Collective action for knowledge mobilisation: a realist evaluation of the collaborations for leadership in applied health research and care

Research report

Rycroft-Malone, J., Burton, C., Wilkinson, J., Harvey, G., McCormack, B., Baker, R., Dopson, S., Graham, I., Staniszewska, S., Thompson, C., Ariss, S., Melville-Richards, L. and Williams, L. 2015. Collective action for knowledge mobilisation: a realist evaluation of the collaborations for leadership in applied health research and care. UK NIHR Journals Library.
AuthorsRycroft-Malone, J., Burton, C., Wilkinson, J., Harvey, G., McCormack, B., Baker, R., Dopson, S., Graham, I., Staniszewska, S., Thompson, C., Ariss, S., Melville-Richards, L. and Williams, L.
TypeResearch report

Background: The establishment of the Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRCs) was the culmination of a number of policy initiatives to bridge the gap between evidence and practice. CLAHRCs were created and funded to facilitate development of partnerships and connect the worlds of academia and practice in an effort to improve patient outcomes through the conduct and application of applied health research.

Objectives: Our starting point was to test the theory that bringing higher education institutions and health-care organisations closer together catalyses knowledge mobilisation. The overall purpose was to develop explanatory theory regarding implementation through CLAHRCs and answer the question ‘what works, for whom, why and in what circumstances?’. The study objectives focused on identifying and tracking implementation mechanisms and processes over time; determining what influences whether or not and how research is used in CLAHRCs; investigating the role played by boundary objects in the success or failure of implementation; and determining whether or not and how CLAHRCs develop and sustain interactions and communities of practice.

Methods: This study was a longitudinal realist evaluation using multiple qualitative case studies, incorporating stakeholder engagement and formative feedback. Three CLAHRCs were studied in depth over four rounds of data collection through a process of hypothesis generation, refining, testing and programme theory specification. Data collection included interviews, observation, documents, feedback sessions and an interpretive forum.

Findings: Knowledge mobilisation in CLAHRCs was a function of a number of interconnected issues that provided more or less conducive conditions for collective action. The potential of CLAHRCs to close the metaphorical ‘know–do’ gap was dependent on historical regional relationships, their approach to engaging different communities, their architectures, what priorities were set and how, and providing additional resources for implementation, including investment in roles and activities to bridge and broker boundaries. Additionally, we observed a balance towards conducting research rather than implementing it. Key mechanisms of interpretations of collaborative action, opportunities for connectivity, facilitation, motivation, review and reflection, and unlocking barriers/releasing potential were important to the processes and outcomes of CLAHRCs. These mechanisms operated in different contexts including stakeholders’ positioning, or ‘where they were coming from’, governance arrangements, availability of resources, competing drivers, receptiveness to learning and evaluation, and alignment of structures, positions and resources. Preceding conditions influenced the course and journey of the CLAHRCs in a path-dependent way. We observed them evolving over time and their development led to the accumulation of different types of impacts, from those that were conceptual to, later in their life cycle, those that were more direct.

Conclusions: Most studies of implementation focus on researching one-off projects, so a strength of this study was in researching a systems approach to knowledge mobilisation over time. Although CLAHRC-like approaches show promise, realising their full potential will require a longer and more sustained focus on relationship building, resource allocation and, in some cases, culture change. This reinforces the point that research implementation within a CLAHRC model is a long-term investment and one that is set within a life cycle of organisational collaboration.

