Examining the experiences of a short break scheme amongst adolescents with disabilities (service users) and their parents

‘Visions’ for children’s health and wellbeing: exploring the complex and arbitrary processes of putting theory into practice

Animating class and contemporary British television

When Gucci make hearing aids, I’ll be deaf: sensory impairment in later life, and a need to define it according to identity

The pleasures and pains in the sporting zone: an embodied perspective

Mapping urban ephemerals: contemporary practices of visualising the invisible and the transitory

Spirituality and sexuality: exploring tensions in everyday relationship-based practice

Exploring the belief systems of domestic abuse victims using Smallest Space Analysis (SSA)

How might your staff react to news of an institutional merger? - A psychological contract approach

‘Making literature ridiculous’: Jerome K. Jerome and the new humour

Exploring how parents make sense of change in parent-child psychotherapy

‘Oh I do like to be beside the seaside’: opportunity structures for four un/underemployed young people living in English coastal towns

Jerome K. Jerome, sexual panic and degeneration at the fin de siècle

What really matters to freshers? An evaluation of first year student experience of transition into university

Communicating and mediating smellscapes: the design and exposition of olfactory mappings

Designing with smell: practices, techniques and challenges

The Antonine wall distance slabs and LiDAR as metric survey: shedding new light on a world heritage site

Forensic analysis of secure ephemeral messaging applications on Android platforms

The morality of mass tourism

‘Who am I?’ How female care-leavers construct and make sense of their identity

From indifference to hostility: police sfficers, organisational responses and the symbolic value of ‘in-service’ higher education in policing

Reverse analysis of scan strategies for controlled 3D laser forming of sheet metal

Investigation of hydrodynamic characteristics of high speed multihull vessels including shallow water fffect

Computation of hydrodynamic characteristics of ships using CFD

Computation of flow field around ship hull including self propulsion characteristics at varying rudder positions

Slow learners? Comparing the Sunningdale Agreement and the Belfast/Good Friday agreement

Local participation in adaptation decisions in the UK: between promise and reality

Visual images: an additional tool for the screening of cluster headache

So looking at this, you look like you've got some issues going on with your joints: Exploring case-finding in long-tern condition review consultations - the ENHANCE pilot trial

The Royal Opera House and Covent Garden: A symbiotic and complex touristic relationship

The Royal Opera House and Covent Garden: A symbiotic and complex touristic relationship

Social inclusion and audience development at the Royal Opera House: A tourist perspective

Sustaining a virile bar: A commentary on the report of the Nigerian Bar Association Legal Profession Regulation Review Committee (NBA LPRRC)

Class action: An overview

Placement experience: How academic support prepares students for the workplace experience

Evaluation of the sleep project for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in Kent

Panel debate - The future of the profession: Dreams and nightmares

Comfort, Christ and man's best friend: The “new” Christian role for therapy dogs

Technique developed to study camshaft and tappet wear on real production engine

Girls-boys: an investigation of gender differences in the behavioral and neural mechanisms of trust and reciprocity in adolescence

Exploring the transformational impact of international study visits on early childhood studies students

Exploring the transformational impact of international study visits on early childhood studies students

Exploring children's perceptions of the gendered nature of the early years workforce

Where shall we play? How shall we play?

Learning to be literate

Re-enchanting the academy

Personality factors, interview competencies and communicative suspiciousness of Canadian police interrogators of criminal suspects

Psychopathic homicide offenders

Planning a new venture

Entrepreneurial transitions in Family Business: Organic model, governance and succession

An economic impetus for enhancing employability support across higher education in Russia

Enhancing graduate attributes and employability through initiatives with external partners

Developing entrepreneurial and employability attributes through marketing projects with SMEs

Graduates’ experiences of, and attitudes towards, the inclusion of employability-related support in undergraduate degree programmes; trends and variations by subject discipline and gender

Empowering Positive Partnerships: a review of the processes, benefits and challenges of a university and charity social and emotional learning partnership

Estimating the prevalence of problematic opiate use in Ireland using indirect statistical methods

News media representations of virtual reality

News values and the postcolonial: An analysis of the British press

News values and the postcolonial: An analysis of the British press

News media representations of virtual reality

Mapping the rehabilitation interventions of a community stroke team to the Extended International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Set for Stroke

Improving precision of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire using a Rasch approach.

Concurrent validity of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in an indigenous pre-school population

Book Review: Gavin Bowd, The Last Communard

Investigating clinicians' understandings and opinions regarding dissociative seizures, and exploring their experiences of providing interventions for individuals with this condition

Mobile technology use by people experiencing multiple sclerosis fatigue: survey methodology

Te Waka Kuaka, Rasch analysis of a cultural assessment tool in traumatic brain injury in Māori

Effect of storage temperature on Vitamin C, total phenolics, UPLC phenolic acid profile and antioxidant capacity of eleven potato (Solanum tuberosum) varieties

Storage of fruits and vegetables in refrigerator increases their phenolic acids but decreases the total phenolics, anthocyanins and Vitamin C with subsequent loss of their antioxidant capacity

The 4C framework for making reasonable adjustments for people with learning disabilities

Morphological and molecular identification of pathogenic fungi of Monodora myristica Dunal kernels and their response to different phytoextracts

Acrylamide-forming potential of cereals, legumes and roots and tubers analyzed by UPLC-UV

Heaven and hall: space and place in Anglo-Saxon England

What we can learn from death rites of the past will help us treat the dead and grieving better today?

What we can learn from death rites of the past will help us treat the dead and grieving better today?

Past and present: 10 funeral rituals remembering the dead

Can the Victorians teach us to talk about death?

Review: Underground Archaeology by Marion Dowd (ed)

Death and Burial in Iron Age Britain, by D. W. Harding

Review: Marion Dowd (ed.). 2016. Underground Archaeology: Studies on Human Bones and Artefacts from Ireland's Caves, Oxbow Books

See the Sculptor’s Cave in 3D

Habiter à Broxmouth : une approche biographique des roundhouses de l'âge du Fer

Critically theorising young adult marginality: historical and contemporary perspectives

A review of the contemporary management of upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma

Small renal masses – diagnosis and management

Patient management – brief overview of prostate cancer: diagnosis and management

Patient management – non muscle invasive bladder cancer

Lower urinary tract symptoms in an older man

Drama is for life! Recreational drama activities for the elderly in UK care homes

Trapped in the labyrinth’: exploring mental illness through devised theatrical performance

Knowlege transfer partnerships

Pre service primary teachers’ approaches to mathematical generalisation

Latent: A hidden history

Coney Island

Graham Greene in love and war: French Indochina and the making of The Quiet American

Crowd guilds: Worker-led reputation and feedback on crowdsourcing platforms

The Daemo crowdsourcing marketplace

Elizabeth Bowen: Shaking the cracked kaleidoscope. Futurism and collage in Elizabeth Bowen's To the North

Winifred Knights Retrospective

Progenitor cells in auricular cartilage demonstrate promising cartilage regenerative potential in 3D hydrogel culture

Connecting critical success factors (CSF) and business excellence- an exploration of hospitality and tourism SMEs

Comparison of screening for pre-eclampsia at 31-34 weeks' gestation by sFlt-1/PlGF ratio and a method combining maternal factors with sFlt-1 and PlGF

Proposed clinical management of pregnancies after combined screening for pre-eclampsia at 30-34 weeks' gestation

Accuracy of competing-risks model in screening for pre-eclampsia by maternal factors and biomarkers at 11-13 weeks' gestation

Proposed clinical management of pregnancies after combined screening for pre-eclampsia at 35-37 weeks' gestation

Chronic hypertension and adverse pregnancy outcome: a cohort study

The PD COMM trial: a protocol for the process evaluation of a randomised trial assessing the effectiveness of two types of SLT for people with Parkinson's disease.

