Learning developers as scholars: Raising our voice

Research and scholarship in learning development

Female refugees entrepreneurial mindset in a liminal space

Pedagogies of English as a second foreign language in Algerian middle schools: a sociocultural perspective

The neural mechanisms of an induced shift in in time perception through coaching in a young male workforce population

Investigating the impact of facility and other specialist dogs on victims, witnesses and professionals in the criminal justice system: a paws-ible Intervention?

A problem of perspective? A critical analysis of the police and public perception of human trafficking in England and Wales

Self-awareness and metacognition in a young adult student population: an autistic trait approach

Advanced cardiac imaging and haemodynamic assessment following isometric exercise training in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

Exploring my lived experiences as a Nigerian black woman in the Education Doctorate (EdD) Programme in the UK

TRPG wiki writing: Creating a paratext

Preparing health data for SPSS (Clinical Psychology)

Selling water to the sated: exploring the role of Roman archaeology in transforming public perceptions of Canterbury's water supply

Evaluating the effect of a non-linguistic cognitive intervention on functional communication in global aphasia: A case series study.

Assessment of pesticide usage, phytosanitary practices and risks associated with pesticide use by farmers in Cameroon: A comprehensive literature review

Investigating volunteer dynamics to enable improved social inclusivity in a community food distribution service in South-West London, United Kingdom

It’s a jungle out there: Reflective autoethnography of a new Public Health lecturer

Time to join the queue: Community food project visitors in affluent communities

Where are they now? In their own words: the impact of taught PGCerts accredited by Advance HE on staff learning & teaching practice and progression

Construction of a prognostic survival model with tumor immune-related genes for breast cancer.

Evaluating the impact of machine learning platforms on cancer classification model performance: A cross-platform comparative study

Promoting reconnection: guiding coexistence in conservation translocations

Returning and restoring biodiversity: guidance on human dimensions

Rewilding: What about the people?

The resilience of ethical assets against different uncertainty shocks

Two-stage trading mechanism in enabling the design and optimization of flexible resources interaction in smart grid

Corporate fraud detection based on improved BP neural network

Normalizing flow based uncertainty estimation for deep regression analysis

Investigating the security issues of IoT devices using machine learning techniques

Legal analysis of the impact of Ghana s International Investment Agreements on the state's regulatory autonomy

An inspiration for all time: Pioneer Verena Holmes' impact on future engineering practice

Artificial intelligence in in-vitro fertilization (IVF): A new era of precision and personalization in fertility treatments

The road to sustainable peace: Galtung’s concept of positive peace as a framework to examine post-war reconstruction initiatives in Syria

Achieving earlier diagnosis of symptomatic lung cancer

How does organisational culture facilitate uptake of home dialysis? An ethnographic study of kidney centres in England.

From the ‘what, so what, now what’ to the ‘what works, for who and why?’

Integrating AI into engineering education: Leveraging CDIO for enhanced assessment

Psychological outcomes in ethnically minoritised adolescents and young adults with cancer: A systematic review

Clinical and cost-effectiveness of first contact physiotherapy for musculoskeletal disorders in primary care: the FRONTIER, mixed method realist evaluation

Prenatal diagnosis of vasa praevia in routine clinical practice: Prevention of stillbirths and impact on perinatal outcomes.

Portable ultra-low-field MRI: scanning new horizons in dementia detection.

Advances and challenges in prenatal detection and genetic diagnosis of upper limb anomalies: Analysis of a south London and Kent Cohort

Physical Education is for Life (PEL) 2: Reframing the school physical education (PE) curriculum as the connective catalyst

Cognition, relevance and ideology formation through travel documentaries: A longitudinal approach to audiences

Extracting optimal number of features for machine learning models in multilayer IoT attacks

Parkinson’s tremor suppression: A spring-based passive attenuator system

Unbottled : A Black woman's truth

Constructing a survey to assess the menopause and its implications for the higher education workforce

AI-guided cancer therapy for patients with coexisting migraines

To use or not to use: ERIC database for medical education research

Investigating benefits of creative dance of cognitive, social and creative development with children aged 6-7 years

An ethnographic study on the influence of popular music on young Algerians’ cultural identity: fashion, style and everyday life

Provision and accessibility to primary care services for immigrants experiencing homelessness in England: a sequential exploratory mixed method study

Being heard: a post-structural feminist narrative inquiry into how women in education have used Twitter to find their leadership voice

Before the revolution: identity leadership, mobilisation, and state repression during and before the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia

An investigation into workplace support for bereaved employees

An historical cartographic analysis of oil company road maps

Experience of loneliness in brain injury survivors and welfare system navigation for individuals with neurological difficulties

Assessing the efficacy and safety of STOP (successful treatment for paranoia)-an app-based cognitive bias modification therapy for paranoia: a randomised clinical trial protocol.

Artificial intelligence (AI) for paediatric fracture detection: a multireader multicase (MRMC) study protocol.

Focusing on the golden skills of effective communication and collaboration to further enhance graduate employability attributes

Evaluating the impact of artificial intelligence-assisted image analysis on the diagnostic accuracy of front-line clinicians in detecting fractures on plain X-rays (FRACT-AI): protocol for a prospective observational study.


Exploring experiences of drug use and chemsex among men who have sex with men

Take fe your rubbish

The River Is Lit Podcast - Episode 3 (8/8/24) with subtitles (*discussion of adult themes)

Honouring the women of STEM in Medway

Study on agricultural waste utilization in sustainable particleboard production

Exploring bioinformatics-driven approaches for enhanced diagnosis of chlamydia trachomatis infections: Analysis of target proteins

Signaling (in)tolerance: Social evaluation and metaethical relativism and objectivism

An orthogonal approach for analysis of underivatized steroid hormones using ultrahigh performance supercritical fluid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UHPSFC-MS).

Transforming organ donation and transplantation: Strategies for increasing donor participation and system efficiency.

Transgender childhoods: the experiences of transgender and/or gender diverse young people and their families

Rehabilitation from an acquired brain injury in changing contexts

Home from home: An auto/biographical narrative research pilgrimage

Group therapy for overweight individuals

Machine learning in ASL fingerspelling recognition: A literature review

Analysis of soil samples for forensic investigations

Women trail runners’ encounters with vulnerability to male harassment in rural off-road spaces

Unboxing maturity models: A set-theoretic perspective on e-government configurations over time

Policy action points and approaches to promote fertility care in The Gambia: Findings from a mixed-methods study

Barriers and facilitators for the inclusion of fertility care in reproductive health policies in Africa: A qualitative evidence synthesis

Towards a “Social Justice Ecosystem Framework” for Enhancing Livelihoods and Sustainability in Pastoralist Communities

Reframing assisted dying through the civil law: possibilities and challenges for the UK

Enhancing cyberbullying detection with RoBERTa: A transformer-based approach

Systematic screening for active tuberculosis amongst refugees and asylum seekers in Western Europe: Is universal chest radiography justified? A literature review.

