Decolonising gospel music: the Jamaican bible remix
How different electricity pricing systems affect the energy trilemma: Assessing Indonesia's electricity market transition
Female Rape victim/survivor withdrawal from engagement with the Criminal Justice System after reporting to Police: exploring the professionals' perspective
Maps can document transformations
Prospections géophysiques sur la plateau, en 2010 et 2011
Poverty and health
The dialogic possibilities for interactive fiction in the secondary academy English classroom
An evaluation of a shoulder rehabilitation class in a UK hospital following evidence-based modifications
‘They daren't tell people’: therapists' experiences of working with clients who report anomalous experiences
Moving beyond ‘models’: Theorizing physical disability in sport
A heartbeat
‘A life I can cope with’. An alternative model of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for CFS/ME
Distribution of bovine Fasciola gigantica (Cobbold, 1885) in the district des Savanes, northern Côte d'Ivoire
The geographies and psychologies of global transitions: Implications for sport, tourism, climate, health, wellbeing and the economy
End-to-end SARS-CoV-2 transmission risks in sport: Current evidence and practical recommendations.
Cutaneous leishmaniasis and mental health: Exploring psychosocial impact and CL-associated stigma (the ECLIPSE programme)
Cosmic perspectives
Food and sustainable tourism development: Environmental, health and ethical perspectives
Plant-based diets and destination image: A holistic approach
Cultural capital and destination image: Insights from the Opera House tourist
Facilitating human-wildlife interactions in conservation translocations
Justice in solar energy development
Just energy transition and coal bed methane: The case of Indonesia
Annunciation and denunciation in Paulo Freire's dialogical popular education
Parent-child interactions during joint engagement with touchscreen technology: A comparison of younger versus older toddlers
Chapter 10: Measuring outcomes for families
Chapter 7: Adaptations for different family groups
The impact of covid-19 and digital transformation on the marketing and communication strategies of higher education institutions, in relation to student recruitment
Blackstone's handbook for policing students
Environment and health
Wellbeing at work
The experiences and perceptions of people living with dementia, informal carers and healthcare professionals of integrated care: Findings from a qualitative evidence synthesis
Resources for Secondary Teachers on Science/Religion Encounters
Resources for Primary Teachers on Science/Religion Encounters
The suitability of habitat in Kent for reintroduction of Pine Marten (Martes martes)
A contemporary insight into Islamist extremist radicalisation and an exploration of the effectiveness of prevention and reformative strategies
Content analysis of patient safety incident reports for older adult patient transfers, handovers, and discharges: Do they serve organizations, staff, or patients?
The role of physiotherapy in the new treatment landscape for haemophilia
Autoethnographic and qualitative research on popular music: Exploring the blues, jazz, grime, John Cage, live performance, SoundCloud and the masculinities of metal
Development and validation of a model for prediction of placental dysfunction-related stillbirth from maternal factors, fetal weight and uterine artery Doppler at mid-gestation.
Risk of fetal loss after chorionic villus sampling in twin pregnancies derived from propensity score matching analysis.
The Camera in conservation: determining photography’s place in the preservation of wildlife
Seeking to improve cognitive behavioural therapy delivery in the NHS through the practical application of outcome predictors and therapist development
Reflections on the challenges of navigating the education system as a dyslexic student
Subjective wellbeing in people living with dementia: exploring processes of multiple object handling sessions in a museum setting.
A student-led evaluation of flipped learning: developing ‘cooperative blended learning’ to build relationships and enhance learning and engagement in politics
Commuter student engagement online and on campus: learning, community and wellbeing.
A theoretical exploration of breaking through the dilemma of contemporary painting in the context of spatialis
John and Joan Cooke and the Crypt School, Gloucester: Its foundation and early development c.1500-1600
Doctors in the making: Overcoming the challenges of transition
Brave art: Scottish identity and stand-up comedy
Friction and wear performance evaluation of bio-lubricants and DLC coatings on cam/tappet interface of internal combustion engines
Development of white etching bands under accelerated rolling contact fatigue
What are the lived experiences of theatre practice and disability among professional directors and actors in theatres funded by Arts Council England? An interpretative phenomenological analysis
The problems of tactical litigation in the European Union: A case for a hybrid forum non conveniens & lis pendens model
'Dost thou know Dover?' : Locating Dover in the early modern literary imagination c.1500-1660
Communication, collaboration and confidence: exploring the impact of community-based sport programme for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
The effects of roflumilast, a phosphodiesterase type-4 inhibitor, on EEG biomarkers in schizophrenia: A randomised controlled trial
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome: a guide for psychiatrists
Butyrate protects endothelial function through PPARδ/miR-181b signaling
Transcriptional profiles of genes related to electrophysiological function in Scn5a+/− murine hearts
Diagnostic value of cardiac troponin I and N-terminal pro-B-Type Natriuretic Peptide in cardiac syncope
Right ventricular outflow tract electroanatomical abnormalities in asymptomatic and high-risk symptomatic patients with Brugada syndrome: Evidence for a new risk stratification tool?
Pairwise feature interactions to predict arrhythmic risk of Brugada Syndrome
Predictive scores for identifying patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus at risk of acute myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death
Risk stratification of cardiac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients receiving insulin therapy: A population-based cohort study
Derivation of an electronic frailty index for predicting short-term mortality in heart failure: a machine learning approach
Worldwide survey of COVID-19–associated arrhythmias
Cognitive performance in early, treatment-resistant psychosis patients: Could cognitive control play a role in persistent symptoms?
If not now, when? Enhancing cardiologists’ psychological well-being as a COVID-19 gain
An evaluation of the variation and underuse of clozapine in the United Kingdom
There is life after the UK Clozapine Central Non-Rechallenge Database
Effective engagement and involvement with community stakeholders in the co-production of global health research
The effect of training intensity on implicit learning rates in schizophrenia
Development of a multivariable prediction model for severe COVID-19 disease: a population-based study from Hong Kong
Open prisons, prison staff and prison work: exploring the distinct physical and social milieu of the open prison and the cultural adaptation to a different kind of prison work
Prevalence of osteoarthritis in lower middle- and low-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Preliminary evidence for the phosphodiesterase type-4 inhibitor, roflumilast, in ameliorating cognitive flexibility deficits in patients with schizophrenia
Glycemic and lipid variability for predicting complications and mortality in diabetes mellitus using machine learning
Renal protective effects and mechanisms of the angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor LCZ696 in mice with cardiorenal syndrome
Development of a predictive risk model for all-cause mortality in patients with diabetes in Hong Kong
Relationship between angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers and COVID-19 incidence or severe disease
Contextual perception under active inference
Where measurement stops: A review of systematic reviews exploring international research evidence on the impact of staff qualification levels in ECEC on the experiences of, and outcomes for, children and families. A TACTYC funded report.
Pandemic pandemonium and primary care networks: Experiences of establishing primary care placements in a new medical school
Dilemmas and solutions- experiences of a national Family Medicine applied knowledge licensing test during a pandemic
Paediatric/young versus adult patients with long QT syndrome
Experiences of general practice care for self-harm: A qualitative study of young people's perspectives
A novel cardiovascular magnetic resonance risk score for predicting mortality following surgical aortic valve replacement
Outcomes in treatment-resistant schizophrenia: symptoms, function and clozapine plasma concentrations
Effect of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors on cardiac remodelling: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Insights into the role of matrix metalloproteinases in precancerous conditions and in colorectal cancer
Effect of vitamin D supplementation on outcomes in people with early psychosis
An independent validation of the EEG-based complex trial protocol with autobiographical data and corroboration of its resistance to a cognitively charged countermeasure
Systematic review of renal denervation for the management of cardiac arrhythmias
Epigenetic differences in an identical genetic background modulate alternative splicing in A. thaliana.
