Assessment of compressive strength performance of corn cob ash blended concrete: a review

Conference paper

Okeke, F., Ahmed, A., Imam, A. and Hassanin, H. 2024. Assessment of compressive strength performance of corn cob ash blended concrete: a review.
AuthorsOkeke, F., Ahmed, A., Imam, A. and Hassanin, H.
TypeConference paper

The construction industry continuously seeks innovative materials to enhance sustainability and performance. Successful adoption, however, hinges on reliable performance data. Corncob ash (CCA) has been proposed to partially replace ordinary Portland cement (OPC) in concrete, yet varying results in compressive strength (CS) hinder widespread use. This systematic review analyzed experimental articles from 2010-2023, evaluating CS of OPC and CCA blended concrete at a 28-day curing period. It examined the relationship between compressive strength and CCA replacement percentage. Out of 23 studies (9.74% of the total), 60.9% reported lower CS in CCA blended concrete (6%-35.8% reduction). However, 17.4% demonstrated increased CS (3.6%-18.4% rise) with higher CCA replacement. Linear regression analysis yielded p<0.05, indicating significant potential for CCA to enhance concrete
compressive strength. Conclusively, an optimum 6.86% CCA substitution in concrete without optimization maintains structural integrity and promotes sustainable practices
in the industry.

KeywordsCorncob ash; Concrete; Compressive strength; Ordinary Portland cement; Replacement
Conference Sixth International Conference onSustainable Construction Materials and Technologies
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Book titleProceedings of Sixth International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT6)
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Integrated performance optimization of higher education buildings using low-energy renovation process and user engagement
Ahmed, A., Mateo-Garcia, M., Arewa, O. A. and Caratella, K. 2021. Integrated performance optimization of higher education buildings using low-energy renovation process and user engagement. Energies. 14 (5).
Fire safety in high-rise buildings: Is the stay-put tactic a misjudgement or magnificent strategy?
Andrew Oyen Arewa, Abdullahi Ahmed, David J. Edwards and Chizaram Nwankwo 2021. Fire safety in high-rise buildings: Is the stay-put tactic a misjudgement or magnificent strategy? Buildings. 11 (339), pp. 2-16.
Effect of runner thickness and hydrogen content on the mechanical properties of A356 alloy castings
El-Sayed, M., Essa, K. and Hassanin, H. 2021. Effect of runner thickness and hydrogen content on the mechanical properties of A356 alloy castings . International Journal of Metalcasting.
Parts design and process optimization
Hassanin, Hany, Bidare, Prveen, Zweiri, Yahya and Essa, Khamis 2021. Parts design and process optimization. in: Salunkhe, S., Hussein, H. and Davim, J. (ed.) Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Additive Manufacturing USA IGI Global. pp. 25-49
Micro-additive manufacturing technologies of three-dimensional MEMS
Hassanin, H., Sheikholeslami, G., Pooya, S. and Ishaq, R. 2021. Micro-additive manufacturing technologies of three-dimensional MEMS . Advanced Engineering Materials.
Machine learning applied to the design and inspection of reinforced concrete bridges: Resilient methods and emerging applications
Fan , W., Chen, Y., Li, J., Sun, Y., Feng, F., Hassanin, H. and Sareh, P. 2021. Machine learning applied to the design and inspection of reinforced concrete bridges: Resilient methods and emerging applications. Structures. 33, pp. 3954-3963.
Porosity, cracks, and mechanical properties of additively manufactured tooling alloys: A review
Bidare, P., Jiménez, A., Hassanin, H. and Essa, K. 2021. Porosity, cracks, and mechanical properties of additively manufactured tooling alloys: A review. Advances in Manufacturing.
Laser powder bed fusion of Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo alloy and properties prediction using deep learning approaches
Hassanin, H., Zweiri, Y., Finet, L., Essa, K., Qiu, C. and Attallah, M. 2021. Laser powder bed fusion of Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-6Mo alloy and properties prediction using deep learning approaches. Materials. 14 (8), p. 2056.
3DP printing of oral solid formulations: a systematic review
Brambilla, C., Okafor-Muo, O., Hassanin, H. and ElShaer, A. 2021. 3DP printing of oral solid formulations: a systematic review. Pharmaceutics. 13 (3), p. 358.
Powder-based laser hybrid additive manufacturing of metals: A review
Jimenez, A., Bidare, P., Hassanin, H., Tarlochan, F., Dimov, S. and Essa, K. 2021. Powder-based laser hybrid additive manufacturing of metals: A review. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 114, pp. 63-96.
Micro-fabrication of ceramics: additive manufacturing and conventional technologies
Hassanin, H., Essa, K., Elshaer, A., Imbaby, M. and El-Sayed, T. E. 2021. Micro-fabrication of ceramics: additive manufacturing and conventional technologies. Journal of Advanced Ceramics. 10, pp. 1-27.
An 80-year projection of net zero energy buildings (nZEB) strategies in extreme climatic conditions of Iraq
Ahmed, A. 2020. An 80-year projection of net zero energy buildings (nZEB) strategies in extreme climatic conditions of Iraq. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation. 38 (3), pp. 472-492.
4D Printing of origami structures for minimally invasive surgeries using functional scaffold
Langford, T, Mohammed, A., Essa, K., Elshaer, A. and Hassanin, H. 2020. 4D Printing of origami structures for minimally invasive surgeries using functional scaffold. Applied Sciences. 11 (1), p. 332.
Reconfigurable multipoint forming using waffle-type elastic cushion and variable loading profile
Hassanin, H., Mohammed, M., Abdel-Wahab, A. and Essa, K 2020. Reconfigurable multipoint forming using waffle-type elastic cushion and variable loading profile. Materials.
3D printing of solid oral dosage forms: numerous challenges with unique opportunities
Hassanin, H. 2020. 3D printing of solid oral dosage forms: numerous challenges with unique opportunities. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Design optimisation of additively manufactured titanium lattice structures for biomedical implants
El-Sayed, M.A., Essa, K., Ghazy, M. and Hassanin, H. 2020. Design optimisation of additively manufactured titanium lattice structures for biomedical implants. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.
4D Printing of NiTi auxetic structure with improved ballistic performance
Hassanin, H., Abena, A., Elsayed, M.A. and Essa, K. 2020. 4D Printing of NiTi auxetic structure with improved ballistic performance. Micromachines. 11 (8), p. 745.