Reconfiguring the Moscow Patriarchate’s power relations: the impact of Russia’s war in Ukraine

Small heterodimer partner-interacting leucine zipper protein suppresses pain and cartilage destruction in an osteoarthritis model by modulating the AMPK/STAT3 signaling pathway.

Effect of facial fillers on post-rhinoplasty oedema- a hypothesis based on literature review.

Effect of component geometry on the dynamic thermal field generated in the laser forming of AA6061-T6 sheet

Disrupting the third space through playfulness, mattering, and unbounded perspectives

Mitigating ibrutinib‐induced ventricular arrhythmia and cardiac dysfunction with metformin

‘Parenting the Internet’ app: a web guardian for protecting neurodiverse users online

Utilising transformers for American Sign Language fingerspelling recognition

Use of sport supplements and doping substances by athletes: Prevalence and relationships

Adaptive SOC Estimation for Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Cluster-Based Deep Learning Models Across Diverse Temperatures

AI in bioinspired engineering for sustainable development

Microbially Induced Carbonate Precipitation (MICP): New strains, new perspectives

Integrating into my ‘green family’

Response to: It Must Be Love ❤️: A Journey into Transformation, Feminine Wisdom, and the Unveiling of Love’s True Nature

Evolving trends and challenges in sustainable architectural design; a practice perspective.

Bilateral dermoid ovarian cysts in a young woman - A case report and literature review

Established and new: a systematic review of an emerging transdiagnostic treatment and an exploration of change processes in an established treatment

A systematic review for the implication of generative AI in higher education

The horror of today and the terror of tomorrow: The role of future existential risks and present‐day political risks in climate activism

Data security and governance in multi-cloud computing environment

Athletes from Great Britain report greater doping likelihood than Greek and Italian athletes: A cross-sectional survey of over 4,000 athletes

Reshaping HE provision for the commuter student market: Increasing financial stability and meeting our educational and environmental obligations

Ammonia and temperature sensing applications using fluorometric and colorimetric microparticles and polymeric films doped with BODIPY-emitters

The development, implementation and evaluation of an online resource for the AHP educator career framework

Surveying the EFL learning beliefs of engineering students in China’s higher education: Implications for curriculum development

Exploring provision and impact of physical activity advice and guidance offered to women undergoing fertility Treatment

Exploring provision and impact of physical activity advice and guidance offered to women undergoing fertility treatment

The Reflexive Hub - making sense of our experiences through a storytelling model

In praise of raw data

Markets, metrics, and modernisation: Higher Education strategy makers’ conceptualisations of digital empowerment

Exhibiting lived experiences of disability in a hospital workplace: A qualitative evaluation

Uncovering women’s stories in Dungeness’s RNLI history

Engaging citizens: the Kent miners and workers' education

Professionalism and the auto/biographical imagination

Queering the archive - making friends and making zines: Applying queery theory to archive collections

CCCU student wellbeing / distress

Do road maps have ethics?

Targeting the experience of the anorexic voice in psychological therapy with people with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa

Exploring beliefs, narratives, and understandings of psychosis: insights from literature and staff stories utilising the power threat meaning framework

Socio-demographic factors and their role in the experience of living with HIV

Digitising your business

Associations between social determinants of health and cardiovascular and cancer mortality in cancer survivors: a prospective cohort study

What do children think they learn in outdoor and adventurous activities?

Development of conductive fingermarks for forensic applications.

‘In pink, goes with everything’: the cultural politics of Greta Gerwig's 'Barbie'

Speech-language pathology telementoring projects in global health contexts: Partnerships, payoffs and progression

Utilising pollution indices and spatial interpolation for the analysis of soil pollution risk

The Alliance Party of Northern Ireland: Beyond unionism and nationalism

A novel dataset of annotated oyster mushroom images with environmental context for machine learning applications

Development of Digital Health Gender and Sexual Health Literacy scale

Early adoption of innovation in HPV prevention strategies: closing the gap in cervical cancer.

Nonlinear viscoelasticity of filamentous fungal biofilms of

Introduction to special issue: youth, rural places and marginalisation

"I don't care what she is...she's the best player!"

Letting go of attachment objects: Insights from the ‘Problematic Stuff’ of later prehistoric Britain and beyond

Beliefs surrounding the use of inhaled asthma medication in The Gambia: a qualitative study of asthma patients and healthcare workers.

Care-experienced social workers as relational activists in the United Kingdom

Safeguarding policies and practices in International Federations: on the right track?

The implementation and evaluation of the AHP educator career framework

Intersectional feminism in 21st century horror cinema

The education of a stay-at-home dad and his children: reflections on 20 years of experiences documented in a diary and interpreted for evidence of educational wisdom

Therapists’ lived experiences of identifying with sensory processing sensitivity: A phenomenological inquiry

Perceptions and experiences of youth footballers registered in nurseries (13-15)

What feedback do students want?

An international survey of the diagnosis and management of Ménière's disease amongst otolaryngology consultants

Assessing the quality and readability of online patient information: ENT UK patient information e-leaflets versus responses by a generative artificial intelligence

Can employees' trust their supervisor? The role of high-performance work systems and stewardship climate on employee voice.

What the literature tells us about the transition of second-career academics into higher education

Effectiveness of psychological interventions for carers of patients with severe mental illness (SMI): a systematic review

Conversational entanglements in new animistic tourism

Pakistan’s international investment policy: towards a new generation of fair and equitable treatment provisions

“It’s not the intent but the outcome that matters”: how the four-year rule and structural racism undermine the contribution of overseas trained (OTTs) in England

Co-production confusion: An exploration of parent and SENCO experiences of participatory decision-makCo-production confusion: an exploration of parent and SENCO experiences of participatory decision-making in the management of education, health and care plans

A study of the British animation industry’s approach to equality, diversity, and inclusion 2000-2020

Seeing beyond the headlines: an exploration into the media's narratives and personal narratives for people who are ethnically minoritised in British society

Exploring stereotyping and health outcomes in black women with sickle cell disease

Eating disorder prevention programmes in schools

Understanding the interpersonal experiences of people with maladaptive daydreaming

Illness perceptions, coping and psychological outcomes in inflammatory bowel disease

An exploration into the role of developmental timing of adverse childhood experiences in psychotic-like experiences in adulthood

Treatment of type 2B and 2C hip dysplasia: monitoring vs Pavlik harness treatment

Children's Wellbeing Bill

A global ethics perspective on AI and digital technology in policing

The future of knowledge: The role of epistemic insight in interdisciplinary learning

Mourning and orienting to the future in a liminal occasion: (Re)defining British national identity after Queen Elizabeth's death

How can we educate future generations to effectively respond to global challenges and live sustainably?

