Machine learning applied to the design and inspection of reinforced concrete bridges: Resilient methods and emerging applications

Journal article

Fan , W., Chen, Y., Li, J., Sun, Y., Feng, F., Hassanin, H. and Sareh, P. 2021. Machine learning applied to the design and inspection of reinforced concrete bridges: Resilient methods and emerging applications. Structures. 33, pp. 3954-3963.
AuthorsFan , W., Chen, Y., Li, J., Sun, Y., Feng, F., Hassanin, H. and Sareh, P.

Machine learning is one of the key pillars of industry 4.0 that has enabled rapid technological advancement through establishing complex connections among heterogeneous and highly complex engineering data automatically. Once the machine learning model is trained appropriately, it becomes able to effectively predict and make decisions. The technology is rapidly evolving and has found numerous applications in various branches of engineering due to its preponderance. This study is focused on exploring the recent advances of machine learning and its applications in reinforced concrete bridges. It covers a range of different machine learning techniques exploited in structural design, construction quality management, bridge engineering, and the inspection of reinforced concrete bridges. This review demonstrated that machine learning algorithms have established new research directions in bridge engineering, in particular for applications such as the form-finding of innovative long-span structures, structural reinforcement, and structural optimization.

KeywordsMachine learning; Deep learning; Reinforced concrete bridges; Strength prediction; Structural health monitoring
Journal citation33, pp. 3954-3963
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Official URL
Publication dates
Online10 Jul 2021
PrintOct 2021
Publication process dates
Accepted30 Jun 2021
Deposited09 Jul 2021
Accepted author manuscript
File Access Level
Output statusPublished

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Langford, T, Mohammed, A., Essa, K., Elshaer, A. and Hassanin, H. 2020. 4D Printing of origami structures for minimally invasive surgeries using functional scaffold. Applied Sciences. 11 (1), p. 332.
Reconfigurable multipoint forming using waffle-type elastic cushion and variable loading profile
Hassanin, H., Mohammed, M., Abdel-Wahab, A. and Essa, K 2020. Reconfigurable multipoint forming using waffle-type elastic cushion and variable loading profile. Materials.
3D printing of solid oral dosage forms: numerous challenges with unique opportunities
Hassanin, H. 2020. 3D printing of solid oral dosage forms: numerous challenges with unique opportunities. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Design optimisation of additively manufactured titanium lattice structures for biomedical implants
El-Sayed, M.A., Essa, K., Ghazy, M. and Hassanin, H. 2020. Design optimisation of additively manufactured titanium lattice structures for biomedical implants. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.
4D Printing of NiTi auxetic structure with improved ballistic performance
Hassanin, H., Abena, A., Elsayed, M.A. and Essa, K. 2020. 4D Printing of NiTi auxetic structure with improved ballistic performance. Micromachines. 11 (8), p. 745.