Development and validation of the Sports Supplements Beliefs Scale

Journal article

Hurst, P., Foad, A., Coleman, D. and Beedie, C. 2016. Development and validation of the Sports Supplements Beliefs Scale. Performance Enhancement & Health.
AuthorsHurst, P., Foad, A., Coleman, D. and Beedie, C.

It has been proposed that the use of sports supplements by athletes might lead to the use of banned substances. This has been termed the gateway hypothesis. Given this hypothesis, if we accept that athletes use non-banned sports supplements because they believe that they will be effective, a measure of athletes’ beliefs about supplements might allow practitioners to identify athletes at risk of doping. We report the five-stage development of the Sports Supplements Beliefs Scale (SSBS). In study 1 we evaluated athletes’ beliefs about sports supplements by conducting semi-structured interviews on 16 athletes. Inductive and deductive analyses resulted in a pool of 26 items. In study 2 we recruited a panel of experts and athletes to evaluate the content validity of the 26 items. 15 items were eliminated at this stage. In study 3 we subjected the responses of 171 athletes to exploratory factor analysis to determine the factor structure of the scale. A two-factor model emerged, with one strong six-item factor, a less coherent four-item factor, and one item that cross loaded. In study 4, responses of a sample of 412 team sports athletes were subjected to confirmatory factor analysis. Of three competing models tested, a six-item single-factor model demonstrated best model fit (χ2/df = 2.894, RMSEA = 0.068; 90% CI = 0.038 to 0.099, P = 0.146, SRMR = 0.0246, CFI = 0.987, TLI = 0.978, AIC = 50.045, EVCI = 0.122). Factor loadings ranged from 0.4 and 0.9. All t-values were statistically significant (P <0.001) and ranged from 10.3 to 13.3. In study 5 we examined relationships between scores on the six-item scale and supplement use. Linear regression indicated that higher scores were significantly associated with the use of a greater number of supplements (β = 0.534, P <0.001, r2 = 0.285) and higher frequency of supplement use (β = -0.517, P <0.001, r2 = 0.267). Scores of users and non-users of supplements differed significantly (mean differences = 6.37 ± 0.56, U = 8,357, P <0.001), with discriminant function analysis indicating that scores correctly predicted 76% of sport supplement users and 66% of non-users (Wilks Lambda = 0.760 χ2 = 110.988, P <0.001). Whilst future research will be required to demonstrate its predictive validity, the SSBS has utility in the assessment of athletes’ beliefs about sports supplements. In the context of the gateway hypothesis, SSBS scores might play a meaningful role in identifying at risk athletes and in evaluating interventions.

JournalPerformance Enhancement & Health
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Publication dates
Online10 Oct 2016
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Deposited12 Oct 2016
Accepted04 Oct 2016
Accepted author manuscript
Output statusPublished

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Scales, J., Coleman, D., O'Driscoll, J. and Brown, M. 2018. Characteristics of torque production of the lower limb are significantly altered after 2 hours of treadmill load carriage. Translational Sports Medicine. 2 (1).
Improved 1000-m running performance and pacing strategy with caffeine and placebo effect: a balanced placebo design study
Hurst, P., Schiphof-Godart, l., Hettinga, F., Roelands, B. and Beedie, C. 2019. Improved 1000-m running performance and pacing strategy with caffeine and placebo effect: a balanced placebo design study. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 15 (4), pp. 483-488.
The placebo and nocebo effect on sports performance: a systematic review
Hurst, P., Schiphof-Godart, l., Szabo, A., Raglin, J., Hettinga, F., Roelands, B., Lane, A., Foad, A., Coleman, D. and Beedie, C. 2019. The placebo and nocebo effect on sports performance: a systematic review. European Journal of Sport Science.
Left ventricular function and cardiac biomarker release – the influence of exercise intensity, duration and mode: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Donaldson, J., Wiles, J., Coleman, D., Papadakis, M., Sharma, R. and O'Driscoll, J. 2019. Left ventricular function and cardiac biomarker release – the influence of exercise intensity, duration and mode: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine.
Notes and tips on surveys
Hurst, P. and Bird, S. 2019. Notes and tips on surveys. in: Bird, S. (ed.) Research Methods in Physical Activity and Health London and New York Routledge. pp. 102-108
Hurst, P. and Bird, S. 2019. Questionnaires. in: Bird, S. (ed.) Research Methods in Physical Activity and Health London and New York Routledge. pp. 93-101
Evaluating the effectiveness of the VIRTUES and HEROES projects: qualitative evidence
Kavussanu, M., King, A., Hurst, P., Skloufa, L. and Barkoukis, V. 2018. Evaluating the effectiveness of the VIRTUES and HEROES projects: qualitative evidence.
Preventing doping in sport: the HEROES project
Kavussanu, M., Hurst, P., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., Elbe, A. and Ring, C. 2018. Preventing doping in sport: the HEROES project.
Preventing doping in sport: the VIRTUES project
Kavussanu, M., Hurst, P., Barkoukis, V., Skoufa, L., King, A. and Ring, C. 2018. Preventing doping in sport: the VIRTUES project.
The effects of moral disengagement on doping likelihood and guilt
Kavussanu, M., Ring, C. and Hurst, P. 2018. The effects of moral disengagement on doping likelihood and guilt.
Social cognitive predictors of doping intentions: a multi-national study
Kavussanu, M., Skoufa, L., Barkoukis, V., Hurst, P., Chirico, A., Lucidi, F. and Ring, C. 2018. Social cognitive predictors of doping intentions: a multi-national study.
Effects of personal and situational factors on self-referenced doping likelihood
Ring, C., Kavussanu, M., Lucidi, S. and Hurst, P. 2018. Effects of personal and situational factors on self-referenced doping likelihood. Psychology of Sport and Exercise.
The effects of moral disengagement mechanisms on doping likelihood are mediated by guilt and moderated by moral traits
Ring, C. and Hurst, P. 2018. The effects of moral disengagement mechanisms on doping likelihood are mediated by guilt and moderated by moral traits. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 40, pp. 33-41.
Can aerobic energy expenditure be used instead of oxygen uptake to better predict endurance performance?
Coleman, D. 2018. Can aerobic energy expenditure be used instead of oxygen uptake to better predict endurance performance? American Physiological Society.
A 4-week resistance training intervention improves stability, strength and neuromuscular activity in the lower limb: a case study of a cerebral palsy adult
McManus, A., Bembridge, M., Scales, J., Wiles, J., Coleman, D. and O'Driscoll, J. 2018. A 4-week resistance training intervention improves stability, strength and neuromuscular activity in the lower limb: a case study of a cerebral palsy adult. International Journal of Sports Science & Medicine. 2 (2), pp. 050-055.
Partial swing golf shots: scaled from full swing or independent technique?
Todd, S., Wiles, J., Coleman, D. and Brown, M. 2018. Partial swing golf shots: scaled from full swing or independent technique? Sports Biomechanics.