The effect of two speech and language approaches on speech problems in people with Parkinson’s disease: the PD COMM RCT

Experiences of providing self-management support: a qualitative study of pre-registration physiotherapy students at one university

Exercise-based telerehabilitation for the management of chronic pain in people with severe haemophilia: a mixed-methods feasibility study.

Pelvic scarring: A result of gravidity and parity, or simply evidence of biological potential?

Applying whole-genome and whole-exome sequencing in breast cancer: a review of the landscape

The importance of being an ‘ambulance driver’

Dermal regeneration template generated skin can be raised as a flap: A new dimension in aesthetic restoration

Intelligent process automation and its relevance to various industries

Accessing slow food earth markets: Barriers and enablers

Accessing slow food earth markets: Barriers and enablers

Older parent carers' stories about their adult children with intellectual disabilities leaving home

Exploration of views about mental health in Gypsy, Traveller, Roma and Showmen communities

Double disparity: cancer in ethnically minoritised young people

Psychological wellbeing and cognition in narcolepsy

Exploring experiences of online group cognitive behavioural therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder

Creative writing and autoethnography: A layered approach to exploring positionality

Exploring older adults' and their support system's perspectives of functional mental health difficulties in later life and the potential role of systematic family therapy (SFT) in (re-)constructing these narratives

Working together around the needs of children looked after: the views of care leavers, parents and professionals

Long-term self-reported attendance in exercise training or lung choir and status of quality of life following initial pulmonary rehabilitation for COPD

Fertility care in low and middle income countries: Implementing fertility care: insights from a participatory workshop in The Gambia

A psychological intervention reduces doping likelihood in Italian athletes: A replication and extension

Ok class, SLANT

Unveiling pollution peaks: Comparing swarm intelligence with Drone Hill Climber

Teachers’ use of questions and the science – religion encounter: Basil Bernstein and the impossibility of the unthinkable

Human rights and the olympics: from an ideological paradox to a new anti-corruption legacy

Finding space for the European Space Agency

Emergency admission predictive risk stratification models: assessment of implementation consequences (PRISMATIC 2): protocol for a mixed methods study.

Through the lens of attachment: experiences of trauma and psychosis

An exploration of the experiences of children and young people with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome

‘My body was no longer a problem’: Electric mountain biking, disability, and the cultural politics of green exercise.

Exploring trauma and trauma-informed practice from a social constructionist perspective

Cross-cultural supervision with trainees from international backgrounds

Systems analysis for sustainable bioprocess engineering and biotechnology

An exploration of kinship carers' experience and stories

Understanding well-being and help-seeking among doctors of the global majority

A review of corncob-based building materials as a sustainable solution for the building and construction industry

Exploring experiences of parents of individuals with an eating disorder

Exploring stories of autistic adolescents

Appendices for 'Multimodality, Ideology and Manipulation: BBC Travel Documentaries and the Illusion of Empire'

Making sense of big questions that require multiple subjects: preliminary theorisation of an integrative philosophy of knowledge and empirical indications of a lack of subject connection within school curricula

Impact of CDIO framework pedagogical approach adoption on the student learning and experience

Innovations in immersive technology and artificial intelligence to enhance the golden skillsets of effective communication and collaboration

Associations between glucocorticoid use and major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with prostate cancer receiving antiandrogen: a retrospective cohort study.

“(…) Here I have freedom”—A study of refugees' and asylum seekers' legal consciousness in Greece: Self-identity, human rights, and expectations from European Union law

Primary English Teaching: Theory and Practice

Primary English: Knowledge & Understanding

The lived experience of adolescents and youth with brain injury: navigating new landscapes

Critical incidents: prevention and post-vention

An investigation into shame in forensic services

Approaching manipulation in current​ discourses: A growing interdisciplinary research​ endeavour

Justice professionals' perceptions of trauma informed supervision: a possible solution to the impact of trauma

An investigation into the complex world of aversive fantasies

Caring for individuals with a brain tumour

Experiences of intensive treatment settings for people with eating disorders

Exploring the lived experience experiences of coming out as transgender

Self-disclosure and disordered eating in inflammatory bowl disease (IBD)

Developing a process for assessing the safety of a digital mental health intervention and gaining regulatory approval: a case study and academic's guide.

Involving experts by experience in craniofacial research

What makes a successful whole-school mental health intervention? A comparison of stakeholders’ perspectives and implications for schools and the future of English education

Design of IoT-based smart energy meter for e-billing and prepaid electricity

Civic education and active learning: Applying the CDIO and Debate models

Environmental justice: Mobilising constitutional opportunity structures to empower and protect vulnerable and marginalised groups

Exploring general practitioners' management of self‐harm in young people: A qualitative study

Fiction references as framing devices in extended reality news discourse

Developing and using an adapted mosaic approach to explore children's foreign language learning experiences in primary school

Explorations of strategies for inclusion for newly qualified physiotherapists from racially minoritised groups in a large, urban NHS trust, UK.

Does being involved in a research project enhance the postgraduate taught student experience: A qualitative research case study

First trimester pre‐eclampsia screening and maternal left ventricular geometry

The potential impact of universal screening for vasa previa in the prevention of stillbirths

Is my mind my own? Inside managing self-diagnosed insomnia in a mixed economy: a critical autoethnography

A study of trauma and coping in police officers who investigate rape and child abuse in London

Supporting young children’s physical development through tailored motor competency interventions within a school setting

Judicial intervention in arbitral proceedings under Nigeria's arbitration legislation: Supportive or disruptive?

Having, making and feeling home as a European immigrant in the United Kingdom post-Brexit referendum: An interpretative phenomenological study

Big questions and interdisciplinary learning: Issue 1

Trauma and spinal cord injury: Reflections from research into physical activity and sport

Using sensory methods for researching disability in physical education.

Researching disability sport: Theory, method, practice

Navigating ethical challenges in online wildlife trade research

Sustainable agrobiorefinery system for advanced ethanol production from Opuntia prickly pear cactus nopales

Standard operating procedure for the operation of SEM-EDX for elemental analysis, with additional applications to biomass

Shame in forensic populations

Beyond the Stigma: Evaluation report

Experiences, acceptability and feasibility of an isometric exercise intervention for stage 1 hypertension: embedded qualitative study in a randomised controlled feasibility trial.

Accessing slow food earth markets: Challenges and opportunities

Sensory processing sensitivity, transliminality, and boundary-thinness as predictors of anomalous experiences, beliefs, and abilities

Development of a core domain set for nailfold capillaroscopy reporting.

