Mapping the quixotic volatility of smellscapes: a trialogue - interview with Kate McLean

The electricity of every living thing: one woman’s walk with Asperger’s

Psychopathologies of the island: curses, love and trauma in Julia Alvarez’s How the García Girls Lost their Accents and Junot Díaz’s This is How You Lose Her

Language and sport, physical activity and health among superdiverse groups.

Open source forensics for a multi-platform drone system

Classification and intellectual disabilities: an investigation of the factors that predict the performance of athletes with intellectual disability

Researching embodied sport and movement cultures: theoretical and methodological considerations

Identifying metadata on Soviet military maps: an illustrated guide

Using interviews to explore experiences of disability in sport and physical activity

Flodden 1513: re-examining British warfare at the end of the Middle Ages

The law of sacrifice: G. M. Hopkins, H. S. Holland, and Oxford Anglicanism

How does Directors remuneration affect SMEs’ performance?

Subsequence dynamic time warping for charting: bullish and bearish class predictions for NYSE stocks

Quaternary sea level changes in Scotland

Medieval monastic text and the treatment of the dead: an archaeothanatological perspective on adherence to the cluniac customaries

Hyperreal light simulacra: performing buildings in motion

Austentatious: comedy improv and Austen adaptation in the twenty-first century

Community singing groups for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: participant perspectives

The workforce and the labour market

Building rivers: How the aqueducts of Roman Britain furthered connections between towns and their riverine settings

Exploring the meaning in meaningful coincidences: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of synchronicity in therapy

Images depicting pain: a screening tool for cluster headache

Delays in the diagnosis and misdiagnosis of cluster headache – a systematic literature review

Systematic literature review on the delays in the diagnosis and misdiagnosis of cluster headache

Beyond cognitive dissonance: Sustainability and kindness in the travel experience.

Do MOOCs encourage corporate social responsibility or are they simply a marketing opportunity?

The electronic structure of molecules with the B F and B Cl bond in light of the topological analysis of electron localization function: Possibility of multiple bonds?

On the nature of the boron–copper interaction. Topological study of the electron localisation function (ELF)

Characterisation of the reaction mechanism between ammonia and formaldehyde from the topological analysis of ELF and catastrophe theory perspective

Overtourism: Its meaning and its impact on the host country

A fate-alternating transitional regime in contracting liquid filaments

Using the AMAN-DA method to generate security requirements: a case study in the maritime domain

Comfort and joy? The Steven Moffat/Peter Capaldi Christmas specials

British children's literature and the First World War: representations since 1914

'Stop the clocks': The benefits of guided reflection and mindfulness, in promoting hardiness and resilience in pre registration student nurses

Harnessing behavioural economics for academic leadership: a case study

Tribological characteristics comparison of formulated palm trimethylolpropane ester and polyalphaolefin for cam/tappet interface of direct acting valve train system

Benefits of wonder process craft on engine valve train performance

Making sense of the self through who we are and through the other

An ethnographic study of the identity construction of people engaged in university work who have come from outside the UK: A consideration of the role of language in cultural identity

Encountering the ‘other’- identity display

Algorithmic poetry

Unrealtime video improvisation software

Inclusive policy and practice

Introducing research in early childhood

Animation and video games

Mapping the geographies of luxury cognitive “purity”

Influencing decision-makers as the next step for entrepreneurship educators: lessons from entrepreneurship education in challenging economies

Internships and graduate employability

Designing the geography of luxury: Online perceptions and entrepreneurial options

'How can nurse lecturers teach nursing when they're not doing it...'

The perspectives of people living with dementia on enablement services at home

Exploring religious tourist experiences in Jerusalem: The intersection of Abrahamic religions

MeCCSA Postgraduate Network 2018 conference special issue: Communities and the media around the globe

Virtual reality in the news: Representations and commercialisation

Positive versus negative news representations of VR

‘The laws themselves must be wicked and imperfect’: The struggle for divorce in Mary Eliza Haweis’s A Flame of Fire

Review of 'On Faith and Science', by Edward J. Larson & Michael Ruse

Cluster-randomised controlled trial of an occupational therapy intervention for children aged 11-13 years, designed to increase participation in order to prevent symptoms of mental illness

Developing a comprehensive framework of community integration for people with ABI: A conceptual analysis.

Statistically, does peer assisted learning make a difference on a UK engineering degree programme? HETL Scotland 2017

Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire: internal validity and reliability for New Zealand pre-schoolers

Development of a toolkit to enhance care processes for people with a long-term neurological condition: a qualitative descriptive study

Making sense of recovery after traumatic brain injury through a peer mentoring intervention: a qualitative exploration

Treatment regimens and outcomes in severe and moderate haemophilia A in the UK: The THUNDER study

From darkness to light: portrait pictures in the Bảo Tàng Côn Đảo Museum

An update on informed consent and the effect on the clinical practice of those working with people with a learning disability

Evaluation of 99 pesticide residues in major agricultural products from the Western Highlands zone of Cameroon using QuECHERS method extraction and LC-MS/MS and GC-ECD analyses

The dark side of social media (Review)

Underworld encounters: recent archaeological research at the Covesea Caves

Animated worlds: digital capture technologies at the Sculptor’s Cave

The Beaker phenomenon and the genomic transformation of northwest Europe

From plastered skulls to palliative care: what the past can teach us about dealing with death

Bodies and embodiment

Systematic review of surgery of solitary metastasis post nephrectomy and its survival.

Intravesical radiofrequency-induced chemohyperthermia for carcinoma in situ of the urinary bladder: A retrospective multicentre study

History of prostate biopsy – part 2

Spontaneous rupture of a renal artery pseudoaneurysm with no precipitating risk factor

Radical surgery for upper tract urothelial carcinoma

History of prostate biopsy – part 1

The CADMUS trial – Multi-parametric ultrasound targeted biopsies compared to multi-parametric MRI targeted biopsies in the diagnosis of clinically significant prostate cancer

When Žižek met the Church Fathers: A contextual consideration

Regarding Mr. Wu, a dragon and conversations in traffic: Social acceleration, deceleration and re-acceleration in Shanghai

Riding and reading the Shanghai metro: signs, subjectivities and subversions on and around line # 8

Walking small with ‘Paul’, a man with ‘severe learning difficulties’: on (not) passing in purportedly public places

Shallow inclusion (or integration) and deep exclusion: en-dis-abling identities through government webpages in Hong Kong

Ethnography as process and product: Residential neighborhoods and reflexivity in Shanghai

Strengthening the legal regime for the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in Nigeria

