The contribution of community singing groups to the well-being of older people: participant perspectives from the United Kingdom

Journal article

Skingley, A., Martin, A. and Clift, S. 2016. The contribution of community singing groups to the well-being of older people: participant perspectives from the United Kingdom. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 35 (12), pp. 1302-1324.
AuthorsSkingley, A., Martin, A. and Clift, S.

Current evidence suggests that participatory arts activities, and particularly group singing, may contribute to the well-being of older people. However, there is currently a paucity of prospective research from the participant perspective. This qualitative study nested within a randomized controlled trial aimed to assess participants’ perspectives of the acceptability and effect on health and well-being of a community singing program for older people. Volunteers recruited to the intervention arm (n = 131) were invited to write comments on their experiences over three data collection points of a 14- week singing program. A subsample (n = 19) participated in a retrospective semi-structured interview. Data were subjected to content and thematic analysis. Comments and interviews from 128 individuals suggested that the singing groups led to specific, incremental benefits to physical, psychological, social, and community well-being. Benefits tended to tail off after the program ended. Suggestions were made for the future running of such groups.

JournalJournal of Applied Gerontology
Journal citation35 (12), pp. 1302-1324
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
FunderNational Institute for Health Research
Publication dates
Online23 Mar 2015
PrintDec 2016
Publication process dates
Deposited11 Jan 2017
Accepted02 Jan 2015
Output statusPublished

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Transforming the workforce through systems leadership and workplace facilitation of learning development and improvement
Manley, K. and Martin, A. 2016. Transforming the workforce through systems leadership and workplace facilitation of learning development and improvement. Enhancing Practice Conference: Unearthing the Architecture of Practice Patterns, Practice Development and the Co-Construction of Healthful Workplaces. Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Scotland
Evaluation of edna: arts and dance for older people
Skingley, A., De'Ath, S. and Napleton, L. 2016. Evaluation of edna: arts and dance for older people. Working with Older People. 20 (1), pp. 46-56.
Using systems thinking to identify workforce enablers for a whole systems approach to urgent and emergency care delivery: a multiple case study
Manley, K., Martin, A., Jackson, C. and Wright, T. 2016. Using systems thinking to identify workforce enablers for a whole systems approach to urgent and emergency care delivery: a multiple case study. BMC Health Services Research.
The perceived effects of singing on the health and wellbeing of wives and partners of members of the British Armed Forces: a cross-sectional survey
Clift, S., Price, S., Daykin, N. and Peasgood, E. 2016. The perceived effects of singing on the health and wellbeing of wives and partners of members of the British Armed Forces: a cross-sectional survey. Public Health.
Developing a caseload model to reflect the complexity of district and community nursing
Wright, T., Jackson, C., Manley, K., Martin, A. and Leary, A. 2015. Developing a caseload model to reflect the complexity of district and community nursing. Primary Health Care. 25 (7), pp. 32-33.
Continuing professional development (CPD) for quality care: context, mechanisms, outcome and impact: Education Outcomes Framework: round 2 funding: final report January 2015
Jackson, C., Manley, K., Martin, A. and Wright, T. 2015. Continuing professional development (CPD) for quality care: context, mechanisms, outcome and impact: Education Outcomes Framework: round 2 funding: final report January 2015. Canterbury Christ Church University England Centre for Practice Development.
Transforming urgent & emergency care together: phase 1 final report
Manley, K., Jackson, C., Martin, A., Apps, J., Setchfield, I., Oliver, G., East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, South East Coast Ambulance Service and Ashford, NHS Canterbury & Coastal, NHS South Kent Coast and NHS Thanet Clinincal Commissioning Groups 2014. Transforming urgent & emergency care together: phase 1 final report. Canterbury, UK England Centre for Practice Development: Canterbury Christ Church University.
The Cassandra Project- building a sustainable workload activity model for future community and district nursing workforce capacity planning
Jackson, C., Leary, A., Manley, K., Wright, T. and Martin, A. 2015. The Cassandra Project- building a sustainable workload activity model for future community and district nursing workforce capacity planning.
