Enablers and barriers in adopting a reablement model of domiciliary care

Journal article

King, E. and Young, A. 2021. Enablers and barriers in adopting a reablement model of domiciliary care. The Journal of Integrated Care. https://doi.org/10.1108/JICA-07-2020-0045
AuthorsKing, E. and Young, A.

This paper explores the effectiveness of reablement as an outcome-focussed commissioning model within the English domiciliary care market from the perspective of two private domiciliary care agency (PDCA) managers/owners within one Local Authority (LA) in the North West of England. Specifically, it focusses on owner/managers’ perceived ability to effect change from a dependency to a reablement model within the English domiciliary care market.

Design/ methodology/ approach
Qualitative interviews with 2 contrasting owners/managers of PDCAs within one LA in the North West of England were carried out. Explorative analysis followed a constructionist grounded theory methodology.

Findings revealed how two main factors interacted to effect change from a dependency model to a reablement model of domiciliary care: internal organisational structure and individual emotional investment of the owners/managers. Additionally, fiscal and external organisational systems impact on these drivers, and are perceived to act as potential barriers to the adoption of a reablement model of domiciliary care by PDCAs.

Although based on only two idiographic accounts, the findings shed light on the policy and practice of commissioning models of domiciliary care within England and suggest further studies in this area of practice.

KeywordsReablement ; Domiciliary care; Grounded theory; Commissioning
JournalThe Journal of Integrated Care
PublisherEmerald Insight
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1108/JICA-07-2020-0045
Official URLhttp://doi.org/10.1108/JICA-07-2020-0045
Publication dates
Print01 Feb 2021
Publication process dates
Accepted14 Dec 2020
Deposited25 Feb 2021
Accepted author manuscript
File Access Level
Output statusPublished

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