Monitoring daily sleep, mood, and affect using digital rechnologies and wearables: A systematic review

Journal article

Hickman, R., D'Oliveira, T., Davies, A. and Shergill, Sukhi 2024. Monitoring daily sleep, mood, and affect using digital rechnologies and wearables: A systematic review. Sensors. 24 (14), p. 4701.
AuthorsHickman, R., D'Oliveira, T., Davies, A. and Shergill, Sukhi
AbstractBackground: Sleep and affective states are closely intertwined. Nevertheless, previous methods to evaluate sleep-affect associations have been limited by poor ecological validity, with a few studies examining temporal or dynamic interactions in naturalistic settings. Objectives: First, to update and integrate evidence from studies investigating the reciprocal relationship between daily sleep and affective phenomena (mood, affect, and emotions) through ambulatory and prospective monitoring. Second, to evaluate differential patterns based on age, affective disorder diagnosis (bipolar, depression, and anxiety), and shift work patterns on day-to-day sleep-emotion dyads. Third, to summarise the use of wearables, actigraphy, and digital tools in assessing longitudinal sleep-affect associations. Method: A comprehensive PRISMA-compliant systematic review was conducted through the EMBASE, Ovid MEDLINE(R), PsycINFO, and Scopus databases. Results: Of the 3024 records screened, 121 studies were included. Bidirectionality of sleep-affect associations was found (in general) across affective disorders (bipolar, depression, and anxiety), shift workers, and healthy participants representing a range of age groups. However, findings were influenced by the sleep indices and affective dimensions operationalised, sampling resolution, time of day effects, and diagnostic status. Conclusions: Sleep disturbances, especially poorer sleep quality and truncated sleep duration, were consistently found to influence positive and negative affective experiences. Sleep was more often a stronger predictor of subsequent daytime affect than vice versa. The strength and magnitude of sleep-affect associations were more robust for subjective (self-reported) sleep parameters compared to objective (actigraphic) sleep parameters.
KeywordsSleep; Circadian rhythms; Affect; Mood ; Emotion; Actigraphy; Prospective; Systematic review
Journal citation24 (14), p. 4701
PublisherMDPI AG
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FunderNIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London
Publication dates
Online19 Jul 2024
Publication process dates
Accepted10 Jul 2024
Deposited22 Jul 2024
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Deterioration in cognitive control related mPFC function underlying development of treatment resistance in early psychosis.
Crisp, C., Sahni, Angad, Pang, Sze W, Vanes, Lucy D, Szentgyorgyi, Timea, Averbeck, B., Moran, Rosalyn J and Shergill, Sukhwinder S 2024. Deterioration in cognitive control related mPFC function underlying development of treatment resistance in early psychosis. Scientific Reports. 14 (1), p. 12985.
Bridging the gap from medical to psychological safety assessment: consensus study in a digital mental health context.
Taher, R., Bhanushali, Palak, Allan, S., Alvarez-Jimenez, Mario, Bolton, Heather, Dennison, Laura, Wallace, Brian E., Hadjistavropoulos, Heather D, Hall, Charlotte L, Hardy, Amy, Henry, A., Lane, Sam, Maguire, Tess, Moreton, Adam, Moukhtarian, Talar R., Vallejos, Elvira Perez, Shergill, Sukhi, Stahl, Daniel, Thew, Graham R., Timulak, Ladislav, van den Berg, David, Viganò, Noemi, Stock, Ben Wensley, Young, Katherine S. and Yiend, Jenny 2024. Bridging the gap from medical to psychological safety assessment: consensus study in a digital mental health context. BJPsych Open. 10 (4), p. e126.
Understanding the mechanisms underlying cognitive control in psychosis
Maitra, R., Lemmers-Jansen, I L J, Vooren, M, Vanes, Lucy, Szentgyorgyi, Timea, Crisp, Charlotte, Mouchlianitis, Elias and Shergill, S S 2024. Understanding the mechanisms underlying cognitive control in psychosis. Psychological Medicine.
