Value of routine ultrasound examination at 35–37 weeks' gestation in diagnosis of non‐cephalic presentation

Comparison of different methods of measuring angle of progression in prediction of labor outcome

The paradox of the link between health literacy and health promotion: the case of COVID-19

COVID-19 and spontaneous singing to decrease loneliness, improve cohesion, and mental well-being: An Italian experience

Growth and adversity in disability sport following spinal cord injury

A heartbeat

Patients' perspectives on flares in knee osteoarthritis: a qualitative study

Becoming a mentor

Policy - a divided context? Early childhood education and care in England

The nature of the triple Btriple bondB, double, Bdouble bondB, single, B–B, and one-electron, B.B boron-boron bonds from the topological analysis of electron localisation function (ELF) perspective

The nature of multiple boron-nitrogen bonds studied using electron localization function (ELF), electron density (AIM), and natural bond orbital (NBO) methods

Why care about integrated care? Part 2. Integrated care systems: an irresistible force changing mental health services

Why care about integrated care? Part I. Demographics, finances and workforce: immovable objects facing mental health services

A retrospective study of intramuscular clozapine prescription for treatment initiation and maintenance in treatment-resistant psychosis

Where are the babies? Engaging under twos with the outdoors

Making connections with their world: Outdoor provision for under-twos in early childhood settings in Kent

‘It mixed normal life with academic life. I felt safe and more engaged’. How an assessment accidentally built community, confidence and belonging

Travel behaviour science

Roller sliding in engine valve train: Effect of oil film thickness considering lubricant composition

Evaluation of dark etching regions for standard bearing steel under accelerated rolling contact fatigue

A 3D finite element model of rolling contact fatigue for evolved material response and residual stress estimation

Two parts hydrogen, oxygen one? Re-evaluating the nature of Roman urban water infrastructure

Schizophrenia polygenic risk score influence on white matter microstructure

In the eye of the beholder? Oxytocin effects on eye movements in schizophrenia

Role of the GP in the management of patients with self-harm behaviour: A systematic review

Development and evaluation of a screening tool to aid the diagnosis of a cluster headache

Examination of the neural basis of psychotic-like experiences in adolescence during processing of emotional faces

Cognitive remediation for inpatients with psychosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Biased interpretation in paranoia and its modification

Acute oxytocin effects in inferring others' beliefs and social emotions in people at clinical high risk for psychosis

Supervised treatment in outpatients for schizophrenia plus (STOPS+): protocol for a cluster randomised trial of a community-based intervention to improve treatment adherence and reduce the treatment gap for schizophrenia in Pakistan

Perceptions, experiences, and understandings of cluster headache among GPs and neurologists: a qualitative study

Real-world effectiveness of admissions to a tertiary treatment-resistant psychosis service: 2-year mirror-image study

Guidelines for the use of diagnostic imaging in musculoskeletal pain conditions affecting the lower back, knee and shoulder: A scoping review

Barriers and facilitators to medicines adherence in children: a systematic review

Rehabilitation following rotator cuff repair: A multi-centre pilot & feasibility randomised controlled trial (RaCeR)

Rehabilitation following rotator cuff repair: A nested qualitative study exploring the perceptions and experiences of participants in a randomised controlled trial

Not Utopia but maybe...:Sustainability stories

Seeing but not perceiving: Inattentional blindness as a cause of missed cues in the general practice (GP) consultation

Understanding gender and early childhood: an introduction to the key debates.

‘Creating health’: evaluation of three arts for health training events for GP trainees

Walking into the heart of the landscape to find the landscape of the heart

The politics of restoring religious sites and cemeteries in the north of Cyprus: an ethnography among Greek Cypriot refugees

Profiling a niche market and establishing an entrepreneurial strategy for a niche brand; the costume jewellery sector in Switzerland

Walking that family and business tightrope; the relationship between family business adviser and the family business

Walking the tightrope between family and business; longitudinal reflections of a Family Business Advisor

An exploratory study on social entrepreneurship in Egypt

Supporting students through a rapidly changing landscape

Cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation in practice

Light as enchantment, light show designers as enchanters

Enchantment, light installations and imaginative authentication

How the tourism industry produces enchantment

Could it be magic? The light re-enchantment of places

A deep gated recurrent neural network for petroleum production forecasting

Dynamic decision support for resource offloading in heterogeneous Internet of Things environments

Self regulated learning in flipped classrooms: A systematic literature review

The metaxic photograph: between the real and the unreal

‘I am proud of my back’: an ethnographic study of the motivations and meanings of body modification as identity work among athletes with spinal cord injury

Atrial fibrillation and cognitive impairment: an associated burden or burden by association?

Epistemic insight: a systematic problem and an ecosystemic solution.

Autonomy and the instrumental music teacher: negotiating culture in professional practice

The effects of government and conglomerate-driven investments on the contemporary Korean gaming industry: a critical perspective

Hospitality design and brand experience.

Seaside resorts

Folkestone Free Library

The Ship and Lobster

Restoration House (Satis House)

The Guildhall, Rochester

Dickens and the Goodwin Sands

Gad's Hill, Higham

Fort House (Bleak House)

Dickens and Folkestone

Eastgate House, Rochester


Dickens and Chatham

Dickens and Canterbury

Dickens and Broadstairs

Charles Dickens

Seaside resorts

Margate in the nineteenth century

Ramsgate in the nineteenth century

Folkestone in the nineteenth century

David Copperfield: a curated walk

Great Expectations: a curated walk

Elizabeth von Arnim. Pseudonym of Mary Beauchamp (1866-1941)

Broadstairs in the nineteenth century

“Beauty is confined to no people”: The charitable aestheticism of Mary Eliza Haweis

A guidebook to building an epistemically insightful learning experience in primary schools

A guidebook to building permeable classroom walls in secondary schools

Inspiring minds: How big questions can build students’ epistemic insight and improve attitudes towards STEM

Engineering ed: Dealing with failure and the robotic future – Engaging students in multidisciplinary STEM learning

Richborough: the secret port

Blackstone's handbook for policing students 2021

A 2-D imaging-assisted geometrical transformation method for non- destructive evaluation of the volume and surface area of avian eggs

Digital imaging assisted geometry of chicken eggs using Hügelschäffer's model

An 80-year projection of net zero energy buildings (nZEB) strategies in extreme climatic conditions of Iraq

UK climate change and energy policy under the Conservatives since 2010: Multiple-elitism or Neo-pluralism?

