Are Dietary Supplements a Gateway to Doping? A Retrospective Survey of Athletes’ Substance Use

A keynote address: A guide to supporting conference speakers with lived experience of cleft lip and/or palate

A socio legal perspective on changes to assisted dying laws in the UK

The house was like her: rebuilding the post-traumatic home through art practice

“The trouble that stalks in darkness” (Ps 91:6): Jewish resilience during the plague in early modern Prague

People, not just books: an investigation into the knowledge and understanding of trauma informed practice in the justice system

FL9448 Windrush 75

Financial developments, structure, and economic growth: evidence from causality tests and time-variation analysis

Engineering learning of sustainable product lifecycle through CDIO

Quantifying and qualifying inventorised ‘heirlooms’ : a reconstruction of the material legacy of the Hammond Family of St Albans Court Nonington 1551 1938 including a searchable dataset

Can work intensification be considered an emerging risk among teachers?

Using interactive fiction to stimulate metalinguistic talk in the English classroom

Repertoires of information and perception gap

‘Your CV looks amazing but I am sorry, you didn’t get the job’: analysing experiences of global majority physiotherapists aspiring to and working at consultant level practice in the UK

“You gotta practise what you preach.” How non-English teachers conceptualise fundamental British values

Moving through uncertainty with George Meredith

How do Headteachers establish, articulate and maintain an ethos that provides a compelling vision of Christian faith? An international comparative study of Christian leadership in schools

The sober self, sisterhood, and non-drinking practices: a feminist ethnography of women’s recovery culture within online sobriety communities

The representation of Muslims in Donald J. Trump's 2015-16 presidential campaign: A discourse-historical analysis

Who is “us” in “nothing about us without us”? Rethinking the politics of disability research

"This house would respect our elders"

Is the future pipeline of education technology developers in jeopardy?

A discussion of possibilities for establishing curriculum agility practices for industry ready graduates

LDL-C: An important independent risk factor for new-onset heart block in patients with severe aortic stenosis and heart failure after TAVR

Experimental investigation of earth-air ventilation system in low-energy buildings

A narrative review on prediabetes or diabetes and atrial fibrillation: From molecular mechanisms to clinical practice

Are there potential benefits to pupils from the introduction, learning and playing of modern card and board games in Ssecondary phase education?

How can executive coaches’ prior career experience affect their relationships with their clients?

Out-of-field teachers knowing, learning and doing mathematics

Home or Away: (re)negotiating identity through living in the ‘in-between’ – a qualitative investigation of the Kurdish diaspora in the United Kingdom

Zaha Hadid her ideas and architecture examined through musical composition final 24.05.2024

Does test length have an impact upon performance in the UK GP licensing Applied Knowledge Test?

Can capacity limitations in primary care undergraduate placements be addressed using a blended learning approach?

The 'flipped placement': can blended learning enhance undergraduate general practice placements and alleviate capacity issues?

Temporal trends in guideline-recommended cardiometabolic testing completeness before initiating immune checkpoint inhibitors: A cohort study

Musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders with arthritis screening in Tanzania: New insights into the growing clinical, economic and societal burden of non-communicable disease

Reporter emission multiplexing in digital PCRs (REM-dPCRs): direct quantification of multiple target sequences per detection channel by population specific reporters

Estimating the prevalence, quality of life, economic and societal impact of arthritis in Tanzania: protocol for a mixed methods study [Protocol]

Trends of frequency, mortality and risk factors among patients admitted with stroke from 2017 to 2019 to the medical ward at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre hospital: a retrospective observational study

Oppenheimer, nuclear war and education

Education for sustainable development during civilisational collapse: The need for radical structural change

Building empowering research communities

Challenging perceptions about critical thinking: researching the nature and development of criticality through the eyes of Algerian doctoral students in the UK

An exploration of autistic adolescent female’s educational experiences within mainstream secondary school

The continuing struggles of working classes in the UK: Seminar review

Effective piano accompaniment training for music teachers and performers - a case study from Turkey and North Cyprus

Ethnography: sense and sensibilities

The NHS Health Check programme: a survey of programme delivery in England before and after the Covid-19 pandemic response. Version 2

Unfolding hope

Working with global aphasia: Theory and practice

Breaking barriers: A novel framework to evaluate usability of accessibility applications

Global Trends, Local Contexts: ideological Positions and their Impact on Early Childhood Education Practices in Algeria

The Swedenborgian infant school pedagogy of Samuel Wilderspin, 1820-1825: an actor-network analysis

'Becoming the midwife I have in my head': a qualitative multiple case study of midwifery students' voices during their journey to qualification

Exploring the relationship between sensory processing sensitivity and dream precognition.

An online survey investigating sensory processing sensitivity, transliminality, and boundary-thinness as predictors of anomalous experience and belief

London's North-West Kent hinterland? Ruxley hundred, 1200-1350

Evaluation of a bicarbonate-based algal carbon capture system for mushroom farms with concomitant generation of value-added products

An interactive web portal for customised telerehabilitation in neurological care

Exploring optimal set of features in machine learning for improving IoT multilayer security

Found in the library

FFL villanelle

Seaside sestina: A Folkestone romance

Cultural consumption of performing arts through the pandemic: How opera houses and their tourists coped.

Psychological aspects of inflammatory bowel disease

A thematic analysis of barriers and facilitators to participant engagement in group exposure and response prevention therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder

Opera as personal heritage in tourism

Space diplomacy and the International Space Station

New challenger for sustainable ethanol production in industrial biorefineries

Up-close on the fretboard: Fretboard personalities in blues and jazz guitar improvisation

The return of a cultural icon to Kent: attitudes towards the red-billed chough​

Human-wildlife interactions in conservation translocations: Developing guidelines

Unrealtime expanded

A sense of beauty in belonging to the whole: The value of a collaborative and contextualised approach to sustainability in higher education

Embedding the social sciences in engineering education: collaboration with a Politics degree

Exploring onstage portrayals of parent/carers of disabled adults/children

Young people in care’s perspective on their psychological adjustment as an addition to the BERRI questionnaire by Amy Malone

The development and optimisation of a lab-scale process for biological treatment of lignin-rich wastewater using biofilms formed by Nuerospora Discreta

Reforming fair & equitable treatment provisions in Bangladesh's bilateral investment treaties: a path towards balancing national sovereignty with foreign investors' commercial interests

Critical cultural history and quasi-ethnography of British professional wrestling

Peace and violence in the framing of the 2019 Algerian Hirak by Al-Jazeera English, the BBC and France 24: a critical discourse analysis

Engineering learning of sustainable product lifecycle through CDIO

Early childhood graduates in the workplace: Experiences and perceptions

'The shark with six legs'. Celebrating and supporting young children as creators and interpreters of meaning

Professional curiosity in early childhood initial teacher education in england: unmasking pedagogical activism

Just transition in biofuel development towards low-carbon economy: Multi-actor perspectives on policies and practices in Indonesia

World Heritage Sites, storytelling, the non-human and new animism

‘As unknown to me as a Bohemian village’: a retrospective of Czech Baroque music in recordings

Major adverse cardiovascular events of enzalutamide versus abiraterone in prostate cancer: a retrospective cohort study.

