The rise and fall of human rights in English education policy: Inescapable national interests and PREVENT

Journal article

Bowie, R. A. 2017. The rise and fall of human rights in English education policy: Inescapable national interests and PREVENT. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice. 12 (2), pp. 111-122.
AuthorsBowie, R. A.

The article interprets changes in human rights education in English school policy on values which have increasingly been framed by PREVENT and a move from international to national expressions of values. It reveals the extent of the impact and nature of this change on human rights education in school policy for the first time. It reports changes from minimal to maximal expectations compounded by an increased focus of school performance. It broadly illustrates the extent to which values are politically framed and significantly how recently ‘sudden’ political changes in the United Kingdom can be seen as part of a change trend which is almost 10 years old. It draws on Schwartz’s theoretical structure of values, Baxi’s conceptualisation of rights and Lohrenscheit’s notion of learning about and learning for human rights as these, respectively, reveal conceptual clarity in values, human rights and pedagogy.

JournalEducation, Citizenship and Social Justice
Journal citation12 (2), pp. 111-122
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Publication dates
Online01 Feb 2017
Print01 Jul 2017
Publication process dates
Deposited15 Mar 2017
Accepted27 Feb 2017
Accepted author manuscript
Output statusPublished

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Bowie, R. A. 2014. What can education learn from recent thinking around the concept of dignity in the intersection between identity and protected groups?
A preliminary report exploring the need for and development of a coherent Personal and Social Education curriculum
Maynard, T., Moss, J., Bowie, R. A., Christie, S., Bainbridge, A., Barnes, J., Blamires, M., Hassett, A., Powell, S., Robinson, S. and Canterbury Christ Church University 2013. A preliminary report exploring the need for and development of a coherent Personal and Social Education curriculum.
Post secular trends: issues of faith and education
Bowie, R. A., Peterson, A. and Revell, L. 2012. Post secular trends: issues of faith and education. Journal of Beliefs & Values: Studies in Religion & Education. 33 (2), pp. 139-141.
Human rights education and the post secular turn
Bowie, R. A. 2012. Human rights education and the post secular turn. Journal of Beliefs & Values: Studies in Religion & Education. 33 (2), pp. 195-205.
The primacy of dignity and human rights education
Bowie, R. A. 2011. The primacy of dignity and human rights education. PhD Thesis University of Kent / Canterbury Christ Church University Faculty of Education
Human rights and religion in the English secondary RE curriculum
Bowie, R. A. 2011. Human rights and religion in the English secondary RE curriculum. Journal of Beliefs & Values: Studies in Religion & Education. 32 (3), pp. 269-280.
How green is your god?
Bowie, R. A. 2009. How green is your god?
PGCE secondary provision and the new curriculum
Bowie, R. A. 2009. PGCE secondary provision and the new curriculum.
AQA Religious Studies A2: ethics: student's book
Bowie, R. A. 2009. AQA Religious Studies A2: ethics: student's book. Cheltenham, UK Nelson Thornes.
AQA GCSE Religious Studies A: Roman Catholicism: Ethics
Bowie, R. A. 2009. AQA GCSE Religious Studies A: Roman Catholicism: Ethics. Cheltenham, UK Nelson Thornes.
AQA GCSE Religious Studies A: Christianity: Ethics
Bowie, R. A. 2009. AQA GCSE Religious Studies A: Christianity: Ethics. Cheltenham, UK Nelson Thornes.
AQA religious studies AS ethics: student's book
Bowie, R. A. 2008. AQA religious studies AS ethics: student's book. Cheltenham Nelson Thornes.
Environmental ethics
Bowie, R. A. 2008. Environmental ethics.
Thinking about ethics in RE learning
Bowie, R. A. 2007. Thinking about ethics in RE learning.
Dignity, religion, education
Bowie, R. A. 2007. Dignity, religion, education.
Getting published
Bowie, R. A. 2005. Getting published. RE-Net, Canterbury Christ Church University.
Contemporary life stances and education for sustainable development
Bowie, R. A. 2005. Contemporary life stances and education for sustainable development. Canterbury RE-Net, Canterbury Christ Church University.
Philosophy of religion and religious ethics AS/AA2 for OCR study guide
Bowie, R. A. 2004. Philosophy of religion and religious ethics AS/AA2 for OCR study guide. Cheltenham Nelson Thornes.
Ethical studies
Bowie, R. A. 2004. Ethical studies. Cheltenham Nelson Thornes.
Texts and teachers: the practice guide
Bowie, R. A. and Clemmey, K. 2000. Texts and teachers: the practice guide. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University.
Texts and teachers: the findings report
Bowie, R. A. 2000. Texts and teachers: the findings report. Canterbury Canterbury Christ Church University.