Effective and safe use of intramuscular clozapine in a patient presenting with catatonia and thrombocytopenia.

Comparisons of the risks of new-onset prostate cancer in type 2 diabetes mellitus between SGLT2I and DPP4I users: a population-based cohort study

Student radiographers’ knowledge and experience of lateral hip X-ray positioning: A survey

Generational differences in the workplace: Lessons from and for the university

Coastal change: the burdens of community representation and some thoughts on a solution

Generation gaps, past and present

Towards a global ethical perspective on science and technology innovations in policing

Between positivism and relativism: A critical realist approach to the analysis of multimodal texts

GenAI in the hands of experts: A qualitative study of academics' experiences and future recommendations

Creating a religious identity and impression management by Islamic banks


Bio-inspired soft pneumatic gripper for agriculture harvesting

Exploring men's qualitative accounts of psychological therapy in forensic hospitals

Cost awareness of anaesthetic consumable items among the National Health Service (NHS) staff and the financial impact on the NHS

A survey of the estimated cost of surgical consumable items within trauma and orthopaedic departments

Towards a unified theory of the aetiology of schizophrenia: commentary, Shergill et al

SocMedHE: More than a conference

Ethical and epistemological implications of conducting ethnographic fieldwork as a researcher-cum-clinician in Brussels, Belgium

An EDI engineering employability toolkit to aid engineering student progression

How do we engineer inclusive education technology?

Allyship education is key to EDI graduate engineering employment

Conceiving, designing, implementing and operating an EDI engineering employability learning toolkit to aid graduate employment

Integrating AI into engineering education: Leveraging CDIO for enhanced assessment strategies

Potential practices for establishing curriculum agility through industrial engagement

The ‘service user’ label through critical constructivist lenses

Experiences of intensive treatment for people with eating disorders: a systematic review and thematic synthesis

The Old Bailey Online at 20

Beyond the hype

The representation of the Ukrainian displaced people diaspora on British television: A multimodal critical discourse analysis

Time perception and enjoyment of professional soccer players in different training sessions: Implications for assessment of session-RPE and training load

Working as a student

The role of imaging in the diagnosis of potential air pollution related illness: a narrative review

Widening participation and success in STEM: embedding research-engaged practice to measure impact

Innovating towards net-zero: Engineering solutions for climate resilience

Sexual harassment awareness and strategic organisational commitment in hotels: Evidence from two developing countries

Osun-Osogbo Festival, stakeholder typologies and participation in indigenous cultural events

Destination personality, destination image and ethnocentrism: Are Nigerians travelling within Nigeria?

The burden of cardiovascular disease in Asia from 2025 to 2050: a forecast analysis for East Asia, South Asia, South-East Asia, Central Asia, and high-income Asia Pacific regions.

Commuter students: does reducing the need to travel enable more inclusive, equitable participation?

An initial evaluation of an online, compassionate intervention for adults with type 1 and type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

The utility of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the diagnosis of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy: A systematic review

Early-life risk factors which govern pro-allergic immunity.

Leveraging artificial intelligence in vaccine development: A narrative review.

Is it premature to formulate recommendations for policy and practice, based on culture and health research? A robust critique of the CultureForHealth (2022) report

Depression and melancholia revisited via Lacan

Paediatric anatomical models in radiotherapy applications

Comparison of infection risk between enzalutamide and abiraterone in patients with prostate cancer

A systematic review of public health interventions to address breast cancer inequalities in low- and middle-income countries

Elucidating allergic reaction mechanisms in response to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination in adults.

Hearing the patient voice for persistent pain intervention development: recommendations for using a bespoke online discussion forum for qualitative data collection

Cushion hypothesis and credit risk: Islamic versus conventional banks from the MENA region.

Tailoring Poisson's ratio of a fabric using auextic structures

Auextic 3D-printed structures and their effect on the Poisson's ratio of fabrics

The effect of 3D-printed auxetic structures on fabric Poisson's ratio

Professional development leadership: the importance of middle leaders

‘At least you got to see people when you went out for a walk’: older adults’ lived, embodied experiences during COVID-19 times in the United Kingdom

Sites of resistance’: an online ethnography of harm reduction work in community drug treatment services

EERN EDI engineering employability toolkit

Gestational diabetes mellitus: relationship of adverse outcomes with severity of disease.

Differential microRNA expression in the SH-SY5Y human cell model as potential biomarkers for Huntington’s disease

Using population modelling to understand the dynamics of the Sussex peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) population

Young people, physical education and physical activity: The ontological shift to complexity

The use of technology tools and learning experience: Insight from business school students

TCT innovation taxonomy and open foresight innovation paradigm

Treatment outcomes in the inpatient management of severe functional neurological disorder: a retrospective cohort study.

Exploring the effectiveness of eHealth interventions in treating Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) outcomes: a systematic review

Monitoring daily sleep, mood, and affect using digital rechnologies and wearables: A systematic review

Challenges in increasing women’s participation in the energy transition in ASEAN and G7 countries: A qualitative approach based on the three tenets of justice

The canon in contemporary theatre: Plays by Shakespeare, Ibsen and Brecht in contemporary directors' theatre

Is there a place for young children in the modern-day UK church? Investigating approaches to faith nurture in the early years

Capital structure and public corruption among non-financial firms in the MENA region: The impact of the Arab spring.

The effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions

Exploring women's experiences of menopause

Importance of entrepreneurship for students and academics.

The challenges of leading and managing Polish Saturday schools in the United Kingdom.

The Global Intellectual Disability Nursing Research Collaboratory: Forming an international transformational nursing network

A clinical practice guideline for primary care physiotherapy in patients with haemophilia

‘Who wrote this script?' Pickwick in Stepney

Flipping the rules! Partnering with students to promote engagement with the flipped classroom

Building learning community through multi-cohort practical sessions: A case study from sport coaching

She Can Coach: Getting more girls into coaching

Survey of the barriers, enablers and preferences to swimming for people with chronic lower back pain

Prevalence, clinical characteristics, and long-term outcomes of new diabetes diagnosis in elderly patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention.

Nurturing nursing professionals: Unleashing the rhizomatic power of expression, creativity, and art as resistance

Evidencing the clinical and economic burden of musculoskeletal disorders in Tanzania: Paving the way for urgent rheumatology service development

Estimating the prevalence and predictors of musculoskeletal disorders in Tanzania: a cross-sectional pilot study

Association of latent class analysis-derived multimorbidity clusters with adverse health outcomes in patients with multiple long-term conditions: Comparative results across three UK cohorts


Kent Maps Online

Fostering children's enthusiasm, engagement and creativity with classic texts: Adapting Mary Shelley's 'The Mortal Immortal' (1833) into a graphic novel

Performance steering wheel: A framework for hospitality performance measurements

Motivations of mountain tourism: Slovakian domestic tourist perspectives

Overcoming barriers to equality, diversity, inclusivity, and sense of belonging in healthcare education: the Underrepresented Groups’ Experiences in Osteopathic Training (UrGEnT) mixed methods study.

