Conflicting interpretations of scientific pedagogy

Journal article

Galamba, A. 2016. Conflicting interpretations of scientific pedagogy. Science & Education. 25 (6), pp. 363-381.
AuthorsGalamba, A.

Not surprisingly historical studies have suggested that there is a distance between concepts of teaching methods, their interpretations and their actual use in the classroom. This issue, however, is not always pitched to the personal level in historical studies, which may provide an alternative insight on how teachers conceptualise and engage with concepts of teaching methods. This article provides a case study on this level of conceptualisation by telling the story of Ro´mulo de Carvalho, an educator from midtwentieth century Portugal, who for over 40 years engaged with the heuristic and Socratic methods. The overall argument is that concepts of teaching methods are open to different interpretations and are conceptualised within the melting pot of external social pressures and personal teaching preferences. The practice and thoughts of Carvalho about teaching methods are scrutinised to unveil his conflicting stances: Carvalho was a man able to question the tenets of heurism, but who publicly praised the heurism-like ‘‘discovery learning’’ method years later. The first part of the article contextualises the arrival of heurism in Portugal and how Carvalho attacked its philosophical tenets. In the second part, it dwells on his conflicting positions in relation to pupil-centred approaches. The article concludes with an appreciation of the embedded conflicting nature of the appropriation of concepts of teaching methods, and of Carvalho’s contribution to the development of the philosophy of practical work in school science.

JournalScience & Education
Journal citation25 (6), pp. 363-381
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Publication dates
Online17 Mar 2016
Publication process dates
Deposited11 Oct 2016
Output statusPublished

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