The safety of isometric exercise: rethinking the exercise prescription paradigm for those with stage 1 hypertension.
Wiles, J., Taylor, K., Coleman, D., Sharma, R. and O'Driscoll, J. 2018. The safety of isometric exercise: rethinking the exercise prescription paradigm for those with stage 1 hypertension. Medicine. 97 (10).
An alternative approach to isometric exercise training prescription for cardiovascular health
Wiles, J., Goldring, N., O'Driscoll, J., Taylor, K. and Coleman, D. 2018. An alternative approach to isometric exercise training prescription for cardiovascular health. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine. 3 (2), pp. 10-18.
Adventures in coach learning: considering new approaches
Dray, K., Foad, A., Secker, M. and Weed, M. 2018. Adventures in coach learning: considering new approaches. Applied Coaching Research Journal. 1, pp. 8-13.
The placebo and nocebo effect in sport: intentions, attitudes and beliefs towards sport supplements and banned performance enhancing substances
Hurst, P. 2018. The placebo and nocebo effect in sport: intentions, attitudes and beliefs towards sport supplements and banned performance enhancing substances. PhD Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University Faculty of Social and Applied Sciences
Consensus statement on placebo effects in sports and exercise: the need for conceptual clarity, methodological rigour, and the elucidation of neurobiological mechanisms.
Beedie, C., Hurst, P., Coleman, D., Foad, A., Benedetti, F., Cohen, E., Davis, A., Elseworth-Edelsten, C., Flowers, E., Roelands, B., Hettinga, F., Raglin, J., Szabo, A., Camerone, E., Barbiani, D., Lane, A., Lindheimer, J., Schiphof-Godart, l. and Harvey, S. 2018. Consensus statement on placebo effects in sports and exercise: the need for conceptual clarity, methodological rigour, and the elucidation of neurobiological mechanisms. European Journal of Sport Science.
Could placebos be putting lives at risk?
Hurst, P. and Beedie, C. 2018. Could placebos be putting lives at risk?
Programming and supervision of resistance training leads to positive effects on strength and body composition: results from two randomised trials of community fitness programmes
Beedie, C., Mann, S., Jimenez, A., Steele, J., Domone, S. and Wade, M. 2018. Programming and supervision of resistance training leads to positive effects on strength and body composition: results from two randomised trials of community fitness programmes. BMC Public Health.
Studying placebo effects in model organisms will help us understand them in humans
Harvey, S. and Beedie, C. 2017. Studying placebo effects in model organisms will help us understand them in humans. Biology Letters. 13 (11).
The effects of acute carbohydrate and caffeine feeding strategies on cycling efficiency
Cole, M., Hopker, J., Wiles, J. and Coleman, D. 2017. The effects of acute carbohydrate and caffeine feeding strategies on cycling efficiency. Journal of Sports Sciences.
Neuromuscular responses to consecutive day military load carriage
Scales, J., Brown, M. and Coleman, D. 2017. Neuromuscular responses to consecutive day military load carriage.
Blood pressure responses to isometric exercise: safety considerations for exercise prescription
Wiles, J., Taylor, K., Coleman, D., Sharma, R. and O'Driscoll, J. 2017. Blood pressure responses to isometric exercise: safety considerations for exercise prescription.
Ambulatory blood pressure responses to home-based isometric exercise training in pre-hypertensive males
Taylor, K., Wiles, J., Coleman, D., Sharma, R. and O'Driscoll, J. 2017. Ambulatory blood pressure responses to home-based isometric exercise training in pre-hypertensive males.
Cardiac autonomic modulation and high intensity interval training in physically inactive men
O'Driscoll, J., Wright, S., Taylor, K., Coleman, D. and Wiles, J. 2017. Cardiac autonomic modulation and high intensity interval training in physically inactive men.
Caution, this treatment is a placebo. It might work, but it might not”: why emerging mechanistic evidence for placebo effects does not legitimise complementary and alternative medicines in sport
Beedie, C., Whyte, G., Coleman, D., Hurst, P., Cohen, E., Lane, A., Raglin, J. and Foad, A. 2017. Caution, this treatment is a placebo. It might work, but it might not”: why emerging mechanistic evidence for placebo effects does not legitimise complementary and alternative medicines in sport. British Journal of Sports Medicine.
Active Kids Paralympic Challenge
Foad, A., Fullick, S. and Secker, M. 2016. Active Kids Paralympic Challenge. The Centre of Sport, Physical Education, and Activity Research (SPEAR), Canterbury Christ Church Universirty The Centre of Sport, Physical Education, and Activity Research (SPEAR).
2014/15 Skills2Play/Sport programme evaluation
Secker, M., Foad, A., Fullick, S., Self, J. and Weed, M. 2015. 2014/15 Skills2Play/Sport programme evaluation. The Centre of Sport, Physical Education, and Activity Research (SPEAR), Canterbury Christ Church Universirty The Centre of Sport, Physical Education, and Activity Research (SPEAR).
Project ability
Foad, A., Fullick, S., Secker, M., Burns, J. and Weed, M. 2017. Project ability. The Centre of Sport, Physical Education, and Activity Research (SPEAR), Canterbury Christ Church Universirty The Centre of Sport, Physical Education, and Activity Research (SPEAR).
YA peer leader programme
Foad, A., Fullick, S., Secker, M. and Weed, M. 2016. YA peer leader programme. The Centre of Sport, Physical Education, and Activity Research (SPEAR), Canterbury Christ Church Universirty The Centre of Sport, Physical Education, and Activity Research (SPEAR).
Embedding and sustaining Change4Life Sports Clubs: regional case studies – part three
Fullick, S., Foad, A., Secker, M. and Weed, M. 2016. Embedding and sustaining Change4Life Sports Clubs: regional case studies – part three. The Centre of Sport, Physical Education, and Activity Research (SPEAR), Canterbury Christ Church Universirty The Centre of Sport, Physical Education, and Activity Research (SPEAR).
Value for money & return on Investment of Change4Life Sports Clubs – part 2
Weed, M., Foad, A., Secker, M. and Fullick, S. 2016. Value for money & return on Investment of Change4Life Sports Clubs – part 2. The Centre of Sport, Physical Education, and Activity Research (SPEAR), Canterbury Christ Church Universirty The Centre of Sport, Physical Education, and Activity Research (SPEAR).
Lifetime evaluation of the Change4Life Primary School Sports Club Programme
Foad, A., Secker, M., Fullick, S. and Weed, M. 2015. Lifetime evaluation of the Change4Life Primary School Sports Club Programme. The Centre of Sport, Physical Education, and Activity Research (SPEAR), Canterbury Christ Church Universirty The Centre of Sport, Physical Education, and Activity Research (SPEAR).
Research methods and employability in the sport and exercise sciences. Are we throwing out the baby with the bathwater?
Beedie, C. 2017. Research methods and employability in the sport and exercise sciences. Are we throwing out the baby with the bathwater? The Sport and Exercise Scientist. 52, pp. 10-11.
