Benefits and challenges of academic police education

”I write this with my hands in a basin of water”: Dickens, letters and readers

“A part to play”: the value of role-play simulation in undergraduate legal education

“he’d let me turn the house into a theatre”: rewriting the domestic in the sensational world of East Lynne

Andreas: an edition

Working capital level influence on SME profitability

Evidence-based policing: from effectiveness to cost-effectiveness

Semiotising student perception of learning outcomes in British higher education

Ecotherapy: theory, research and practice

'What hat am I wearing?’ Navigating the boundaries between research and counselling in narrative research with young unemployed people

Usefulness and truthfulness: reviewing the limitations and promoting the benefits of constructivist approaches for career counselling

Negotiating professional and personal biographies in a liquid world: creating space for reflexive innovation in career counselling

A neo-orthodox Buddhist movement in transition: the Diamond Way

Technical analysis for algorithmic pattern recognition

Journeying along medieval routes in Europe and the Middle East

Journeys and landscapes of conquest: Normans travelling to and in Southern Italy and Sicily

Medieval routes: journeys through space and scholarship

Postcolonial critical discourse analysis

Politics and power in the babycare business – Structural aspects of childcare provision: Eine Einführung in das Paradigma - An introduction to the paradigm

Beyond belief: structured techniques prove more effective than a placebo intervention in a problem construction task

Optimization of process parameters for high efficiency laser forming of advanced high strength steels within metallurgical constraints

The first Northern Ireland peace process: Power-sharing, Sunningdale and IRA ceasefires, 1972-76

Embedding employability: Regent’s University London

Entrepreneurial Intentions of university students in an emerging economy: The influence of university support and proactive personality on students' entrepreneurial intention

'"The man who closed the asylums": Franco Basaglia and the revolution in mental health care', by John Foot (Verso, 2015)

How do clinicians think about cluster headache

Developing a diagnostic tool for the early diagnosis of cluster headache

The Opera House tourist: Insights from London’s Covent Garden.

Perception and experience of urban areas for cultural tourism: A social constructivist approach in Covent Garden

Litigation v. arbitration: Deciding the forum for resolution of commercial disputes in Nigeria

Foundations for ECE for sustainable development in England

Exploring voluntary action in primary education

Safeguarding within the context of cultural difference

The nature of inter- and intramolecular interactions in F2OXe…HX (X= F, Cl, Br, I) complexes

The electronic structure of the xenon insertion compounds XXe–MX2 (X = F, Cl, Br, I; M = B, Al, Ga)

On the nature of interactions in the F2OXe…NCCH3 complex: Is there the Xe(IV)-N bond?

Diversity of the nature of the nitrogen-oxygen bond in inorganic and organic nitrites in the light of topological analysis of electron localisation function (ELF)

How many electrons form chemical bonds in the NgBeS (Ng = Ar, Kr, Xe) molecules? Topological study using the electron localisation function (ELF) and electron localisability indicator (ELI-D)

Developmental status of preschool children receiving cART: a descriptive cohort study

Reusable knowledge in security requirements engineering: a systematic mapping study

A study into the impact of the Reading Education Assistance Dogs scheme on reading engagement and motivation to read among Early Years Foundation-Stage children

Dogs in the courtroom

Whole Earth? Developing an early childhood education response

Whole Earth? Developing an early childhood education response

Exploring male early childhood studies students’ perceptions of working with young children in terms of a viable career choice

Whole Earth?: Developing an early childhood education response

Parents' experience of the care they received following a stillbirth: a literature review

Embedding employability into the curriculum: Strategic Enhancement Programme

Disciplinary and gender variations in employability-related support across higher education

Embedding employability: Regent’s University London

Developing global team working abilities and enhancing employability through enterprise initiatives

The opportunities and challenges for employability-related support in STEM degrees

Organic model to reflect the transitional nature of family firms

Physical activity for cardiac rehabilitation

Research methods: how will I collect the data?

What does the word spirituality really mean?

Vagrancy in English Culture and Society, 1650-1750

Measuring neurobehavioral functioning in people with traumatic brain injury: Rasch analysis of Neurobehavioral Functioning Inventory.

In children aged 18 years and under, what promotes recurrent shoulder instability after traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation? A systematic review and meta-analysis of risk factors.

Development and content of a school-based occupational therapy intervention for promoting emotional wellbeing in children

Making time; deeper connection, fuller stories, best practice. Experiences of Māori and non-Māori nurse-researchers

What influences the implementation of the New Zealand Stroke Guidelines for Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists?

Cross-cultural acceptability and utility of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire: views of families

Ordinal-to-interval scale conversion tables and national items for the New Zealand version of the WHOQOL-BREF

Antifungal potential of essential oils, aqueous and ethanol extracts of thirteen plants against Fusarium oxysporum f . sp Lycopersici and Phytophtora infestans (Mont.) de Bary as major tomato pathogens

Clinical outcome measures for monitoring physical function in pediatric obesity: An integrative review


Respiratory illness

Effect of storage temperature on carbohydrate metabolism and development of cold-induced sweetening in Indian potato ( Solanum Tuberosum L.) varieties

Meet the Barbarians: Taking a fresh look at the Iron Age of South-East Europe

Developing the 3D imaging of Iron Age art in the ENTRANS Project

Cultural encounters in Iron Age Europe

An update on antibiotic prophylaxis in trans-rectal ultra-sound (TRUS) guided prostate biopsy

Queer(ing) Žižek

Quality-of-life outcomes from the Prostate Adenocarcinoma: TransCutaneous Hormones (PATCH) trial evaluating luteinising hormone-releasing hormone agonists versus transdermal oestradiol for androgen suppression in advanced prostate cancer

Is extended pelvic lymph node dissection for prostate cancer the only recommended option? A systematic over-view of the literature

NICE prostate cancer quality standards

Active surveillance for prostate cancer

Use of Clavien-Dindo classification in urology part 2 – upper tract

Use of Clavien-Dindo classification in urology part 1 – pelvic surgery

Survivorship and prostate cancer: the TrueNTH Supported Self-Management programme

Widespread lytic lesions—A metastatic or vasculitic process?

Identity work at a Normal University in Shanghai

Making autism through Ocean Heaven (海洋天堂, Haiyang tiantang) and the possibilities of realizing disability differently

Urban Chinese youth

Anti-arbitration injunctions in Nigeria

An appraisal of the legal framework for combating piracy and other illegal maritime activities in the Gulf of Guinea – a case study of Nigeria

Theatre for children in hospital. The gift of compassion

Teacher agency, professional development and school improvement

The Character Development Project Final Report


Boomerang: Rebounding the consequences of reputation feedback on crowdsourcing platforms

Mixed race masquerades: The myth of multiracial harmony in Britain

Baggage - a book of leavings

New DNA sequences from bacteria converting phenol into acetate under strict anaerobic conditions

Naomi's redemption

Shaking the cracked kaleidoscope: Cubism and collage in the novels of Elizabeth Bowen

To bridge the gap: voluntary action in primary education

Business operations management

Improving skills and care standards in the support workforce for older people: a realist synthesis of workforce development interventions

Implementing a Systematic Voiding Program for Patients With Urinary Incontinence After Stroke

Implementing best practice in infection prevention and control. A realist evaluation of the role of intermediaries

Bringing critical realism to nursing practice: Roy Bhaskar's contribution

Managers' use of nursing workforce planning and deployment technologies: protocol for a realist synthesis of implementation and impact