Transforming urgent & emergency care together: developing standards for integrated facilitation in and about the workplace
Manley, K., Martin, A., Jackson, C., Wright, T. and Health Education Kent Surrey and Sussex 2015. Transforming urgent & emergency care together: developing standards for integrated facilitation in and about the workplace. Canterbury, UK Canterbury Christ Church University.
Singing for mental health and wellbeing: findings from West Kent and Medway
Clift, S., Manship, S. and Stephens, L. 2015. Singing for mental health and wellbeing: findings from West Kent and Medway. Canterbury, UK Canterbury Christ Church University.
An introduction to the field of creative arts, wellbeing and health: achievements and current challenges.
Clift, S. and Camic, P. 2015. An introduction to the field of creative arts, wellbeing and health: achievements and current challenges. in: Clift, S. and Camic, P. (ed.) Oxford Textbook of Creative Arts, Health and Wellbeing: International Perspectives on Practice, Policy and Research Oxford and New York Oxford University Press. pp. 3-9
Understanding factors behind the late testing and diagnosis of HIV: Findings from phase 1 of the IMPRESS Health 2 (Interreg IVA Channel Programme) Project
Manship, S., O'Connor, S., Clift, S., Diouf, M., Lorenzo, P., Trouillet, H. and Schmit, J. 2015. Understanding factors behind the late testing and diagnosis of HIV: Findings from phase 1 of the IMPRESS Health 2 (Interreg IVA Channel Programme) Project.
Phase 1 Anglo-French report on the IMPRESS Health 2 (Interreg IVA Channel Programme) project 4282: understanding factors behind the late testing and diagnosis of HIV
O'Connor, S., Manship, S., Clift, S., Diouf, M., Lorenzo, P., Trouillet, H. and Schmit, J. 2014. Phase 1 Anglo-French report on the IMPRESS Health 2 (Interreg IVA Channel Programme) project 4282: understanding factors behind the late testing and diagnosis of HIV. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University.
Making the complexity of community nursing visible: the Cassandra project
Jackson, C., Manley, K., Martin, A., Wright, T. and Leadbetter, T. 2015. Making the complexity of community nursing visible: the Cassandra project. British Journal of Community Nursing. 20 (3), pp. 126-133.
Engagement-related process factors in services for street-connected children and young people in low and middle income countries: a thematic synthesis
Coren, E., Hossain, R., Ramsbotham, K., Martin, A. and Pardo Pardo, J. 2014. Engagement-related process factors in services for street-connected children and young people in low and middle income countries: a thematic synthesis. London International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie).
Interventions for promoting reintegration and reducing harmful behaviour and lifestyles in street-connected children and young people
Coren, E., Hossain, R., Pardo Pardo, J., Veras, M., Chakraborty, K., Harris, H. and Martin, A. 2013. Interventions for promoting reintegration and reducing harmful behaviour and lifestyles in street-connected children and young people. The Cochrane Library.
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of community singing on the mental health related quality of life of the older population: a randomized controlled trial
Coulton, S., Clift, S., Skingley, A. and Rodriguez, J. 2015. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of community singing on the mental health related quality of life of the older population: a randomized controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry. 207 (3), pp. 250-255.
The Cassandra project: recognising the multidimensional complexity of community nursing for workforce development
Jackson, C., Leary, A., Wright, T., Leadbetter, T., Manley, K. and Martin, A. 2015. The Cassandra project: recognising the multidimensional complexity of community nursing for workforce development. Canterbury Christ Church University England Centre for Practice Development.
Group singing and young people’s psychological well-being
Hinshaw, T., Clift, S., Hulbert, S. and Camic, P. 2015. Group singing and young people’s psychological well-being. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion.
Phase 1 Research Report on the IMPRESS Health 2 (Interreg IVA Channel Programme) Project 4282: Understanding the factors behind the late testing and diagnosis of HIV
O'Connor, S., Manship, S., Hart, M., Tudor, F. and Clift, S. 2014. Phase 1 Research Report on the IMPRESS Health 2 (Interreg IVA Channel Programme) Project 4282: Understanding the factors behind the late testing and diagnosis of HIV. Canterbury, UK. Canterbury Christ Church University.