Managing diabetes in people with dementia: a realist review

Impaired placentation in women with chronic hypertension who develop pre-eclampsia

Association of chronic hypertension with birth of small-for-gestational-age neonate

Aspirin versus placebo in pregnancies at high risk for preterm preeclampsia

Aspirin for evidence-based preeclampsia prevention trial: effect of aspirin in prevention of preterm preeclampsia in subgroups of women according to their characteristics and medical and obstetrical history.

Association between insulin resistance and preeclampsia in obese non-diabetic women receiving metformin

Implementation and trial evidence: a plea for fore-thought

What works for whom in the management of diabetes in people living with dementia: a realist review

Responsibilisation in the youth justice service: repositioning marginalised knowledge

Primary English: teaching theory and practice

Primary English: knowledge and understanding: achieving QTS

Screening for pre-eclampsia using sFlt-1/PlGF ratio cut-off of 38 at 30-37 weeks' gestation

Contending Issues in Political Parties in Nigeria: The Candidate Selection Process

Critically theorising young adult marginality: historical and contemporary perspectives

Conceptualising what we mean by ‘wellbeing’ in the dementias

Understanding the therapeutic benefits of engagement with the natural environment within the Dandelion Time approach: a review of literature

Imagining wrong: fictitious contexts mitigate condemnation of harm more than impurity

Disgust in the moral realm: do all roads lead to character?

Dance to Health: an evaluation of health, social and artistic outcomes of a dance programme for the prevention of falls

DNA-barcoding for the inference of larval community structure of non-biting midges (chironomidae) from the River Stour, Kent

Team sport athletes’ perceptions and use of recovery strategies: a mixed-methods survey study

A comparative analysis of economic empowerment within the African-Caribbean Pentecostal Church

Empathy’s effect in reducing stigma towards mental illness: an intervention study on attitudes to schizophrenia using media moderated contact

Global production networks and regional development: Thai regional development beyond the Bangkok metro

Critical exploration of the language around “the student experience” of higher education in the UK

Enhancement of healing of long tubular bone defects in rabbits using a mixture of atelocollagen gel and bone marrows aspirate concentrate

"It’s about the whole sort of picture": complexity, conformity and confusion in student teachers’ understanding of learning to read

The end of the Marian Restoration and the early ElizabethanReformation in Canterbury. C.1557-1565

Drift deck

Penal heritage: approaches to interpretation

The position of carers in mental health care: exploring experience-based co-design

Standing up to sedentary behaviour: evaluating the utility of behavioural choice theory

Were the early years of the North American fur trade a golden age for indigenous communities? (1590-1701)

Aristocratic female inheritance and property holding in thirteenth-century England

The killing fields of Cambodia: an investigation into motivations of visitors to dark sites

Perinatal psychosocial interventions

Evaluating the role of media in fostering political engagement among young people in the UK: a comparative analysis of social and legacy media coverage of political events and contribution to feelings of political empowerment

Towards a normalisation of young people’s drinking practices: a Chicago school ethnographic study in the Canterbury night-time economy

Emergent social identities in a flood: implications for community psychosocial resilience

Curriculum review of ESD at CCCU: a case study in health and wellbeing

Mapping heavy metal soil contamination and investigating phytoremediation potential at an ex-brownfield site in Kent, UK

The effect of urban expansion on a range of soil properties, dependent on spatial patterns and land use change, around the city of Heraklion, Crete (Greece) with ArcGIS interpretation, and implications for potential soil management solutions

The impact of four weeks of high intensity interval training oncardiac autonomic function in physically inactive males and females

Sustainable social (enterprise) entrepreneurship. An organisational and individual identity perspective.

Embodied learning through HIIT

Time perception, pacing and exercise intensity: maximal exercise distorts the perception of time

Spatially democratic pedagogy: a pedagogical interventionto support children’s design and co-creation of classroomspace. a new trajectory for Froebel’s kindergarten spaces?

‘How do primary school teachers understand and express their spirituality in the workplace?’ an interpretative phenomenological analysis of professional educators’ spiritual expression in primary schools

Constructing an imagined path to peace during conflict: a critical discourse analysis of human rights education in Gaza, Palestine

Illuminating the place of personal values and Christian beliefs in teaching sensitive and controversial issues in personal social health education (PSHE) in South East England: a life history approach

Revisiting the 18th century sublime in contemporary visual art:representations of Icelandic landscape

A theological reflection on education, and an educational reflection ontheology

Surfing and spirituality: sociological interpretations of spirituality in the Christian surfing subculture in the United Kingdom

To what extent has the Investigatory Powers Act 2016 achieved an appropriate balance between the competing interests of privacy and intrusion?

Pleasure, agency, space and place: an ethnography of youth drinking cultures in a South West London community

Mixed methods investigation of parents' and teachers' perspectives of socially acceptable and unacceptable behaviours at home and school of early childhood in Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia

Spending power over superpower: an investigation of increasing diversity in the superhero genre

White space: hegemonic representations of American Indians

What is the impact of wellbeing on the physical activities of occupational therapy for a child with dyspraxia?

Föderalismus in Bosnien und Herzegowina

Promoting collaborative playful experimentation through group playing by ear in higher education

Publicising sovereignty: a study of sovereignty during the late Interregnum and early Restoration periods through propaganda and polemic

Procedural justice at the custody desk: exploring interpreter need identification

Reducing distress and supporting positive mental health withmindfulness

Big data analytics: balancing individuals’ privacy rights andbusiness interests

Discrimination against Dalits in contemporary India:affirmative action, religious conversions and women’s activism as responses to caste-based social injustice

Positive sexual health: an ethnographic exploration of social and cultural factors affecting sexual lifestyles and relationships of Nepalese young people in the UK

Representations of women's football in the news

Centre story: virtuosi Mike Lovatt, Andy Greenwood, Tom Walsh

Centre story: virtuosi James Gourlay, John Wallace, John Miller

[Review of] Peter Dickens and James S. Ormrod, eds. the Palgrave handbook of society, culture and outer space. Houndmills, Basingstoke and London, 2016. 480 pp. Cloth, £135, ISBN 978-1-137-36351-0.

After Hastings: William the Conqueror's invasion campaign, 15 October-25 December 1066

‘Enfer des femmes’: Britain and the Ravensbrück-Hamburg Trials

How has corporal punishment in Nepalese schools impacted upon learners' lives?

Epistemic insight and the power and limitations of science in multidisciplinary arenas

Epistemic insight and classrooms with permeable walls

The Phoenix with an Eagle’s wings: an analysis of the Phoenix/Phung Hoang Programme, 1967-1975

Exploring the processes of change facilitated by musical activities on mental wellness

How has German expressionism laid the foundations for future films and is it still relevant in modern filmmaking and what influences has it had throughout film from its origins to modern time?

The Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Kosovo

A case study of consumerism in healthcare: users and staff in two minor injury units

The acute and chronic effects of isometric exercise on haemodynamic, autonomic and cardiac function in a pre-hypertensive population

Baronial women in thirteenth-century Lincolnshire

An examination of the internal party debate over the need for ‘modernisation’ within the Conservative Party 1997-2015

Physiological and biomechanical analysis of prolonged and repeated bouts of load carriage

A bridge too far: conceptual distance and creative ideation

The role of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on cardiac autonomic function in physically inactive males

Emerging European geographies: the Erasmus program and Its effect on the east-west divide in a time of economic crisis

Leadership with and for character

Leadership for achievement: rediscovering our purpose

Aspiration and resilience - challenging deficit theories/models of black students in universities - an auto/biographical narrative research study


Singing for adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Older women as occupational beings: exploring the meanings of occupations within the home environment for older women living alone

Remuneration, reward and royalty in music copyright: a developing country perspective

Proposal for an appeals tribunal in international investment arbitration

Concertos ‘upon the stage’ in Early Hanoverian London: the instrumental counterpart to opera seria

Mediating serious crime: an analysis of victim and prisoner mediation

Negotiating sexuality within a university’s women’s football team: a qualitative study

Historical, fictional and illustrative readings of the vivisected body 1873-1913

Politics is (almost) personal: writing in the war on terror

Conflict and violence in the early Northern-Irish troubles

Dream Lands

Tactical litigation in the post-Recast Brussels Regulation era

Replacing lis pendens with forum non conveniens: a viable solution to tactical litigation in the EU?

Is a multilateral treaty on business and human rights justified?

Rationalising the defences to enforcement under the New York Convention 1958

Targeted professional development for twice-exceptional learners: double targets

Regulating multinational corporations: What are the limitations in existing international initiatives?

Lessons in spiritual development: learning from leading Christian-ethos secondary schools

Hysteresis, social congestion and debt: towards a sociology of mental health disorders in undergraduates

“But what about real mental illnesses?” Alternatives to the disease model approach to ‘schizophrenia’

Authentic and inauthentic places in tourism: from heritage sites to theme parks

When learning becomes a fetish: the pledge, turn and prestige of magic tricks

Performing temporal processes

Experiences of service users involved in recruitment for nursing courses: a phenomenological research study

Interpreting texts more wisely: A Review of Research and the Case for Change

Pedagogies of academic writing in teacher education: from epistemology to practice and back again

A quantitative model for environmentally sustainable supply chain performance measurement

Holey goats: multiple cases of supratrochlear foramina in the humerus of caprines from the New Kingdom pharaonic town of Amara West, northern Sudan

When one childhood meets another – maternal childhood trauma and offspring child psychopathology: a systematic review.

Party novelty and congruence: a new approach to measuring party change and volatility

Measuring physiological responses to the arts in people with dementia

The development of an audio-visual language for digital music performance

Reinventing couples: tradition, agency and bricolage

Effects of a museum-based social-prescription intervention on quantitative measures of psychological wellbeing in older adults

Education and the police professionalisation agenda: a perspective from England and Wales

‘Set in stone?’

Epistemic insight: teaching and learning about the nature of science in real-world and multidisciplinary arenas

Teaching and learning about epistemic insight

Impact of radiographer immediate reporting of chest X-rays from general practice on the lung cancer pathway (radioX): study protocol for a randomised control trial

Falls self-efficacy and falls incidence in community-dwelling older people: the mediating role of coping

Using specially trained dogs in the Criminal Justice System

Star music: the ancient idea of cosmic musicas a philosophical paradox

The ‘native speaker’ frame: issues in theprofessional culture of a Japanese tertiary EFLprogram

Reimagining pheromone signalling in the model nematode Caenorhabditis elegans

Tracking the impact of depression in a perspective-taking task

First year nursing students use of social media within education: Results of a survey

ADHD, developmental trauma & Therapeutic Community discourses

Mosaics, ambiguity and quest: constructing stories of spirituality with people with expressive aphasia

Depersonalisation, burnout and resilience among mental health clinicians

The impact of working in eating disorder settings on staff

Parental involvement in adolescent mental health

Engaging in group therapy for distressing voice hearing

The secular practice of a spiritual technique:mindfulness-based interventions and spirituality

Wellbeing in working mothers

Exploring mentalization-based psychoeducation groups for people with borderline personality disorder

Away from home: how young Chinese consumers travel with global brands?

To bridge the gap? Voluntary action in primary schools

Federalism: a tool for conflict resolution?

The Lord Edward and the County of Chester: Lordship andcommunity, 1254-1272.

Online communities of Spanish Migrants in times of austerity

Assessment of theory of mind in stroke populations

An investigation into gender nonconformity and depression

Emotion regulation and the process of recovery from anorexia

The impact of immigration detention on the mental health of adults

People in crisis services

Historical phenomenology: understanding experiences of suicide and suicidality across time

Understanding the social support of older Lesbian and Gay people

Informant reported cognitive decline in older adults

Clinician experiences of treating eating disorders and the use of clinical supervision

Adolescent identity formation and social media

Self-compassion and well-being in parenthood

Investigating the perspectives of foster carers and their birth children

Learning from lives: an exploration of the impact of service users’ stories within pre-registration social work education

Venoms as potential new therapies targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor family

Representations of virtual reality in UK and US news (2014-2016)

Exploring mindfulness interventions for people with dementia and their family caregivers

Designing for dyslexic students in higher education

A “collective effort to make yourself feel better”: The group process in mindfulness-based interventions.

‘Trust me I am a Football Agent’. The discursive practices of the players’ agents in (un)professional football

Trump, Trudeau and NAFTA 2.0: tweak or transformation?

Forest schools and mental wellbeing

The role of schools in fostering pupil resilience

Understanding how self-harm functions for individuals

Exploring the relationship between suburban allotment gardening and wellbeing: An interpretative phenomenological analysis

An investigation of social appearance anxiety and the perception of being looked at by others

Psychological interventions and dyadic coping in couples living with dementia

Measuring the community participation of adults with intellectual disability: development and validation of the Guernsey Community Participation and Leisure Assessment - Revised

Understanding change within emotionally unstable personality disorder

An exploration of the relationship between personal and career identity in the stories of three women: a counter narrative for career development

The impact of healthcare on global warming and human health: connecting the dots

A qualitative analysis of migrant social workers’ work experiences and perceived prejudice from an empowering acculturative integration approach

Museum-based programs for socially isolated older adults: understanding what works

Using phenomenology to explore student nurses experiences of spiritual care

Sexual offenders' experiences of polygraph testing: a thematic study in three probation trusts

Local perspectives through distant eyes: an exploration of English language teaching in Kerala in Southern India

A Comparative study of dynamics in federal political systems in times of crisis

An annotated bibliography and webography of sources related to practice research

Inter-agency adoption: subsidy of the inter-agency fee

Using personal construct methodology to explore relationships with adolescents with autism spectrum disorder

Disorders of sex development: mothers’ experiences of support

Exploring the role of museums for socially isolated older people

‘I already have a culture.’ Negotiating competing grand and personal narratives in interview conversations with new study abroad arrivals

Epsilon iron oxide: origin of the high coercivity stable low Curie temperature magnetic phase found in heated archeological materials

Promise and perils of Sri Lankan performers’ rights: the royalty collection in music

Expanding the role of radiographers in reporting suspected lung cancer: a cost-effectiveness analysis using a decision tree model

Sex education for people with autistic spectrum disorder and learning disabilities

Art therapy for people experiencing psychosis

Those who marched with Faunt: reconstructing the Canterbury rebels of 1471

Ultra-high resolution X-ray structures of two forms of human recombinant insulin at 100 K

Mainstream marginality: professional projects and the appeal of complementary and alternative medicines in a context of medical pluralism.