How medical students in the United Kingdom think: About anthropology, for example
The conflict of jurisdiction between intra-EU BITs and European law: proposal for an EU investment cour
Factors associated with attendee adherence to COVID-19 guidance during the 2021 DCMS Events Research Programme Phase 1
Gender and management implications from clearer signposting of employability attributes developed across graduate disciplines
Physical activity and health
Supporting the wellbeing and additional needs of your mentee
Solution blow spinning of piezoelectric nanofiber mat for detecting mechanical and acoustic signals
Chapter 13: Piezoelectric composites
Reply to discussion on ‘Deglaciation and neotectonics in SE Raasay, Scottish Inner Hebrides’, by Smith et al. 2021 (SJG, 57, 106–116)
Evolving authenticity into the magical realm of fantasy-based third-order simulacra
From roast to roost: The therapeutic benefits of chicken companionship
‘Care-less whispers’ in the academy during COVID-19: A feminist collaborative autoethnography
Does the Police use of social media assist to increase community confidence in the use of stop and search as a policing tactic?
The mothers’ stories; representations of authenticity, authority, agency and autonomy
Investigation into participant experiences of guided self-help interventions for depression
Castles in the Air: the Canterbury Persistent Scribblers Society.
“In the dancing light of an intellectual gaze” Women’s manuscript magazine culture in late Victorian Britain as an expression of self
Machine learning for intrusion detection and network performance
Efficacy of ADDIE model in peer-to-peer networks: Digital evidence investigation
How to be a sociologist: an introduction to A Level Sociology
Prediction of adverse perinatal outcomes following induction of labour
An investigation into rugby union players' knowledge and understanding of concussion
Social media use and adolescent well-being: A narrative review of longitudinal studies
An interpretive phenomenological analysis of interprofessional education; An investigation of the experiences of pre-registration healthcare students
The experiences and perceptions of people living with dementia, informal carers and healthcare professionals of integrated care: findings from a qualitative evidence synthesis
Overcoming the COVID-19 constraints on person-centred dementia care: a narrative inquiry of experiences of residential care staff in Belgium
An implicit and explicit assessment of morphic resonance theory using Chinese characters
An insight into working-class experiences at university: should higher education institutions be learning more from the experiences of their high-achieving working-class university students?
An exploration of perceptions of Inclusion within one multi-academy trust in relation to the process of end of key stage two statutory testing within the current English educational climate
“I had no control over myself or my education”: mainstream school refusal from the perspectives of young people on the autism spectrum.
The adaptation of the education profession in identifying radicalisation in schools. A review of the evidence and observations from a cohort of educators and prevent practioners
Remembering birth: a narrative inquiry into older women's experiences of birth and their lifelong significance
Curse and/or blessing? Turkish soap operas and their impact on contemporary Algerian women: audience reception and audio-visual analysis of the historical TV drama Harim al-Sultan (The Magnificent Century)
Youth Digital Cultures and Gender: A Comparative Mixed Method Analysis of Algerian Influencers’ Discourses and Performances on YouTube in a Multi-thematic Context
Identification and analysis of viruses isolated from Nerine
A real thirst?
Vasa praevia perinatal survival outcomes- HDAS search
Attitudes 2 voices: interactions between clinicians and voice hearers
The influence of dogs’ presence on children’s performance on cognitive tests: Implications for clinical practice.
Shall we aim for 50-50? The limitations of annual report named numbers in representing the gender gap closure
Multimodal manipulation in travel documentaries: bypassing epistemic vigilance
The British Empire in BBC travel documentaries: investigating multimodal manipulation
"It's not safe in this house": Supernatural disguises and intimate partner violence in 'The Boy' and 'The Invisible Man’
Exploring academic reading: Mediumship, intuition and the academy
Witchcraft and Scepticism in England: A Comparison of Key Texts by Reginald Scot, John Webster and Francis Hutchinson
Letting silent students speak or be silent if they prefer
Pamela Wynne (Winifred Mary Scott, née Watson) 1879-1959
Gladys Waterer (1885-1971)
Margaret Emily Shore (1819-1839)
Jerome K. Jerome (1859-1927)
George Grossmith (1847-1912)
Sarah Grand 1854-1943
2 Nuckell’s Place, Victoria Parade, Broadstairs
Leather Bottle, The Street, Cobham, Gravesend
An exploration into value in relation to the subject and teachers of art and design in secondary education in England
Travelling to the West’: voices of Algerian PhD students’ transition to Britain
Meaningful learning in secondary teacher education
The validity and reliability of ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) in isometric exercise training for the reductions of arterial blood pressure
Capturing UK drill in its complexity: critically assessing the justifications for the criminalisation and censorship of UK drill music and Black cultural expression
Practitioner perspectives of the utility of the national decision model in relation to criminal investigations and response policing
The experience of working-class university students: to what extent does social class still negatively impact on students experience of higher education?
Theoretical insights and quantitative prediction of the nature of boron–chalcogen (O, S, Se, Te) interactions using the electron density and the electron localisation function (ELF)
John Ferguson
Dickens and Dover
Dickens's Swiss Chalet
Staplehurst Railway disaster 1865
Dickens and Deal
F. C. Burnand (1836-1917)
Mary Braddon
Robert Barr
Hop picking and the literary imagination
Mary Braddon
"You can choose between the life of a fugitive, and the life of a dog!": The marital prison in Mary Eliza Haweis' A Flame of Fire
The interplay between news and marketing of Extended Reality Technologies: News as a promotional tool
Citizens or consumers? The relationship between news and marketing of Extended Reality Technologies
Digital transformation with immersive technologies
“A New Rose Hotel is a New Rose Hotel is a New Rose Hotel”: Non-places in William Gibson’s screen adaptations
A physiotherapy led service improvement project for people attending the emergency department with traumatic anterior shoulder dislocations [conference abstract]
In the search for ditriel B⋯Al non-covalent bonding
Reflecting on the 2021 inaugural conference
(Re-) Evaluating the role of digital technologies in democratizing seminar discussion and developing students’ critical thinking
Review of 'The Territories of Human Reason: Science and Theology in an Age of Multiple Rationalities', by Alister McGrath and 'Against Methodology in Science and Religion: Recent Debates on Rationality and Theology' by Joshua Reeves
NEON innovation series evaluation report
A summary round-up list of Scottish archaeological human remains that have been sampled/analysed for DNA between January 2019 and November 2021
Taxation and the implementation of sustainable development goals in Nigeria
Marine microplastics: an assessment of the North Kent coastline
Dietary intervention delays the onset of Sarcopenia in Caenorhabditis elegans
Operation Market Garden
How oviform is the chicken egg? New mathematical insight into the old oomorphological problem
Security, locality and aggressive masculinity: Hooliganism and nationalism at football mega-events
Digital reality in supporting students' learning, the challenges and opportunities
Integrated performance optimization of higher education buildings using low-energy renovation process and user engagement
The Canterbury Sound in popular music: Scene, identity and myth
Resilience construction among international PhD students: Learning from Facebook posts, daily practices, and creative nonfiction
The politics of quality improvement: exploring the complexity of teaching and learning practices in Further Education
Section 45 of the Modern Day Slavery Act 2015: an examination of police investigations
Girls who learn to serve: aAn ethnography exploring the gendered experience of school-based volunteering
An exploration of Algerian school students’ and teachers’ experiences and perceptions of English learning and teaching within the context of the competency-based approach (second generation reform)
Federalism and the Covid-19 pandemic: A perspective from Nigeria
Fire safety in high-rise buildings: Is the stay-put tactic a misjudgement or magnificent strategy?
