Understanding attitudes towards native wildlife and biodiversity in the UK: the role of zoos

Journal article

Consorte-McCrea, A., Bainbridge, A., Fernandez, A., Nigbur, D., McDonnell, S., Morin, A. and Grente, O. 2016. Understanding attitudes towards native wildlife and biodiversity in the UK: the role of zoos. World Sustainability Series. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-47883-8_17
AuthorsConsorte-McCrea, A., Bainbridge, A., Fernandez, A., Nigbur, D., McDonnell, S., Morin, A. and Grente, O.

The present paper draws from a study of the role of zoos in forming attitudes towards biodiversity and native wild carnivores that are considered for reintroduction. The project is being developed by an interdisciplinary team (wildlife conservation, psychology, education) working towards the development of a questionnaire to investigate this topic in the UK.

Research suggests that experiences with live animals in zoos may encourage empathy, through personal connection, which in turn facilitates greater concern towards biodiversity. Concomitantly, the reintroduction of wild carnivores to their native habitats may contribute to biodiversity by helping regulate ecosystem dynamics. Carnivores also carry a rich cultural and historical heritage. IUCN guidelines state the need for public support to establish a reintroduced population in the wild, therefore, carnivore restoration efforts benefit from the understanding of the human dimensions.

A pilot study was carried out in Kent (spring 2015) using focus groups and interviews to investigate attitudes towards biodiversity, with particular focus on two species of carnivores native to the British Isles and currently considered for reintroduction (the European lynx Lynx lynx and the pine marten Martes martes) and the role of zoos in promoting support towards biodiversity conservation. Results suggest an association between seeing native wild carnivore species in the zoo and emotional responses such as ‘breaking down fears’, but also concerns about a disconnect between people and nature, and misunderstanding about the role of zoos in ‘protecting’ species. Below we offer a discussion of the themes that emerged from the analysis of focus groups and interviews in relation to biodiversity.

KeywordsBiodiversity, environmental sustainability, zoos, wild carnivores, attitudes, narrative.
JournalWorld Sustainability Series
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-47883-8_17
FunderFutures Initiative, CCCU
Publication dates
Print30 Dec 2016
Publication process dates
Deposited01 Mar 2017
AcceptedOct 2016
Accepted author manuscript
Output statusPublished

