Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the radiology department: what radiographers need to know

Journal article

Stogiannos, N., Fotopoulos, D., Woznitza, N. and Malamateniou, C. 2020. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the radiology department: what radiographers need to know. Radiography.
AuthorsStogiannos, N., Fotopoulos, D., Woznitza, N. and Malamateniou, C.

The aim is to review current literature related to the diagnosis, management, and follow-up of suspected and confirmed Covid-19 cases.

Key findings
Medical Imaging plays an important auxiliary role in the diagnosis of Covid-19 patients, mainly those most seriously affected. Practice differs widely among different countries, mainly due to the variability of access to resources (viral testing and imaging equipment, specialised staff, protective equipment). It has been now well-documented that chest radiographs should be the first-line imaging tool and chest CT should only be reserved for critically ill patients, or when chest radiograph and clinical presentation may be inconclusive.

As radiographers work on the frontline, they should be aware of the potential risks associated with Covid-19 and engage in optimal strategies to reduce these. Their role in vetting, conducting and often reporting the imaging examinations is vital as well as their contribution in patient safety and care. Medical Imaging should be limited to critically ill patients, and where it may have an impact on the patient management plan.

Implications for practice
At the time of publication, this review offers the most up-to-date recommendations for clinical practitioners in radiology departments, including radiographers. Radiography practice has to significantly adjust to these new requirements to support optimal and safe imaging practices for the diagnosis of Covid-19. The adoption of low dose CT, rigorous infection control protocols and optimal use of personal protective equipment may reduce the potential risks of radiation exposure and infection, respectively, within Radiology departments.

KeywordsCOVID-19; Radiography ; Medical Imaging; Epidemiology; Chest-x-ray; CXR; Chest radiograph; Computed Tomography; CT; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; MRI; Ultrasound; Radiology; Testing; Symptoms; Guidelines
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Official URL
Publication dates
Online04 Jun 2020
Publication process dates
Accepted23 May 2020
Deposited15 Jun 2020
Output statusIn press

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A pilot study to assess radiographer preliminary clinical evaluation (PCE) introduced for emergency department adult appendicular X-ray examinations: Comparison of trained and untrained radiographers.
Lidgett, T, Pittock, L, Piper, K and Woznitza, N 2023. A pilot study to assess radiographer preliminary clinical evaluation (PCE) introduced for emergency department adult appendicular X-ray examinations: Comparison of trained and untrained radiographers. Radiography. 29 (2), pp. 307-312.
Impact of radiographer immediate reporting of X-rays of the chest from general practice on the lung cancer pathway (radioX): a randomised controlled trial
Woznitza, N., Ghimire, B., Devaraj, A., Janes, S., Piper, K., Rowe, S., Bhowmik, A., Hayes, N., Togher, D., Arumalla, N., Skyllberg, E., Au-Yong, I., Geary, S., George, B., Sheard, S., Ellis, S., Shah, Z., Maughn, S., Duffy, S. and Baldwin, D. 2022. Impact of radiographer immediate reporting of X-rays of the chest from general practice on the lung cancer pathway (radioX): a randomised controlled trial. Thorax.
UK reporting radiographers' perceptions of AI in radiographic image interpretation - Current perspectives and future developments.
Rainey, C., O'Regan, T., Matthew, J., Skelton, E., Woznitza, N., Chu, K.-Y., Goodman, S., McConnell, J., Hughes, C., Bond, R., Malamateniou, C. and McFadden, S. 2022. UK reporting radiographers' perceptions of AI in radiographic image interpretation - Current perspectives and future developments. Radiography. 28 (4), pp. 881-888.
An insight into the current perceptions of UK radiographers on the future impact of AI on the profession: A cross-sectional survey.
Rainey, Clare, O'Regan, Tracy, Matthew, Jacqueline, Skelton, Emily, Woznitza, Nick, Chu, Kwun-Ye, Goodman, Spencer, McConnell, Jonathan, Hughes, Ciara, Bond, Raymond, Malamateniou, Christina and McFadden, Sonyia 2022. An insight into the current perceptions of UK radiographers on the future impact of AI on the profession: A cross-sectional survey. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences.
Five years of #MedRadJClub: An impact evaluation of an established twitter journal club
Bolderston, A., Meeking, Kim, Sniath, B., Watson, Julia, Westerink, Adam and Woznitza, N. 2022. Five years of #MedRadJClub: An impact evaluation of an established twitter journal club. Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences. 69 (2), pp. 165-173.