KeywordsKnowledge Mobilisation; Applied Health; Research; Collaboration; Leadership
PublisherNIHR Journals Library
Place of publicationUK
Page range1-200
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Official URL
Output statusPublished
Publication dates
PrintDec 2015
Publication process dates
AcceptedJan 2015
Deposited22 May 2020
FunderHealth Services and Delivery Research

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A survey of the NHS reporting radiographer workforce in England
Lockwood, P., Burton, C., Shaw, T. and Woznitza, N. 2024. A survey of the NHS reporting radiographer workforce in England. Radiography Open. 10 (1), pp. 1-18.
Did the evidence-based intervention (EBI) programme reduce inappropriate procedures, lessen unwarranted variation or lead to spill-over effects in the National Health Service?
Joel Glynn, Timothy Jones, Mike Bell, Jane Blazeby, Christopher Burton, Carmel Conefrey, Jenny L. Donovan, Nicola Farrar, Josie Morley, Angus McNair, Amanda Owen-Smith, Ellen Rule, Gail Thornton, Victoria Tucker, Iestyn Williams, Leila Rooshenas and William Hollingworth 2024. Did the evidence-based intervention (EBI) programme reduce inappropriate procedures, lessen unwarranted variation or lead to spill-over effects in the National Health Service? PLoS ONE.
Assessing the barriers and enablers to the implementation of the diagnostic radiographer musculoskeletal X‑ray reporting service within the NHS in England: a systematic literature review
Lockwood, P., Burton, C., Woznitza, N. and Shaw, T. 2023. Assessing the barriers and enablers to the implementation of the diagnostic radiographer musculoskeletal X‑ray reporting service within the NHS in England: a systematic literature review. BMC Health Services Research. 23 (1270), pp. 1-41.
Evolving power dynamics in global health: From biomedical hegemony to market dynamics in global health financing; A response to the recent commentaries
Lassa, S., Saddiq, Muhammed, Owen, Jenny, Burton, Christopher and Balen, J. 2023. Evolving power dynamics in global health: From biomedical hegemony to market dynamics in global health financing; A response to the recent commentaries. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 12, p. 8264.
"It's not just about the numbers": Inside the black box of nurses' professional judgement in nurse staffing systems in England and Wales: Insights from a qualitative cross-case comparative study
Allen, Davina, Jacob, Nina, Strange, Heather, Jones, Aled, Burton, Chris and Rafferty, Anne Marie 2023. "It's not just about the numbers": Inside the black box of nurses' professional judgement in nurse staffing systems in England and Wales: Insights from a qualitative cross-case comparative study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 147, p. 104586.
The Implementation in CONtext (ICON) framework: A meta-framework of context domains, attributes, and features in healthcare
Squires, J.E., Graham, I.D., Santos, W.J., Hutchinson, A.M., Backman, C., Bergström, A., Brehaut, J., Brouwers, M., Burton, C., Candido, L.K., Cassidy, C., Chalmers, C., Chapman, A., Colquhoun, H., Curran, J., Demery Varin, M., Doering, P., Elliott Rose, A., Fairclough, L., Francis, J., Godfrey, C., Greenough, M., Grimshaw, J.M., Grinspun, D., Harvey, G., Hillmer, M., Ivers, N., Lavis, J., Li, S., Michie, S., Miller, W., Noseworthy, T., Rader, T., Robson, M., Rycroft-Malone, J., Stacey, D., Straus, S., Tricco, A.C., Wallin, L. and Watkins, V. 2023. The Implementation in CONtext (ICON) framework: A meta-framework of context domains, attributes, and features in healthcare. Health Research Policy and Systems.
Optimising the Conceptualisation of Context Comment on "Stakeholder Perspectives of Attributes and Features of Context Relevant to Knowledge Translation in Health Settings: A Multi-country Analysis".
Rycroft-Malone, J., Rogers, L. and Burton, C. 2022. Optimising the Conceptualisation of Context Comment on "Stakeholder Perspectives of Attributes and Features of Context Relevant to Knowledge Translation in Health Settings: A Multi-country Analysis". International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 11 (10), pp. 2365-2367.
EMPOWERing older people and their communities to manage their own CARE (EMPOWERCARE): Evaluation study of a social innovation initiative across four European countries