A qualitative analysis of the naming process of complementary and alternative medicine by chronically ill patients

Beyond unequal access: Acculturation, race, and resistance to pharmaceuticalization in the United States

Lollie the rough collie and the magic kiss

What does the actor need to perform in health care? Emotional demands, skills and competences

Data-driven pedestrian re-identification based on hierarchical semantic representation

Talent management practices in Central and Eastern European countries

Integrated privacy preserving framework for smart home

Applying cross-curricular approaches creatively

Scoping review of literature evidence on community Activation projects and their evaluation

Verse in contemporary Irish theatre

Applying cross-curricular approaches creatively

The place of ethics in second language education

BFW dataset volunteers

BFW dataset contributors

BFW dataset workforce volunteers

Supporting those who work and learn: a phenomenological research study

Critical discourse studies and hegemony – A gramscian approach

Internationalisation in universities: to what extent do institutional boundaries delineate a researcher’s identity? A critical view’

Elizabeth Bowen, 'Possibly it was England made me a Novelist'

Do police officers receive sufficient training in mental health? A front line perspective of police officers attitudes and beliefs on attending mental health calls

An exploratory study on revenue management practice in Nigeria small and medium hotels

On the reliability of archaeomagnetic dating in Iberia: two case studies from Portugal and Zamora

Froebelian conferences at Canterbury Christ Church University

The psychoanalytic kindergarten project in Soviet Russia 1921–1930

NHS managers’ use of nursing workforce planning and deployment technologies: a realist synthesis

Predicting the risk to develop preeclampsia in the first trimester combining promoter variant -98A/C of LGALS13 (placental protein 13), Black ethnicity, previous preeclampsia, obesity, and maternal age

Risk of miscarriage following amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling: a systematic review of the literature

The generation of consensus guidelines for carrying out process evaluations in rehabilitation research

Getting back to life after stroke: co-designing a peer-led coaching intervention to enable stroke survivors to rebuild a meaningful life after stroke

Fetal major cardiac defects and placental dysfunction at 11-13 weeks' gestation

ASPRE trial: incidence of preterm pre-eclampsia in patients fulfilling ACOG and NICE criteria according to risk by FMF algorithm

Comparison of diagnostic accuracy of early screening for pre-eclampsia by NICE guidelines and a method combining maternal factors and biomarkers: results of SPREE

Ultrasonographic estimation of fetal weight: development of new model and assessment of performance of previous models

Fetal Medicine Foundation fetal and neonatal population weight charts

Arts-based palliative care training, education and staff development: A scoping review

Cultural fusion in the digital age: rock music scenes and its subcultural community in contemporary China

Screening for pre-eclampsia by maternal factors and biomarkers at 11-13 weeks' gestation

Reference ranges for the size of the fetal cardiac outflow tracts from 13 to 36 weeks gestation: a single-center study of over 7000 cases

Increasing radiology capacity within the lung cancer pathway: centralised work‐based support for trainee chest X‐ray reporting radiographers

Nigeria, a country under siege: issues of conflict and its management in democratic Nigeria

Ethnicity, ethnic conflict and the elusive quest for peace in Nigeria

International investment law and the right to regulate

No blue plaques ‘in the land ofgrey and pink’: the Canterbury sound, heritage and the alternative relationships of popular music and place

Learning to be a writer: why play really matters

The Playful Writing Project: Exploring playful writing opportunities with reception class teachers

The symmetrical tyger: the issues and tensions of teaching Romantic poetry at A Level

The Crisis of White Supremacy and its Impact on Black Lives - surveillance, control and suicidality

The need for black and women of colour feminist epistemologies in critical suicide studies

Are personal academic values important in learning and teaching engagement with learners?

Public international law and international investment

Questioning the epistemology of decolonise: The case of geography

‘You’re just chopped off at the end’: Retired servicemen’s identity work struggles in the military to civilian transition

‘We may be falling apart but we still keep going’: Retired servicemen’s experiences of their ageing bodies

Toxicity and biodegradability of caffeic acid in anaerobic digesting sludge

Conceptualization, modelling and environmental impact assessment of a natural rubber techno-ecological system with nutrient, water and energy integration

Unreal-time improv

My father, my self: a reflection on the photography archive of Adrian Flowers

Becoming women 'scientists’: negotiating gendered constructions of science at university in Rwanda

'An idealist touched by practicality’: the work and influence of Richard Runciman Terry (1864–1938)

Storied experiences of physical activity involvement, family membership and happiness

What makes moral disgust special? An integrative functional review

Mindfulness-based exposure and response prevention for obsessive compulsive disorder: findings from a pilot randomised controlled trial

Investigating the effectiveness of emotion regulation skills groups and service user perspectives

The influence of continuous vs split training protocols on endurance performance

The settlement of East and West Flegg in Norfolk from the 5th to 11th centuries

Mies van der Rohe Carr Chapel, Chicago, Illinois, 1949-1952

Creative approaches to primary physical education

Do bare soil landscapes encourage ground nesting bees?

Harm reduction to recovery: An exploration of worker perceptions of the 2010 National Drug Strategy

Impact of digital learning capture on student study habits

Exploring narratives of the motivation of School Governors

Attentional bias to social-evaluative threat in body image dissatisfaction

PhD supervisors and faculty members might help to avoid burnout as well as enhance engagement and organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) among PhD students.

Exploring student wellbeing in higher education

Seeking to find a place for spiritual transcendence through engaging with earthquake images in geography textbooks

“Novels with a Purpose”; The interventionist literature of Dinah Mulock Craik and contemporary domestic legislation

Corporate tax as a utility for economic growth: challenges of compliance and enforcement in Nigeria

The antecedents of low-level classroom disruption: a bio-ecological perspective

A case study of mediators maintaining impartiality within practice

Understanding the shining Ramshorn snail, Segmentina Nitida: morphology, genetics and breeding

Women of colour vs ink: racism, sexism and white feminism in modern British tattoo culture

Bend de tree when-e young: cultural relevance in reading books

A factor analysis of functional independence and functional assessment measure scores among focal and diffuse brain injury patients: the importance of bi-factor models

Who cares about the university?

Volunteer tourism, life politics and third space: a critical analysis

Comic books & myths: the evolution of the mythological narratives in comic books for a contemporary myth

Governance and community participation in the Nigerian tourism sector: a stakeholder analysis.