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Spruin, L., Holt, N., Fernandez, A. and Franz, A. 2016. The use of dogs in the courtroom. in: Klein, A. (ed.) Crime and Criminal Behaviour Nova Science Publishers. pp. 1-16
Narratives beyond the backyard: a case study on support for a community sustainability project.
Bainbridge, A. and Stirrup, V. 2016. Narratives beyond the backyard: a case study on support for a community sustainability project. in: Stories that make a difference. Exploring the collective, social and political potential of narratives in adult education research Italy Pensa. pp. 183-189
Animal Welfare: Domestic pets – written evidence (AWF 238)
Franz, A., Ashdown, L., Fernandez, A., Holt, N. and Spruin, L. 2016. Animal Welfare: Domestic pets – written evidence (AWF 238).
Written evidence submitted to Commons Select Committee Animal Welfare Inquiry
Franz, A., Ashdown, L., Fernandez, A., Hirst, L., Holt, N., Moore, H. and Spruin, L. 2016. Written evidence submitted to Commons Select Committee Animal Welfare Inquiry. www.parliament.uk.
Building a world unfit to live in: the deception, distraction and disavowal of the fetish
Bainbridge, A. 2016. Building a world unfit to live in: the deception, distraction and disavowal of the fetish. Pedagogia Oggi. 2016 (1), pp. 62-72.
The use of dogs in the courtroom
Spruin, L., Holt, N., Fernandez, A. and Franz, A. 2016. The use of dogs in the courtroom. in: Klein, A. (ed.) Crime and Criminal Behaviour Nova Science Publishers.
Ecology and conservation of the maned wolf: introduction
Consorte-McCrea, A. and Santos, E. 2013. Ecology and conservation of the maned wolf: introduction. in: Consorte-McCrea, A. and Santos, E. (ed.) Ecology and Conservation of the Maned Wolf: Multidisciplinary Perspectives London, New York, Boca Raton CRC Press. pp. xiii-xvii
The relationships between the maned wolf and people
Consorte-McCrea, A. 2013. The relationships between the maned wolf and people. in: Consorte-McCrea, A. and Santos, E. (ed.) Ecology and Conservation of the Maned Wolf: Multidisciplinary Perspectives London, New York, Boca Raton CRC Press. pp. 35-52
La relacion entre el aguara guazu los pobladores en Brasil
Consorte-McCrea, A. 2015. La relacion entre el aguara guazu los pobladores en Brasil. in: Ciccia, P., Soler, L. and Orozco, M. (ed.) El Aguara Guazu en Argentina : Lecciones aprendidas y recomendaciones para su conservación Argentina Fundación de Historia Natural Felix de Azara. pp. 77-84
Attitudes towards the maned wolf amongst adolescents in the southeast of Brazil
Consorte-McCrea, A., Nigbur, D. and Bath, A. 2015. Attitudes towards the maned wolf amongst adolescents in the southeast of Brazil.
Attitudes of zoo visitors and professionals towards the conservation of the maned wolf in southeast Brazil
Consorte-McCrea, A. and Rubin, R. 2009. Attitudes of zoo visitors and professionals towards the conservation of the maned wolf in southeast Brazil. Canid News. 12 (1), pp. 1-22.
Pedagogy of recognition: Winnicott, Honneth and learning in psychosocial spaces
Bainbridge, A. 2015. Pedagogy of recognition: Winnicott, Honneth and learning in psychosocial spaces. Journal of Pedagogic Development. 5 (3).
On becoming an education professional: a psychosocial exploration of developing an educational professional practice
Bainbridge, A. 2015. On becoming an education professional: a psychosocial exploration of developing an educational professional practice. Palgrave Pivot.
The role of zoos in attitudes towards biodiversity and the reintroduction of native wild carnivores to the UK: results from a pilot study
Consorte-McCrea, A., Bainbridge, A., Fernandez, A., Nigbur, D. and McDonnell, S. 2015. The role of zoos in attitudes towards biodiversity and the reintroduction of native wild carnivores to the UK: results from a pilot study. ICCB: 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology. Montpellier, France
Making sense of acculturation: self-reports and personal experience of international students
Nigbur, D. 2014. Making sense of acculturation: self-reports and personal experience of international students.
Acculturation attitudes and social adjustment in British South Asian children: a longitudinal study
Brown, R., Baysu, G., Cameron, L., Nigbur, D., Rutland, A., Watters, C., Hossain, R., LeTouze, D. and Landau, A. 2013. Acculturation attitudes and social adjustment in British South Asian children: a longitudinal study. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. https://doi.org/10.1177/0146167213500149
Why does ingroup essentialism increase prejudice against minority members?
Zagefka, H., Nigbur, D., Gonzalez, R. and Tip, L. 2013. Why does ingroup essentialism increase prejudice against minority members? International Journal of Psychology. 48 (1), pp. 60-68. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207594.2012.729841
Cross faculty and interagency programme development: case study: Foundation Degree in Working with Young People and Young People's Services
Bainbridge, A., Bassot, B. and Ashford, E. 2006. Cross faculty and interagency programme development: case study: Foundation Degree in Working with Young People and Young People's Services. Every Child Matters Conference. Salomons Campus, Canterbury Christ Church University, Tonbridge, UK 13 Feb 2006
The nature and experience of academic understanding: a response
Bainbridge, A. 2013. The nature and experience of academic understanding: a response. The Psychology of Education Review. 37 (1).
