Reproduction, design and aesthetics

Conventions, cartographic

Making sense of research methodology

Stan’s Cafe

'We are Athens' Precarious citizenships in Rimini Protokoll’s Prometheus in Athens (2010)

Understanding federalism and federation

State-Building and democratization in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Aligning computing ethics for strategy making in higher education (HE): A contrarian view – who knows?

Domestic abuse victims’ perceptions of abuse and support: a narrative study

Can break times help children's physical activity?

Working with people with intellectual disabilities

Clinical psychology, sexuality and gender

Volunteer tourism and development: the lifestyle politics of international development

Ethical tourism and development: the personal and the political

“I could have gone off much harder”. Post-race counterfactual thinking in indoor rowers.

On the consequences of procyclical fiscal policy

Researching physical disability in sport: Reflections from an (able)bodied ethnographer


Optical control of resonant light transmission for an atom-cavity system

Goal driven optimization of process parameters for maximum efficiency in laser bending of advanced high strength steels

Britain's Korean war: Cold War diplomacy, strategy and security

Introducing LibrarySearch at the University of Kent

Perceptions, understandings and experiences of cluster headache patients in the north of England: a qualitative study

Preparation and spectroscopic studies of Hydroxyapatite embedded in Poly(N-Vinylpyrrolidone) matrix

An Opera House reimagined: Social inclusion and audience development at London’s Royal Opera House

Mapping the pieces of an employed graduate: An experiential approach to supporting student employability in travel and tourism courses

Performing tourists and the role of co-tourism in the perception and experience of Covent Garden

The DFT study on the reaction between benzaldehyde and 4-amine-4H-1,2,4-triazole and their derivatives as a source of stable hemiaminals and schiff bases. Effect of substitution and solvation on the reaction mechanism

Nature of the bonding in the AuNgX (Ng = Ar, Kr, Xe; X = F, Cl, Br, I) molecules. Topological study on electron density and the electron localization function (ELF)

Oil piracy in the Gulf of Guinea

Working with adults who are deaf

Research in action: Outdoor play in a childminding setting

Severe child physical abuse: A psychological research agenda

The neuro-developmental profile of preschool-aged children receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy in Johannesburg, South Africa

Analysis of potential flow around two-dimensional body by finite element method

A security ontology for security requirements elicitation

AMAN-DA: A knowledge reuse based approach for domain specific security requirements engineering

Working with deaf and disabled performers: An investigation into directing process and theatrical interpretation

New leaders in early years: Making a difference for children in England

Developing the professional identity of vocationally trained students in university - experiences with action research on the Foundation Degree 'Professional Studies in Early Years'

Organic model to reflect the transitional nature of family firms

Economic governance and enterprise-related activities in higher education

Integrating employability into degree programmes using consultancy projects as a form of enterprise

The ancient concept of restitution: An historical analysis of restorative practices of punishment in England

Yin and Yang and the representation of the Financial Crisis in Korea

Teaching to increase university student engagement: is active learning always the answer?

A critical review of the psychometric properties of the Nijmegen Questionnaire for hyperventilation syndrome.

Exploring researchers’ experiences of working with people with acquired brain injury

Risk factors which predispose first-time anterior traumatic shoulder dislocations to recurrent instability in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Whakawhiti korero, a method for the development of a cultural assessment tool, Te Waka Kuaka in Maori traumatic brain injury

Exploring strategies used following a group-based fatigue management programme for people with multiple sclerosis (FACETS) via the Fatigue Management Strategies Questionnaire (FMSQ)

A systematic review of evidence for the psychometric properties of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire

Quality and reporting of cluster randomised controlled trials evaluating occupational therapy interventions: A systematic review

Review article: Emmanuel Bellanger & Julian Mischi (eds), Les territoires du communisme: Élus locaux, politiques publiques et sociabilités militantes Jean Vigreux, La faucille après le manteau: Le Communisme aux champs dans l’entre-deux-guerres.

Cross-curricular learning 3 -14

Seed storage proteins as a protein marker for identification and characterization of QPM and normal maize inbred lines

Molecular characterization of Indian potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties for cold-induced sweetening using SSR markers

Profiling of StvacINV1, BAM1 and INH2α expressions in relation to acid invertase and β-Amylase activities during development of cold-induced sweetening in Indian potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers

The twenty-first century : networking for success

Ancestral homes? Roundhouses, memory and tradition at Broxmouth hillfort

The Covesea Caves Project

Who was the father of the nomogram?

Active surveillance for low-risk prostate cancer

The effect of negative online customer reviews on brand equity and purchase intention of consumer electronics in South Africa

The development of a consumer value proposition of private label brands and the application thereof in a South African retail context

Hospital theatre: Promoting child well-being in cardiac and cancer wards

Do I really have time to engage in research?

Stability and change the role of keepsakes and family homes in the lives of parentally bereaved young adults in the Netherlands 1

Implementing an action research scheme at English in Margate

Elizabeth von Arnim ~ The anonymous in poetry

Youth Sport Trust lifetime evaluation of the Change4Life Primary School Sports Club Programme: final report: May 2015

Constructions of nature and emerging ideas in children’s education and care, 1600s - 1900s

Identifying Continence OptioNs after Stroke (ICONS): an evidence synthesis, case study and exploratory cluster randomised controlled trial of the introduction of a systematic voiding programme for patients with urinary incontinence after stroke in secondary care

Collective action for knowledge mobilisation: a realist evaluation of the collaborations for leadership in applied health research and care

An untapped resource: patient and public involvement in implementation comment on "Knowledge mobilization in healthcare organizations": a view from the resource-based view of the firm

Comparing the psychological characteristics of unapprehended firesetters and non-firesetters living in the UK

The characteristics of un-apprehended firesetters living in the UK community

Biophysical and biochemical markers at 35-37 weeks' gestation in the prediction of adverse perinatal outcome

The efficacy of federalism in a multi-ethnic state: the Nigerian experience

Youth unemployment and armed insurrection in post-military Nigeria: the contending issues

Mapping diagrams in research supervision: paths through conflicting writing practices

Do teachers deceive?

Magical flow: comparing the flow experience to the ASC of pagan magical ritual work

Noncontact healing: what does the research tell us?

Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches to investigate anomalous experiences

A transpersonal exploration of epilepsy and its numinous, cosmic states

Testing the pagan prescription: using a randomised controlled trial to investigate pagan spell casting as a form of distant healing

"Most people think you're a fruit loop": an exploratory study of clients' experiences of seeking support for anomalous experiences

Investigating pagan healing spells

The dreamy state: an autoethnography of spritual meaning in epilepsy

"Most people think you're a fruit loop": an exploratory study of clients' experiences of seeking support for anomalous experiences

"Most people think you're a fruit loop": an exploratory study of clients' experiences of seeking support for anomalous experiences

"Most people think you're a fruit loop": an exploratory study of clients' experiences of seeking support for anomalous experiences

Deleuze and lifelong learning: creativity, events and ethics

Exploring the meaning in meaningful coincidences: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of synchronicity in therapy

Two meta-analyses of noncontact healing studies

Synchronicity in the therapeutic setting: a survey of practitioners

Body as aesthetic project

Ballet body narratives: pain, pleasure and perfection in embodied identity

Beyond legislation: genuine change in the interaction between victims of sexual crimes and the criminal law system

Mansel: God and politics

Communion and sacrifice: St. Gregory's war memorial and the great war

A resource aware MapReduce based parallel SVM for large scale image classification

Modern techniques of palaeodietary reconstruction

An exploration of students from the African diaspora negotiating academic literacies

The rebel's four dilemmas in the long thirteenth century

Place theory, genealogy, and the cultural biography of Roman monuments

Evaluation of Mencap’s Inspired Educators project

Social prescribing: a review of community referral schemes

Recent developments in archeomagnetism: the story of the Earth's past magnetic field

National identity, race, and gender in Hair: the American tribal love-rock musical

Epochal anxieties and fixations: millennial angst in Paul Auster’s Leviathan (1992), Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club (1996), Bret Easton Ellis’s Glamorama (1998), and J.G. Ballard’s Super-Cannes (2000)

Comprender La Psicosis y La Esquizofrenia

Mental health and the criminal justice setting: the role of the applied psychologist

Chest x-ray agreement: comparative analysis between consultant radiologists, reporting radiographers and expert chest radiologists

Conceptualisation of the characteristics of advanced practitioners in the medical radiation profession

Veto et Peto: Patterns of Presidential Activism in Central and Eastern Europe

Loop: the stupid things that adults do

Validity and reliability of critical power field testing

Current perceptions of statutory supervision of midwifery: time for change

Musical ‘learning styles’ and ‘learning strategies’ in the instrumental lesson: the Ear Playing Project (EPP)

From page to the stage: a choreographic analysis of Felix Akinsipe’s Struggling to Die

Exploring the lived experiences of suicide attempt survivors

Sortilin mediates the release and transfer of exosomes in concert with two tyrosine kinase receptors

The ins and outs of nanoparticle technology in neurodegenerative diseases and cancer.

Women in English local government: sheriffs, castellans and foresters

The growth of royal government under Henry III

The comquol study: a structured approach focused on quality of life in secure mental health settings

A pilot trial assessing the effect of structured communication approach on quality of life in secure mental health settings (ComQuol) - service focused measures

A pilot trial assessing the effect of structured communication approach on quality of life in secure mental health settings (ComQuol) - user focused outcomes

Service user perceptions of the ComQuol approach:focus group analysis

The role of a mental health nurse in the ComQuol project: their perspective and involvements

Clinicians and services users working collaboratively: the ComQuol study

A pilot trial to assess the effect of a structured COMmunication approach on QUality Of Life in secure mental health settings (Comquol)

Mental illness and parenthood: being a parent in secure psychiatric care

Christ and evolution: a reinterpretation of Teilhard de Chardin's Christology after neo-Darwinism

Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of community singing on the mental health related quality of life of the older population: a randomized controlled trial

The environmental impact of Crassula helmsii

An introduction to geography

Reading Religious Education text books: Islam, liberalism and the limits of Orientalism

'Lessons learned' from introducing universal strategies designed to support the motor and functional skills of Reception and Year 1 children in a sample of primary schools in South East England

Impact of the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder and its diagnostic process

Smoking cessation aids and the primary care nurse

The Cassandra project: recognising the multidimensional complexity of community nursing for workforce development

Invisible, erratic, ephemeral: lives of urban smells

Theorizing the relationship between UK schools and migrant parents of Eastern European origin: the parents’ perspective

Positivist scientific exploration – can universal truths and grand narratives be discovered in research about human beings?

The relay-converter interface influences hydrolysis of ATP by skeletal muscle myosin II

Local host-dependent persistence of the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae used to control the large pine weevil Hylobius abietis

Crisis at work: identity and the end of career

A retrospective observational study of the effectiveness of paliperidone palmitate on acute inpatient hospitalization rates

A pedagogical evaluation of accessible settings in Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS mobile operating systems and native apps using the SAMR model of educational technology and an educational model of technical capital

Utilising mobile technologies for students with disabilities

Developing inclusive technical capital beyond the Disabled Students’ Allowance in England

Exploring the effect of subliminal single-word and multiple-word primes on working memory performance

Social prescribing: a review of community referral schemes

Watching the detectives: researching investigative practice

The baby room project: findings and implications

The landscape of pilgrimage and miracles in Norman narrative sources

Identity and adjustment: experiences of the organ transplant recipient

Genotype-dependent lifespan effects in peptone deprived Caenorhabditis elegans

Viewing art on a tablet computer: a wellbeing intervention for people with dementia and their caregivers

Infection prevention and control: perceptions and perspectives

Metaphors and emotions in therapy

Autogenic training for people experiencing chronic pain

Bosnia and Herzegovina twenty years after Dayton: complexity born of paradoxes

The wellbeing of allotment gardeners: a mixed methodological study

An investigation of mechanisms underlying the association between adult attachment insecurity and romantic relationship dissatisfaction

Recognising and responding to suicide risk in a community mental health setting

Women's experiences of physical activity during pregnancy

Therapists' self-practice of CBT

A grounded theory investigation to build a preliminary model of the transformational process of how clinical psychologists may evolve into compassionate leaders

The use of safety behaviours during in vivo exposure for anxiety

Heart failure: what's in a name?

