Transforming urgent & emergency care together: phase 1 final report
Research report
Manley, K., Jackson, C., Martin, A., Apps, J., Setchfield, I., Oliver, G., East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, South East Coast Ambulance Service and Ashford, NHS Canterbury & Coastal, NHS South Kent Coast and NHS Thanet Clinincal Commissioning Groups 2014. Transforming urgent & emergency care together: phase 1 final report. Canterbury, UK England Centre for Practice Development: Canterbury Christ Church University.
Authors | Manley, K., Jackson, C., Martin, A., Apps, J., Setchfield, I., Oliver, G., East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, South East Coast Ambulance Service and Ashford, NHS Canterbury & Coastal, NHS South Kent Coast and NHS Thanet Clinincal Commissioning Groups |
Type | Research report |
Keywords | Clinical systems leadership; whole systems; assess treat sort competence framework; workforce development, urgent and emergency care |
Year | 2014 |
Publisher | England Centre for Practice Development: Canterbury Christ Church University |
Place of publication | Canterbury, UK |
ISBN | 9781909067363 |
Output status | Published |
File | |
Publication dates | |
02 Nov 2014 | |
Publication process dates | |
Deposited | 31 Mar 2016 |
Accepted | 02 Nov 2014 |
Funder | Health Education Kent Surrey Sussex |
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Smith, R., Martin, A., Wright, T., Hulbert, S. and Hatzidimitriadou, E. 2021. Integrated dementia care: A qualitative evidence synthesis of the experiences of people living with dementia, informal carers and healthcare professionals. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 97, p. 104471. of, attitudes to and experiences of robotic assistive technology in health professionals, parents and carers of children and young adults with neurodisabilities: a protocol for a systematic review
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Quality clinical leadership for improving patient safety with patients, carers and staff centre stage.
Manley, K. 2018. Quality clinical leadership for improving patient safety with patients, carers and staff centre stage.A realist synthesis of effective continuing professional development (CPD): a case study of healthcare practitioners' CPD
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Jackson, C. 2018. Baseline case study report: the rich picture.Survey of international experts to build consensus about optimum care standards, educational programmes, care environments & technological developments for people living with dementia
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Using participatory practice development, Delphi and realist research approaches to understand how frontline teams can use the workplace to integrate learning, development, improvement and innovation
Manley, K. and Jackson, C. 2018. Using participatory practice development, Delphi and realist research approaches to understand how frontline teams can use the workplace to integrate learning, development, improvement and innovation.Using participatory, practice development, Delphi and realist research approaches to understand how frontline teams can use the workplace to make sustainable improvements in the quality of their practice
Manley, K., Jackson, C., Martin, A. and Wright, T. 2018. Using participatory, practice development, Delphi and realist research approaches to understand how frontline teams can use the workplace to make sustainable improvements in the quality of their practice.The person, interactions and environment programme to improve care of people with dementia in hospital: a multisite study
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Martin, A. and Manley, K. 2017. Patient safety, culture, leadership and improvement capability in frontline practice.The role of the link nurse in infection prevention and control (IPC): developing a link nurse framework
Manley, K. and Gallagher, R. 2012. The role of the link nurse in infection prevention and control (IPC): developing a link nurse framework. London Royal College of Nursing.Running a research consultation group with parents and carers of children with complex health needs who use children’s rehabilitation therapy services: practical considerations and insights
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Jackson, C. 2017. A pedagogic study to measure the effectiveness of an impact indicators framework for CPD learning on practitioner development in the workplace.A scoping review of gaps and priorities in dementia care in Europe
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Facilitating in the moment of practice
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Safety culture, quality improvement realistic evaluation. SCQIRE project
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Practice development - what can it offer us as an approach to co- designing sustainable research, innovation and improvement?
Jackson, C. 2017. Practice development - what can it offer us as an approach to co- designing sustainable research, innovation and improvement?Overcoming synecdoche: why practice development and quality improvement approaches should be better integrated
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