Authority, legitimacy and limits – who shapes police education? Reflections from England
Still Here and Still Queer: LGBTQIA+ Staff Network in time of pandemic
"I do write, I think, from the eye": The peculiar aesthetic of Elizabeth Bowen
Assessing counter-terrorism strategies through a mixed methods research design: The case of CONTEST in the UK
The development of a cell-based assay for quality control in human in vitro fertilisation
The supervision needs of senior clinical psychologists
Who I am? My life journey
Rheumatology-led pregnancy clinic: patient-centred approach
Consensus evidence-based recommendations for treat-to-target management of immunoglobulin A vasculitis
Egyptian consensus on treat-to-target approach for osteoporosis: a clinical practice guideline from the Egyptian Academy of bone health and metabolic bone diseases
How has the English government engaged with International league tables and addressed educational disadvantage through policy initiatives? A critical policy analysis of inequality in education in the twenty-first century
Routledge Handbook of the Olympic and Paralympic Games
The future of universities
Mentoring for reading
Refining psychological interventions for anorexia nervosa
Multiple meanings of mastery in mathematics education: a Q methodology study
Anarchism, ethics and art: a politics of peculiarity
Can Community Policing be used to improve public perception of the Police and how has this been affected in times of austerity?
Cognition and ideological effects in the interaction between viewers and BBC travel and cultural documentaries: combining multimodal critical discourse analysis and audience research
Romanian Orthodox Christian teachers' personal and professional development: the role of significant others. An auto/biographical study
Commercialization and promotion of drugs in new media
Drug decriminalization and normalization within Portugal and the Netherlands
“Merit”, “success” and the epistemic logics of whiteness in racialised education systems
Exploring online breastfeeding support groups, part 1 of 2: Finding a community of like-minded people helps a mother to reach her breastfeeding goals
Collegial surface acting emotional labour, burnout, and intention to leave in novice and pre-retirement nurses in the United Kingdom: a cross sectional study.
Design considerations for a Multiple Sclerosis Fatigue mobile app MS Energize: A pragmatic iterative approach using usability testing and resonance checks.
Radiography of human dry bones: A reflective account with recommendations for practice.
These are our stories: waving not drowning as we navigate Covid:19 as leadership 'professionals'
How theory has saved me!
An investigation into: what are the factors that teachers in four primary academy coastal schools in South-East England identified as influential in the development of their respective school's curriculum
'Left behind, looking forward': The 2019 General Election, the Red Wall and the Labour Party
The effect of animal venom in the treatment of pancreatic and colorectal cancer
Hegartymaths: gimmick or game changer?
New approaches to antipsychotic medication adherence – safety, tolerability and acceptability
Navigating home in refugeedom and in adolescence, alone
Metformin accelerates zebrafish heart regeneration by inducing autophagy.
Mapping Northern Ireland: Processes of partition, protocol and peace
Psychologist's responses to medication concerns
Adolescence, autism and technology: how technology can impact the social lives and wellbeing of adolescents with an autism diagnosis
Managing flare-ups: The experience of a group of swimmers with persistent low back pain
The yin-yang relationship between essentialist and non-essentialist discourses related to the participation of children of migrants, and its implication for how to research
Hauntology, or the cultural logic of Neoliberalism
Overcoming agonism: the idea of conflict in political liberalism
Towards a coachee-centred approach to coaching academic leaders
How has the development of digital methods, technical hardware and scientific knowledge changed the industry and culture of screen media
Extending hot authentication: Imagining fantasy space
Green extraction of polyphenols from citrus peel by-products and their antifungal activity against Aspergillus flavus
Phytosanitary practices and evaluation of 17 pesticides residues in tomatoes fruits produced in Foumbot District Western Highland-Cameroon
Contamination of foods from Cameroon with residues of 20 halogenated pesticides, and health risk of adult human dietary exposure
Current application and future prospects of 3D printing in otorhinolaryngology - A narrative review
An analysis of expertise in intelligence analysis to support the design of human-centered artificial intelligence
Challenging the 'local turn' in migrant integration in the South East of England under the Coalition and Conservative Governments 2010-2018: a whole policy approach
Automated identification of insight seeking behaviours, strategies and rules: a preliminary study
Why couldn’t Iron Age people throw some stuff away?
Manuel Fernández-Götz and Nico Roymans, eds. Conflict Archaeology: Materialities of Collective Violence from Prehistory to Late Antiquity (Themes in Contemporary Archaeology 5. Oxford: Routledge, 2018, xiv and 236 pp., 122 figs., 2 tables, hbk, ISBN 978-1-138-50211-6)
Could the Tree of Life model be a useful approach for UK mental health contexts? A review of the literature
Secondary school students’ perceptions of scientific and religious positions on miracles
Targeting personal morality in anti-doping education
The Physical Activity Messaging Framework (PAMF) and Checklist (PAMC): International consensus statement and user guide
Le projet COMMIOS. Un nouveau regard sue les populations de l’Age du Fer en Europe
Translation and Interpretation in intercultural communication
Home or away-(re)negotiating identity through living in the 'in-between': a qualitative investigation of the Kurdish diaspora in the United Kingdom
Exploring the journey of voice hearing
'I'm learning nature now with them': what can a holistic perspective contribute to our understanding of the influential relations between young children, adults and a natural environment?
Talking about teaching: unmasking ‘pedactivist’ pedagogy in university-based English early childhood initial teacher educators’ narratives
Reading practices in the shadows: context, text and identities
Iron Age mnemonics: A biographical approach to dwelling in later prehistoric Britain
'Problematic stuff': death, memory and the reinterpretation of cached objects
Materialising memories: Inheritance, performance and practice at Broxmouth hillfort, south-east Scotland
Redefining the timing and circumstances of the chicken's introduction to Europe and north-west Africa
An examination of dose in mindfulness-based programs and Mindfulness practice through a dose-response meta-regression and randomised controlled experiments
Hip fractures risks in edoxaban versus warfarin users: A propensity score-matched population-based cohort study with competing risk analyses
Applying an equity lens to project stakeholder engagement: How organizations are embedding equitable stakeholder engagement in their project management processes
Online sobriety communities for women's problematic alcohol use: A mini review of existing qualitative and quantitative research
Secondary students' values and perceptions of science-related careers: responses to vignette-based scenarios
Covid-19 as an opportunity to teach epistemic insight: findings from exploratory workshops on Covid-19 and science with students aged 15-17 in England
A systematic review of TMS and neurophysiological biometrics in patients with schizophrenia
Newcastle Upon Tyne: Mapping the City by Michael Barke, Brian Robson and Anthony Champion, Edinburgh, Birlinn, 2021, GBP 30 (hardback), ISBN 9781780277264
Factors associated with access to condoms and sources of condoms during the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa.
Non‐cognitive testing in medical student selection: the development and evaluation of a novel MMI station
Letting it all spill out: the benefits of venting for creative writing teachers and students
Large-scale migration into Britain during the Middle to Late Bronze Age
A high-resolution picture of kinship practices in an Early Neolithic tomb
Contact visits for looked after children: the views of children, parents and professionals
The self-efficacy and confidence of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) students in understanding the learning needs of children with autism: Findings from a focus group discussion
Pre-registration UK diagnostic radiography student ability and confidence in interpretation of chest X-rays
‘Eyes wide open’ – Sharing ways in which to include visually impaired children within PE
The impact of the pandemic on children with disabilities
Seeing how to include visually impaired children. An exploration into Key Stage 2 teachers' confidence levels
Book review and critical dialogue about The Making of Monolingual Japan: Language Ideology and Japanese Modernity (Heinrich, 2012)
Mental health, trauma and wellbeing of forced and other migrants: effective responses at times of crisis
Influence of socioemotional wealth on non-family managers’ risk taking and product innovation in family businesses
Effect of runner thickness and hydrogen content on the mechanical properties of A356 alloy castings
Fragmented QRS is independently predictive of long-term adverse clinical outcomes in Asian patients hospitalized for heart failure: A retrospective cohort study
Marco Galea and Szabolcs Musca, ed. Redefining Theatre Communities: International Perspectives on Community-Conscious Theatre-Making. Bristol and Chicago: Intellect, 2019, 262 pp., £76.00 (hardback).
Improving continence in children and young people with neurodisability: a systematic review and survey.