AI cops, robo-detectives and technosolutionism in policing

A novel enhanced SOC estimation method for lithium-ion battery cells using cluster-based LSTM models and centroid proximity selection

From migration to intercultural tourism: A journey of adaptation and appreciation

Why do things matter? Kurdish material culture and identity

Objects are not just a thing - (re)negotiating identity through using material objects within the Kurdish diaspora in the UK

Oxidized LDL accelerates cartilage destruction and inflammatory chondrocyte death in osteoarthritis by disrupting the TFEB-regulated autophagy-lysosome pathway

Experiences of living with the nonmotor symptoms of Parkinson's disease: A photovoice study

Future security threats arising from the UK’s deprivation of citizenship: a model to understand the human rights-security risk landscape

Building a sense of belonging in dance with adolescents: A systematic review

Have your say! Public perception of sustainability of space tourism: a netnography approach

Technology and language learning: A multimodal perspective

What does the other look like? A critical multimodal analysis of the representation of otherness in British television programmes about Ukrainian Displaced People

Keeping the myth of the British Empire alive: Combining a multimodal analysis of two BBC travel documentaries with audience research

Evidence for exercise-based interventions across 45 different long-term conditions: An overview of systematic reviews

CSP2023: 379 The development of a swimming programme for people with chronic low back pain using a modified Delphi technique

Review of: Inclusive Education Theory and Policy: Moving from Special Educational Needs to Equity. By Sue Soan and Jeremy Monsen. Pp 280. Maidenhead: McGraw Hill. 2023. £29.99 (pbk), £23.99 (ebk), ISBN-13 978-0-3352-5039-4 (pbk), ISBN-10 0-3352-5039-4 (ebk).

CSP2023: 217 Barriers, enablers, and preferences to swimming for people with chronic low back pain

CSP2023: 322 Allied health professional (AHP) practice placement sustainability: Co-creation of a self-evaluation and improvement framework

Graves' ophthalmopathy: the clinical and psychosocial outcomes of different medical interventions - a systematic review.

Improving mentalizing deficits in older age with region-specific transcranial direct current stimulation.

An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the psychosexual identity development in adolescent and young adult survivors of testicular cancer

Comparative effectiveness of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors for new-onset gastric cancer and gastric diseases in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a population-based cohort study

“I couldn’t do the job anymore”: A qualitative study exploring clinical psychologists’ experiences of working in and leaving CAMHS to work independently

XR and metaverse applications in transforming tourism, events and cultural heritage experiences

Between the realities: Solid and liquid consumption utopias in XR technologies

Understanding sustainability pedagogy in practice

A qualitative review of educational robots for STEM: Technical features and impacts

Coastal dwellers and community representation

Light field imaging technology for virtual reality content creation: A review

Assessment feedback: student and staff views on written and audio feedback

Commuter students: Understanding their travel behaviour and reducing their environmental impact

MOMentum lost: Unpicking maternal physical activity patterns

Demonstrating the Earth Charter as a unifier of global voices on social and environmental justice

‘Swallowing a world’: Reflections on education for sustainable development in higher education

Practitioner perspectives on dealing with victimhood and offending in UK ‘county lines’ drug supply investigations

The dynamics of leadership and resistance in repressive regimes: The cases of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and Polish People’s Republic

Impresarios of identity: How the leaders of Czechoslovakia's ‘Candlelight Demonstration’ enabled effective collective action in a context of repression

Assessment of compressive strength performance of corn cob ash blended concrete: a review

Whistles and sirens: The chilling debate around academic freedom revisited

Teacher recruitment and retention: a question of identity?

Recovering Thomas Anstey Guthrie Genre and Geography (1856–1934): genre and geography

Social determinants of mental health of pregnant women in Nepal: a sequential exploratory mixed methods research study

Building collaborations for a better future: Empowering diverse communities in Kent through collaboration, innovation and research

ADAPT model: Positioning inclusion at the heart of physical education, sport and physical activity

Better images of AI: Imagining AI: Hands-on workshop

Deterioration in cognitive control related mPFC function underlying development of treatment resistance in early psychosis.

A scoping review examining the impact of learning disability and autism training on healthcare professionals' perspectives and practice

Bridging the gap from medical to psychological safety assessment: consensus study in a digital mental health context.

Personal musical heritage and destination image: Written narratives from the opera house tourist

Informing evidence-based policy for sport-related concussion: are the consensus statements of the concussion in sport group fit for this purpose?

A finite element model for predicting impact-induced damage to a skin simulant


A novel PD-1/PD-L1 pathway-related seven-gene signature for the development and validation of the prognosis prediction model for breast cancer

Large language models in oncology: Revolution or cause for concern?

Prognostic value of cardiovascular magnetic resonance in immune checkpoint inhibitor‐associated myocarditis: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Local responses to a global problem: How the police can improve planning and preparation for the consequences of climate change

Novel transcriptional and DNA methylation abnormalities of SORT1 Gene in non-small cell lung cancer

“I want to DO something”: Exploring what makes activities meaningful for community-dwelling people living with dementia: A focused ethnographic study.

Talking lines: The stories of diagnosis and support as told by those living with, or affected by, rarer forms of dementia

Integrating Relevance Theory and Critical Realism for the analysis of manipulation

The association between corporate social responsibility disclosure and information asymmetry: The case of Europe

Investigating the influence of accountability, power dynamics and political influences among NGO major stakeholders: Namibian perspective

Sustainable agriculture: Vertical farming, artificial intelligence and bio-fertiliser; the future of farming

An alternative protocol to improve accessibility to isometric exercise training to treat uncomplicated hypertension

Understanding the mechanisms underlying cognitive control in psychosis

Reaping rewards

Role of angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor in diabetic complications

‘The relentless nature of whiteness’: Black psychologists' experiences of racial microaggressions in cross‐cultural supervision

Feed-forward ANN with Random Forest Technique for Identifying malicious Internet of Things network intrusion

Religiosity, financial risk taking, and reward processing: An experimental study

Riches and poverty in English protestant culture, c.1550-1800: Vernacularising the parable of Dives and Lazarus

“It’s a postcode lottery”: How do people affected by dementia in Wales experience their diagnosis and post-diagnostic support, and how may these be improved?