Experiences of being a control group: lessons from a UK based randomised controlled trial of group singing as a health promotion initiative for older people
Skingley, A., Bungay, H., Clift, S. and Warden, J. 2013. Experiences of being a control group: lessons from a UK based randomised controlled trial of group singing as a health promotion initiative for older people. Health Promotion International.
Older people, isolation and loneliness: implications for community nursing
Skingley, A. 2013. Older people, isolation and loneliness: implications for community nursing. British Journal of Community Nursing. 18 (2), pp. 84-90.
Researching participatory arts, well-being and health: some methodological issues
Skingley, A., Bungay, H. and Clift, S. 2012. Researching participatory arts, well-being and health: some methodological issues. Journal of Arts and Communities. 3 (1), pp. 73-87.
“Singing for breathing”: participants' perceptions of a group singing programme for people with COPD
Skingley, A., Price, S., Clift, S., Morrison, I., Coulton, S., Treadwell, P., Vella-Burrows, T., Shipton, M. and Salisbury, I. 2013. “Singing for breathing”: participants' perceptions of a group singing programme for people with COPD. Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice. 6 (1), pp. 59-74.
Malaria prophylaxis: concerns, choice and compliance among British tourists to The Gambia
Clift, S. 1996. Malaria prophylaxis: concerns, choice and compliance among British tourists to The Gambia. Travel Medicine International. 14, pp. 233-238.
Greenwich and Bexley Council on alcohol: young peoples' HIV/Alcohol Project evaluation report
Ruston, A. and Clift, S. 1995. Greenwich and Bexley Council on alcohol: young peoples' HIV/Alcohol Project evaluation report.
Benefits of choral singing on health: a comparison of singers with high and low psychological wellbeing
Livesey, L., Morrison, I., Clift, S. and Camic, P. 2012. Benefits of choral singing on health: a comparison of singers with high and low psychological wellbeing. Journal of Public Mental Health. 11 (1), pp. 10-26.
HIV/AIDS and midwifery: a study of knowledge, attitudes and practice among midwifery tutors, students and qualified midwives
Grellier, R., Stears, D., Clift, S. and Forrest, S. 1996. HIV/AIDS and midwifery: a study of knowledge, attitudes and practice among midwifery tutors, students and qualified midwives. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church College.
Current research on singing and health within the Sidney De Haan Research Centre for arts and health, UK
Clift, S. 2008. Current research on singing and health within the Sidney De Haan Research Centre for arts and health, UK.
Participating in the arts: a prescription for health improvement?
Clift, S. 2008. Participating in the arts: a prescription for health improvement?
Gay tourism and sexual health promotion
Clift, S. 2000. Gay tourism and sexual health promotion. in: Horne, J. and Flemming, S. (ed.) Masculinities: Leisure Cultures, Identities and Consumption Leisure Studies Association.
Evaluating youth peer education
Clift, S. 1999. Evaluating youth peer education.
Investment opportunities for health promotion in schools in Wales: a valuation of assets
Clift, S. 1999. Investment opportunities for health promotion in schools in Wales: a valuation of assets.
Mechanisms linking active participation in choral singing with benefits for wellbeing and health
Hancox, G. and Clift, S. 2008. Mechanisms linking active participation in choral singing with benefits for wellbeing and health.
How individuals use singing in a group in response to adverse life events
Von Lob, G. and Clift, S. 2009. How individuals use singing in a group in response to adverse life events.
South East Arts and Health: Challenges facing a regional arts and health organisation
Clift, S. 2009. South East Arts and Health: Challenges facing a regional arts and health organisation.
Developing a progressive research programme for Arts and Health: Illustrations from the work of the Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health
Clift, S. 2009. Developing a progressive research programme for Arts and Health: Illustrations from the work of the Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health.
Can the conclusions reached in the reviews of the effectiveness of healthcare be trusted?
Morrissey, M. and Clift, S. 1999. Can the conclusions reached in the reviews of the effectiveness of healthcare be trusted?
The development of a model for a cost-benefit analysis of community music activity with older people
Clift, S. 2007. The development of a model for a cost-benefit analysis of community music activity with older people.