Designing virtual spaces: redefining radio art through digital control

Narrative interviews

Rheumatology-led pregnancy clinic: enhancing the care of women with rheumatic diseases during pregnancy

Stress, resilience, coping: what does this mean to me?

Legacies beyond the Olympic and Paralympic Games The case of two Youth Olympic Games

The decriminalization and normalization of cannabis: Is it possible to legalize cannabis and reduce crime rates?

The immediate and subsequent impact of a first-time traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation, results from a national cohort study

Predicting Recurrent Instability of the Shoulder (PRIS): A valid prediction tool of patients who will not have repeat shoulder instability after first-Time traumatic anterior dislocation

Provision of first contact physiotherapy in primary care across the UK: A survey of the service

Developing clinical expertise in musculoskeletal physiotherapy; Using observed practice to create a valued practice-based collaborative learning cycle

''Unjustly neglected': reclaiming Victoria Holt as a pioneer of Neo-Victorian fiction

Societal perceptions of the white working-class male and factors that contribute to their academic success

Physiotherapy interventions for pain management in haemophilia: A systematic review

The importance of cancer patients' functional recollections to explore the acceptability of an isometric-resistance exercise intervention: A qualitative study

Muscle strengthening intervention for boys with haemophilia: Developing and evaluating a best-practice exercise programme with boys, families and health-care professionals

Acceptability and feasibility of an isometric resistance exercise program for abdominal cancer surgery: An embedded qualitative study

Comprehensive care on paper only? The challenge for physiotherapy provision in day to day haemophilia practice

Results of feasibility and safety of randomised controlled trial of a musculoskeletal exercise intervention versus usual care for children with haemophilia

A training resource to educate students about learning disabilities

Developing a training course to teach research skills to people with learning disabilities: “It gives us a voice. We CAN be researchers!”.

Providing holistic care

Supporting people with learning disabilities who identify as LGBT to express their sexual and gender identities

Multiplicity as a process of experimental music

1 Folklore and New Media communications: an exploration of Journey to the West, its modern orality and traditional storytelling in contemporary online spaces

The understanding of how different environmental burials may affect the decomposition rate of human remains

Human rights protection for online activist groups: a legal analysis of the issues, frameworks and ways forward

Investor-state arbitration and African states: a proposal for a Pan-African investment court

Monitoring and dietary risk assessment of 81 pesticide residues in 11 local agricultural products from the 3 largest cities of Cameroon

Grain morphological characterization and protein content of sixty-eight local rice (Oryza sativa L) cultivars from Cameroon

A review of postharvest approaches to reduce fungal and mycotoxin contamination of foods

A review of micronutrient deficiencies and analysis of maize contribution to nutrient requirements of women and children in Eastern and Southern Africa

“It’s more than milk, it’s mental health”: A case of online human milk sharing

Book review: Kantor

New light on the Covesea Caves, north-east Scotland

A brief consideration of the later prehistoric appearance and possible significance of the great auk (Pinguinus impennis) in the Covesea Caves of north-east Scotland

Archaeology and contemporary death: Using the past to provoke, challenge and engage

Lockdown Pages: how to write your way through a pandemic

Darkness visible: The Sculptor’s Cave, Covesea, from the Bronze Age to the Picts

BAME students can thrive if they don’t feel alienated

‘After the Italian manner’—Finger, Pepusch and the first concertos in England

Implementing a vision for Christian education ethos: the experiences of school leaders and a sample of pupils in two schools

“Because the Bible tells me so”: gender and authority in conservative Presbyterianism on the Isle of Lewis (Scotland)

Why metaphysics matters for the science-theology debate – an incarnational case study

Is Thulium laser enucleation of prostate an alternative to Holmium and TURP surgeries? - A systematic review

Laparoscopic pyeloplasty and pyelolithotomy in a pelvic kidney

Fatigue and the mind-body relation: A Lacanian exploration

Going in circles: changing perceptions of the Arctic through literary and Visual representations in the long-nineteenth-century

Correlation of distance and damage in a ballistic setting

Investigating the effects of venom peptides on canine mammary cancer

Arts and cultural organisations: organisational perspectives on youth outreach work (pre-covid) in disadvantaged neighbourhoods – a case study of Thanet

A study of humour use in primary school staff meetings

A release from bonds: a qualitative cross-cultural study of students' social and drinking behaviour

Physical Education, Games and Physical Activity: an investigation into the attitudes of secondary school PE teachers, how these have shaped their practice, and the influence on their students

Through ‘the Gauntlet’: creating multi-representative practices of community and ‘dialogic gaze’ using compassion-based exercises in a feminist actor training

Hypnosis, response expectancy and migraines and tension-type headaches: 'They can because they think they can: how would it be if you imagined it to be?'

The liquidation process and unsecured creditors: using the resulting trust to restore the balance

Supporting a beginning teacher to apply features of the nature of science

The challenges of mental health care provision for traumatised asylum seekers and refugees

Illness related uncertainty in the lives of people living with HIV

In the haze: on narrativization and air pollution in Shanghai

Reading (readings of) UK Channel 4's 2012 and 2016 Paralympic advertisements: On the undecidability of texts and dis/ability itself

Youth, exams and the pressure to conform

Analysis of a training package for law enforcement to conduct open source research

Training teachers of mathematics virtually: Opportunities and threats

Optimising activity pacing to promote a physically active lifestyle in medical settings: A narrative review informed by clinical and sports pacing research

Impairments to thermoregulation in the elderly during heat exposure events

The quest for transparency in investor-state arbitration: Are the transparency rules and the Mauritius Convention effective instruments of reform?

