Dr Toni Wright

NameDr Toni Wright
Job titleSenior Lecturer In Adult Nursing
Research instituteSchool of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work

Research outputs

Community areas of sustainable care and dementia excellence in Europe (CASCADE) - Executive report: A retrospective analysis of the ZorgSaam model of long-term home and residential care for older adults

Martin, A., Smith, R., Hatzidimitriadou, E., Sangeorzan, I., Hulbert, S. and Wright, T. 2023. Community areas of sustainable care and dementia excellence in Europe (CASCADE) - Executive report: A retrospective analysis of the ZorgSaam model of long-term home and residential care for older adults. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University.

EMPOWERCARE: EMPOWERing individuals & communities to manage their own CARE

Hatzidimitriadou, E., Wright, T., England, M., Thompson, T. and Lynch, M. 2023. EMPOWERCARE: EMPOWERing individuals & communities to manage their own CARE. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University.

Experiences of refugees and asylum seekers towards access and utilisation of sexual health services: A systematic review

Sah,R. k., Singh, D. R., Wright, T., Gilmore, J., Field, D., Fabiyi, F., Sah, L. K., Gunn, R. and Smith, R. 2023. Experiences of refugees and asylum seekers towards access and utilisation of sexual health services: A systematic review. PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews.

Community areas of sustainable care and dementia excellence in Europe (CASCADE) - Final report: A process and technology evaluation of the CASCADE programme in the United Kingdom implementation sites

Martin, A., Hatzidimitriadou, E., Sangeorzan, I., Smith, R., Wright, T., Price, N., Sirlantzis, K. and Rajapakse, S. 2023. Community areas of sustainable care and dementia excellence in Europe (CASCADE) - Final report: A process and technology evaluation of the CASCADE programme in the United Kingdom implementation sites. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University.

Community areas of sustainable care and dementia excellence in Europe (CASCADE) - Final report findings from the evaluation study of the CASCADE model at two implementation sites in Belgium

Sangeorzan, I., Martin, A., Hatzidimitriadou, E., Smith, R., Hulbert, S. and Wright, T. 2023. Community areas of sustainable care and dementia excellence in Europe (CASCADE) - Final report findings from the evaluation study of the CASCADE model at two implementation sites in Belgium. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University.

EMPOWERing older people and their communities to manage their own CARE (EMPOWERCARE): Evaluation study of a social innovation initiative across four European countries

Hatzidimitriadou, E., Wright, T., Stirrup, V., Kuzbit, P., Thompson, T., DeBraal, P, Burton, C., Price, A., Stein, M., Wells, G., Manship, S., Martin, A. and Chung, P. 2022. EMPOWERing older people and their communities to manage their own CARE (EMPOWERCARE): Evaluation study of a social innovation initiative across four European countries. International Journal of Integrated Care. https://doi.org/10.5334/ijic.ICIC22333

Arts and creative activities for mental wellbeing during Covid-19 lockdown: report of a survey of university staff

Skingley, A., Manship, S., Pollock, N., Price, N., Price, S. and Wright, T. 2022. Arts and creative activities for mental wellbeing during Covid-19 lockdown: report of a survey of university staff.

Proposing a justice approach to ethics of care in art psychotherapy

Wright, T. and Wright, K. 2022. Proposing a justice approach to ethics of care in art psychotherapy. The Arts in Psychotherapy. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aip.2022.101912

What COVID‐19 has taught us about social inequities and the urgent need for systemic change

Wright, T., Sah, Rajeeb Kumar, Keys, Clare, Nanayakkara, Gowri and Onyejekwe, Chisa 2021. What COVID‐19 has taught us about social inequities and the urgent need for systemic change. Public Health Nursing. 39 (1), pp. 344-349. https://doi.org/10.1111/phn.13001

Integrated dementia care: A qualitative evidence synthesis of the experiences of people living with dementia, informal carers and healthcare professionals.

Smith, R., Martin, A., Wright, T., Hulbert, S. and Hatzidimitriadou, E. 2021. Integrated dementia care: A qualitative evidence synthesis of the experiences of people living with dementia, informal carers and healthcare professionals. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 97, p. 104471. https://doi.org/S0167-4943(21)00134-5

Necropolitical constructions of happiness, COVID-19 and higher education

Keval, H. and Wright, T. 2021. Necropolitical constructions of happiness, COVID-19 and higher education. Critical Studies on Security. 9 (2), pp. 169-173. https://doi.org/10.1080/21624887.2021.1978644

Older lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex peoples’ experiences and perceptions of receiving home care services in the community: A systematic review

Smith, R. and Wright, T. 2021. Older lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex peoples’ experiences and perceptions of receiving home care services in the community: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 118. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2021.103907

The impact of COVID-19 on BAME populations: a systematic review of experiences and perspectives

Wright, T., Keval, H., Keys, C., Nanayakkara, G., Onyejekwe, C., Sah, R. and Smith, R. 2021. The impact of COVID-19 on BAME populations: a systematic review of experiences and perspectives. PROSPERO International prospective register of systematic reviews.