Left atrial mechanics following preeclamptic pregnancy

Caught between a rock and a hard place: the liminality of the sport coaching ‘pracademic’

Tailoring 3D star-shaped auxetic structures for enhanced mechanical performance

Virtual prototyping of vision-based tactile sensors design for robotic-assisted precision machining

Policy action points and approaches to promote fertility care in The Gambia: Findings from a mixed-methods study

Exploring prehistoric experiences of child loss and grief: Navigating infant mortality in Iron Age Britain

Investigating cortical excitability and inhibition in patients with schizophrenia: A TMS-EEG study.

“Comprehensive Rhinoplasty: Structural and Preservation Concepts” by Sam P. Most

Association of inflammatory markers based on routine blood with prognosis in patients underwent percutaneous coronary intervention

Archival visit

The Tithe War in England and Wales, 1881-1936

Inclusive leadership toward reshaping corporate purpose for sustainable development

The effectiveness of structured physical activity on agitation in people with dementia: a rapid review

Lived experience of therapists who identify as HSP (Highly Sensitive Person)

Testing home dream precognition and exploring links to psychological factors

An exploration of suicide and autism: quantitative, qualitative and autoethnographic perspectives

Exploring subjective experiences of eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR) for psychosis - a Power Threat Meaning Framework (PTMF) informed narrative inquiry

Summative assessment feedback in higher education

Cardiovascular health of patients with cancer: Challenges abound

Precision medicine in catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia: Recent advances toward personalized care

Defining criteria for disease activity states in systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis based on the systemic Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score

COVID-19 as a challenge to Nepal’s newly federalized health system: Capacities, responsibilities, and mindsets

Editorial: Targeting nucleotide metabolism for enhancing antitumor immunity.

Antibody drug conjugates in urological cancers: A review of the current landscape

"We may have to defend ourselves": Black women and campaigns against police sexual violence during the Civil Rights and Black Lives Matter eras

ECOWAS and the challenge of preventing a resurgence of coups d’état in West Africa: An assessment of the ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy

Sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) and electronic health record data, a mechanism for gender-affirming care and evidence-based practice for sexual and gender minority healthcare - Response to Ginaldi et al.

Ancient light: Rematerialising the astronomical image. (Practice with tea)

Quantum oscillograph

Concept to production with a gen AI design assistant-AIDA

Utilization of ChatGPT in CDIO projects to enhance the literacy of international students

Innovative assistive device to enhance wrist drop treatment in patients

Tele-controlled upper arm exoskeleton for post-stroke recovery

Nature inspired strategy to capture smoky carbon dioxide into commercial carbonates and add value to farming

Artway: gallery art therapy group for young people with mental health difficulties

Responsible leadership in higher education in developing countries

Designing a primary care pharmacist-led review for people treated with opioids for persistent pain: a multi-method qualitative study.

Youth footballers and the coach: Generation Z

Moving pictures: Film worker, film and audience experience in Broadstairs, Margate and Ramsgate, 1890s and today

Improving social worker knowledge of brain injury

Heads Together - Social workers and brain injury

Heads Together - improving social worker knowledge of brain injury

Ion channel tools and therapeutics from venoms and toxins

Symptom-based staging for logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia

Party politics, dearth of political ideology, and the 2023 presidential election in Nigeria

Moving pilgrimage into the virtual realm: Understanding of the advantages and complexities of immersive technologies

A national focus for cartographic thought: Celebrating 60 years of the BCS

An evaluation of the reliability of the pictorial scale of perceived water competence and its relationship with actual water competence

An exploration into the nature and extent of diversity within history classrooms in Kent

Theatre, disability and wellbeing: addressing best practice and creative outcomes across disabled and non-disabled communities through an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.

Playing by the many rules: taught masters and their assessment regulations

Research of the painting in the silicon-based age(incomplete PhD thesis version 25th April 2024)

International criteria for reporting study quality for sudden cardiac arrest/death tool

Isometric exercise training and arterial hypertension: an updated review

Exploring experiences of frontline staff working in the children and young people's secure estate

The value and impact of structured reflective space

WHO-Lancet Global Series on health and the arts

The effects of recreational footpaths on terrestrial invertebrate communities in a UK ancient woodland: a case study from Blean Woods, Kent, UK

Objects are not just a thing – (re)negotiating identity through using material objects within the Kurdish diaspora in the UK

Primary school mentalisation-based art therapy (Primary-smART): a Person-based approach optimisation study

The power of play: Building a creative Britain

A fantastic failure

‘Home is where my laptop is’: voicing the life and work of an employed digital nomad

Volunteer tourism in the context of development thinking

Atrial fibrillation in the setting of cardiac amyloidosis - A review of the literature.

Creative strategies for implementing digital tools

Harnessing the power of AI in business

A self-study of teaching teachers using Epistemic Insight

Exploring leadership and entrepreneurship in Polish supplementary schools in England: A pilot study

A critique of the notion of 'purpose' from a black British woman's perspective

Female entrepreneurship: Challenges and opportunities

30 years of ecopedagogy: Origin and reinvention

‘I’ve just got to take that risk and have faith . . .’: The challenge of gaining and maintaining trust in patients undergoing knee surgery with a regional anaesthetic

Placement expectations

Reverse total shoulder replacement for patients with "weight-bearing" shoulders

The application of radiomics and AI to molecular imaging for prostate cancer

Fretboard navigation strategies in jazz guitar improvisation: Theory and practice

Small firm auditing using the analytical procedures (APs) in a politically challenging context

Investigating the effect of mesoporous silica nanoparticles as a drug delivery system for Withaferin A in the treatment of Lung Cancer

Investigating the effect of silica nanoparticles as a drug delivery system for Doxorubicin in the treatment of lung cancer

Optimization of coagulation to remove turbidity from surface water using novel nature-based plant coagulant and response surface methodology

Differences in biomechanical determinants of ACL injury risk in Change of Direction tasks between males and females: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Exploring experiential differences in everyday activities – A focused ethnographic study in the homes of people living with memory-led Alzheimer's disease and posterior cortical atrophy

‘But it makes me uncomfortable’: The challenges and opportunities of research poetry

Holistic education as support for wellbeing and resilience

Inclusive transport, sustainability and travel behaviour change

Recognising, understanding and addressing the environmental, network and social impacts of the student commute to university in the UK

Understanding barriers to sustainable travel: Exploring the persistence of the car culture amongst young people in the UK

The contribution of teacher education to universities: a case study for international teacher educators

Development and feasibility of a swimming programme as a rehabilitation modality for people with chronic low back pain: a mixed methods project

Space technology as a centrepiece for addressing Nigeria's domestic challenges and strengthening its foreign relations

The perception of time is slowed in response to exercise, an effect not further compounded by competitors: behavioral implications for exercise and health.

Advancements and progress in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: A Review of pathophysiology and treatment

Machine learning-enabled maternal risk assessment for women with pre-eclampsia (the PIERS-ML model): a modelling study.