Questions for discussion for children, parents, schools and churches

Intelligent measuring for a customer satisfaction level inspired by transformation language model

Questions for discussion for children, parents, schools,and churches

Explanatory memorandum, local and regional media: watchdogs of democracy, guardians of community cohesion

Unveiling the invisible: informal work in a monastery on Mount Athos

Revisiting my private and professional lived experiences by phenomenologically dwelling in children’s fiction

Psychosis, families, and open dialogue

Frontiers of molecular biology of cancer

Acceptability of a proposed practice pharmacist-led review for opioid-treated patients with persistent pain: A qualitative study to inform intervention development

07. Where do you go to reflect?

06. What do you do about faith at home? - Catholic version

05. What do you do about faith at home? - Church of England version

04. What does it feel like to be in collective worship? - Church of England version

03 What does it feel like to be in collective worship? - Catholic version

02. When do you feel close to Jesus and God?

01. What does it feel like to pray?

Spiritual flourishing in the words of the child: Final report for young people: A Faith in the Nexus study 2023

Spiritual flourishing in the words of the child: A Faith in the Nexus study 2023

Training parents and educators on applied behaviour analysis (ABA). play-based, and speech-language interventions for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Christ, creation, and the world of science: against paradox

Identifying Oomycetes in a public garden

Conceptualising neuroscience-based leadership behaviour

Skin in the game: a multimethod exploration of the impact of social support on wound healing rate in sport

Parenting culture studies

A warrant for violence? An analysis of Donald Trump's speech before the US Capitol attack

Schwartz Rounds at Canterbury Christ Church University

Bridging the gap to leadership: Developing equity in practice placement experiences

Case study 8: Bridging the gap to leadership

A robust complaints process for students working in NHS placements

Frontiers of ovarian carcinosarcoma

Astragaloside IV enhances the sensitivity of breast cancer stem cells to paclitaxel by inhibiting stemness

Statin use and mortality risk in Asian patients with prostate cancer receiving androgen deprivation therapy: A population-based cohort study

Linking research to end users through community engagement: an umbrella review

Reporting radiographers in Europe survey: An overview of the role within the European Federation of Radiographer Society (EFRS) member countries

The scholarly hunter: a textual analysis of the ways in which Bloodborne’s narrative and environment invites player involvement and initiates critical debate

How is toxicity managed within online games by their companies?

Alcohol electronic interventions: exploring factors that affect engagement and drinking-related intentions in university student populations

‘Your transness, your otherness is your superpower,’ transgender identities, power and representation in the UK theatre industry

Criticality as a form of fluid habitus: exploring the lived experiences of international PhD students studying in the UK

Placebo effects on cycling performance in virtual-reality and laboratory environments

Placental growth factor 29 values

Interim analysis of serum placental growth factor values for use in pre-eclampsia screening

The Fuchs factor: Espionage, the Soviet atomic bomb and Anglo-American relations

The impact of decentralisation on health systems: a systematic review of reviews

From weeds to tiny flowers: Rethinking the place of the youngest children outdoors

Deaf children's mental health difficulties: exploring experience and factors associated with the difficulties experienced by deaf children

Graphene-based nanomaterials and their application in bioreactors

Written evidence submitted by Canterbury Christ Church University (SH0097) to the House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee on Soil health. First Report of Session 2023–24, HC 245.

Going to the pictures: The influence of cinema going on creative artists in the border regions of Ireland

Better living with non‐memory led dementia: results from a pilot randomised clinical trial of an online training programme for carers of people with PCA, PPA and bvFTD

Homicide detectives: transformational change and challenges

Researching detective pathways: opportunities and challenges

Functional neurological disorder: exploration into diagnosis, beliefs and experiences

That which washes ashore

Teaching medical anthropology in UK medical schools: cultivating autoethnographic practice among medical students

Gestational diabetes mellitus: Association with maternal and neonatal complications

A multidisciplinary approach to optimising the virtual management of haemophilia: a roundtable meeting of UK experts

Can arts-based interventions reduce children’s peri-operative anxiety in paediatrics? A discussion of representative studies

The National Teaching Repository and social media

Depth estimation and validation of plenoptic light field camera

Identifying an educational praxis of culturally relevant female school leadership in urban Pakistani schools

Psychological vulnerability and suicidality within the ambulance service: a review

The 'Talking with Voices' approach: perspectives from voice hearers and their voices

“Pushing an addictive drug as a solution onto a vulnerable highly stressed group of people”: sober women’s feminist resistance against the feminised marketing of alcohol and cultural representations of women’s drinking practices.

Evaluation of Ecology Island Project

Wilder wellbeing evaluation

Does the combined application of social work law module teaching and practical court skills days increase students’ confidence in their court skills?

Equity with equality? Contextualising everyone can widen participation in medical school admissions

Cancer disparities in Southeast Asia: intersectionality and a call to action.

Core outcome measurement set for shared decision making in rheumatic and musculoskeletal conditions: A scoping review to identify candidate instruments

Queering the sick room. A queer feminist narrative inquiry into the lived experiences of lesbians with cancer

Adsorption of aflatoxin B1 to corn by-products

Did you just make that up? An auto-ethnographic investigation into the emergence of images in painting, as situated within the framework of C20th and C21st British Art

The effects of running, cycling, and duathlon exercise performance on cardiac function, haemodynamics and regulation

Developing para-hockey for athletes with intellectual disabilities: Barriers and facilitators

Educational needs of patients, families, and healthcare professionals to support the patient journey in haemophilia gene therapy in the UK

Using theory of change to co-create a programme theory for a telerehabilitation intervention for pain management in people with haemophilia

Bonds in gangs: understanding the importance of group processes within street gangs

Calibrated in-vacuum quantum efficiency system for metallic and III-V thin-film photocathodes

Social workers and acquired brain injury: A systematic review of the current evidence-base

Decolonisation and critical social work pedagogies

Gender and immigrants’ representation in UK newspapers in times of ‘crises’

Human-to-non-human relations in intercultural communication: a posthuman perspective

Students as teachers: A study of UK undergraduate music students’ experiences and perceptions of instrumental and singing teaching

The impact on eye movement and desensitization reprocessing of incomplete memory in a drug-facilitated rape: A single case study

Fairy tourism: negotiating the production of fantasy geographies and magical storyscapes

Hallmarks of the tumour microenvironment of gliomas and its interaction with emerging immunotherapy modalities

Prognostic factors in patients with metastatic spinal cord compression secondary to lung cancer—A retrospective UK single-centre study

Exosomes in the diagnosis and treatment of renal cell cancer

Developing a risk prediction tool for lung cancer in Kent and Medway, England: cohort study using linked data

Trustworthy insights: A novel multi-tier explainable framework for ambient assisted living

Exploring domestic violence and mental health

ʻItʼs not “uni” work, itʼs essential learning to be a police officerʼ: Examining the higher education elements of Police Education Qualifications Framework programmes

Trends in research grant applications and outcomes among medical students in the United Kingdom: a national self-reported cross-sectional survey.

Initiation of warfarin is associated with decreased mortality in patients with infective endocarditis: A population-based cohort study.

