Continuing professional development (CPD) for quality care: context, mechanisms, outcome and impact: Education Outcomes Framework: round 2 funding: final report January 2015

Research report

Jackson, C., Manley, K., Martin, A. and Wright, T. 2015. Continuing professional development (CPD) for quality care: context, mechanisms, outcome and impact: Education Outcomes Framework: round 2 funding: final report January 2015. Canterbury Christ Church University England Centre for Practice Development.
AuthorsJackson, C., Manley, K., Martin, A. and Wright, T.
TypeResearch report
ContributorsDewing, J.
KeywordsHealth care professional education; continuing professional development (CPD) impact; realist evaluation; quality care; transformational theories
PublisherCanterbury Christ Church University England Centre for Practice Development
Related URL
Output statusPublished
Publication dates
PrintJan 2015
Publication process dates
Deposited31 Mar 2016
FunderNHS Employers

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A scoping review of gaps and priorities in dementia care in Europe
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Primary care strategic workforce planning programme
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Developing standards for an integrated approach to workplace facilitation for interprofessional teams in health and social care contexts: a Delphi study
Martin, A. and Manley, K. 2017. Developing standards for an integrated approach to workplace facilitation for interprofessional teams in health and social care contexts: a Delphi study. Journal of Interprofessional Care.
Reflections on the SCQIRE project: an evaluation in progress
Jackson, C. 2017. Reflections on the SCQIRE project: an evaluation in progress.
Addressing the issue of safer staffing in community care settings: shining the spotlight on doing things differently
Jackson, C. 2017. Addressing the issue of safer staffing in community care settings: shining the spotlight on doing things differently.
Embedding the CPD impact tool in faculty programmes: a snapshot pilot of its potential application
Jackson, C. 2017. Embedding the CPD impact tool in faculty programmes: a snapshot pilot of its potential application.
Facilitating in the moment of practice
Jackson, C. and Manley, K. 2017. Facilitating in the moment of practice.
Safety culture, quality improvement realistic evaluation. SCQIRE project
Jackson, C. 2017. Safety culture, quality improvement realistic evaluation. SCQIRE project.
The ‘imagined to the reimagined’ revival of learning in higher education
Wright, T. 2017. The ‘imagined to the reimagined’ revival of learning in higher education. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice. 5 (3).
Exploring the benefits of intersectional feminist social justice approaches in art psychotherapy
Wright, T. and Wright, K. 2017. Exploring the benefits of intersectional feminist social justice approaches in art psychotherapy. The Arts in Psychotherapy. 54, pp. 7-14.
The contribution of community singing groups to the well-being of older people: participant perspectives from the United Kingdom
Skingley, A., Martin, A. and Clift, S. 2016. The contribution of community singing groups to the well-being of older people: participant perspectives from the United Kingdom. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 35 (12), pp. 1302-1324.
Safe caseloads for adult community nursing services – an updated review of the evidence
Jackson, C., Wright, T. and Martin, A. 2016. Safe caseloads for adult community nursing services – an updated review of the evidence.
Towards radical praxis through a new formation in practice development
Wright, T. 2017. Towards radical praxis through a new formation in practice development. International Practice Development Journal. 7 (2).
Practice development - what can it offer us as an approach to co- designing sustainable research, innovation and improvement?
Jackson, C. 2017. Practice development - what can it offer us as an approach to co- designing sustainable research, innovation and improvement?
Overcoming synecdoche: why practice development and quality improvement approaches should be better integrated
Manley, K., Büscher, A., Jackson, C., O’Connor, S. and Stehling, H. 2017. Overcoming synecdoche: why practice development and quality improvement approaches should be better integrated. International Practice Development Journal. 7 (1).
An overview of practice development
Manley, K. 2016. An overview of practice development. in: McCormack, B. and McCance, T. (ed.) Person-Centred Practice In Nursing and Health Care: Theory and Practice Chichester Wiley-Blackwell.
Transforming the workforce through systems leadership and workplace facilitation of learning development and improvement
Manley, K. and Martin, A. 2016. Transforming the workforce through systems leadership and workplace facilitation of learning development and improvement. Enhancing Practice Conference: Unearthing the Architecture of Practice Patterns, Practice Development and the Co-Construction of Healthful Workplaces. Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Scotland
Leading in context: the collective power of transformational leadership
Jackson, C. 2016. Leading in context: the collective power of transformational leadership.
Using systems thinking to identify workforce enablers for a whole systems approach to urgent and emergency care delivery: a multiple case study
Manley, K., Martin, A., Jackson, C. and Wright, T. 2016. Using systems thinking to identify workforce enablers for a whole systems approach to urgent and emergency care delivery: a multiple case study. BMC Health Services Research.
Facilitation skills: the catalyst for increased effectiveness in consultant practice and clinical systems leadership
Manley, K. and Titchen, A. 2016. Facilitation skills: the catalyst for increased effectiveness in consultant practice and clinical systems leadership. Educational Action Research.
Implementing & evaluating a community of practice for health visiting - final report
Manley, K., Greaves, J., Health Education Kent Surrey and Sussex, Kent Community Healthcare Foundation Trust and Medway Community Health 2016. Implementing & evaluating a community of practice for health visiting - final report.
