The experimental stations and psychoanalytic laboratory in Soviet Russia, 1917-1929

Book chapter

Valkanova, D. 2020. The experimental stations and psychoanalytic laboratory in Soviet Russia, 1917-1929. in: Reimagining Teaching in Early 20th Century Experimental Schools New York Palgrave Macmillan United States. pp. 1 - 51
AuthorsValkanova, D.
Page range1 - 51
Book titleReimagining Teaching in Early 20th Century Experimental Schools
Book authorsArce Hai, A., May, H., Nawrotzki, K., Prochner, L. and Valkanova, D.
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan United States
Output statusPublished
Place of publicationNew York
SeriesGlobal Histories of Education
Publication dates
Print27 Aug 2020
Publication process dates
Accepted05 Mar 2020
Deposited17 Jun 2020
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