Britain, Anglo-American relations and the ending of the US War in Vietnam, 1969-1973

The De Lacy Constables of Chester and Earls of Lincoln: the transformation of an honour (1190-1311)

Discourse on immigration in the UK: representations and evaluations of Romanians and Bulgarians as ‘benefit tourists’

Women’s embodied experiences of fitness: an ethnographic study of women who participate in a mixed gendered UK gym

Molecular dynamics study of melatonin binding to homology modelled Mel1a G-protein coupled receptor

The application of machine learning, big data techniques,and criminology to the analysis of racist tweets.

Territorial politics in flux: autonomy and secession in the United Kingdom and Spain

An investigation by practice into the psychological potential of the portrait

Empathy and point of view in literature: a (cognitive) stylistic analysisof ‘clash moments’ in Americanah

The placebo and nocebo effect in sport: intentions, attitudes and beliefs towards sport supplements and banned performance enhancing substances

An evaluation of the ‘open source internet research tool’: a user-centred and participatory design approach with UK law enforcement

What inspires people to engage with politics, campaigning or activism,at a local and national level and at what age does this engagementtake place, compared to current views of young people?

The hidden landscape of a Roman frontier:A LiDAR survey of the Antonine Wall, World Heritage Site

Exploring teachers’ sense of professional identity in relation to their experiences in two deprived rural districts of Northern Ghana

Extreme long-distance relationships and the role of idealisation: a mixed methods study exploring the predictors of relationship satisfaction in extreme long-distance relationships

Time and again: exploring the relationship between memory and stop motion animation

It’s on your head, it’s in your head: the artistic exploration of radio as material reflections on post-digital practice

Investigating austerity : an examination of the effects of austerity and additional changes between 2010 -2015 on detectives, their role and the CID investigative process.

A study of primary school teachers’ understandings and perceptions of teaching reading

The Chinese labour corps on the western front: management, discipline, and crime

Walking, making, thinking

Doctors of the workhouse: a study of medical care in three poor law unions in South-East Kent, 1834 – 1875

A cartographic analysis of Soviet Military city plans

The daughters of Henry III

The phenomenon of emotion within a photograph

Characterisation of a virus from tomato

A cost-effective cell- and matrix-based minimally invasive single-stage chondroregenerative technique developed with validated vertical translation methodology.

Stories of science: an auto/biographical study in primary science

In the midst of church school inspection

An exploration of clinical psychologists’ ethical sensitivity

Employability through a philosophical lens – a conceptual analysis

An examination of attentional control theory, perceptual anticipation and dual task paradigms

Unseen landscapes of adult education: creative arts, well-being and well-becoming in later life

Singing for adults with respiratory Illness: a systematic review and evaluation of a community programme

Student perceptions of the aims of education in an independent school and the differing value priorities expressed. a q-methodological study

What roles and functions have been identified by empirical research for material objects later in life?

Using soft power for crime prevention and reduction: the experience of Abu Dhabi police

Social justice & legal education edited by Chris Ashford and Paul McKeown (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, 1st ed.)

The construction of the decline of children’s outdoor play as a social problem in the UK

The remembered dead: poetry, memory and the First World War

Construction and validation of the perceptions of roles and responsibilities in a relationship scale for heterosexual women and an exploration with gender ideology

Finding hope within hopelessness: an exploration of critical dystopiaand its use in modern video games

A Queen in the shadows: Sanchia of Provence, Richard of Cornwall and a royal life unveiled

Experiencing the history National Curriculum 1991-2011: voices of veteran teachers

The inclusion of children in family interventions for psychosis

Certainty of subject matter: what China can learn from English trust law

An investigation into the place meanings of recreational climbers at an indoor rock climbing venue

What’s in a moment? using creative practices to capture emotion and experience in career turning points. an autoethnographic exploration

What do we know about the impact of stress on foster carers and contributing factors?

The experiences and morale of Metropolitan Special Constables. an analysis of the factors associated with volunteer officer job motivation and retention

Mindfulness self-help for health care professionals

The nature of scaffolding interaction: mother and child contribution across time and culture

"Not three Gods; but one" - why reductionism doesn't serve our theological discourse

Navigating the "human" and "divine" natures in a holistic world

Complete in manhood: understanding Christ’s humanity in light of quantum holism

It’s just normal’: a mixed methods exploration of the effects of superdiversity and the way it is experienced

Global perspectives on dementia and art: an international discussion about changing public health policy

We need a revived importance of PE to help children be active

The europeanisation of the Western Balkans - a failure of EU conditionality?

The construction of sex and sexuality within clinicalpsychology training and practice

Adaptations in cardiac structure and function following high intensity interval training in a physically inactive population

Nuclear medicine image interpretation by radiographers: findings of an accredited postgraduate module

William Lane’s “horrid” writers: an exploration of violence in the Minerva Press Gothic, 1790–1799

Generation Y and the Church of England: alternative spiritualities and ecumenical turns

Intellectual property as investment: an impossible mediation of conflicting interests?

The 1953 coup in Iran: U.S. and British foreign policy in Iran, 1951-1953 and the covert operation to overthrow the elected government of Mohammad Mosaddeq

This girl can

Positive mindfulness for people experiencing chronic pain

'I thought it was normal: adolescents attempts to make sense of their experiences of domestic violence in their families

‘When the cage came up there was something crouched a-top of it’the haunted tales of L.T.C. Rolt - a contextual analysis

Kent and Medway: delivering a Brexit border: policing, security, freight and customs

Crystal and molecular structure and DFT calculations of the steroidaloxime 6E-hydroximino-androst-4-ene-3,17-dione ( C19H25NO3)a Molecule with Antiproliferative Activity

Enhancing knowledge and skills through the delivery of a bespoke neonatal resuscitation training programme in a developing country

Improving induction of labour for women through the development of a new pathway

A scoping review of gaps and priorities in dementia care in Europe

Schwartz rounds: a staff support intervention staff can engage with?

Therapeutic processes in transdiagnostic acceptance andcommitment therapy groups

Exploring risk factors for suicidality in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders

Wellbeing in adults who had a brush with death

Parenting and social capital: promoting child mental health as a community

Experiences of services and family therapy with refugees and asylum-seekers

Singing for health: do members of a generic singing for health group express similar effects on health and wellbeing as those in condition-specific groups?

