Assessing the need to use sport supplements: The mediating role of sports supplement beliefs

Journal article

Yuka Murofushi, Yujiro Kawata, Miyuki Nakamura, Shinji Yamaguchi, Saori Sunamoto, Hanako Fukamachi, Hiroshi Aono, Etsuko Kamihigashi, Yuji Takazawa, Hisashi Naito and Philip Hurst 2023. Assessing the need to use sport supplements: The mediating role of sports supplement beliefs. Performance Enhancement & Health. 12 (1), p. 100269.
AuthorsYuka Murofushi, Yujiro Kawata, Miyuki Nakamura, Shinji Yamaguchi, Saori Sunamoto, Hanako Fukamachi, Hiroshi Aono, Etsuko Kamihigashi, Yuji Takazawa, Hisashi Naito and Philip Hurst

Aim: Sports supplement use by athletes can lead to unintentional anti-doping rule violations (ADRVs) due to the contamination of prohibited substances. This phenomenon underscores the need for athletes to reconsider their supplement use, assessing its safety, efficacy, and necessity—a process referred to as ‘reconsideration of supplement use’ in this study. Additionally, ingesting sports supplements may escalate to doping when athletes believe they improve performance, a notion measured by the Sports Supplement Belief Scale (SSBS), which assesses the degree to which athletes expect supplements to enhance their performance. Understanding the factors that may encourage and prevent an athlete from using supplements is crucial. This study explores the mediating influence of the perceived risk of ADRV due to supplements, reconsideration of supplement use, and sports supplement beliefs as factors influencing athletes’ decisions to use supplements as factors influencing athletes' decisions to use supplements.

Methods: In Study 1, a Japanese version of the Sports Supplement Belief Scale (SSBS-J) was created using back-translation. In order to evaluate the reliability and validity of the scale, we utilized data from 356 university athletes, which were divided into two distinct cohorts. A two-step statistical analysis was implemented involving Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The survey included questions about the frequency and number of supplements used. Internal consistency and fit of the SSBS-J were evaluated using EFA and CFA, and the scale’s ability to determine supplement use was assessed using linear regression analysis and t-tests. In Study 2, 525 university athletes (64.6% men, Mage = 18.7 ± 0.7 years) were asked to complete measures related to the perceived risk of committing an ADRV due to supplementation.

Results: The SSBS-J showed high internal consistency (Cronbach’s α = 0.876), a one-factor structure similar to the original version in the EFA, and a good model fit in the CFA, thereby supporting construct validity. Linear regression results indicated that the SSBS-J scores were significantly associated with the frequency and number of supplements used. Significant differences were found between the scores of supplement users (21.51 ± 6.54) and non-users (16.48 ± 6.14) (p < 0.001). Next, discriminant analysis correctly classified 64.7% of supplement users and 61.0% of non-users. In examining the direct effect of ADRV awareness on supplement use, a significant negative path coefficient of -0.44 was observed (p < 0.001). The path coefficients from ADRV awareness to the reconsideration of supplement use and from a reconsideration of supplement use to supplement use through SSBS-J were all significant (p < 0.001), with an indirect effect path coefficient of 0.06.

Conclusions: These findings suggest that ADRV awareness can influence reconsideration of supplement use and subsequently deter supplement use mediated by sport supplement beliefs. These insights emphasize the importance of promoting doping risk awareness, revisiting supplement use, and mitigating sport supplement beliefs to reduce inappropriate or unnecessary supplement use among athletes. From an anti-doping perspective, this insight could be valuable in guiding athlete education regarding supplement use.

KeywordsAnti-doping; Athletes; Anti-doping rule violation; Reconsidering supplement use; Scale development; Sports supplement belief; Sports supplement
JournalPerformance Enhancement & Health
Journal citation12 (1), p. 100269
Official URL
Publication dates
Online30 Nov 2023
PrintFeb 2024
Publication process dates
Accepted18 Nov 2023
Deposited20 Nov 2023
Accepted author manuscript
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Publisher's version
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Output statusPublished

