Perceptions of placement experiences of Early Childhood Studies students: the fluency of knowledge and skills

Journal article

Holman, K. and Richardson, T. 2020. Perceptions of placement experiences of Early Childhood Studies students: the fluency of knowledge and skills. Journal of Further and Higher Education.
AuthorsHolman, K. and Richardson, T.

This paper discusses how academic support prepares undergraduate students for their workplace experience, involving cohorts of students from two universities in England, who offer an undergraduate level, three-year, Early Childhood Studies (ECS) degree. By adopting an interpretive approach, questionnaires were administered to the students concerned (n = 65), to seek their views and opinions on the placement experience. These were administered prior to them attending their first placement and then again on their return. The study found that students were more prepared than they originally perceived themselves to be when undertaking placement, and that a lack of confidence derived from fearing the unknown. The findings indicated that tutor and peer support were most valued as preparation tools and it is suggested that this support is a major factor in the confidence levels of students. This paper argues that the explicit knowledge gained from studying a degree course, and the tacit knowledge and skills that are gained through placement should be viewed as a combined approach rather than two separate entities which should, in turn, aid in confidence building. This is of significance both nationally and internationally for those who may be considering including a workplace experience within their programme.

KeywordsPlacement; Higher education; Early Childhood Studies; England; Workplace learning; Tacit and explicit knowledge
JournalJournal of Further and Higher Education
PublisherTaylor and Francis Online
ISSN 0309-877X
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Official URL
Publication dates
Online18 May 2020
Publication process dates
Accepted24 Apr 2020
Deposited02 Jul 2020
Accepted author manuscript
File Access Level
Output statusPublished

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