Investigating cortical excitability and inhibition in patients with schizophrenia: A TMS-EEG study.
Santoro, V, Hou, M D, Premoli, I, Belardinelli, P, Biondi, A, Carobin, A, Puledda, F, Michalopoulou, P G, Richardson, M P, Rocchi, L and Shergill, S S 2024. Investigating cortical excitability and inhibition in patients with schizophrenia: A TMS-EEG study. Brain research bulletin. 212, p. 110972.
Sikh silences across generations
Dikomitis, L., Shergill, S. and Dikomitis, E. 2024. Sikh silences across generations. Anthropology News.
Connectome dysfunction in patients at clinical high risk for psychosis and modulation by oxytocin
Davies, C., Martins, D., Dipasquale, O., McCutcheon, Robert A, De Micheli, Andrea, Ramella-Cravaro, Valentina, Provenzani, Umberto, Rutigliano, Grazia, Cappucciati, Marco, Oliver, D., Williams, S., Zelaya, Fernando, Allen, Paul, Murguia, Silvia, Taylor, David, Shergill, Sukhi, Morrison, Paul, McGuire, P., Paloyelis, Y. and Fusar-Poli, P. 2024. Connectome dysfunction in patients at clinical high risk for psychosis and modulation by oxytocin. Molecular Psychiatry.
The safety of digital mental health interventions: Systematic review and recommendations
Taher, R., Hsu, C., Hampshire, C., Fialho, C., Heaysman, C., Stahl, D., Shergill, S. and Yiend, J. 2023. The safety of digital mental health interventions: Systematic review and recommendations. JMIR Mental Health. 10, p. e47433.
Do loneliness and social exclusion breed paranoia? An experience sampling investigation across the psychosis continuum.
Bell, Victoria, Velthorst, Eva, Almansa, Jorge, Myin-Germeys, Inez, Shergill, Sukhi and Fett, Anne-Kathrin 2023. Do loneliness and social exclusion breed paranoia? An experience sampling investigation across the psychosis continuum. Schizophrenia Research: Cognition. 33, p. 100282.
Automatic detection of cognitive impairment with virtual reality
Mannan, Farzana A, Porffy, Lilla A, Joyce, Dan W, Shergill, Sukhwinder S and Celiktutan, O. 2023. Automatic detection of cognitive impairment with virtual reality. Sensors. 23 (2), p. 1026.
Neuroimaging glutamatergic mechanisms differentiating antipsychotic treatment-response
Mouchlianitis, Elias D, Vanes, Lucy D, Tracy, Derek K, Fett, Anne-Katherin, Joyce, Daniel and Shergill, Sukhi S 2023. Neuroimaging glutamatergic mechanisms differentiating antipsychotic treatment-response. Scientific Reports. 13 (1), p. 8938.
Cognitive bias modification for paranoia (CBM-pa): a randomised controlled feasibility study in patients with distressing paranoid beliefs.
Yiend, Jenny, Lam, C., Schmidt, Nora, Crane, Bryony, Heslin, Margaret, Kabir, Thomas, McGuire, Philip, Meek, Christopher, Mouchlianitis, Elias, Peters, Emmanuelle, Stahl, Daniel, Trotta, Antonella and Shergill, Sukhwinder 2022. Cognitive bias modification for paranoia (CBM-pa): a randomised controlled feasibility study in patients with distressing paranoid beliefs. Psychological Medicine.
Why care about integrated care? Part 3. Weighing sunlight: delivering integration in practice and measuring success
Tracy, D. K., Hanson, K., Underwood, B. R. and Shergill, S. 2022. Why care about integrated care? Part 3. Weighing sunlight: delivering integration in practice and measuring success. BJPsych Advances. 29 (1), pp. 31-40.
The importance of pro-social processing, and ameliorating dysfunction in schizophrenia. An FMRI study of oxytocin
Shergill, S., Rebekah Wigton, Derek K. Tracy, Tess M. Verneuil, Michaela Johns, Thomas White, Panayiota G. Michalopoulou, Bruno Averbeck and Sukhwinder Shergill 2022. The importance of pro-social processing, and ameliorating dysfunction in schizophrenia. An FMRI study of oxytocin. Schizophrenia Research: Cognition. 27.