Improving skills and care standards in the support workforce for older people: a realist synthesis of workforce development interventions

Strategies to prevent oral disease in dependent older people

Process evaluations in neurological rehabilitation: a mixed-evidence systematic review and recommendations for future research

Managing diabetes in people with dementia: protocol for a realist review

Collaboration and co-production knowledge in healthcare: opportunities and challenges

Collective action for implementation: a realist evaluation of organisational collaboration in healthcare

An occupational therapy intervention for residents with stroke-related disabilities in UK care homes (OTCH): cluster randomised controlled trial with economic evaluation

Uterine artery pulsatility index at 30-34 weeks' gestation in the prediction of adverse perinatal outcome

Biophysical and biochemical markers at 30-34 weeks' gestation in the prediction of adverse perinatal outcome

Screening for trisomies by cell-free DNA testing of maternal blood: consequences of a failed result

Metformin versus placebo in obese pregnant women without diabetes mellitus

Prospective first-trimester screening for trisomies by cell-free DNA testing of maternal blood in twin pregnancy

Prediction of stillbirth from biochemical and biophysical markers at 11-13 weeks

Prediction of stillbirth from maternal demographic and pregnancy characteristics

Endoscopic placental laser coagulation in dichorionic and monochorionic triplet pregnancies

Prediction of stillbirth from maternal factors, fetal biometry and uterine artery Doppler at 19-24 weeks

Prediction of stillbirth from placental growth factor at 11-13 weeks

Prediction of stillbirth from placental growth factor at 19-24 weeks

What are the functional outcomes of right hemisphere stroke patients with or without hemi-inattention complications? A critical narrative review and suggestions for further research.

Risky bodies, risky spaces, maternal ‘instincts’: swimming and motherhood

Clinical parapsychology: counselling experiences of clients who report anomalous experiences and the training needs of therapists

"They daren't tell people": therapists' experiences of working with clients who report anomalous experiences

Latest research on anomalous experience

'They daren’t tell people': therapists' experiences of working with clients who report anomalous experiences

'It's about having exposure to this': investigating the training needs of therapists in relation to the issue of anomalous experiences

'Most people think you're a fruit loop': clients' experiences of seeking support for anomalous experiences

The fictive pass asymmetry: Condemnation of harm, but not purity, is mitigated by fictional contexts

Contemporay urban environments

Glacial systems and landscapes

Can staff education reduce the occupational deprivation of people with dementia?

Autologous bone-marrow mesenchymal cell induced chondrogenesis (MCIC)

‘“Friend with the musing eye”: persuasion and dissonance in “call to arms” poems of the First World War’

"He who descended is himself also he who ascended" - exploring the identity of the Son of God in light of quantum holism

Strengthening ‘community’? an ethnographic and auto/biographical study of Sure Start Greendale

The development of early childhood education in Europe and North America: historical and comparative perspectives

English cultural identity within the context of the insider andoutsider photographer

Efficacy of inspiratory muscle training as a practical and minimally intrusive technique to aid functional fitness among adults with obesity

Brain and cardiorespiratory responses to exercise in hot and thermoneutral conditions

Acclimation training improves endurance cycling performance in the heat without inducing endotoxemia

Should we control non-native plants? Some insights from a study of Crassula

Reaching a UK consensus on art therapy for people with a diagnosis of a psychotic disorder using the Delphi method

Hunger for bread and horizons’: protest songs in Franco’s Spain

Reconstructing a medieval welsh landscape: exploring the evidence of nineteenth century field-names and land-use data in landscape archaeology

Defended settlement in early medieval Wales: problems of presence, absence and interpretation

Delocalisation in international commercial arbitration: a theory in need of practical application

Corporate personality, human rights and multinational corporations

TTIP negotiations in the shadow of human rights and democratic values

Passing on faith

Can sport provide a space for gender equality?: A qualitative study of children who play korfball

Snow White in the Hellenic primary classrooms: children's responses to non-traditional gender discourses.

An auto/biographical, cooperative study of ourrelationships to knowing

Sites of protest: protest media and culture

Memories of the Spanish Civil War: conflict and community in rural Spain

Communication and cultural difficulties between Greek / Greek-Cypriot migrants and the police in England

Kent and Medway: making a success of Brexit: a sectoral appraisal

Solo recorder music of the 1990s: analytical approaches to the repertoire and its performance

The impact of agricultural change and farming practices on farmland trees and hedgerows as a landscape and ecological resource, with specific focus on Kent

"Mr Indian, dead": a case study of Chief Little Crow's "Lynching"

The effect of isometric exercise training on restingblood pressure with specific reference to peripheralvascular function and structure

An examination of the development and nature of professional identity in five Early Years Professionals/ Early Years Teachers in England - a phenomenological study

Governance duties of agents in outsourced funds management of UK pensions

Max Reger's variations and fugue on an original theme op.73: issues of musical structure, performance practice and interpretation

Researching sexual violence

Occupational culture and its influence on strategic change in regional media

What draws the artist to the subject of dereliction and urban decline?

In broken images: a Marxist approach to working with life stories

The shaping of military culture in England before the civil wars: a study of preaching to the artillery companies, 1600-1643

African American responses to the lynching of non-black ethnic minorities in the United States, 1909-1939

Young children’s engagement and interactions with digital and non-digital activities: a case study

Experiences of being bilingual: seven French and Spanish-speaking families in Kent

Change4Life Sports Clubs research 2016 - part one report

Singing for adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Illegal drug use damages the ethos of sport and risks the health of athletes

Man up! A study of representations of masculinity and domestic abuse

The diagnostic accuracy of reporting radiographer chest x-ray interpretations and their influence on clinicians’ diagnostic decision-making: a comparison with consultant radiologists

Natural Variation in lifespan and stress responses in Caenorhabditis elegans

Hey Uncle, Uncle Sam! American Indian GIs and veterans and Red Power activism in the era of the Vietnam War

Crossing the frontier: theological perspectives on potential political dialogue between Gibraltar and Spain

‘Teacher voice’ and the struggle for recognition: investigating new teachers’ experiences, values and practices in a school in special measures

The collapse and resurrection of the Anglo-American nuclear relationship, 1945-1958

Arendt's 'conscious pariah' and the ambiguous figure of the subaltern

Group treatment for male sex offenders with an intellectual disability

Žižek, Bonhoeffer and the revolutionary body: the sociological potential of critical theology

Renegades, rebellion and discontent: Jamestown’s early years

The influence of seasonal variation on in-shoe temperature and relative humidity during moderate exercise in a Maltese population: implications for diabetic foot ulceration

The food, the cooking and the chef: a comparative study of food representation in British, French and German mainstream cooking programmes

A study of the structure and biological activity of the Eranthis hyemalis type II ribosome inactivating protein

Negotiating fundamental British values: research conversations in church schools

Police public relations in the age of social media

The Judean cultural context of community of goods in the early Jesus movement: Part I

Notation as process: interpreting open scores and the ‘journey form’

Oxford A Level Religious Studies: Christianity, philosophy and ethics

Dignity and human rights education

Early medieval Kent, 800-1220

Development of risk models for the prediction of new or worsening acute kidney injury on or during hospital admission: a cohort and nested study

Hulk Hogan and the demise of Gawker Media: wrestling with problems of celebrity voyeurism, newsworthiness and tabloidisation

Changing the narrative: The British Psychological Society report ‘Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia’

“It must have been cold there in my shadow”: everyday heroism in superhero narratives

Computerized structured cognitive training in patients affected by early-stage Alzheimer’s disease is feasible and effective: a randomized controlled study

Perception of structure as a learning process in a Schoenberg song

An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the impact of domestic violence on the mother-child relationship

The radiography workforce: current challenges and changing needs

Curricular innovation: a case study of module development in higher education: Wearable technology

Understanding attitudes towards native wildlife and biodiversity in the UK: the role of zoos

The politics of establishing reflexivity as a core component of good policing

Can the individual survive the greening of criminology?