Is there a role for implicit and explicit information about placebo and nocebo effects in reducing the use of drugs in sport?
Hurst, P., Beedie, C., Coleman, D. and Foad, A. 2017. Is there a role for implicit and explicit information about placebo and nocebo effects in reducing the use of drugs in sport?
Is the intention to use sport supplements a predictor of placebo and nocebo responding among athletes?
Hurst, P., Beedie, C., Coleman, D. and Foad, A. 2017. Is the intention to use sport supplements a predictor of placebo and nocebo responding among athletes?
Athletes intending to use sports supplements are more likely to respond to a placebo
Hurst, P., Foad, A., Coleman, D. and Beedie, C. 2017. Athletes intending to use sports supplements are more likely to respond to a placebo. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (MSSE).
Growing evidence for neurophysiological mechanisms of placebo effects does not legitimise the use of complementary and alternative medicines by athletes
Beedie, C. 2016. Growing evidence for neurophysiological mechanisms of placebo effects does not legitimise the use of complementary and alternative medicines by athletes.
Development and validation of the sports supplements beliefs scale [Conference paper abstract]
Hurst, P., Foad, A. and Coleman, D. 2015. Development and validation of the sports supplements beliefs scale [Conference paper abstract]. Journal of Sports Sciences. 33 (Sup1), pp. s72-s74.
A higher effort-based paradigm in physical activity and exercise for public health: making the case for a greater emphasis on resistance training
Steele, J., Fisher, J., Skivington, M., Dunn, C., Arnold, J., Tew, G., Batterham, A., Nunan, D., O'Driscoll, J., Mann, S., Beedie, C., Jobson, S., Smith, D., Vigotsky, A., Phillips, S., Estabrooks, P. and Winett, R. 2017. A higher effort-based paradigm in physical activity and exercise for public health: making the case for a greater emphasis on resistance training. BMC Public Health.
Expectations, caffeine and pacing strategy: how positive and negative expectations can influence running performance
Hurst, P. 2014. Expectations, caffeine and pacing strategy: how positive and negative expectations can influence running performance. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 48 (A3).
Expectancy effects on competitive 5 km time-trial performance
Hurst, P. 2013. Expectancy effects on competitive 5 km time-trial performance. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 47 (17).
Reproducibility of outdoor 5 km running time-trial in a competitive environment
Hurst, P. 2013. Reproducibility of outdoor 5 km running time-trial in a competitive environment. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 47 (e4).
Continuous cardiac autonomic and haemodynamic responses to isometric exercise in pre-hypertensive males
Taylor, K., Wiles, J., Coleman, D., Sharma, R. and O'Driscoll, J. 2017. Continuous cardiac autonomic and haemodynamic responses to isometric exercise in pre-hypertensive males. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (MSSE).
Acute cardiac functional and mechanical responses to isometric exercise in pre-hypertensive males
O'Driscoll, J., Taylor, K., Wiles, J., Coleman, D. and Sharma, R. 2017. Acute cardiac functional and mechanical responses to isometric exercise in pre-hypertensive males. Physiological Reports.
Strongman training – Needs analysis and integration into strength and conditioning programming: part 2.
McManus, A., O'Driscoll, J., Coleman, D. and Wiles, J. 2016. Strongman training – Needs analysis and integration into strength and conditioning programming: part 2. Professional Strength & Conditioning. 44, pp. 7-15.
Strongman training – a rationale for its inclusion in strength & conditioning: part 1
McManus, A., Wiles, J., Coleman, D. and O'Driscoll, J. 2016. Strongman training – a rationale for its inclusion in strength & conditioning: part 1. Professional Strength & Conditioning. 43, pp. 7-18.
Why absence of evidence of risk is not the same as evidence for absence of risk
Mills, H., De Vivo, M. and Beedie, C. 2017. Why absence of evidence of risk is not the same as evidence for absence of risk. Canterbury Christ Church University.
The science of the placebo versus placebo science
Beedie, C. 2017. The science of the placebo versus placebo science. Canterbury Christ Church University.
Why news about drug use by amateur athletes may not be all bad...
Beedie, C. 2017. Why news about drug use by amateur athletes may not be all bad... Canterbury Christ Church University.
Home-based isometric exercise training induced reductions resting blood pressure
Wiles, J., Goldring, N. and Coleman, D. 2016. Home-based isometric exercise training induced reductions resting blood pressure. European Journal of Applied Physiology.
Commentaries on viewpoint: a role for the prefrontal cortex in exercise tolerance and termination
Meeusen, R., Pires, F., Lutz, K., Cheung, S., Perrey, S., Rauch, H., Micklewright, D., Pinheiro, F., Radel, R., Brisswalter, J., Beedie, C. and Hettinga, F. 2016. Commentaries on viewpoint: a role for the prefrontal cortex in exercise tolerance and termination. Journal of Applied Physiology. 20 (4), pp. 467-469.
Health behavior: an overview of effects & issues
Beedie, C., Jimenez, A. and Ligouri, G. 2015. Health behavior: an overview of effects & issues. in: EuropeActive's Essentials of Motivation and Behaviour Change Nijmegen, The Netherlands Black Box.
Reliability of 5-km running performance in a competitive environment
Hurst, P. and Board, L. 2016. Reliability of 5-km running performance in a competitive environment. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science.
How should I regulate my emotions if I want to run faster?
Lane, A., Devonport, T., Friesen, A., Beedie, C., Fullerton, C. and Stanley, D. 2015. How should I regulate my emotions if I want to run faster? European Journal of Sport Science. 16 (4), pp. 465-472.
Psychological aspects of personal training
Beedie, C. 2016. Psychological aspects of personal training. in: Rieger, T., Jones, B. and Jiménez, A. (ed.) EuropeActive's Essentials for Personal Trainers Champaign, Illinois, USA Human Kinetics.
Beliefs versus reality, or beliefs as reality? The placebo effect in sport and exercise
Hurst, P., Foad, A. and Beedie, C. 2016. Beliefs versus reality, or beliefs as reality? The placebo effect in sport and exercise. in: Lane, A. (ed.) Sport and Exercise Psychology London Routledge. pp. 325-344
Capitalizing on the placebo component of treatments
Beedie, C., Foad, A. and Hurst, P. 2015. Capitalizing on the placebo component of treatments. Current Sports Medicine Reports (CSMR). 14 (4), pp. 284-287.
Comparison of inter-trial recovery times for the determination of critical power and W' in cycling.
Karsten, B., Hopker, J., Jobson, S., Baker, J., Petrigna, L., Klose, A. and Beedie, C. 2016. Comparison of inter-trial recovery times for the determination of critical power and W' in cycling. Journal of Sports Sciences. 35 (14), pp. 1420-1425.
High agreement between laboratory and field estimates of critical power in cycling
Karsten, B., Jobson, S., Hopker, J., Jimenez, A. and Beedie, C. 2013. High agreement between laboratory and field estimates of critical power in cycling. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 35 (4), pp. 298-303.