Post-trafficking wellbeing

The position of perinatal services to support parents and detect parental distress

Home haemodialysis for older patients: barriers and enablers

A cost-effective BCI assisted technology framework for neurorehabilitation

Cycles of racial violence: police brutality in the 1990s

Self-compassion, appraisal, stress, and coping in trainee clinical psychologists

Confronting myself: an auto/biographical exploration of the impactof class and education on the formation of self and identity

An exploration of influences on recovery from acquired brain injuries

Residential suicide crisis care: stopping people from dying or supporting people to live

Experiencing local news online: audience practices and perceptions

Worth it? The usefulness of information technology to read ID cards and passports for hoteliers in Bulgaria

The Dinas Powys ‘Southern Banks’: excavations of the Ty’n y Coed earthworks 2011–14

Working with clients in inpatient services

Hyper-staged authenticity on the technological frontier in Westworld’s post-human theme park

Fairy tale tourism: the architectural projection mapping of magically real and irreal festival lightscapes

Emotion processing in functional neurological disorder

Young people's relationship with stimulant medication in the context of an ADHD diagnosis

Parent training interventions for parents with intellectual disability

The impact of exposure to media coverage of the 2012 paralympic games on mixed physical ability interactions

Engagement and mindfulness-based approaches: dose-response in mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs)

An exploration of the use of language within therapeutic interventions for people experiencing psychosis

Battle of the unions: Brexit and the Irish border issue: a two part blog

Brexit: regional rebalance vs. Westminster power grab?

PESCO goes live: June 2018 European Council decisions on defence collaboration

The July 2018 white paper: carte blanche or tabula rasa?

Long read: Trudeau vs. Trump: a two-fold tale of tantrums and tariffs

Kent and Medway: health and social care a Brexit impact assessment

“Draw me a map of your town”: An investigation of the construction of a free-recall hand-drawn map of a known physical environment by young children

Violence against women: public health or law enforcement problem or both?

An exploration into response validity

Exploring psychological understandings of compassion in healthcare organisations

Art therapy for posttraumatic-stress disorder

Supporting staff in healthcare professions to reflect on the emotional aspects of their work

Narratives of resilience in survivors of child abuse

Healthcare environment design and patient experience

Flexible autonomy: an online approach to developing mathematics subject knowledge for teachers

Ageing and health literacy

Dyadic arts interventions for people living with dementia

Framing a ‘social problem': emotion in anti-abortion activists' depiction of the abortion debate

Risk factors for suicidality in clinical populations of adolescents

In what sense are dogs special? Canine cognition in comparative context

Work and intimacy: reassessing the career/couple norm through a narrative case approach

The professional learning of academics in higher education: a sociomaterial perspective

An action research approach to developing psychological support to increase wellbeing in student scholarship athletes

Taxonomy and physical health inequalities in people with learning disabilities

Acceptable access to health services for adults on the autism spectrum

Fishermen and their families in late medieval and Tudor Kent

Neighbours across the religious divide: coping with difference in Henrician Kent

Nurses must consider which information to use and trust

Education then and now: making the case for ecol-agogy

Re-inventing community development: utilizing relational networking and cultural assets for infrastructure provision

Police legitimacy and the policing of protest: identifying contextual influences associated with the construction and shaping of protester perceptions of police legitimacy and attitudes to compliance and cooperation beyond the limits of procedural justice and elaborated social identity approaches.

Redemptive failure in contemporary American sports literature

Understanding the development of professional identity in instrumental teachers

Decentralization as a tool for conflict resolution

How Christian universities respond to extremism

Parents’ views and government rhetoric about schooling: beyond simple notions of exclusion and marginalisation

The impact of intimate partner violence on forgone healthcare: a population-based, multicentre European study

Embodied learning through climbing

Can korfball facilitate mixed-PE in the UK? the perspectives of junior korfball players

Editorial comment: Nursing in Critical Care journal survey 2018

Understanding the structure, experiences and challenges of social support for older lesbian, gay and bisexual people: a systematic review

Olive growing in Palestine: an everyday form of resistance

'Writing the town in mid-fifteenth-century Sandwich: the contribution of John Serle, common clerk'

Theorizing young people's perceptions of their citizenship identity

Young children’s physical activity levels in primary (elementary) schools: what impact does physical education lessons have for young children?

Building a grounded theory of engagement in mindfulness-based group therapy for distressing voices

Spiritual care: can student nurses learning contribute to leading person-centred practice?

How effective was the drone campaign in Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia throughout Barack Obama’s presidency, 2009 – 2017?

The arts and dementia: emerging directions for theory, research and practice

Consensus statement on placebo effects in sports and exercise: the need for conceptual clarity, methodological rigour, and the elucidation of neurobiological mechanisms.

The effect of high Intensity interval training (HIIT) upon resting and ambulatory blood pressure in physically inactive males and females

Creating space to understand school-based community development within a rural Malawian community

Media influence on expectations of virtual reality

The place of forest school in English primary schools: senior leader perspectives

How sixth form students conceptualise their learning dispositions, roles and relationships in the research-based learning culture of a single case study school

The experiences of multi-stressed parents who have encountered child protection services

Christian ethos secondary schools in England and Wales: a common voice or wide diversity?

We need more female role models in sport to inspire the next generation

We reap what we sew: perpetuating biblical illiteracy in new English religious studies exams and the proof text binary question

Could placebos be putting lives at risk?

Educating children with life limiting and life threatening conditions

What really matters about teacher education at Cathedrals Group Universities: volume 2 the case studies

What really matters about teacher education at Cathedrals Group Universities: volume 1 final report

Hidden in plain sight: exploring men’s use of complementary and alternative medicine

‘Smothered under rose-leaves’: violent sensation and the location of the feminine in Eliza Lynn Linton’s sowing the wind'

Scaffolding: integrating social and cognitive perspectives on children’s learning at home

A transversal university? criticality, creativity and catatonia in the globalised pursuit of higher education excellence.

Atypical bodies

Moral (dis)engagement with anthropogenic climate change in online comments on newspaper articles

Nostalgia and the Tea Party movement

Are personal academic values important in learning and teaching engagement with learners?

Chapter 14 - planning physical education in the national curriculum

Visiting Fellow, British Library Eccles Centre of American studies

Is a nurse consultant impact toolkit relevant and transferable to the radiography profession? An evaluation project

Social support and intimate partner violence victimization among adults from six European countries

The impact of the EU on security sector reform in the Western Balkans

Chest X-ray interpretation by Radiographers is not inferior to Radiologists: a multireader, multicase comparison using JAFROC (Jack-knife alternative free-response receiver operating characteristics) analysis

Understanding Christianity: exploring a hermeneutical pedagogy for teaching Christianity

Meaningful maps: what can we learn about ' sense of place' from maps produced by children?