Stimulating learning: A functional MRI and behavioral investigation of the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on stochastic learning in schizophrenia
Natasza D. Orlov, Syed Ali Muqtadir, Hooman Oroojeni, Bruno Averbeck, John Rothwell and Sukhi S. Shergill 2022. Stimulating learning: A functional MRI and behavioral investigation of the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on stochastic learning in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research. 317, p. 114908.
A novel virtual reality assessment of functional cognition: Validation study
Lilla Alexandra Porffy, Mitul A Mehta, Joel Patchit, Celia Boussebaa, Jack Brett, Teresa D’Oliveira, Elias Mouchlianitis and Sukhi Shergill. 2022. A novel virtual reality assessment of functional cognition: Validation study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 24 (1), p. e27641.
Relaxation of the criteria for entry to the UK Clozapine Central Non-Rechallenge Database: a modelling study
Ebenezer Oloyede, Eromona Whiskey, Cecilia Casetta, Olubanke Dzahini, Danielle Dunnett, Shreyans Gandhi, Prof Fiona Gaughran, Prof Sukhi Shergill, Prof Philip McGuire, Prof James H MacCabe and Prof David Taylor 2022. Relaxation of the criteria for entry to the UK Clozapine Central Non-Rechallenge Database: a modelling study. The Lancet: Psychiatry. 9 (8), pp. 636-644.
VStore: Feasibility and acceptability of a novel virtual reality functional cognition task
Lilla A. Porffy, Mitul A. Mehta, Elias Mouchlianitis and Sukhi S. Shergill 2022. VStore: Feasibility and acceptability of a novel virtual reality functional cognition task. Frontiers in Virtual Reality.
Alpha3/alpha2 power ratios relate to performance on a virtual reality shopping task in ageing adults
Patchitt, Joel, Porffy, Lilla A., Whomersley, Gabriella, Szentgyorgyi, Timea, Brett, Jack, Mouchlianitis, Elias, Mehta, Mitul A., Nottage, Judith F. and Shergill, Sukhi S. 2022. Alpha3/alpha2 power ratios relate to performance on a virtual reality shopping task in ageing adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 14, p. 876832.
The influence of trial-by-trial feedback on trust in health, first-episode and chronic psychosis
Lemmers-Jansen, I., Wichmann, Rune J., Perizonius, Sophie and Shergill, Sukhi S. 2022. The influence of trial-by-trial feedback on trust in health, first-episode and chronic psychosis. Games. 13 (5), p. e59.
Vortioxetine as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of schizophrenia
Redaelli, Sofia, Porffy, Lilla, Oloyede, Ebenezer, Dzahini, O., Lewis, Gabriella, Lobo, Maria, Whiskey, E. and Shergill, Sukhi S. 2022. Vortioxetine as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of schizophrenia. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology. 12, p. 204512532211100.
The role of cognitive control in the positive symptoms of psychosis
Horne, Charlotte M., Sahni, Angad, Pang, Sze W., Vanes, Lucy D., Szentgyorgyi, Timea, Averbeck, Bruno, Moran, Rosalyn J. and Shergill, Sukhwinder S. 2022. The role of cognitive control in the positive symptoms of psychosis. NeuroImage. Clinical. 34, p. 103004.
Direct eye gaze enhances the ventriloquism effect
Lavan, N., Chan, Wing Yue, Zhuang, Yongping, Mareschal, Isabelle and Shergill, Sukhwinder S. 2022. Direct eye gaze enhances the ventriloquism effect. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics.