The state of social work education and research report 2020-2021
Establishing a consensus for the management of non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer in the UK
Isometric exercise versus high-intensity interval training for the management of blood pressure: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Therapy preference
Que(e)r(y)ing gender-based assaults of trans-identifying people
Staging international student mobility: an ethnography of precarity, negotiation and agency of African students at a Chinese university
Assessing the consequences of Brexit on UK police cooperation with the EU
Male sexual victimisation and the specialist officer: a critical analysis of the police response to adult males
The experience of Sri Lankan Tamil refugees in the UK: migration and identity
The Physical Activity Messaging Framework (PAMF) and Checklist (PAMC): International consensus statement and user guide
Buried in the borderlands: An artefact typology and chronology for The Netherlands in the early medieval period on the basis of funerary archaeology
A critical investigation of the epistemological, familial and spiritual invisibility of spiritual black lesbian and bisexual women in the Belgian LGBT rights framework
Women's lived experiences of advanced cervical cancer: a descriptive qualitative study.
Measuring 'self': preliminary validation of a short form of the Self Experiences Questionnaire in people with chronic pain.
Reframing return-to-sport postpartum: the 6 Rs framework
The self and the sacred: exploring the relationships between experiences deemed spiritual or religious and beliefs using interpretative phenomenological analysis
Defining the indie game as process: aesthetic, production and community
A qualitative case study of UK university academics’ collaborative practices: a social-psychological perspective
Convergent validity of ratings of perceived exertion during resistance exercise in healthy participants: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Personal independence payment forms, a de/re/constructive reading: re/positioning claimants, social workers and social work practice ‘through’ policy discourse
A psychological intervention reduces doping likelihood in British and Greek athletes: A cluster randomized controlled trial
Parts design and process optimization
The Scholarship of learning development
Emerging from the third space chrysalis: Experiences in a non-hierarchical, collaborative research community of practice
Ethical implications of key concepts and issues in current local media research
Medical statistics for urologists: part 1
Embryology, anatomy and physiology of the kidney and ureters
Transdermal oestradiol for androgen suppression in prostate cancer: long-term cardiovascular outcomes from the randomised Prostate Adenocarcinoma Transcutaneous Hormone (PATCH) trial programme
Active surveillance - Is it feasible for intermediate-risk localised prostate cancer?
Mistaken administration of a repeat loading dose of Degarelix leading to acute psychosis
Bladder-to-bladder metastasis: gallbladder cancer metastasising to the urinary bladder
Book and poetry reviews
Beauty is in the AI of the beholder: Are we ready for the clinical integration of Artificial Intelligence in radiography? An exploratory analysis of perceived AI knowledge, skills, confidence, and education perspectives of UK radiographers
Cell therapy for osteonecrosis of femoral head and joint preservation
Consensus evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and treat-to-target management of osteoporosis in Africa: an initiative by the African Society of Bone Health and Metabolic Bone Diseases.
Cybersecurity of smart buildings: a facilities management perspective
Myocardial mechanics in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Biological reconstruction of the joint: Concepts of articular cartilage regeneration and their scientific basis
Factors relating to boundaries and self-disclosure within mental health contexts
People with learning disabilities' experiences of navigating society and systems
Fatigue as the unconscious refusal of the demands of late capitalism
#SocMedHE more than a conference
Financial experts on the top management team: Do they reduce investment inefficiency?
School leadership and the civic nationalist turn: Towards a typology of leadership styles employed by head teachers in their enactment of the Prevent Duty and the promotion of fundamental British values
Challenges in urology
Do people with long-term pain swim? Understanding participation using the active lives survey
Effect of angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitors on left atrial remodeling and prognosis in heart failure
Alternative, online treatment paths for women’s problematic alcohol use: a review of existing qualitative and quantitative research
Women’s experiences of recovery via online sobriety communities
First time mothers social networking sites
The effect of a bilateral training intervention on sprint start performance of experienced male sprinters
Efficacy, utility, and validity in Computed Tomography head reporting by radiographers
Internationalisation of higher education: lived experiences of international students and perspectives on the global university
Queer expressions: an Interpretative phenomenological analysis of how Irish gay men discuss sexuality with healthcare practitioners
A Cooperative Inquiry: An investigation into the training needs of Christian leaders supporting congregants with mental health issues receiving treatment
Worldviews and diversity: freedom of expression and teaching about the mosque
Women and preventing and countering violent extremism interventions
An examination of the impacts of volunteering and community contribution at a community festival through the lens of the Five Ways to Wellbeing
The role of strong ties in empowering women entrepreneurs in collectivist context
Samer N. Abboud, Syria (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2018)
Extremism, values, and education in policy and practice
Singing and music making: physiological responses across early to later stages of dementia.
Predictive value of HFA-PEFF score in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
Soluble suppression of tumorigenicity 2 (sST2) for predicting disease severity or mortality outcomes in cardiovascular diseases: A systematic review and meta-analysis
The sentient, skilled and situated of sustaining a physical activity career: Pleasurable interpretations of corporeal ambiguity
Targeted mental health interventions in schools
Unlocking the Role of Exercise on CD4+ T Cell Plasticity.
Prefrontal cortex oxygenation during endurance performance: A systematic review of functional near-infrared spectroscopy studies.
The paradoxes of applying ethnography at a distance: Dürer’s Rhinoceros
Maya women contest online narratives in action: creating equality through horizontal communication
How Maya women are reclaiming their place in society in contemporary Guatemala: What’s in it for us?
Gender-specific clinical risk scores incorporating blood pressure variability for predicting incident dementia
Left ventricular mechanical, cardiac autonomic and metabolic responses to a single session of high intensity interval training.
Automated echocardiographic detection of severe coronary artery disease using artificial intelligence
The effects of sodium bicarbonate supplementation at individual time-to-peak blood bicarbonate on 4-km cycling time trial performance in the heat.
Sodium-glucose Cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) Inhibitors vs. Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 (DPP4) inhibitors for new-onset dementia: A propensity score-matched population-based study with competing risk analysis
Redox mediator as cathode modifier for enhanced degradation of azo dye in a sequential dual chamber microbial fuel cell-aerobic treatment process
How participation in Covid‐19 mutual aid groups affects subjective well‐being and how political identity moderates these effects
Physical activity interventions and assessing people with intellectual disabilities
An inclusive student-led online class test during the pandemic
A forensic tool to acquire radio signals using software defined radio
Current modalities for fracture healing enhancement
"My heart on this bit of paper": A grounded theory of the mechanisms of change in art therapy for military veterans.
Post-pandemic digital education: Investigating smart workspaces within the higher education sector
A granular computing approach to provide transparency of intelligent systems for criminal investigations
Developing conversational agents for use in criminal investigations
Functional neurological disorder: a faith and cultural perspective
Making recovery meaningful for people with intellectual disabilities
General practice training needs YOU
Whose ‘voice’ is it anyway? The paradoxes of the participatory narrative
Learning to learn online: creating an open access learning development platform
Feasibility study to assess the delivery of a novel isometric exercise intervention for people with stage 1 hypertension in the NHS: protocol for the IsoFIT-BP study including amendments to mitigate the risk of COVID-19.
Justice facility dogs - Oliver's story
A Biography of Power: Research and Excavations at the Iron Age ‘Oppidum’ of Bagendon, Gloucestershire (1979–2017)
A break or a lesson? Submarines, stereotypes and silent geopolitics
(Un)trustworthy organisations? Implications of the Sarah Everard murder case
Powerful knowledge? Challenging neoliberal trends in FE policy and practice
Singing group leaders’ experiences of online singing sessions during the COVID-19 pandemic: a rapid survey
The COVID generation: a Mental health pandemic in the making. The impact on mental health of children and young people during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
Firesetting among 18-23 year old un-apprehended adults: A UK community study
The health and wellbeing of children in the early years
Beyond ‘the choice to drink’ in a UK guideline on FASD: the precautionary principle, pregnancy surveillance, and the managed woman
The role of the organisational context across the psychosis service pathway
The Jack-Roller and the life history method: notes on the Chicago School’s Clifford Shaw and Howard Becker’s humanistic narrative of young male and female delinquents in different ages
"He's still there": How Facebook facilitates continuing bonds with the deceased
Exploring minority stress in gender-diverse populations
Complications after radical nephrectomy according to age: analysis from the British Association of Urological Surgeons Nephrectomy Audit
Clinical impact of the Predict Prostate risk communication tool in men newly diagnosed with non-metastatic prostate cancer: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial
Elusive tensions in everyday relationship-based social work practice: exploring the challenges for social work education at the interface between religion and sexuality
Dialogical approaches to helping people who hear distressing voices: what are they and how do they work?