Weight management for people with learning disabilities: direct care staff understanding and helping behaviours

Children's experiences of art therapy

An exploration of help-seeking among South Asians living in the UK

Youth offending teams: a grounded theory of the barriers and facilitators to young people's help seeking from mental health services

Experiences of service user involvement and their influence on identity

An evaluation of the legacies of sporting mega events on social capital in Greece: Marie Curie actions: periodic report

Museum activities in dementia care: using visual analog scales to measure subjective wellbeing

Clinical psychologists and critical community psychology: a grounded theory of personal professional development and practice

Cognitive processing pathways to posttraumatic growth

An investigation into the experience of hearing voices network groups

Using the AQ-10 with adults who have a borderline or mild learning disability: Pilot analysis of an adapted AQ-10

Exploring culture and illness

Group singing for couples where one partner has a diagnosis of dementia

An investigation of elite athletes' and coaches' perceptions of mental ill-health in elite athletes

The discursive construction of 'suicide' and the effects for clinical practice

The experiences of lesbian, gay and bisexual people with dementia

Integrated pest management in temperate horticulture – seeing the wood for the trees

Psychosocial interventions and museums

Understanding change in psychotherapy: the literature and parents' experiences.

Forensic acquisitions of WhatsApp data on popular mobile platforms

Promoting positive identity development in young people

Experiences of living with Type I diabetes: psychological distress and clinical implications

The experiences of immigrant parents with a child with a developmental disorder

The growth of the non-native Crassula helmsii increases the rarity scores of macrophyte assemblages in south-eastern England

Japan's 2011 disaster: A grounded theory study of resilience in vicariously exposed Japanese citizens

Touchscreen interventions for people with dementia

Sports participation for people with intellectual disabilities

An exploration of therapy processes within therapeutic interventions for people experiencing psychosis

Core clock, SUB1, and ABAR genes mediate flooding and drought responses via alternative splicing in soybean

Storyboarding: a critical history

The impact of viewing and making art on verbal fluency and memory in people with dementia in an art gallery setting

Motion comics: the emergence of a hybrid medium

Julius and Aaron ‘Martyrs of Caerleon’: in search of Wales’ first Christians

What are the patterns of personal learning environments (PLE) for undergraduate students undertaking degrees in nursing.

The unitary ability of IQ and indexes in WAIS-IV

Theorising how art gallery interventions impact people with dementia and their caregivers

Principles of all-inclusive public health: developing a public health leadership curriculum

Beyond the view: reframing early commercial seaside photography

Improving nonverbal communication between caregivers and people with advanced dementia: the effect of staff training in intensive interaction on quality of life

Predicting religion

Improving wellbeing at work

The experience of pregnancy and early parenting for women who are addicted to heroin

The development and properties of the support needs questionnaire

Austerity versus stimulus: the polarizing effect of fiscal policy

Forensic care needs of women diagnosed with a personality disorder

Understanding the concept of resilience in relation to looked after children: A Delphi survey of perceptions from education, social care and foster care

Physical intimate partner violence in Europe: results from a population-based multi-center study in six countries

CT head reporting by radiographers: results of an accredited postgraduate programme

Exploring precognition using a repetition priming paradigm

Understanding abiotic stress tolerance mechanisms in soybean: a comparative evaluation of soybean response to drought and flooding stress

Group singing and young people’s psychological well-being

Flexible modeling of dependence in volatility processes

Public attitudes toward people with intellectual disabilities after viewing Olympic or Paralympic performance

What is career about if not biography? Examining the ‘shift’ to constructivist and interdisciplinary approaches in career counselling

An introduction to career counselling and coaching

Material objects and psychological theory: A conceptual literature review

Use of domestic violence services by Portuguese women in England

'...and what do you do?': Can we explain the unexplainable?

‘“No magic dwelling-place in magic story”: time, memory and the enchanted children of Dombey and Son’.

20th International Chromosome Conference (ICCXX)

(eMAR) Deliverable 5.11 impact assessment of and policy implications for e-Maritime, European Commission, Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)

(eMAR) Deliverable 1.2, Policy, Legal and Standardisation Requirements Analysis Report, Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)

The limits to prime ministerial autonomy: Cameron and the constraints of coalition

Communications to children about mental illness and their role in stigma development: an integrative review

Sex, love and security: accounts of distance and commitment in LAT relationships

A theoretical and empirical review of psychological factors associated with falls-related psychological concerns in community-dwelling older people

A qualitative exploration of the experience of restorative approaches in a forensic mental health setting

Maps we can all understand

Should children be learning about climate change?

Education and progression for support workers in mental health

The Olympic Games and raising sports participation: a systematic review of evidence and an interrogation of policy for a demonstration effect

Reconstructing Sikh spirituality in recovery from alcohol addiction

Dickens, letters and readers

Intimate partner violence and health-related quality of life in European men and women: findings from the DOVE study

Back to square one? An analysis of the 2014 General Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Making the complexity of community nursing visible

Cassandra community workload activity project: phase 1

Bespoke CPD for practice nurses

Transforming primary care: vision and reality: a whole systems approach to developing the workforce

Making the complexity of community nursing visible: the Cassandra project

The impact of community-based arts and health interventions on cognition in people with dementia: a systematic literature review

Anxiety related to discharge from inpatient neurorehabilitation: exploring the role of self-efficacy and internal health control beliefs

What does a clinical psychologist do?

Challenge and change for the early years workforce: working with children from birth to 8

Speech bubbles: an evaluation of the 2013-14 extended programme funded by the Shine Trust

Schizophrenia and psychosis: the magical and troubling disappearance of race from the debate

Picturing Aftermath - a visual response to the broken faces of the First World War

Seaside / Sexuality / Architecture

Open source Internet research tool

Thermal duality and gravitational collapse

Robert Paltock

Towards a creativity-rich curriculum for the well-being of children 3 – 7 years.

Development of a reliable, valid measure to assess parents' and teachers' understanding of postural care for children with physical disabilities: the (UKC PostCarD) questionnaire

Quest for Love: a cosy uchronia?

Eco-hydrological interactions within a sand dune system in South East England

"A kind of odour of Salem House": David Copperfield and Thomas Anstey Guthrie


Differing autonomic responses to dobutamine stress in the presence and absence of myocardial ischaemia

“He's one of yours”. Does a belief in a specialist pedagogy for children with a SEND disempower primary classroom teachers?

The effect of exposure to synthetic pheromone lures on male Zygaena filipendulae mating behaviour: implications for monitoring species of conservation interest

256 shades of grey

Mindfulness, self-stigma and social functioning in first episode psychosis: a brief report

Every child mattered in England: but what matters to children?