Evaluation of a collaborative photography workshop using the iPad 2 as an accessible technology for participants who are blind, visually impaired and sighted working collaboratively

Towards radical praxis through a new formation in practice development

Forensic analysis of popular UAV systems

Digital Forensics curriculum and training: struggles with a distinct discipline and ontology for learning

Mega-sporting events and children’s rights and interests – towards a better future

Practice development - what can it offer us as an approach to co- designing sustainable research, innovation and improvement?

An initial evaluation of an online compassion focused therapy intervention for self-esteem

Exploring spiritual care in nurse education: is phenomenology the right tool for the job?

'I missed the grunts, I missed the smell of sweat': Experiencing a female only gym

Is tolerance of faith helpful in English school policy? Reification, complexity and values education

Review of 'making spatial decisions using GIS and Lidar: aworkbook'

Review of War Map: Pictorial Conflict Maps 1900–1950. By Philip Curtis and Jakob Søndergård Pedersen

Non-clinical community interventions: a systematised review of social prescribing schemes

Sensations of Roman lives: smell profiles of Roman Silchester based on physical proximity

Further research on a predictive model of early medieval settlement location: exploring the use of field-names as proxy data

Predicting and understanding physical activity behaviour during pregnancy: a multiphase investigation

Why absence of evidence of risk is not the same as evidence for absence of risk

The science of the placebo versus placebo science

Why news about drug use by amateur athletes may not be all bad...

The EU as a coherent (cyber)security actor?

Educating children with life-limiting conditions. A practical handbook for teachers and school-based staff

Overcoming synecdoche: why practice development and quality improvement approaches should be better integrated

Design, development and validity testing of the Gang Affiliation Risk Measure (GARM)

Corporate enterprise principles and UK regulation of modern slavery in supply chains

Entoptic landscape and ijereja: music as an iterative process

New leaders in early years: making a difference for children in England

Where do I come from? Young children engaging with ‘big’ questions and the role of adults

Inclusive educational provision for newly-arrived unaccompanied asylum-seeking and refugee children: a study in a single school in Kent

What are the educational needs and experiences of asylum-seeking and refugee children, including those who are unaccompanied, with a particular focus on inclusion? - A literature review

Visibility and politics: an Arendtian reading of the US drone policy

Work of the Spirit

An investigation of athletes’ and coaches’ perceptions of mental ill-health in elite athletes

Noise, agency, and the sound of obsolete technology

Predictors, moderators and mediators of carer distress and maintaining factors in eating disorders

The making of our literate masks: an arts-informed study of children's identity negotiation through interactions with picturebooks

CT Sinus and facial bones reporting by radiographers: findings of an accredited postgraduate programme

Collaboration in museums and health research

Exploring variation and trends in adherence to national occupational standards for reporting radiographers

End of the Kiaman Superchron in the Permian of SW England: Magnetostratigraphy of the Aylesbeare Mudstone and Exeter groups

Conceptualising and historicising the US foreign policy establishment in a racialised class structure

'A foundation-hatched black elite’: Obama, the US establishment and foreign policy

Book review: Protecting Vulnerable Groups

The importance of context and cognitive agency in developing police knowledge: going beyond the police science discourse

The National Competency Framework for Registered Nurses in Adult Critical Care: an overview

State-sponsored populism and the rise of populistgovernance: the case of Montenegro

The rise and fall of human rights in English education policy: Inescapable national interests and PREVENT

Hidden in full view: a subliminal reading of The Garden Party by Katherine Mansfield

Trainee teachers’ perceptions about parent partnerships: are parents partners?

Net trade credit: what are the determinants?

Mathematics, mastery and metacognition: how adding a creative approach can support children in maths

Review of 'Making Sense of Tourism 1: The Beckoning Horizon. Halifax: Westwood Start by Alan Machin

Museum object handling: a health promoting community-based activity for dementia care

Political integrity and dirty hands: compromise and the ambiguities of betrayal

Why marry? The role of tradition in women’s marital aspirations

Twitter journal club in medical radiation science

From niche to stigma - headshop to prison: exploring the rise and fall of synthetic cannaboid use amongst young adults

Observer performance in Computed Tomography head reporting

The significance of Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) in nursing education: extending current conceptualizations’

Further evidence that singing fosters mental health and wellbeing: The West Kent and Medway project

Governing sporting brains: concussion, neuroscience, and the biopolitical regulation of sport

Ways of working between third sector organizations and UK universities: are we getting it right?

Corruption studies for the twenty-first century: paradigm shifts and innovative approaches

Laying good foundations? The value of art in the primary school

Supporting activity engagement by family carers at home: maintenance of agency and personhood in dementia

Responses to the publication of the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM 5

Block and thread intercultural narratives and positioning: conversations with newly arrived postgraduate students

The Canterbury Catch Club print – a performance of class

Nursing as a moral profession: nurse educators' selected narratives of care and compassion

Intercultural communication: an advanced resource book for students

Experiences of physical activity during pregnancy resulting from in vitro fertilisation: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

Sound and space: music for organ and electronics

Recollections of managing the health of migrants in a blue-collar workplace

Compassion and education: cultivating compassionate children, schools and communities

A study in to the effectiveness of a postural care training programme aimed at improving knowledge, understanding, and confidence in parents and school staff

ijereja and entoptic landscape: music as an iterative process

Exploring the participation of children with Down Syndrome in Handwriting Without Tears®

Queerthinking religion: queering religious paradigms

The path of mindfulness: an NHS case example

Camera machine. Leo Marks, Michael Powell and Peeping Tom

Capturing (self-determined) learning gain using personality measures and core trait self-evaluation: a new “learner profile matrix”

Student perceptions of an enterprise education competition: a multi-methods perspective


Polyrhythmia of the smellwalk: mapping multi-scalar temporalities

Practices of smellscape mapping

Smellwalk: Edinburgh

A winter smellwalk in Kyiv

From ancient Greece to the present day: how the development of the modern mind distanced us from genuine dialogue

Maps and atlases for schools

Streetwork: investigating streets and buildings in the local area

The emotional experience of mentally disordered offenders (MDO): an exploratory study using smallest space analysis (SSA)

Exploring the benefits of intersectional feminist social justice approaches in art psychotherapy

Improving user access to Soviet military mapping: current issues in libraries and collections around the globe

Appropriateness of the metabolic equivalent (MET) as an estimate of exercise intensity for post-myocardial infarction patients