Stepping into sacred texts: how the Jesuits taught me to read the Bible

Transforming the NHS through transforming ourselves

A pilot cluster randomised trial to assess the effect of a structured communication approach on quality of life in secure mental health settings: the Comquol study

On routines and generative systems: investigating the emergence of duty prosecutors using critical realist case study principles

Museum objects, aesthetic stimulation and psychological wellbeing in early to middle stages of dementia

Exploring the emotional impact and adjustment in frontotemporal dementia family carers

'Diligentia et divina sorte' Oracular Intelligence in Marsilio Ficino's astral magic

Upgrading short read animal genome assemblies to chromosome level using comparative genomics and a universal probe set

Exploring the role of recently-qualified English teachers in developing technology use in language classrooms through communities of practice

It’s time to decide our children’s futures

Toddlers need early years teachers

Paws for court

Population genomics applications for conservation: the case of the tropical dry forest dweller Peromyscus melanophrys

An exploration of authenticity: implications for clinical psychologists and their practice

Skin coloured targets: an examination of the effects of the use of targets in the Police, in ‘Black, Minority and Ethnic’ (BME) candidate selection and recruitment

Overcoming the barriers to flexible working in the police organisation: is there another way?

Capturing the essence of grounded theory: the importance of understanding commonalities and variants

Life after surviving a suicide attempt

Thomas Anstey Guthrie's Madhouse Shuffle: steps toward a nightmare scenario

Management of clients who self-harm in UK secure forensic units

Caregiver wellbeing in psychosis services

An exploration into service users' and staff experiences of a medium secure setting

Grandiose and persecutory beliefs: exploring perceptions of interpersonal relationships

An explorative study of the relationship betweenpolice officer morale, behaviours, and the delivery ofpublic value services

Integrating physical and psychological wellbeing in child health

Understanding and supporting positive parenting during homelessness

When one childhood meets another : maternal child maltreatment and offspring child psychopathology

Green care in the community

How do clients experience the alliance when working with the Mental Health Recovery Star in rehabilitation settings?

Distress in the city: racism, fundamentalism and a democratic education

Troubling relationships: towards a new language of personal life

The 'space' of friendship: young children's understandings and expressions of friendship in a reception class

Supporting smoking cessation in older patients: a continuing challenge for community nurses

A qualitative investigation of firesetting within an adult intellectually disabled population

Exploring the ideal partner preferences of people with disabilities

Doing RE hermeneutically - learning to become interpreters of religion

Battling the body capital: my experience of Gold’s Gym

A question of degree? An academic future for firearms officers

Hybridity and social media adoption by journalists: an international comparison

Building a world unfit to live in: the deception, distraction and disavowal of the fetish

Inundative pest control: How risky is it? A case study using entomopathogenic nematodes in a forest ecosystem

Psychological effects of MDMA

Exploring and strengthening the role of positive affect in the lives of people living with HIV

My story, my identity and my relationship with work: sickle cell disorder

Exploration of the impact of language and culture on neuropsychological tests

How do people with a mental health diagnosis construct an identity?

Arbuscular mycorrhizal associations in plant nutrition and health

Johann Christoph Pepusch, Venus and Adonis (masque in two acts), 1715, Ramée 1502, 2016

The role of family stories, reminiscing and adverse life experiences in the development and understanding of individual identity

Coping and resilience among women undergoing assisted reproductive therapies

The Routledge Companion to Puppetry and Material Performance edited by Dassia N. Posner, Claudia Orenstein and John Bell

Should we privilege sport for health? The comparative effectiveness of UK government investment in sport as a public health intervention

The role of endoproteolytic processing in neurodegeneration

Negative change in psychotherapy

Adolescent engagement in mental health services

Recovery perspectives and narratives of hope of young people experiencing psychosis

An investigation into the role of body posture in mindfulness practice

Minority nationalism and the European Union: the cases of Scotland and Catalonia

An exploration into parents' experiences of adolescent mental health difficulties

‘”Coquetting amid incredible landscapes”: Women on the river and the railway’ 1862-1922

Drones and the uninsurable security subjects

Identifying risks for male street gang affiliation: a systematic review and narrative synthesis

British sojourners in China: the outcomes of triple acculturation forces

Conotoxins: structure, therapeutic potential and pharmacological applications.

Isolation of functional tubulin dimers and of tubulin-associated proteins from mammalian cells

Challenges and strategies in precision medicine for non-small cell lung cancer

Identifying risks for male street gang affiliation: a systematic review and design and validation of the gang affiliation risk measure (GARM)

New label no progress: institutional racism and the persistent segregation of Romani students in the Czech Republic

The Guernsey community participation and leisure assessment – revised form

Seeking Sydney

Physical activity and self-esteem: ‘Jonny’s story’

From mental health to mental wealth in athletes: looking back and moving forward.

The use of webinars for information skills training: evaluation of a one year project at Canterbury Christ Church University

"The world loves an underdog," or the continuing appeal of the adolescent rebel narrative: a comparative reading of Vernon God Little, The Catcher in the Rye and Huckleberry Finn

Autologous collagen induced chondrogenesis (ACIC: Shetty-Kim technique) - A matrix based acellular single stage arthroscopic cartilage repair technique

Reformers and Royalists: Aristocratic women in politics, 1258-1267

The Comquol Study: - a pilot cluster randomised trial looking at a structured communication intervention in secure mental health settings: outcomes and challenges

The Delphi method: methodological issues arising from a study examining factors influencing the publication or non-publication of mental health nursing research

The use of dogs in the courtroom

“We could end up in a lot of trouble” Teachers’ communications with young children about mental health

Gaining qualitative insight into the subjective experiences of adherers to an exercise referral scheme: a thematic analysis

Male and female physical intimate partner violence and socioeconomic position: a cross-sectional international multicentre study in Europe

The contradictions of austerity: the socio-economic costs of the neoliberal Baltic model [Book review]

“Reader, I did not even have coffee with him”: Lorrie Moore’s adaptation of Jane Eyre (1847) in A Gate at the Stairs (2009)

An exploration of gender nonconformity in gay men

The 2016 Scottish Parliament Election: a nationalist minority, a Conservative comeback and a Labour collapse

Ecogeographical patterns of morphological variation in pygmy shrews Sorex minutus (Soricomorpha: Soricinae) within a phylogeographic and continental-and-island framework

The most prevalent Freeman-Sheldon Syndrome mutations in the embryonic myosin motor share functional defects

How do lesbians and gay men experience dementia?

Multicolour detection of every chromosome as a means of detecting mosaicism and nuclear organisation in human embryonic nuclei

The effects of synthetic pheromone exposure on female oviposition and male longevity in Zygaena filipendulae (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae, Zygaeninae)

An evidence-based review of creative problem solving tools: a practitioner’s resource

Moving on? Speed, flow and the liquefaction of lifelong learning

Massive parallel RNA sequencing of highly purified mesenchymal elements in low-risk MDS reveals tissue-context dependent activation of inflammatory programs

Understanding the ecology of the Personally Significant Learning Environment (PSLE): one year on

Interventions for promoting reintegration and reducing harmful behaviour and lifestyles in street-connected children and young people (Review)

Using creative writing to explore facilitation skills in practice

Progressive realism and the EU’s international actorness: towards a grand strategy?