Out and about and upside down: a ‘green infrastructure’ approach to creative critical learning beyond the classroom

Rates of vaccine evolution show strong effects of latency: implications for Varicella Zoster Virus epidemiology

Spiritual Radio (2014)

Expanded radio art as PhD practice

Custom developed software to simulate the use of UV/Vis spectroscopy in quantitative chemical analysis

Recombination of globally circulating Varicella Zoster Virus

AFROC analysis of reporting radiographer’s performance in CT head interpretation

Marxist theory and the politics of occupy

Geras, pluralism and the International Marxist Group (IMG)

A woman's work is never done

Switched on

Reclaim the waves

Sharing effective tools and practices in web design

Thermal duality: nemesis of black holes?

Smelly maps: the digital life of urban smellscapes

‘Critical suicidology': toward an inclusive, inventive and collaborative (post) suicidology

Teaching Business and Sustainability to undergraduate students: paradoxes and challenges


Seabathers: reflections & responses

At the jetty: rumination on time and space

Alternative processes & contemporary commissions at the Old Lookout Gallery

Digitizing criminal justice: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of supply-chain integration across four EU Member States

Coordinating criminal justice: a Qualitative Comparative Analysis of inter-organisational information sharing of four EU Member States

'You complete me': The Joker as symptom

Firefly revisited: essays on Joss Whedon's classic series

The European Defence Agency and the discursive construction of European defence and security

Segurança, liberdade e política. Pensar a escola de Copenhaga em Português

Supporting social justice in art therapy

Ethical accountability and routine moral stress in SEN professionals

Targeting late diagnosis of HIV in Kent, Medway and Picardy: evaluation of interventions in the Anglo-French IMPRESS Health 2 (Interreg IVA Channel Programme) project 4282

Leading policing in Europe: an empirical study of police leadership

Leadership policing in Europe: an empirical study on police leadership

Social PR study 2015: a study of social media use among PR professionals

Novel approaches to targeting protein tyrosine kinases

Where are the wīcs in Old English poetry?

Mary Cholmondeley

”A coverless book without a title-page”: Heritage and the modern in the Dickens centenary year

Sensations of loss: Eliza Lynn Linton’s Sowing the Wind

Social journalism study 2015: United Kingdom

Jan Svankmajer: film as puppet theatre

Cracking the code: reflections on implications for teacher education and professional formation following the introduction of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2014

The Eastern Vale of Glamorgan palaeoenvironmental resource assessment project: summary report

Representing beasts in early medieval England and Scandinavia

Trees in the religions of early medieval England

Where the wild things are in Old English poetry

Representing beasts in early medieval England and Scandinavia: an introduction

Introduction to retail marketing management

Soviet military mapping of the UK and contemporary Ordnance Survey mapping: a comparative analysis

[Avian cytogenetics goes functional] Third report on chicken genes and chromosomes 2015

Social protest, political change and democratisation in Ukraine

The impact of local campaigns against wind energy developments

Global Social Journalism Study 2015

Understanding factors behind the late testing and diagnosis of HIV: Findings from phase 1 of the IMPRESS Health 2 (Interreg IVA Channel Programme) Project

The role of zoos in attitudes towards biodiversity and the reintroduction of native wild carnivores to the UK: results from a pilot study

‘I felt like someone had a knife and they were dragging it up and down my legs’: exploring embodied experiences in adult recreational sport

Researching embodied sport: exploring movement cultures

Pedagogy of recognition: Winnicott, Honneth and learning in psychosocial spaces

On becoming an education professional: a psychosocial exploration of developing an educational professional practice

Sleeping/waking: politicizing the sublime in science fiction film special effects

The health and well-being potential of museums and art galleries

Opinion piece: on distance learning

Winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) Lectin as a cytotoxic effector in the lifecycle of Caenorhabditis elegans

What is community?

Transformative potentials of social media in communities

Social media and community volunteering

Social media adoption and digital literacy in small third sector organisations

A qualitative evaluation of psychosocial outcomes of the Creative Communications pilot project for people with dementia

Discourses of sexual relationships in a sample of German and British young people: a Q methodological study

Sporting equality and gender neutrality in korfball

Animated landscapes: history, form and function

Power-sharing success and failures in the Western Balkans

Introduction: state-building and democratization in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The European Union as a federal project


Non-invasive assessment of the autonomic nervous system

A process approach to drama in language teaching

Hostile waters: the beach photographer as endangered species

”The political” and emancipatory politics - reflections on Laclau and Mouffe

Using Capital volume 1 to understand academic wage labour

Norman Geras, human nature and mutual indifference

Teaching the unteachable

Cernodrinski revient a la maison

Divlje meso (Wild flesh)

Divoke maso (Wild flesh)

Sobrani drami 4

Hotel Europa [and] Everyman (El Hombre)

Community cultural development

Radical conformity: Len Lye and the theorisation of film practice

Technologies for transformative learning

Comparative analysis of the drought-responsive transcriptome in soybean lines contrasting for canopy wilting

”If only there would pass away the horror of those hands!” Cholmondeley, Jerome and the woman’s touch in the fin de siècle city

The chamber of fear: a role playing approach to the recruitment and selection of learning technologists

The prognostic value of dobutamine stress echocardiography amongst British Indian Asian and Afro-Caribbean patients: a comparison with European white patients

The impact of intellectual disabilities on elite sports performance

‘Do what the Afro-Americans are doing’: Black Power and the start of the Northern Ireland Troubles

Echoes of the Asturias Revolution: social memories, social struggles

Brans-Dicke supergravity and the Lambda naturalness problem

Attitudes towards the maned wolf amongst adolescents in the southeast of Brazil

La relacion entre el aguara guazu los pobladores en Brasil

Corporate governance and performance of UK listed small and medium enterprises

Working capital management practices and profitability of AIM listed SMEs

Intraorbital foreign body detection and localisation by radiographers: a preliminary JAFROC observer performance study

The effects of sexually explicit material on children and young people

Women and police leadership: a European insight

Disney pluralism: beyond Disney-formalism [Keynote speaker]

Storyboarding: frames of reference [Keynote speaker]

The stop-motion landscape


Do mindfulness based interventions enhance empathy? A meta-analysis.