The role of computer-assisted radiographer reporting in lung cancer screening programmes
Hall, H., Ruparel, M., Quaife, S., Dickson, J. L., Horst, C., Tisi, S., Batty, J., Woznitza, N., Ahmed, A, Burke, S., Shaw, P., Soo, M. J., Taylor, M., Navani, N., Bhowmik, A, Baldwin, D. R., Duffy, S. W, Devaraj, A., Nair, A. and Janes, S. M. 2022. The role of computer-assisted radiographer reporting in lung cancer screening programmes. European Radiology.
Beauty is in the AI of the beholder: Are we ready for the clinical integration of Artificial Intelligence in radiography? An exploratory analysis of perceived AI knowledge, skills, confidence, and education perspectives of UK radiographers
Rainey, Clare, O'Regan, Tracy, Matthew, Jacqueline, Skelton, Emily, Woznitza, Nick, Chu, Kwun-Ye, Goodman, Spencer, McConnell, Jonathan, Hughes, Ciara, Bond, Raymond, McFadden, Sonyia and Malamateniou, Christina 2021. Beauty is in the AI of the beholder: Are we ready for the clinical integration of Artificial Intelligence in radiography? An exploratory analysis of perceived AI knowledge, skills, confidence, and education perspectives of UK radiographers. Frontiers in Digital Health. 3, p. 739327.
Diagnostic radiographer advanced clinical practice in the United Kingdom – A national cross-sectional survey
Woznitza, N., Pittock, Lisa, Elliott, James and Snaith, Bev 2021. Diagnostic radiographer advanced clinical practice in the United Kingdom – A national cross-sectional survey. BJR Open. 3 (1), p. 20210003.
Artificial Intelligence in radiography: Where are we now and what does the future hold?
Malamateniou, C., Knapp, K. M., Pergola, M., Woznitza, N. and Hardy, M. 2021. Artificial Intelligence in radiography: Where are we now and what does the future hold? Radiography. 27 (Supplement 1), pp. S58-S62.
Artificial Intelligence: Guidance for clinical imaging and therapeutic radiography professionals, a summary by the Society of Radiographers AI working group
Malamateniou, C., McFadden, S., McQuinlan, Y., England, A., Woznitza, N., Goldsworthy, S, Currie, C., Skelton, E., Chu, K-Y., Alware, N., Matthews, P., Hawkesford, R., Tucker, R., Town, W., Matthew, J., Kalinka, C. and O'Regan, T. 2021. Artificial Intelligence: Guidance for clinical imaging and therapeutic radiography professionals, a summary by the Society of Radiographers AI working group. Radiography. 27 (4), pp. 1192-1202.
Digital mammographic interpretation by UK radiographer mammographers: A JAFROC analysis of observer performance
Williams, S., Aksoy, U., Reed, W., Cielecki, L. and Woznitza, N. 2021. Digital mammographic interpretation by UK radiographer mammographers: A JAFROC analysis of observer performance. Radiography.
Concordance between a neuroradiologist, a consultant radiologist and trained reporting radiographers interpreting MRI head examinations: An empirical study
Piper, K., Mitchell, M., Griffin, K., Morgan,T., Roy, A., Thomas, A., Pittock, L., Woznitza, N., Faruqui, R. and Sakel, M. 2020. Concordance between a neuroradiologist, a consultant radiologist and trained reporting radiographers interpreting MRI head examinations: An empirical study. Radiography.
An analysis of advanced and specialist posts in diagnostic radiography: Do job descriptions describe advanced practice?
Harris, M. A., Snaith, B., Adamson, H. K., Foster, B. and Woznitza, N. 2020. An analysis of advanced and specialist posts in diagnostic radiography: Do job descriptions describe advanced practice? Radiography.
COVID-19 and pneumothorax: a multicentre retrospective case series
Martinelli, A. W., Ingle, T, Newman, J., Nadeem, I., Jackson, K., Lane, N. D., Melhorn, J., Davies, H. E., Rostron, A. J., Adeni, A., Conroy, K., Woznitza, N., Matson, M., Brill, S. E., Murray, J., Shah, A., Naran, R., Hare, S. S., Collas, O., Bigham, S., Spiro, M., Huang, M. M., Iqbal, B., Trenfield, S., Ledot, S., Desai, S., Standing, L., Babar, J., Mahroof, R., Smith, I., Lee, K., Tchrakian, N., Uys, S., Ricketts, W., Patel, A. R. C., Aujayeb, A., Kokosi, M., Wilkinson, A. J. K. and Marciniak, S. J. 2020. COVID-19 and pneumothorax: a multicentre retrospective case series. European Respiratory Journal. 56 (3).