The serious game: towards a hermeneutic understanding of the Tarot

Acute abdomen

Compartment syndrome

Neurogenic shock

Diabetic ketoacidosis

Assessing and managing aspects of consciousness and disability

Anaphylactic shock


Assessing and managing the cardiovascular system


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Obtaining and interpreting arterial blood gases

Evidence for physical activity guidelines as a public health intervention: efficacy, effectiveness and harm – a critical policy sciences approach.

Groundhog day? Nietzsche, Deleuze and the eternal return of prosumption in lifelong learning

Understanding the experience of group singing for couples where one partner has a diagnosis of dementia

Ward-based critical care: a guide for health professionals

Consistent ozone-induced decreases in pasture forage quality acrossseveral grassland types and consequences for UK lamb production

An economic evaluation of introducing a skills mix approach to CT head reporting in clinical practice.

Examining the effectiveness of the theory of planned behaviour in explaining exercise intention and behaviour during pregnancy: a meta-analysis

Energy expenditure of post-myocardial infarction males during the modified Bruce treadmill test

Smellmap : Amsterdam - olfactory art & smell visualisation

Expansive learning in police firearms training: developing the interface between HE and professional learning

Gendered performances in sport: an embodied approach

How do “mental health professionals” who are also or have been “mental health service users” construct their identities?

How sickle cell disease patients experience, understand and explain their pain: An interpretative phenomenological analysis study

Writing and walking the labyrinth: a case study

The development of a theory-informed workbook as an additional support for students on role-emerging placements.

Antonio Lopez De Santa Anna, 1794-1876

Spanish-American War

Exploring the significance of falls in the everyday lives of the older person with haemophilia

History of criminal investigation

Oesophageal varices

How learning in sport and sporting communities can be applied to online and blended learning and teaching in H.E.

High quality gifted and talented provision

The Ladders Revolution: material struggle, social media and news coverage

An investigation of the mediating factors in the relationship between early childhood adversity and borderline personality characteristics in forensic inpatients

Review of 'Mapping Europe's borderlands: Russian cartography in the age of empire' by Steven Seegel

Spirit of place: awakening a sense of awe and wonder

A comparative study between molecular and agro-morphological methods for describing genetic relationships in Tunisian faba bean populations

A case study of an incident of professional sexual abuse in UK mental health services

Psychosocial factors and ageing in older lesbian, gay and bisexual people: a systematic review of the literature

Green roots and grass shoots: building ESD capacity at a UK university

Personal values, social capital and higher education student career decidedness: a new ‘protean’ informed model

IMO and internal branding outcomes: an employee perspective in UK HE

Transthoracic echocardiography provides important long-term prognostic information in selected patients undergoing endovascular abdominal aortic repair

Soviet military mapping of the world: an introduction

Review of 'Mapping the Cold War: cartography and the framing of America's international power' by Timothy Barney

‘Dirty sport’: experiencing my first OCR

Facilitating a culture of innovation across health care- spirals of connectedness for multiple transformations from workplace to system

The concept of fortune in the birth of the tarot

Mindfulness and fear conditioning

Assessment timing: student preferences and its impact on performance

Review: The influence of authentic leadership and supportive professional practice environments on new graduate nurses’ job satisfaction

Self-care and improved outcomes: an intervention by heart failure nurse specialists

Revealing hidden species distribution with pheromones: the case of Synanthedon vespiformis (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) in Sweden

'Hast thou yet found a balmy spot...?': Mary Eliza Haweis (1848-98) and domestic felicity

The epistemological model of disability, and its role in understanding passive exclusion in eighteenth and nineteenth century protestant educational asylums

Superheroes and American self image: from war to Watergate

The impact of dispersal powers on congregating youth

Religion in Britannia in the Fifth and Sixth centuries AD

Making a case for universal and targeted children's occupational therapy in the United Kingdom

Ex-formation as a method for mapping smellscapes

Telling ghost stories with the voice of an ogre Deleuze, identity, and disruptive pedagogies

Autologous bone marrow mesenchymal cell induced chondrogenesis for the treatment of osteoarthritis of knee

Wedding paradoxes: individualized conformity and the ‘perfect day’

Occupy: in theory and practice

Physical activity for cardiac rehabilitation

Organisational culture and its influence on strategy in local media

Walking in the Canterbury night-time economy: drinking destination or destination drinking?

Exploring the benefits of magnetic resonance imaging reporting by radiographers: A UK perspective

Protection from the elements: a comparative study of hair density, shelter use and heat loss in donkeys, horses and mules

Dogs are stupid - what science knows about dog intelligence

A practice-based investigation of the clarinet through free improvisation

Looking behind the mask: social coping strategies of girls on the autistic spectrum

The perceived effects of singing on the health and wellbeing of wives and partners of members of the British Armed Forces: a cross-sectional survey

Criminology picks up the gauntlet: responses to the Whole Earth exhibition

Leading sustainability in higher education

Radiography observed: an ethnographic study exploring contemporary radiographic practice

Implementing & evaluating a community of practice for health visiting - final report

HRM, employee identity and environmental sustainability

Internal market orientation, a novel approach to improve firm performance in China

Facilitation skills: the catalyst for increased effectiveness in consultant practice and clinical systems leadership

The emotional imagination: exploring critical ventriloquy and emotional edgework in reflexive sociological ethnography with young people

The subcultural imagination: theory, research and reflexivity in contemporary youth cultures

What is compassion and how can we measure it? A review of definitions and measures

Appropriate methodology: towards a cosmopolitan approach

Doing and writing qualitative research

Studying culture

PhD students, interculturality, reflexivity, community and internationalisation

String condensation and high energy graviton scattering

Behavioural evolution: Darwin's theory and adaptive behaviour

Six Thinking Hats vs. Six Good Men: does the order of the elements matter?

It's behind you! The rediscovery of Strood through pantomime

Social media and young people’s involvement in social work education

Sacred work? Exploring spirituality with therapists working with stroke patients with aphasia

Dickens and the myth of the reader

Accidental fruit

Shams and shadows: meta-fiction and the upper class woman writer

“He pronounced it gurl“: Mary Cholmondeley, class and gender at the fin de siècle’

The development and preliminary validation of the Challenge and Threat in Sport (CAT-Sport) Scale

‘”Literary Champagne”: or the fiction of seaside reading’

Self-help mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

Why we love maps

Emotional imagination in ethnography: towards a theoretical understanding of reflexive sociological fieldwork with young people

Calibrating fundamental British values: how head teachers are approaching appraisal in the light of the Teachers’ Standards 2012, Prevent and the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act, 2015

Written evidence submitted to Commons Select Committee Animal Welfare Inquiry

Towards consistency: digital learning thresholds

Walkshop and soundshot – a dérive and participatory performance

Women Who Walk

Animal Welfare: Domestic pets – written evidence (AWF 238)

The criminal experience of mentally disordered offenders

In the case of prostate cancer patients, are there advantages in cancer nurse-led follow-up?

Review of "The Times comprehensive atlas of the world"

Predictors of IAPT psychological well-being practitioners’ intention to use CBT self-help materials routinely in their clinical practice

Mental health, human rights and social inclusion for adults and children

Knowledge and experience of placebo effects modifies athletes’ intentions to use sport supplements

How included are mental health service users in decisions about their medication?