Due process paranoia in arbitral proceedings: Myth or reality?

The impact of daydreaming on creative exploration and personal connection with English literary texts

An online intervention to support student-athlete mental health: Implementation, evaluation, and critical reflection

Narratives of fundamentalism, negative capability and the democratic imperative

The Regulatory and Practical Application of the Lender of Last Resort Pakistan Doctrine in Pakistan

Automatic non-biting midge (Chironomidae) identification through the application of object detection and deep learning techniques

The influence of siblings on young children's understanding of fluid intake

Improving the treatment of patients with dual diagnosis in emergency departments

The social network surge: an investigation on the catalysts of Youtube and it's growth

The response of teacher education to the Syrian Conflict: teacher education from conflict to peacebuilding and positive peace culture?

Federal State-building, asymmetric federalism and European integration: the case of the Eurozone

Further progress in the study of epsilon iron oxide in archaeological baked clays

Priests and heateachers 'doing theology: exploring insights from paired reflection to develop leadership priorites for vision and ethos in two Church of England primary schools

Cardiovascular complications of sleep disorders: A better night’s sleep for a healthier heart / From bench to bedside

Algeria and the African Union - between security and economic integration: a neofunctionalist and regionalist reading

Acknowledging debt in Medieval England: a study of the records of Medieval Anglo-Jewish moneylending activities 1194-1276

How to make comics the successful way: an investigation into the strategies for successful comics creators

The experience of patients undergoing knee surgery with local or regional anesthesia: an ethography

“Topographic maps: the scientific principles of their content” and “Military topography”

The secret Soviet military mapping of Malta

All that glitters: Art, fire and post-cartographic design

Mitochondrial dysfunction in cardiovascular disease: Current status of translational research/clinical and therapeutic implications

The Song of Simon de Montfort: England's First Revolutionary and the Death of Chivalry. By SophieThérèse Ambler. London: Picador. 2019. 368 pp. £20.00. ISBN 9781509837571.

Putting the UN SDGs on the map: The role of cartography in sustainability education

Mapping and counter-mapping COVID-19: From crisis to cartocracy

Investigating bullying as a predictor of suicidality in a clinical sample of adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Natural history of radiographic first metatarsophalangeal joint osteoarthritis: A nineteen‐year population‐based cohort study

The epistemic insight digest: Issue 1: Autumn 2020

Why everyone should learn a bit about Machine Learning

Child illness and parental mental health and well-being

Exploring methods of training the actor/puppeteer in healthcare: A Socratic dialogue

Broken Puppet Symposia

Applied theatre, puppetry and emotional skills in healthcare: a cross-disciplinary pedagogical framework

The grace of faith, reparation and healing wounds: an autoethnographic inquiry into Academy and faith leadership

Pregnancy in the female athlete - Part 1: antenatal

Politics of waiting on hope: exploring embodied experiences of Tibetans living in India as guests and citizens

Police officers' understanding of human trafficking in Kent: invesitigation, training and knowledge

Knowledge is made for cutting – An introduction

Teachers’ sense of professional identity in Ghana: listening to selected teachers in rural Northern Ghana

Coercion or collaboration: service-user experiences of risk management in hospital and a trauma-informed crisis house

Community alliances and participatory action research as a mechanism for re-politicising social action for students in higher education

'The music of the spheres': Anna, Nils, and their new worlds

Poetry therapy in practice: identifying the mechanisms of poetry therapy and other percieved effects on participants

Stuff as dreams are made on

Improved adaptive genetic algorithm for the vehicle insurance fraud identification model based on a BP neural network

Communicating mental health through graphic design – Investigating the role of graphic design for the facilitation of communication regarding mental health data

Talk like an expert: The construction of expertise in news comments concerning climate change

Teacher agency, professional development and school improvement

Life changing experiences? The long-term impact of an overseas study visit to India on UK ITE students

Same but different? The Democratic Unionist Party and Ulster Unionist Party compared

Career theories and models at work: ideas for practice edited by Nancy Arthur, Roberta Neault and Mary McMahon, Toronto, CERIC, 2019, 467 pp., £35.25 (paperback), ISBN 9781988066349

Worldview in religious education: autobiographical reflections on The Commission on Religious Education in England final report

The ears of my ears awake

Professionalising the police: the unfulfilled promise of police training by Nigel G. Fielding, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018, £42.33 (paperback), ISBN:978-0-19-881747-5

Nigeria’s 2019 general elections – a shattered hope?


Dance, health and wellbeing special issue

Girls and women speak out from Afghan moral prisons: Tackling extremism and violence against women in a conflict environment

Genetic and morphological analyses of historic and contemporary populations of western lowland gorilla: a multidisciplinary approach for the conservation of a critically endangered primate

Does young motherhood put the family ‘in crisis’? An ethnographic investigation into the impact of young motherhood on intergenerational relations within families

A multimodal analysis of the representation of the Rohingya crisis in BBC’s Burma with Simon Reeve (2018): Integrating Audience Research in Multimodal Critical Discourse Studies

Enemies of the people? How judges shape society by Joshua Rozenberg, Bristol, Bristol University Press, 2020, 227 pp., £14.99 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-5292-0450-6

Setting up a mediation clinic

Informacja Strategia Bezpieczeństwo

Kutatás a Komárom-Esztergom Megyei Fő-kapitányságon

Szervezeti kultúra kutatások nemzetközi aspektusai

The stonemason

Investigation into the effect of animal venoms on the epidermal growth factor receptor and other receptor tyrosine kinases

Representing ideal kinship in Medieval English literature before and after the Norman Conquest

An exploration of online social support groups for breastfeeding mothers

“The West and Us”: An exploration of ideological positions and identities within an Algerian EFL setting

Independent family-owned local media groups?

Can we take more responsibility for counteracting the impact of COVID 19 in higher education?

