The gifts and ‘contributions' Friedrich Froebel and Russian education (1850–1929)
Journal article
Valkanova, Y. and Brehony, K. 2006. The gifts and ‘contributions' Friedrich Froebel and Russian education (1850–1929). History of Education. 35 (2), pp. 189 - 207.
Authors | Valkanova, Y. and Brehony, K. |
Abstract | This article examines the contribution of the Russian Froebelian movement to educational theory and practice in Russia, in the context of the cultural transformation there from the second half of the nineteenth to the beginning of the twentieth century. The Froebel movement had a strong influence on not only the formation of Russian early years educational practice but also child psychology. The analysis explores mainly, but not exclusively, the educational ideas of two followers of Froebel, Elizaveta Vodovosova (1844–1923), educator and writer, and Luiza Schleger (1862–1942), founder of the first public kindergarten in Moscow. Their lives and educational beliefs highlight the development of two different interpretations of Froebelian educational theory in two particular periods of Russian cultural development. In this article we argue that the specific accommodation of Froebelian pedagogy in pre‐revolutionary Russia created the foundation for the presence of Froebelian ideas in the curriculum of Soviet Early Childhood Education. |
Keywords | Educational History; Educational Theories; Educational Change; Preschool Education; Kindergarten; Foreign Countries; Russia |
Year | 2006 |
Journal | History of Education |
Journal citation | 35 (2), pp. 189 - 207 |
Publisher | Routledge, Taylor and Francis |
ISSN | 0046-760X |
1464-5130 | |
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) | |
Official URL | |
Publication dates | |
Mar 2006 | |
Online | 01 Jun 2006 |
Publication process dates | |
Deposited | 15 Jun 2020 |
Accepted author manuscript | File Access Level Open |
Output status | Published |
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The New Education in the Soviet Republic New York: The John Day Company, 1929; Shabaeva, ed., Istoriy Pedagogiky. 32 Simonovich, Adelaida. “K istorii detskogo sada: po materialom jurnala Vestnik vaspitania, 1896.” Doshkol’noe vaspitanie no. 3 (2005). 33 Obuhova, Ludmila F. Detskaia (vozrastnaia) psihologia. Moscow: Rosiiskoe pedagogicheskoe agentstvo, 1996. 34 Kirschenbaum, Lisa. “The Kindergarten and the Revolutionary Tradition in Russia.” In Kindergartens and Cultures: The Global Diffusion of an Idea, edited by Roberta Lyn Wollons. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2000. 35 Frolova, “Teoriata Na Fridrih Freobel Za Vazpitanieto Na Decata Ot Preduchilishtna Vazdrast.” 36 Chuvashev, Ivan V. “Vidnie Teoretiki I Practiki Doshkol’nogo Vaspitania Vtoroi Poloviny Xix B.” In Istoria Pedakogike, edited by M.K. Shabaeva. Moskva: Prosvishtenie, 1981. 37 Vodovosov, Izbrannie Pedagogicheskie Sochinenia. 38 Pinkevitch, The New Education in the Soviet Republic; Shabaeva, ed., Istoriy Pedagogiky. 39 Leites, Nathan S. “Kapterev Kak Psiholog Detstva. 150 Let So Dnia Rojdenia.” Voprosy Psihologii no. 4 (1998): 84–94.See also Kondratieva, Galina. “Journal Uchitel: God Rojdenia 1861.” Available from (accessed 20 May 2005); INTERNET. 