Innovations in corruption studies

Using perspective to resolve reference: the impact of cognitive load and motivation

Risk and teenage parenthood: an early sexual health intervention

Exploring precall using arousing images and utilising a memory recall practise task on-line

Evaluation of two observational methods to assess the numbers of nesting puffins (Fratercula arctica)

Observing mentalizing art therapy groups for people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder

Young children's ideas of different nations, peoples and cultures: a research perspective

The statement of Stella Maberly

The ‘imagined to the reimagined’ revival of learning in higher education

Unravelling causal and temporal influences underpinning monitoring systems success: a typological approach

How change agencies can affect our path towards a singularity

Superior shoulder suspensory complex fracture dislocation case report

Radiographer reporting of magnetic resonance imaging breast examinations: findings of an accredited postgraduate programme

Considering the complexities of teaching intercultural understanding in foreign languages

Introduction: Stasis in the Medieval West?: Questioning change and continuity

Beacons of belief: seasonal change and sacred trees in Britain from prehistory to the later Middle Ages

Stasis in the Medieval West?: questioning change and continuity

Jamaican bible remix

A higher effort-based paradigm in physical activity and exercise for public health: making the case for a greater emphasis on resistance training

Walking the talk? Teachers’ and early years’ practitioners’ perceptions and confidence in delivering the UK Physical Activity Guidelines within the curriculum for young children

Total immersion: maps, landscape and memory

Continuous cardiac autonomic and haemodynamic responses to isometric exercise in pre-hypertensive males

Acute cardiac functional and mechanical responses to isometric exercise in pre-hypertensive males

Body mass index mortality paradox in chronic kidney disease patients with suspected cardiac chest pain

Walkshop and soundshot – a dérive and participatory performance

Konversion und ihre Erforschung – historisch betrachtet

Patronage, representation and conversion: Victor von Carben (1423-1515) and his social networks

Plans for a new law on domestic violence - a vacuous effort?

Domestic incident or everyone's business?

Russia changes the law on domestic violence – why should it concern the UK?

Domestic violence policy and legislation in the UK: a discussion of immigrant women’s vulnerabilities

Metabolic equivalents fail to indicate metabolic load in post-myocardial infarction patients during the modified Bruce treadmill walking test

PhD in professional practice: psychological perspectives

Athletes intending to use sports supplements are more likely to respond to a placebo

Is there a role for implicit and explicit information about placebo and nocebo effects in reducing the use of drugs in sport?

Is the intention to use sport supplements a predictor of placebo and nocebo responding among athletes?

Meet the editors - The Cartographic Journal

Cartographic style and the aesthetic fix

How does directors' remuneration affect SMEs’ performance?

Research methods and employability in the sport and exercise sciences. Are we throwing out the baby with the bathwater?

Situated learning through the CLOCK Community Legal Companion Scheme project

Orcadian graffiti

The walking dead, or why psychogeography matters

Moving around children’s fiction: agentic and impossible mobilities

Radio broadcast regarding Bradford Dying Matters Week event

Citizenship, global citizenship and volunteer tourism: a critical analysis

Volunteer tourism, cosmopolitanism and global citizenship

Shoring up local development initiatives: elderly elite and conscientised empowerment in Cameroon

The association between maternal childhood trauma and offspring childhood psychopathology: a mediation analysis from the ALSPAC cohort

As I lay dying

A methodology to understand student choice of Higher Education Institutions: the case of the United Kingdom

Improving the student experience in higher education: an action research approach to implementing collaborative learning strategies

Theory of mind in emerging reading comprehension: a longitudinal study of early indirect and direct effects

The Routledge handbook of mapping and cartography

Review of Srećko Horvat, the radicality of love

Genetic variation in neurodegenerative diseases and its accessibility in the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans

Fundraising for primary schools in England – “Moving beyond the school gates”

Coney Island

The golden path: first steps in establishing order for two creative problem solving techniques

Enhancing creative problem solving and creative self-efficacy: a preliminary study

Olympic education in Britain

Limits to dominance: comparing the leadership capital of Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair

Understanding political leadership: the leadership capital approach

The leadership capital index: a new perspective on political leadership

Ukrainian version of "A Winter Smellwalk in Kyiv"

'The music of the spheres': books at the centre of a cultural universe

Crossing epistemic boundaries – the professional learning of academics in higher education

Project ability

Touchscreen interventions and the wellbeing of people with dementia and caregivers: a systematic review

What are the gender, class and ethnicity of citizenship? A study of upper secondary school students’ views on citizenship education in England and Sweden

Law, education and Prevent

Caution, this treatment is a placebo. It might work, but it might not”: why emerging mechanistic evidence for placebo effects does not legitimise complementary and alternative medicines in sport

How choice of presentation of digital feedback may influence learners’ engagement with it for academic development

Ethnicity, gender, social class and citizenship: comparative views from England and Sweden

Protecting the public: an investigation of midwives' perceptions of regulation and the regulator

Duplo dno (The False Bottom), a play for the theatre by Goran Stefanovski

Hi fi

“When I am out with her (befriender) I feel so good mentally and all my physical pains go unnoticed." Social prescribing in Bexley: pilot evaluation report

"Ascetic co-operation": Henry Scott Holland and Gerard Manley Hopkins

Neuromuscular responses to consecutive day military load carriage

Blood pressure responses to isometric exercise: safety considerations for exercise prescription

Ambulatory blood pressure responses to home-based isometric exercise training in pre-hypertensive males

Cardiac autonomic modulation and high intensity interval training in physically inactive men

Physical activity, families and households

Implications of teenagers' attitudes toward maned wolf conservation in Brazil

'Defiant objects': non-standard research outputs on CReaTE

Open Access...but not as we know it

Live, die, repeat: adaption of Hamlet for a production at the Yugoslav Drama Theatre in Belgrade

Hotel Europa, a play by Goran Stefanovski

Preterm infants have significantly longer telomeres than their term born counterparts

Canterbury Amateur Film Archive blog

Baseline mitral regurgitation predicts outcome in patients referred for dobutamine stress echocardiography

Experiences of engaging with mental health services in 16- to 18-year-olds: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

You can’t cyber in here, this is the War Room! A rejection of the effects doctrine on cyberwar and the use of force in international law

Canterbury Amateur Film Archive screening 12

Beyond “religion” and “spirituality”: extending a “meaning systems” approach to explore lived religion

The art of teaching and the power of rapport

Presidential activism and veto power in central and eastern Europe

Clinical psychology: the future of the profession

Mindfulness practice following mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

The living tarot - explorative movement workshop

“That‘s that effing degree!“ – organisational responses to officers engaging in higher education

The broken decade: prosperity, depression and recovery in New Zealand, 1928-39 by Malcolm McKinnon (Otago University Press, Dunedin)

National character


Increasing ethnic diversity moderates longitudinal effects of individual differences on friendship homophily

Youth marginality in Britain: contemporary studies of austerity

Peter Watkins and the Playcraft Film Unit screening

Edward Thomas and the English Downland

Helping criminal justice system users: utilising specially trained dogs

Understanding our changing relationship with space: an international political economy reading of space popularisation

Experiences of engaging with mental health services in 16-18 year olds: An interpretative phenomenological analysis

The outlaw Robin Hood

Application of problem based learning – Cybersecurity

‘Who am I?’ How female care-leavers construct and make sense of their identity

Safety culture, quality improvement realistic evaluation. SCQIRE project

The attitudes and perceptions of beginning teachers in relation to teaching controversial and sensitive issues in the history classroom

Reflections on the SCQIRE project: an evaluation in progress

Addressing the issue of safer staffing in community care settings: shining the spotlight on doing things differently

Embedding the CPD impact tool in faculty programmes: a snapshot pilot of its potential application

Facilitating in the moment of practice

British seaside fiction

The effectiveness of parenting programmes: a review of Campbell reviews

How to win the lottery: Can using precall help in radomized prize draws?