Measuring the impact of continuing professional development (CPD) learning on patient experience outcomes in the workplace – a realist synthesis and evaluation
Jackson, C. 2015. Measuring the impact of continuing professional development (CPD) learning on patient experience outcomes in the workplace – a realist synthesis and evaluation.
Review: The influence of authentic leadership and supportive professional practice environments on new graduate nurses’ job satisfaction
Jackson, C. 2016. Review: The influence of authentic leadership and supportive professional practice environments on new graduate nurses’ job satisfaction. Journal of Research in Nursing. 21 (2), pp. 137-138.
Managing gendered expectations upon resettlement: the experiences of Iraqi Kurdish Muslim women in the UK
Wright, T. 2013. Managing gendered expectations upon resettlement: the experiences of Iraqi Kurdish Muslim women in the UK. Gender, Place and Culture. 21 (6), pp. 733-749.
On ‘sisterhood’: What Iraqi Kurdish women migrants have to say about women and the commonalities they share
Wright, T. 2014. On ‘sisterhood’: What Iraqi Kurdish women migrants have to say about women and the commonalities they share. Journal of International Women's Studies. 15 (2), pp. 182-196.
Reconceptualising dementia friendly communities
Wright, T. 2014. Reconceptualising dementia friendly communities. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care. 11 (3), pp. 282-283.
The contrary nature of ‘differentiation’ in higher education
Wright, T. 2014. The contrary nature of ‘differentiation’ in higher education. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice. 2 (2), pp. 52-55.
Whatever happened to the F word in higher education?
Wright, T. 2014. Whatever happened to the F word in higher education? Journal of Gender Studies.
Developing a caseload model to reflect the complexity of district and community nursing
Wright, T., Jackson, C., Manley, K., Martin, A. and Leary, A. 2015. Developing a caseload model to reflect the complexity of district and community nursing. Primary Health Care. 25 (7), pp. 32-33.
Art for women’s sake: understanding feminist art therapy as didactic practice re-orientation
Wright, T. and Wright, T. 2013. Art for women’s sake: understanding feminist art therapy as didactic practice re-orientation.
Transforming urgent & emergency care together: phase 1 final report
Manley, K., Jackson, C., Martin, A., Apps, J., Setchfield, I., Oliver, G., East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, South East Coast Ambulance Service and Ashford, NHS Canterbury & Coastal, NHS South Kent Coast and NHS Thanet Clinincal Commissioning Groups 2014. Transforming urgent & emergency care together: phase 1 final report. Canterbury, UK England Centre for Practice Development: Canterbury Christ Church University.
Art for women’s sake: understanding feminist art therapy as didactic practice re-orientation
Wright, K. and Wright, T. 2013. Art for women’s sake: understanding feminist art therapy as didactic practice re-orientation.
The Cassandra Project- building a sustainable workload activity model for future community and district nursing workforce capacity planning
Jackson, C., Leary, A., Manley, K., Wright, T. and Martin, A. 2015. The Cassandra Project- building a sustainable workload activity model for future community and district nursing workforce capacity planning.
Art for women’s sake: understanding feminist art therapy as didactic practice re-orientation
Wright, T. and Wright, K. 2013. Art for women’s sake: understanding feminist art therapy as didactic practice re-orientation. International Practice Development Journal. 3 (Suppl.).
Transforming urgent & emergency care together: developing standards for integrated facilitation in and about the workplace
Manley, K., Martin, A., Jackson, C., Wright, T. and Health Education Kent Surrey and Sussex 2015. Transforming urgent & emergency care together: developing standards for integrated facilitation in and about the workplace. Canterbury, UK Canterbury Christ Church University.
The Cassandra project: building a sustainable workload activity model for future community and district nursing workforce capacity planning
Jackson, C. 2015. The Cassandra project: building a sustainable workload activity model for future community and district nursing workforce capacity planning.
Facilitating a culture of innovation across health care- spirals of connectedness for multiple transformations from workplace to system
Jackson, C. 2016. Facilitating a culture of innovation across health care- spirals of connectedness for multiple transformations from workplace to system.
Transforming the NHS through transforming ourselves
Akhtar, M., Casha, J., Ronder, J., Sakel, M., Wight, C. and Manley, K. 2016. Transforming the NHS through transforming ourselves. International Practice Development Journal. 6 (2).
Supporting social justice in art therapy
Wright, T. 2015. Supporting social justice in art therapy.
Making the complexity of community nursing visible
Jackson, C. and Leary, A. 2015. Making the complexity of community nursing visible.
Cassandra community workload activity project: phase 1
Jackson, C. 2015. Cassandra community workload activity project: phase 1.
Bespoke CPD for practice nurses
Jackson, C., Crouch, S., Price, S. and Wright, T. 2015. Bespoke CPD for practice nurses. Practice Nursing. 26 (2), pp. 1-5.
Transforming primary care: vision and reality: a whole systems approach to developing the workforce
Jackson, C. and Manley, K. 2015. Transforming primary care: vision and reality: a whole systems approach to developing the workforce.