40 Dvorianov, Sergey B. Problem Absoluta I Duhovnoi Individualnosty V Philosophskom Dialoge N.O. Losskova, B.P. Bysheslavceva I S.L. Franka. Available from Institute of Philosophy at Russian Academy of Science, (accessed 2 August 2005); INTERNET. 41 Kindergartens were established in Moscow, Kiev, Odessa, Warszawa, Orenburg, Tiflis and Tomsk, I.V. “Obshtestvenno‐Pedagogicheskoe Dvijenie 60‐H Godov Iix V. I Razvitie Pedagogicheskoy Mysli.” In Istoria Pedagogiki, edited by M. K. Shabaeva. Moskva: Prosveshtenie, 1981. 42 Starostina, Vera. “Iz Istorii: Pervy V Rossie.” Uchitel’skaia Gazeta, 2 February 2004. 43 Starostina, Iz Istorii: Pervy V Rossie; see also Pinkevitch, The New Education in the Soviet Republic; and Shabaeva, ed., Istoriy Pedagogiky. 44 Jeravina, P.I. Makushin and “Detskiy Sad Po Metode Frebel’a. 45 Chuvashev, Obshtestvenno‐Pedagogicheskoe Dvijenie 60‐H Godov Xix V. I Razvitie Pedagogicheskoy Mysli. 46 See Simonovich, K istorii detskogo sada: po materialom jurnala Vestnik vaspitania. 47 See Simonovich, K istorii detskogo sada: po materialom jurnala Vestnik vaspitania. 48 Kolmikova, M. N., and B. I. Loginova, eds. Istoria Sovetskoy Doshkolnoy Vospitanii. Moscow: Prosveshtenie, 1988. 49 Shabaeva, ed., Istoriy Pedagogiky. 50 Kravetz, B. P., O. I. Meshko, and O.I. Yankovich. Programa I plany seminarskih zanyat navchal’nogo kursu Istoriya pedagogiki : dlya studentov vyhsix pedagogichnih osviti. 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Moskva: Tvorcheskiy Centr Sphera, 2003. 55 Piskunov, Istoria Pedagogiki I Obrazovania. 56 There was a German ethnic group in Russia whose population came to live in Russia during the time of Catherine the Great. 57 Pinkevitch, The New Education in the Soviet Republic. 58 Piskunov, Istoria Pedagogiki I Obrazovania. 59 Wood, Elizabeth A. Performing Justice: Agitation Trials in Early Soviet Russia. Ithaca, NY–London: Cornell University Press, 2005: 27. 60 Piskunov, Istoria Pedagogiki I Obrazovania. 61 “Comunisticheskaia Shkola.” Staraia Moskva, 12 February 1908. 62 Shabaeva, ed., Istoriy Pedagogiky. 63 Catherine A Grubb. “Didn’t Someone Invite Patty? Haw Patty Smith Hill’s Vision of International Education Has Crossed the Border in a Most Unusual Place.” Paper presented at the Association for Childhood Education International Conference San Diego, CA, 2002. 64 Criblez, Barbara S., and B. S. Criblez, “John Dewey’s Teaching Methods in the Discussion on German‐Language Kindergartens—a Case of Non‐Perception? Kindergartens—a Case of Non‐Perception?” Studies in Philosophy and Education 19, no. 1 (2000). 65 Shleger, Luiza K. “K Rabote Doshkolnogo Otdela.” In Etapy Novoy Shkoly, edited by S.T. Shatsky. Moskva: Rabotnik prosveshtenia, 1923. 66 Jeravina, “P. I. Makushin and “Detskiy Sad Po Metode Frebel’a ‘V Tomske.” 67 Hiterer, V. “Evreiskoe Obrazovanie V Ukrainskoi Narodnoy Respublike (1917–1920).” Vestnik Evreiskogo Universiteta v Moskve 3, no. 13 (1996). 68 “Commissar” in Lenin’s government was the new word for “minister”. Lunacharsky served as a Commissar of Education from 1917 to 1929. 69 Fitzpatrick, Sheila. The Commissariat of Enlightenment: Soviet Organization of Education and the Arts under Lunacharsky, October 1917–1921. Soviet and East European studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970. Holmes, Larry E. The Kremlin and the Schoolhouse: Reforming Education in Soviet Russia, 1917–1931, Indiana‐Michigan Series in Russia and East European Studies. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991. 70 The Declaration was published in the weekly NKP “People Education,” nn. 69–70. 71 Lunacharsky, A. “Declaration of Preschool Education.” Narodnoe obrazovanie no. 8 (1967): 82. 72 Kolmikova and Loginova, eds, Istoria Sovetskoy Doshkolnoy Vospitanii. 73 Lenin, Vladimir I. “Rech Na I Vserossiyskom Saezde Po Prosveshteniu 28 Avgusta 1918.” In Polnoe Sabranie Sochinenia. Moscow: Izdanie Institutom Marksizma‐Leninizma pri CK KPSS, 1960. 74 Evgeny Nikolaevich Medinsky (1885–1957) Professor (1926), Doctor of Education (1935). During 1915–17 he had taught Froebel Courses in Saint Petersburg. He was the author of the first Marxist Soviet text book on the History of Education: History of Education in a Context of Economic Development of the Society, vols 1 and 2 (1925–29) and many other manuals of History of Education for university students. Professor MGPI (Moscow State Educational Institute V.I. Lenin). He was involved in the editing and publishing of the works of S. T. Shatsky and A. S. Makarenko. 75 Boguslavsky, M. B. “Medinsky Evgeniy Nicolaevich.” In Pedagogicheskay Enciclopedia. Moscow: Sovetskaia enciclopedia, 1986. 76 Lenin, Vladimir. I. Stranichki Iz Dnevnika. Vol. 45, Polnoe Sabranie Sochinenia. Moscow: Izdanie Institutom Marksizma‐Leninizma pri CK KPSS, 1960. 77 Fitzpatrick, The Commissariat of Enlightenment: Soviet Organization of Education and the Arts under Lunacharskyoctober 1917–1921; Holmes, The Kremlin and the Schoolhouse: Reforming Education in Soviet Russia, 1917–1931; Kolmikova and Loginova, eds, Istoria Sovetskoy Doshkolnoy Vospitanii. 78 Dewey, John. Impressions of Soviet Russia and the Revolutionary World. New York: New Public, 1929. 79 Mikhail B Boguslavskii,. 2005. Vek Obrazovania. 1918. Nadejda Konstantinovna Krupskaya In, (accessed 2nd August, 2005). 81 Krupskaya, K Vaprosy O Socialisticheskoy Shkole. 80 Krupskaya, Nadejda. K. “K Vaprosy O Socialisticheskoy Shkole.” In Pedagogicheskie Sochinenia Moskva: Pedagogika, 1959; Krupskaya, N. K. “Ob Osobennostrh Doshkol’nogo Vozrasta.” In Pedagogicheskie Sochinenia; Krupskaya, N. K. “Proidenny Put.” In Pedagogicheskie Sochinenia. 82 Krupskaya, Proidenny Put. 83 Brehony, Kevin J. “Representations of Socialist Educational Experiments in the 1920s and 1930s: The Place of the Sciences of Education.” In Education Nouvelle—Sciences De L’education, edited by Rita Hofstetter and Bernard Schneuwly. Bern: Peter Lang, 2006 (forthcoming). 84 Shatsky, Stanislav T. “Na Puty K Trudovoi Shkole.” In Izbrannie Pedagocheskie Sochinenia, edited by M. N. Skatina, B. N. Shatskoy and N. P. Kusina. Moscow: Pedagogika, 1980. 85 Doshkol’ny Otdel Nar.Kom. po Prosveshteniu. “Instrukcia Po Vedeniu Ochaga I Detskogo Sada.” In Sprqavochnik Po Doshkol”nomy Vaspitaniu. Moskva: Lit.‐izd. otdel Narodnogo Komissariata po Prosveshteniu, 1919: 38. 86 Frolova, Teoriata Na Fridrih Freobel Za Vazpitanieto Na Decata Ot Preduchilishtna Vazdrast. 87 Wollons, Roberta L., ed. Kindergartens and Cultures: The Global Diffusion of an Idea. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2000. Kolev, Jordan. Pedagogicheska Istoria: Preduchilishnoto Vazpitanie v Balgaria. Blagoevgrad: UZU Neofit Rilsky University Press, 1999. |
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