Des enseignants lecteurs : construire une communauté de lecteurs

Open source internet research tool (OSIRT): an investigative tool for law enforcement officials

Mindfulness and fear conditioning

Professionalising criminal investigation – an examination of early attempts to professionalise detectives in the United Kingdom

Evidence-based policing, professionalization and challenges to policing in Britain

Art, craft and science of policing

Conducting research into European policing'

Professionalising policing: seeking viable and sustainable approaches to police education and learning

Painting (Now) Steve And Leon 100 x 40 cm, oil on linen

‘Reading, ephemera and the seaside library’

'From “Boy” to “Britain”: popular fiction and the Folkestone Free Library 1881-1902'

Femininity and deviance in Mary Cholmondeley’s The Lowest Rung

Legal and ethical issues surrounding open source research for law enforcement purposes

The employability journal

Rethinking cold war cartography: destabilising the ontology of Soviet military city plans

Action without action planning: the potential of the Career Thinking Session in enabling transformational career learning and development

Exploring the effect of a contingent cash based reward on the precall of arousing images

Talking to Louise Bourgeois

A research-based mantra for compassionate caring

Attempting to elicit a precall effect using emotive images and participants with high levels of belief in psi

Shepsters, Hucksters and other Businesswomen: female involvement in Canterbury's fifteenth-century economy

Convenience, quality and choice: patient and service-provider perspectives for treating primary care complaints in urgent care settings

Responsibilisation in the Youth Justice Service: repositioning marginalised knowledge

The effects of acute carbohydrate and caffeine feeding strategies on cycling efficiency

Civic republican social justice and the case of state grammar schools in England

Becoming a clinical radiographer: role, role development and specialisation

Private politics in the garden of England: an atypical case of anti-wind farm contention

Taking another’s visual perspective: examining the role of biased thoughts, salient objects and distracting environments

Foreign policies of EU member states: continuity and europeanisation

White highlands

‘Something in the way she moves’: The functional significance of flexibility in the multiple roles of protein disulfide isomerase (PDI)

"I have 100 reads therefore I am": 'academic' social media

Bystander responses to bias-based bullying in schools: a developmental intergroup approach

Supporting analytical tables for: patterns, processes and performance in Chris Newman’s the reason why I am unable to live in my own country as a Composer is a political one (1983-4)

Expansionary contractions and fiscal free lunches: too good to be true?

Double differentiation: develop the ability; manage the disability

Testing to see whether participants with high levels of belief in psi can precall highly emotive images

Long-term outcomes of cognitive-behavior therapy for adolescent body dysmorphic disorder

Abstracts of the International Symposium on Performance Science 2017

Indecent images and defamatory meaning in late modern societies: taking ordinary, reasonable readers outside their ivory tower

Review of Colleen M. Conway, "Sex and slaughter in the tent of Jael: a cultural history of a biblical story," New York: Oxford UP, 2017

The right tool for the right task: structured techniques prove less effective on an ill-defined problem finding task

Incorporating mindfulness: questioning capitalism


Resilience and soft power: an analysis of UK Government and International Guidelines and resources to address radicalisation and extremism in education

Maternal childhood trauma predicts child maladjustment: exploring risk trajectories.

Mastering primary physical education

Evaluating the effectiveness of a training intervention in neonatal resuscitation in a developing country setting: establishing grounds for further rollout

Further explorations of enhancing creative problem solving via structured thinking techniques

“Corpses … coast to coast!” Trauma, gender, and race in 1950s horror comics

Exploring the role of ‘RE’ in early childhood education and care as a response to the PREVENT agenda in England

Parent support for very young children’s interaction with digital technology

Challenging the penal present: developing and representing a critical history of the prison

A critical history of the prison: using the past to challenge the present

"There is a crack in everything; it's where the light gets in": some reflections on producing ethical prison heritage

On the quest for multi-methods in IS evaluation: a qualitative comparative analysis

Imperfect perfection and wheelchair bodybuilding: challenging ableism or reproducing normalcy?

The Police that never was: Peel, Melbourne and the Cheshire Constabulary, 1829-1856

How does homelessness affect parenting behaviour? A systematic critical review and thematic synthesis of qualitative research

A new canteen culture: the potential to use social media as evidence in policing

Restorative and multidisciplinary approaches in supporting decision-making in mental health governance: A quaulitative exploration of the experience of restorative approaches in a forensic mental health setting

Health needs and co-morbidity among detainees in contact with healthcare professionals within police custody across the London Metropolitan Police Service area

Twitter journal clubs and continuing professional development: An analysis of a #MedRadJClub tweet chat

Reimagining place: creative walking, writing and reading

Kent and Medway: Making a Success of Brexit: A Sectoral Appraisal of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and the Rural Economy

The EU's global image

Maple leaf Zeitgeist? Assessing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s policy changes

Don't stop the song and dance: an evaluation of Write Dance practices in schools and early years settings

Drift Deck interactive workshop

Walkshop and soundshot - Wealden Literary Festival

Mishtory Tour

Transforming the journalism curriculum

Flipping media law

The benefits of therapy dogs on student well-being within a UK university

Smell mapping Astor Place

An investigation on forensic opportunities to recover evidential data from mobile phones and personal computers

BCI controlled robotic arm as assistance to the rehabilitation of neurologically disabled patients

Cooperation in policing in Europe - current trends and future challenges

Olive growing in Palestine: a decolonial ethnographic study of collective daily-forms- of-resistance

Inferring national trends in discourse research using Q methodology

Improvisation in foreign language teaching: bringing Stanislavski and Johnstone into the classroom

Meaning and musicality: sound-image relations in the films of John Smith

Between the tides: The coastal communities of Walpole Bay

In search of functionality and acceptance: the distribution of competences in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Start Here - the art of the audio cassette

Anti-austerity protests, Brexit and Britishness in the news

Introduction: communities, discourse and contexts

News coverage of a women’s hunger strike against “chauvinist violence”

Representing communities: discourse and contexts

Hair coat properties of donkeys, mules and horses in a temperate climate

Intergovernmental relations: meaning and relevance for conflict management

Barriers preventing early testing and diagnosis of HIV: results of a five-year retrospective review of clinical data for those diagnosed HIV positive in two European regions

Enhancing firm performance through internal market orientation and employee organizational commitment

Prototype tasks: Improving crowdsourcing results through rapid, iterative task design

Developing standards for an integrated approach to workplace facilitation for interprofessional teams in health and social care contexts: a Delphi study

