BAAT Guidelines on Art Therapy for people with a psychosis-related diagnosis

Project report

Holttum, S. 2020. BAAT Guidelines on Art Therapy for people with a psychosis-related diagnosis. UK British Assocition of Art Therapists.
AuthorsHolttum, S.
TypeProject report
Project leaderWright, T

This document is in three parts. Part 1 presents the
guidelines on key art therapy practices for people with a psychosis-related diagnosis. There are 10 broad areas
of practice, summarised very briefly on the next page.
Art therapists’ core practice is adapting to individuals in context, within these broad principles. In Part 1 we illustrate these principles with examples.
Comments from service user consultation are included.Part 2 explains how we developed these guidelines. Part 3 describes how we understand psychosis. Both Parts 2 and 3 make reference to the research evidence and theory upon which these guidelines are based. The reference list is attached to Part 3.

KeywordsPsychosis; Art therapy; Guidelines; Evidence-based; Service user consultation
PublisherBritish Assocition of Art Therapists
Place of publicationUK
Page range1-70
Official URL
Related URL
Output statusPublished
File Access Level
Publication dates
Online08 Apr 2020
Publication process dates
Accepted13 Mar 2020
Deposited23 Jun 2020

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Evaluation of arts based courses within a UK recovery college for people with mental health challenges
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An exploration of young people’s narratives of hope following experience of psychosis
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Mindfulness practice following mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
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Reaching a UK consensus on art therapy for people with a diagnosis of a psychotic disorder using the Delphi method
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Development of a measure of caregiver burden in paediatric chronic kidney disease: the Paediatric Renal Caregiver Burden Scale
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The process of engaging in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy as a partnership: a grounded theory study
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Testing a model of research intention among U.K. clinical psychologists: a logistic regression analysis
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Quality improvement projects: an introduction
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A grounded-theory study of mindfulness practice following mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
Langdon, S., Jones, F., Hutton, J. and Holttum, S. 2011. A grounded-theory study of mindfulness practice following mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. Mindfulness. 2 (4), pp. 270-281.
A grounded theory investigation of life experience and the role of social support for adolescent offspring after parental brain injury
Moreno-Lopez, A., Holttum, S. and Oddy, M. 2011. A grounded theory investigation of life experience and the role of social support for adolescent offspring after parental brain injury. Brain Injury. 25 (12), pp. 1221-1233.
Involving service users and carers in clinical psychology training
Goodbody, L. and Holttum, S. 2007. Involving service users and carers in clinical psychology training.
Service user and carer involvement in clinical psychology doctoral training: Training as a professional and remaining human
Holttum, S. 2009. Service user and carer involvement in clinical psychology doctoral training: Training as a professional and remaining human.
Research watch
Holttum, S. 2011. Research watch. Mental Health and Social Inclusion. 15 (1), pp. 7-11.
From student to service user to research lecturer on a clinical psychology programme: a personal view on why clinical psychology training needs service user involvement
Holttum, S. 2010. From student to service user to research lecturer on a clinical psychology programme: a personal view on why clinical psychology training needs service user involvement. Clinical Psychology Forum. 209, pp. 39-41.
Small-scale placement-based research in clinical psychology training: the role of qualitative methods
Holttum, S. and Lavender, T. 2001. Small-scale placement-based research in clinical psychology training: the role of qualitative methods. Clinical Psychology. 5, pp. 27-31.
Express yourself? Research in brief
Holttum, S. 1998. Express yourself? Research in brief. The Psychologist. 11 (6), pp. 296-296.
Is abstinence from alcohol dangerous? Research in brief
Holttum, S. 1998. Is abstinence from alcohol dangerous? Research in brief. The Psychologist. 11 (4), p. 186.
An investigation of the impact of training social workers and their managers
Duffy, T., Holttum, S. and Keegan, M. 1998. An investigation of the impact of training social workers and their managers. Alcoholism. 34 (1-2), pp. 93-104.
Personality style, psychological adaptation and expectations of trainee clinical psychologists
Brooks, J., Holttum, S. and Lavender, T. 2002. Personality style, psychological adaptation and expectations of trainee clinical psychologists. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 9 (4), pp. 253-270.
Determinants of quality of life in black African women with HIV living in London
Onwumere, J., Holttum, S. and Hirst, F. 2002. Determinants of quality of life in black African women with HIV living in London. Psychology, Health and Medicine. 7 (1), pp. 61-74.
The relationship between acceptance and cognitive representations of pain in participants of a pain management programme
Rankin, H. and Holttum, S. 2003. The relationship between acceptance and cognitive representations of pain in participants of a pain management programme. Psychology, Health and Medicine. 8 (3), pp. 329-334.
Factors influencing levels of research activity in clinical psychologists: a new model
Holttum, S. and Goble, L. 2006. Factors influencing levels of research activity in clinical psychologists: a new model. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 13 (5), pp. 339-351.
Perceived improvements in service user involvement in two clinical psychology training courses
Holttum, S. and Hayward, M. 2010. Perceived improvements in service user involvement in two clinical psychology training courses. Psychology Learning & Teaching. 9 (1), pp. 16-24.
WAIS III UK: an extension of the UK comparability study
Wycherley, R., Lavender, T., Holttum, S., Crawford, J. and Mockler, D. 2005. WAIS III UK: an extension of the UK comparability study. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. 44 (2), pp. 279-288.
Children's explanations of aggressive incidents at school within an attribution framework
Joscelyne, T. and Holttum, S. 2006. Children's explanations of aggressive incidents at school within an attribution framework. Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 11 (2), pp. 104-110.
How do women experience myocardial infarction? A qualitative exploration of illness perceptions, adjustment and coping
White, J., Hunter, M. and Holttum, S. 2007. How do women experience myocardial infarction? A qualitative exploration of illness perceptions, adjustment and coping. Psychology, Health and Medicine. 12 (3), pp. 278-288.
Reflections on involving service users and carers in clinical psychology training
Holttum, S. 2008. Reflections on involving service users and carers in clinical psychology training. The Higher Education Academy Psychology Network Newsletter. 48, pp. 2-3.
Perceived changes associated with autogenic training for anxiety: a grounded theory study
Yurdakul, L., Holttum, S. and Bowden, A. 2009. Perceived changes associated with autogenic training for anxiety: a grounded theory study. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory Research and Practice. 82 (4), pp. 403-419.
Comparative clinical feasibility study of three tools for delivery of cognitive behavioural therapy for mild to moderate depression and anxiety, provided on a self-help basis
Pittaway, S., Cupitt, C., Palmer, D., Arowobusoye, N., Milne, R., Holttum, S., Pezet, R. and Patrik, H. 2009. Comparative clinical feasibility study of three tools for delivery of cognitive behavioural therapy for mild to moderate depression and anxiety, provided on a self-help basis. Mental Health in Family Medicine. 6 (3), pp. 145-154.