Child homicide: generating victim and suspect risk profiles

Usability and performance measure of a consumer-grade brain computer interface system for environmental control by neurological patients

Walking against the current: generating creative responses to place

The art of walking

Boundaries, identity and belonging in modern Judaism

Provisional summary list of known Soviet military city plans

Soviet military city plans - a summary of analyses, holdings and recent work

Relationships between formal education and ethnoveterinary knowledge in Eluwai village Tanzania

UK pension sustainability and fund manager governance: agent duties to the principal

Style and supranationalism: chromolithography and the international map of the world

Spectacle and status: the evolution of decoration in English estate maps, 1630-1730

Large scale Ordnance Survey maps of Lyminge – a brief introduction.

Neocartography, new aesthetics?

Neocartography, new aesthetics?


The labyrinth: contained walking, creative thinking

The Walking Dead, or why psychogeography matters

String condensation: nemesis of black holes?

Naughty or not: an investigation into student teachers’ perceptions of attachment disorder

Mapping for disability access

Maps in political cartoons

Sense of place and the map

The role of working memory and verbal fluency in autobiographical memory in early Alzheimer’s disease and matched controls

"All the world's a stage" – Maps as spectacle in journalistic reporting of theatres of war and threat discourse in the twentieth century

Borderlands: maps as spectacle in news reporting of threat discourse

Eurocentric bias

Social capital and sports participation in Greece. The case study of the runners at the Authentic Marathon

Sporting boundaries, sporting events and commodification

Social capital and sports volunteerism in Greece. The case study of the authentic marathon

An evaluation of the legacies of sporting mega events on social capital in Greece: final report to the European Commission for the Intra-European Marie Curie Fellowship

Evaluating service provision for midwifery education: a case study

The social environment of sport

How sport builds social capital. The fight against bullying in school PE

Education and sport

Innovation and leadership in sport management education: opportunities and challenges

Comparing structured thinking tools on a problem construction task using an ill-defined problem

The oratory of Michael Heseltine

Field evidence to constrain models of glacio-isostatic uplift in Scotland

Super volcano eruptions and their impact on hominin evolution

Sourcing limestone masonry for restoration of historic buildings: a spectroscopic study

Risky cultures to risky genes: the racialised discursive construction of south Asian genetic diabetes risk

The wedding paradox: individualised conformity

Between frames: animating the storyboard

Storyboarding in colour: (some) critical perspectives [Invited speaker]

Research on boarders: storyboarding American cinema

The animated storyboard: text and performance

The role of the natural environment for eudemonic well-being and identity during adventure experiences

Applying structured techniques in a problem construction task

Have you tried 'brain breathing'? Structured thinking and problem construction

Nature as a therapeutic space

Eudemonic awakening: nature and eudemonia

#BrickBowl – 36hr animation project

Solaris and 'the other' [in Eye on fiction: the alien in us all]

Museum object handling groups in older adult mental health inpatient care

An introduction to the field of creative arts, wellbeing and health: achievements and current challenges.

Community cultural development for health and wellbeing

Introduction: Bosnia and Herzegovina 20 years after Dayton

The sociology of love

Oxford textbook of creative arts, health and wellbeing: international perspectives on practice, policy and research.

An introduction to foreign languages

Developing intercultural understanding in primary schools

Exploring the impact of the Solihull Approach Understanding Your Pupils Behaviour on a range of teacher variables and on their perceptions of their work with young people

Baby boomers and generational conflict

Blaming the Baby Boomers does today’s young people no favours

The ordinary chaos of psychosis

Beyond the animated landscape: videogame glitches and the sublime

Lords of Misrule

Boosting, glitching and modding Call of Duty: assertive dark play manifestations, communities, pleasures and organic resilience

Understanding counterplay in video games

Palestine in the British press: a postcolonial critical discourse analysis

Introducing narrative career counselling: practitioner workshops

“Telling tales”: understanding and practising narrative career counselling

Beyond rhetoric: moving toward transformative research with young unemployed people in the UK

Enhancing the rigour in qualitative and interpretive research: from a critical friend to collaborative inquiry

“Telling tales”: exploring and applying narrative career counselling

What is interpretive research and how do we assure quality?

What is the relationship between research, theory and practice, and why should we bother?

Examining the experiences of NEET young people in an area of social disadvantage: implications for career guidance

Evaluating the usefulness of narrative career counselling with three clients: a collaborative approach

Developing and strengthening high standards for quality career interventions: the Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe (NICE)

A livelihoods approach to career guidance in Asia: discussing the implications for practice in the UKGideon Arulmani Director, The Promise Foundation, Bangalore, India

Career assessment: qualitative approaches – a reflection

The political conditions of economic development in the Western Balkans

After the election: beware the politics of generationalism

How fear of offending has trumped freedom of speech among today’s young people

Helicopter or hands-off: today’s parents can’t seem to win

Gates to the glorious and the unknown

Developing a suicide prevention programme to address the increase in prison suicides in Kent

Boundaries, thresholds, and the liminal in youth suicide prevention practice

Critiquing contemporary suicidology

Pleasurable suffering: thinking about pleasure and pain

Queer scholars, activists, critics and caretakers: notes on the genealogy, impact and aspiration of queering paradigms

Queering paradigms: from individual resistance to global-local impact

Critical suicidology: transforming suicide research and prevention for the 21st Century

Introduction: rethinking suicide

Looking back, thinking forward

Suffragettes: women in public

Parents! Make the right kind of friends – or else

Schooling goes back to the future

Millennial terrorism comes of age

Building self-compassion and combating low self-esteem: protocol of an online-based CFT programme (YoungMindBeKind.com) for adolescents and young people

Essene adoptions and the Essene Houses of the Community (CD XIV.12-17 and 4Q266 I 5-13) as the charitable educational institutions of the villages and towns of ancient Judaea

OSIRT: a tool for law enforcement research and investigation

Loneliness: a call for community approaches

Philosophy as disability & exclusion: the development of theories on blindness, touch and the arts in England, 1688-2010

Reconstructing Sikh spirituality in recovery from alcohol addiction.