Canterbury Wellbeing Scales

The young Latin American people of the Cold War

Meanings of “mastery” in mathematics education: creation of concourse for a research study

Scoping review: should physiotherapists recommend swimming to patients with low back pain and is further research indicated

Do people with long-term pain swim? Understanding participation using the active lives survey

Telephone or video? A review of telemedicine consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic in a spinal MSK service

Research as innovation: an invitation to creative and imaginative inquiry processes

Public transportation in Hanoi: Applying an integrative model of behavioral intention.

Integrative model of behavioural intention: the influence of environmental concern and condition factors on food waste separation

Using digital technologies to provide a sense of normality

Predicting pMDI formulation thermophysical properties using activity coefficient models

The Corona generation: coming of age in a crisis

Impact of COVID-19 on health services utilization in Province-2 of Nepal: A qualitative study among community members and stakeholders

Challenges of multi-professional working within one English Higher Education Institution: ‘We hit a giant’: is this a shared experience?

Art therapy in museums and galleries: evidence and research

How to read: interpreting responses to Reformation change through material interventions including marginalia in a 1537 printed primer

A re-evaluation of Joyce Grenfell as socio-political commentator

A handy portable device for learning languages

Post-pandemic ponderings: leadership learning from the 2020 Coronavirus crisis

Novel robotic assistive technologies: choosing appropriate training for healthcare professionals

Supporting prisoners with mental health needs in the transition to RESETtle in the community: the RESET study

Confronting myself: Using auto/biography to explore the impact of class and education on the formation of self and identity

We make the road by walking: identity formation and collaborative narratives within the doctoral supervisory relationship

“Very slowly into my own tongue”: Virginia Woolf’s rethinking of the politician.

AfCFTA and lex mercatoria: reconceptualising international trade law in Africa

Investing in ourselves as leadership: a guilty pleasure?

Politically engaged artistic practice: Strategies and tactics

Decentering, perspective broadening and anxiety

Exploring museum-based programmes for people living with a mild-to-moderate dementia

Kids aren’t the problem. Understanding police officer – school staff relationships within Safer School Partnerships.

The Tales of Canterbury-The modern edition: An investigation into the modern application of Geoffrey Chaucer’s, The Canterbury Tales

First-person accounts of the processes and planning involved in a suicide attempt on the railway

Latent: The practice of uncovering a hidden homosexual history within the South East Archive of Seaside Photography


Tarot reading for the end times


Claiming their voice: foreign memories on the post-Brexit British stage

Lockdown verses and anxieties of presence: How Polish theatre rhymed a case for its purpose on the pandemic stage?

“Roughening up of the utterance” or “It’s not all mountains and sheep and Emily Dickinson.”: How contemporary practitioners test boundaries of verse drama?

Conducting qualitative interviews using virtual communication tools amid the COVID-19 pandemic: A learning opportunity for future research

Election marketing and communication management in the local public sphere

Developing engineering growth mindset through CDIO outreach activities

Physiological responses of people with dementia during pscyhosocial interventions

Kent maps online: Lose yourself for free

Pictorial scale of perceived water competence (PSPWC) testing manual Version 1.2

'In the wake of a pandemic': dietary patterns and impact on child health after COVID-19

Emerging dietary patterns: impact on child health

Mentoring teachers in the primary school

Mentoring for physical education

4D Printing of origami structures for minimally invasive surgeries using functional scaffold

“A cumulative and alienating pattern of repeated slights and insults”: racism, internationalization and ethical vacuity in UK Higher Education

Psychosocial outcomes of dyadic arts interventions for people with a dementia and their informal caregivers: A systematic review

Conclusion: The past, present and future of power-sharing in Europe

Power-sharing and party politics in the Western Balkans

Power-sharing in Europe - Past practice, present cases, and future directions

A critical reflexion on two conceptual tools from a Global South perspective


MRI reporting radiographers - A survey assessment of number and areas of practice within the United Kingdom

Harnessing shared identities to mobilise resilient responses to the COVID-19 pandemic

The paradox model: towards a conceptual framework for engaging with sustainability in higher education

The Routledge history of poverty, c.1450–1800

Sensory maps

Full spectrum lighting induces behavioral changes and increases cortisol immunoreactivity in captive arachnids

Improving children’s social and emotional health by truly listening to their stories

Project 7708 understanding heritage crime in Kent and Medway – a data analytical approach

Fungal biofilms as low-modulus structural biocomposites

Conservation genetics of regionally extinct peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) and unassisted recovery without genetic bottleneck in southern England

Collective resilience in the disaster recovery period: Emergent social identity and observed social support are associated with collective efficacy, wellbeing, and the provision of social support

The failures of ethnobotany and phytomedicine in delivering novel treatments for snakebite envenomation

A material-dialogic perspective on powerful knowledge and matter within a science classroom

Preventing and countering CSE in SE Kent school-based peer mentorship schemes

Method for obtaining a glycoprotein composition

postcard-sized pieces

هُوِيَّةُ (Huia)



"As Sure as Time..."

Researching academic writing: a retroductive approach

Far Infrared

Not just playing catch-up:an agenda for social learning under COVID19

Canterbury Tales: In praise of reading at a moment of trauma

Students as partners in learning and teaching: Assessing the effectiveness of student evaluation of teaching

Traveller theology: a theological anthropology of the UK’s gypsies and travellers

Study and preparation of Multifunctional Poly(L-Lysine)@Hyaluronic Acid Nanopolyplexes for the effective delivery of tumor suppressive MiR-34a into triple-negative breast cancer cells

Effect of length of mindfulness practice - A randomized controlled experiment

Material resistance: towards a politics of listening

Le Moulin: audiovisual non-synchronization and the making of a historical documentary

Unexpected occurrence of right to left shunt during lung perfusion scintigraphy: a problem-based learning exercise

Performance evaluation of a small scale digester for achieving decentralised

Faith in the nexus: Church schools and children’s exploration of faith in the home: A NICER research study of twenty church primary schools in England