Prognostic value of left atrial reverse remodelling in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction


Review of Metanarratives of Disability: Culture, Assumed Authority, and the Normative Social Order

Pregnancy-An ideal period to identify women at risk for chronic hypertension

Placental growth factor testing at 19–23 weeks of gestation as a guide to subsequent care in pregnancy: A prospective observational study

Obesity bias in diagnostic radiography students: A survey of attitudes, perceptions and technical confidence

Care of transgender patients by diagnostic radiographers: What can be learnt from the literature

Conceptual foundations in learning development

Independent higher education educators in England: Tutors behavioural characteristics preferred by mature students on business management courses

The impact of Covid-19 on struggling ethnic minority entrepreneurs’ business strategy: the case of Bangladeshi curry houses in the United Kingdom

Safe nights out: Workers’ perspectives on tackling violence against women and girls

Genetic divergence in common bean genotypes from the IRAD gene bank: morpho-agronomic characteristics, fungal and bacterial disease resistance, and opportunities for genetic improvement

A qualitative exploration of the experiences of the hospital discharge process, via the transforming care agenda

Black people’s experiences of therapy

Barriers to vehicle-sharing among NGOs during disaster relief operations: Findings from a developing country's perspective

Five-year outcomes of ab interno Xen 45 gel stent implantation

“We make something with the flower, but feel like I make with myself something”: The role of a community arts project supporting women who have experienced human trafficking

Clinical and exercise professional opinion of return-to-running readiness after childbirth: an international Delphi study and consensus statement.

How the nursing associate role is viewed by different stakeholders: a qualitative research study

Beyond the symptoms: Personalizing giant cell arteritis care through multidimensional patient reported outcome measure

Dog-whistling and democracy

Awareness of the effects of small-scale cassava mill effluent on the environment in Ika North East Local Government Area, Delta State, Nigeria.

Psychotherapy, ideology and the new aristocracy

Resulting trustees: deciphering the mystery of obligations and duties

How to assess, detect, and manage joint involvement in the era of transformational therapies: Role of point-of-care ultrasound

Assessing the need to use sport supplements: The mediating role of sports supplement beliefs

Physical education is for life (part 1) redefining school physical education for the 21st century

Artificial intelligence calculated global longitudinal strain and left ventricular ejection fraction predicts cardiac events and all‐cause mortality in patients with chest pain

Assessing the barriers and enablers to the implementation of the diagnostic radiographer musculoskeletal X‑ray reporting service within the NHS in England: a systematic literature review

Troubling narratives about dis/ability and the social encounter through conversations between narrative inquiry, critical disability studies, and geographies of disability

Management of preterm labor: Clinical practice guideline and recommendation by the WAPM-World Association of Perinatal Medicine and the PMF-Perinatal Medicine Foundation

Human Empire: Mobility and Demographic Thought Human Empire: Mobility and Demographic Thought in the British Atlantic World, 1500–1800, by Ted McCormick, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, Ideas in Context, 2022, 320pp, £75 (hardback), ISBN: 978-1009123266

Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate: pedagogical innovation to enhance attainment, engagement, satisfaction and employability in political science

Learning from PEQF delivery: Balancing the academic with the practical

Privacy in Jewish sources

Privacy, literacy, and gender in early modern Jewish letters from Prague (1619)

Identifying performance-based outcome measures of physical function in people with haemophilia (IPOP)

Measuring compassion in young people

Overcoming the challenges facing Nepal's health system during federalisation: an analysis of health system building blocks.

Post occupancy evaluation of ventilation coefficient desired for thermal comfort in educational facilities

Architectural design response to population issue in sub-Saharan cities

Train vs. play: Evaluating the effects of gamified and non-gamified wheelchair skills training using virtual reality

Dementia in rural settings: A scoping review exploring the personal experiences of people with dementia and their carers

Video conferencing peer support and rarer forms of dementia: An exploration of family carers’ positive experiences

‘The oxygen of shared experience’: exploring social support processes within peer support groups for carers of people with non-memory-led and inherited dementias

A mixed methods evaluation of a program exploring predeath grief and loss for carers of people with rarer dementias

Better living with non-memory led dementia: Protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial of a web-based caregiver educational programme

Symptom-led staging for semantic and non-fluent/agrammatic variants of primary progressive aphasia. Alzheimer's & Dementia

Talking lines: A research protocol integrating verbal and visual narratives to understand the experiences of people affected by rarer forms of dementia

Situating support for people living with rarer forms of dementia

Breaking the Silence: Perceived barriers to safeguarding child and young athletes in Uganda and a rights-based framework for positive change

Reporting radiographers in Europe survey: Support, role satisfaction, and advanced clinical practice within the European federation of radiographer society (EFRS) member countries.

Evaluating the barriers to the utilization of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in the United States: An exploratory study

Automated echocardiographic detection of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction using artificial intelligence

Nerine potexvirus 1: a new Potexvirus species detected from Nerine in the United Kingdom

Proteinuria, body mass index, and the risk of new-onset heart failure: a prospective cohort study in Northern China

Accreditation model of European Haemophilia Centres in the era of novel treatments and gene therapy

Wearable activity trackers in young people with haemophilia: What needs to be considered?

Targeting beliefs and behaviours in misophonia: a case series from a UK specialist psychology service.

Tales of a three-year journey to integrating academic and information literacy skills in an education course

Mentoring in learning development

Developing through mentoring or being mentored: ALDinHE’s new mentoring scheme and certified mentor recognition

Impostor phenomenon traits in radiography students: findings from a UK pilot survey

Using video and multimodal classroom interaction analysis to investigate how information, misinformation, and disinformation influence pedagogy

The acceptability of trauma-focused interventions

Exploring cultural adaptations and the cultural fit of trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy

Student teachers' positive perceptions of characteristics and personality of people on the autism spectrum: “Challenging in a positive way”

Review of Serafis (2023): Authoritarianism on the Front Page: Multimodal Discourse and Argumentation in Times of Multiple Crises in Greece

Mexiletine: Antiarrhythmic mechanisms, emerging clinical applications and mortality

Keeping up with academic Jones’: Benchmarking and university vice chancellors’ pay in the UK

“It’s kind of like weaning. I had to wean myself off of wine”: Navigating no- and low-alcohol drinks as potential harm reduction tools and relapse triggers by women in recovery in the UK

Practice-based engineering design for next-generation of engineers: A CDIO-based approach

The safety of digital mental health interventions: Systematic review and recommendations

Toward shared decision-making in degenerative cervical myelopathy: Protocol for a mixed methods study

An analysis of the mediational effect of socio-cultural factors on student’s career choice outcomes in the built environment: Applying the socio-cognitive career theory

Evolving power dynamics in global health: From biomedical hegemony to market dynamics in global health financing; A response to the recent commentaries

Specialist psychotherapy with emotion for anorexia in Kent and Sussex: An intervention development and non-randomised single arm feasibility trial.

Becoming a mother in 2020

Understanding interventions aimed at developing cultural competence

Examining the fabric of mindful parenting and mindfulness-based parenting interventions

An investigation into pre-sleep cognitive arousal

An investigation in to different factors related to problematic smartphone use

Exploring experiences of externalising and the anorexic voice

Microaggressions in neurorehabilitation

Family experiences of approaches for psychosis that include the family


Establishing global eligibility criteria for a diagnosis of autism in a sporting context: availability of assessments and views of an expert panel

Science religion encounters, epistemic trespass, neighbourliness and overlapping domains: theorisation and quantitative evidence of extent

Local and community media in Europe. A comparative analysis of the media pluralism monitor data between 2020 and 2023

Teachers' perspectives on the relationship between secondary school departments of science and religious education: independence or mutual enrichment?

Prioritising a sense of belonging within the rural nexus: An empirical study of five rural church primary schools

Comprehensive analysis of security issues in cloud-based Internet of Things: A survey

Integration of graduate employability skills through industry outsourced CDIO project

Association of late potentials with fatal arrhythmic events in patients with Brugada syndrome—A meta-analysis

Exploring conservations about voice-hearing

Exploring psychological wellbeing and quality of life in young people with narcolepsy

Motivation-enhancing interventions for people with eating disorders

Investigation into participation in dance groups for adults with learning disabilities

Clinical psychologists’ experiences of exploring sex and intimacy with people with intellectual disabilities and their networks: a phenomenological study

Beyond everyday care:exploring the experience of foster carers in holding the stories and relationships of the children in their care

An exploration of executive function, its theoretical construction, and challenges encountered in its understanding and measurement: did neuropsychology get this right?