The 3-min test does not provide a valid measure of critical power using the SRM isokinetic mode
Beedie, C., Karsten, B., Hopker, J., Jobson, S. and Passfield, L. 2013. The 3-min test does not provide a valid measure of critical power using the SRM isokinetic mode. International Journal of Sports Medicine.
Quality of life in patients receiving telemedicine enhanced chronic heart failure disease management: a meta-analysis
Knox, L., Rahman, R. and Beedie, C. 2016. Quality of life in patients receiving telemedicine enhanced chronic heart failure disease management: a meta-analysis. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare.
Combining supervised exercise and physical activity counselling might increase retention to GP exercise referral programmes
Beedie, C., Mann, S., Domone, S. and Wade, M. 2016. Combining supervised exercise and physical activity counselling might increase retention to GP exercise referral programmes. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (MSSE). 48 (5S), pp. 79-80.
Identifying what works for local physical inactivity interventions
Beedie, C., Mann, S., Domone, S. and Copeland, R. 2014. Identifying what works for local physical inactivity interventions. London Public Health England.
Effects of community-based physical activity counselling among at-risk individuals
Beedie, C., Mann, S., Domone, S. and Wade, S. 2016. Effects of community-based physical activity counselling among at-risk individuals. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 48 (5S), p. 81.
The feasibility, scalability and outcomes of cardiorespiratory fitness testing in primary school children
Beedie, C., Mann, S., Domone, S. and Wade, M. 2016. The feasibility, scalability and outcomes of cardiorespiratory fitness testing in primary school children. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 48 (S1), pp. 298-298.
Programming resistance training required for positive effects on body composition in community programmes
Beedie, C., Mann, S., Jimenez, A., Domone, S. and Wade, M. 2016. Programming resistance training required for positive effects on body composition in community programmes. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 48 (5S), pp. 543-543.
Effects on cardiovascular risk factors of three 48-week community-based exercise interventions
Beedie, C., Mann, S., Domone, S., Jimenez, A. and Wade, M. 2016. Effects on cardiovascular risk factors of three 48-week community-based exercise interventions. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 48 (5S), pp. 593-594.
Effects on aerobic capacity of three 48-week community-based exercise interventions
Beedie, C., Mann, S., Domone, S., Jimenez, A. and Wade, M. 2016. Effects on aerobic capacity of three 48-week community-based exercise interventions. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 48 (5S), p. 596.
Changes in insulin sensitivity in response to different modalities of exercise: a review of the evidence
Beedie, C., Mann, S., Jimenez, A., Balducci, S., Zanusso, S., Bertiato, F. and Allgrove, J. 2014. Changes in insulin sensitivity in response to different modalities of exercise: a review of the evidence. Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews. 30 (4), pp. 257-268.
Community fitness center-based physical activity interventions: a brief review
Beedie, C., Mann, S. and Jimenez, A. 2014. Community fitness center-based physical activity interventions: a brief review. Current Sports Medicine Reports (CSMR). 13 (4), pp. 267-275.
Brief Online Training Enhances Competitive Performance: Findings of the BBC Lab UK Psychological Skills Intervention Study
Beedie, C., Lane, A., Totterdell, P., Neville, A., Friesen, A., McDonald, I., Stanley, D. and Devonport, T. 2016. Brief Online Training Enhances Competitive Performance: Findings of the BBC Lab UK Psychological Skills Intervention Study. Frontiers in Psychology.
Differential effects of aerobic exercise, resistance training and combined exercise modalities on cholesterol and the lipid profile: review, synthesis and recommendations
Beedie, C., Mann, S. and Jimenez, A. 2014. Differential effects of aerobic exercise, resistance training and combined exercise modalities on cholesterol and the lipid profile: review, synthesis and recommendations. Sports Medicine. 44 (2), pp. 211-221.
Death by effectiveness: exercise as medicine caught in the efficacy trap
Beedie, C., Mann, S., Whyte, G., Domone, S., Lane, A., Kennedy, L. and Jimenez, A. 2015. Death by effectiveness: exercise as medicine caught in the efficacy trap. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2016 (50), pp. 323-324.
A method by which to assess the scalability of field-based fitness tests of cardiorespiratory fitness among schoolchildren
Beedie, C., Domone, S., Sandercock, G., Wade, M. and Mann, S. 2016. A method by which to assess the scalability of field-based fitness tests of cardiorespiratory fitness among schoolchildren. Sports Medicine.
Comparative effects of three 48-week community-based physical activity and exercise interventions on aerobic capacity, total cholesterol and mean arterial blood pressure
Beedie, C., Jimenez, A., Domone, S. and Mann, S. 2016. Comparative effects of three 48-week community-based physical activity and exercise interventions on aerobic capacity, total cholesterol and mean arterial blood pressure. BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine. 2016 (2).
Is Olympic inspiration associated with fitness and physical activity in English schoolchildren? A repeated cross- sectional comparison before and 18 months after London 2012
Beedie, C., Sandercock, G. and Mann, S. 2016. Is Olympic inspiration associated with fitness and physical activity in English schoolchildren? A repeated cross- sectional comparison before and 18 months after London 2012. British Medical Journal Open. 6.
Acute cardiac autonomic responses to an incremental isometric exercise test in pre-hypertensive males
Taylor, K., Wiles, J., Coleman, D., Sharma, R. and O'Driscoll, J. 2016. Acute cardiac autonomic responses to an incremental isometric exercise test in pre-hypertensive males.
Influence of acute dietary nitrate supplementation over 5 km
Hurst, P., Coleman, D. and Saunders, S. 2015. Influence of acute dietary nitrate supplementation over 5 km. British Journal of Sports Medicine: International Sports Science + Sports Medicine Conference 2015 Abstracts Newcastle Upon Tyne 8–10th September 2015. 49 (Sup. 2), pp. A6-A6.
Placebo and nocebo effects during repeat sprint performance
Hurst, P., Beedie, C., Coleman, D. and Foad, A. 2016. Placebo and nocebo effects during repeat sprint performance.
Knowledge and experience of placebo effects modifies athletes’ intentions to use sport supplements
Hurst, P., Beedie, C., Coleman, D. and Foad, A. 2016. Knowledge and experience of placebo effects modifies athletes’ intentions to use sport supplements.
The development and preliminary validation of the Challenge and Threat in Sport (CAT-Sport) Scale
Rossato, C., Uphill, M., Swain, J. and Coleman, D. 2016. The development and preliminary validation of the Challenge and Threat in Sport (CAT-Sport) Scale. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
Change4Life Sports Clubs research 2016 - part one report
Foad, A., Fullick, S. and Secker, M. 2016. Change4Life Sports Clubs research 2016 - part one report. The Centre of Sport, Physical Education, and Activity Research (SPEAR), Canterbury Christ Church Universirty The Centre of Sport, Physical Education, and Activity Research (SPEAR).