Human rights and children's rights


Routledge international handbook of philosophies and theories of early childhood education and care

Towards mentoring as feminist praxis in early childhood education and care in England

APES 2015

Until when? The memory movement in Spain

(Re)asserting the past: the memory movement vs. Spain’s politics of oblivion

Funding, publications… and a thick skin

Funding, publications… and a thick skin

Contemporary protest and the legacy of dissent

Conclusion: the politics of numbers – censuses in the post-Yugoslav states

Introduction: the politics of numbers in the post-Yugoslav states

Conclusion: challenges and changes in police research

From the briefing room to the class room: the pedagogical value of researching police elites

Introduction to policing research

Introduction to policing research: taking lessons from practice

McLellan, Marx and method

Singing for mental health and wellbeing: findings from West Kent and Medway

An exploration of role model influence on adult nursing students' professional development: a phenomenological research study

The 'knowledgeable doer': nurse and midwife integration of complementary and alternative medicine in NHS hospitals

Internet of everything: how secure should it be?

Contexts of midwifery practice

Lethal fetal anomalies: a case of bilateral renal agenesis

The value of community engagement (some ideas for UK law schools from the US).


Gnosticism and modernity: an archaeology of the influence of Valentinian Gnosticism on modern systems of thought through the theological theme of Sophiology

The development of beginning and early career teachers’ thinking and practice in relation to managing pupil behaviour

Gym bodies (3): spinning

Gym Bodies (2): CrossFit

Gym bodies (1): personal training

Understanding feelings of happiness and well-being: the effects and experiences of physical activity

Spoon-feeding or self-feeding? The infant’s first experience of solid food

Understanding past sporting experiences in the present

Impaired sporting bodies and father-son relationships

The authenticity and meaning of embodiment in life history interviews

Embodied sporting friendships

Embodied experiences within the context of disability

Identifying a pedagogy of initial teacher education (ITE): issues and ambiguities

Boxing, violence and sadism

Christianity, John M. Hull and notions of ability, disability and education

Afterword - Visual impairment, photography and art

What music, what politics? How corporate work and academia made me improvise more.

Unreal-time improv: composing an instrument that builds a performance

The Film Sextet: a performance malfunction and the wrong audience

Parallelizing abnormal event detection in crowded scenes with GPU

Free improvisation at Cafe Oto (London) performance featuring Jennifer Walshe, MC Schmidt (Matmos), Panos Ghikas and Vicky Bennett

Historical documents of the Irish avant-garde

Learning from service user and carer involvement in clinical psychology training

Do clinicians and clinical researchers do enough to foster social inclusion?

Long term outcome of cognitive behavior therapy for body dysmorphic disorder: a naturalistic case series of 1 to 4 years after a controlled trial

Appearance comparison in individuals with body dysmorphic disorder and controls

Coping with cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis, adapting it for another culture, and community inclusion

Students, inclusion, help-seeking and compassionate caring

From Moscow to the minster: the secret Soviet mapping of York

Lives of urban smells

School inclusion for children with mental health difficulties

Staff experiences of formulating within a team setting

Closed circuit? Flow, influence and the liquid management of learning and skills

Education policy: internal consolidator or foreign policy vehicle? EU and Canadian perspectives compared.

Vocation or vocational? Reviewing European Union education and mobility structures

Commune consensu: a soft power comparison of the Commonwealth and the European Union

Is supporting populist political parties a mental disorder?

Exploring narratives of psychological input in the acute inpatient setting

William the peacemaker: the submission of the English to the Duke of Normandy, October 1066-January 1067

Rulership and rebellion in the Anglo-Norman world, c.1066-c.1216: essays in Honour of Professor Edmund King

What lurks beneath?

Blogs and social media: free attention?

Mental health in the movies

Psychos, cuckoo's nests and silver linings: madness in the movies

Evaluation of the totally touchable arts intervention project for sight impaired adults

Fifty years of the Cartographic Journal

Historical documents of the Irish avant garde

Walking the talk? Thinking and acting - teachers’ and practitioners’ perceptions about physical activity, health and well-being, Do they ‘walk the talk’

Walking the talk? Thinking and acting – teachers' and practitioners' perceptions about physical activity, health and well-being, Do they 'walk the talk'?

Chapter 7 – An introduction to physical education

Physical education planning

"Hero Imagery" - Are there performance advantages associated with imagining yourself as your favourite athlete?

“Already tired – do I need to be more tired?!” Eliciting the modal salient exercise beliefs of pregnant women in East Kent (United Kingdom).

Walking against the current: generating creative responses to place

Zakes Mda

The relationship between ethos, learning habits and educational outcomes of English Church of England secondary schools and academies

Faith, service and ownership: the life and changing identity of Eastbridge Hospital throughout the Reformation

Exploring compulsory admission experiences of adults with psychosis in the UK using Grounded Theory

P131: Understanding factors behind the late testing and diagnosis of HIV: UK results from the IMPRESS Health 2 study.

Reverse left ventricular remodelling - effect of cardiac rehabilitation exercise training in myocardial infarction patients with preserved ejection fraction

Measuring the impact of continuing professional development (CPD) learning on patient experience outcomes in the workplace – a realist synthesis and evaluation

Developing a caseload model to reflect the complexity of district and community nursing

Continuing professional development (CPD) for quality care: context, mechanisms, outcome and impact: Education Outcomes Framework: round 2 funding: final report January 2015

The Cassandra Project- building a sustainable workload activity model for future community and district nursing workforce capacity planning

Transforming urgent & emergency care together: developing standards for integrated facilitation in and about the workplace

The Cassandra project: building a sustainable workload activity model for future community and district nursing workforce capacity planning

‘Care for me at home’ A qualitative exploration of experiences of people receiving domiciliary (home) care in the London Borough of Bexley.

POSTED increasing confidence in postural care

A kaleidoscope of enquiry - showcasing examples of collaborative practice to promote inclusive learning environments

Universal Strategies to support motor and functional skills in a sample of UK schools

The sweet smell of Amsterdam … and it's not just cannabis, say odour mappers

The Isl1/Ldb1 complex orchestrates heart-specific chromatin organization and transcriptional regulation

Negotiating Ambiguity: Dynamic Structure in Schoenberg Songs

An exploratory study of eSafety in South Eastern (UK) academies

The UK Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism (SARAH) Act 2015 and corporate social responsibility (CSR): potential connections

Health and wellbeing of the Nepalese population: access and experiences of health and social care services in the UK

Aspiring to a postcolonial engagement with the other: an investigation into student teachers' learning from their intercultural experiences during a South Indian study visit

Complexity and classroom learning

Bridging the gaps: critical reflections on intercultural learning

Organisational culture within local media and how cultural beliefs shape strategic decisions

The estranged case of Ivan Istochnikov: the uncanny indexicality of SF photographs

Disfigured myth: the destruction of London in postmillennial SF film

Perceptions of a “good death” in acute hospitals

Beyond crime: justice and sustainability in the classroom and community

Criminology picks up the gauntlet: responses to the Whole Earth exhibition

Opinion piece: on sustainability

Talent management in the UK higher education institutions - setting a research agenda

Normalisation of Hedonism? Challenging convergence culture through ethnographic studies of alcohol consumption on young adults - a feminist exploration

Liberalism as a form of economic nationalism.

