Safe caseloads for adult community nursing services – an updated review of the evidence
Research report
Jackson, C., Wright, T. and Martin, A. 2016. Safe caseloads for adult community nursing services – an updated review of the evidence.
Authors | Jackson, C., Wright, T. and Martin, A. |
Type | Research report |
Contributors | Ball, J., Drennan, V., Leary, A. and Oldman, C. |
Year | 2016 |
ISBN | 9781909067646 |
Output status | Unpublished |
File | |
Publication process dates | |
Deposited | 06 Jan 2017 |
Completed | Nov 2016 |
Funder | NHS England |
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Wright, T., Nanayakkara, G., Keys, C., Onyejekwe, C. and Sah, R. 2020. HeEL Talk Collaboration and Interdisciplinary, Public Health England, and the Disproportionate Impact of Covid-19 on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities.A response to PHE's reports on disparities in risks and outcomes of COVID-19 for BAME communities
Keys, C., Nanayakkara, G., Onyejekwe, C., Sah, R. and Wright, T. 2020. A response to PHE's reports on disparities in risks and outcomes of COVID-19 for BAME communities.Older LGBTQI+ people: a protocol for a systematic review of their experiences of receiving home care services in the community
Smith, R. and Wright, T. 2020. Older LGBTQI+ people: a protocol for a systematic review of their experiences of receiving home care services in the community. PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews.Developing an integrated career and competence framework for whole systems approach to urgent and emergency care delivery
Martin, A. and Manley, K. 2019. Developing an integrated career and competence framework for whole systems approach to urgent and emergency care delivery. International Emergency Nursing. acquired or heritable connective tissue disorder? a review of hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
Martin, A. 2019. An acquired or heritable connective tissue disorder? a review of hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. European Journal of Medical Genetics. whole systems approach to integrating urgent and emergency care
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Wright, T. and O'Connor, S. 2018. Reviewing challenges and gaps in European and global dementia policy. Journal of Public Mental Health. 17 (4), pp. 157-167. realist synthesis of effective continuing professional development (CPD): a case study of healthcare practitioners' CPD
Manley, K., Martin, A., Jackson, C. and Wright, T. 2018. A realist synthesis of effective continuing professional development (CPD): a case study of healthcare practitioners' CPD. Nurse Education Today. 69, pp. 134-141.Baseline case study report: the rich picture
Jackson, C. 2018. Baseline case study report: the rich picture.Survey of international experts to build consensus about optimum care standards, educational programmes, care environments & technological developments for people living with dementia
Wright, T. and Jackson, C. 2018. Survey of international experts to build consensus about optimum care standards, educational programmes, care environments & technological developments for people living with dementia.A scoping review of staff training and education needs
Martin, A. and Jackson, C. 2018. A scoping review of staff training and education needs.CASCADE baseline review of current partner technology enabled care service (TECS) initiatives and proposal for a collaborative evaluation strategy
Jackson, C. 2018. CASCADE baseline review of current partner technology enabled care service (TECS) initiatives and proposal for a collaborative evaluation strategy.
Using participatory practice development, Delphi and realist research approaches to understand how frontline teams can use the workplace to integrate learning, development, improvement and innovation
Manley, K. and Jackson, C. 2018. Using participatory practice development, Delphi and realist research approaches to understand how frontline teams can use the workplace to integrate learning, development, improvement and innovation.Using participatory, practice development, Delphi and realist research approaches to understand how frontline teams can use the workplace to make sustainable improvements in the quality of their practice
Manley, K., Jackson, C., Martin, A. and Wright, T. 2018. Using participatory, practice development, Delphi and realist research approaches to understand how frontline teams can use the workplace to make sustainable improvements in the quality of their practice.I would have been/ could be amazing: a social justice oriented visual art rejoinder to whole earth?