Clinical psychologist responsible clinicians: exploring experiences and factors influencing uptake of the role
Distinct features of probands with early repolarization and Brugada Syndromes carrying SCN5A pathogenic variants
Detecting a stroke-affected region in the brain by scanning with low-intensity electromagnetic waves in the radio frequency/microwave band
5-year outcomes of single iStent (G1) trabecular microbypass implantation with phacoemulsification in moderately advanced primary open angle glaucoma
Understanding the lived experience of maladaptive daydreaming
Characteristics and outcomes of heart failure with recovered left ventricular ejection fraction
Seeking the unusual but sustainable: scuba diving experience
Clinical supervision in CBT training: what do participants view as effective?
An analysis of the global symbology of Soviet military city plans
Framing the visitor experience in sacred places
The role of virtual experiences in increasing knowledge, motivation, independence and cultural capital from disadvantaged pupils in England
Cardiac competency statements: time for a refresh
Real-time monitoring of healthy omega-3 production in micro-algae: A viability study
Viability study on real-time monitoring of healthy omega-3 production in micro-algae
Chinese international students’ cross-cultural adaptation, mental health and related coping strategies and help-seeking behaviours in the UK
Factors that impact on the risk of experiencing postnatal mental health difficulties for women who had an unplanned pregnancy: A review of the literature
The relationship between foster carers and looked after children: implications for mental health
Investigating the processes involved in caring for looked after children
De-fusing and re-fusing face-to-face encounters involving autistic persons in Hong Kong
Disturbing geographies and in/stability in and around a supermarket with a middle-aged man with learning impairments
Temporalities, a disability chronotope, and empathetic horizons in Still Human
Audio-feedback trial in the School of Psychology and Life Sciences
Designing a tourist experience for numen seekers
Promoting physical activity and physical function in people with long-term conditions in primary care: the Function First realist synthesis with co-design
Listening to the voices of care experienced individuals and communities – the disconcerting values of the Government Children’s Social Care Review
Illusions of consent – Police and Crown Prosecution Service responses to victims of professional sexual abuse in mental health services
Legal protection of title - how far should this extend?
Positive risk taking: debating the research agenda in the context of adult
Restructuring, political gimmicks and elite manipulation in Nigeria
Characterization of wild-type and STAT3 signaling-suppressed mesenchymal stem cells obtained from hemovac blood concentrates.
COVID-19: A literature review of the impact on diagnostic radiography students
Task-specific short PowerPointsTM for effective off-campus learning in diagnostic radiography
Measuring user preferences and behaviour in a topographic immersive virtual environment (TopoIVE) of 2D and 3D urban topographic data
“Coach, slap me please.” A tale of negotiated constructs and safeguarding in sport revealed in Tokyo Olympics
Tokyo Olympics: when athletes are faced with the impossible
Ethnography and medicine: the utility of positivist methods in research
How mentally fatiguing are consecutive world padel tour matches?
Sports equity: a new BJSM e-Edition brings the fundamentals back into focus.
"I've lived that thing that we do with families": Understanding the experiences of practitioners' undertaking a three-year open dialogue UK training programme
Extracurricular maths sports
Mirroring and compassion in early motherhood
Is there space on the podium for us all?
Learning legal skills and reasoning
Investigation into alternatives to psychiatric disorders
The legacy of Verena Holmes: inspiring next generation of engineers
A national survey of UK healthcare professionals regarding their knowledge, experiences and training needs of assistive technology (AT)
Online training in ‘assistive technology for posture and mobility’ for healthcare professionals
The epistemic insight digest: Issue 3: Autumn 2021
Planned delivery to improve postpartum cardiac function in women with preterm pre-eclampsia: the PHOEBE mechanisms of action study within the PHOENIX RCT
A systematic review of physical-digital play technology and developmentally relevant child behaviour
25th Anniversary article: looking back on Perspectives and looking forward
The role of cognitive executive functions in individuals with mediumistic abilities
Outdoor provision for babies and toddlers: Exploring the practice/policy/research nexus in English ECEC settings
Fonmon Castle Landscape Project: Geophysical survey on land west of Fonmon Castle
Health promotion in emergency care: rationale, strategies and activities.
Identity, gender and history in Wace's Roman de Rou and Roman de Brut
Krytyczki as activists: On theatre criticism, affect, objectivism and #MeToo in Polish drama schools: Interview with Monika Kwaśniewska
Pedagogy Analysis Framework: a video-based tool for combining teacher, pupil and researcher perspectives
The impact of research evidence on education policy: how MPs respond to evidence in relation to secondary selective education.
Deceptively difficult education: a case for a lifetime of impact
Health and well-being
Engagement, disengagement and non-engagement with sustainable healthcare: an exploratory sequential design
Policing the Police: an analysis of practitioner views of the IOPC’s Learning the Lessons Magazine
Awareness and perception of phishing variants from Policing, Computing and Criminology students in Canterbury Christ Church University
Animation: critical and primary sources
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: New perspectives in production, reception, legacy
Journeys in the age of smart cities: some fresh perspectives
More continuity than change: Kent's Tudor almshouses
Why do chronic illness patients decide to use complementary and alternative medicine? A qualitative study
Temporalities, ritual, and drinking in Mass Observation's Worktown.
How to study comics & graphic novels: A graphic introduction to comics studies
Questions open to infinity and the legitimacy of wonder in university curricula
Multicenter cohort study, with a nested randomized comparison, to examine the cardiovascular impact of preterm preeclampsia
Micro-additive manufacturing technologies of three-dimensional MEMS
The Commission on Religious Education – A response to L. Philip Barnes
What have we learned about COVID-19 volunteering in the UK? A rapid review of the literature.
Shedding light upon the shadows: Exploring the link between country destination image and dark tourism
A narrative review of the pharmacological, cultural and psychological literature on ibogaine
Atrial cardiomyopathy: An emerging cause of the embolic stroke of undetermined source
Introduction to special issue. Distancing, disease and distress: The young and COVID-19: exploring young people’s experience of inequalities and their resourcefulness during the pandemic
Consumption of New Zealand blackcurrant extract improves recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage in non-resistance trained men and women: A double-blind randomised trial
Food insecurity during COVID-19 pandemic: A genuine concern for people from disadvantaged community and low-income families in Province 2 of Nepal.
Invertebrate zoogeomorphology: A review and conceptual framework for rivers
Extracellular vesicles, stem cells and the role of miRNAs in neurodegeneration
Convergent correlationism: analyzing teacher educators’ reflection on professional practice
Epigenetic differences in an identical genetic background modulate alternative splicing in A. thaliana
Heart failure with midrange ejection fraction: Prior left ventricular ejection fraction and prognosis
The secrets of partnership working for mentors
Mentoring for mathematics
Improved healing of rabbit patellar tendon defects after an atelocollagen injection
Improving body image in an idealised media culture: community solutions and positive body image interventions
When topology trumped topography: Celebrating 90 years of Beck’s Underground map
Growing up In lockdown
How do children understand prayer in a church school? A video-based, constructivist grounded theory study using a godly play approach
Cell‐free DNA testing of maternal blood in screening for trisomies in twin pregnancy: updated cohort study at 10–14 weeks and meta‐analysis
Fetal loss after chorionic villus sampling in twin pregnancies
Energy cost and knee extensor strength changes following multiple day military load carriage.