Vasa previa in singleton pregnancies: Diagnosis and clinical management based on an international expert consensus

Characteristics associated with responsiveness to isometric handgrip training in medicated hypertensive patients: secondary data analysis.

‘This is not a drill’: Police and partnership preparedness for consequences of the climate crisis

Sustainably 'we-searching' early childhood outdoor learning through visual technologies

Exploring the impact of education led professionalisation agenda in policing: Professional identity and engagement with Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

AI is a viable alternative to high throughput screening: a 318-target study

Single-case experimental design intervention for inappropriate sexualised behaviour in adolescent traumatic brain injury

New animism research: listening and storytelling with non-human persons

Design and implementation of a cost-aware and smart oyster mushroom cultivation system

Sexism, abuse and threatening behaviour: experiences of women football referees in amateur and semi-professional men’s football in the UK

Half-baked essays: the embedded use of writing exemplars to encourage active learning for radiography students

The olfactory threatscape: Using breaking continuous flash suppression to understand the influence of odours on the unconscious perception of threat

Prologue - Science and policing make for better justice

Nursing older people with intellectual disabilities

A survey of the NHS reporting radiographer workforce in England

Digital policing

About Zaha Hadid

Soil sample storage conditions affect measurements of pH, potassium, and nitrogen

Decolonizing Geography: An Introduction by Sarah A. Radcliffe, Polity Press, Cambridge, 2022, 208 pp., £15.00(pbk), ISBN 9781509541607

Investigating security issues (multilayer attacks) on IoT devices using machine learning

Using evidence‐based co‐design to develop a hybrid delivered exercise intervention that aims to increase confidence to exercise in people with haemophilia

Is banter bullying or a necessary part of the police officer toolkit?

Reporting radiographers within the European Federation of Radiographer Society (EFRS) member countries - motivation for becoming a reporting radiographer.

Parents’ and carers’ attitudes to the use of digital technology and its role in the care of children with complex needs.

Designing lightweight 3D-printable bioinspired structures for enhanced compression and energy absorption properties

A novel vision-based multi-functional sensor for normality and position measurements in precise robotic manufacturing

Optimisation of a novel hot air contactless single incremental point forming of polymers

First contact physiotherapy: An evaluation of clinical effectiveness and costs.

Centre variation in home dialysis uptake: A survey of kidney centre practice in relation to home dialysis organisation and delivery in England

'It's about time': policymakers' and health practitioners' perspectives on implementing fertility care in the Gambian health system.

Dietary supplement use is related to doping intention via doping attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control

Laboratory and field-based data collection (quantitative)

Power sharing in Nigeria’s divided society: structures, conflicts and challenges

Class then and now: adult education, class and the psychosocial; auto/biographical perspectives

Multimodal classroom interaction analysis using video-based methods of the pedagogical tactic of (un)grouping

Safeguarding IoMT: Semi-automated Intrusion Detection System (SAIDS) for detecting multilayer attacks

‘”You can’t marry your grandmother”: face and place in Lady Adelaide’s oath.’

Immunotherapy combined with standard therapies in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma - a meta-analysis

Acute effects of breaking up sitting time with isometric wall squat exercise on vascular function and blood pressure in sedentary adults: Randomized crossover trial

Morphokinetic profiling suggests that rapid first cleavage division accurately predicts the chances of blastulation in pig In vitro produced embryos

Editorial: Prolonged grief disorder: vulnerability and resilience

Advancing safety and efficiency in critical infrastructure with a novel SOC estimation for battery storage systems: A focus on second life batteries

Ponto-Caspian amphipod co-location with zebra mussel beds (Dreissena polymorpha) is influenced by substrate size and population source

Catching up with the Victorians in The Caravaners and The Enchanted April

Cancer: Investigating the impact of the implementation platform on machine learning models

Writing a research abstract for a conference: 12 tips to excel in your work

Diagnostic biomarkers in ovarian cancer: advances beyond CA125 and HE4

Sustaining a dance career as a parent

The theory of everything

The translation problem

Sikh silences across generations

A rare case of metaplastic breast carcinoma from India: Towards precision oncology (Case Report)

Coarse, vulgar and happy? Writing Dickens on sea

Commemorating the Great War on film: veterans, pilgrimages and amateur filmmaking

Cardiac contractility modulation in patients with heart failure - A review of the literature

How can Makaton be embedded in the school community

Relational leadership and governing: Somali clan cultural leadership

How do care partners of people with rare dementia use language in online peer support groups? A quantitative text analysis study

Mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes: Characteristics and applications in disease pathology and management.

The impending disruption of creative industries by generative AI: opportunities, challenges, and research agenda

Ortho-semantic learning of novel words: An event-related potential study of grade 3 children

Caring for transgender patients in the ICU: Current insights for equitable care

Thoughts on ‘Efficacy of RestoreX after prostatectomy: open‐label phase of an RCT’

Lived experiences of Sri Lankan Tamil refugees in the UK: Migration and identity

Studying generations: Multidisciplinary perspectives

What does it mean to feel safe? A collaborative project between undergraduate students and young children exploring perceptions of safety

The social and emotional development of children aged birth to three

Learning disability and everyday life

Lord Northcliffe

British women’s writing: Brontë to Bloomsbury. Vol 3. 1880s-90s.

Misdiagnosed and misunderstood’: Insights into rarer forms of dementia through a stepwise approach to co-constructed research poetry

A change of scene: Moving pedagogical practice from the classroom to the court room. What impact does this have on social work students’ feelings of confidence?


Perception and experiences of adolescent mothers and communities in caring for their preterm babies: findings from an in-depth study in rural Bangladesh

Commercialisation and promotion of drugs in new media

Patterns of glacio‐isostatic adjustment in mainland Scotland: new data from western central Scotland, proximal to the zone of maximum rebound

Experience of compassion-based practice in mindfulness for health for individuals with persistent pain

Are fish immunocompetent enough to face climate change?

Ethical considerations for the nursing care of transgender patients in the intensive care unit

Stage 3 N2 lung cancer: A multidisciplinary therapeutic conundrum

Hemodynamic changes in progressive cerebral infarction: An observational study based on blood pressure monitoring.

Nexus researching church toddler groups

Did the evidence-based intervention (EBI) programme reduce inappropriate procedures, lessen unwarranted variation or lead to spill-over effects in the National Health Service?

AI assisted reader evaluation in acute CT head interpretation (AI-REACT): protocol for a multireader multicase study

Exploring encounter groups: A research proposal on what works to improve the mental wellbeing of adults at risk of depression

Relationships influencing organisational culture in men's elite football clubs in Norway.