A plan for play - An Eye View Series report

Accessible resistance movement experiences for elementary students and educators

Realising potent complexities of women being spiritual and healthy

Investigating turning points and facilitating eating disorder recovery

Aortic regurgitation in athletes: The challenges of echocardiographic interpretation

Lindow, Ella Amalia [pseud. Gabrielle Wodnil, Ella Wodnil]

Middlemass, Mary Jane [Jean]

Investigation into olfactory memory in unique amnesia

‘”A fragment flung on life’s retreating sea’: writing Dickens into the local’.

Seasonal variations in dissolved organic matter concentration and composition in an outdoor system for bank filtration simulation.

”[T]he reader will probably not object to accompany me”: walking with Dickens and the late Victorian guide

Adultification: risk factors, harmful effects and implications for nursing practice

Getting to maybe: how to excel on law school exams, by Richard Michael Fischl and Jeremy R. Paul, Durham, NC, Carolina Academic Press, 2023, 474 pp., $45.00 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-59460-734-9

Maryanne A. Rhett, Representations of Islam in United States Comics, 1880–1922 (London: Bloomsbury, 2020, $135.00 cloth, $40.95 paper). Pp. 137. ISBN 978 1 3500 7324 1, 978 1 3501 9627 8.

OP08.09: Causes of death and perinatal mortality rate in patients with prenatally diagnosed vasa previa: a systematic review and meta‐analysis

Pilot study: design, delivery and evaluation of a co-produced multi-agency mental health simulation-based education programme

Incidence of vasa praevia: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Prediction of hypertensive disorders after screening at 36 weeks' gestation: comparison of angiogenic markers with competing‐risks model

Incidence of pre‐eclampsia: effect of deprivation

Maternal and neonatal complications following Kielland's rotational forceps delivery: A systematic review and meta‐analysis

Preeclampsia prevention by timed birth at term

Dizziness directly influences postconcussion symptoms and is predictive of poorer mental health in UK military personnel: A retrospective analysis

Relation of antepartum stillbirth to birthweight and gestational age: Prospective cohort study.

Maternal and neonatal complications in pregnancies with and without pre-gestational diabetes mellitus

The long-term dynamics of invasive signal crayfish forcing of fluvial sediment supply via riverbank burrowing

River bank burrowing is innate in native and invasive signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) and is driven by biotic and abiotic cues

Developing a trauma-informed model of suicide risk management

Exploring abstinence, recovery, identity and personhood in individuals engaging with addiction services

Discussing the Greek civil war in digital agoras. An interdisciplinary approach to multimodal historical documentation.

Imaging the second language autonomous learner: a study of the relationship between ESOL learners’ autonomy and identity development in the UK

A-294 duplicate testing of samples suspected of SARS-CoV-2 infection could prevent misdiagnosis of Covid-19

An analysis of online reviews regarding eigo mura(English villages) using text data mining techniques

Contactless single point incremental forming: Experimental and numerical simulation

Hot-air contactless single-point incremental forming

Archbishop William Temple and the British welfare state: Anglicanism, idealism, and the common good

Employees conformance behaviour to sexual harassment and organisational strategic commitment: An empirical study of hotel professionals from Nigeria and Ghana

Redefining performance measurement system in small and medium independent accommodation. A phenomenological approach

Sustainability in space tourism: A netnography approach

Can I do my job in peace? Hotel employees’ wellbeing in the face of sexual harassment awareness and organisational commitment

To be or not to be – ‘insider/outsider positionality’: Methodological challenges in researching a group of Iraqi Kurdish migrants in the UK

Optimising surface roughness and density in titanium fabrication via laser powder bed fusion

Critical approaches to horror comic books: Red Ink in the Gutter, Fernando Gabriel, Pagnoni Berns and John Darowski (eds) (2022)

Environmental protection under national legislation and agreements between oil and gas multinational corporations and host communities

The night is rising: How magical stories and new animism influence winter tourism light trails

Topological analysis of Electron Localization Function (ELF) as a tool for understanding electronic structure

News deserts: Places and spaces without news

Places and spaces without news: The contested phenomenon of news deserts

‘Identity’ is not only about human relations: the relevance of human-to-non-human interaction in ‘identity’ articulation

Overview of hepatocellular carcinoma: from molecular aspects to future therapeutic options.

Efficiency of the cerebroplacental ratio in Identifying high-risk late-term pregnancies

Transit, walking and cycling infrastructure and sustainable development in Enugu city, Nigeria.

Evaluation of SLAM algorithms for Search and Rescue applications


Gen Z, identity politics, and the problem of belonging

Being true to our ‘why’: positioning healthy active lifestyles at the core of physical education

Rethinking the place of the family in the post-Covid church in the UK: an exploration of families’ engagement with church during and after Covid

Dirty hands as a ‘weapon of the weak’: ‘Heroism’, ‘aristocratism’, and the ambiguities of everyday resistance

The five yurt festival of thanks

Poetry draws upwards in hope

Secular trends of health care resource utilization and costs between Brugada syndrome and congenital long QT syndrome: A territory-wide study

Clinical and non-clinical cardiovascular disease associated pathologies in Parkinson's disease

Associations between modifiable risk factors and frailty: a Mendelian randomisation study

"It's not just about the numbers": Inside the black box of nurses' professional judgement in nurse staffing systems in England and Wales: Insights from a qualitative cross-case comparative study

Experiences of parenting amongst people with intellectual disabilities in the UK

An investigation into trauma-informed care within mental health inpatient settings

An exploration of nature-based therapy for children with long term health conditions and associated psychological difficulties.

Mechanised orthosis for children with neurological disorders (MOTION) - Normative data collection

Mechanised orthosis for children with neurological disorders (MOTION) - Evaluation of training packages

Mechanised orthosis for children with neurological disorders (MOTION) - Assessment of training needs of professionals and parents in bionic rehabilitation final report on survey and interviews of health care professionals and parents of children with CP

Community areas of sustainable care and dementia excellence in Europe (CASCADE) - Final report: A process and technology evaluation of the CASCADE programme in the United Kingdom implementation sites

Community areas of sustainable care and dementia excellence in Europe (CASCADE) - Final report findings from the evaluation study of the CASCADE model at two implementation sites in Belgium

Community areas of sustainable care and dementia excellence in Europe (CASCADE) - Executive report: A retrospective analysis of the ZorgSaam model of long-term home and residential care for older adults

Care delivery in the current NHS context

Evaluation study of diabetes and wellbeing (DWELL) - Report 4: Workforce training and cost effectiveness

Evaluation study of Diabetes and Wellbeing (DWELL) - Report 3: Process evaluation

Evaluation study of diabetes and wellbeing (DWELL) - Report 2: Participant outcomes

Evalatuation study of the diabetes and welbeing (DWELL) - Report 1: Evaluation methodology

Exploring women's experiences of seeking help for mental health difficulties in the perinatal period

A national anti-doping education programme reduces doping susceptibility in British athletes

Examining levels of processing using verbal and pictorial stimuli with the complex trial protocol in a mock theft scenario

Angiogenic markers and maternal echocardiographic indices in women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.