The effects of roflumilast, a phosphodiesterase type-4 inhibitor, on EEG biomarkers in schizophrenia: A randomised controlled trial
James Gilleen, Judith Nottage, Farah Yakub, Sarah Kerins, Lorena Valdearenas, Tolga Uz, Gez Lahu, Max Tsai, Frank Ogrinc, Steve C Williams, Dominic Ffytche, Mitul A Mehta and Sukhi Shergill 2021. The effects of roflumilast, a phosphodiesterase type-4 inhibitor, on EEG biomarkers in schizophrenia: A randomised controlled trial. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 35 (1), pp. 15-22.
Cognitive performance in early, treatment-resistant psychosis patients: Could cognitive control play a role in persistent symptoms?
Shergill, S., Megan Thomas, Timea Szentgyorgy, Lucy D. Vanes, Elias Mouchlianitis, Erica F. Barry, Krisna Patel, Katie Wong and Dan Joyce 2021. Cognitive performance in early, treatment-resistant psychosis patients: Could cognitive control play a role in persistent symptoms? Psychiatry Research. 295, p. 113607.
If not now, when? Enhancing cardiologists’ psychological well-being as a COVID-19 gain
Rishi K Patel, Mark D Sweeney, Christopher S R Baker, Neil Greenberg, Susan E Piper, Sukhi S. Shergill, Derek K Tracy and Carla M Plymen 2021. If not now, when? Enhancing cardiologists’ psychological well-being as a COVID-19 gain. Heart. 2021 (107), pp. 593-595.
An evaluation of the variation and underuse of clozapine in the United Kingdom
Eromona Whiskey, Alex Barnard, Ebenezer Oloyede, Olubanke Dzahini, David M. Taylor and Sukhwinder S. Shergill 2021. An evaluation of the variation and underuse of clozapine in the United Kingdom. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 143 (4), pp. 339-347.
There is life after the UK Clozapine Central Non-Rechallenge Database
Ebenezer Oloyede, Cecilia Casetta, Olubanke Dzahini, Aviv Segev, Fiona Gaughran, Sukhi Shergill, Alek Mijovic, Marinka Helthuis, Eromona Whiskey, James Hunter MacCabe and David Taylor 2021. There is life after the UK Clozapine Central Non-Rechallenge Database . Schizophrenia Bulletin. 47 (4), pp. 1088-1098.
The effect of training intensity on implicit learning rates in schizophrenia
Natasza D. Orlov, Jessica Sanderson, Syed Ali Muqtadir, Anastasia K. Kalpakidou, Panayiota G. Michalopoulou, Jie Lu and Sukhi S. Shergill 2021. The effect of training intensity on implicit learning rates in schizophrenia. Scientific Reports. 11 (6511).
Preliminary evidence for the phosphodiesterase type-4 inhibitor, roflumilast, in ameliorating cognitive flexibility deficits in patients with schizophrenia
Nicholas R Livingston, Peter CT Hawkins, James Gilleen, Rong Ye, Lorena Valdearenas, Sukhi Shergill and Mitul A Mehta 2021. Preliminary evidence for the phosphodiesterase type-4 inhibitor, roflumilast, in ameliorating cognitive flexibility deficits in patients with schizophrenia. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 35 (9).
Contextual perception under active inference
Berk Mirza, M., Cullen, M., Parr, T., Shergill, S. and Moran, R. 2021. Contextual perception under active inference. Scientific Reports. 11 (16223).
Outcomes in treatment-resistant schizophrenia: symptoms, function and clozapine plasma concentrations
Shergill, S., Amir Krivoy, Eromona Whiskey, Henrietta Webb-Wilson, Dan Joyce, Derek K. Tracy, Fiona Gaughran, James H. MacCabe and Sukhwinder S. Shergill 2021. Outcomes in treatment-resistant schizophrenia: symptoms, function and clozapine plasma concentrations. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology. 11.
New approaches to antipsychotic medication adherence – safety, tolerability and acceptability
Taub, Sharon, Krivoy, Amir, Whiskey, Eromona and Shergill, Sukhi S. 2021. New approaches to antipsychotic medication adherence – safety, tolerability and acceptability. Expert Opinion on Drug Safety. 21 (4), pp. 517-524.