Health inequalities and ethnic vulnerabilities during COVID-19 in the UK: A reflection on the PHE reports

Keys, C., Nanayakkara, G., Onyejekwe, C., Sah, R. and Wright, T. 2021. Health inequalities and ethnic vulnerabilities during COVID-19 in the UK: A reflection on the PHE reports. Feminist Legal Studies. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10691-020-09446-y

HeEL Talk Collaboration and Interdisciplinary, Public Health England, and the Disproportionate Impact of Covid-19 on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities

Wright, T., Nanayakkara, G., Keys, C., Onyejekwe, C. and Sah, R. 2020. HeEL Talk Collaboration and Interdisciplinary, Public Health England, and the Disproportionate Impact of Covid-19 on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities.

The CASCADE project: exploring a ‘guest house’ concept

Smith, R., Wright, T., Martin, A. and Hatzidimitriadou, E. 2020. The CASCADE project: exploring a ‘guest house’ concept. Journal of Dementia Care. 28 (5), pp. 20-21.

A response to PHE's reports on disparities in risks and outcomes of COVID-19 for BAME communities

Keys, C., Nanayakkara, G., Onyejekwe, C., Sah, R. and Wright, T. 2020. A response to PHE's reports on disparities in risks and outcomes of COVID-19 for BAME communities.

Older LGBTQI+ people: a protocol for a systematic review of their experiences of receiving home care services in the community

Smith, R. and Wright, T. 2020. Older LGBTQI+ people: a protocol for a systematic review of their experiences of receiving home care services in the community. PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews.

The need for black and women of colour feminist epistemologies in critical suicide studies

Hayford, A. and Wright, T. 2018. The need for black and women of colour feminist epistemologies in critical suicide studies .

Reviewing challenges and gaps in European and global dementia policy

Wright, T. and O'Connor, S. 2018. Reviewing challenges and gaps in European and global dementia policy. Journal of Public Mental Health. 17 (4), pp. 157-167. https://doi.org/10.1108/JPMH-02-2018-0012

A realist synthesis of effective continuing professional development (CPD): a case study of healthcare practitioners' CPD

Manley, K., Martin, A., Jackson, C. and Wright, T. 2018. A realist synthesis of effective continuing professional development (CPD): a case study of healthcare practitioners' CPD. Nurse Education Today. 69, pp. 134-141.

Survey of international experts to build consensus about optimum care standards, educational programmes, care environments & technological developments for people living with dementia

Wright, T. and Jackson, C. 2018. Survey of international experts to build consensus about optimum care standards, educational programmes, care environments & technological developments for people living with dementia.

Using participatory, practice development, Delphi and realist research approaches to understand how frontline teams can use the workplace to make sustainable improvements in the quality of their practice

Manley, K., Jackson, C., Martin, A. and Wright, T. 2018. Using participatory, practice development, Delphi and realist research approaches to understand how frontline teams can use the workplace to make sustainable improvements in the quality of their practice.

Safety culture, quality improvement, realist evaluation (SCQIRE): evaluating the impact of the patient safety collaborative initiative

Manley, K., Jackson, C., McKenzie, C., Martin, A. and Wright, T. 2017. Safety culture, quality improvement, realist evaluation (SCQIRE): evaluating the impact of the patient safety collaborative initiative.

Primary care strategic workforce planning programme

Jackson, C. and Wright, T. 2017. Primary care strategic workforce planning programme.

Towards radical praxis through a new formation in practice development

Wright, T. 2017. Towards radical praxis through a new formation in practice development. International Practice Development Journal. 7 (2). https://doi.org/10.19043/ipdj.72.006

I would have been/ could be amazing: a social justice oriented visual art rejoinder to whole earth?

Bruty, L., Haas, M., Peisley, T., Royal, L., Wright, K. and Wright, T. 2017. I would have been/ could be amazing: a social justice oriented visual art rejoinder to whole earth? in: Sustainability in Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities Canterbury Christ Church University.

The ‘imagined to the reimagined’ revival of learning in higher education

Wright, T. 2017. The ‘imagined to the reimagined’ revival of learning in higher education. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice. 5 (3). https://doi.org/10.14297/jpaap.v5i3.234

Exploring the benefits of intersectional feminist social justice approaches in art psychotherapy

Wright, T. and Wright, K. 2017. Exploring the benefits of intersectional feminist social justice approaches in art psychotherapy. The Arts in Psychotherapy. 54, pp. 7-14.

Safe caseloads for adult community nursing services – an updated review of the evidence

Jackson, C., Wright, T. and Martin, A. 2016. Safe caseloads for adult community nursing services – an updated review of the evidence.