Scientism, creationism or category error? A cross‐age survey of secondary school students’ perceptions of the relationships between science and religion

Concordance between a neuroradiologist, a consultant radiologist and trained reporting radiographers interpreting MRI head examinations: An empirical study

Exploring change processes in an equine-assisted intervention

John Gay, Bertolt Brecht, and urbanized opera

Phase stability of the layered oxide, Ca2Mn3O8: probing the pressure-temperature phase diagram

‘With Bass’s wond’rous lewd...’: an archetypography of the solo bass voice in England in the late- seventeenth and early-eighteenth centuries

Research questionnaire dyslexia

Together apart: nurturing inclusive, accessible and diverse connections within the Canterbury Christ Church University (CCCU) community during COVID-19

Meat: Modern Judaism

Continuing to provide the education in physical education - experiences of the Physical Education Teacher Education Network

The CASCADE project: exploring a ‘guest house’ concept

Biomechanical determinants of knee joint loads associated with increased anterior cruciate ligament loading during cutting: A systematic review and technical framework

Shades of federalism - Volume 5

Social polarisation at the local level: a four-town comparative study on the challenges of politicising inequality in Britain

Developing methods of measuring and manipulating melanocyte/keratinocyte ratios to inform potential treatment of vitiligo vulgaris

Reclaiming the narrative: exploring personal recovery in psychosis

Pandemic panic: COVID and the claustropolitan university?

Editorial: Research in Dance Education, Special issue: intersectionality and identities in dance

Worldviews in Religious Education

Trauma recovery core capabilities for the children’s workforce in the United Kingdom: A Q-methodology study

Public behaviour in response to the Covid-19 pandemic: Understanding the role of group processes

Contextual determinants of Intimate Partner Violence: a multi-level analysis in six European cities

An analysis of advanced and specialist posts in diagnostic radiography: Do job descriptions describe advanced practice?

HeEL Talk Collaboration and Interdisciplinary, Public Health England, and the Disproportionate Impact of Covid-19 on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities

Where are the women lawyers in Sri Lanka?

"The expert and the patient”: a discourse analysis of the house of commons’ debates regarding the 2007 Mental Health Act

Clinical psychologists' use of transformative models of psychosis

Decoding co-/post-transcriptional complexities of plant transcriptomes and epitranscriptome using next-generation sequencing technologies

Differential nucleosome occupancy modulates alternative splicing in Arabidopsis thaliana

Measuring the effectiveness of virtuous pedagogy: a quantitative study of the What if Learning approach in Church of England schools

Implementing creative methods in baby loss research: Exploring stillbirth bereaved parents’ journeys through collage

Learning about bodies and the lived consequences

The concept of schizophrenia: clarifying the debates and understanding its use

Enhanced bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cell differentiation when isolated and expanded with human platelet rich plasma and differentiation media is supplemented with vitamin D

The impact of social relationships on men's mental health and wellbeing

A grounded theory of how Facebook facilitates continuing bonds with the deceased

Making sense of the individual experience of those who undertake new role development in the workplace

The journey from healthcare assistant to assistant practitioner: working and learning

The experiences of sharing a diagnosis of young onset dementia with others

John Gay and "Trivia"

Dual identity, conflict, and education: An exploration of the lived experience of social relationships of young British Muslim women who attend British universities

Introduction to the Anti-Racism Virtual Issue of the Journal of Occupational Science

Perceived processes of art therapy for adults experiencing psychosis: a reflexive thematic analysis

Necessity, nice idea or nuisance? An exploration of clinical psychologists’ beliefs about, and uses of, diagnostically driven NICE guidelines

Mentalising in the parents and carers of looked after children

Nurses’ perspectives on spiritual care in ICU: results of a survey

Participant experiences of the DWELL programme: focus group findings on motivation, experiences, facilitators and barriers

Patient empowerment, eating behaviours and illness control: pre-post outcomes from DWELL delivery in UK and France

The Diabetes and WELLbeing programme: protocol of a multi-site European complex intervention study

31.A. Workshop: A holistic co-produced approach to self-management of diabetes across four European countries

Social media, mental health and recovery

Digging our own grave: A Marxian consideration of formal education as a destructive enterprise

Sustainability awareness, management practices and organisational culture in hotels: Evidence from developing countries

An exploratory study of revenue management practice in Nigeria’s small and medium-sized hotels

A moral intervention reduces doping likelihood in British and Greek athletes: evidence from a cluster randomized control trial

Post-partition citizenship policies: Lessons from Post-Yugoslav federal states

Effects of length of mindfulness practice on mindfulness, depression, anxiety and stress: a randomized controlled experiment

Encouraging physical activity during and after pregnancy in the COVID-19 era, and beyond

Being Horse: walking as an impossible beast

Continuous cardiac autonomic and haemodynamic responses to isometric exercise in females

Development of the Video Analysis Scale of Engagement (VASE) for people with advanced dementia

Adolescent social media use and well-being

Meaningful maps

Childscapes mapped

Cancer survivors' experiences of group cognitive behavioural therapy

Beyond being the best: educating for narrative repair in transition from British Army to ‘Civvy Street’

Using virtual reality to test for telepathy: A proof-of-concept study

Dark cognition: Evidence of psi and its implications for consciousness

One-armed bandit? An intersectional analysis of Kelly Knox and disabled bodies in influencer marketing

Exploring health visitors'role and experiences when working with perinatal mental health and parent-infant relationship difficulities

An investigation into psychological distancing and its impact on executive functioning after stroke

Relationship of components of forensic service users' experience of recovery

Experiences of responding to suicidality

Exploring pyschological distress in carers eating disorders

Resilence in schools for pupils with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties

Athletes using ergogenic and medical sport supplements report more favourable attitudes to doping than non-users

Decolonising the curriculum is an ongoing and collective effort: Responding to Townsend (2020) and Gibson and Farias (2020)

Missing the mark in marketing healthcare services to emergent populations: Why we go wrong and how we might do better

Identification of optimal assisted aspiration conditions of oocytes for use in porcine in vitro maturation: a re-evaluation of the relationship between the cumulus oocyte complex and oocyte quality

Reconfigurable multipoint forming using waffle-type elastic cushion and variable loading profile

Navigating the red stamp: an exploration of the way inclusive education is conceptualized, understood and implemented within local contexts in Vietnam

The representation of the British Empire in BBC’s Burma with Simon Reeve (2018): combining multimodal critical discourse analysis and audience research to investigate the interaction between media and the audience.