Covid-19, tourism and the advocacy of degrowth
Clinicians' and nurses' documentation practices in palliative and hospice care.
Temperature and immigration effects on quorum sensing in the biofilms of anaerobic membrane bioreactors
Should COVID-19 vaccination be made mandatory?
Perceived importance of public health risks in Greece: A nationwide survey of the adult population
The subcultural imagination: critically negotiating the co-production of ‘subcultural subjects’ through the lens of C. Wright Mills
Recent advances in smellscape research for the built environment.
The role of local radio in promoting creative engagement for healthy ageing
COVID-19 infection: A neuropsychiatric perspective
Tragus based vagus nerve stimulation for stress reduction
Impact of a carbohydrate mouth rinse on corticomotor excitability after mental fatigue in healthy college-aged subjects
‘Function First’: how to promote physical activity and physical function in people with long-term conditions managed in primary care? A study combining realist and co-design methods
Perceptions of influence by social actors on professional doctoral students: a nested case study’s methodological use of sociograms
‘Getting on with the job’: A systematised literature review of secondary trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in policing within the United Kingdom (UK)
UK news coverage of extended reality technologies: analysing extended reality news discourse and its relation to product marketing
Necropolitical constructions of happiness, COVID-19 and higher education
Integrated dementia care: A qualitative evidence synthesis of the experiences of people living with dementia, informal carers and healthcare professionals.
Diagnostic radiographer advanced clinical practice in the United Kingdom – A national cross-sectional survey
Artificial Intelligence in radiography: Where are we now and what does the future hold?
Artificial Intelligence: Guidance for clinical imaging and therapeutic radiography professionals, a summary by the Society of Radiographers AI working group
Online arts-based educational resources for children in hospital: the Rocket-Arts project in response to COVID-19
Exploring the cytotoxic mechanisms of Pediocin PA-1 towards HeLa and HT29 cells by comparison to known bacteriocins: Microcin E492, enterocin heterodimer and Divercin V41.
The undiscovered potential of essential oils for treating SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
Balancing neurotrophin pathway and sortilin function: its role in human disease
Targeting DNA methyltransferases in non-small-cell lung cancer
Therapeutic potential of natural compounds in lung cancer
No place like home: recreating and negotiating home and sense of belonging within the Kurdish diasporic community
(Re)negotiating Identity through the use of material culture
The cardiovascular benefits of caffeinated beverages: Real or surreal? "Metron Ariston - all in moderation".
Referencing within code in software engineering education
Green is the colour
Community nurses’ support for patients with fibromyalgia who use cannabis to manage pain
The importance of an organic process in ethnographic research: Working with children in a physical activity setting
Science fiction, innovation and entrepreneurship
Risk of atrial fibrillation in athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Cognitive–behavioural therapy compared with standardised medical care for adults with dissociative non-epileptic seizures: the CODES RCT
The epistemic insight digest: Issue 2: Summer 2021
Machine learning applied to the design and inspection of reinforced concrete bridges: Resilient methods and emerging applications
A grounded theory analysis of the experience of therapy in the context of negative change
Utilisation of compounds from venoms in drug discovery
Identifying the mechanisms of poetry therapy and associated effects on participants: A synthesised review of empirical literature
Accuracy of self-evaluation in a peer-learning environment: An analysis of a group learning model
Language teaching after COVID: real world priorities
Faith-talk and reflection spaces: an empirical study of Catholic primary school pupil accounts of the exploration of faith at home
Researching spiritual capital in Catholic education: on the need for theoretical frameworks and more empirical work
Porosity, cracks, and mechanical properties of additively manufactured tooling alloys: A review
Free augmented reality
Multidimensional competence and the space between faith formation and scripture study
Fungal solubilisation and subsequent microbial methanation of coal processing wastes
Highlights from the 16th International Society for Computational Biology Student Council Symposium 2020.
Ventricular tachyarrhythmia risk in paediatric/young vs. adult Brugada Syndrome patients: A territory-wide study
Cardiac abnormalities after induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress are associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and connexin43 expression
Vagrant Figures: Law, Literature, and the Origins of the Police. By SalNicolazzo. New Haven: Yale. 2021. 320p. £50 (hb). ISBN 9780300241310
Towards decentralised job shop scheduling as a web service
Theatre in paediatrics: can participatory performance mitigate educational, emotional and social consequences of missing out school during hospitalisation?
Men of perfect holiness: Essene religious virtuosity in Jerusalem and the crowd converted at Pentecost (Acts 2)
A qualitative exploration of the experiences of palliative care staff when working with death and dying
Evaluation of the RCOG guideline for the prediction of neonates that are small for gestational age and comparison with the competing risks model
Parish Clergy Wives in Elizabethan England, by Anne Thompson
The PhD and me: A liminal space
Research health & safety - risk assessment
Faith in the Nexus: pupil spiritual leadership In school
Private tuition and the 11-plus: an autobiographical extended literature with UK and global perspectives
Differences between young children's actual, self-perceived and parent-perceived aquatic skills
The clue is in the title: ownership, fashion and society reflected in a Kent private library
Faith in the Nexus and the domestic Church
Faith in the Nexus: Let’s talk about death (School and Church)
Let’s talk about death (Home)
Faith in the Nexus and Sacraments (Parish Catechists)
Extended internal orientation and its effect on employees behaviour: migrant workers in Chinese manufacturing industry
Local news deserts
Aducanumab for Alzheimer’s disease: the never‐ending story that nurses should know
Pro-judge study: Nurses’ professional judgement in nurse staffing systems
‘Fat persons bathing whose appearance was most disgusting’: Entertaining Thanet in the Age of Steam
Students as partners in learning and teaching: Assessing the effectiveness of student evaluation of teaching
Measuring research excellence amongst economics lecturers in the UK
Biopolitics and lifelong learning: the vitalistic turn in English further education discourse
First review report
A qualitative study exploring barriers to adequate uptake of antenatal care in pre-conflict Syria: low cost interventions are needed to address disparities in antenatal care.
Innovating Christian education research: Multidisciplinary perspectives edited by Johannes M. Luetz and Beth Green, Singapore, Springer, 2021, 468 pp., £109.99 (hardcover), ISBN: 978-981-15-8855-6, £87.50 (eBook), ISBN: 978-981-15-8856-3
Exploring faith in the Nexus: resource to use with the parent's animation
Faith in the Nexus: A sense of belonging
Faith in the Nexus: spiritual wellbeing and the implications for spiritual leadership
Faith in the Nexus: children's conversations about faith and spirituality (school and church)
Faith in the Nexus: How are we providing reflection time and space
Faith in the Nexus: children's encounters with the Bible
Children’s conversations about faith and spirituality (family)
0 Sapere Aude
Sapere Aude - enlightenment values and academic cancel culture
Sapere Aude: Enlightenment ideas, values and slogans and academic cancel culture
Knowing narratives: challenging the spectacle of racist discrimination
Social Solidarity Economy and village-centric development in North-West Cameroon
Linguaculture, cultural travel, native-speakerism and small culture formation on the go: working up from instances
Recovering unrecognised deCentred experience
Laying the foundation for pregnancy physical activity profiling: A framework for providing tailored physical Activity advice and guidance to pregnant women
Older lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex peoples’ experiences and perceptions of receiving home care services in the community: A systematic review
An exploration of personal benefits reported by students of a health and wellness coach training programme
‘Place feeling’ in the Fiction of E.M. Forster and Elizabeth Bowen
Uptake of, attitudes to and experiences of robotic assistive technology in health professionals, parents and carers of children and young adults with neurodisabilities: a protocol for a systematic review
A key? Conflict, and the struggle for an ecology of dialogue, learning and peace among Israeli Jewish and Palestinian educators
Discourses, dialogue and diversity in biographical research: An ecology of life.