Choral singing and psychological wellbeing: findings from English choirs in a cross-national survey using the WHOQOL-BREF
Hancox, G., Clift, S., Morrison, I., Hess, B., Kreutz, G. and Stewart, D. 2007. Choral singing and psychological wellbeing: findings from English choirs in a cross-national survey using the WHOQOL-BREF.
Singing for health: an overview of the work of the Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health
Clift, S. and Morrison, I. 2009. Singing for health: an overview of the work of the Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health.
What do singers say about the effects of choral singing on physical health?
Hancox, G., Clift, S. and Morrison, I. 2009. What do singers say about the effects of choral singing on physical health?
Choral singing and psychological wellbeing: findings from English choirs in a cross-national survey using the WHOQOL-BREF
Hancox, G., Clift, S., Morrison, I., Hess, B., Kreutz, G. and Stewart, D. 2007. Choral singing and psychological wellbeing: findings from English choirs in a cross-national survey using the WHOQOL-BREF.
Mobilising the power of singing in promoting wellbeing and health
Clift, S. and Hancox, G. 2007. Mobilising the power of singing in promoting wellbeing and health.
Drawing breath: promoting meaning and self-management in COPD
Fraser, J., Price, S. and Skingley, A. 2011. Drawing breath: promoting meaning and self-management in COPD. British Journal of Community Nursing. 16 (2), pp. 58-64.
Singing for mental health and wellbeing: community initiatives in England
Clift, S., Morrison, I., Vella-Burrows, T., Hancox, G., Caldon, E., Perry, U., Holden, P., Parsons-West, C., Moore, K., Rowland-Jones, C. and Hayes, S. 2011. Singing for mental health and wellbeing: community initiatives in England. in: Brader, A. (ed.) Songs of Resilience Newcastle upon Tyne Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 121-144
Group singing fosters mental health and wellbeing: findings from the East Kent ‘‘singing for health’’ network project
Clift, S. and Morrison, I. 2011. Group singing fosters mental health and wellbeing: findings from the East Kent ‘‘singing for health’’ network project. Mental Health and Social Inclusion. 15 (2), pp. 88-97.
Gay men and tourism: destinations and holiday motivations
Clift, S. and Forrest, S. 1999. Gay men and tourism: destinations and holiday motivations. Tourism Management. 20 (5), pp. 615-625.
Local experience of running an NIHR project in Kent and Medway
Skingley, A. 2010. Local experience of running an NIHR project in Kent and Medway.
The role of systematic reviews in the strategic development of a research project
Clift, S. 2010. The role of systematic reviews in the strategic development of a research project.
Is there a role for the arts in addressing health inequalities within sub-saharan Africa?
Clift, S. 2010. Is there a role for the arts in addressing health inequalities within sub-saharan Africa?
The development and evaluation of a singing group network for mental health service users in the South East of England
Clift, S. 2010. The development and evaluation of a singing group network for mental health service users in the South East of England.
The value of the arts, theatre and music in promoting health and tackling health inequalities
Clift, S. 2010. The value of the arts, theatre and music in promoting health and tackling health inequalities.
The evidence base for arts and health: a continuing challenge
Clift, S. 2010. The evidence base for arts and health: a continuing challenge.
Why singing is good for wellbeing and health
Clift, S. 2010. Why singing is good for wellbeing and health.
New developments in research on singing, wellbeing and health
Clift, S. 2010. New developments in research on singing, wellbeing and health.
Group singing, wellbeing and health: a systematic mapping of research evidence
Clift, S., Nicol, J., Raisbeck, M., Whitmore, C. and Morrison, I. 2010. Group singing, wellbeing and health: a systematic mapping of research evidence. UNESCO Observatory. 2 (1).
A survey of AIDS education in secondary schools
Stears, D. and Clift, S. 1990. A survey of AIDS education in secondary schools. Horsham AVERT.
Does a 'singing together' group improve the quality of life of people with a dementia and their carers?: a pilot evaluation study
Camic, P., Williams, C., Clift, S. and Meeten, F. 2010. Does a 'singing together' group improve the quality of life of people with a dementia and their carers?: a pilot evaluation study.