Why do things matter? Kurdish material culture and identity

Immunotherapy for advanced urothelial carcinoma (UC): rational and current evidence

Clinical challenges in the management of malignant ovarian germ cell tumours

Impact of COVID-19 on cancer services and patients' outcomes: a retrospective single-center study

Traditional healers working with primary care and mental health for early intervention in psychosis in young persons: protocol for the feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial

Maya women in power: Virtual dialogues

Augmented reality (AR) for surgical robotic and autonomous systems: State of the art, challenges, and solutions

Dysglycemia and arrhythmias

Infographic. Exercise training and resting blood pressure: a large-scale pairwise and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.

Betts, D. and Huet, V. (eds): Bridging the Creative Arts Therapies and Arts in Health, Jessica Kingsley (2021) ISBN: 9781787757226

Research prioritisation on prevention and management of preterm birth in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) with a special focus on Bangladesh using the Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative (CHNRI) method

Afterword: Borders, landscapes and seascapes

Borders and the Norman world

Collaborating to improve teaching and learning about sustainability within an international learning community

Sessional academics' work engagement sustainability: What can HEIs do?

Understanding professionals' experiences of endings

“You can’t put the genie back in the bottle”: psychologists’ decisions around sharing lived experience of mental health difficulties at work

The importance of commuter students in our future-focused transport strategy. 

Sweet to bitter: Dissonance of scuba diving experience

Increasing the employability of politics and international relations students: Adapting teaching methods to develop ‘industry-ready social scientists’

Exploring narratives of young LGBTQ+ people in physical health services

Enhancing the student experience while addressing the climate emergency

From widening participation to facilitating access to learning: reconceptualising the right to HE in response to the rise of the commuter student

Embedding the social sciences in engineering education: collaboration with a Politics degree.

From widening participation to facilitating access to learning: responding to the rise of the ‘commuter student’

Exploring the link between trauma and psychosis from a power, threat, meaning framework perspective

Depression and atrial fibrillation in a reciprocal liaison: a neuro-cardiac link

The effects of rhythm on building openings and fenestrations on airflow pattern in tropical low-rise residential buildings

Embedding epistemic insight (EI) in teacher training programmes in English universities: barriers and how to overcome them

Black ethnographic activists: Exploring Robert Park, scientific racism, The Chicago School, and FBI files through the Black sociological experience of Charles S. Johnson and E. Franklin Frazier

Recommending swimming to people with low back pain: a scoping review

SROI in the art gallery: valuing social impact

The alarms should no longer be ignored: survey of the demand, capacity and provision of adult community eating disorder services in England and Scotland before COVID-19.

Safeguarding community-centred global health research during crises

The intensification of parenting and generational fracturing of spontaneous physical activity from childhood play in the United Kingdom.

Working together: reflections on a non-hierarchical approach to collaborative writing

Development of a radiographic technique for porcine head ballistic research

Sociocultural & leadership transmission in the Somali diaspora: Community values, cohesion, family unity & patriarchal leadership

A review of privacy-preserving federated learning, deep learning, and machine learning IIoT and IoTs solutions

Pre-processing of social media remarks for forensics

Alignment-based conformance checking of hierarchical process models

Gender inequalities in Korean family business: contradictions between show and tell

A warrant for violence? An analysis of Donald Trump's speech before the US Capitol attack

Ultra-high resolution X-ray structure of orthorhombic bovine pancreatic Ribonuclease A at 100K

Strategic orientation, strategic renewal, and the international performance of born global firms

The impact of interdisciplinary approaches to disability studies and theatre: learning the notes and the tune

The implementation of a home-based isometric wall squat intervention using ratings of perceived exertion to select and control exercise intensity: a pilot study in normotensive and pre-hypertensive adults.

Association of Life’s Essential 8 with incident atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in cancer patients: the Kailuan prospective cohort study

A risk model for assessing exposure factors influence oil price fluctuations

‘Reflecting on the collaborative practice and socially engaged principles underpinning the making of Vincent Dance Theatre’s Art of Attachment.’

Breaking the silence about institutional child abuse in Sri Lanka

Goal events in football: an investigation into how football performance is impacted in a given time-period preceding a goal event

De novo stone formation in ureteric stump post-nephrectomy

Collision metastasis from prostate adenocarcinoma and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma to a lung nodule

The availability, cost, limitations, learning curve and future of robotic systems in urology and prostate cancer surgery

Comparison of outcomes of active surveillance in intermediate-risk versus low-risk localised prostate cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) in post-prostatectomy patients

Urinary bladder melanosis with complete resolution case report

Investigating the value of urban dance ciphering in support of 21st century cyclic learning: enhancing ownership and leadership of the learner

What is new in the management of high-risk localized prostate cancer?

Evaluating outcome quality in digital workplace learning: The knowledge types perspective

Placebo effects in sport and exercise

Exploring why people decline cancer treatment: perspectives from patients and psychologists

Exploring the impact of the education led professionalisation agenda in policing: professional identity and engagement with continuing professional development (CPD)

Adolescent wellbeing and social media use

Investigating the adjacent patient radiation dose received during a simulated ward chest X-ray examination

'Traces of the ordinary: The Guthrie Brothers and the voices of Victorian “nobodies”'

Association between serum uric acid and prostate cancer mortality in androgen deprivation therapy: A population‐based cohort study

Direct and indirect influence of national culture on foreign direct investment

Advances in adoptive T-cell therapy for metastatic melanoma

Transformative forms of simulation in health care – the seven simulation-based ‘I’s: a concept taxonomy review of the literature

An exploration of experiences of self-compassion in autistic women

Impresarios of identity: How the leaders of Czechoslovakia's ‘Candlelight Demonstration’ enabled effective collective action in a context of repression

Exploring the relationships between self-criticism and perfectionism with diabetes-related distress and management in a type 1 diabetes population

The Implementation in CONtext (ICON) framework: A meta-framework of context domains, attributes, and features in healthcare

Exploring teachers’ capacity to engage with remote English language teaching environments: The interface between theory and practice

Routine first-trimester pre-eclampsia screening and maternal left ventricular geometry.

Exercise training and resting blood pressure: a large-scale pairwise and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

Virtual reality (VR) in education: unveiling the impact on student motivation and experience

YouTube digital spaces: a form of contemporary global agora? A case study of the documentary Greece: the hidden war

Multisensory processing, affect and multimodal manipulation: A cognitive-semiotic empirical study of travel documentaries

Feminism, women and sport for development programs towards female participation in sport culture in rural areas in Malaysia

A three-dimensional level set method for droplet sorting using a non-uniform electric field

Field efficacy of aqueous extracts of Artemisia annua, Commelina benghalensis and Euphorbia hirta on rice growth, yield and brown spot disease incidence

Experimental investigation of engine valve train friction considering effects of operating conditions and WPC surface treatment

Corrosion mechanisms of 304L NAG in boiling 9M HNO3 containing Cr (VI) ions

A life ‘in and with’ nature in the period of earliest childhood'

Truth unseen

'Beautiful Noise' evaluation report

Dementia carers’ experience of long-term care during the COVID-19 pandemic: an international grounded theory study

Innovations in collaborative family research methods: exploring meaningful family and family-nurse interactions to inform nursing actions

Federalism in the Covid 19 period and beyond

Inclusive education theory and practice: moving from special educational needs to equity

How inclusive is VR to support EDI engineering curriculum learning?