Debating tourism degrowth post COVID-19
Babies and toddlers outdoors: a narrative review of the literature on provision for under twos in ECEC settings
Traumatic rotator cuff tears - Current concepts in diagnosis and management.
“My voices are just part of me, they don’t own me”: a qualitative investigation of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy groups for people experiencing psychosis
Kielland’s rotational forceps delivery: comparison of maternal and neonatal outcomes with pregnancies delivering by non-rotational forceps
Christian theology and school Religious Education: Exploring the relationship
Life to the full: the changing landscape of contemporary spirituality: implications for Catholic school religious education by Graham Rossiter, Professor of Moral and Religious Education, NSW, Australia, ASMRE 2018, 140pp, (PDF) ISBN 978-0-9808681-5-9. Free download available from
Is there a potential dual effect of denosumab for treatment of osteoporosis and sarcopenia?
Contemporary challenges of nursing CPD: Time to change the model to meet citizens’ needs
The association of sleep problem, dietary habits and physical activity with weight status of adolescents in Nepal.
Career development of English and Italian high school students in uncertain times: a narrative approach
The Playful Writing Project: Exploring the synergy between play and writing with Reception class teachers
Auricular reconstruction: where are we now? A critical literature review
A thermodynamic framework to predict thermophysical properties that control pMDI aerosol generation
Resistance and the paradox of legal entitlement – A theoretical analysis of migrant women’s responses to domestic abuse in the host country
The impacts of working with victims of sexual violence: A rapid evidence assessment
The country house library as a changing concept between the seventeenth and the twentieth centuries
Practical and clinical approaches using pacing to improve selfregulation in special populations such as children and people with mental health or learning disabilities
The association between blood pressure variability and hip or vertebral fracture risk: A population-based study
What role do vaccines play in primary cardiovascular disease prevention?
The Early Social Cognition Inventory (ESCI): An examination of its psychometric properties from birth to 47 months.
Academic labor and its exploitation
Exploring the relationship between clinical supervision and client outcomes
The whirl of the red, green, and blue: Christopher Anstey and the particoloured poem
Reference ranges for the pulsed wave doppler of the fetal cardiac inflow and outflow tracts from 13 to 36 weeks gestation: Short title: Zidere, Fetal inflow and outflow tract, Pulsed wave Doppler, z scores.
Part 1: exploring views from fathers and perinatal practitioners on the inclusion of fathers by perinatal services
Training of professionals in assistive technologies: pedagogic issues and strategies (Formation des professionnels aux technologies d’assistance: Enjeux et stratégies pédagogiques)
Implementing the PIE (Person, Interaction and Environment) programme to improve person-centred care for people with dementia admitted to hospital wards: a qualitative evaluation
'Future governance of the UK' - evidence submitted to the House of Lords Constitution Committee
Validity and reliability of RPE as a measure of intensity during isometric wall squat exercise
Validity and reliability of the ‘Isometric Exercise Scale’ (IES) for measuring ratings of perceived exertion during continuous isometric exercise
Comparative characterization of mesenchymal progenitor cells from osteoarthritic and rheumatoid arthritic human articular cartilage
Developing an embedded nursing service within a homeless shelter: Client's perspectives
Maximising the use of existing knowledge and evidence: showcasing systematic reviews in sports tourism
Transitioning into care: moving into a care home
Negotiating learner autonomy in a native-speakerized nation
Comparing the social networks of service users with long term mental health needs living in community with those in a general adult in-patient unit
Creative-reflective inquiries and wellbeing in organizations
The things we think and do not say - the future of physical education and sport
Part 2: exploring views from fathers and perinatal practitioners on the inclusion of fathers by perinatal services
Independant Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVA's) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: A study of impacts, effects, coping mechanisms and effective support systems for people working as ISVAs and ISVA managers
Endorsement of the OMERACT core domain set for shared decision making interventions in rheumatology trials: Results from a multi-stepped consensus-building approach.
Review 1 outline
Knowledge profit and knowledge loss in an enlightened house: the library collection of the Hammonds of St Alban’s Court, Kent
Knowledge profit and knowledge loss in an enlightened house: the library collection of the Hammonds of St Alban’s Court, Kent
Introduction: knowledge profit and knowledge loss in an enlightened House: the library collection of the Hammonds of St Alban’s Court, Kent
More than meets the eye: How black and minority ethnic care-leavers construct and make sense of their identity
Socioemotional wealth and the innovativeness of family SMEs in the United Arab Emirates
Seeing the invisible: Brand authenticity and the cultural production of queer imagination
A systematic literature review of the impact of art therapy upon post-traumatic stress disorder
Secondary school students' reasoning about science and personhood
The thermoregulatory and thermal responses of individuals with a spinal cord injury during exercise, acclimation and by using cooling strategies-A systematic review
Map as biography: maps, memory, and landscape – thoughts on Ordnance Survey map, Sheet TR04, 1:25,000 Provisional Edition, Ashford
A study of user experiences and network analysis on anonymity and traceability of bitcoin transactions
Evidence by Roderick Munday, Oxford University Press, 2019, 10th edition, 542 pp., £34.99 (paperback), ISBN 13: 978-0198832461
BCI controlled robotic arm as assistance to the rehabilitation of neurologically disabled patients
A rapid review of communication strategies for physical activity guidelines and physical activity promotion: A review of worldwide strategies
Real-world performance and accuracy of stress echocardiography: the EVAREST observational multi-centre study
Fiscal space and the procyclicality of fiscal policy: the case for making hay while the sun shines
Laser powder bed fusion of Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo alloy and properties prediction using deep learning approaches
The Soviet military 1:10,000 City Plan of Dover, UK (1974)
Mediation today: The art of founding a mediation clinic
The significance of digital media in local public space crisis management: The case of Poland, the United Kingdom and Italy
Living in a world with God: An interpretative phenomenological exploration of the religious experiences of five Baptists in Britain
Talking about generations: 5 questions to ask yourself
Parenting the crisis: The cultural politics of parent‐blame Tracey Jensen Bristol: Policy Press, March 2018, ISBN:978‐1447325062, 216 pages, £20.79 pbk
Adolescent social media use and well-being: a systematic review and thematic meta-synthesis.
Diversity of Chironomidae (Diptera) breeding in the Great Stour, Kent: baseline results from the Westgate Parks non-biting midge project
The delf
The Stonemason
Sport and physical activity during the first 10 years of life in Ireland and the UK
Universal approaches to support children’s physical and cognitive development in the early years
Is the employment of pastoral support staff (PSS) working with students with social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs changing the role and responsibilities of teachers in London and South East England?
The cutting movement assessment score (CMAS) qualitative screening tool: application to mitigate anterior cruciate ligament injury risk during cutting
Population genetics and geometric morphometrics of freshwater snail Segmentina nitida reveal cryptic sympatric species of conservation value in Europe
Using technology to improve assessment facilitation on a Policing Apprenticeship Programme: From COVID-19 contingency to best practice
Children's perceived and actual physical activity levels within the elementary school setting
Digital mammographic interpretation by UK radiographer mammographers: A JAFROC analysis of observer performance
Explaining the entrepreneurial intentions of employees: The roles of societal norms, work-related creativity and personal resources
Hegemonic conceptualizations of empowerment in entrepreneurship and their suitability for collective contexts
Paradigm shift or shuffling the content?
Social polarization and ghettoization: social and policy-driven causes
What's in it for us?
’Survivors’ strategies: Maya women's organisations, a documentary in a pandemic context’
Decision making and your mental hygiene
Arts-based interventions for people living with dementia: Measuring ‘in the moment’ wellbeing with the Canterbury Wellbeing Scales
Security vulnerabilities of popular smart home appliances
Attentional shifting differences in autism: Domain general, domain specific, or both?