Reading economic magazines: hidden codes and financial crisis representation in Korea

Mapping Cartography: towards some insights

Trust me, I’m a Cartographer: post-truth and the problem of Acritical Cartography

The red atlas: how the Soviet Union secretly mapped the world

Finance as a driver of the global dreams factory: spread of the Hallyu (or Korean Wave) and its consequences for the Korean economy


Parent/carer views on personal health budgets for disabled children who use rehabilitation therapy services

Supporting pupils with EAL in the primary classroom

Landscape tourism and sustainability in South Iceland

Assessing infant carriage systems: ground reaction force implications for gait of the caregiver

Studying placebo effects in model organisms will help us understand them in humans

Primary care strategic workforce planning programme

‘It’s a part of me’: an ethnographic exploration of becoming a disabled sporting cyborg following spinal cord injury

Nursing and the barriers to sustainable healthcare: an international review of the literature

Immediate reporting of chest X-rays referred from general practice by reporting radiographers: a single centre feasibility study

The use of space and the religious life at Le Bec

Parents who wait: acknowledging the support needs and vulnerabilities of approved adopters during their wait to become adoptive parents

Green and red fluorescent dyes for translational applications in imaging and sensing analytes: a dual-color flag

Mobile mapping

Global positioning systems

"Mary Ward's 'Lady Connie' (1916) and the Decay of Only Connecting"

Facilitated post-model coding in discrete event simulation (DES): a case study in healthcare

Portuguese culture and legal consciousness: a discussion of immigrant women’s perceptions of and reactions to domestic violence

How Chinese SMEs innovate with a ‘diegetic innovation templating’? - the stimulating role of Sci-fi and fantasy

The use of problem based learning – facilitating linking of theory to practice in a module setting

Puppetry for 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow'

The battle of Sandwich 1217

New archaeomagnetic directions from Portugal and evolution of the geomagnetic field in Iberia from Late Bronze Age to Roman Times

Children's health and wellbeing

'Delectare, docere, movere: soul-learning, reflexivity and the third classroom'

A review of the evidence for the use of haemodiafiltration

“Always the desert …”: a content analysis of the key role of the desert in the narrative seriality and visual storytelling of Breaking Bad (AMC, 2008-2013). Speakers: Dr Jane Lovell (CCCU) and Dr Ken Fox (CCCU)

Magical realism and the Haida people

Magical realism and the Haida people

New teaching resource for promoting physical activity in pregnancy

A mixed methods approach to advance the understanding of physical activity behaviour during pregnancy

Museum pieces? sixteenth-century sacred polyphony and the modern English tradition of A Cappella performance

Exploring the nature of counterfactual thinking and their perceived consequences in an elite sporting context: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

Tackling the legitimacy crisis in international investment law through progressive treaty-making practices

Understanding psychosis and schizophrenia: why people sometimes hear voices, believe things that others find strange, or appear out of touch with reality …and what can help

Protection of foreign investment in the post-1945 era and the impact of subsequent reforms

The practicalities of delocalisation in international commercial arbitration

Young men’s experiences of accessing and receiving help from child and adolescent mental health services following self-harm

Sporting equality and gender neutrality in korfball


Maps and identity

Cartographic aesthetics

Experiencing Washington, DC through the maps of the ‘other’

Mapping dark places

The red atlas: How the Soviet Union secretly mapped the world

The red atlas: how the Soviet Union secretly mapped the world

The red atlas: how the Soviet Union secretly mapped the world

“It doesn’t mean I’m useless” How do young people experiencing psychosis contribute to their families and why are their contributions sometimes overlooked?

The President's address

D.H. Lawrence, transport and cultural transition: 'A great sense of journeying.'

‘I can see it and I can feel it, but I can’t put my finger on it’: A Foucauldian discourse analysis of experiences of relating on psychiatric inpatient units

Maps and imagination

Cartography and the news

The map as spectacle


Reflections on a crisis: political disenchantment, moral desolation, and political integrity

From classroom presence to classroom as Ccommunity

Exploring women’s embodied experiences of 'the gaze’ in a mix-gendered UK gym

Why are today's students so fragile?

Is it time to resist calls for more mental health interventions in education

Universities and the construction of a new generation gap

Constructing the 'perfect pregnancy' today

After Grenfell: more health and safety?

The promotion of 'generational equity' is a divisive pursuit

The manipulative flattery of the youth vote is demeaning to young people and bad for politics

Pregnant women don’t need a blanket ban on drinking. They need the facts

From Brexit to the pensions crisis, how did the Baby Boomers get the blame for everything?

Policing pregnancy: the new attack on women's autonomy

What should schools teach?

Examining gifted identification: spotlight on twice-exceptional students

Formation and Christian education in England

The threat to better learning in Christian Education

Evaluation report of the impact of the second year of the Community Art Studio Group initiative to enhance the mental health and wellbeing of residents in Canterbury

A pedagogic study to measure the effectiveness of an impact indicators framework for CPD learning on practitioner development in the workplace

Towards ‘sensible’ drug information: critically exploring drug intersectionalities, ‘Just Say No,’ normalisation and harm reduction

Jeremy Corbyn and the limits of authentic rhetoric

‘Helping’ or ‘appropriating’? Gender relations in shea nut production in northern Ghana

“Sociologist as hero”? Robert Park, the Chicago School, and the origin and destination of sociology

Putting learning into practice: self-reflections from cops

Evaluation of the sleep project for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in Kent


Facilitating visual surveillance with motion detections

AL-DDCNN : a distributed crossing semantic gap learning for person re-identification

Situated learning through the CLOCK legal companion scheme

Gaussian-Gamma collaborative filtering: a hierarchical Bayesian model for recommender systems

Reconsidering procedural consolidation for multinational corporate groups in the context of the recast European insolvency regulation

Immateriality and materiality in lntellectual property: an indisputable dichotomy or essentially entwined?

Viewing domestic property disputes from a vulnerability perspective

The itinerant, Margate Festival 2017

Teaching primary geography

UK takeover law and the board neutrality rule

Review 'the Palgrave international handbook of alternative education. edited by Helen E. Lees and Nel Noddings. Macmillan Publishers Ltd: London 2016'

Shaking off the cloak of ‘certainty’ and embracing ethical dilemmas in baby rooms research

Exploring the impact on the health and well-being of young adults’ participation in ‘the club’

Communication in dementia

End-of-life care and advance care planning in Dementia

On the need for diversity of methods in research on arts and health

Arts, health and wellbeing: perspectives from the UK

Editorial: how long does it take to train a teacher in art and design?