Travel, lifestyles and health
Clift, S. and Page, S. 1994. Travel, lifestyles and health. Tourism Management. 15 (1), pp. 69-70.
Formative evaluation of the Silver Song Club project
Skingley, A., Bungay, H., Clift, S. and Hancox, G. 2008. Formative evaluation of the Silver Song Club project.
Health and the older traveller: issues for health promotion
Clift, S. and Morrissey, M. 2001. Health and the older traveller: issues for health promotion. in: Chiva, A. and Stears, D. (ed.) Promoting the Health of Older People: The Next Step in Health Generation Buckingham Open University Press. pp. 132-143
Tourist health: the precautions, behaviour and health problems of British tourists in Malta
Clift, S. 1994. Tourist health: the precautions, behaviour and health problems of British tourists in Malta. in: Page, S. and Clark, N. (ed.) Tourism: the state of the art Chichester John Wiley & Sons. pp. 799-817
Health, sex and drugs education - rhetoric and reality
Stears, D., Clift, S. and Blackman, S. 1995. Health, sex and drugs education - rhetoric and reality. in: Ahier, J. and Ross, A. (ed.) Social Subjects within the Curriculum: Children's Social Learning in the National Curriculum Falmer Press.
AIDS: the secondary scene - a guide to issues, approaches and resources
Clift, S. and Stears, D. 1992. AIDS: the secondary scene - a guide to issues, approaches and resources. Horsham AVERT.
Travel, sexual behaviour and gay men
Clift, S. and Wilkins, J. 1995. Travel, sexual behaviour and gay men. in: Aggleton, P., Davies, P. and Hart, G. (ed.) Aids Safety, Sexuality and Risk London Taylor & Francis. pp. 35-54
Impulsiveness, venture-some-ness and sexual risk-taking among heterosexual GUM clinic attenders
Clift, S., Wilkins, J. and Davidson, E. 1993. Impulsiveness, venture-some-ness and sexual risk-taking among heterosexual GUM clinic attenders. Personality and Individual Differences. 15 (4), pp. 403-410.
Assessing pupils' games performance in the secondary school: an exploration using repertory grid techniques
Balsdon, A. and Clift, S. 1992. Assessing pupils' games performance in the secondary school: an exploration using repertory grid techniques. in: Almond, L., Williams, T. and Sparkes, A. (ed.) Sport and Physical Activity London Spon Press.
Assessing gymnastic performance
Balsdon, A. and Clift, S. 1990. Assessing gymnastic performance. Physical Education Review. 13 (1), pp. 48-59.
AIDS education in secondary schools
Clift, S. and Stears, D. 1991. AIDS education in secondary schools. Education and Health. 9 (2), pp. 23-26.
A guide to using the booklet: sexual feelings and relationships
Clift, S., Kanabus, A., Callister, C. and Forrester, S. 1996. A guide to using the booklet: sexual feelings and relationships. AVERT.
Sexual feelings and relationships: a booklet for young people
Clift, S., Kanabus, A., Callister, C. and Forrester, S. 1996. Sexual feelings and relationships: a booklet for young people. AVERT.
Merton, Sutton and Wandsworth female sex workers outreach project report
Clift, S. 1995. Merton, Sutton and Wandsworth female sex workers outreach project report. Merton, Sutton and Wandsworth Health.
Europe against AIDS summer campaign 1995 schools resource pack
Clift, S. and Thomas, L. 1995. Europe against AIDS summer campaign 1995 schools resource pack. Canterbury Christ Church University.
Sexual behaviour abroad: a study of genito-urinary clinic attenders
Black, P., Clift, S. and Wijesurendna, C. 1995. Sexual behaviour abroad: a study of genito-urinary clinic attenders. Travel Medicine International. 13 (6), pp. 66-69.
Part V: Psychology - Coach and players' assessment of coach effectiveness in an elite men's hockey team
Balsdon, A., Clift, S., Underwood, G. and Stephenson, G. 2001. Part V: Psychology - Coach and players' assessment of coach effectiveness in an elite men's hockey team. Journal of Sports Sciences. 16 (1), pp. 71-72.