Clinical reporting of radiographs by radiographers: Policy and practice guidance for regional imaging networks
Woznitza, N., Steele, R., Groombridge, H., Compton, E., Gower, S., Hussain, A., Norman, H., O'Brien, A. and Robertson, K. 2020. Clinical reporting of radiographs by radiographers: Policy and practice guidance for regional imaging networks. Radiography.
Reporting radiographer peer review systems: a cross-sectional survey of London NHS Trusts
Woznitza, N., Steele, R, Hussain, A., Gower, S., Groombridge, H., Lofton, L., Lainchbury, J., Compton, E., Rowe, S. and Robertson, K. 2020. Reporting radiographer peer review systems: a cross-sectional survey of London NHS Trusts. Radiography.
COVID-19: A case series to support radiographer preliminary clinical evaluation
Woznitza, N., Nair, A. and Hare, S. S. 2020. COVID-19: A case series to support radiographer preliminary clinical evaluation. Radiography.
Delivery of a preliminary clinical evaluation web based short course in Finland
Pittock, L. and Woznitza, N. 2019. Delivery of a preliminary clinical evaluation web based short course in Finland.
Impact of radiographer immediate reporting of chest x-rays from general practice on the lung cancer pathway (radioX)
Woznitza, N., Devaraj, A., Janes, S., Duffy, S., Rowe, S., Bhowmik, A., Maughn, S., Piper, K. and Baldwin, D. 2019. Impact of radiographer immediate reporting of chest x-rays from general practice on the lung cancer pathway (radioX).
Greater than the sum of the parts: Impact of radiographer clinical image interpretation
Rowe, Susan, O'Riordan, Paul and Woznitza, Nick 2019. Greater than the sum of the parts: Impact of radiographer clinical image interpretation. Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences. 66 (3), pp. 149-151.
Targeted active screening for tuberculosis in Zimbabwe: are field digital chest X-ray ratings reliable?
Timire, C, Sandy, C., Ngwenya, M., Woznitza, N., Kumar, A. M. V., Takarinda, K. C., Sengai, T. and Harries, A. D. 2019. Targeted active screening for tuberculosis in Zimbabwe: are field digital chest X-ray ratings reliable? Public Health Action. 9 (3), pp. 96-101.
Radiographer reporting of neurological magnetic resonance imaging examinations of the head and cervical spine: findings of an accredited postgraduate programme
Piper, K., Pittock, L. and Woznitza, N. 2018. Radiographer reporting of neurological magnetic resonance imaging examinations of the head and cervical spine: findings of an accredited postgraduate programme. Radiography.
Increasing radiology capacity within the lung cancer pathway: centralised work‐based support for trainee chest X‐ray reporting radiographers
Woznitza, N., Steele, R., Piper, K., Burke, S., Rowe, S., Bhowmik, A., Maughn, S. and Springett, K. 2018. Increasing radiology capacity within the lung cancer pathway: centralised work‐based support for trainee chest X‐ray reporting radiographers. Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences. 65 (3), pp. 200-208.
Is a nurse consultant impact toolkit relevant and transferable to the radiography profession? An evaluation project
Snaith, B., Williams, S., Taylor, K., Tsang, Y., Kelly, J. and Woznitza, N. 2018. Is a nurse consultant impact toolkit relevant and transferable to the radiography profession? An evaluation project. Radiography.
Chest X-ray interpretation by Radiographers is not inferior to Radiologists: a multireader, multicase comparison using JAFROC (Jack-knife alternative free-response receiver operating characteristics) analysis
Woznitza, N., Piper, K., Burke, S. and Bothamley, G. 2018. Chest X-ray interpretation by Radiographers is not inferior to Radiologists: a multireader, multicase comparison using JAFROC (Jack-knife alternative free-response receiver operating characteristics) analysis. Academic Radiology.
Agreement between expert thoracic radiologists and the chest radiograph reports provided by consultant radiologists and reporting radiographers in clinical practice: review of a single clinical site
Woznitza, N., Piper, K., Burke, S., Ellis, S. and Bothamley, G. 2018. Agreement between expert thoracic radiologists and the chest radiograph reports provided by consultant radiologists and reporting radiographers in clinical practice: review of a single clinical site. Radiography.