A systematic review of TMS and neurophysiological biometrics in patients with schizophrenia
di Hou, Meng, Santoro, Viviana, Biondi, Andrea, Shergill, Sukhi S and Premoli, Isabella 2021. A systematic review of TMS and neurophysiological biometrics in patients with schizophrenia. Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience : JPN. 46 (6), pp. E675-E701.
Why care about integrated care? Part 2. Integrated care systems: an irresistible force changing mental health services
Tracy, D. K., Holloway, F., Hanson, K., Kanani, N., Trainer, M., Dimond, I., James, A., Kalidini, S. and Shergill, S. 2020. Why care about integrated care? Part 2. Integrated care systems: an irresistible force changing mental health services. BJPsych Advances. 29 (1), pp. 19-30.
Why care about integrated care? Part I. Demographics, finances and workforce: immovable objects facing mental health services
Tracy, D. K., Holloway, F., Hanson, K., James, A., Strathdee, G., Holmes, D., Kalidini, S. and Shergill, S. 2020. Why care about integrated care? Part I. Demographics, finances and workforce: immovable objects facing mental health services. BJPsych Advances. 29 (1), pp. 8-18.
A retrospective study of intramuscular clozapine prescription for treatment initiation and maintenance in treatment-resistant psychosis
Whiskey, E., Shergill, S. and Dzahini, O. 2020. A retrospective study of intramuscular clozapine prescription for treatment initiation and maintenance in treatment-resistant psychosis. British Journal of Psychiatry.
Schizophrenia polygenic risk score influence on white matter microstructure
Beatriz Simões, Evangelos Vassos, Sukhi Shergill, Colm McDonald, Timothea Toulopoulou, Sridevi Kalidindi, Fergus Kane, Robin Murray, Elvira Bramon, Hugo Ferreira and Diana Prata 2020. Schizophrenia polygenic risk score influence on white matter microstructure. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 121, pp. 62-67.
In the eye of the beholder? Oxytocin effects on eye movements in schizophrenia
Lilla A. Porffy, Victoria Bell, Antoine Coutrot, Rebekah Wigton, Teresa D'Oliveira, Isabelle Mareschal and Sukhwinder S. Shergill 2020. In the eye of the beholder? Oxytocin effects on eye movements in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research. 216, pp. 279-287.
Examination of the neural basis of psychotic-like experiences in adolescence during processing of emotional faces
Sukhi Shergill, Evangelos Papanastasiou, Elias Mouchlianitis, Dan W. Joyce, Philip McGuire, Celia Boussebaa, Tobias Banaschewski, Arun L. W. Bokde, Christian Büchel, Erin Quinlan, Sylvane Desrivières, Herta Flor, Antoine Grigis, Hugh Garavan, Philip Spechler, Penny Gowland, Andreas Heinz, Bernd Ittermann, Marie-Laure Paillère Martinot, Eric Artiges, Frauke Nees, Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos, Tomáš Paus, Luise Poustka, Sabina Millenet, Juliane H. Fröhner, Michael N. Smolka, Henrik Walter, Robert Whelan, Gunter Schumann and Sukhwinder S. Shergill 2020. Examination of the neural basis of psychotic-like experiences in adolescence during processing of emotional faces. Scientific Reports. 10, p. 5164.
Cognitive remediation for inpatients with psychosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Matteo Cella, Tom Price, Holly Corboy, Juliana Onwumere, Sukhi Shergill and Antonio Preti 2020. Cognitive remediation for inpatients with psychosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine. 50 (7), pp. 1062-1076.
Biased interpretation in paranoia and its modification
George Savulich, Annabel Edwards, Sara Assadi, Husniye Guven, Emily Leathers-Smith, Sukhi Shergill and Jenny Yiend 2020. Biased interpretation in paranoia and its modification. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 69, p. 101575.