Aims for service user involvement in mental health training: staying human

Expanding the view on the evolution of the nematode dauer signalling pathways: refinement through gene gain and pathway co-option

Social media and small non profit organisations

Arcade Tales 1 - Goddess of Retribution

Arcade tales and play cultures

Social media and journalism: hybridity, convergence, changing relationship with the audience and fragmentation

Revisiting intercultural competence: small culture formation on the go through threads of experience

What happens when the stabilisers come off? Exposure with and without safety-seeking behaviours in spider phobic students

Why well-being? Why you? Why now?

Maternal abandonment and surrogate caregivers: Isabella of Angoulême and her children by King John

Placebo and nocebo effects during repeat sprint performance

Photographic sound art and the silent modernity of Walter Ruttmann's 'Weekend' (1930).

The Guernsey participation & leisure assessment- revised (GCPLA-r) manual.

Effectiveness of the journey from healthcare assistant to assistant practitioner

Never mind the gap! Digital differences between students and teachers

Either here or there: exploring conceptual distance using a novel clock face paradigm in a creative problem solving task

A new role under sortilin's belt in cancer.

An exploration of Keyes’ two-continuum model of mental health in athletes: resilience, mental illness and performance

A conceptual framework for managing expectations in green IS implementation

Difference and awareness in cultural travel: negotiating blocks and threads

The role of autophagy in lung disease

Exploring precall using arousing images and utilising a memory recall practice task on-line

The visionary of World and European cities

Exploring the links between employment clusters and economic diversity in the British urban system

An introduction to electronic low vision aids

Screening for falls risk in the older person with haemophilia – a pilot study

Cryopreservation of animal oocytes and embryos: current progress and future prospects

Internal market orientation leveraging firm performance via internal success

Away from home: how Little Emperors travel with global brands? Core and contextual meanings of global brands leadership

Acute cardiac autonomic responses to an incremental isometric exercise test in pre-hypertensive males

Defining and projecting EU energy policy

Inflated responsibility and perfectionism in child and adolescent anorexia

Sentiment, mood and outbound tourism demand

Using systems thinking to identify workforce enablers for a whole systems approach to urgent and emergency care delivery: a multiple case study

Technologies of fitness: CrossFit, body politics and embodied wellbeing.

Expansive learning in professional contexts: a materialist perspective

Constructions, reconstructions and deconstructions of ‘family’ amongst people who live apart together (LATs)

"Age-dissimilar couples and romantic relationships: ageless love?", by Lara McKenzie

Exploring the significance of falls in the everyday lives of the older person with haemophilia

A matter of perspective: the impact of near and far conceptual distance on creative problem solving

Which cues work best? An examination of two structured thinking tools using eye-tracking analysis

The importance of liberal values within policing: police and crime commissioners, police independence and the spectre of illiberal democracy

The emergence and institutionalisation of the intercultural: navigating uneven discourses in a British university

Screening for falls risk in the older person with haemophilia - a pilot study

Collaborative playful experimentation in higher education: a group ear playing study

Explaining social media acceptance by business-to-business SMEs in the South-East of England: a theory-enhanced qualitative comparative analysis

Flow, skilled coping and the sovereign subject

Group playing by ear in higher education: the processes that support imitation, invention and group improvisation

‘I owe it to my group members... who critically commented on my conducting’ – Cooperative learning in choral conducting education

On slow violence

Researching children as becoming writers in their first year of school

Leaving Saadi behind? The future of the UK's Detained Fast Track process

Vulnerability: ripples from reflections on mental toughness

Duelling, prize fighting and boxing: science and technology in a shifting biopolitical terrain

Law, immunization and the right to die

Comparative effects of three 48-week community-based physical activity and exercise interventions on aerobic capacity, total cholesterol and mean arterial blood pressure

Time-lapse embryo imaging and morphokinetic profiling: towards a general characterisation of embryogenesis

Is Olympic inspiration associated with fitness and physical activity in English schoolchildren? A repeated cross- sectional comparison before and 18 months after London 2012

Improving user access to Soviet military mapping: a guide for map libraries around the globe

Investigating international approaches to symbol design and evaluation

A new face for The Cartographic Journal

Political cartography: from Bertin to Brexit

Cartography and dark tourism: aesthetics and authenticity

A method by which to assess the scalability of field-based fitness tests of cardiorespiratory fitness among schoolchildren

Prompting reflection and learning in career construction counseling

Effects of community-based physical activity counselling among at-risk individuals

The feasibility, scalability and outcomes of cardiorespiratory fitness testing in primary school children

Programming resistance training required for positive effects on body composition in community programmes

Effects on cardiovascular risk factors of three 48-week community-based exercise interventions

Effects on aerobic capacity of three 48-week community-based exercise interventions

Brief Online Training Enhances Competitive Performance: Findings of the BBC Lab UK Psychological Skills Intervention Study

Digital infants: the effect of touch screen technology on focused attention and executive function

A short history of the Normans

The sociology of generations: new directions and challenges

The relationship of IQ to additional disabilities in athletes with Intellectual Disabilities (ID)

Securitisation and/or Westernisation: dominant discourses of Australian values and the implications for teacher education

Combining supervised exercise and physical activity counselling might increase retention to GP exercise referral programmes

Optimizing community-driven development through sage tradition in Cameroon

Legitimating social inequality: political elites, ethnic peddling and dislocated constituencies

The British anti-wind Farm and anti-fracking movements: a comparative analysis

The making of ‘Boomergeddon’: The construction of the Baby Boomer generation as a social problem in Britain

Generations and the intimate politics of reproduction

Generational determinism and detachment in British social policy

Baby Boomers and the discourse of parental irresponsibility

Rules about how to behave in pregnancy diminish women’s freedom

What is a citizen?

Theresa May, forget social justice – give us politics

The generation wars

Remain voters, quit the granny-bashing

Don’t tell young people how to talk to gran

What we lose when Baby Boomers die

Policing pregnancy is bad for babies

Informal and non-formal learning in sport coach education

Pedagogie di amore e odio: auto-identificazione nei processi educativi di gruppi islamici e di lavoratori nel Regno Unito = Pedagogies of love and hate: self-recognition in Islamist groups and workers' education in the United Kingdom

Critical reflection? Auto/biographical narrative enquiry and illuminating professional struggles

Researching critical reflection: multidisciplinary perspectives

The power to illuminate; auto/biographical narrative research into the good democratic educational group and its enemies

Second language, literacy and teaching: teacher development to support the needs of low educated learners

Quality of life in patients receiving telemedicine enhanced chronic heart failure disease management: a meta-analysis

Conflicting interpretations of scientific pedagogy

Narratives beyond the backyard: a case study on support for a community sustainability project.

The Oratory of Hillary Clinton

The shifting landscape of prime ministerial accountability to parliament: an analysis of Liaison Committee scrutiny sessions

Training and staff retention: national issues and findings from the Canterbury Christ Church University (Salomons Centre for Applied Psychology) clinical psychology training programme

Shared care: a pathway for the rejuvenation of home haemodialysis?

Development and validation of the Sports Supplements Beliefs Scale

Red Planet? How the USSR secretly mapped the world

Evaluation of edna: arts and dance for older people

Reliability of 5-km running performance in a competitive environment

Christian faith in English church schools: research conversations with classroom teachers

Psychological aspects of personal training

Beliefs versus reality, or beliefs as reality? The placebo effect in sport and exercise

Comparison of inter-trial recovery times for the determination of critical power and W' in cycling.