Researching discourses of culture and native-speakerism

Native-speakerism: taking the concept forward and achieving cultural belief

(En)countering native-speakerism: global perspectives

Growth without prosperity

Binge drinking Britain: changing our drinking culture

Ethnographic methods intoxication and research positionality

The YouTube creators' community: challenging the rules of traditional media production and broadcast

Some reflections on judging maps

Women, work and life cycle in Canterbury circa 1200 to circa 1320

Exploring machinima: the impact of virtual filmmaking practice on the creative process

Design thinking: an in-depth analysis of the creative process behind designing visual identities

Specialist group therapy for firesetting behaviour: evidence of a treatment effect from a non-randomised pilot trial with male prisoners

Pets in the courtroom

Do computers increase older people’s inclusion and wellbeing?

“see if I don’t you poor old book”: Repositioning the reader in Mary Cholmondeley’s diaries

How geek kids get geek jobs: a cross-generational inquiry into digital play and young adults' careers in IT

How to laugh at poverty: a critical analysis of development through a theology of laiughter

Scoping report on neonatal care provision in the perinatal period at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) Lusaka to inform the development of a neonatal course

Tree radio

Tree radio

Using professional standards to inform information literacy work

Immediate post-isometric exercise cardiovascular responses are associated with training-induced resting systolicblood pressure reductions

Lost in cinematic translation: the “soft-boiled” housewife in The Blank Wall and American gender politics after WWII

The Comquol Study: a structured approach focused on quality of life in secure mental health settings

Influence of acute dietary nitrate supplementation over 5 km

North American and European foreign policy analysis

Intergenerational music-making – a vehicle for active ageing for children and older people

Sublime et merveilleux dans les pastorales de Noël tchèques des xviie et xviiie siècles


The Zombiefied landscape: World War Z, ParaNorman, and the politics of the animated corpse

"New music‟ as patriarchal category

As Thomas was cudgell'd one day by his wife and other stories: music from the Canterbury Catch Club

Himlen Var

WhatPriceMusic - a longitudinal research

Legal fictions, inviolability of persons and the governance of assisted dying

Death by effectiveness: exercise as medicine caught in the efficacy trap

Maternal effects in nematodes: evidence, relevance & importance

The virtue of vice: a defence of hypocrisy in democratic politics

Protecting the public: the current regulation of midwifery

Space partners or mortal enemies: contentious lands, farmer-grazier conflicts and women's militancy in Cameroon

Protecting the public: the current regulation of midwifery

‘Learning how not to be good’: Machiavelli and the standard dirty hands thesis

Competing imaginations for teaching and learning: the findings of research into a christian approach to teaching and learning called What If Learning

How should I regulate my emotions if I want to run faster?

Capitalizing on the placebo component of treatments

The factorial ecology of Dublin: 40 years of urban social change?

Health behavior: an overview of effects & issues

The Church's one foundation: the Anglican origins and ecclesiological significance of the 1920 Lambeth "Appeal to all Christian people"

Book review: Hloušek, Vít, ed., 2013 Presidents above parties? Presidents in Central and Eastern Europe, their formal competencies and informal power

Book review: Institutional design and party government in post-Communist Europe

Behind the scenes

Rising to the challenge: a study of philanthropic support for unpopular causes

How it all started. Coubertin’s journey of inspiration to Olympism

Learning to do, doing to learn: an exploration of teacher knowledge and learning through the narratives of trainees on a CELTA (Cambridge English Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) course

Enabling and engaging students within an e-learning environment using WordPress

Scentscape 06 . 2015 – Singapore

How to explore a smellscape

Smellmap: Pamplona moving map

A Peirce-Vygotskyian approach to the modality of second language education

Exploring the ontological affinity of Peirce and Vygotsky for cultural-historical activity theory

What’s the point of asking teachers to reflect?

Expanding the vision: a study of trainee teachers’ beliefs about using technology in the English language classroom

Publishing your work: an editor’s perspective

Practice development in end of life home care

Problems encountered by science teachers in wheelchairs

Looking at, and listening to, musical features: creativity in score preparation

Centre story: discussions with three virtuoso principal trombonists of London orchestras; Byron Fulcher, Helen Vollam, Matt Gee

Centre story: documenting the lives of international tuba players; Kevin Morgan, Oren Marshall & Lee Tsamarklis

PartiSim: a framework for participative simulation modelling

Can involving clients in simulation studies help them solve their future problems? A transfer of learning experiment

What have we learnt? Where are we going? HeadStart Kent, Knowledge Seminar Four Report

Evidence based approaches: what is happening in Kent. HeadStart Kent, Knowledge Seminar Three Report

Measuring outcomes: HeadStart Kent, Knowledge Seminar Two Report

Here and now - premier

Evaluation of the Solihull Approach in Kent: drawing conclusions from the data

Here and now

Curricular innovation: a case study of developing health enhancing physical activity modules in physical education

Difficult encounter: Polish theatre on the Irish stage between 2004 and 2015

Puppets, dogs, and vegetarian angels: ecocriticism in Jakub Krofta’s Polish productions

"Not of heroic build": the literate glee

"The folly of the farce is done": death and grief in convivial song

Pain, rain, and rhyme: the role of rhythm in Stefanie Preissner’s work

An evening with the Canterbury Catch Club

Unsung singers: the musicians of Canterbury 1770-1865

A tale of two mazers: negotiating relationships at Kentish medieval hospitals'

Understanding psychosis and schizophrenia: the story and the future

We desperately need #Equality4MentalHealth, but let’s have services people actually want to use

I’d rather die than go back to hospital’: why we need a non-medical crisis house in every town

Att Forsta Psyckos och Schizofreni

Changing the story: getting out there with psychosocial perspectives on ‘mental illness’

Royal public finance (c.1290-1523)

The economic impact of the Reformation on two Canterbury parishes

The object says it all: intertexuality in artistic practice. A performance lecture

Performance lecture series 17th March 2015 – 6th April 2015


The beautiful and the political

Civic virtue and global responsibilities: the possibility of a character-based approach to educating global citizens in Australia?