Gay tourist space and sexual risk behaviour
Forrest, S. and Clift, S. 1998. Gay tourist space and sexual risk behaviour. in: Aitchison, C. and Jordan, F. (ed.) Gender, Space and Identity Eastbourne Leisure Studies Association. pp. 163-176
An exploration of players' and coach's assessment of player performance in an elite men’s hockey team
Balsdon, A., Clift, S., Bird, S. and Stephenson, G. 2001. An exploration of players' and coach's assessment of player performance in an elite men’s hockey team. Journal of Sports Sciences. 19 (1), p. 16.
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a participative community singing programme as a health promotion initiative for older people: protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Skingley, A., Clift, S., Coulton, S. and Rodriguez, J. 2011. The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a participative community singing programme as a health promotion initiative for older people: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health. 11 (1), p. 142.
Romance and sex on holidays abroad: a study of magazine representations
Clift, S. 1994. Romance and sex on holidays abroad: a study of magazine representations. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church College.
The use of singing-in-a-group as a response to adverse life events
Von Lob, G., Camic, P. and Clift, S. 2010. The use of singing-in-a-group as a response to adverse life events. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion. 12 (3), pp. 45-53.
Therapeutic effects of music and singing for older people
Skingley, A. and Vella-Burrows, T. 2010. Therapeutic effects of music and singing for older people. Nursing Standard. 24 (19), pp. 35-41.
The significance of choral singing for sustaining psychological wellbeing: findings from a survey of choristers in England, Australia and Germany
Clift, S. and Hancox, G. 2010. The significance of choral singing for sustaining psychological wellbeing: findings from a survey of choristers in England, Australia and Germany. Music Performance Research. 3 (1), pp. 79-96.
Singing for health: a musical remedy
Clift, S. 2010. Singing for health: a musical remedy. British Journal of Wellbeing. 1 (6), pp. 19-21.
Let the music play
Clift, S. 2010. Let the music play. British Journal of Wellbeing. 1 (1), pp. 15-17.
The Silver Song Club Project: A sense of well-being through participatory singing
Bungay, H., Clift, S. and Skingley, A. 2010. The Silver Song Club Project: A sense of well-being through participatory singing. Journal of Applied Arts and Health. 1 (2), pp. 165-178.
Arts on prescription: A review of practice in the UK
Bungay, H. and Clift, S. 2010. Arts on prescription: A review of practice in the UK. Perspectives in Public Health. 130 (6), pp. 277-281.
The Silver Song Club Project: singing to promote the health of older people.
Skingley, A. and Bungay, H. 2010. The Silver Song Club Project: singing to promote the health of older people. British Journal of Community Nursing. 15 (3), pp. 135-140.
The Silver Song Club Project: A formative evaluation
Bungay, H. and Skingley, A. 2008. The Silver Song Club Project: A formative evaluation. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University.
Supported further education provision for people with long-term mental health needs: Findings from a survey of further education colleges and primary care trusts across the south east of England
Morrison, I., Clift, S. and Stosz, L. 2010. Supported further education provision for people with long-term mental health needs: Findings from a survey of further education colleges and primary care trusts across the south east of England. Perspectives in Public Health. 130 (2), pp. 78-85.
Australian data from the "cross-national research on the effects of choral singing" project
Stewart, D., Sun, J., Clift, S., Hancox, G., Morrison, I., Hess, B. and Kreutz, G. 2008. Australian data from the "cross-national research on the effects of choral singing" project.
Stress and Antonovsky's Resistance Resources: A practical example
Morrison, I. and Clift, S. 2007. Stress and Antonovsky's Resistance Resources: A practical example. Stress News. 19 (2), pp. 4-5.
Mental health needs in the workplace
Morrison, I. and Clift, S. 2005. Mental health needs in the workplace. The Institution of Electrical Enginners Engineering Management. 15 (2), pp. 36-37.
The Open Door programme: student journeys to employment and university
Morrison, I. and Clift, S. 2005. The Open Door programme: student journeys to employment and university. A Life in the Day. 9 (2), pp. 23-26.
