Preparation of undergraduate health and care students from the United Kingdom in an international learning experience in Japan: A phenomenological study

Journal article

Southgate, A. 2021. Preparation of undergraduate health and care students from the United Kingdom in an international learning experience in Japan: A phenomenological study. Nurse Education Today.
AuthorsSouthgate, A.

Globalisation, economic migration and people seeking refugee status requires cultural competence skills and knowledge to be embedded in undergraduate health and care programmes. International learning experiences can support the development of cultural competence skills. Students require preparation before undertaking international learning experiences to support adjustment to cultural differences. Inadequate preparation could have a negative impact on their ability to learn. Therefore, investigating concerns undergraduate health and care student experience prior to an international learning experience has the potential to enhance the preparation received.

To investigate the experiences of undergraduate health and care students from the United Kingdom prior to participating in an international cultural visit to Japan

A qualitative study using Interpretative phenomenological analysis

The lived experience of 7 undergraduate health and care students were explored using reflective semi structured surveys

The findings suggest that prior to the visit, undergraduate health and care students experienced a range of fears and anxieties. These were themed under the heading of “Barriers to Learning” and further sub themes of “Being a Stranger”, “Cultural Differences and “Communication”.

Preparation for undergraduate health and care students undertaking international learning activities is required to enable them to adapt to the culture they are visiting as well as the culture of the group they are travelling with. Recommendations are made for preparing undergraduate health and students for this.

KeywordsInternational learning experience ; Japan ; Undergraduate health and care students ; Preparation Learning
JournalNurse Education Today
PublisherScience Direct
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Official URL
Publication dates
Online09 Nov 2020
Publication process dates
Accepted29 Oct 2020
Deposited03 Feb 2021
Accepted author manuscript
File Access Level
Output statusPublished

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