A preliminary report exploring the need for and development of a coherent Personal and Social Education curriculum
Maynard, T., Moss, J., Bowie, R. A., Christie, S., Bainbridge, A., Barnes, J., Blamires, M., Hassett, A., Powell, S., Robinson, S. and Canterbury Christ Church University 2013. A preliminary report exploring the need for and development of a coherent Personal and Social Education curriculum.
The theory of planned behaviour, self-identity, and moral disengagement: what predicts sustainability at work?
Nigbur, D., Coen, S., Fernandez, A., Franz, A. and Hocking, I. 2012. The theory of planned behaviour, self-identity, and moral disengagement: what predicts sustainability at work?
The essence of nationhood: how ordinary people make sense of nationality, and how essentialist beliefs create acculturative problems
Nigbur, D., Franz, A., Hocking, I., Hilton, D., Charalambides, L., Zagefka, H., Gonzalez, R. and Tip, L. 2012. The essence of nationhood: how ordinary people make sense of nationality, and how essentialist beliefs create acculturative problems.
Supervision for education professionals: personal encounters with practice
Bainbridge, A. 2012. Supervision for education professionals: personal encounters with practice.
How graduate teachers experience professional identity
Bainbridge, A. 2006. How graduate teachers experience professional identity.
Prequels and sequels: the life story and professional narratives of new educational professionals
Bainbridge, A. 2010. Prequels and sequels: the life story and professional narratives of new educational professionals.
Bridging gaps
West, L. and Bainbridge, A. 2012. Bridging gaps. in: Bainbridge, A. and West, L. (ed.) Psychoanalysis and Education: Minding a Gap London Karnac.
Introduction: minding a gap
Bainbridge, A. and West, L. 2012. Introduction: minding a gap. in: Bainbridge, A. and West, L. (ed.) Psychoanalysis and Education: Minding a Gap London Karnac.
Prequels and sequels: a psychoanalytic understanding of developing a professional practice in an education setting
Bainbridge, A. 2012. Prequels and sequels: a psychoanalytic understanding of developing a professional practice in an education setting. in: Bainbridge, A. and West, L. (ed.) Psychoanalysis and Education: Minding a Gap London Karnac.
Introduction: making a case for the psychoanalytic study of education
Bainbridge, A. and West, L. 2011. Introduction: making a case for the psychoanalytic study of education. Cliopsy. 6 (11), pp. 7-15.
Group identity and peer relations: a longitudinal study of group identity, perceived peer acceptance, and friendships amongst ethnic minority English children
Rutland, A., Cameron, L., Jugert, P., Nigbur, D., Brown, R., Watters, C., Hossain, R., Landau, A. and Le Touze, D. 2012. Group identity and peer relations: a longitudinal study of group identity, perceived peer acceptance, and friendships amongst ethnic minority English children. British Journal of Developmental Psychology. 30 (2), pp. 283-302. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.2044-835X.2011.02040.x
Conservation of the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus): carnivore and people relationships in the southeast of Brazil
Consorte-McCrea, A. 2011. Conservation of the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus): carnivore and people relationships in the southeast of Brazil. PhD Thesis University of Kent School of Biological Sciences
Beginning teaching: the theory/practice divide
Bainbridge, A. 2011. Beginning teaching: the theory/practice divide. Cliopsy. 6, pp. 25-32.
References to history in national identity: interview and focus group data on historical comparisons
Nigbur, D. and Franz, A. 2011. References to history in national identity: interview and focus group data on historical comparisons.
Whose bread I eat, his song I sing: high identifiers and those exposed to intergroup situations see themselves closer to the national prototype
Nigbur, D. and Cinnirella, M. 2008. Whose bread I eat, his song I sing: high identifiers and those exposed to intergroup situations see themselves closer to the national prototype.
Acculturation processes and social relations in young children: why 'integration' is (mostly) good for you
Nigbur, D., Brown, R., Cameron, L., Rutland, A., Hossain, R., Landau, A., Le Touze, D. and Watters, C. 2008. Acculturation processes and social relations in young children: why 'integration' is (mostly) good for you.
Is identification equivalent to acculturation? Dynamics of ethnicity and wellbeing among British primary schoolers
Nigbur, D., Brown, R., Cameron, L. and Hossain, R. 2009. Is identification equivalent to acculturation? Dynamics of ethnicity and wellbeing among British primary schoolers.
An analysis of the British public's concerns regarding climate change legistration
Coen, S., Woods, R. and Fernandez, A. 2009. An analysis of the British public's concerns regarding climate change legistration.
Carnivore v people conflict: The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) in the Southeast of Brazil
Rubin, R. and Consorte-McCrea, A. 2009. Carnivore v people conflict: The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) in the Southeast of Brazil.
"...it really feels like I have finished my studies now": an online exploration of learning biographies
Bainbridge, A. 2007. "...it really feels like I have finished my studies now": an online exploration of learning biographies.