Illegal drug use damages the ethos of sport and risks the health of athletes
Beedie, C. 2016. Illegal drug use damages the ethos of sport and risks the health of athletes. Canterbury Christ Church University.
Cell division is essential for elimination of the yeast [PSI+] prion by guanidine hydrochloride
Byrne, L., Cox, B., Coleman, D., Ridout, M., Morgan, B. and Tuiteq, M. 2007. Cell division is essential for elimination of the yeast [PSI+] prion by guanidine hydrochloride. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). 104 (28), pp. 11688-11693.
Youth Sport Trust lifetime evaluation of the Change4Life Primary School Sports Club Programme: final report: May 2015
Foad, A. 2015. Youth Sport Trust lifetime evaluation of the Change4Life Primary School Sports Club Programme: final report: May 2015. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University.
Validity and reliability of critical power field testing
Karsten, B., Jobson, S., Hopker, J., Stevens, L. and Beedie, C. 2015. Validity and reliability of critical power field testing. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 115 (1), pp. 197-204.
Towards the validation of a measure of challenge and threat in sport
Rossato, C., Uphill, M., Coleman, D. and Swain, J. 2013. Towards the validation of a measure of challenge and threat in sport.
Age differences in efficiency of locomotion and maximal power output in well‑trained triathletes
Coleman, D., Hopker, J. and Passfield, L. 2014. Age differences in efficiency of locomotion and maximal power output in well‑trained triathletes. European Journal of Applied Physiology.
A laboratory and field comparison of gross efficiency at an absolute, relative and performance intensity
Saunders, S., Brown, M. and Coleman, D. 2014. A laboratory and field comparison of gross efficiency at an absolute, relative and performance intensity.
Resting blood pressure reductions following isometric leg exercise training are associated with improved flow-mediated vasodilatation
Howland, L., Wiles, J. and Coleman, D. 2014. Resting blood pressure reductions following isometric leg exercise training are associated with improved flow-mediated vasodilatation.
Improved gross efficiency during long duration submaximal cycling following a short-term high carbohydrate diet
Cole, M., Coleman, D., Hopker, J. and Wiles, J. 2014. Improved gross efficiency during long duration submaximal cycling following a short-term high carbohydrate diet. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 35 (3), pp. 265-269.
Pitfalls of efficiency determinaton in cycling ergometry: reply to Boning and Pries
Hopker, J., Coleman, D. and Passfield, L. 2013. Pitfalls of efficiency determinaton in cycling ergometry: reply to Boning and Pries. Journal of Applied Physiology. 115 (12), pp. 1863-1863.
The BASES expert statement on emotion regulation in sport
Lane, A., Beedie, C., Jones, M., Uphill, M. and Devonport, T. 2012. The BASES expert statement on emotion regulation in sport. Journal of Sports Sciences. 30 (11), pp. 1189-1195.
The influence of ageing and training status on exercise efficiency and cycling performance
Hopker, J., Coleman, D., Jobson, S., Von der Haar, T., Wiles, J. and Passfield, L. 2013. The influence of ageing and training status on exercise efficiency and cycling performance.
The effect of short-term calorie restriction on exercise performance and efficiency in cyclists
Saunders, S., Coleman, D. and Brown, M. 2013. The effect of short-term calorie restriction on exercise performance and efficiency in cyclists.
Reductions in resting blood pressure after isometric exercise training are not related to shear stress
Smith, J., Wiles, J., Swaine, I. and Coleman, D. 2013. Reductions in resting blood pressure after isometric exercise training are not related to shear stress.
Effect of acute isometric bilateral leg extension exercise on brachial and common femoral artery flow-mediated dilatation
Howland, L., Wiles, J., Coleman, D. and Swaine, I. 2013. Effect of acute isometric bilateral leg extension exercise on brachial and common femoral artery flow-mediated dilatation.
The effect of exercise-induced hypohydration upon treadmill running performance
Baker, D., Coleman, D. and Wiles, J. 2013. The effect of exercise-induced hypohydration upon treadmill running performance.
Carbohydrate ingestion improves gross cycling efficiency and subsequent time-trial performance
Cole, M., Hopker, J., Wiles, J. and Coleman, D. 2013. Carbohydrate ingestion improves gross cycling efficiency and subsequent time-trial performance.
The effects of isometric wall squat exercise on heart rate and blood pressure in a normotensive population
Goldring, N., Wiles, J. and Coleman, D. 2013. The effects of isometric wall squat exercise on heart rate and blood pressure in a normotensive population. Journal of Sports Sciences.
The influence of training status, age, and muscle fibre type on cycling efficiency and endurance performance
Hopker, J., Coleman, D., Gregson, H., Jobson, S., Von der Haar, T., Wiles, J. and Passfield, L. 2013. The influence of training status, age, and muscle fibre type on cycling efficiency and endurance performance. Journal of Applied Physiology.
Youth Sport Trust evaluation of the Change 4 Life Primary School Sport Club Programme 2012/13: final report: August 2013
Foad, A. 2013. Youth Sport Trust evaluation of the Change 4 Life Primary School Sport Club Programme 2012/13: final report: August 2013. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University.
The reliability of responses to repeated laboratory assessment: the evaluation of a preload-performance protocol in runners
Baker, D., Coleman, D. and Wiles, J. 2011. The reliability of responses to repeated laboratory assessment: the evaluation of a preload-performance protocol in runners.
Inverse relationship between VO2max and gross efficiency.
Hopker, J., Coleman, D., Jobson, S. and Passfield, L. 2012. Inverse relationship between VO2max and gross efficiency. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 33 (10), pp. 789-794.
Response to "Thinking outside the bag (not necessarily outside the lab)"
Passfield, L., Hopker, J., Jobson, S., Gregson, H. and Coleman, D. 2012. Response to "Thinking outside the bag (not necessarily outside the lab)". Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 44 (10), p. 2041.
Change in lactate accumulation after isometric exercise training and its relationship with reduced resting blood pressure
Swaine, I., Devereux, G., Wiles, J. and Coleman, D. 2011. Change in lactate accumulation after isometric exercise training and its relationship with reduced resting blood pressure.
Rapid loss of isometric training-induced reductions in resting blood pressure
Wiles, J., Devereux, G., Coleman, D. and Swaine, I. 2011. Rapid loss of isometric training-induced reductions in resting blood pressure.
Change in the immediate post-exercise blood pressure response after isometric exercise training and its relationship with reduced resting blood pressure
Wiles, J., Swaine, I., Howden, R., McCartney, N. and Coleman, D. 2011. Change in the immediate post-exercise blood pressure response after isometric exercise training and its relationship with reduced resting blood pressure.
Cardio-pulmonary responses to whole-body simulated swimming using a novel swimming training machine
Swaine, I., Wiles, J., Coleman, D., Hunter, A. and Carlton, K. 2010. Cardio-pulmonary responses to whole-body simulated swimming using a novel swimming training machine.