Association between psychological distress and cardiovascular health amongst cancer survivors in the United States: findings from nationally representative data

Temporal trends in cardiovascular burden among patients with prostate cancer receiving androgen deprivation therapy: a population-based cohort study

Writing haunted landscapes

Commentary on diversity and inclusion policies in publicly traded New Zealand companies: inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities

An investigation to explore how gentle teaching can be embedded and sustained in a school culture

Design and control of a single-leg exoskeleton with gravity compensation for children with unilateral cerebral palsy

We need to talk about Albert: sustainability is employability

Teacher Education and Play Pedagogy: International Perspectives. Edited by Eleni Loizou and Jeffrey Trawick Smith. Pp 226. Abingdon: Routledge. 2022. £32.39 (pbk), £32.39 (ebk), £117 (hbk). ISBN 978036771179-5 (pbk), ISBN 9781003149668 (ebk), ISBN 9780367711757 (hbk).

Being part of the team: A case study which examines the experiences and perceptions of a postgraduate taught student involvement in an ongoing research project

Defying grand narratives of ‘being an international student’: finding ‘home’ in the Other

Paradox and the incarnation: Why it isn’t simply a matter of logical contradiction

The Science and Religion Forum discuss information and reality: Questions for religions and science

You can't eat salad with a spoon. What social workers say they need: Co-design of an intervention to support self reported social worker wellbeing

Creating spaces called hope: the critical leadership role of owner/managers in developing outdoor pedagogies for infants and toddlers

Neighbourhood policing in the Metropolitan Police Service – 8 April 2022

Virtual medical research mentoring

Generational tensions in higher education

Predictors of ventricular arrhythmias in patients with mitral valve prolapse: A meta-analysis

Shame and taboo in obsessive-compulsive disorder: implications for the cognitive-behavioural therapies

Incidence and causes of perinatal death in prenataly diagnosed Vasa Previa: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Queer women and minority stress

Barriers and shortcomings in access to cardiovascular management and prevention for familial hypercholesterolemia during the COVID-19 pandemic

Responding to mental health incidents - Is policing about to abandon its social responsibility?

Prostate cancer - what about oligometastatic disease and stereotactic ablative radiotherapy? - a narrative review

Risk stratification of sudden cardiac death in asymptomatic female Brugada syndrome patients: A literature review

Emerging sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor therapies for managing heart failure in patients with chronic kidney disease

Metformin use and hospital attendance-related resources utilization among diabetic patients with prostate cancer on androgen deprivation therapy: A population-based cohort study

HPV and cervical cancer: A review of epidemiology and screening uptake in the UK

This is not a drill: scoping police and partnership preparedness for the consequences of climate change

The National Teaching Repository − Sharing effective interventions: Learning from each other so that we can continue to enhance and improve what we do

Reverse atrial remodeling in heart failure with recovered ejection fraction

Care experienced social workers as relational activists in the UK

Examining relational practice through the unique experiences of care experienced social workers and students

University chaplaincy as relational presence: Navigating understandings of good and effective chaplaincy in UK universities

Assistive telehealth systems for neurorehabilitation

Exploring the connection between migration and terrorism: Does the risk justify the potential human rights abuses?

The security threat from returning foreign fighters: A human rights challenge of our own making

Gender and migration discourse in British newspapers

Gender and migration discourse in British newspapers

Hybrid finite element–smoothed particle hydrodynamics modelling for optimizing cutting parameters in CFRP composites

Embedding physical activity guidance during pregnancy and in postpartum care: ‘This Mum Moves’ enhances professional practice of midwives and health visitors

Embracing sustainable farming: Unleashing the circular economy potential of second-life EV batteries in agricultural applications

Ecotoxicological impacts associated with the interplay between micro(nano)plastics and pesticides in aquatic and terrestrial environments

What’s wrong with us? A patchwork ethnography study of the lived experiences of the clients of a surplus food project in London

Working therapeutically by video call with couples, families and groups: a different world

The association between neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio and variability with new-onset dementia: A population-based cohort study

The Green Children of Woolpit: a weird allegory of isolation, otherness and belonging

‘Poor old horse’: responding creatively to place and custom

The power of the multimodal data collection methods in researching marginalised voices

Virtual reality exercise platforms and the possibility for novel, engaging research in sport, exercise and health

Entrained defects and mechanical properties of aluminium castings

Authentic allyship for gender minorities

An annotated water-filled, and dry potholes dataset for deep learning applications

Cognition, relevance and ideology formation through travel documentaries: A longitudinal approach to audiences

Clinical psychology: training and development

Positive pedagogy across the primary curriculum

The integration of refugees into the education system in rural Ireland an analysis of policy and practice in relation to the lived experience of refugees in one county


Long-term prognostic impact of cardiovascular comorbidities in patients with prostate cancer receiving androgen deprivation therapy: A population-based competing risk analysis.

Combination of SVI/S′ and diagnostic scores for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

Legal and human rights issues in the use of electronic monitoring (using GPS ‘tracking’ technology) in forensic mental health settings in the UK

Social and environmental justice for a sustainable future

The experiences and perceptions of healthcare professionals regarding assistive technology training: A systematic review

Real world hospital costs following stress echocardiography in the UK: a costing study from the EVAREST/BSE-NSTEP multi-entre study.

Re-centring the social work curriculum: reflections on a decolonizing framework

'We do not rush to the hospital for ordinary wounds (suḷu tuvāla)': A qualitative study on the early clinical manifestations of cutaneous leishmaniasis and associated health behaviours in rural Sri Lanka.

Recreating the ‘natural world’: The Medieval oyster and her pearl

Entanglements - ‘Story telling for earthly survival’

Rural settlement: relating buildings, landscape, and people in the European Iron Age rural settlement: relating buildings, landscape, and people in the European Iron Age, edited by D. C. Cowley, M. Fernández-Götz, T. Romankiewicz and H. Wendling, Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2019, 286 pp., Illus. 118, €135.00 (Hardback), ISBN 9789088908194, €45.00 (Paperback), ISBN 9789088908187, open access (e-book)

Nurturing epistemic agency through interdisciplinary enquiry

Semiosis, hybridity, and the mediated mind

The role of identity negotiation in the process of ‘Becoming’: The Kurdish case

Factors prompting and deterring suicides on the roads.

Lower risks of new-onset acute pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer in sodium glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors compared to dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP4) inhibitors: A propensity score-matched study with competing risk analysis

Prevalence of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis among rheumatology patients in Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Sodium‐glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors versus dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors on new‐onset overall cancer in Type 2 diabetes mellitus: A population‐based study

The role of electrophysiological study in the risk stratification of Brugada Syndrome

The design and validation of a low-cost trans perineal (TP) prostate biopsy simulator for training: improving trainees' confidence and cognitive targeting skills.

Chemical composition, antifungal properties and seed treatment potential of essential oil fractions of Callistemon citrinus against two seed-borne fungi of rice: Alternaria padwickii and Bipolaris oryzae

Are dietary supplement users more likely to dope than non-users?: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Metformin use and mortality in Asian, diabetic patients with prostate cancer on androgen deprivation therapy: A population-based study

Predictive value of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio for atrial fibrillation and stroke in type 2 diabetes mellitus: The Hong Kong Diabetes Study

Folkestone Free Library: Beginnings

Gravesend in the twentieth century


Gravesend in the nineteenth century

Socioeconomic deprivation and prognostic outcomes in acute coronary syndrome: A meta-analysis using multidimensional socioeconomic status indices.

Nursing associates 6 years on: A review of the literature

Folkestone Free Library

Price [married name James], Florence Alice [pseud. Florence Warden]

Tuttiett, Mary Gleed [pseud. Maxwell Gray] (1846–1923), novelist

Co-creation of learning resources that cross disciplinary boundaries within an international learning community

Power of Light – collaborative co-creation of innovative resources for primary science education.

