Art therapy with people diagnosed with psychosis: therapists’ experiences of their work and the journey to their current practice

Journal article

Holttum, S., Wright, T. and Wood, C. 2021. Art therapy with people diagnosed with psychosis: therapists’ experiences of their work and the journey to their current practice. International Journal of Art Therapy.
AuthorsHolttum, S., Wright, T. and Wood, C.

Background: There was insufficient understanding of how art therapists experience their work with people with psychosis-related diagnoses, and of their practice development.
Aims: To understand art therapists’ perceived practise and its development regarding psychosis.

Methods: Within a grounded theory framework (Corbin & Strauss, 2015; Strauss & Corbin, 1990), interviews and a focus group carried out in the years 2015 to 2017 elicited the experiences of 18 UK-based art therapists, working in a range of National Health Service (NHS) contexts, concerning art therapy in relation to psychosis and how they developed their current practice. Audio-recordings were transcribed verbatim and analysed to build theory.

Results: The grounded theory proposes how practice and its development intertwine. Training confers resilience but therapists learn greatly from their clients, enhancing their ability for alliance-building. Therapists’ early struggles also spur further training. Skills for trauma are helpful. Clients may become stuck or disengage, and/or develop through ongoing engagement with art and the art therapist, who supports their journey. The service and wider societal contexts impact the art therapist’s work through their effect on clients and/or the art therapist’s ability to attune to clients.

Conclusions: The findings concur with previous research regarding common therapeutic factors, especially the alliance, and on other therapists’ practice development.
Implications for practice and research: Understanding therapy processes should incorporate service and societal influences on therapist and client. Training needs to include understanding adversity and trauma, and working with trauma.

KeywordsArt therapy; Psychosis; Practice development
JournalInternational Journal of Art Therapy
PublisherTaylor & Francis
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Official URL
Publication dates
Online24 Mar 2021
Publication process dates
Deposited25 Feb 2021
Accepted16 Feb 2021
Accepted author manuscript
File Access Level
Output statusPublished

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Additional information

The paper reports on the findings from in-depth interviews carried out with UK art therapists experienced in working with people who have been given a psychosis-related diagnosis. This work was one of several streams that fed into the development of the BAAT Guidelines on Art Therapy for People with a Psychosis-Related Diagnosis (Wright & Holttum, 2020).

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Holttum, S. 2008. Reflections on involving service users and carers in clinical psychology training. The Higher Education Academy Psychology Network Newsletter. 48, pp. 2-3.
Perceived changes associated with autogenic training for anxiety: a grounded theory study
Yurdakul, L., Holttum, S. and Bowden, A. 2009. Perceived changes associated with autogenic training for anxiety: a grounded theory study. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory Research and Practice. 82 (4), pp. 403-419.
Comparative clinical feasibility study of three tools for delivery of cognitive behavioural therapy for mild to moderate depression and anxiety, provided on a self-help basis
Pittaway, S., Cupitt, C., Palmer, D., Arowobusoye, N., Milne, R., Holttum, S., Pezet, R. and Patrik, H. 2009. Comparative clinical feasibility study of three tools for delivery of cognitive behavioural therapy for mild to moderate depression and anxiety, provided on a self-help basis. Mental Health in Family Medicine. 6 (3), pp. 145-154.