Hot-air contactless single-point incremental forming

Journal article

Almadani, M., Guner, A., Hassanin, H. and Essa, K. 2023. Hot-air contactless single-point incremental forming. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing. 7 (5), p. 179.
AuthorsAlmadani, M., Guner, A., Hassanin, H. and Essa, K.

Single-point incremental forming (SPIF) has emerged as a time-efficient approach that offers increased material formability compared to conventional sheet-metal forming techniques. However, the physical interaction between the forming tool and the sheet poses challenges, such as tool wear and formability limits. This study introduces a novel sheet-forming technique called contactless single-point incremental forming (CSPIF), which uses hot compressed air as a deformation tool, eliminating the requirement for physical interaction between the sheet and a rigid forming tool. In this study, a polycarbonate sheet was chosen as the case-study material and subjected to the developed CSPIF. The experiments were carried out at an air temperature of 160 °C, air pressure of 1 bar, a nozzle speed of 750 mm/min, and a step-down thickness of 0.75 mm. A Schlieren setup and a thermal camera were used to visualize the motion of the compressed hot air as it traveled from the nozzle to the sheet. The results showed that the CSPIF technique allowed for the precise shaping of the polycarbonate sheet with minimal springback. However, minor deviations from the designed profile were observed, primarily at the starting point of the nozzle, which can be attributed to the bending effects of the sample. In addition, the occurrence of sheet thinning and material buildup on the deformed workpiece was also observed. The average surface roughness (Ra) of the deformed workpiece was measured to be 0.2871 microns

KeywordsContactless; Polycarbonate; Deformation behavior; Formability
JournalJournal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing
Journal citation7 (5), p. 179
ISSN 2504-4494
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Official URL
Publication dates
Print05 Oct 2023
Publication process dates
Accepted26 Oct 2023
Deposited12 Oct 2023
Publisher's version
File Access Level
Output statusPublished

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