Physical activity and mental health of school-aged children andadolescents: A rapid review

The Judaean cultural context of community of goods in the early Jesus movement: Part II

The business of state capture and the rise of authoritarianism in Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia

The business of state capture in the Western Balkans an introduction

The great sacrifice: G. M. Hopkins, H. P. Liddon, and the divine victim

This strike reminds us what universities are for

The turf war between the European Commission and Intra-EU BITs: is an end in sight

Invoking the holy trilogy: star wars in the Askewniverse

Generic baggage: encountering other people in “À une passante” and “Les Veuves"

First in family to attend University: understanding and enabling the parent-child support relationship

Intervention: what is it like to be an improviser?

Psychosocial interventions to support carers

Où en est la théorie des topiques aujourd’hui

So happy together

Programming and supervision of resistance training leads to positive effects on strength and body composition: results from two randomised trials of community fitness programmes

Advantages and disadvantages of encouraging consumerist notions of healthcare at two minor injury units: results of a multiple embedded case study.

A study into situated learning through community legal companionship

Factors associated with informant-reported cognitive decline in older adults: a systemised literature review

Mentoring trainee psychologists: learning from lived experience

Co-production in substance use research

The church of Julius, Aaron, and Alban at Caerleon

Landscape, economy and society in late and Post-Roman Wales

Postural stability is affected in older males with Haemophilia—a matched control study

Agreement between expert thoracic radiologists and the chest radiograph reports provided by consultant radiologists and reporting radiographers in clinical practice: review of a single clinical site

Social capital and participation: the role of community arts festivals for generating wellbeing

A randomised controlled trial of a brief online mindfulness-based intervention in a non-clinical population: replication and extension

Providing support to senior managers in schools via ‘clinical’ supervision: a restorative and purposeful professional and personal space

Formally equal, but not really: the second stage of an ongoing study into English school students’ perceptions of ‘the citizen’

Working capital management, cash flow and SMEs’ performance

A recommendation to improve the opt-out mechanism in EU regulation on insolvency proceedings recast

Rights and obligations in the post-investment treaty denunciation period

The Morocco-Nigeria BIT: towards a new generation of intra-African BITs

Police officers and post traumatic stress disorder: discussing the deficit in research, identification and prevention in England and Wales

Digital training platform for interpreting radiographic images of the chest

Rebels leading London: the mayoralties of Ken Livingstone and Boris Johnson compared

Fifty ways to leave …… your racism

Teachers communicating about life-limiting conditions, death and bereavement

UrbanDig Project: sport practices and artistic interventions for co-creating urban space

Strange homelands: encountering the migrant on the contemporary Greek stage

Knowledge wars: professionalisation, organisational justice and competing knowledge paradigms in British Policing

Promoting tolerance to schools in a time of extremism

Researching race in a white space: negotiating interviews at white-wedding shows in England

Critical ethnography: investigating practice in police firearms training

Clash of pans: pan-Africanism and pan-Anglo-Saxonism and the global colour line, 1919–1945

Voices and practice of SEND in science initial teacher education

The Whitstable High Tide Swimming Club

Aspiring to a postcolonial pedagogy through engagement with the Other: deepening intercultural learning from a South Indian Study Visit

Experiences of musical performance anxiety in final-year undergraduate music students: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

Against ethnicity: democracy, equality, and the Northern Irish conflict

Case note: medical justice v Secretary of State for the Home Department

Time for a truce in the 'generation wars'

The use of drama within midwifery education to facilitate the understanding of professional behaviour and values

"For the sake of fullness of music in the choir”—performance practice and the double bass at the Kroměříž Court

Accountability in parliament

A case for a regional investment court for Africa

Takeover regulation in the UK and shareholder primacy: what, why and how to reform?

Whose body is it anyway? A sociological reflection upon fitness and wellbeing

Towards a new International economic order: proposal for a Pan-African investment court

Pre-packaged reorganisations in China and creditor protection

"Is social inclusion through PE, sport and PA still a rhetoric?" evaluating the relationship between physical education, sport and social inclusion

Ecologies of precarity in twenty-first century theatre: politics, affect, responsibility

Legal uncertainties and foreign direct investment: a case study of Nigeria

Group singing and quality of life

Telling tales: a transformative space for alternative discourses in research

Evidence-based police training: the bedrock of effective criminal investigation?

The art and science of investigation

Key challenges in criminal investigation

'He is the vagabond that hath no habitation in the Lord' the representation of Quakers as vagrants in interregnum England, 1650-1660

Born to blush unseen: Betty Trask in Frome

Consulting parents and carers of children with complex needs who use rehabilitation therapy services about research - what issues are important?

The great household in wartime: Eleanor de Montfort and her familia

'Accessing all areas? interviewing and researching within and outside difference'

Britain against the world? foreign and security policy in the 'age of Brexit'

"Fool me once, but rarely fool me twice": recapture rates and the effect of lure-ageing in pheromone traps for the burnet moth Zygaena filipendulae

Women’s life writing and reputation: a case study of Mary Darby Robinson

Global LGBT rights in 11 maps

Intellectual disability, special olympics and parasport

Adventures in coach learning: considering new approaches

Measuring HE learning gain: a holistic, self-reporting approach

Evaluation of an equilibrium phase free-breathing dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI prototype sequence compared to traditional breath-held MRI acquisition in liver oncology patients

The impact of witnessing other people's trauma: the resilience and coping strategies of members of the faculty of forensic and legal medicine

Women, 'madness' and exercise

Specially trained dogs in the UK criminal justice system

Cartographic design issues

Test of reward contingent precall

Know your place - why geographic knowledge still matters

How the Soviet Union secretly mapped the world

State sponsored secret cartography

The President's address to the British Cartographic Society 2017

ICC2017: celebrating cartography

Superhero films and American national identity

'I found that joking back actually made me not on edge, and I didn't feel threatened': women's embodied experiences of sexist humour (banter) in a UK gym

Blue notes: a pilot RCT using songwriting to alleviate student mental health and wellbeing

Distress thermometer (SUDS). modified for use in participatory arts evaluations

Sport mega-events, the non-west and the ethics of event hosting

Buddhist tantric thealogy? the genealogy and soteriology of Tārā

Addressing domestic abuse in university student populations

The poetic nursing heart

Retroduction, set-theoretic configurational approaches and generative mechanisms: some preliminary insights

Diagnostic cultures: a cultural approach to the pathologisation of modern life

Introduction to anatomy and physiology for healthcare students

Soviet military mapping

Walking with women's suffrage in Margate

Women writing panel

Psycho geography? on the trail of the monster

Synchronous diversification of Sulawesi’s iconic artiodactyls driven by recent geological events

Effects of singing groups on staff well-being: a feasibility study


Magnetic ordering in a frustrated bow-tie lattice

Who does better for the economy? Presidents versus parliamentary democracies

Transmission spores (2018)