The engagement of further and higher education with the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games II
Weed, M., Dowse, S., Foad, A. and Wellard, I. 2012. The engagement of further and higher education with the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games II. Podium.
Lactate accumulation following isometric exercise training and its relationship with reduced resting blood pressure
Devereux, G., Coleman, D., Wiles, J. and Swaine, I. 2012. Lactate accumulation following isometric exercise training and its relationship with reduced resting blood pressure. Journal of Sports Sciences. 30 (11), pp. 1141-1148.
The relationship between indices of fatigue and femoral artery post exercise hyperaemia after double-leg isometric exercise at increasing intensities
Smith, J., Wiles, J., Swaine, I. and Coleman, D. 2012. The relationship between indices of fatigue and femoral artery post exercise hyperaemia after double-leg isometric exercise at increasing intensities.
The effects of four weeks home-based isometric exercise training on resting blood pressure
Goldring, N., Wiles, J. and Coleman, D. 2012. The effects of four weeks home-based isometric exercise training on resting blood pressure.
The effects of isometric wall squat exercise on heart rate and blood pressure in a normotensive population
Goldring, N., Wiles, J. and Coleman, D. 2010. The effects of isometric wall squat exercise on heart rate and blood pressure in a normotensive population.
The influence of nutritional interventions on the measurement of gross efficiency during cycling
Cole, M., Coleman, D. and Wiles, J. 2012. The influence of nutritional interventions on the measurement of gross efficiency during cycling.
The effect of short-term dietary manipulation on gross efficiency during cycling
Cole, M., Coleman, D. and Wiles, J. 2011. The effect of short-term dietary manipulation on gross efficiency during cycling.
The physiological demands of road cycling
Coleman, D. 2012. The physiological demands of road cycling. in: Hopker, J. and Jobson, S. (ed.) Performance Cycling: The Science of Success London Bloomsbury. pp. 2-19
Reliability of cycling gross efficiency using the Douglas bag method
Hopker, J., Jobson, S., Gregson, H. and Coleman, D. 2012. Reliability of cycling gross efficiency using the Douglas bag method. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 44 (2), pp. 290-296.
The BASES expert statement on emotion regulation in sport: produced on behalf of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences
Lane, A., Beedie, C., Jones, M., Uphill, M. and Devenport, T. 2011. The BASES expert statement on emotion regulation in sport: produced on behalf of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences. The Sport and Exercise Scientist. 29, pp. 14-15.
Youth Sport Trust evaluation of the Change 4 Life School Sports Clubs Programme 2011/12: final report: August 2012
Foad, A. 2012. Youth Sport Trust evaluation of the Change 4 Life School Sports Clubs Programme 2011/12: final report: August 2012. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University.
The effect of the rotor crank system on time-trial cycling performance
Coleman, D., Hopker, J., Jobson, S., Galbraith, A. and Nevill, A. 2008. The effect of the rotor crank system on time-trial cycling performance.
A comparison of performance related responses during a 16km time trial between senior and veteran cyclists
Balmer, J., Coleman, D., Davison, R., Smith, M. and Bird, S. 1998. A comparison of performance related responses during a 16km time trial between senior and veteran cyclists.
Pedal forces and gross efficiency in cyclists
Coleman, D. 2009. Pedal forces and gross efficiency in cyclists.
Effects of walking to and from school on primary school children
Woolf-May, K., Ford, P., Swaine, I., Coleman, D. and Bailey, R. 2007. Effects of walking to and from school on primary school children. Pediatric Exercise Science. 19 (4).
The effect of two different 18-week walking programmes on aerobic fitness, selected blood lipids and factor XIIa
Woolf-May, K., Kearney, E., Jones, D., Davison, C., Coleman, D. and Bird, S. 1998. The effect of two different 18-week walking programmes on aerobic fitness, selected blood lipids and factor XIIa. Journal of Sports Sciences. 16 (8), pp. 701-710.
Placebo effect of an inert gel on experimentally induced leg muscle pain
Hopker, J., Foad, A., Beedie, C., Coleman, D. and Leach, G. 2010. Placebo effect of an inert gel on experimentally induced leg muscle pain. Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine. 1, pp. 215-221.
Mood and performance: test of a conceptual model with a focus on depressed mood
Lane, A., Terry, P., Beedie, C., Curry, D. and Clark, N. 2001. Mood and performance: test of a conceptual model with a focus on depressed mood. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 2 (3), pp. 157-172.
Effects of isometric exercise training intensity upon reductions in resting systolic blood pressure
Wiles, J., Coleman, D. and Swaine, I. 2008. Effects of isometric exercise training intensity upon reductions in resting systolic blood pressure.
A novel method for the performance of isometric exercise in the home
Wiles, J., Coleman, D., Dunford, M. and Swaine, I. 2004. A novel method for the performance of isometric exercise in the home.
The precision with which isometric exercise training can be performed according to a given heart rate
Swaine, I., Wiles, J. and Coleman, D. 2008. The precision with which isometric exercise training can be performed according to a given heart rate.
Effects of three types of isometric leg exercise at the same relative exercise intensities on blood pressure
Swaine, I., Wiles, J., Dunford, M. and Coleman, D. 2004. Effects of three types of isometric leg exercise at the same relative exercise intensities on blood pressure.
The freely chosen contribution of the leg kick to the total power during simulated front crawl swimming on a onland ergometer
Swaine, I., Dunford, M., Wiles, J., Coleman, D., Hunter, A. and Carlton, K. 2006. The freely chosen contribution of the leg kick to the total power during simulated front crawl swimming on a onland ergometer.
The reliability of maximal power and 40km outdoor time trial cycling performance
Smith, M., Davison, R., Coleman, D., Balmer, J. and Bird, S. 2000. The reliability of maximal power and 40km outdoor time trial cycling performance. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 32 (S291).
The effect of different lactate elevation protocols on the lactate minimum
Smith, M., Davison, R., Balmer, J., Coleman, D. and Bird, S. 1999. The effect of different lactate elevation protocols on the lactate minimum. Journal of Sports Sciences. 17, pp. 44-45.
Physiological responses during cycle time trials: variable versus constant power output
Kirkland, A. and Coleman, D. 2009. Physiological responses during cycle time trials: variable versus constant power output. Journal of Sports Sciences. 26 (S130).
Reliability of time to exhaustion at critical power
Kirkland, A. and Coleman, D. 2006. Reliability of time to exhaustion at critical power.
Reliability of time to exhaustion at critical power
Kirkland, A. and Coleman, D. 2006. Reliability of time to exhaustion at critical power.
The effect of the Rotor crank system on time-trial cycling performance
Hopker, J., Jobson, S., Galbraith, A., Coleman, D. and Nevill, A. 2009. The effect of the Rotor crank system on time-trial cycling performance. Journal of Sports Sciences. 26 (S112).
Relationships between gross, delta and pedalling efficiency
Hopker, J. and Coleman, D. 2006. Relationships between gross, delta and pedalling efficiency.
