The electronic structure of molecules with the B F and B Cl bond in light of the topological analysis of electron localization function: Possibility of multiple bonds?

Journal article

Mierzwa, G., Gordon, A.J. and Berski, S. 2018. The electronic structure of molecules with the B F and B Cl bond in light of the topological analysis of electron localization function: Possibility of multiple bonds? International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 118, p. e25781.
AuthorsMierzwa, G., Gordon, A.J. and Berski, S.

Topological analysis of electron localisation function (ELF) has been used to study the nature of the B X (X = F, Cl) bonds in 26 molecules. Twelve small molecules with formal B X, B X, and B X bonds and 14 organoboron molecules with the B Cl bond from the Cambridge Structural Database have been studied using CCSD, DFT(M062x) methods. As the V(B,F) basin population for the investigated molecules is smaller than 4 and 6e, the existence of B X, B X bonds is not confirmed. The results show higher polarity of B F bonds as compared to the B Cl bonds. Electronic structure of selected molecules has been discussed from the ELF-topological perspective.

KeywordsB-Cl; B-F; Chemical bond; Double bond; Electron localisation function; Lewis structure; QCT; Quantum chemical topology; Triple bond
JournalInternational Journal of Quantum Chemistry
Journal citation118, p. e25781
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Official URL
Publication dates
Online12 Nov 2018
Publication process dates
Accepted19 Jul 2018
Deposited08 Jan 2024
Output statusPublished

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