A survey of supported education for people with long-term mental health needs in Further Education colleges in the South East of England
Morrison, I. and Clift, S. 2006. A survey of supported education for people with long-term mental health needs in Further Education colleges in the South East of England. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University.
Arts and healthy communities in the South East
Clift, S. and Vella-Burrows, T. 2003. Arts and healthy communities in the South East. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University.
The MusicStart Project: evaluation of an early years music initiative
Clift, S., MacKenzie, K. and Bushell, F. 2006. The MusicStart Project: evaluation of an early years music initiative. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University.
Choral singing, wellbeing and health: findings from a cross-national survey
Clift, S., Hancox, G., Morrison, I., Hess, B., Stewart, D. and Kreutz, G. 2008. Choral singing, wellbeing and health: findings from a cross-national survey. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University.
Choral singing and psychological wellbeing: quantitative and qualitative findings from English choirs in a cross-national survey
Clift, S., Hancox, G., Morrison, I., Hess, B., Kreutz, G. and Stewart, D. 2010. Choral singing and psychological wellbeing: quantitative and qualitative findings from English choirs in a cross-national survey. Journal of Applied Arts and Health. 1 (1), pp. 19-34.
Singing and health: a systematic mapping and review of non-clinical research
Clift, S., Hancox, G., Staricoff, R. and Whitmore, C. 2008. Singing and health: a systematic mapping and review of non-clinical research. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University.
Evaluation of the 'Sound Start' project - singing to babies before and after birth
Clift, S. 2002. Evaluation of the 'Sound Start' project - singing to babies before and after birth. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University College.
Southampton Silver Song Club: reflections on music making with elderly people facilitated by student volunteers
Bamford, A. and Clift, S. 2007. Southampton Silver Song Club: reflections on music making with elderly people facilitated by student volunteers. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University.
Music into Upton: reflections on an initiative to bring live music into a hospital setting
Bamford, A. and Clift, S. 2007. Music into Upton: reflections on an initiative to bring live music into a hospital setting. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University.
Making singing for health happen: reflections on a 'Singing for the Brain' training course
Bamford, A. and Clift, S. 2007. Making singing for health happen: reflections on a 'Singing for the Brain' training course. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University.
An evidence base for mental health promotion through supported education: a practical application of Antonovsky's salutogenic model of health
Morrison, I., Stosz, L. and Clift, S. 2008. An evidence base for mental health promotion through supported education: a practical application of Antonovsky's salutogenic model of health. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education. 46 (1), pp. 11-20.
The MusicStart Project: an evaluation of the impact of a training programme to enhance the role of music and singing in educational settings for children aged three to five years
MacKenzie, K. and Clift, S. 2008. The MusicStart Project: an evaluation of the impact of a training programme to enhance the role of music and singing in educational settings for children aged three to five years. International Journal of Music Education. 26 (3), pp. 229-242.
Choral singing and psychological wellbeing: findings from English choirs in a cross-national survey using the WHOQOL-BREF
Clift, S., Hancox, G., Morrison, I., Hess, B., Kreutz, G. and Stewart, D. 2007. Choral singing and psychological wellbeing: findings from English choirs in a cross-national survey using the WHOQOL-BREF. in: Williamon, A. and Coimbra, D. (ed.) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen. pp. 201-207
Tourism and the sexual ecology of gay men
Clift, S. and Forrest, S. 2000. Tourism and the sexual ecology of gay men. in: Clift, S. and Carter, S. (ed.) Tourism and Sex: Culture, Commerce and Coercion Leicester Pinter.
Gay tourism, sex and sexual health promotion
Clift, S. and Forrest, S. 2000. Gay tourism, sex and sexual health promotion. in: Horne, J. and Fleming, S. (ed.) Masculinities: Leisure Culture, Identities and Consumption Eastbourne Leisure Studies Association.
Factors associated with the sexual behaviour and risk of gay men on holiday
Clift, S. and Forrest, S. 1999. Factors associated with the sexual behaviour and risk of gay men on holiday. AIDS Care. 11 (3), pp. 281-295.
Sex and international travel: behaviour, health and human rights
Clift, S. 2003. Sex and international travel: behaviour, health and human rights. in: Bor, R. (ed.) Passenger Behaviour London Ashgate.
