Universal approaches to support children’s physical and cognitive development in the early years


Soan, S. and Hutton, E. 2021. Universal approaches to support children’s physical and cognitive development in the early years. Abingdon, Oxon Routledge.
AuthorsSoan, S. and Hutton, E.

This book has been designed to provide educators with practical strategies and approaches to support the motor and coordination development of children within an educational setting. Difficulties with movement and coordination can significantly affect participation and learning, in Early Years settings and schools, but many of these children can be supported through changes to their educational environment, or the implementation of universal strategies.

This invaluable resource demonstrates how professionals can positively impact on children’s educational progress, outcomes and social participation.

This book:
Combines perspectives of occupational therapy and special educational needs, using evidence-based research to provide professionals with the knowledge and confidence to enhance quality first teaching skills for all children, in all settings.
Promotes inclusion and participation in activities that affect pupil progress, such as
handwriting, self-care, lunchtime, physical activities and play.
Offers a range of activities, tips and guidance to help improve progress and academic achievement for all children.
Taking a holistic approach to early learning and teaching, this is a vital resource for teachers and trainee teachers, teaching assistants, SENCOs, student occupational
therapists and all practitioners working in Early Years settings.

KeywordsChildren; Cognitive development ; Pysical development; Early years
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Output statusPublished
Publication process dates
Deposited15 Apr 2021
Place of publicationAbingdon, Oxon
Publisher's version
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