"...it really feels like I have finished my studies now": an online exploration of learning biographies
Bainbridge, A. 2007. "...it really feels like I have finished my studies now": an online exploration of learning biographies.
Paying the price of integration: a longitudinal study of south Asian children's acculturation experience in British primary schools
Nigbur, D., Brown, R., Cameron, L., Hossain, R., Landau, A. and Le Touze, D. 2007. Paying the price of integration: a longitudinal study of south Asian children's acculturation experience in British primary schools.
Acculturation experiences of British Asian primary school children: why 'integration' is not a closed case
Nigbur, D., Brown, R., Cameron, L., Hossain, R., Landau, A. and Le Touze, D. 2007. Acculturation experiences of British Asian primary school children: why 'integration' is not a closed case.
Intergroup identity perceptions and their implications for intergroup forgiveness: The Common Ingroup Identity Model and its efficacy in the field
Coen, S., Noor, M., Brown, R., Taggert, L. and Fernandez, A. 2010. Intergroup identity perceptions and their implications for intergroup forgiveness: The Common Ingroup Identity Model and its efficacy in the field. Irish Journal of Psychology. 31 (3), pp. 151-170.
OCR A2 psychology student book
Bainbridge, A., Collier, W., Latham, S., Middleton, S. and Saunders, B. 2008. OCR A2 psychology student book. Harlow Heinemann.
OCR AS psychology student book
Bainbridge, A., Bradshaw, P., Latham, S. and Lintern, F. 2008. OCR AS psychology student book. Harlow Heinemann.
Investigating the gender discourse for mature women on a foundation degree
Bainbridge, A. 2005. Investigating the gender discourse for mature women on a foundation degree. in: Coare, P. (ed.) Diversity and Difference in Lifelong Learning: Proceedings 35th Annual Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults University of Sussex.
Social capital, ethnicity and children's well-being: aspects of social capital in the everyday lives of British Punjabi children
Hossain, R., Watters, C., Brown, R., Cameron, L., Landau, A., Le Touze, D., Nigbur, D. and Rutland, A. 2007. Social capital, ethnicity and children's well-being: aspects of social capital in the everyday lives of British Punjabi children. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care. 3 (2), pp. 4-21.
The use of religious metaphors by UK newspapers to describe and denigrate climate change
Woods, R., Fernandez, A. and Coen, S. 2012. The use of religious metaphors by UK newspapers to describe and denigrate climate change. Public Understanding of Science. 21 (3), pp. 323-329. https://doi.org/10.1177/0963662510385061
Children's learning
Bainbridge, A. 2007. Children's learning. in: Nurse, A. (ed.) The New Early Years Professional: Dilemmas and Debates London Routledge. pp. 55-67
Child development and psychology
Bainbridge, A. 2007. Child development and psychology. in: Nurse, A. (ed.) The New Early Years Professional: Dilemmas and Debates London Routledge. pp. 44-54
Akkulturation und integration ethnischer gruppen
Nigbur, D. and Zagefka, H. 2009. Akkulturation und integration ethnischer gruppen. in: Beelman, A. and Jonas, K. (ed.) Diskriminierung und Toleranz: Psychologische Grundlagen und Anwendungsperspektiven Wiesbaden, Germany VS Verlag. pp. 173-192
Attitudes, norms, identity and environmental behaviour: using an expanded theory of planned behaviour to predict participation in a kerbside recycling programme
Nigbur, D., Lyons, E. and Uzzell, D. 2010. Attitudes, norms, identity and environmental behaviour: using an expanded theory of planned behaviour to predict participation in a kerbside recycling programme. British Journal of Social Psychology. 49 (2), pp. 259-284. https://doi.org/10.1348/014466609X449395
National identification, type and specificity of comparison and their effects on descriptions of national character
Nigbur, D. and Cinnirella, M. 2007. National identification, type and specificity of comparison and their effects on descriptions of national character. European Journal of Social Psychology. 37 (4), pp. 672-691. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejsp.382
Acculturation, well-being and classroom behaviour among white British and British Asian primary-school children in the south-east of England: validating a child-friendly measure of acculturation attitudes
Nigbur, D., Brown, R., Cameron, L., Hossain, R., Landau, A., Le Touze, D., Rutland, A. and Watters, C. 2008. Acculturation, well-being and classroom behaviour among white British and British Asian primary-school children in the south-east of England: validating a child-friendly measure of acculturation attitudes. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 32 (6), pp. 493-504. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2008.03.001
Attitudes of a sample of zoo visitors and professionals towards the conservation of the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) in the southeast of Brazil
Consorte-McCrea, A. and Rubin, R. 2009. Attitudes of a sample of zoo visitors and professionals towards the conservation of the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) in the southeast of Brazil. Canid News. 12 (1).
An analysis of the British public’s concerns regarding climate change legislation
Woods, R., Fernandez, A. and Coen, S. 2009. An analysis of the British public’s concerns regarding climate change legislation. The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses. 1 (3), pp. 75-92.