Differences in daily activity levels, dietary energy intake and body composition in primary school children who walk to and from school compared to those who travel by car
Ford, P., Bailey, R., Coleman, D., Woolf-May, K. and Swaine, I. 2006. Differences in daily activity levels, dietary energy intake and body composition in primary school children who walk to and from school compared to those who travel by car.
Caffeine works: whether you believe it or not: evidence for pharmacological effects of caffeine ingestion on 40km cycling performance
Foad, A., Beedie, C. and Coleman, D. 2006. Caffeine works: whether you believe it or not: evidence for pharmacological effects of caffeine ingestion on 40km cycling performance.
The effect of altering ramp rate on the determination of lactate minimum in cyclists
Davison, R., Coleman, D., Balmer, J. and Bird, S. 1998. The effect of altering ramp rate on the determination of lactate minimum in cyclists. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 30 (S306).
Variability of power output during 40km outdoor time-trial cycling performance
Davison, R., Smith, M., Coleman, D., Balmer, J. and Bird, S. 2000. Variability of power output during 40km outdoor time-trial cycling performance. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 32 (S291).
The reliability of power output recorded during a maximal aerobic power test using an SRM powercrank and Kingcycle test rig
Davison, R., Balmer, J., Morgan, G., Coleman, D. and Bird, S. 2000. The reliability of power output recorded during a maximal aerobic power test using an SRM powercrank and Kingcycle test rig. Journal of Sports Sciences. 18, pp. 29-30.
Correlates of cycling hill climb ability
Coleman, D., Davison, R., Swan, D. and Bird, S. 1997. Correlates of cycling hill climb ability. Journal of Sports Sciences. 15 (1), pp. 42-43.
The effect of gradient upon cardio respiratory responses and gross mechanical efficiency at the same power output during cycling
Coleman, D., Davison, R., Balmer, J., Proffitt, A., Theakston, S. and Bird, S. 1998. The effect of gradient upon cardio respiratory responses and gross mechanical efficiency at the same power output during cycling. Journal of Sports Sciences. 16 (26).
The energy demands of competitive road race cycling
Coleman, D., Davison, R., Balmer, J., Nunn, M. and Bird, S. 1998. The energy demands of competitive road race cycling. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 30 (S305).
The effect of prior cycling on the relationship between maximal test parameters and simulated hill climb performance
Coleman, D., Bird, S. and Davison, R. 2002. The effect of prior cycling on the relationship between maximal test parameters and simulated hill climb performance. Journal of Sports Sciences. 20, pp. 18-19.
The effect of creatine supplementation on endurance performance
Coleman, D., Passfield, L., Hales, T. and Wright, M. 1995. The effect of creatine supplementation on endurance performance. Journal of Sports Sciences. 13, pp. 23-24.
Placebo effects of ergogenic aids in sports performance: experimental, psychometric and interview data
Beedie, C., Foad, A., Coleman, D. and Uphill, M. 2006. Placebo effects of ergogenic aids in sports performance: experimental, psychometric and interview data.
Is caffeine all in the head? Evidence for the placebo effects attributable to caffeine in cycling performance
Beedie, C., Stuart, E., Coleman, D. and Foad, A. 2006. Is caffeine all in the head? Evidence for the placebo effects attributable to caffeine in cycling performance.
Maximal power predicts outdoor 16 and 40km cycling time trial power but not performance time
Balmer, J., Smith, M., Davison, R., Coleman, D. and Bird, S. 2000. Maximal power predicts outdoor 16 and 40km cycling time trial power but not performance time. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 32 (S292).
A comparison of power output recorded by an SRM powercrank and Kingcycle test rig
Balmer, J., Davison, R., Coleman, D. and Bird, S. 2000. A comparison of power output recorded by an SRM powercrank and Kingcycle test rig. Journal of Sports Sciences. 18, pp. 27-28.
Blood lactate and cardio-respiratory responses when cycling for 70min at lactate minimum power output
Balmer, J., Coleman, D., Davison, R., Theakston, S. and Bird, S. 1998. Blood lactate and cardio-respiratory responses when cycling for 70min at lactate minimum power output. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 30, pp. 306-306.
A comparison of ventilatory responses during a ramp test between senior and veteran cyclists
Balmer, J., Coleman, D., Davison, R., Theakston, S. and Bird, S. 1998. A comparison of ventilatory responses during a ramp test between senior and veteran cyclists. Journal of Sports Sciences. 16, pp. 35-36.
A comparison of performance related responses during a 16-km time trial
Balmer, J., Coleman, D., Davison, R., Smith, M. and Bird, S. 1998. A comparison of performance related responses during a 16-km time trial.
A comparison of the blood lactate responses in senior and veteran cyclists during a 16-km time trial
Balmer, J., Coleman, D., Davison, R. and Bird, S. 1999. A comparison of the blood lactate responses in senior and veteran cyclists during a 16-km time trial. Journal of Sports Sciences. 17, pp. 25-25.
The correlation of blood lactate assessments with 16km cycling time-trial performance: the effect of age
Balmer, J., Coleman, D., Davison, R. and Bird, S. 1997. The correlation of blood lactate assessments with 16km cycling time-trial performance: the effect of age. Journal of Sports Sciences. 15, pp. 37-37.
The relationship between selected cardiovascular variables and exercise intensity during continuous and discontinuous incremental exercise tests
Allum, S., Wiles, J., Coleman, D. and Swaine, I. 2006. The relationship between selected cardiovascular variables and exercise intensity during continuous and discontinuous incremental exercise tests.
Assessment of blood lactate: practical evaluation of the Biosen 5030 lactate analyzer
Davison, R., Coleman, D., Balmer, J., Nunn, M., Theakston, S., Burrows, M. and Bird, S. 2000. Assessment of blood lactate: practical evaluation of the Biosen 5030 lactate analyzer. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 32 (1), pp. 243-247.
The validity of power output recorded during exercise performance tests using a Kingcycle air-braked cycle ergometer when compared with an SRM powermeter
Balmer, J., Davison, R., Coleman, D. and Bird, S. 2000. The validity of power output recorded during exercise performance tests using a Kingcycle air-braked cycle ergometer when compared with an SRM powermeter. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 21 (3), pp. 195-199.
Preparing students for the real world
Beedie, C. 2005. Preparing students for the real world. Sport and Exercise Scientist. 6.
Possible implications of nervous system-immune system links in sports rehabilitation
Beedie, C. and Hopker, J. 2005. Possible implications of nervous system-immune system links in sports rehabilitation. SportEX Medicine.
Potential for the use of the placebo effect in sport rehabilitation
Beedie, C. and Hopker, J. 2005. Potential for the use of the placebo effect in sport rehabilitation. SportEX Medicine.
Mood matters: a response to Mellalieu
Lane, A., Beedie, C. and Stevens, M. 2005. Mood matters: a response to Mellalieu. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 17 (4), pp. 319-325.