High intensity interval training and cardiometabolic health in the general population: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

The effect of isometric exercise training on arterial stiffness: a randomised crossover controlled study

Editorial: Human dimensions of animal translocations

Barriers to breast and cervical cancer screening uptake among Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic women in the United Kingdom: evidence from a mixed-methods systematic review.

The impact of system transparency on analytical reasoning

Preparation of polylactic acid/calcium peroxide compo-site filaments for fused deposition modelling

Non-destructive disassembly of interference fit under wear conditions for sustainable remanufacturing

The Baedeker Raid on Canterbury

Narrative in the study of Kurdish migrants: a methodological reflection

The three ‘Cs’ of digital local journalism: Community, commitment and continuity

Three walks without maps

Fabrication and characterization of oxygen-generating polylactic acid/calcium peroxide composite filaments for bone scaffolds

Reframing social justice through indigenous know-how: Implications for social development, policy and practice

Using second-life batteries and solar power to help farms become energy efficient.

Constraints using the liquid fraction from roadside grass as a bio-based fertilizer

Applying occupational therapy knowledge and skills to enhance supervision

Teaching sustainability and stewardship workshop 1: Collaborative approach to developing engagement with science and religion: Exploring sustainability in an international learning community

The impact of system transparency on analytical reasoning

‘This is the end of the road for science’: The mad doctor in Cold War horror comics

Long-term cardiovascular risks of Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists and antagonists: A population-based cohort study

A digital approach to health and safety management on-site: A silver lining of the COVID-19 pandemic

A global examination of nurse practices to engage families in the intensive care unit

Family experiences and trajectory of care received during and after a relative’s admission to ICU: A scoping review

Factors affecting critical care nurses engagement with families

Association between sick sinus syndrome and atrial fibrillation: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

EMPOWERCARE: EMPOWERing individuals & communities to manage their own CARE

Under pressure: inspection regimes and the institutionalisation of failure

Optimal locations and computational frameworks of FSR and IMU sensors for measuring gait abnormalities

Conceptualising religion and worldviews for the school: Opportunities, challenges and complexities of a transition from religious education in England and beyond

Do loneliness and social exclusion breed paranoia? An experience sampling investigation across the psychosis continuum.

Comparing sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors on new-onset depression: a propensity score-matched study in Hong Kong.

Three policy problems: Biocreep and the extension of biopolitical administration

The calculated management of life and all that jazz: gaming quality assurance practices in English further education

UK–EU law enforcement cooperation post-Brexit: A UK law enforcement practitioner perspective

Chip formation and orthogonal cutting optimisation of unidirectional carbon fibre composites

Mediating worlds: the role of nurses as ritual specialists in caring for the dead and dying

A construction cost estimation framework using DNN and validation unit

Resveratrol activation of SIRT1/MFN2 can improve mitochondria function, alleviating doxorubicin‐induced myocardial injury

Exploring cognitive processes used by mediums during alleged communication with the deceased

Infection prevention and control: A social science perspective

CSR and firm performance nexus in a highly unstable political context: institutional influence and community cohesion

Leading learning and teaching transformation across the ITE EI consortium –impact across the partner institutions

Delivering clinical studies of exercise in the COVID-19 pandemic: challenges and adaptations using a feasibility trial of isometric exercise to treat hypertension as an exemplar.

Do multiple bonds to the boron atom exist?

Bridging technology and educational psychology: an exploration of individual differences in technology-assisted language learning within an Algerian EFL setting

Science religion encounters toolkit 12: science and religion in the classroom

Science religion encounters toolkit 13: Research summaries from the project

Postpartum cardiovascular function in patients with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: A longitudinal study

Epistemic vigilance in travel documentaries: investigating top-down and bottom-up processes in multimodal manipulation

Revisiting the production of Watership Down through the Arthur Humberstone Animation Archive

Long-term atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk in patients with cancer: a population-based study.

Research ethics applications: Back to basics: What you ought to know about research ethics applications

Lights for the path by John Sullivan, Dublin, Veritas Publications, 2022, 256 pp., €24.99 (paperback), ISBN 978-1800970267

The use of nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery in non-small cell lung cancer.

An evidence-based guide to the efficacy and safety of isometric resistance training in hypertension and clinical implications.

How can I use questioning to explore the unexpected without losing control?

A global citizen ITE module and science ite: supporting confidence and competence of beginning teachers

An integrated philosophy of knowledge in the school curriculum vision: how schools of a Christian character might respond

Getting to the point? Rethinking arrows on maps

Management actions to address the climate emergency: Motivations and barriers for SMEs and other societal micro/meso-level groups

Contribution of trunk rotation and abdominal muscles to sprint kayak performance

Understanding self-criticism from personal and professional perspectives

Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of supported mindfulness-based cognitive therapy self-help compared with supported cognitive behavioral therapy self-help for adults experiencing depression: The low-intensity guided help through mindfulness (LIGHTMind) randomized clinical trial

A qualitative exploration of the parenting experiences of ex-military fathers diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Videoconference-based creativity workshops for mental health staff during the COVID-19 pandemic

Retailers, don’t ignore me on social media! The importance of consumer-brand interactions in raising purchase intention - Privacy the Achilles heel

Autologous collagen-induced chondrogenesis: From bench to clinical development


Myomodulation using botulinum toxin in septorhinoplasty for crooked noses: Introducing the concept and application of Nasal Muscle Imbalance Theory (NMIT)

Experiences of refugees and asylum seekers towards access and utilisation of sexual health services: A systematic review

Finite element model to simulate impact on a soft tissue simulant

Editorial, special issue: dancing, parenting and professional challenges

The role of biology teachers in epistemically insightful health and wellbeing education: a case study of the English relationships, sex and health education curriculum

Arrhythmias beyond atrial fibrillation detection using smartwatches: A systematic review

Community coping strategies for COVID-19 in Bangladesh: A nationwide cross-sectional survey

How the Great War changed Kent - Charing & District Local History Society

Application of artificial intelligence in the diagnosis of sleep apnea

Abstracts of presentations to the working session on improving predictive modeling of Mycotoxin risk for Africa Held at the 3rd ASM2022 on 7 September 2022, in Stellenbosch, South Africa

Placebo and nocebo effects in sport

An investigation into the clinical scope of practice of MRI reporting radiographers within the United Kingdom

Seeing is believing: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experiences of the ‘spiritual but not religious’ in Britain

Allah has told us everything: An interpretative phenomenological analysis exploring the lived experiences of British Muslims

Association between immune checkpoint inhibitors and myocardial infarction in Asians: A population‐based self‐controlled case series

Concordance between a gastrointestinal consultant radiologist, a consultant radiologist and qualified reporting radiographers interpreting abdominal radiographs

Always the desert: creating affective landscapes in Breaking Bad

The functions of self‐harm in young people and their perspectives about future general practitioner‐led care: A qualitative study

Effet de la sieste sur les temps de réponses et la somnolence perçue lors de l’Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc®, étude pilote observationnelle

Randomised pragmatic waitlist trial with process evaluation investigating the effectiveness of peer support after brain injury: protocol.

Automatic detection of cognitive impairment with virtual reality

Book Review: Julius Fein, Hitler’s Refugees and the French Response, 1933-1938

Physical play - How do we inspire and motivate young children to be physically active through play? An international analysis of twelve countries’ national early years curriculum policies and practices for physical activity and physical play

Early childhood educator training: The value of educating educators on movement, play and physical literacy development - A three country case study.

