Snow White in the Hellenic primary classrooms: children's responses to non-traditional gender discourses.

Journal article

Kostas, M. 2016. Snow White in the Hellenic primary classrooms: children's responses to non-traditional gender discourses. Gender and Education.
AuthorsKostas, M.

This paper sets out to investigate how children make sense of and negotiate non-traditional gender discourses promoted through the feminist version of the fairytale of Snow White. The research was based on work with 120 pupils aged 9–11 years old in 2 Athenian primary schools. The data were collected through semi- structured group interviews. The findings suggested that schoolchildren gave conflicting accounts in relation to gender discourses and identities. There is a strong indication that girls of this age are more prepared than boys to challenge traditional gender discourses.

KeywordsChildren; hegemonic masculinity; emphasised femininity; gender discourses; fairytales; Hellas
JournalGender and Education
PublisherTaylor & Francis
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Official URL
Publication dates
Online04 Oct 2016
Publication process dates
Deposited23 Nov 2017
Accepted20 Aug 2016
Accepted author manuscript
Output statusPublished

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