Making the complexity of community nursing visible: the Cassandra project
Jackson, C., Manley, K., Martin, A., Wright, T. and Leadbetter, T. 2015. Making the complexity of community nursing visible: the Cassandra project. British Journal of Community Nursing. 20 (3), pp. 126-133.
Engagement-related process factors in services for street-connected children and young people in low and middle income countries: a thematic synthesis
Coren, E., Hossain, R., Ramsbotham, K., Martin, A. and Pardo Pardo, J. 2014. Engagement-related process factors in services for street-connected children and young people in low and middle income countries: a thematic synthesis. London International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie).
Interventions for promoting reintegration and reducing harmful behaviour and lifestyles in street-connected children and young people
Coren, E., Hossain, R., Pardo Pardo, J., Veras, M., Chakraborty, K., Harris, H. and Martin, A. 2013. Interventions for promoting reintegration and reducing harmful behaviour and lifestyles in street-connected children and young people. The Cochrane Library.
The Cassandra project: recognising the multidimensional complexity of community nursing for workforce development
Jackson, C., Leary, A., Wright, T., Leadbetter, T., Manley, K. and Martin, A. 2015. The Cassandra project: recognising the multidimensional complexity of community nursing for workforce development. Canterbury Christ Church University England Centre for Practice Development.
A snapshot culture assessment undertaken for Kent and Medway Partnership NHS Trust
Jackson, C. 2014. A snapshot culture assessment undertaken for Kent and Medway Partnership NHS Trust. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University.
Action learning: maximizing learning in the workplace
Jackson, C. and Thurgate, C. 2011. Action learning: maximizing learning in the workplace. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants. 5 (9), pp. 454-456.
Developing the role of the Assistant Practitioner
Jackson, C. 2010. Developing the role of the Assistant Practitioner.
Preparing for the new graduate workforce across health provider organisations
Manley, K. and Jackson, C. 2011. Preparing for the new graduate workforce across health provider organisations.
Navigating contested terrain - AP stories from the frontline
Jackson, C. and Thurgate, C. 2011. Navigating contested terrain - AP stories from the frontline. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants. 5 (7), pp. 346-349.
Career planning for the future - where to from here?
Jackson, C. 2011. Career planning for the future - where to from here? in: Jackson, C. and Thurgate, C. (ed.) Workplace Learning in Health and Social Care: A Student's Guide Maidenhead Open University Press. pp. 112-126
How does learning happen in the workplace?
Jackson, C. 2011. How does learning happen in the workplace? in: Jackson, C. and Thurgate, C. (ed.) Workplace Learning in Health and Social Care: A Student's Guide Maidenhead Open University Press. pp. 12-21
First do no harm: reflections on setting up a fitness to practice panel at Canterbury Christ Church University
Jackson, C., Biela, C. and Levine, A. 2008. First do no harm: reflections on setting up a fitness to practice panel at Canterbury Christ Church University.
Becoming a learning community: a transformative journey towards a sustainable model to support student learning in practice
Jackson, C. and West, S. 2008. Becoming a learning community: a transformative journey towards a sustainable model to support student learning in practice.
Personal development plans and workplace learning
Jackson, C. and Thurgate, C. 2011. Personal development plans and workplace learning. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants. 5 (6), pp. 292-296.
Transforming professional development for an era of interagency leadership
Hryniewicz, L. and Jackson, C. 2010. Transforming professional development for an era of interagency leadership.
The importance of partnership working in the design and implementation of band A assistant practitioner roles - a case example
Thurgate, C. and Jackson, C. 2010. The importance of partnership working in the design and implementation of band A assistant practitioner roles - a case example. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants. 4 (12), pp. 603-604.
Learning leaders, new professional identities and the implications for children’s centres and early years
Jackson, C. and Hryniewicz, L. 2011. Learning leaders, new professional identities and the implications for children’s centres and early years.
Understanding the importance of career planning
Thurgate, C. and Jackson, C. 2011. Understanding the importance of career planning. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants. 5 (1), pp. 35-37.
Partnership working and the assistant practitioner
Thurgate, C. and Jackson, C. 2010. Partnership working and the assistant practitioner. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants. 4 (12), pp. 603-604.
Facing the challenge: the development of assistant practitioners
Thurgate, C. and Jackson, C. 2010. Facing the challenge: the development of assistant practitioners. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants. 4 (11), pp. 546-547.
Developing foundation degrees in adult health services
Thurgate, C. and Jackson, C. 2010. Developing foundation degrees in adult health services. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants. 4 (8), pp. 382-383.
Creative thinking for whole systems working
Jackson, C. and Ellis, P. 2010. Creative thinking for whole systems working. in: Standing, M. (ed.) Clinical Judgement and Decision-Making in Nursing and Interprofessional Healthcare Maidenhead Open University Press.
An overview of the national challenges of embedding an assistant practitioner workforce in health and social care
Thurgate, C. and Jackson, C. 2010. An overview of the national challenges of embedding an assistant practitioner workforce in health and social care. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants. 4 (11), pp. 546-547.