Dreamspace 2 (2018)

Dancing the "Waterloo waltz": commemorations of the hundred days - parallels in British social dance and song

Stravinsky’s opera in a postmodern age: an intermedial semiotic reading

Advocating for open access: going beyond the REF

The life and death and life and death of Frank

“licking the chops of memory”: plotting the social sins of Jekyll and Hyde’

'You were all the world like a beach to me' the use of second person address to create multiple worlds in literary video games: 'Dear Esther', a case study

The person, interactions and environment programme to improve care of people with dementia in hospital: a multisite study

Spotlight on Polish Theatre

Three symphonies in one year? Beethoven’s sketches of 1812

Mother of all mumming plays

Riding the new wave

'Practical proselytising: the impact of counter-Reformation Catholicism at the Caroline court, 1625-1626'

“CLOCK as a transformative methodology; exploring how the CLOCK initiative has transformed theory and practice in legal education”

Rebalancing international investment agreements in favour of host states

A meta analysis of effectiveness of E interventions to reduce alcohol consumption in college and university students

Temporal sparse feature auto-combination deep network for video action recognition

Coming full circle - building a sustainable community of mothers

Don’t turn Britain’s schools into mental health centres

Dogs in the criminal justice system: consideration of facility and therapy dogs

'Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are dead' set design

Dourgouti Island Hotel Project: an urban dig project


The safety of isometric exercise: rethinking the exercise prescription paradigm for those with stage 1 hypertension.

An alternative approach to isometric exercise training prescription for cardiovascular health

‘Superman believes that a wife’s place is in the home’: Superman’s girl friend, Lois Lane and the representation of women

Female agency and identity negotiations in contemporary narratives of border crossings

An exploration of young people’s narratives of hope following experience of psychosis

Doing Shakespeare: from page to stage

Lessons from the actor: developing teacher presence and classroom as community

Giving guys get the girls �- a study showing that displays of altruism predict reproductive success in males regardless of resources �

The use of computer mediated communication in providing patient support: a review of the research literature

A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of e-interventions to reduce alcohol consumption in university students.

How does collaborative practice facilitate learning? processes involved in a Wiki-mediated collaborative writing task

Brown & Marriott's ADR: principles & practice, 4th edition.

Youth offending teams: a grounded theory of the barriers and facilitators to young people seeking help from mental health services

Religious women in the landscape: their roles in medieval Canterbury and its hinterland

Researching mentoring, developing researchers: a parallel approach to research and development in teacher education

Using participatory, practice development, Delphi and realist research approaches to understand how frontline teams can use the workplace to make sustainable improvements in the quality of their practice

Fishing for evidence of impact

In search of the feeling of ‘belonging’ in Higher Education: undergraduate students transition into Higher Education

Setting up a social justice community legal outreach project

Viola no.2

Drone forensic analysis using open source tools

Managing group work: impact of peer assessment on students' engagement

A qualitative evaluation study of the Sleep Project for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in Kent, UK: listening to practitioners' experiences

The Annual Balls of the Pensionsgesellschaft bildender Künstler, 1792–1832

Evidence-based policing: using evidence and research to improve policing practice

'Reading Marx, or the uses and abuses of Marx'

‘I was in the condition of mind to be shocked at nothing’: losing the plot in Wuthering Heights

Volume introduction

British women’s writing from Brontë to Bloomsbury, 1840-1940 Volume 1: 1840s and 1850s

Metaphors of mindfulness

Shades of federalism - volume 1

The future of education and skills: education 2030: the future we want

Patient perspectives of being detained under section 136 of the Mental Health Act: findings from a qualitative study in London

Evaluating an interactive PR and marketing simulation: a communities of practice approach

Minute by minute: building student-teacher relationships in initial teacher education

The Taplow drinking horn: gripping-arm gestures and female performance in the migration period

Desire and disenchantment in Gautier's "Arria Marcella" and Anstey's "Siren"

Prehistoric ‘taskscapes’: representing gender, age and the geography of work

Learning landscapes: prehensions of space in film and their pedagogical implications

Criticality, creativity... & catatonia

Evaluation of arts based courses within a UK recovery college for people with mental health challenges

Measuring competence in systemic practice: development of the ‘systemic family practice – systemic competency scale’ (SPS)

Implementing the PIE programme to improve person-centred care for people with dementia on hospital wards

Book review: therapeutic songwriting in theory methods and practice

Learning landscapes: professional learning and the formation of coalescent space

Using participatory practice development, Delphi and realist research approaches to understand how frontline teams can use the workplace to integrate learning, development, improvement and innovation

Educating public health champions

Greater choice and control ? parent carer views on personal health budgets for disabled children who use rehabilitation therapy services.

Operational risk, omissions and liability in policing

Image Interpretation by radiographers in brain, spine and knee MRI examinations: Findings from an accredited postgraduate module

An exploration into the acceptance of male rape myths within the UK

Leadership for sustainability in higher education

Fiscal trade-offs: the relationship between output and debt in policy interventions

How can primary care help to reduce weight stigma?

“Medicine doesn’t cure my worries”: Understanding the drivers of mental distress of older Nepalese women living in the UK

Secret soviet military maps of Britain and the world

The avant garde as exform

Applying cross-curricular approaches creatively

Minding the children: a longitudinal study of mental state talk, theory of mind and behavioural adjustment from age 3 to age 10.

Partial swing golf shots: scaled from full swing or independent technique?

Collaborating with service users and carers: using film to promote reflective practice in the classroom

A systematic review of mental health and wellbeing outcomes of group singing for adults with a mental health condition

‘”The ideal was not there”: making peace with Dickensian Kent’

Creating and integrating a FLOSS product into UK law enforcement

Counter terrorism law and education student teachers' Induction into UK prevent duty through the lens of Bauman's liquid modernity

Cartography, soviet style

The development of a menthol solution for use during sport and exercise

Collaborating with service users and carers: using film to promote reflective practice in the classroom

Knowledge transfer in collaborations between foreign and indigenous firms in the Nigerian oil industry: the role of partners’ motivational characteristics

The role of festivals for generating community wellbeing

Cartography, cook and roseberry topping

‘”And yet these things were done by educated and kindly men”: negotiating change in Mary Cholmondeley’s 'The Romance of His Life’

“Punishment is all the charity that the law affordeth them”: penal transportation, vagrancy, and the charitable impulse in the British Atlantic, c.1600-1750

Extreme weather

How can we SQEeze it all In? some challenges facing law schools in England and Wales

Written evidence submitted to the EFRA committee inquiry into the legislation on dangerous dogs

Radiographer reporting of neurological magnetic resonance imaging examinations of the head and cervical spine: findings of an accredited postgraduate programme

Weathering the weather: effects of the environment on donkey, mule and horse welfare

What mattered ten years on? young people’s reflections on their involvement with a charitable youth participation project

Book review: the human atlas of Europe: a continent united in diversity

Entrepreneurship and Family Business Research Centre

Lessons from the actor: developing teacher presence and classroom as community

Canine recommended breed weight ranges are not a good predictor of an ideal body condition score

Cardiac autonomic and left ventricular mechanics following high intensity interval training: a randomised cross-over controlled study.