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Preventing doping in sport: the VIRTUES project
Kavussanu, M., Hurst, P., Barkoukis, V., Skoufa, L., King, A. and Ring, C. 2018. Preventing doping in sport: the VIRTUES project.
The effects of moral disengagement on doping likelihood and guilt
Kavussanu, M., Ring, C. and Hurst, P. 2018. The effects of moral disengagement on doping likelihood and guilt.
Social cognitive predictors of doping intentions: a multi-national study
Kavussanu, M., Skoufa, L., Barkoukis, V., Hurst, P., Chirico, A., Lucidi, F. and Ring, C. 2018. Social cognitive predictors of doping intentions: a multi-national study.
Effects of personal and situational factors on self-referenced doping likelihood
Ring, C., Kavussanu, M., Lucidi, S. and Hurst, P. 2018. Effects of personal and situational factors on self-referenced doping likelihood. Psychology of Sport and Exercise.
The effects of moral disengagement mechanisms on doping likelihood are mediated by guilt and moderated by moral traits
Ring, C. and Hurst, P. 2018. The effects of moral disengagement mechanisms on doping likelihood are mediated by guilt and moderated by moral traits. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 40, pp. 33-41.
The placebo and nocebo effect in sport: intentions, attitudes and beliefs towards sport supplements and banned performance enhancing substances
Hurst, P. 2018. The placebo and nocebo effect in sport: intentions, attitudes and beliefs towards sport supplements and banned performance enhancing substances. PhD Thesis Canterbury Christ Church University Faculty of Social and Applied Sciences
Consensus statement on placebo effects in sports and exercise: the need for conceptual clarity, methodological rigour, and the elucidation of neurobiological mechanisms.
Beedie, C., Hurst, P., Coleman, D., Foad, A., Benedetti, F., Cohen, E., Davis, A., Elseworth-Edelsten, C., Flowers, E., Roelands, B., Hettinga, F., Raglin, J., Szabo, A., Camerone, E., Barbiani, D., Lane, A., Lindheimer, J., Schiphof-Godart, l. and Harvey, S. 2018. Consensus statement on placebo effects in sports and exercise: the need for conceptual clarity, methodological rigour, and the elucidation of neurobiological mechanisms. European Journal of Sport Science.
Could placebos be putting lives at risk?
Hurst, P. and Beedie, C. 2018. Could placebos be putting lives at risk?
Caution, this treatment is a placebo. It might work, but it might not”: why emerging mechanistic evidence for placebo effects does not legitimise complementary and alternative medicines in sport
Beedie, C., Whyte, G., Coleman, D., Hurst, P., Cohen, E., Lane, A., Raglin, J. and Foad, A. 2017. Caution, this treatment is a placebo. It might work, but it might not”: why emerging mechanistic evidence for placebo effects does not legitimise complementary and alternative medicines in sport. British Journal of Sports Medicine.
Is there a role for implicit and explicit information about placebo and nocebo effects in reducing the use of drugs in sport?
Hurst, P., Beedie, C., Coleman, D. and Foad, A. 2017. Is there a role for implicit and explicit information about placebo and nocebo effects in reducing the use of drugs in sport?
Is the intention to use sport supplements a predictor of placebo and nocebo responding among athletes?
Hurst, P., Beedie, C., Coleman, D. and Foad, A. 2017. Is the intention to use sport supplements a predictor of placebo and nocebo responding among athletes?
Athletes intending to use sports supplements are more likely to respond to a placebo
Hurst, P., Foad, A., Coleman, D. and Beedie, C. 2017. Athletes intending to use sports supplements are more likely to respond to a placebo. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (MSSE).
Development and validation of the sports supplements beliefs scale [Conference paper abstract]
Hurst, P., Foad, A. and Coleman, D. 2015. Development and validation of the sports supplements beliefs scale [Conference paper abstract]. Journal of Sports Sciences. 33 (Sup1), pp. s72-s74.
Expectations, caffeine and pacing strategy: how positive and negative expectations can influence running performance
Hurst, P. 2014. Expectations, caffeine and pacing strategy: how positive and negative expectations can influence running performance. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 48 (A3).
Expectancy effects on competitive 5 km time-trial performance
Hurst, P. 2013. Expectancy effects on competitive 5 km time-trial performance. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 47 (17).
Reproducibility of outdoor 5 km running time-trial in a competitive environment
Hurst, P. 2013. Reproducibility of outdoor 5 km running time-trial in a competitive environment. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 47 (e4).
Development and validation of the Sports Supplements Beliefs Scale
Hurst, P., Foad, A., Coleman, D. and Beedie, C. 2016. Development and validation of the Sports Supplements Beliefs Scale. Performance Enhancement & Health.
Reliability of 5-km running performance in a competitive environment
Hurst, P. and Board, L. 2016. Reliability of 5-km running performance in a competitive environment. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science.
Beliefs versus reality, or beliefs as reality? The placebo effect in sport and exercise
Hurst, P., Foad, A. and Beedie, C. 2016. Beliefs versus reality, or beliefs as reality? The placebo effect in sport and exercise. in: Lane, A. (ed.) Sport and Exercise Psychology London Routledge. pp. 325-344
Capitalizing on the placebo component of treatments
Beedie, C., Foad, A. and Hurst, P. 2015. Capitalizing on the placebo component of treatments. Current Sports Medicine Reports (CSMR). 14 (4), pp. 284-287.
Influence of acute dietary nitrate supplementation over 5 km
Hurst, P., Coleman, D. and Saunders, S. 2015. Influence of acute dietary nitrate supplementation over 5 km. British Journal of Sports Medicine: International Sports Science + Sports Medicine Conference 2015 Abstracts Newcastle Upon Tyne 8–10th September 2015. 49 (Sup. 2), pp. A6-A6.
Placebo and nocebo effects during repeat sprint performance
Hurst, P., Beedie, C., Coleman, D. and Foad, A. 2016. Placebo and nocebo effects during repeat sprint performance.
Knowledge and experience of placebo effects modifies athletes’ intentions to use sport supplements
Hurst, P., Beedie, C., Coleman, D. and Foad, A. 2016. Knowledge and experience of placebo effects modifies athletes’ intentions to use sport supplements.