jessica Kingsley. pp. 43-62