Using systems thinking to identify workforce enablers for a whole systems approach to urgent and emergency care delivery: a multiple case study

Manley, K., Martin, A., Jackson, C. and Wright, T. 2016. Using systems thinking to identify workforce enablers for a whole systems approach to urgent and emergency care delivery: a multiple case study. BMC Health Services Research. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-016-1616-y

The Cassandra Project- building a sustainable workload activity model for future community and district nursing workforce capacity planning

Jackson, C., Leary, A., Manley, K., Wright, T. and Martin, A. 2015. The Cassandra Project- building a sustainable workload activity model for future community and district nursing workforce capacity planning.

Transforming urgent & emergency care together: developing standards for integrated facilitation in and about the workplace

Manley, K., Martin, A., Jackson, C., Wright, T. and Health Education Kent Surrey and Sussex 2015. Transforming urgent & emergency care together: developing standards for integrated facilitation in and about the workplace. Canterbury, UK Canterbury Christ Church University.

The whole systems approach to integrating urgent and emergency care

Manley, K., Martin, A., Jackson, C. and Wright, T. 2015. The whole systems approach to integrating urgent and emergency care. Health Service Journal- for healthcare leaders.

Developing a caseload model to reflect the complexity of district and community nursing

Wright, T., Jackson, C., Manley, K., Martin, A. and Leary, A. 2015. Developing a caseload model to reflect the complexity of district and community nursing. Primary Health Care. 25 (7), pp. 32-33. https://doi.org/10.7748/phc.25.7.32.e1057

Supporting social justice in art therapy

Wright, T. 2015. Supporting social justice in art therapy.

The Cassandra project: recognising the multidimensional complexity of community nursing for workforce development

Jackson, C., Leary, A., Wright, T., Leadbetter, T., Manley, K. and Martin, A. 2015. The Cassandra project: recognising the multidimensional complexity of community nursing for workforce development. Canterbury Christ Church University England Centre for Practice Development.

Making the complexity of community nursing visible: the Cassandra project

Jackson, C., Manley, K., Martin, A., Wright, T. and Leadbetter, T. 2015. Making the complexity of community nursing visible: the Cassandra project. British Journal of Community Nursing. 20 (3), pp. 126-133. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjcn.2015.20.3.126

Bespoke CPD for practice nurses

Jackson, C., Crouch, S., Price, S. and Wright, T. 2015. Bespoke CPD for practice nurses. Practice Nursing. 26 (2), pp. 1-5. https://doi.org/10.12968/pnur.2015.26.2.94

Continuing professional development (CPD) for quality care: context, mechanisms, outcome and impact: Education Outcomes Framework: round 2 funding: final report January 2015

Jackson, C., Manley, K., Martin, A. and Wright, T. 2015. Continuing professional development (CPD) for quality care: context, mechanisms, outcome and impact: Education Outcomes Framework: round 2 funding: final report January 2015. Canterbury Christ Church University England Centre for Practice Development.

On ‘sisterhood’: What Iraqi Kurdish women migrants have to say about women and the commonalities they share

Wright, T. 2014. On ‘sisterhood’: What Iraqi Kurdish women migrants have to say about women and the commonalities they share. Journal of International Women's Studies. 15 (2), pp. 182-196.

Whatever happened to the F word in higher education?

Wright, T. 2014. Whatever happened to the F word in higher education? Journal of Gender Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/09589236.2014.931801

Reconceptualising dementia friendly communities

Wright, T. 2014. Reconceptualising dementia friendly communities. Diversity and Equality in Health and Care. 11 (3), pp. 282-283.

The contrary nature of ‘differentiation’ in higher education

Wright, T. 2014. The contrary nature of ‘differentiation’ in higher education. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice. 2 (2), pp. 52-55. https://doi.org/10.14297/jpaap.v2i2.107

Managing gendered expectations upon resettlement: the experiences of Iraqi Kurdish Muslim women in the UK

Wright, T. 2013. Managing gendered expectations upon resettlement: the experiences of Iraqi Kurdish Muslim women in the UK. Gender, Place and Culture. 21 (6), pp. 733-749. https://doi.org/10.1080/0966369X.2013.802665

Art for women’s sake: understanding feminist art therapy as didactic practice re-orientation

Wright, T. and Wright, K. 2013. Art for women’s sake: understanding feminist art therapy as didactic practice re-orientation. International Practice Development Journal. 3 (Suppl.).

Art for women’s sake: understanding feminist art therapy as didactic practice re-orientation

Wright, T. and Wright, T. 2013. Art for women’s sake: understanding feminist art therapy as didactic practice re-orientation.

Art for women’s sake: understanding feminist art therapy as didactic practice re-orientation

Wright, K. and Wright, T. 2013. Art for women’s sake: understanding feminist art therapy as didactic practice re-orientation.
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