The Physical Activity Messaging Framework (PAMF) and Checklist (PAMC): International consensus statement and user guide

Journal article

Williamson, C, Baker, G, Tomasone, J.R, Bauman, A, Mutrie, N, Niven, A, Richards, J, Oyeyemi, A, Baxter, B, Rigby, B, Cullen, B, Paddy, B, Smith, B, Foster, C, Drummy, C, Vandelanotte, C, Oliver, E, Sari Tetra Dewi, F, McEwen, F, Bain, F, Faulkner, G, McEwen, H, Mills, H., Brazier, J, Nobles, J, Hall, J, Maclaren, K, Milton, K, Olscamp, K, Villalobos Campos, L, Bursle, L, Murphy, M, Cavill, N, Johnston, N.J., Crorie, P, Ari Wibowo, R, Bassett-Gunter, R, Jones, R, Ruane, S, Shilton, T and Kelly, P 2021. The Physical Activity Messaging Framework (PAMF) and Checklist (PAMC): International consensus statement and user guide. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.
AuthorsWilliamson, C, Baker, G, Tomasone, J.R, Bauman, A, Mutrie, N, Niven, A, Richards, J, Oyeyemi, A, Baxter, B, Rigby, B, Cullen, B, Paddy, B, Smith, B, Foster, C, Drummy, C, Vandelanotte, C, Oliver, E, Sari Tetra Dewi, F, McEwen, F, Bain, F, Faulkner, G, McEwen, H, Mills, H., Brazier, J, Nobles, J, Hall, J, Maclaren, K, Milton, K, Olscamp, K, Villalobos Campos, L, Bursle, L, Murphy, M, Cavill, N, Johnston, N.J., Crorie, P, Ari Wibowo, R, Bassett-Gunter, R, Jones, R, Ruane, S, Shilton, T and Kelly, P

Effective physical activity messaging plays an important role in the pathway towards changing physical activity behaviour at a population level. The Physical Activity Messaging Framework (PAMF) and Checklist (PAMC) are outputs from a recent modified Delphi study.

This sought consensus from an international expert panel on how to aid the creation and evaluation of physical activity messages. In this paper, we (1) present an overview of the various concepts within the PAMF and PAMC, (2) discuss in detail how the PAMF and PAMC can be used to create physical activity messages, plan evaluation of messages, and aid understanding and categorisation of existing messages, and (3) highlight areas for future development and research. If adopted, we propose that the PAMF and PAMC could improve physical activity messaging practice by encouraging evidence-based and target population focused messages with clearly stated aims and consideration of potential working pathways.

They could also enhance the physical activity messaging research base by harmonising key messaging terminologies, improving quality of reporting, and aiding collation and synthesis of the evidence.

KeywordsExercise; Campaigns; Communication; Guidance; Principles
JournalInternational Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Official URL
Publication dates
Online19 Dec 2021
Publication process dates
Accepted17 Nov 2021
Deposited13 Dec 2021
Accepted author manuscript
Output statusPublished

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Uphill, M. and Mills, H. 2011. Emotional intelligence: associations with emotions, emotion regulation and rowing performance. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 45 (15).
Response to article: Effect of exercise referral schemes in primary care on physical activity and improving health outcomes: systematic review and meta-analysis
Crone, D., James, D., Mills, H. and Johnston, L. 2011. Response to article: Effect of exercise referral schemes in primary care on physical activity and improving health outcomes: systematic review and meta-analysis. British Medical Journal (BMJ). 2011 (343).
Building Bridges - An innovative tool to capture small health behaviour changes; the development process
Mills, H., Uphill, M. and Weed, M. 2011. Building Bridges - An innovative tool to capture small health behaviour changes; the development process.
Factors associated with exercise referral scheme success
Mills, H. 2009. Factors associated with exercise referral scheme success.
'Even if you can't skip, you have a skip in your step when you walk out of the gym': a study into patients' perceptions of an exercise referral scheme
Mills, H., James, D., Chrone, D. and Johnston, L. 2007. 'Even if you can't skip, you have a skip in your step when you walk out of the gym': a study into patients' perceptions of an exercise referral scheme. Journal of Sports Sciences. 25 (S2), pp. 108-109.
A mixed method investigation into the perception and measurement of success in an exercise referral scheme
Mills, H., Crone, D., James, D. and Johnston, L. 2010. A mixed method investigation into the perception and measurement of success in an exercise referral scheme.
‘Like I say to my dad, it’s not you’re fat, it’s probably muscle’ – exploring young boys’ perceptions of the physical activity and health relationship
Mills, H. and Mendez, K. 2010. ‘Like I say to my dad, it’s not you’re fat, it’s probably muscle’ – exploring young boys’ perceptions of the physical activity and health relationship.
Public health and physical activity
Mills, H., Crone, D. and El Ansari, W. 2009. Public health and physical activity. in: Wilson, F. and Mabhala, M. (ed.) Key Concepts in Public Health Los Angeles SAGE Publications Ltd. pp. 202-206
Factors associated with physical activity referral completion and health outcomes
James, D., Mills, H., Crone, D., Johnston, L., Morris, C. and Gidlow, C. 2009. Factors associated with physical activity referral completion and health outcomes. Journal of Sports Sciences. 27 (10), pp. 1007-1017.