Digital training platform for interpreting radiographic images of the chest
McLauchlin, L., Woznitza, N., Cairns, A., McFadden, S., Bond, R., Hughes, C., Elsayed, A., Finlay, D. and McConnell, J. 2018. Digital training platform for interpreting radiographic images of the chest. Radiography. 24 (2), pp. 159-164.
Immediate reporting of chest X-rays referred from general practice by reporting radiographers: a single centre feasibility study
Woznitza, N., Piper, K., Rowe, S. and Bhowmik, A. 2017. Immediate reporting of chest X-rays referred from general practice by reporting radiographers: a single centre feasibility study. Clinical Radiology.
Twitter journal clubs and continuing professional development: An analysis of a #MedRadJClub tweet chat
Bolderston, A., Watson, J., Woznitza, N., Westerink, A., Di Prospero, L., Currie, G., Beardmore, C. and Hewis, J. 2017. Twitter journal clubs and continuing professional development: An analysis of a #MedRadJClub tweet chat. Radiography. 24 (1), pp. 3-8.
Becoming a clinical radiographer: role, role development and specialisation
Woznitza, N. 2017. Becoming a clinical radiographer: role, role development and specialisation.
Radiographer reporting of magnetic resonance imaging breast examinations: findings of an accredited postgraduate programme
Pittock, L., Piper, K. and Woznitza, N. 2017. Radiographer reporting of magnetic resonance imaging breast examinations: findings of an accredited postgraduate programme.
Impact of radiographer immediate reporting of chest X-rays from general practice on the lung cancer pathway (radioX): study protocol for a randomised control trial
Woznitza, N., Devaraj, A., Janes, S., Duffy, S., Bhowmik, A., Rowe, S., Piper, K., Maughn, S. and Baldwin, D. 2017. Impact of radiographer immediate reporting of chest X-rays from general practice on the lung cancer pathway (radioX): study protocol for a randomised control trial. Trials. 18 (521).
Expanding the role of radiographers in reporting suspected lung cancer: a cost-effectiveness analysis using a decision tree model
Bajre, M., Pennington, M., Woznitza, N., Beardmore, C., Radhakrishnan, M., Harris, R. and Mccrone, P. 2017. Expanding the role of radiographers in reporting suspected lung cancer: a cost-effectiveness analysis using a decision tree model. Radiography. 23 (4), pp. 273-278.
Twitter journal club in medical radiation science
Currie, G., Woznitza, N., Bolderston, A., Weserink, A., Watson, J., Beardmore, C., Di Prospero, L., McCuig, C. and Nightingale, J. 2017. Twitter journal club in medical radiation science. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences. 48 (1), pp. 83-89.
Optimisation de la prise en charge en Rafiologie: Approts des manipulateurs experts interprétant des examens: Cas pratique au Royaume Uni
Woznitza, N., Piper, K., West, C. and Rowe, S. 2014. Optimisation de la prise en charge en Rafiologie: Approts des manipulateurs experts interprétant des examens: Cas pratique au Royaume Uni.
Team working in radiology: optimising care
Woznitza, N. 2016. Team working in radiology: optimising care.
Advanced practice in diagnostic imaging
Woznitza, N. 2016. Advanced practice in diagnostic imaging.
Team working in radiology: what is possible?
Woznitza, N., Piper, K., Ratcliff, C., McGuinness, N. and Rowe, S. 2016. Team working in radiology: what is possible?
The Twitter Journal Club for Medical Radiation Professionals (#medradjclub): CPD/CE for the 21st century
Currie, G., Woznitza, N., Bolderston, A., Westerink, A., Waton, J., Beardmore, C., Di Prospero, L., McCuaig, C. and Nightingale, J. 2016. The Twitter Journal Club for Medical Radiation Professionals (#medradjclub): CPD/CE for the 21st century.
Bloom’s taxonomy of Twitter: higher order thinking and the Twitter Journal Club
Currie, G., Woznitza, N., Bolderston, A., Westerink, A., Watson, J., Beardmore, C., Di Prospero, L., McCuaig, C. and Nightingale, J. 2016. Bloom’s taxonomy of Twitter: higher order thinking and the Twitter Journal Club. Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.
Chest x-ray interpretation by radiographers: diagnostic accuracy and influence on diagnostic reasoning
Woznitza, N., Piper, K., Burke, S. and Bothamley, G. 2016. Chest x-ray interpretation by radiographers: diagnostic accuracy and influence on diagnostic reasoning.
Diagnostic accuracy of radiographer chest x-ray reporting
Woznitza, N., Piper, K., Burke, S. and Bothamley, G. 2016. Diagnostic accuracy of radiographer chest x-ray reporting.