Cardiac maladaptation in term pregnancies with preeclampsia

Regent's lecturer appointed chair of entrepreneurship group

The production of pig preimplantation embryos in vitro: current progress and future prospects

Understanding of the programming techniques by using a complex case study to teach advanced object-oriented programming

Framework for handling data veracity in big data

Bystander pilot programme assessment report: comparisons between questionnaire 1 and questionnaire 2

The matrix reloaded? why we should improve the MPS ‘gang violence matrix’, not dismantle it

Sport supplement use predicts doping likelihood via sport supplement beliefs

Baseline case study report: the rich picture

Survey of international experts to build consensus about optimum care standards, educational programmes, care environments & technological developments for people living with dementia

A scoping review of staff training and education needs

CASCADE baseline review of current partner technology enabled care service (TECS) initiatives and proposal for a collaborative evaluation strategy

Illness and disability in Elinor M. Brent-Dyer's Chalet School stories

"Never too late to mend: Betty Trask's cotton glove country"

“They needed the attention more than I did”: how do the birth children of foster carers experience the relationship with their parents?

‘Elite athlete to disabled athlete to adaptive athlete. ’how coaches and teachers can help support the road to recovery

'Drive to drink!'

The impact of wellbeing on the physical activities of occupational therapy (OT) for a child with dyspraxia

Are you ready? physical readiness is there a mismatch in understanding and knowledge?

Early years symposium: physical readiness and physical curiosity

The materiality of debt to Jews in England, 1194-1276

The red atlas: how the Soviet Union secretly mapped the world

The cartographic language of Soviet maps

Neurohumoral and ambulatory haemodynamic adaptations following isometric exercise training in unmedicated hypertensive patients

A realist synthesis of effective continuing professional development (CPD): a case study of healthcare practitioners' CPD

Castle’s competition model for building confidence and competence in action

The lived experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender informal caregivers in England: early findings

Does korfball have the potential to resist current gender discourses in PE?: perspectives of junior korfball players

The Military Canal and the two world wars

The Royal Marines and the war at sea 1939-45

Kent - at the heart of the industrial and shipping revolutions

Sheppey Little Theatre - The Royal Marines and the war at sea 1939-45

The Royal Marines and the war at sea 1939-45

The Royal Marines and the war at sea 1939-45 - Shepherds Well History Society

The Royal Marines and the War at sea 1939-45

A qualitative study of leadership in Saudi Arabian early childhood education: influential factors and critical challenges

Resisting dominant gender discourse in physical education

Whitstable oyster walk

Blood pressure, arterial stiffness and exercise: does exercise increase the risk of acute cardiac events in older adults?

Impact of active and passive social facilitation on self paced endurance and sprint exercise: encouragement augments performance and motivation to exercise

The experiences of women as occupational beings

Precognitive priming of compound remote associates: using an implicit creative insight task to elicit precognition

Augmented reality trail: an effective tool to engage students in learning?

Archive film screening 13

Taking sustainability to heart––towards engaging with sustainability issues through heart-centred thinking

Puppetry and object manipulation workshop

Ruptured landscapes: reclaiming the memorial sites of Ravensbrück and Flossenbürg

Paula the polar bear puppetry

Synthesis of gold functionalised nanoparticles with the eranthis hyemalis lectin and preliminary toxicological studies on caenorhabditis elegans

The solicitors qualification examination: something for all? some challenges facing law schools in England and Wales

Alternative dispute resolution and civil justice: a relationship resolved?

Transformational theories for continuous professional development (CPD): the workplace as a resource for learning and improving

Quality clinical leadership for improving patient safety with patients, carers and staff centre stage.

Shades of federalism, volume 2

A 4-week resistance training intervention improves stability, strength and neuromuscular activity in the lower limb: a case study of a cerebral palsy adult

Capturing a cold war capital: the secret Soviet mapping of London

‘A wicked problem’? risk assessment and decision-making when licensing possession and use of firearms in Greater London

The pain divide: a cross-sectional analysis of chronic pain prevalence, pain intensity and opioid utilisation in England

Sustainability in the humanities

William of Haverhill (d.1252): administrator

Academics and social media: the good, the bad, and the ugly

The Research Excellence Framework: everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask

Can aerobic energy expenditure be used instead of oxygen uptake to better predict endurance performance?

Challenges of implementing and embedding a programme to improve care for people with dementia on hospital wards

The philosopher of ambiguity: exploring stories of spirituality of people with aphasia through the lens of Merleau-Ponty

The effects of moral disengagement mechanisms on doping likelihood are mediated by guilt and moderated by moral traits

Keep safe: the development of a manualised group CBT intervention for adolescents with ID who display harmful sexual behaviours.

Testing precognition using a novel computer driving game

Community resilience and flooding in UK guidance: a critical review of concepts, definitions, and their implications

"'Found out' in Dickens"


Sustainability and religion: past trends and future perspectives


Caring for babies and children under three: the contribution of Froebelian principles

The red atlas – global Soviet military mapping during the Cold War

Routledge international handbook of Froebel and early childhood practice

Conceptualising and understanding artistic creativity in the dementias: interdisciplinary approaches to research and practice

The elusive quest for balanced regional growth from Barlow to Brexit: lessons from partitioning regional employment growth in Great Britain

When is it right to buy: an instrumental case study of 'out of area' rehousing for families in temporary accommodation and implications for social work

NATO Redux: reviewing the July 2018 summit

‘Don’t put me in a box’ - the social construction of whiteness, migrant’s narrative on identity discourse & social work role in rise of populism: grand challenge for social work

Beyond Jonny’s story: a whole class physical activity intervention

How physically active are boys and girls are during playtimes in primary school?