Female firesetters: gender associated psychological and psychopathological features

The mandatory delivery of ongoing training within the Police Service of England and Wales and its relationship to the andragogical principle of self-motivation

Commentaries on viewpoint: a role for the prefrontal cortex in exercise tolerance and termination

Something old, something new: Bricolage and wedding traditions

Troubling relationships: towards a new language of personal life

The wedding: constructing family meaning through ritual

What are globalizing cities?

The social construction of good and bad deaths in hospice settings: a multiple embedded case-study

End of life care definitions and triggers for assessment: a summary and discussion of the literature

Resisting the enormous condescension of posterity: Richard Henry Tawney, Raymond Williams and the long struggle for a democratic education

After the standard dirty hands thesis: towards a dynamic account of dirty hands in politics

OpenStreetMap (Heart of Kent: October)

The contested place of religion in the Australian Civics and Citizenship curriculum: exploring the secular in a multi-faith society

To stay or go? A study of police officer turnover data and the drivers behind the decision to remain in or leave the Police Service

A case for cautious optimism? Active citizenship and the Australian Civics and Citizenship curriculum

Education for citizenship in South Australian public schools: a pilot study of senior leader and teacher perceptions

Different battlegrounds, similar concerns? The “history wars” and the teaching of history in Australia and England

Using Geras to understand the Syrian refugee crisis

Post-Marxism to post-anarchism

Anarchism and agency

The importance of teaching dispute resolution in a twenty-first-century law school

Book review: Democracy in Poland: representation, participation, competition and accountability since 1989

Inclusion and inclusive practice in Australia

AINA: Disney animation information as educational resources

Höpfl and Hanh’s metaphorical mediation of intercorporeal ethicality

David Bowie: a portrait of a life less ordinary

Conclusions: C Wright-Mills, the 'subcultural' imagination, reflexivity and the subcultural subject

Introducing the sociological and the subcultural imagination

Do general radiographic examinations resemble a person-centred environment?

What are ‘unpopular causes’ and how can they achieve fundraising success?

EU-Russia strategic energy culture: progressive convergence or regressive dilemma?

Embedding sustainability and mapping graduate outcomes without doing much extra work


Off with his head! an everyman's guide to heresy, treason and other Elizabethan jollities

A toolkit for lecturers to support their students with dyslexia

Parents' perspectives on a collaborative approach to the application of the Handwriting Without Tears programme with children with Down Syndrome

Understanding the support needs of disabled children and their families in East Kent

Natural perceptions

Writing readiness and children with Down Syndrome in an Irish context

Engaging students in reading groups in a level 5 Module ‘Celebrity news and the media’

The effect of body mass change on cycling efficiency

A cooperative approach to academic entrepreneurial initiatives

Walking backwards: psychogeographical approaches to heritage

Leadership and on finding my way through self-study

Olfactory classifications: an incomplete portolan of combined smelly knowledges

Leading in context: the collective power of transformational leadership

Smellmap: Edinburgh

Smellwalk: Whitstable Biennale

Smellwalk influences and causality

Modelling scentscape experience

Smellwalk: Holborn April 2016

An evaluation of a short course in mindfulness for Health Visitor Practice Teachers

Perezhivanie as signifier: understanding the student experience of learning outcomes in higher education

Making sense of research paradigms

Lev Vygotsky and his theory in a nutshell

The use of dogs in the courtroom

Team working in radiology: optimising care

Advanced practice in diagnostic imaging

Team working in radiology: what is possible?

The Twitter Journal Club for Medical Radiation Professionals (#medradjclub): CPD/CE for the 21st century

Bloom’s taxonomy of Twitter: higher order thinking and the Twitter Journal Club

Chest x-ray interpretation by radiographers: diagnostic accuracy and influence on diagnostic reasoning

Diagnostic accuracy of radiographer chest x-ray reporting

The sexual abuse of vulnerable people by registered social workers in England: an analysis of the health and care professions council fitness to practise cases

Home-based isometric exercise training induced reductions resting blood pressure

Dyslexia: is it genetic and what does this mean for social inclusion?

Cultural travel and cultural prejudice

The social becoming of family memberships and physical activity careers.

Transforming the workforce through systems leadership and workplace facilitation of learning development and improvement

‘Powers of a squirrel, and also a girl’: Squirrel Girl and alternatives for women in superhero comic-books – an interview with Ryan North

An exploratory investigation into influences of form of digital feedback on learners’ engagement with their feedback

Developing a public health placement in clinical psychology

The objects in our lives/the life in our objects: the psychological significance of the things and stuff around us

The arts and dementia: a social prescription for the best possible care

Museums on prescription: setting up a new social prescribing scheme offering museum-focused creative sessions for older adults, and evaluating psychological wellbeing and social inclusion outcome.

The methodology conundrum in arts and dementia research

Public mental health training in clinical psychology

Arts, health & wellbeing: reflections on a national seminar series and building a UK research network

Art therapy-based groups for work-related stress with staff in health and social care: an exploratory study

They’re NICE and neat, but are they useful? A grounded theory of clinical psychologists’ beliefs about, and use of NICE guidelines

SROKESTRA: Stroke rehabilitation through creative music-making. pilot programme report

Music, sounds and emotions

Centre story: the lives of Belgian brass players; Manu Mellaerts, Jan Smets Rik, Vercruysse

Centre story: conversations with virtuoso young conductors; Andrew Gourlay and Jamie Phillips

Centre story: conversations with three virtuoso trumpet players from around the world; Georgina Jackson, Andrea Giuffredi, Brian Evans

A wearable brain-computer interface controlled robot

Forensic analysis of the recovery of Wickr’s ephemeral data on Android platforms

Auf der Suche nach einem funktionsfähigen, akzeptierten Gesamtsystem: Kompetenzverteilung zwischen Staat und Entitäten in Bosnien und Herzegowina

Problem-based learning in cybersecurity at CCCU

Navigating research: qualitative methods

Love actually: transformative learning meets Bildung, and the psychosocial concept of recognition

Health, ethnicity and diabetes: racialised constructions of 'risky' South Asian bodies

STROKESTRA: Stroke Rehabilitation through Creative Music-Making. Programme Guide

Brain development and impact of trauma and stress on children

Topographic maps: representations of nature and landscape

Domains pilot: Kent County Council HeadStart Project. Case studies in promoting resilience in vulnerable children

The Stanford legacy

Here and now - Pathway Records Festival

Addressing the sample size problem in behavioural operational research: simulating the newsvendor problem

Pat Metheny's finger routes: the role of muscle memory in guitar improvisations - research seminar at Surrey University

Understanding your pupil’s behaviour: a pilot study from two primary schools in Kent

An overview of practice development

What meaning for sustainability? The politics of ‘good development’

Challenging the negative images of Haiti at a pre-visit stage using visual online learning materials

Assessment: policies and practice

Complex health enhancing physical activity challenge: “Understanding the changes of the human body and the impact of nutrition and physical activity on adults (40-59 years)”

Codes of love: romance in the digital age – tech podcast

Social prescribing: a review of community referral schemes

An investigation into the impact of Self Organised Learning Environment (SOLE) on student engagement in Higher Education

Unraveling the organotellurium chemistry applied to the synthesis of gold nanomaterials

Beyond criminal justice: connecting justice and sustainability

Mesenchymal inflammation drives genotoxic stress in hematopoietic stem cells and predicts disease evolution in human pre-leukemia

Processes of change in school-based art therapy with children: a systematic qualitative study

Where is my key? Where is his key? Perspective taking and social sensitivity of the Key Search task

Safeguarding in the context of cultural difference

Unreal-time improv - Open Cycle collaborations

Jan Svankmajer: film as puppet theatre

Summary of proceedings from the launch symposium, discussion, and proposed action plan for the England Centre for Practice Development’s international community of practice for end of life care


‘The tree has four or five leaves’: Talawa, Britishness and the first all-Black production of Waiting for Godot in Britain

Review: Maureen A. Carr, After the Rite: Stravinsky’s Path to Neoclassicism (1914–1925) (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2014). xxiv + 328 pp. $58/£37.49. ISBN 978-0-19-974293-6 (hb).

