Pedagogy Analysis Framework: a video-based tool for combining teacher, pupil and researcher perspectives

Journal article

Riordan, J., Hardman, Mark and Cumbers, David 2021. Pedagogy Analysis Framework: a video-based tool for combining teacher, pupil and researcher perspectives. Research in Science & Technological Education. 41 (3), pp. 906-927.
AuthorsRiordan, J., Hardman, Mark and Cumbers, David

Background: dialogue between the teaching profession and researchers regarding pedagogical strategy is sometimes problematic. Pedagogy research may benefit from incorporating research methods that can investigate teachers’ and pupils’ interpretations.

Purpose: this research expands the Pedagogy Analysis Framework (Riordan, 2020) by explaining in detail the meso-strategies (tactics) and a macro-strategy (grand strategy) used by participants in three school science lessons about chromatography. The research design builds on previous work by using full lessons and introducing pupil group verbal protocols. In addition, Pedagogy Analysis Notation is introduced to help understand and explain macro-strategic behaviours.

Sample: one class of thirty 13-year-old pupils and one science teacher.

Design and method: four research methods were used (lesson video analysis, teacher verbal protocols, pupil group verbal protocols and researcher group interviews). Data were video recorded (managed using NVivo). Fourteen hours of video data were analysed using Grounded Theory Methods by two educational researchers and the class teacher. The interpretivist theoretical perspective (symbolic interactionism) was underpinned by a social constructionist epistemology (hence the methodology is Straussian Grounded Theory). Appropriate criteria for evaluating the emergent grounded theory were used. Data were recorded in 2017.

Results: the Pedagogy Analysis Framework uses the concepts: means (human and non-human), strategy (a spectrum from micro-strategies (actions), through meso-strategies (tactics) to macro-strategies (grand strategies)), ends (regarding the self, another person or a thing, or a group of people or things), and accidents. Types of tactics identified in these data were: inform (misinform and disinform), question, instruct, use space/time, repeat, train, assess, and interact. Pedagogy Analysis Notation is used to understand and explain ‘the stationary [sic] cupboard’ incident.

Conclusion: the extended Pedagogy Analysis Framework, combined with the Pedagogy Analysis Notation, improves strategic dialogue between teachers, pupils and educational researchers. This research design facilitates comparison of interpretations of classroom pedagogy by a teacher, pupils and two researchers.

JournalResearch in Science & Technological Education
Journal citation41 (3), pp. 906-927
PublisherInforma UK Limited
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Official URL
FunderSociety for Educational Studies
Publication dates
Online29 Aug 2021
Print03 Jul 2023
Publication process dates
Deposited22 Sep 2021
Publisher's version
Output statusPublished

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