Contactless single point incremental forming: Experimental and numerical simulation
Journal article
Almadani, M., Guner, A., Hassanin, H., De Lisi, Michele. and Essa, K. 2023. Contactless single point incremental forming: Experimental and numerical simulation. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.
Authors | Almadani, M., Guner, A., Hassanin, H., De Lisi, Michele. and Essa, K. |
Abstract | The demand for small-batch manufacturing processes has increased considerably in recent years due to the need for personalized and customized products. Single Point Incremental Forming (SPIF) has emerged as a time-efficient approach that offers increased material formability when compared to conventional sheet metal forming techniques. However, the complexity of SPIF requires a complete understanding of the material deformation mechanism. In this study, a non-conventional contactless tool in the form of hot compressed air is employed to form a polycarbonate sheet. The influence of the contactless tool on the shaping process is modelled and analysed with a finite element modelling (FEM). Two different models were developed and coupled to estimate the resulting shape of the sheet. A CFD model was created to obtain pressure and temperature values of the air impacting the sheet, while a transient structural model was employed to study the deformation of the sheet. The research provides a working model that is able to predict the performance of this contactless incremental forming process of polymers with high accuracy. The comprehensive FE model developed in this work is able to forecast the final part geometries and dimensions in addition to the normal strain progression. It also revealed that the primary modes of deformation in SPIF were stretching, thinning and bending. The model was validated by experimental results, and the predicted sheet deformation was compared to the one generated experimentally, and the results obtained were in good agreement. |
Keywords | Contactless; Finite element modelling; Single point incremental forming; Polycarbonate; Formability |
Year | 2023 |
Journal | The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology |
Publisher | Springer Nature |
ISSN | 0268-3768 |
1433-3015 | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) | |
Official URL | |
Publication dates | |
Online | 15 Jan 2023 |
Publication process dates | |
Accepted | 25 Sep 2023 |
Deposited | 12 Oct 2023 |
Accepted author manuscript | File Access Level Restricted |
Publisher's version | License |
Output status | Published |
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