Hatzidimitriadou, E., Wright, T., Stirrup, V., Kuzbit, P., Thompson, T., DeBraal, P, Burton, C., Price, A., Stein, M., Wells, G., Manship, S., Martin, A. and Chung, P. 2022. EMPOWERing older people and their communities to manage their own CARE (EMPOWERCARE): Evaluation study of a social innovation initiative across four European countries. International Journal of Integrated Care.
Using arts-based research in applied health care: An example from an evaluation of NHS dental contract reform in Wales
Overs, E., Woods, Chris, Jones, L., Williams, Lynne, Williams, Sion, Burton, Chris and Brocklehurst, Paul R 2022. Using arts-based research in applied health care: An example from an evaluation of NHS dental contract reform in Wales. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy. 28 (3), pp. 190-196.
Promoting physical activity and physical function in people with long-term conditions in primary care: the Function First realist synthesis with co-design
Law, R., Langley, J., Hall, B., Burton, C., Hiscock, J., Williams, L., Morrison, V., Lemmey, A., Lovell-Smith, Candida, Gallanders, John, Cooney, J. and Williams, N. 2021. Promoting physical activity and physical function in people with long-term conditions in primary care: the Function First realist synthesis with co-design. Health Services and Delivery Research. 9 (16), pp. 1-104.
‘Function First’: how to promote physical activity and physical function in people with long-term conditions managed in primary care? A study combining realist and co-design methods
Law, Rebecca Jane, Langley, Joseph, Hall, Beth, Burton, Christopher, Hiscock, Julia, Williams, Lynne, Morrison, Val, Lemmey, Andrew, Lovell-Smith, Candida, Gallanders, John, Cooney, Jennifer Kate and Williams, Nefyn 2021. ‘Function First’: how to promote physical activity and physical function in people with long-term conditions managed in primary care? A study combining realist and co-design methods. BMJ Open. 11 (7).
Pro-judge study: Nurses’ professional judgement in nurse staffing systems
Jacob, Nina, Burton, Chris, Hale, Rachel, Jones, Aled, Lloyd, Amy, Rafferty, Anne-Marie and Allen, Davina 2021. Pro-judge study: Nurses’ professional judgement in nurse staffing systems. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 7 (10), pp. 4226-4233.
Theory and practical guidance for effective de-implementation of practices across health and care services: a realist synthesis
Christopher R. Burton, Lynne Williams, Tracey Bucknall, Denise Fisher, Beth Hall, Gill Harris, Peter Jones, Matthew Makin, Anne Mcbride, Rachel Meacock, John Parkinson, Jo Rycroft-Malone and Justin Waring 2021. Theory and practical guidance for effective de-implementation of practices across health and care services: a realist synthesis. Health Services and Delivery Research. 9 (2), pp. 1-102.
Dental therapists compared with general dental practitioners for undertaking check-ups in low-risk patients: pilot RCT with realist evaluation
Brocklehurst, P., Hoare, Z., Woods, C., Williams, L., Brand, A., Shen, J., Breckons, M., Ashley, J., Jenkins, A, Gough, Lesley, Preshaw, P., Burton, C., Shepherd, Karen and Bhattarai, N. 2021. Dental therapists compared with general dental practitioners for undertaking check-ups in low-risk patients: pilot RCT with realist evaluation. Health Services and Delivery Research. 9 (3), pp. 1-118.
Making authentic: exploring boundary objects and bricolage in knowledge mobilisation through National Health Service-university partnerships
Melville-Richards, Lucy, Rycroft-Malone, Joanne, Burton, Christopher and Wilkinson, Joyce 2020. Making authentic: exploring boundary objects and bricolage in knowledge mobilisation through National Health Service-university partnerships. Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice. 16 (4), pp. 517-539.
A multicentre, randomised controlled trial to compare the clinical and cost-effectiveness of Lee Silverman Voice Treatment versus standard NHS Speech and Language Therapy versus control in Parkinson’s disease: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Sackley, C. M., Rick, C., Au, P., Brady, M. C., Beaton, G., Burton, C., Caulfield, M., Dickson, S., Dowling, F., Hughes, M., Ives, N., Jowett, S., Masterton-Algar, P., Nicoll, A., Patel, S., Smith, C. H., Woolley, R. and Clarke, C. E. 2020. A multicentre, randomised controlled trial to compare the clinical and cost-effectiveness of Lee Silverman Voice Treatment versus standard NHS Speech and Language Therapy versus control in Parkinson’s disease: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials. 21 (436).