Tourism and health: present issues and future concerns
Clift, S. 2000. Tourism and health: present issues and future concerns. Tourism Recreation Research. 25 (3), pp. 55-61.
The health promoting school: a resource for developing indicators
Barnekov, V., Buijs, G., Clift, S., Jensen, B., Paulus, P., Rivett, D. and Young, I. 2006. The health promoting school: a resource for developing indicators. Copenhagen International Planning Committee of the European Network of Health Promoting Schools Task Force.
Cognitive predictors of adherence to malaria prophylaxis regimens on return from a malarious region: a prospective study
Abraham, C., Clift, S. and Grabowski, P. 1999. Cognitive predictors of adherence to malaria prophylaxis regimens on return from a malarious region: a prospective study. Social Science and Medicine. 48, pp. 1641-1654.
Incidence and location of diabetic foot ulcer recurrence
Galea, A., Springett, K., Clift, S., Bungay, H., Fava, S. and Cachia, M. 2009. Incidence and location of diabetic foot ulcer recurrence. The Diabetic Foot Journal. 12 (4), pp. 181-186.
Antonovsky revisited: implications for mental health promotion practice
Morrison, I. and Clift, S. 2007. Antonovsky revisited: implications for mental health promotion practice. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion. 9 (2), pp. 36-46.
Mental health promotion through supported further education: The value of Antonovsky's salutogenic model of health
Morrison, I. and Clift, S. 2006. Mental health promotion through supported further education: The value of Antonovsky's salutogenic model of health. Health Education. 106 (5), pp. 365-380.
Music and well-being
Clift, S. and Hancox, G. 2006. Music and well-being. in: Greenstreet, W. (ed.) Integrating Spirituality in Health and Social Care: Perspectives and Practical Approaches Oxford Radcliffe Publishing. pp. 151-165
Arts and health
Clift, S. 2011. Arts and health. Perspectives in Public Health. 131 (1), p. 8.
The perceived benefits of singing: findings from preliminary surveys of a university college choral society
Clift, S. and Hancox, G. 2001. The perceived benefits of singing: findings from preliminary surveys of a university college choral society. The Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health. 121 (4), pp. 248-256.
Malaria prophylaxis and the media
Clift, S. and Grabowski, P. 1996. Malaria prophylaxis and the media. The Lancet. 348 (9023), pp. 344-344.
Factors associated with gay men's sexual behaviours and risk on holiday
Clift, S. and Forrest, S. 1999. Factors associated with gay men's sexual behaviours and risk on holiday. AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV. 11 (3), pp. 281-295.
Shall we dance? An exploration of the perceived benefits of dancing on well-being
Quiroga Murcia, C., Kreutz, G., Clift, S. and Bongard, S. 2010. Shall we dance? An exploration of the perceived benefits of dancing on well-being. Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice. 2 (2), pp. 149-163.
The arts and global health inequities
Clift, S., Camic, P. and Daykin, N. 2010. The arts and global health inequities. Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice. 2 (1), pp. 3-7.
Coming of age for arts and health: what we hope to achieve
Camic, P., Clift, S. and Daykin, N. 2009. Coming of age for arts and health: what we hope to achieve. Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice. 1 (1), pp. 3-5.
The state of arts and health in England
Clift, S., Camic, P., Chapman, B., Clayton, G., Daykin, N., Eades, G., Parkinson, C., Secker, J., Stickley, T. and White, M. 2009. The state of arts and health in England. Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice. 1 (1), pp. 6-35.
Supporting practice teachers to identify failing students
Skingley, A., Arnott, J., Greaves, J. and Nabb, J. 2007. Supporting practice teachers to identify failing students. British Journal of Community Nursing. 12 (1), pp. 28-32.
Guest Editorial
Clift, S. 2005. Guest Editorial. Health Education. 105 (5), pp. 328-331.
Dimensions of holiday experience and their implications for health: a study of British tourists in Malta
Clift, S. and Clark, N. 1995. Dimensions of holiday experience and their implications for health: a study of British tourists in Malta. Canterbury Christ Church University.