Acute oxytocin effects in inferring others' beliefs and social emotions in people at clinical high risk for psychosis
André Schmidt, Cathy Davies, Yannis Paloyelis, Nicholas Meyer, Andrea De Micheli, Valentina Ramella-Cravaro, Umberto Provenzani, Yuta Aoki, Grazia Rutigliano, Marco Cappucciati, Dominic Oliver, Silvia Murguia, Fernando Zelaya, Paul Allen, Sukhi Shergill, Paul Morrison, Steve Williams, David Taylor, Stefan Borgwardt, Hidenori Yamasue, Philip McGuire and Paolo Fusar-Poli 2020. Acute oxytocin effects in inferring others' beliefs and social emotions in people at clinical high risk for psychosis. Translational Psychiatry. 10 (203).
Real-world effectiveness of admissions to a tertiary treatment-resistant psychosis service: 2-year mirror-image study
Cecilia Casetta, Fiona Gaughran, Ebenezer Oloyede, Juliana Onwumere, Megan Pritchard, Sukhi S. Shergill, Eromona Whiskey and James Hunter MacCabe 2020. Real-world effectiveness of admissions to a tertiary treatment-resistant psychosis service: 2-year mirror-image study. BJPsych Open. 6 (5), p. E82.
Dopamine manipulations drive changes in information sampling in healthy volunteers
Shergill, S. 2019. Dopamine manipulations drive changes in information sampling in healthy volunteers. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 33 (6), pp. 670-677.
Integrated care in mental health: Next steps after the NHS Long Term Plan
Derek K. Tracy, Kara Hanson, Tom Brown, Adrian J. B. James, Holly Paulsen, Zoé Mulliez and Sukhwinder Shergill 2019. Integrated care in mental health: Next steps after the NHS Long Term Plan. British Journal of Psychiatry. 214 (6), pp. 315-317.
Cognitive correlates of abnormal myelination in psychosis
Lucy D. Vanes, Elias Mouchlianitis, Erica Barry, Krisna Patel, Katie Wong and Sukhwinder S. Shergill. 2019. Cognitive correlates of abnormal myelination in psychosis. Scientific Reports. 9 (5162).
Clozapine and cardiotoxicity – A guide for psychiatrists written by cardiologists
Rishi K. Patel, Alice M. Moore, Susan Piper, Mark Sweeney, Eromona Whiskey, Graham Cole, Suhki Shergill and Carla M. Plymen 2019. Clozapine and cardiotoxicity – A guide for psychiatrists written by cardiologists. Psychiatry Research. 282, p. 112491.
Understanding and managing cardiac side-effects of second-generation antipsychotics in the treatment of schizophrenia
Mark Sweeney, Eromona Whiskey, Rishi K. Patel, Derek K. Tracy, Sukhi S. Shergill and Carla M. Plymen 2019. Understanding and managing cardiac side-effects of second-generation antipsychotics in the treatment of schizophrenia. BJPsych Advances. 26 (1), pp. 26-40.
Real-world outcomes in the management of refractory psychosis
Amir Krivoy, Dan Joyce, Derek Tracy, Fiona Gaughran, James MacCabe, John Lally, Eromona Whiskey, S. Neil Sarkar and Sukhwinder S. Shergill 2019. Real-world outcomes in the management of refractory psychosis. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 80 (5), p. 18m12716.
Neural correlates of positive and negative symptoms through the illness course: an fMRI study in early psychosis and chronic schizophrenia
Lucy D. Vanes, Elias Mouchlianitis, Krisna Patel, Erica Barry, Katie Wong, Megan Thomas, Timea Szentgyorgyi, Dan Joyce and Sukhwinder Shergill 2019. Neural correlates of positive and negative symptoms through the illness course: an fMRI study in early psychosis and chronic schizophrenia. Scientific Reports. 9, p. 14444.
Girls-boys: an investigation of gender differences in the behavioral and neural mechanisms of trust and reciprocity in adolescence
Imke L. J. Lemmers-Jansen, Anne-Kathrin J. Fett, Sukhi Shergill, Marlieke T. R. van Kesteren and Lydia Krabbendam 2017. Girls-boys: an investigation of gender differences in the behavioral and neural mechanisms of trust and reciprocity in adolescence. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 13 (257).