Strip-searching for nationality documents

Practitioner views on safeguarding supervision

Can health-related legacies through physical activity and sport be delivered by the Olympic and Paralympic Games?

The role of the interface of sport and tourism in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Development of the Guernsey Community Participation and Leisure Assessment – Revised (GCPLA-R).

Imposed unions and imperfect states: the State Union of Serbia-Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina in comparative perspective

Improving drinking water quality in S. Korea: A choice experiment with hypothetical bias treatments

The development and validation of a teacher-reported low-level classroom disruption scale (LLCD-S)

COVID-19 and pneumothorax: a multicentre retrospective case series

Clinical reporting of radiographs by radiographers: Policy and practice guidance for regional imaging networks

The collective consciousness of an RE department during curriculum change: scripture, representation, science, fear and anger

From architecture: music: an odyssey

Creative writing for health and well-being

Making music out of architecture

The authenticity paradox and the western

Reclaiming the Irish border in contemporary cinema

Measure for measure: Shakespeare's city cartography

Ethno-religious voting in Nigeria: interrogating voting patterns in the 2019 presidential election

Evaluating Mums’ Zone: a combined intervention of physical activity and social support for new mums.

Diversification in architectural and musical translation

Xenolexia’s positivity: the alterity of academic writing and its pedagogical implications

3D printing of solid oral dosage forms: numerous challenges with unique opportunities

Grieving in the workplace: How do grieving employees perceive their experience of workplace support from management?

Agroforestry benefits and challenges for adoption in Europe and beyond

Exploring the role of context and collaboration in normalising technology use in English language teaching in secondary schools in Malaysia

A response to PHE's reports on disparities in risks and outcomes of COVID-19 for BAME communities

Ambulatory blood pressure adaptations to high-intensity interval training: a randomized controlled study

Promoting family inclusive practice in Home Treatment Teams

Design optimisation of additively manufactured titanium lattice structures for biomedical implants

Alternative N-terminal regions of Drosophila myosin heavy chain II regulate communication of the purine binding loop with the essential light chain

Understanding women's experiences of fear of childbirth

Rehydration of food powders: interplay between physical properties and process conditions

Sharing is caring

Identification and full genomic sequence of nerine yellow strip virus

4D Printing of NiTi auxetic structure with improved ballistic performance

Giving guys get the guys: Men appear more desirable to the opposite sex when displaying costly donations to the homeless

Special issue: Illuminating occupations at the heart of social problems

John Berger and everyday acts of Sumūd

Decolonising occupational science education through learning activities based on a study from the Global South

The effects of a therapy dog vs mindfulness vs a student advisor on student anxiety and well-being

Addressing the Need for Anger Management in Young people: using positive psychology interventions

Destination branding and co-creation: a service ecosystem perspective

Reporting radiographer peer review systems: a cross-sectional survey of London NHS Trusts

Resisting disappearance: military occupation and women’s activism in Kashmir by Ather Zia, Washington, University of Washington Press, 2019, 280 pp., £106.44 (hardback), ISBN: 978-0-295-74498-8

Adapting history: applying adaptation theory to historical film and television

The Birkin bag: differing value perspectives in an online brand community

Policing vulnerability: attrition, rape and domestic violence

Railway fiction or seaside sensation? Journeys to the sea in Lady Audley’s Secret and No Name.

Minimising trauma in staff at a Sexual Assault Referral Centre: what and who is needed?

Young people, sexuality and the age of pornography

Analysis of the ‘Open Source Internet Research Tool’: a usage perspective from UK law enforcement

Kinome scale profiling of venom effects on cancer cells reveals potential new venom activities

Eukaryotic response to hypothermia in relation to integrated stress responses

Genetic variation in complex traits in transgenic α-synuclein strains of Caenorhabditis elegans

Federalism as a tool of conflict resolution – introduction to the special issue

Women at the school gates: a narrative study of the career paths of three women


Making authentic: exploring boundary objects and bricolage in knowledge mobilisation through National Health Service-university partnerships

Learning leadership for academic deans: Implications for leadership coaching

Forensic investigations of popular ephemeral messaging applications on Android and iOS platforms

Suicide on the railways in Great Britain: a multi-disciplinary analysis

Decentralisation at a crossroads: Spain, Catalonia and the territorial crisis

Learning and innovation through interfirm alliances: the role of human resource development

Older LGBTQI+ people: a protocol for a systematic review of their experiences of receiving home care services in the community

Perceptions of placement experiences of Early Childhood Studies students: the fluency of knowledge and skills

Exploring virtue and ethical stewardship for transformative learning in universitiy's business leadership programmes

Community singing, wellbeing and older people: implementing and evaluating an English singing tool for health intervention in Rome

A comprehensive variable temperature study of the layered oxide Ca2Mn3O8

Using digital strategies for primary learning

Centre of pressure, vertical ground reaction forces and neuromuscular responses of special-forces soldiers to 43km load carriage in the field

Left atrial mechanics and aortic stiffness following high intensity interval training: a randomised controlled study

BAAT Guidelines on Art Therapy for people with a psychosis-related diagnosis

The life of Betty Trask (1893 - 1983): fiction, fame, and Frome

Platform development: emerging insights from a nascent industry

Rave and hardstyle festival attendance motivations: a case study of Defqon.1 weekend festival

Shattering the subject silos: learning about big questions and epistemic insights