The BVI ISOPURE ® 123 intraocular lens: a new hydrophobic preloaded extended monofocal IOL with intermediate vision correction

Transformer-based Models for Enhanced Amur Tiger Re-Identification

Walking an unconventional path

Exploring health care disparities in genetic testing and research for hereditary cardiomyopathy: Current state and future perspectives

The influence of various chemical oxygen demands on microbial fuel cells performance using leachate as a substrate

Cinemas, halls, cafés & outdoors: Where to watch a film in Broadstairs, Margate & Ramsgate, 1890s-today

Doing it all: Single screen spaces, community building and labour 1900s and today

Research co-creation and the development of epistemically insightful curricula

Approaching STEAM via inquiry-based responses to big questions: how “epistemic insight” changes informal science learning

Backyard ethnography: researching the interplay between education policy and teaching practices in a complex workplace

Positioning and authenticity in data collection: researching racism in education contexts

The effect of patient aggression on healthcare workers’ mental health and anxiety mediated by psychological well-being during the COVID-19 outbreak

Electrocardiographic characteristics of bladder cancer patients receiving preoperative chemotherapy combined with immunotherapy.

Developing, enabling and progressing multi-professional, consultant-level practice

Connectome dysfunction in patients at clinical high risk for psychosis and modulation by oxytocin

Dis/placing teacher identity: performing the ‘brutal forms of formalities’ in English Further Education

Participatory policy analysis in health policy and systems research: reflections from a study in Nepal.

Reducing scope 3 emissions: commuter students.

Meeting the needs of our forgotten 40%: The rise of the commuter student

The psychosocial burden of cutaneous leishmaniasis in rural Sri Lanka: A multi-method qualitative study.

Wannsee and the final solution

Richborough - The secret port

Comparing the standard knee X-ray exposure factor, 10 kV rule, and modified 10 kV rule techniques in digital radiography to reduce patient radiation dose without loss of image quality

Public protection and victims and witnesses

Blackstone's handbook for policing students

The role of use cases when adopting augmented reality into higher education pedagogy

The acute impact of endurance exercise on right ventricular structure and function: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Selection of study sites and participants for research into Nepal’s federal health system

It’s why you get up in the morning’. A Straussian grounded theory study of coping in police officers who investigate rape and child abuse

Interventions to improve continence for children and young people with neurodisability: a national survey of practitioner and family perspectives and experiences.

Knowledge in a religion and worldviews approach in English schools

Religious delusion or religious belief?

Pragmatic patchwork ethnography, a call to action for health, nutrition and dietetic researchers

Expert United Kingdom consensus on the preservation of joint health in people with moderate and severe haemophilia A: A modified Delphi panel

An examination of service user satisfaction in forensic mental health settings

Energetic costs of mounting an immune response in a coral reef damselfish (Pomacentrus amboinensis)

Consensus on the definitions and descriptions of the domains of the OMERACT Core Outcome Set for shared decision making interventions in rheumatology trials

Using generative artificial intelligence to catalyse further interdisciplinarity across higher education

Leadership and succession in Trinidadian family businesses

Stakeholder-driven transformative adaptation is needed for climate-smart nutrition security in sub-Saharan Africa.

A model for effective learning in competition: A pedagogical tool to enhance enjoyment and perceptions of competency in physical education lessons for young children

Teacher of the year, champion for change in education

The need for robust critique of arts and health research: the treatment of the Gene Cohen et al. (2006) paper on singing, wellbeing and health in subsequent evidence reviews


The wall

Begging places: Poverty, race, and visibility on Ludgate Hill, c.1815

The effects of high intensity interval training on quality of life: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Covering extended reality technologies in the media

Walking towards embodied understanding

Trainee teachers and academic literacy: process, pedagogy and practice

Moderate dietary restriction delays the onset of age-associated sarcopenia in Caenorhabditis elegans due to reduced myosin UNC-54 degradation

A systematic literature review of risks in Islamic banking system: research agenda and future research directions

The dynamics of bonds, commodities and bitcoin based on NARDL approach

Education for life

A school for humanity: Confronting division and trauma through lived values in Burundi

Talking 'bout a revolution: Resilience and coastal policy in England

Hospitality workforce trends

‘Where are you from?’ and ‘foreigners’

“Ulster’s white Negroes”: Rhetorics of race at the start of the Troubles

The dynamics of leadership and resistance in repressive regimes: The cases of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and Polish People’s Republic

Structure and organization of sport for people with intellectual disabilities across Europe

Heavy metal contamination (Cu, Pb and Cd) of washed and unwashed roadside blackberries (Rubus fruticose L.)

Sports classification and athletes with intellectual disabilities: Measuring health status using a questionnaire based on the international classification of functioning, disability and health

Skin and Bone, Wood and Stone: Medieval Animal Material Culture and Heritage

Beasts: A translation and commentary of the First Family Medieval Bestiary

Review on engineering of bone scaffolds using conventional and additive manufacturing technologies

Enquiry through time: a review of the use of the term 'enquiry' across four decades of the professional journal Teaching History

Mary Shelley graphic novel workshop


Zachary Leader and Daniel Vince: Larkin and Wain, the post-war English novel

May Aldington (1872-1954)

Acceptability of Specialist Psychotherapy with Emotion for Anorexia in Kent and Sussex (SPEAKS): A novel intervention for anorexia nervosa.

Evolution of confrontation and cooperation in simple organisms as a function of environmental resources and cost of a conflict

Cantilena de Venerabili Krimer voices 4 G maj

The Black Art Hub CIC

Islam as educational knowledge: challenges and barriers to the development of a Religion and Worldviews approach to teaching Islam in schools

Making Headway - play

Immersive sound workshop for Screen South

Refining concepts for empirical multimodal research: defining semiotic modes and semiotic resources

The Mortal Immortal graphic novel

A performance in two halves

Vernacular [Family portraits]

La Boheme

Recital for the CCCU Postgraduate Community Day

Unrealtime and the Free Range Orchestra

Click and connect: Interview with Medway photographyer Michi Masumi

BLACK JOY! Up Close and Personal

Visibility - Black transgender photo series

Unlocking the potentials of hybrid business models in the sharing economy: an integrative review and new research agenda

By the seaside

Open mic poetry performance

MICHI exhibition

Medway Open Studios and Arts Festival 2024

Lee Silverman voice treatment versus NHS speech and language therapy versus control for dysarthria in people with Parkinson's disease (PD COMM): pragmatic, UK based, multicentre, three arm, parallel group, unblinded, randomised controlled trial.


Queerdom: Solo exhibition for Medway Fringe/ Medway Pride

Confluence Anthology - Issue 16

Echoes of empire


The Chatterday Show (Spotify) E23

Social determinants of the mental health of pregnant women in Nepal: Stakeholder perspectives.

Riddum n ting