The diagnostic accuracy of reporting radiographer chest x-ray interpretations and their influence on clinicians’ diagnostic decision-making: a comparison with consultant radiologists
Woznitza, N. 2016. The diagnostic accuracy of reporting radiographer chest x-ray interpretations and their influence on clinicians’ diagnostic decision-making: a comparison with consultant radiologists. PhD Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University School of Allied Health Professions
The radiography workforce: current challenges and changing needs
Beardmore, C., Woznitza, N., Goodman, S. and Society & College of Radiographers 2016. The radiography workforce: current challenges and changing needs. College of Radiographers.
Chest reporting by radiographers: Findings of an accredited postgraduate programme.
Piper, K., Cox, S., Paterson, A., Thomas, A., Thomas, N., Jeyagopal, N. and Woznitza, N. 2014. Chest reporting by radiographers: Findings of an accredited postgraduate programme. Radiography. 20 (2), pp. 94-99.
Adult chest radiograph reporting by radiographers: Preliminary data from an in-house audit programme
Woznitza, N., Piper, K., Burke, S., Patel, K., Amin, S., Grayson, K. and Bothamley, G. 2014. Adult chest radiograph reporting by radiographers: Preliminary data from an in-house audit programme. Radiography. 20 (3), pp. 223-229.
Optimizing patient care in radiology through team-working: A case study
Woznitza, N., Piper, K., Rowe, S. and West, C. 2014. Optimizing patient care in radiology through team-working: A case study. Radiography. 20 (3), pp. 258-263.
Chest x-ray agreement: comparative analysis between consultant radiologists, reporting radiographers and expert chest radiologists
Woznitza, N., Piper, K., Burke, S., Ellis, S. and Bothamley, G. 2015. Chest x-ray agreement: comparative analysis between consultant radiologists, reporting radiographers and expert chest radiologists.
Conceptualisation of the characteristics of advanced practitioners in the medical radiation profession
Smith, Tony, Harris, J., Woznitza, N., Marese, S. and Sale, C. 2015. Conceptualisation of the characteristics of advanced practitioners in the medical radiation profession. Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences. 62 (3), pp. 204-211.
e-Learning for Healthcare – Image Interpretation Project
Woznitza, N., e-Learning for Healthcare and College of Radiographers 2012. e-Learning for Healthcare – Image Interpretation Project. e-Learning for Healthcare.
An unusual cause of respiratory distress
Woznitza, N., Datsopolous, S., Shukla, R. and Aladangady, N. 2012. An unusual cause of respiratory distress. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 97, pp. A12-A13.
Chest X-Ray interpretation: agreement between consultant radiologists and a reporting radiographer in clinical practice in the United Kingdom
Woznitza, N., Piper, K., Burke, S., Patel, K., Amin, S. and Grayson, K. 2013. Chest X-Ray interpretation: agreement between consultant radiologists and a reporting radiographer in clinical practice in the United Kingdom.
Radiographer clinical reporting
Woznitza, N. 2014. Radiographer clinical reporting.
Commentary: radiographer reporting
Woznitza, N. 2014. Commentary: radiographer reporting. Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences. 61 (2), pp. 66-68.
Do you see what I see? Clinical review of discordant chest x-ray consultant radiologist and radiographer interpretations
Woznitza, N., Piper, K., Bothamley, G. and Burke, S. 2014. Do you see what I see? Clinical review of discordant chest x-ray consultant radiologist and radiographer interpretations.
Optimizing patient care in radiology through team-working: audit data
Woznitza, N. 2014. Optimizing patient care in radiology through team-working: audit data.
Optimizing neonatal X-ray quality: results of an audit
Woznitza, N., Hayes, N., Malshava, N. and McGuinness, D. 2014. Optimizing neonatal X-ray quality: results of an audit.
Agreement in neonatal x-ray interpretation: a comparison between consultant paediatric radiologists and a reporting radiographer
Woznitza, N., Piper, K., Aladangady, N., Iliadis, K., Prakash, R. and Santos, R. 2014. Agreement in neonatal x-ray interpretation: a comparison between consultant paediatric radiologists and a reporting radiographer.
Advanced radiographic practice in adult chest imaging
Woznitza, N. 2014. Advanced radiographic practice in adult chest imaging.
Can reporting radiographers produce clinically relevant reports?
Woznitza, N. and Piper, K. 2011. Can reporting radiographers produce clinically relevant reports?