Review: Danuta Mirka (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Topic Theory

Introversive and extroversive processes: rethinking Stravinsky's music as dialogue between formalist and expressive paradigms

Safe caseloads for adult community nursing services – an updated review of the evidence

Cathedrals in the digital age: a case study of Santiago de Compostela and Canterbury

The role of discursive consistency in EU foreign policy: an analysis of EU enlargement policy toward the Western Balkans

Experiences of engaging in mental health services in 16-18 year olds: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

Bubble revolution: performing translation

Exploring how parents make sense of change in parent-child psychotherapy

Arcade tales 2 - it survived the 80s and we have spare parts

The advantages of ambiguity? Development, rule formation and property rights during transition in China

Plays one

'Goodbye Mr. Pixels'

Chris Price & the Canterbury Catch Club: 3 short films

Farming the Kentish marshlands: continuity and change in the late Middle Ages

Creativity: thinking and innovation for learning and teaching

Looking to the past: the St Thomas Pageant in early Tudor Canterbury

The contribution of community singing groups to the well-being of older people: participant perspectives from the United Kingdom


Pensiero critico e ragionamento clinico: prendere la decisione

Changing society’s whole approach to psychosis

Net working capital, cash flow and performance of UK SMEs

Assessing the impact of autonomous motivation and psychological need satisfaction in explaining adherence to an exercise referral scheme

Understanding factors behind the late testing and diagnoses of HIV: a review of the international literature

Understanding psychosis and schizophrenia: the story and the future

The English catch and glee – from drunken debauchery to civic respectability

Bourgeois self-representation: a methodological case-study in musical iconography

Harmony and unanimity? – the bourgeois self-image of the Canterbury Catch Club

The Canterbury Catch Club: a performance of class

Three narratives of the Fall of Calais in 1558: explaining defeat in Tudor England

“Useless in the choir”: the music and musicians of Canterbury Cathedral 1700-1760

Developing inclusive civics and citizenship education for diverse learners

Connecting values and religion with civics and citizenship education

Social justice and education for citizenship in England

Global justice and educating for globally oriented citizenship

The Palgrave international handbook of education for citizenship and social justice

Civics and citizenship education in Australia: challenges, practices and international perspectives

Buddhism and disability: toward a socially engaged Buddhist ‘theology’ of bodily inclusiveness

West to east: reflection on partnership working in Vietnam

Electroacoustic composition and the British documentary tradition

Variable bodies, Buddhism and (no-) selfhood: towards dehegemonised embodiment

Variant Dharma: Buddhist queers, queering Buddhisms

Introduction: queer interventions, ethics and glocalities

Queering paradigms VI: interventions, ethics and glocalities.

To promote or not to promote fundamental British values? Teachers' standards, diversity and teacher education

Smellwalk: Kyiv

Legal Approaches and Corporate Social Responsibility: Towards a Llewellyn's law- jobs approach

Cross curricular geography

To bridge the gap: voluntary action in primary education

Our eyes see very little and very badly...the microscopic as space, place and metaphor in Murnau's Nosferatu

Children's views on what matters in learning and life

Churchill and the bomb in war and cold war

Eye-tracking reveals the cost of switching between self and other perspectives in a visual perspective-taking task

The impact of alcohol cognitions and contexts on perspective tasking

The power of maps

Seeing oneself through the eyes of the other: postcolonial citizenship skills for the European historical subject

Surviving a boundaryless creative career: the case of Oscar-nominated film directors, 1967-2014

Strongman training – a rationale for its inclusion in strength & conditioning: part 1

The maritime theatre, 1258-1267

Baronial reform and revolution in England, 1258-1267

Sensory perception in the Medieval West

Plant life in the poetic edda

Strongman training – Needs analysis and integration into strength and conditioning programming: part 2.

Is David Starkey right or has the Jamaican bible movement lost its mind?: Language and atonement.

Experiences of patients with traumatic brain injury and their carers during transition from in-patient rehabilitation to the community: a qualitative study

Incarnation: no blacks, no Irish, no dogs

Physical activity careers and oral histories of family membership: a synthesised approach to understanding physical activity and well-being in family contexts

Blackstone's handbook for policing students 2017

Business and sustainability - a shared experience

Growing evidence for neurophysiological mechanisms of placebo effects does not legitimise the use of complementary and alternative medicines by athletes

Being relational: entering the world of sensory & embodied communication design

A study of the destination of law leavers from CCCU

Review; Mediation Law: Journey through Institutionalism to Juridification, by Penny Brooker, (Routledge, 2013, 1st Edition)

Modern archaeology on an ancient coast

Autism diagnosis and impact: in their own words

Supporting physical development, health and well-being through the use of outdoor environments

Benefits of swimming for young children

An encrypted garden: wordplay in dream formation [Abstract]

Problematizing social justice in health pedagogy and youth sport: intersectionality of race, ethnicity, and class

Newham's Every Child a Sports Person (NECaSP): a summative process evaluation of a school- and community- based intervention in East London, United Kingdom

Tree products, food security and livelihoods: a household study of Burkina Faso

Perception of discrimination among Asian European footballers in London (Aged 11-18 Yrs): 611 Board #1 June 1, 1: 00 PM - 3: 00 PM

The Copenhagen Consensus Conference 2016: children, youth, and physical activity in schools and during leisure time

Revitalizing the physical education social-justice agenda in the global era: where do we go from here?

'The Fighting Prince of Donegal': the cinematic landscape

Robbing romance to pay history or robbing history to pay romance: an analysis of 'Talk of Angels' (Hamm, 1998) and 'Land and Freedom' (Loach, 1995)

Developing alumni relations to enhance employability

Teaching hard things

Alumni relations and enhancing employability

Active Kids Paralympic Challenge

YA peer leader programme

Embedding and sustaining Change4Life Sports Clubs: regional case studies – part three

Value for money & return on Investment of Change4Life Sports Clubs – part 2

Protecting the protectors

'The man who was only a silhouette: James Bond comic strips, animation, and the pulp tradition

"Ascetic co-operation": Henry Scott Holland and Gerard Manley Hopkins

The Successor, by Ismail Kadare

Un om ca oricare (Everyman)

Demoni nga Debar Maalo

Hamlet by William Shakespeare [adaptation for a new production]

Sarajevo / Figurae veneris historiae

Hotel Europa


Carne orgullosa – Doble fondo

Tintin in the Balkans

From indifference to hostility – organisational responses to graduate officers

Canterbury Amateur Film Archive screening 11

Language teaching as a performing art

Latvia – Party conflict and presidential initiative in government formation

Hooden horse play

Report on the ‘Health MOT Roadshow’ Community Health Check Project

Politics in the background: The cult film and political iconography

'Pedagogised families' health and physical culture; intersectionality of race and social class.

