Coordinating criminal justice: a Qualitative Comparative Analysis of inter-organisational information sharing of four EU Member States

Conference paper

Iannacci, F., Seepma, A. and de Blok, C. 2015. Coordinating criminal justice: a Qualitative Comparative Analysis of inter-organisational information sharing of four EU Member States.
AuthorsIannacci, F., Seepma, A. and de Blok, C.
TypeConference paper

Qualitative-comparative analysis of four cases of inter-organisational information sharing in
criminal justice chains demonstrates the causal asymmetry between successful and
unsuccessful inter-organisational information sharing. While unsuccessful information sharing
requires poor project management, successful information sharing also requires compatible
technologies which are implemented either by means of a small-scale, bottom-up approach to
standardization or a top-down, centralised architecture. By triggering the radical restructuring
of information-sharing workflows, good project management and compatible technologies set
in motion underlying mechanisms that generate successful inter-organisational information
sharing. Implications are discussed by highlighting the role of coordination by technological
feedback in a context of increasing digitization.

Keywordssupply-chain coordination, criminal justice, qualitative comparative analysis
Conference22nd EurOMA Conference

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Publication process dates
Deposited16 Jun 2015
Submitted16 Apr 2015
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