Bruty, L., Haas, M., Peisley, T., Royal, L., Wright, K. and Wright, T. 2017. I would have been/ could be amazing: a social justice oriented visual art rejoinder to whole earth? in: Sustainability in Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities Canterbury Christ Church University.Safety culture, quality improvement, realist evaluation (SCQIRE): evaluating the impact of the patient safety collaborative initiative
Manley, K., Jackson, C., McKenzie, C., Martin, A. and Wright, T. 2017. Safety culture, quality improvement, realist evaluation (SCQIRE): evaluating the impact of the patient safety collaborative initiative.Patient safety, culture, leadership and improvement capability in frontline practice
Martin, A. and Manley, K. 2017. Patient safety, culture, leadership and improvement capability in frontline practice.Evaluation report of the impact of the second year of the Community Art Studio Group initiative to enhance the mental health and wellbeing of residents in Canterbury
Jackson, C. 2017. Evaluation report of the impact of the second year of the Community Art Studio Group initiative to enhance the mental health and wellbeing of residents in Canterbury.A pedagogic study to measure the effectiveness of an impact indicators framework for CPD learning on practitioner development in the workplace
Jackson, C. 2017. A pedagogic study to measure the effectiveness of an impact indicators framework for CPD learning on practitioner development in the workplace.The need for black and women of colour feminist epistemologies in critical suicide studies
Hayford, A. and Wright, T. 2018. The need for black and women of colour feminist epistemologies in critical suicide studies .A scoping review of gaps and priorities in dementia care in Europe
Martin, A., O'Connor, S. and Jackson, C. 2018. A scoping review of gaps and priorities in dementia care in Europe. Dementia: The International Journal for Social Research and Practice. care strategic workforce planning programme
Jackson, C. and Wright, T. 2017. Primary care strategic workforce planning programme.Developing standards for an integrated approach to workplace facilitation for interprofessional teams in health and social care contexts: a Delphi study
Martin, A. and Manley, K. 2017. Developing standards for an integrated approach to workplace facilitation for interprofessional teams in health and social care contexts: a Delphi study. Journal of Interprofessional Care. on the SCQIRE project: an evaluation in progress
Jackson, C. 2017. Reflections on the SCQIRE project: an evaluation in progress.Addressing the issue of safer staffing in community care settings: shining the spotlight on doing things differently
Jackson, C. 2017. Addressing the issue of safer staffing in community care settings: shining the spotlight on doing things differently.Embedding the CPD impact tool in faculty programmes: a snapshot pilot of its potential application
Jackson, C. 2017. Embedding the CPD impact tool in faculty programmes: a snapshot pilot of its potential application.
Facilitating in the moment of practice
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Safety culture, quality improvement realistic evaluation. SCQIRE project
Jackson, C. 2017. Safety culture, quality improvement realistic evaluation. SCQIRE project.The ‘imagined to the reimagined’ revival of learning in higher education
Wright, T. 2017. The ‘imagined to the reimagined’ revival of learning in higher education. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice. 5 (3). the benefits of intersectional feminist social justice approaches in art psychotherapy
Wright, T. and Wright, K. 2017. Exploring the benefits of intersectional feminist social justice approaches in art psychotherapy. The Arts in Psychotherapy. 54, pp. 7-14.The contribution of community singing groups to the well-being of older people: participant perspectives from the United Kingdom
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Wright, T. 2017. Towards radical praxis through a new formation in practice development. International Practice Development Journal. 7 (2).
Practice development - what can it offer us as an approach to co- designing sustainable research, innovation and improvement?
Jackson, C. 2017. Practice development - what can it offer us as an approach to co- designing sustainable research, innovation and improvement?Overcoming synecdoche: why practice development and quality improvement approaches should be better integrated
Manley, K., Büscher, A., Jackson, C., O’Connor, S. and Stehling, H. 2017. Overcoming synecdoche: why practice development and quality improvement approaches should be better integrated. International Practice Development Journal. 7 (1). the workforce through systems leadership and workplace facilitation of learning development and improvement
Manley, K. and Martin, A. 2016. Transforming the workforce through systems leadership and workplace facilitation of learning development and improvement. Enhancing Practice Conference: Unearthing the Architecture of Practice Patterns, Practice Development and the Co-Construction of Healthful Workplaces. Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Scotland