Families and young people, critical perspectives: an introduction

An open source "open source internet research tool"

Levels and patterns of physical activity and sedentary time among superdiverse adolescents in East London: a cross-sectional study

Perception of Discrimination Among Asian European Footballers in London (aged 11-18).

Risk management in relation to firearms licensing

Learning from mistakes? policing under siege: an examination of high profile criticisms of policing and potential responses

Professionalising policing: challenges in the role of education

Police reform workshop: professionalisation through education

Families, young people, physical activity and health: critical perspectives

Whiteness, race logic and the hidden curriculum

'Sport for all': sport, physical culture and disadvantaged young people.

Social inclusion implications and practice in formal and informal pedagogical settings.

Localism and legacy: WW1 in Faversham

Charles Williams: Louise Bourgeois and other stories

Paintings associated with the book 'Talking To Louise Bourgeois'

The reflective and reflexive helper

The reflective journal

'Grandfathers: painting the archive' text by Charles Williams, read by Alexis Latham

Hello… it’s the singers from the other side: Sinhala Singers’ Performers’ rights dream

“Hello… it’s the singers from the other side: Sinhala Singers’ Performers’ rights dream”

Archive film screening 10

Performers' rights regime in Sri Lankan music: Did we get it right?

Cover songs and copyright law: A Sri Lankan case study

Performers’ rights regime in Sri Lankan music: Did we get it right?

The power of the object

The impact of the elite: tales of access from the field

Researching media elites: methods of gaining access to a closed world

Social anxiety in adult males with autism spectrum disorders

The effect of self-focused attention and mood on appearance dissatisfaction after mirror-gazing: an experimental study

Report: EU à la carte? Chapter: European energy security in the age of Brexit

Walk Like Wells

Walking Heritage: Walking sideways in Sandwich

Walking Heritage: Not the blue plaque tour of Sandwich

Walking heritage: creative writing walkshop

Walking heritage: sound map walkshop

Walking Heritage: reading buildings

Walking Heritage: discovering Sandwich

Walking Heritage: ghost pub crawl

Walking Heritage: Sandwich safari

Walking Heritage: noon & night walk

Walking Heritage: buggy walk

Teaching hard things: The journalism ‘intro’

Covering the cover: copyright law and covering in Sri Lankan music

Local memories: conflict and lived experience in the Spanish Civil War

Insight from innovation: Editors' introduction

"Notes from Underground: Tunnel Resonance in Friedrich Dürrenmatt"

"Scatter my words among womankind? Mary Eliza Haweis's Unextinguished Hearth"

"Rescued by Rover: Terriers, Tenacity, and Thomas Anstey Guthrie"

"'Saluting the Papal toe': veneration, renovation, and the sincerest form of flattery"

The use of drama within midwifery education to facilitate the understanding of professional behaviour and values

Los textiles elaborados con cuentas perforadas de Montelirio [the Montelirio beaded textiles]

Future dreaming – East Kent’s City of Culture bid

International business and human rights: is it time for hard law?

The remnants of the Calvo Doctrine

EU reform of international investment law in the shadow of Brexit

The emotion of eyes presented on charitable websites impact on giving behaviour - angry eyes decrease charitable giving

What if learning character development project: case studies

What if learning character development project : final report

Understanding Trump voters

Questioning the Prime Minister: how effective is the Liaison Committee?

Blackstone's handbook for policing students 2017

Data security of android applications

Integration of link and semantic relations for information recommendation

An analysis on the destination of law leavers from Canterbury Christ Church University.

Can singing have a beneficial effect on lung function and breathing for people with respiratory illness?

Drawing to an end: storyboarding cinema, an elegy

Anifest insight talk – a history of storyboarding animation

The future of the city in literature and media [invited roundtable participant]

Carers matter: promoting the inclusion of families within acute inpatient settings

Education, démocratie, révision et pragmatisme

Police and Crime Commissioners: the transformation of Police accountability

Editorial preface

Investigating the influence of home literacy practices on the developmental pathways of early reading comprehension

Psychosocial outcomes of the creative communications pilot project for people with dementia

The Brexit poll, part two

Taking a stand on social issues (letter)

The battle for Christianity

Reducing loneliness and social isolation through singing and dance

Radio Yak: Magz Hall

Mini FM transmitter-building workshop

Radio reborn: radio art across borders

Radio art and pushing against gender assumptions of electronic 'tinkering' as a male preserve

Expanding conceptions of sound: radio art as post digital practice.

Voicing gender

Forest radio callsigns

Dreamspace (2016)

Dream vessels

Catching the light

Money and theft

Golden leaf

Fortune fish

The cabinet

The Arthur C. Clarke award: thirty years on

British science fiction

Strange boys, queer boys: gay representations in young adult fantastic fiction

Splinter swiftly: the hermeneuting parallax of Adam Roberts’s generic auteurship

The gratuitous transfer and Petrodel: reform or no reform?

A sliding window-based dynamic load balancing for heterogeneous Hadoop clusters

What’s even possible? how physical active are our 21st century children?

What’s even possible? how physical active are our 21st century children? (AIESEP)

Physical activity and self-esteem. Jonny's story (AIESEP)

Physical development, health and well-being. AIESEP

Physical development, health and well-being.

Physical activity and self esteem, Jonny's story

Walk it, like you talk it.

Review of Erin Griffey, on display Henrietta Maria and the materials of magnificence at the Stuart Court (Yale: Yale University Press, 2016) in The Art Newspaper, Vol. XXVI, No. 285 (December, 2016)

Review of "On display: Henrietta Maria and the materials of magnificence at the Stuart Court" by Erin Griffey, and "Queenship and revolution in early modern Europe: Henrietta Maria and Marie Antoinette", by Carolyn Harris

The 'CLOCK in Kent' project

The experiences of African immigrant mothers living in the United Kingdom with a child diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder: an interpretive phenomenological analysis

Interim evaluation of an integrated approach to improving health and wellbeing in County Durham, UK

eHealth literacy scale: a nursing analysis and Italian validation

eHealth literacy scale: a nursing analysis and Italian validation

Review of "treasures from the map room"

Measuring students perceptions and validation of questionnaires [Conference paper abstract]

Richborough - the secret port

The Somme - innocence lost

The Somme - innocence lost

Validity and reliability of fitbit flex for step count, moderate to vigorous physical activity and activity energy expenditure

Short-term reliability of inflammatory mediators and response to exercise in the heat.

Oxford and Cambridge boat race: performance, pacing and tactics between 1890 and 2014

Get CReaTE-ive

Turner Contemporary: art inspiring change. social value report (15/16)

Young children, but not chimpanzees, are averse to disadvantageous and advantageous inequities

Extrinsic rewards diminish costly sharing in 3-year-olds

Review of Byrd Clark, J.S. & F. Dervin (Eds.) (2014) 'Reflexivity in Language and Intercultural Education: Rethinking Multilingualism and Interculturality'

Ethnic minority membership and depression in the UK and America

Walking making thinking

Opportunities for zonal cartilage regeneration: progenitor cell-laden hydrogels and bioprinting


Degradation of lignin in agricultural residues by locally isolated fungus Neurospora discreta

Preventing digital crime

Sexuality after stroke: an exploration of current professional approaches, barriers to providing support and future directions

Computer games that exercise cognitive skills: what makes them engaging for children?

Short parallel assessments of Neuropsychological status: manual.

Art therapists with experience of mental distress: implications for art therapy training and practice

POSTED train the trainer workshop

POSTED training manual