Reviewing challenges and gaps in European and global dementia policy

Authenticity Collective Conference - introduction

Looping the loop of authenticity in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West and Westworld

Magical places

(and) from the mouth of spite

Maps > representation

The legacy of free radio on contemporary radio arts practice

Disability, spinal cord injury, and strength and conditioning: sociological considerations

Tourism management in the Caribbean: The case of Haiti

Form follows feedback: rethinking cartographic communication

Cardiac maladaptation in obese pregnancy at term

The map is the story: the U-shaped line in western news media coverage of the geopolitics of the South China Sea

‘Whole earth?’ using an exhibition to raise sustainability awareness at a UK University

Unknown worlds

Embedding learning and assessment within police practice: the opportunities and challenges arising from the introduction of the PEQF in England and Wales

Processes in an experience-based co-design project with family carers in community mental health

Introducing lived experience practitioners: from KTP to LXPs

Smellmap: Le Marais

Effects of personal and situational factors on self-referenced doping likelihood

Creative and cultural industries in the British urban system: exploring their role for urban and regional development

Primate cities, the region effect and growth gradients: the Metropolitan effect on regional growth and regional disparities in Britain

The effects of sexually explicit material on children and young people

The pain of others: photographs, the prison and suffering

The university and the prison: an update on constructing heritage at Canterbury

Prison history and the ethics of public engagement

Friedrich Dürrenmatt, “der tunnel,” and the dying of the light

Global learning: a catalyst for curriculum change

The combined honours student experience survey data and the perceptions of staff and students

Mind the gap: using multiple source survey data to challenge assumptions and inform practice

Developing health enhancing physical activity modules for higher and vocational education- collaborative learning

Higher education in sports related disciplines: insights into teaching and research

When is it right to buy? an instrumental case study of 'out of borough' rehousing for families in temporary accommodation and implications for social work

Controlled cyclic remote state preparation of arbitrary qubit states

K-pop and car-pop: the parallel emergence of Korean style in automobiles and popular music

Beyond alienation: spatial implications of teaching and learning academic writing

Spin-glass behavior in KxRu4-yNiyO8 hollandite materials

Yarns: three yarns blue yellow red

The effectiveness of policing cybercrime

Observing client’s performance of prioritised tasks and implementing performance analysis

Key tools of the occupational therapist: occupational profiling, activity analysis and occupational performance analysis

Case studies in role established placement settings

Evaluating the effectiveness of the VIRTUES and HEROES projects: qualitative evidence

Preventing doping in sport: the HEROES project

Preventing doping in sport: the VIRTUES project

The effects of moral disengagement on doping likelihood and guilt

Social cognitive predictors of doping intentions: a multi-national study

Parental involvement: a grounded theory of the role of parents in adolescent help seeking for mental health problems

The europeanisation of contested states – comparing Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro

Introduction – the europeanisation of the Western Balkans

DFLs versus ‘locals’- discursive conflict on social media and the battle for regional identity.

A framework for teaching epistemic insight in schools

St Hilda's

Pure spinors, impure spinors and quantum mechanics

Peer support evaluation: a service evaluation of the use of peer support workers at Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust

Neural correlates of group bias during natural viewing

String quartet for Contemporary Music for All (1)

Where next for CBT and psychosis?

Religious education and hermeneutics: the case of teaching about Islam

Characteristics of torque production of the lower limb are significantly altered after 2 hours of treadmill load carriage

Inclusion of family and parenthood in mental health recovery

Pets, animal-assisted therapy and social inclusion

Now they're listening: involvement in clinical psychology training

Research watch: men’s social inclusion and suicide prevention

Research watch: therapists’ working conditions and their implications for service users’ social inclusion

Neolithic bodies


Landscape, settlement and agriculture in early medieval Brycheiniog: the evidence from the Llandaff charters

Augustine Tower labyrinth

Treading and threading the labyrinth

Psycho geography: the monstrous everyday

Deep observation

Soviet military maps of Manchester

It's all in the numbers: enhancing technology use in urban and rural environments

Transitional, transformative and transgressive spaces in university education

A history of biographical research in the United Kingdom

Transforming perspectives in lifelong learning and adult education: a dialogue

The governance and operating environment of the AIIB–is the AIIB a potential competitor of the World Bank?

"With collies graven on his heart": The canine projections of Thomas Anstey Guthrie (1856-1934)

Neo-orthodox tradition and transition: Lama Ole Nydahl and the diamond way

Introduction: contested bodies and spaces

Beyond heteropatriachal oppression: inhabiting Aphallic Anthroposcapes

Queering paradigms VII: contested bodies and spaces

Essentials of Buddhist philosophy

Arts on prescription for community‐dwelling older people with a range of health and wellness needs

A short history of the Normans

1. First of the feathers: soldiers and suffragettes 2. Flight and refuge - Folkestone welcomes all

Armistice, remembrance & sacrifice

Review article of Howard Williams and Melanie Giles, eds. Archaeologists and the dead: mortuary archaeology in contemporary society (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016)


Maurice Thorez: a biography

Modern criminal investigation from a legal comparative perspective

Laurence Sterne and the zigzagging dragonfly

Understanding intercultural communication: negotiating a grammar of culture

Designing a course in intercultural education

An educational placebo effect intervention reduces the likelihood of athletes using performance enhancing drugs

Fear of failure predicts doping likelihood in competitive athletes

Tenogenic differentiation of human embryonic stem cells

Progenitor cells in auricular cartilage demonstrate cartilage-forming capacity in 3D hydrogel culture

Fabulation and salvation [in Reviews of books]

Segmentation analysis of the visual art consumer at Turner Contemporary gallery

Setting up a collaborative community legal outreach project

Using the AQ-10 with adults who have a borderline or mild intellectual disability: pilot analysis of an adapted AQ-10 (AQ-10 intellectual disability)

The problems of investigating rape as part of domestic abuse

Hamilton, Catherine Jane [pseud. Retlaw Spring] (1841–1935), author and journalist

Cellulase stimulation during biodegradation of lignocellulosic residues at increased biomass loading

Everyone’s a loser in today’s fabricated generation wars

Buying off young people

Microbial adaptation to venom is common in snakes and spiders

Updated Iberian archeomagnetic catalogue: new full vector paleosecular variation curve for the last three millennia

Pragmatics and critical discourse studies

The white university: a platform for subjectification/subjugation

Review of Flattery and the history of political thought: that glib and oily art (Daniel J. Kapust; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2018, v+230pp., ISBN: 9781107043367)

"The lyric repository": literate conviviality

“Pictorially speaking, so ludicrous": George IV on the dance floor

Multidimensional effects of acculturation at the construct or index level of seven broad neuropsychological skills

Understanding the programming techniques using a complex case study to teach advanced object-oriented programming

Rebalancing double tax treaties in favour of African states