Carers Create: carer perspectives of a creative programme for people with dementia and their carers on the relationship within the (carer and cared for) dyad

Teachers' perceptions and understanding of children's fluid intake

Theorising work-based learning: analysing interview data with deductive reasoning

UK Perspectives: physical education teacher education

Designing IoT resources to support outdoor play for children

The use of facility dogs to bridge the justice gap for survivors of sexual offending

Kent Maps

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the radiology department: what radiographers need to know

The young Latin American people of the Cold War

The experimental stations and psychoanalytic laboratory in Soviet Russia, 1917-1929

Reimagining teaching in early 20th century experimental schools

The placebo effect in sport: How practitioners can inject words to improve performance

A critical reflection on the use and effectiveness of DVPNs and DVPOs

Diversification in mindfulness-based programs

A multicentre, randomised controlled trial to compare the clinical and cost-effectiveness of Lee Silverman Voice Treatment versus standard NHS Speech and Language Therapy versus control in Parkinson’s disease: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Young children’s prosocial responses towards peers and adults in two social contexts

Sustainability in the workplace and the theory of planned behaviour: Norms and identity predict environmentally friendly intentions

How is carer strain related to the recovery of stroke survivors with right hemisphere dysfunction? Implications for practice

A grounded theory of how service users experience and make use of formulation in therapy for psychosis

Thomas Anstey Guthrie ("F. Anstey") (1856-1934)

The ‘cost’ of caring in policing: From burnout to PTSD in police officers in England and Wales

Getting the father back: the orphan's oath in Florence Marryat's Her Father's Name and R. D. Blackmore's Erema

Culture, communication, context and power

Using music interventions in the care of people with dementia

'Function first—be active, stay independent’—Promoting physical activity and physical function in people with long-term conditions by primary care: a protocol for a realist synthesis with embedded co-production and co-design

Can I follow you? Social media surveillance and policing dilemmas

Measuring the cognition of firesetting individuals using explicit and implicit measures

Physical fitness and activity levels among Chinese people with schizophrenia: A cross-sectional study with matched case-control comparison

The contribution of new technologies and robotics in assistive technology for disability: What training is required for healthcare professionals? (L'apport des Nouvelles Technologies et de la Robotique dans les Aides Techniques de Compensation du Handicap: Quelle formation pour les professionnels de santé?)

A Practice-Based Study into the Composition and Performance of Polytemporal Music

X-ray structure at 150 K of the Polar Alkyl Mesogenic Compound 7CBB:4-Cyanobiphenyl-4′-heptylbiphenyl Carboxylate

Can taste be ergogenic?

Dual career: balancing success in sport and life

Primary-school-based art therapy: A mixed methods comparison study on children’s classroom learning

Value of routine ultrasound examination at 35-37 weeks' gestation in diagnosis of fetal abnormalities

Diagnosis of fetal defects in twin pregnancies at routine 11-13-week ultrasound examination

Low-intensity guided help through mindfulness (LIGHTMIND): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial comparing supported mindfulness-based cognitive therapy self-help to supported cognitive behavioural therapy self-help for adults experiencing depression

Metformin use in obese mothers is associated with improved cardiovascular profile in the offspring

ISUOG Consensus Statement on organization of routine and specialist obstetric ultrasound services in the context of COVID-19

Worldview in religious education: autobiographical reflections on the commission on religious education in England final report

Women police leaders in Europe: a tale of prejudice and patronage

Differentiation between athlete’s heart and dilated cardiomyopathy in athletic individuals

The use of product scarcity in marketing

No differences between beetroot juice and placebo on competitive 5-km running performance: A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

Direct Entry: Fairness, resilience and the impact on regular cops

Facility dogs as a tool for building rapport and credibility with child witnesses

Human rights and taxation in Nigeria: a case for tax justice and accountability

Development of African Union Law: tax harmonisation and regional integration towards achieving social structures in West Africa

Typical hierarchical processing in autistic adults

‘My journey through the system’: a grounded theory of service user-perceived experiences of recovery in forensic mental health services

Routledge companion to local media and journalism

Hybrid Intrusion Detection System for Smart Home Applications

Interventions for caregivers of children with food allergy: a systematic review

Pictorial scale of perceived water competence (PSPWC) testing manual

The relationship between doses of mindfulness-based programs and depression, anxiety, stress, and mindfulness: a dose-response meta-regression of randomized controlled trials

Transformative landscapes: liminality and visitors’ emotional experiences at German memorial sites

Scotland, the UK and Brexit - at a constitutional crossroads: what next for Scotland?

2019 Women in Sport and Exercise Conference abstracts: Introducing This Mum Moves: an educational campaign to support pregnant women and new mothers in enjoying and benefiting from an active lifestyle

Infographic. Guidance for medical, health and fitness professionals to support women in returning to running postnatally

Restarting a prisoner's life onto a supportive path leading to RESETtlement in the community: The RESET Study

COVID-19: A case series to support radiographer preliminary clinical evaluation

The impact of demographic, anthropometric and athletic characteristics on left atrial size in athletes.

Empowerment in children with cystic fibrosis

Change amidst continuity? Assessing the 2018 regional elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Flow, liminality, and eudaimonia: Pagan ritual practice as a gateway to a life with meaning

A posture and mobility training package for care home staff: results of a cluster randomised controlled feasibility trial (the PATCH trial)

Dance, professional practice and the workplace: challenges and opportunities for dance professionals, students and educators

Diversification in architectural and musical translation

The Sound of Feedback

“An important part of who I am”: The predictors of dietary adherence among weight-loss, vegetarian, vegan, paleo, and gluten-free dietary groups

Getting the GIST – flexible learning and the co-production of knowledge: a journey from theory to implementation

Psychoanalysis, fundamentalism, critical theory and the unconscious: adult education Islamic fundamentalism and the subjectivity of omnipotence

Democratic and intercultural dialogue across universities, communities and movements

Converting nascent technologies into mainstream sports

Generational Encounters with Higher Education The academic–student relationship and the university experience

Applications and strategies in nanodiagnosis and nanotherapy in lung cancer

Catalysts for change: ICESR for indigenous groups in Asia

Rebuilding Babel: an examination into the applicability of the ICC interpretation of articles 67(1)(a) and 67(1)(f) to to other courts and tribunals dealing with similar issues

State responsibility for the support of armed groups in the Commission of International Crimes

How valuable is an international cultural exchange?