Education, globalization and the nation

Obsolete Studios (event) : Format Photography Festival 2015

Paradigm lecture series: Rob Ball


Examining the cognitive costs of counterfactual language comprehension: evidence from ERPs

Task constraints distinguish perspective inferences from perspective use during discourse interpretation in a false belief task

Global citizenship and the notion of moral emotions

Inclined to see it your way: do altercentric intrusion effects in visual perspective taking reflect an intrinsically social process?

A qualitative evaluation of going glocal: Namibia 2014

Embodied practices in korfball

Development and validation of the sports supplements beliefs scale [Conference paper abstract]

About bakers, butchers, geese and pigs: negotiating the boundaries of Jewish-Christian relations in Schudt’s Merckwürdigkeiten

Navigating Christian space: Jewish responses to Christian imagery in Early Modern German lands

The politics of food: kashrut, food choices and social justice (tikkun olam)

Surfing the great British Jewish web: Jewish history resources online


Governmentality and the Olympic Movement

The Olympic idea nowadays. perceptions and insights

Informal mealtime pedagogies: exploring the influence of family structure on young people's healthy eating dispositions

"Racialised" pedagogic practices influencing young Muslims' physical culture

Creative industries graduate survival

Pedagogy, practice, research

The role of the desert in Breaking Bad

2014/15 Skills2Play/Sport programme evaluation

Lifetime evaluation of the Change4Life Primary School Sports Club Programme

Evaluation of the MPS Predictive Policing Trial (redacted)

Sizing up eternity

Use of suboptimal sperm increases the risk of aneuploidy of the sex chromosomes in preimplantation blastocyst embryos

No tail

Intimate partner violence: a study in men and women from six European countries

Physical Culture, Pedagogy, Racialisation and the Body.

A process evaluation of Newham's every child a sportsperson programme

A school based intervention to increase physical activity and sport through PE: the NECaSP project.

Superdiversity health and wellbeing: ethnic minority families understanding of physical activity for health

A process evaluation of a school based activity for health intervention in East London.

Putting physical culture studies to work in school PE: a needed pedagogical dialogue

Racialised bodies and physical culture: lessons learnt

Physical culture and racialised bodies of Muslim young people.

Female coaches: A qualitative analysis of determinants

The reflective practice guide

'Promise and perils of Sri Lankan performers' rights: The royalty collection in music'

Archive film of Canterbury and district - screening 8

Archive film of Canterbury and district - screening 9

Promise and perils of Sri Lankan performers' rights: the royalty collection in music

Review of Intellectual Property Law by Lionel Bentley and Brad Sherman

Sri Lankan performers' rights

Delicate dilemmas: an insight into the ethics of filming with vulnerable participants

Bourdieu, young people and physical activity: from theory to practice

A pilot randomized controlled trial of cognitive-behavioral therapy for adolescents with body dysmorphic disorder

Spread of food technology and ideas about food

"Trollope revisited."

"'As a child looks at a cake': hungering at Hope Farm in Elizabeth Gaskell's 'Cousin Phillis'"

"Thomas Anstey Guthrie's gothic voices"

"Per ardua ad Astor: the vicissitudes of Henry James's covering"

Dickens and the imagined child

Working capital management and performance of listed SMEs

An American yell: Buffalo Bill and the Wild West in East Kent

Investor-state compensation in the shadow of the Hull Formula

Ethnic conflict in Uganda’s political History

A response to the challenges posed by the binary divide between employee and self-employed

A critique of shareholder primacy under UK takeover law and the continued imposition of the Board Neutrality Rule

Protection of foreign investment pre-1945 and the impact of subsequent reforms

Enforcement of anti-suit injunctions

Recognition of anti-suit injunctions in Civil and Common Law jurisdictions

The development of corporate rescue laws in Uganda and the UK

Shareholder primacy and stakeholders' interests in the aftermath of a takeover: a review of empirical evidence

Transport in British fiction: technologies of movement, 1840-1940

Blackstone's handbook for policing students 2016

Researching professional development

Policing and mental health

The ‘connecting children and nature network’: building a collaborative partnership for change

Marxism, religion and ideology: themes from David McLellan

A ritual for survival: questions of identity and politics in one hundred year of Nigerian dance

Henry VI

Queering cancer narratives

Editorial preface

Changing society’s whole approach to psychosis (presentation)

Shadows symposium, Camberwell College of Art, 2015

‘Radio play: voice as material’

Overview of my radio art practice

Magz Hall radio art research and practice - the sound of story 2015

Keynote net station international conference, University of University of Minho, Bragga Portugal

Transmitter workshop

PZT-like structural phase transitions in the BiFeO3-KNbO3 solid solution

Dreamlands commissions (2014-15)

Terry Pratchett appreciation

Abjection and the constructions of race and racism in district 9

New Wave At-itudes

An analysis of regional solicitors' attitudes to, and the use of, mediation

Solicitors attitudes to mediation - a Canterbury study

René Guénon and the heart of the Grail

How effective are interventions at reducing socioeconomic inequalities in obesity among children and adults? two systematic reviews

This divided land: an examination of regional inequalities in exposure to brownfield land and the association with morbidity and mortality in England

New cartographies, new aesthetics?

Searching the past

How the great war changed Kent

How the Great War changed Kent - Shepherds Well

Dover and the Great War

Can social work afford to remain apolitical in the age of neoliberalism and managerialism discourse at the expense of social justice, challenging inequalities and empowerment of its recipients: dilemmas and considerations for north and south global worlds?

Participant not patient- employing a person-centred approach to researching the use of lived experience in mental health peer support

Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust lived experience practitioner training scheme: co-producing peer support training’

Psychosocial impact of involvement in the special olympics

How 18- and 24-month-old peers divide resources among themselves

The whole systems approach to integrating urgent and emergency care

Modernism and First World War poetry: alternative lines

The Cleansing

The D+R Balance application: a novel method of assessing postural sway

Environmental factors that affect the Fukuda stepping test in normal participants

Profound anterograde amnesia following routine anaesthetic and dental procedure: a new classification of amnesia characterised by intermediate-to-late stage consolidation failure?

Comparison of children's gaming scores to NEPSY-II scores: validation of computer games as cognitive tools