The Liaison Committee: taking evidence from the Prime Minister

Interpretation, judgement, and dialogue: a hermeneutical recollection of causal analysis in critical terrorism studies

Connecting big and intimate worlds: using an auto/biographical imagination in career guidance

Locating leadership of art in UK primary schools

‘Lenin, anarchism and the October Revolution’

EU member states and the European neighbourhood policy

Supporting parents and carers of children with physical disabilities

Greater choice and control? parent carers views on personal health budgets for children who use rehabilitation therapy services

POSTED postural care in education - evaluation report

Religion in times of war and Republic, 1642-1660

Dream worlds – dark ecologies of anime [invited roundtable participant]

A history of storyboarding animation: unpacking the archive [keynote speaker]

Do you speak Clanger? – an introductory history of the Smallfilms studio

Animation and genre: the Clangers reboot – a case study

Storyboarding bei Disney: entwicklungen, ambitionen, ordnungsmuster

Stanislavsky in Nigeria: convergences and counterpoints in actor training and practice

Students as producers and active partners in enhancing equality and diversity: ‘culturosity’ at Canterbury Christ Church University

Mother’s songs in daycare for babies

Mutation independently affects reproductive traits and dauer larvae development in mutation accumulation lines of Caenorhabditis elegans

5 school newsletter mistakes you're probably making

Behind the mask: the experience of assessment, diagnosis and living with autism for girls and young women.

Redesigning and enhancing practice learning opportunities as a response to policy change

Increasing capacity: making practice education meaningful and relevant for the wider health and social care economy

'How deserted lies the city, once so full of people': the reclamation of intramural space in Anglo-Saxon lIterature

Effectiveness of digital forensics education & training

RAISE (Researching, Advancing and Inspiring Student Engagement) conference 2017 - workshop presentation action planning for school/department student engagement

European topographic mapping

From blandscape to Bruegel: cartography and the art of the real

Running a research consultation group with parents and carers of children with complex health needs who use children’s rehabilitation therapy services: practical considerations and insights

Safety culture, quality improvement, realist evaluation (SCQIRE): evaluating the impact of the patient safety collaborative initiative

Patient safety, culture, leadership and improvement capability in frontline practice

I would have been/ could be amazing: a social justice oriented visual art rejoinder to whole earth?

‘As public intellectuals, it is possible to be both polite and radical’ one on one with Anne Cooke

Training that domesticates or education that liberates? Tensions and dilemmas related to teaching critical psychology in the context of UK clinical psychology training. Training that domesticates or education that liberates? Tensions and dilemmas related to teaching critical psychology in the context of UK clinical psychology training

The value of community participation from the perspective of law school undergraduates involved as community legal companions

Dramaturgies of change: Greek theatre now

Entrenched compartmentalisation and students’ abilities and levels of interest in science

Don't walk that way: why heritage sites need psychogeography

Jamaican bible remixed

Pay back

Talk: Miniclick does summer holidays with Rob Ball and William Lakin, 11th july

The work of the Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts & Health

Edna: energise dance nourish art

Singing for better breathing: findings from the Lambeth & Southwark singing and COPD project.

Radio art for the environment, radio art outside: dissolving the technological footprint of mixed media sound installations.

The construction of memory in radio art works

Pirate radio workshop (Mini FM)

Radiolaria Aeoliae Dreaming (2017)

Playback room sessions

Research examples from the Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health

Investigation of the role of morphology on the magnetic properties of Ca2Mn3O8 materials

Canterbury Hoodeners Christmas tour 2017

Cogging-ative estrangement

Petrodel and the purchase price resulting trust: another interpretation?

Arcade tales - a social history of the British arcade

Arcade tales 4 - arcades, histories, photographs

Soundness analytics of composed logical workflow nets

What is the impact of wellbeing on the physical activities of occupational therapy for a child with dyspraxia?

Ethics in qualitative language education research

Can break times (recess) help children's physical activity levels?

What is being healthy within UK primary school setting?

Using basic biomechanics to support observation, assessment and progression of learning

Beyond Jonny's story

The opportunities and challenges for teachers to consider how physically active boys and girls are during recess in elementary school

'Becoming' a disabled athlete

Arcade tales 3: the Reculver posse and the Pinball Kid

Blackstone's handbook for policing students 2018

Police and higher education: prospects and challenges II workshop

Sink or swim: a cast study of detective training

Group playing by ear in higher education: the processes that support imitation, invention and group improvisation

Effects of placebos without deception compared with no treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Opening the memory boxes: magical realism and the Haida people

Understanding risks: practitioner’s perceptions of the lottery of mental health care available for detainees in custody

UK bloggers survey 2017

A structural VAR analysis on the linkages of China’s stock market with global financial markets

Conceptualising what we mean by ‘wellbeing’ in the dementias

Hearing voices network groups: experiences of eight voice hearers and the connection to group processes and recovery

'Clutching the wheel of St Catherine;' or a visit to a re-enchanted college

Intervention initiative programme - pilot evaluation

"Not drowning but waving: the preservation of Annie Bonus' 'River-Reeds' (1866)"

Area-level socioeconomic disadvantage and suicidal behaviour in Europe: a systematic review

Making the case for qualitative comparative analysis in geographical research: a case study of health resilience

Health Inequalities

The impact of place on suicidal behaviour

Public involvement in alcohol research

Inside and out: a critical analysis of social capital

eHealth literacy scale: online version validation in Italian

From archae to archives

Report on historical significance of Lydden Spout Battery

Chatham Dockyard at the heart of industry and sea power

Whitstable maritime trail

Peter Watkins and the Playcraft Film Unit

Proposal to disregard athletics world records prior to 2005: a radical and misjudged initiative

Review of Martin Sugarman, 'Jews in the Merchant Navy in the second world war - lost voices.'

Dialoguing with nature through the thought of the heart

The mystery of Anna Charlier's piano music

Childhood through the ages

The malevolent side of revenge porn proclivity: dark personality traits and sexist ideology

Lived experience practitioner (LXP) project

Developing health enhancing physical activity modules for higher and vocational education

The experience of forensic males in dialectical behaviour therapy (forensic version): a qualitative exploratory study

Health-enhancing physical activity approach in developing study modules in " sport, physical education and coaching for health " (speach) project

Review of Dasli. M. and A.R. Diaz (Eds.) 'The Critical Turn in Language and Intercultural Communication Pedagogy: Theory, Research and Practice'.

Research watch: is social inclusion for service users increased when mental health professionals “come out” as service users?

Mental health of people in the military depends on social inclusion: why not for all of us?

Social exclusion prevents us understanding the role of sleep in psychosis and “schizophrenia”

Group art therapy: supporting social inclusion through an ancient practice?

Crater to mound

Looking though psychogeography-tinted glasses: walking, reading and writing place

O what we ben! discovering post-apocalyptic landscapes in Andreas and Riddley Walker

Walking with Riddley

Re-enchanting the academy: popular education and the search for soul in the modern academy

Buddhism: a contemporary philosophical investigation

Black water rising

Macro-porous micro-carriers as a vehicle for chondroprogenitor expansion and scaffold formation for the rapid biofabrication of osteochondral implants

The bio in the ink: cartilage regeneration with bioprintable hydrogels and articular cartilage-derived progenitor cells

Border Country

Bio-processing of agricultural residues to bio-fuels using Neurospora discreta

Improved ammonium removal from industrial wastewater through systematic adaptation of wild type Chlorella pyrenoidosa

Integrating research and knowledge exchange in the Science Undergraduate Curriculum: embedding employability through research-involved teaching

"This and the rest Maisters we all may mende": reconstructing the practices and anxieties of a manuscript miscellany's reader-compiler

Sustainable tourism and cultural landscape management: the case of Idanre Hill, Ondo State, Nigeria

Is there a free lunch? moral, nutritional and legal aspects of school dinners