Levels of cognitive understanding: reflective and impulsive cognition in alcohol use and misuse
Factors influencing patient loyalty to outpatient medical services: an empirical analysis of the UAE’s government healthcare system
Jack Ellitt as director: Documentary films of the 1940s
Pool closures during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact on low back pain management
Effect of liquid break-up model selection on simulated diesel spray and combustion characteristics
The effect of droplet temperature model choice on gasoline droplet and spray simulation
Investigation of fuel volatility on the heat transfer dynamics on piston surface due to the pulsed spray impingement
‘We are still here’: The impacts of street music and street art during the 2020 London lockdowns
"Ready for to go to the sea": maintaining fishing families in Late Medieval Hythe
Preliminary face validation of the pictorial scale of perceived aquatic competence
Signal crayfish burrowing, bank retreat and sediment supply to rivers: A biophysical sediment budget
3DP printing of oral solid formulations: a systematic review
Update on the role of emerging stem cell technology in head and neck medicine
Thriving alongside cystic fibrosis: Developing a grounded theory of empowerment in children and young people with cystic fibrosis during key life transitions
Zoom fatigue: online communication platforms and technologies of the self
Powder-based laser hybrid additive manufacturing of metals: A review
Finding the spiritual in the secular: a meta-analysis of changes in spirituality following secular mindfulness-based programs
A student, a practitioner or a researcher? An attempt to reconcile the three roles through an undergraduate action research module
Occupational apartheid in Palestine, global racism, and transnational solidarity: Update on Simaan (2017)
Goats show higher behavioural flexibility than sheep in a spatial detour task
The impact of COVID-19 on BAME populations: a systematic review of experiences and perspectives
Group and common factors in mindfulness-based programs: a selective review and implications for teachers.
Theory and practical guidance for effective de-implementation of practices across health and care services: a realist synthesis
Dental therapists compared with general dental practitioners for undertaking check-ups in low-risk patients: pilot RCT with realist evaluation
Start here: Sounding the materiality of the compact audio cassette
"It’s like very white-winged”: students’ perceptions of the image and reality of Internationalisation in UK Higher Education
Art therapy with people diagnosed with psychosis: therapists’ experiences of their work and the journey to their current practice
Using photovoice in Participatory educational research
Inclusion and exclusion of elite athletes with disabilities
Conceptual model of sport-specific classification for para-athletes with intellectual impairment
Enablers and barriers in adopting a reablement model of domiciliary care
Language learning in crisis: A dangerous question?
Ethics in critical care research: scratching the surface
The neurological symptoms of COVID-19: A systematic overview of systematic reviews, comparison with other neurological conditions and implications for healthcare services
Mentoring for mathematics
The teaching and learning of primary mathematics
Preservice teachers’ expressed awarenesses: emerging threads of retro-spection of learning and pro-spection of teaching.
Adaptive and flexible online learning during Covid19 lockdown
Preparation of undergraduate health and care students from the United Kingdom in an international learning experience in Japan: A phenomenological study
Reconceptualising teacher identity
Animal Farm
Not on our own: peer coaching our way through COVID:19
Temporalities of the smellscape: Creative mapping as visual representation
Health inequalities and ethnic vulnerabilities during COVID-19 in the UK: A reflection on the PHE reports
A consociational compromise? constitutional evolution in Spain and Catalonia
Dramaturgy of form performing verse in contemporary theatre
Health education, what does it mean?
Impacts of participating in a choir on health and wellbeing of adults with intellectual disabilities
Evaluating confidence in information literacy: a red/amber/green tool
A trip to the movies: Homo parasiticus and the question of sustainability
Reduction and mitigation strategy of carbon dioxide emissions from internal combustion engine: An engine development initiative for sustainable environment
What does a clinical psychologist do?
Powerful proteins from polyp possessing predators
Beauty from the deep: cnidarians in cosmetics
Doing participatory research within diverse locations: conducting collaborative enquiry into complex environments using digital technology
Exploring music within cross-curricular learning
Intimations of Utopia: sustaining environments and the flourishing of children and teachers
Printing terror: American horror comics as cold war commentary and critique
Sustainability in the workplace and the theory of planned behaviour: Norms and identity predict environmentally friendly intentions
Young, talented dancers in contemporary dance training: widening participation and fair access, rhetoric or reality?
Crime, harm, and climate change nexus
The impact of cognitive functions and intellectual impairment on pacing and performance in sports
Developing additional competition classes for athletes with intellectual impairments: Conceptual approach and efficacy of an ICF derived measure
walk write (repeat)
Heavy time
The Acta of William the Conqueror, Domesday Book, the Oath of Salisbury, and the legitimacy and stability of the Norman regime in England
Micro-fabrication of ceramics: additive manufacturing and conventional technologies
What do we mean by Christian learning?
Scenario-based interviews: developing studies of policy and practice
The implicit knowledge structure preferred by questions in English Religious Studies public exams
Hillforts and Power in the British Post-Roman West: A GIS Analysis of Dinas Powys
The impact of international diversification on credit scores: Evidence from the UK
‘“Feeling feminism”: politics of mischief in contemporary women’s theatre’
Country-specific drivers of the value relevance of goodwill impairment losses
The complexities of emergent leadership using a whole school autonomy development physical education approach
Retrieving and Repurposing: A Grounded Approach to Hyperlocal Working Practices through a Subcultural Lens
Experts warn continued pool closures are building up health problems for the future
Unrealtime combat
Reflections on international research collaborations: decolonising our research approach
Plan for dissertation on the additional use of sensory elements within traditional Anglican worship
Intensive care nurse-family engagement from a global perspective: A qualitative multi-site exploration.
Vessel IV
Developing and evaluating mental health lived experience practitioner (LXP) roles in an NHS trust
The true self within
Deglaciation and neotectonics in SE Raasay, Scottish Inner Hebrides
Perinatal outcome of pregnancies with prenatal diagnosis of vasa previa: systematic review and meta‐analysis
Exploring faith in the nexus
Interview on Radio Melbourne Drivetime
Death, caves and DNA, with Dr Lindsey Büster
S.E. Winbolt (1868-1944)
Queen Victoria at Walmer Castle
Free Range Orchestra performance with Evan Parker
The need for robust critique of research on social and health impacts of the arts
Nurse‐led one stop hematuria clinic: Outcomes from 2,714 patients
What COVID‐19 has taught us about social inequities and the urgent need for systemic change
Strategies to stay alive: Adaptive toolboxes for living well with suicidal behavior
The role of apoptosis in cryopreserved animal oocytes and embryos
Enhancing hands-on skills under capstone CDIO project using blended learning approach
Representing suicide: Giving voice to a desire to die?
“It’s all about knowing the young person”: Best practice in coaching autistic athletes
Gertrude Warden (Gertrude Isabel Price) (1859-1925)
Charlotte Brown Carmichael Stopes (1840-1929)
The Northern Line extension: A challenge for mapmakers and for social equality
The Coproduction illusion: considering the relative success rates and efficiency rates of securing an Education, Health and Care plan when requested by families or education professionals
‘Real’ boys, sissies and tomboys: exploring the material-discursive intra-actions of football, bodies, and heteronormative discourses
Ego orientation is related to doping likelihood via sport supplement use and sport supplement beliefs
Mary L. Pendered (1858-1940)
Understanding and explaining pedagogical problem solving: a video-based grounded theory study of classroom pedagogy
Facilitators and barriers to empowerment in children and young people with cystic fibrosis: a meta-synthesis of the qualitative literature
Multistage Tool Path Optimisation of Single-Point Incremental Forming Process
Optimising health system capacity: A case study of community care staff's role transition in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Unseen Forces
George Augustus Sala (1828-1895)
Save Kent from Dracula
Miss Balmaine's Past by Bithia Croker
Unpacking the Blue Box: structure, control and education in policing
UV-filter pollution: current concerns and future prospects.
Florence Warden (Florence Alice James) (1857 – 1929)
Baroness Emmuska Orczy (1865-1947)
Baby-led weaning, an overview of the new approach to food introduction: integrative literature review.