Beliefs versus reality, or beliefs as reality? The placebo effect in sport and exercise
Beedie, C. and Foad, A. 2008. Beliefs versus reality, or beliefs as reality? The placebo effect in sport and exercise. in: Lane, A. (ed.) Sport and Exercise Psychology London Hodder Education. pp. 211-225
Familiarisation and reliability of sprint test indices during laboratory and field assessment
Hopker, J., Coleman, D., Wiles, J. and Galbraith, A. 2009. Familiarisation and reliability of sprint test indices during laboratory and field assessment. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 8 (4), pp. 528-532.
Changes in cycling efficiency during a competitive season
Hopker, J., Coleman, D. and Passfield, L. 2009. Changes in cycling efficiency during a competitive season. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 41 (4), pp. 912-919.
Occurrence of injury during officer safety training at Kent Police
Andrew, J., Henry, T., Coleman, D. and Wiles, J. 2009. Occurrence of injury during officer safety training at Kent Police. The Police Journal. 82 (3), pp. 265-274.
Effect of the Rotor crank system on cycling performance
Jobson, S., Hopker, J., Galbraith, A., Coleman, D. and Nevill, A. 2009. Effect of the Rotor crank system on cycling performance. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 8 (3), pp. 463-467.
The effects of training on gross efficiency in cycling: a review
Hopker, J., Passfield, L., Coleman, D., Jobson, S., Edwards, L. and Carter, H. 2009. The effects of training on gross efficiency in cycling: a review. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 30 (12), pp. 845-850.
The effects of performing isometric training at two exercise intensities in healthy young males
Wiles, J., Coleman, D. and Swaine, I. 2010. The effects of performing isometric training at two exercise intensities in healthy young males. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 108 (3), pp. 419-428.
The effect of training volume and intensity on competitive cyclists’ efficiency
Hopker, J., Coleman, D., Passfield, L. and Wiles, J. 2010. The effect of training volume and intensity on competitive cyclists’ efficiency. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 35 (1), pp. 17-22.
Reproducibility of limb power outputs and cardiopulmonary responses to exercise using a novel swimming training machine
Swaine, I., Hunter, A., Carlton, K., Wiles, J. and Coleman, D. 2010. Reproducibility of limb power outputs and cardiopulmonary responses to exercise using a novel swimming training machine. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 31 (12), pp. 854-859.
Identification of placebo responsive participants in 40km laboratory cycling performance
Beedie, C., Foad, A. and Coleman, D. 2008. Identification of placebo responsive participants in 40km laboratory cycling performance. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 7 (1), pp. 166-175.
Determination of the lactate minimum points in cyclists
Davison, R., Coleman, D. and Bird, S. 1997. Determination of the lactate minimum points in cyclists. Journal of Sports Sciences. 15, pp. 45-46.
Correlates of simulated hill climb cycling performance
Davison, R., Swan, D., Coleman, D. and Bird, S. 2000. Correlates of simulated hill climb cycling performance. Journal of Sports Sciences. 18 (2), pp. 105-110.
Activity levels, dietary energy intake, and body composition in children who walk to school
Ford, P., Bailey, R., Coleman, D., Woolf-May, K. and Swaine, I. 2007. Activity levels, dietary energy intake, and body composition in children who walk to school. Pediatric Exercise Science. 19 (4), pp. 393-407.
Pharmacological and psychological effects of caffeine ingestion in 40-km cycling performance
Foad, A., Beedie, C. and Coleman, D. 2008. Pharmacological and psychological effects of caffeine ingestion in 40-km cycling performance. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 40 (1), pp. 158-165.
Validity and reliability of the Ergomopro Powermeter
Kirkland, A., Coleman, D., Wiles, J. and Hopker, J. 2008. Validity and reliability of the Ergomopro Powermeter. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 29 (11), pp. 913-916.
The relationships between exercise intensity, heart rate, and blood pressure during an incremental isometric exercise test
Wiles, J., Allum, S., Coleman, D. and Swaine, I. 2007. The relationships between exercise intensity, heart rate, and blood pressure during an incremental isometric exercise test. Journal of Sports Sciences. 26 (2), pp. 155-162.
A novel method for the performance of isometric exercise in the home
Wiles, J., Coleman, D., Dunford, M. and Swaine, I. 2005. A novel method for the performance of isometric exercise in the home. Journal of Sports Sciences. 23 (8), pp. 795-803.
The effects of caffeine ingestion on performance time, speed and power during a laboratory-based 1 km cycling time-trial
Wiles, J., Coleman, D., Tegerdine, M. and Swaine, I. 2006. The effects of caffeine ingestion on performance time, speed and power during a laboratory-based 1 km cycling time-trial. Journal of Sports Sciences. 24 (11), pp. 1165-1171.
Differences in efficiency between trained and recreational cyclists
Hopker, J., Coleman, D. and Wiles, J. 2007. Differences in efficiency between trained and recreational cyclists. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 32 (6), pp. 1036-1042.
Method of lactate elevation does not affect the determination of the lactate minimum
Smith, M., Balmer, J., Coleman, D. and Bird, S. 2002. Method of lactate elevation does not affect the determination of the lactate minimum. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 34 (11), pp. 1744-1749.
Reliability of sprint test indices in well-trained cyclists
Coleman, D., Wiles, J., Nunn, M. and Smith, M. 2005. Reliability of sprint test indices in well-trained cyclists. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 26 (5), pp. 383-387.
Power output measurement during treadmill cycling
Coleman, D., Wiles, J., Davison, R., Smith, M. and Swaine, I. 2007. Power output measurement during treadmill cycling. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 28 (6), pp. 525-530.
Towards empirical distinctions between emotion and mood: a subjective contextual model
Beedie, C. 2007. Towards empirical distinctions between emotion and mood: a subjective contextual model. in: Lane, A. (ed.) Mood and Human Performance: Conceptual, Measurement and Applied Issues New York Nova Science Publishers. pp. 63-87
Positive and negative placebo effects resulting from the deceptive administration of an ergogenic aid
Beedie, C., Coleman, D. and Foad, A. 2007. Positive and negative placebo effects resulting from the deceptive administration of an ergogenic aid. International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. 17 (3), pp. 259-269.
Placebo effects of caffeine on cycling performance
Beedie, C., Stuart, E., Coleman, D. and Foad, A. 2006. Placebo effects of caffeine on cycling performance. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 38 (12), pp. 2159-2164.
Distinctions between emotion and mood
Beedie, C., Terry, P. and Lane, A. 2005. Distinctions between emotion and mood. Cognition & Emotion. 19 (6), pp. 847-878.
Placebo effects in competitive sport: qualitative data
Beedie, C. 2007. Placebo effects in competitive sport: qualitative data. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 6 (1), pp. 21-28.
The placebo effect in sports performance: a brief review
Beedie, C. and Foad, A. 2009. The placebo effect in sports performance: a brief review. Sports Medicine. 39 (4), pp. 313-329.