Richborough: the secret port

The Household Roll of Eleanor de Montfort, Countess of Leicester and Pembroke, 1265, British Library Additional MS 8877

Who responds to a placebo? Factors associated with response to placebo during a double-blind randomised controlled trial

Emailed - Are Nike's Vaporfly trainers the emperor's new shoes?

Healthy families: the present and future role of the supermarket

Cultural threads in primary schools

Outsiders as insiders: the benefits of developing a long-term field work relationship with the Maltese islands

Should we decolonise geography?

The construction of ‘overtourism’: the case of UK media coverage of Barcelona’s 2017 tourism protests and their aftermath

Constructing mass tourism

Towards Ethical Policing

Researching retired ex-servicemen: reflections on ethnographic encounters

Group singing improves quality of life for people with Parkinson’s: an international study


Debbie tucker green and Alice Birch: 'Angry feminists' on the European stage

Conceptualising slow tourism: a perspective from Latvia

Biological flora of the British Isles: Crassula helmsii

Speckle tracking echocardiography: new ways of translational approaches in preeclampsia to detect cardiovascular dysfunction

Conflict, collaboration and counterpoint: analysing iterative research techniques within the research development narrative.

Narrative of, about, and for troubled times: struggles for the good and beautiful and Pier Paulo Pasolini’s Salò

Conclusion: Stepping into sustainable futures: actions, developments and networks

Education for sustainability in early childhood education: sustainability transformation through collaboration

Comparing undergraduate student nurses understanding of sustainability in two countries: a mixed method study

Kentish book culture:writers, archives, libraries and sociability 1400-1660

“Helicopter parents”, higher education, and ambivalent adulthood

Generational Encounters with Higher Education The Academic–Student Relationship and the University Experience

Post-Brexit boomer blaming: The contradictions of generational grievance

Helping children find their inner brave!

Shades of federalism: volume 4

Testing the pagan prescription: using a randomised controlled trial to investigate pagan spell casting as a form of noncontact healing

The construction and shaping of protesters' perceptions of police legitimacy: a thematic approach to police information and intelligence gathering

The art world’s response to the challenge of inequality

Perceptions and experiences of health and social care utilisation of the UK-Nepali population

A randomized controlled trial of an online, compassion-based intervention for maternal psychological well-being in the first year postpartum

Endurance or decline of emergent groups following a flood disaster: implications for community resilience

Community care: civic charitable institutions in the Kentish Cinque Ports, c.1300-c.1500

Medical pluralism, mainstream marginality or subaltern therapeutics? Globalisation and the integration of ‘Asian’ medicines and biomedicine in the UK

Phylogeographic structure of the pygmy shrew: revisiting the roles of southern and northern refugia in Europe

Mandatory police training: the epitome of dissatisfaction and demotivation?

Predictors and mediators of European student teacher attitudes toward autism spectrum disorder

An evaluation of UK Athletics’ Clean Sport Programme in preventing doping in junior elite athletes

Making sense of the intercultural: finding deCentred threads

The writer’s hunger

Will Dutta Bloomworks Interactive

The participation of people with intellectual disability in Parasports

Embodying precarity, pain and perfection: young dancers’ commitment to the ballet body as aesthetic project

Exercise professionals' confidence in engaging women to be physically active during pregnancy

The social production of psychocentric knowledge in suicidology

Finnaun y Doudec Seint: A Holy Spring in Early Medieval Brycheiniog, Wales

The past that will not die: trauma, race and zombie empire in horror comics of the 1950s

‘Stond Hore Son and Yeld Thy Knyff’: urban politics, language and litigation in late medieval Canterbury

Intimate partner violence and primary care and emergency use: the role of informal social support

Religious experience in Buddhism

Abnormal inventory and performance in manufacturing companies – evidence from trade credit channels

Simulated authenticity: storytelling and mythic space on the hyper-frontier in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West and Westworld.


British women’s writing from Brontë to Bloomsbury, 1840-1940. Volume 2: 1860s and 1870s

Royal daughters and diplomacy at the court of Edward I

Of mathematics, marrow-bones and marriage: eighteenth-century convivial song

Bone Detectives: Britain’s Buried Secrets

Mound [and other objects]

Perceptions of the relationships between science and religion held by upper-secondary school students in Church of England schools

Interactive conduction

Interactive conduction

Schion's Room

Bringing unseen employability support into view

Exploring virtue ethical stewardship and transformative learning in a university's business leadership programmes

Exploring virtue ethical stewardship for transformative learning in a university’s business leadership programmes

Movement 4 Lydia's project

The European Union's Approach to Conflict Resolution: Transformation or Regulation in the Western Balkans, by L.Cooley (London and New York: Routledge, 2018, ISBN 9781138487192); x + 229pp., £115.00 hb.

Beethoven in the Rhur

Lydia: drums movement

The map

Tripple Trapple: A Danish Folk Tale

40 years on and the economics of solar power now make sense

29.04.2020 temporibus inter

The American Dream Chord

The American Dream Chord Time Experiment

A method and framework for video based pedagogy analysis.

Hospital corridor smellscape

AIESEP connect 3 early years

Symposium: light installations, magic and heritage

Edith Katherine Spicer Jay

The consuming flame: Open exercises in group form

Unrealtime mores


The house was like her

An international comparison and analysis of sport and physical activity during first 10 years of life in UK and Ireland

Dora Jordan (1761-1816)

The Wheel

Walking Britain's lost railways


Digital technology

Vasa praevia perinatal survival outcomes- HDAS search