Wheels up: Spiral progression pedagogy towards creative movers using wheels

Physical education in early childhood education: Gueseditorial

The value of cardiopulmonary exercise testing and stress echocardiography in the prediction of all-cause mortality in adults with end stage renal disease

Artificial intelligence education for radiographers, an evaluation of a UK postgraduate educational intervention using participatory action research: a pilot study.

Paying attention to the spiritual flourishing of young children in church toddler groups: a scoping study evaluating the feasibility of a research study in this context

The value of case reports in diagnostic radiography

Influenza and pneumococcal vaccine prescription for adults during COVID-19 first wave in three regions of Argentina.

Radiotherapy-induced malfunctions of cardiac implantable electronic devices: a meta-analysis

Lower risks of incident colorectal cancer in SGLT2i users compared to DPP4i users: A propensity score-matched study with competing risk analysis.

Back in time with immersive heritage tourism experience: A study of virtual reality in archaeological sites

How can an interdisciplinary ITE day support student teachers of RE?

How can I foster collaboration between the RE and science departments in my school?

What role can different disciplinary knowledges play in shaping RE?

How can I teach about truth in a complex world?

Sharing the purpose of secondary RE in the school

What is the purpose of RE on the school curriculum?

What are science/religion encounters and how can I prepare for them?

‘ … vayan a San Miguel de Allende, además lleven su visa y su diccionario los que no sepan hablar inglés pues ya se han apropiado de todo los gringos.’ The discursive struggle for interculturality in a gentrified hybrid Mexican city

A pilot study to assess radiographer preliminary clinical evaluation (PCE) introduced for emergency department adult appendicular X-ray examinations: Comparison of trained and untrained radiographers.

Shifts in age pattern, timing of childbearing and trend in fertility level across six regions of Nigeria: Nigeria Demographic and Health Surveys from 2003-2018.

PGR Conference - 'Finding Your Voice': The Neolib-rebellion: my journey to criticality

Textbooks, students and teachers talk around gender: A new materialist approach to children's agency

Beyond language: multimodal literacy and ELT. Opportunities and challenges

Essential Dispute Resolution for SQE1

Effectiveness and safety of transcatheter aortic valve replacement in elderly people with severe aortic stenosis with different types of heart failure.

#DistanceDrift: a case study in method

Modern Gnosticism: F.W.J. Schelling's philosophy as an expression of Valentinian theology

FinTech in Islamic financial institutions: scope, challenges, and implications in Islamic finance

Risk of diabetes mellitus among users of immune checkpoint inhibitors: A population‐based cohort study

Sport and crime: Towards a critical criminology of sport

Prediction of the presence of ventricular fibrillation from a Brugada electrocardiogram using artificial intelligence

‘A lot of the time it’s dealing with victims who don’t want to know, it’s all made up, or they’ve got mental health’: Rape myths in a large English police force

Association of proteinuria and risk of incident atrial fibrillation in the general population: A prospective study of Kailuan study participants

Introduction to ‘The Tarn’ by Hugh Walpole

A glimpse of the long view: Human attitudes to an established population of Eurasian beaver ( castor fiber ) in the lowlands of south-east England

The construction of legitimacy: a critical discourse analysis of the rhetoric of educational technology in post-pandemic higher education

How effective are current joint working practices between children and family social workers and mental health care coordinators in supporting families in which there is a primary care-giver with a diagnosis of emotionally unstable personality disorder?

Fossil deep

Enlightenment Services, Inc.

Beeseching day

Fragmented skeletonised remains: Paget’s disease as a method of biological profiling using radiography

How to be a social researcher: Key sociological studies

Review: Sarah Bartels, The Devil and the Victorians: Supernatural Evil in Nineteenth-Century English Culture

Artificial intelligence based left ventricular ejection fraction and global longitudinal strain in cardiac amyloidosis

Exercise mode in heart failure: A systematic review and meta-analysis

“‘Ah bitter love!’ she sung”: music and unobtainable erotic desires in Theophilus Marzials’s Love’s Masquerades

Professional contemporary dancers becoming mothers: navigating disrupted habitus and identity loss/evolution in a UK context

Spying on kids’ smart devices: Beware of security vulnerabilities!

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930)


Intellectual disability nursing throughout the lifespan

An intelligent routing approach for multimedia traffic transmission over SDN

Neuroimaging glutamatergic mechanisms differentiating antipsychotic treatment-response

Semiotic analysis in financial markets

What you see is not what you get: Articulating annual reports with Barthesian analysis

An Anglican common good?

“Why don’t you go home?”: The folk horror revival in contemporary Cornish gothic films

(pre)possessed: an erasure sequence

Kinship practices in Early Iron Age southeast Europe: genetic and isotopic analysis of burials from the Dolge njive barrow cemetery, Dolenjska, Slovenia

Autoethnography of a new breastfeeding mum: motherhood, feminism and the right to choose

Gaza 2021: newsworthiness and context in the Spanish news coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Co‐creating system‐wide improvement for people with traumatic brain injury across one integrated care system in the United Kingdom to initiate a transformation journey through co‐production

Connecting through movement: Children’s Mental Health Week

Poor old horse

Jessie Challacombe (1864-1925)

Francis Hobart Hemery (1847-1879)

Alfred Moberly (1835-1912)

Pupil-centred spiritual leadership: an empirical study of thirteen church primary school headteachers in England

Becoming physical education: the ontological shift to complexity

Charles Shadwell (1672-5? – 1726)

Paediatric gastroesophageal reflux disease and parental mental health: Prevalence and predictors

Using Kent Maps Online to surface stories in the archives

Podcast episode: The collaborative writing group: creating a writing community

Seaside vernacular

Jane Welsh Carlyle (1801–1866) and Geraldine Jewsbury (1812-1880)

The table of conciousness

Arcade fronts

Arcade carpets

What is the future of knowledge?

Changing faces of breast cancer

The need for robust critique of arts and health research: Dance‐movement therapy, girls, and depression

<b>‘<i>Holding onto trauma?</i>’ The </b>prevalence and predictors of PTSD, anxiety and depression in police officers working with child abuse, rape and sexual exploitation victims

Effect of Gait Speed on Trajectory Prediction Using Deep Learning Models for Exoskeleton Applications

Expanded radio: Panos Ghikas & Yannis Patoukas

MACA Windrush Medway Celebrations 2023

Examining the effects of animal assisted activities against standard treatment in a university setting

PE PLGF+project+ 2023(1)

23HRA1738 IRAS 326047 Letter of HRA approval

Sodium Bicarbonate and Time-to-Exhaustion Cycling Performance: A Retrospective Analysis Exploring the Mediating Role of Expectation.

Theatrical entertainment in Canterbury

William Pett Ridge (1859-1930)

D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930)

Project framework and review: Study of the conception, history and creation of silicon-based painting



Saluting our sisters


Strategies for improving access to primary care services for homeless immigrants in England: a Delphi study.

Fortification of dough with moringa, coriander, and amaranth improves the nutritional composition, health-benefiting properties, and sensory attributes of Nigerian wheat bread.

‘Delicate ironies quite imperceptible on its surface’: Henry S. Whitehead's weird tales and American empire in the Caribbean

H. E. Bates (1905-1974)

Charles Carrick (1823-1890)

Book review: Mari-Liis Madisson and Andreas Ventsel, <i>Strategic Conspiracy Narratives: A Semiotic Approach</i>