'Function first—be active, stay independent’—Promoting physical activity and physical function in people with long-term conditions by primary care: a protocol for a realist synthesis with embedded co-production and co-design
Law, R-J, Williams, L., Langley, J., Burton, C., Hall, B., Hiscock, J., Morrison, V., Lemmey, A., Partridge, R., Lovell-Smith, C., Gallanders, J. and Williams, N. 2020. 'Function first—be active, stay independent’—Promoting physical activity and physical function in people with long-term conditions by primary care: a protocol for a realist synthesis with embedded co-production and co-design. BMJ Open. 10 (2).
Implementation, impact and costs of policies for safe staffing in acute NHS trusts
Ball, J., Barker, H., Burton, C., Crouch, R., Griffith, P., Jones, J. and Rycroft Malone, J. 2019. Implementation, impact and costs of policies for safe staffing in acute NHS trusts. University of Southampton.
Sleep hygiene education and children with developmental disabilities: Findings from a co-design study
Sutton, J.E., Huws, J.C. and Burton, C. 2019. Sleep hygiene education and children with developmental disabilities: Findings from a co-design study. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities.
Towards safe nurse staffing in England’s National Health Service: progress and pitfalls of policy evolution
Lawless, J., Couch, R., Griffiths, P., Burton, C. and Ball, J. 2019. Towards safe nurse staffing in England’s National Health Service: progress and pitfalls of policy evolution. Health Policy. 123 (6), pp. 590-594.
Brief smoking cessation in acute Welsh hospitals: A realist approach
Davies, S., Burton, C., Williams, L. and Tinkler, A. 2019. Brief smoking cessation in acute Welsh hospitals: A realist approach. Health Promotion International. 35 (2), pp. 244-254.
Understanding how and why de-implementation works in health and care: research protocol for a realist synthesis of evidence
Burton, C., Williams, L., Bucknall, T., Edwards, S., Fisher, D., Hall, B., Harris, G., Jones, P., Makin, M., McBride, A., Meacock, R., Parkinson, J., Rycroft-Malone, J. and Waring, J. 2019. Understanding how and why de-implementation works in health and care: research protocol for a realist synthesis of evidence. Systematic Reviews. 8 (194).
NHS managers’ use of nursing workforce planning and deployment technologies: a realist synthesis
Burton, C., Rycroft-Malone, J., Williams, L., Davies, S., McBride, A., Hall, B., Rowlands, A., Jones, A., Fisher, D., Jones, M. and Caulfield, M. 2018. NHS managers’ use of nursing workforce planning and deployment technologies: a realist synthesis. Health Services and Delivery Research. 6 (36).
The generation of consensus guidelines for carrying out process evaluations in rehabilitation research
Masterson-Algar, P., Burton, C. and Rycroft-Malone, J. 2018. The generation of consensus guidelines for carrying out process evaluations in rehabilitation research. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 18 (1), pp. 1-11.
Getting back to life after stroke: co-designing a peer-led coaching intervention to enable stroke survivors to rebuild a meaningful life after stroke
Masterson-Algar, P., Williams, S., Burton, C., Arthur, C., Hoare, Z., Morrison, V., Radford, K., Seddon, D. and Elghenzai, S. 2018. Getting back to life after stroke: co-designing a peer-led coaching intervention to enable stroke survivors to rebuild a meaningful life after stroke. Disability and Rehabilitation. 42 (10), pp. 1359-1372.
Arts-based palliative care training, education and staff development: A scoping review
Turton, B.M., Williams, S., Burton, C.R. and Williams, L. 2018. Arts-based palliative care training, education and staff development: A scoping review. Palliative Medicine. 32 (2).
The PD COMM trial: a protocol for the process evaluation of a randomised trial assessing the effectiveness of two types of SLT for people with Parkinson's disease.
Masterson-Algar, P, Burton, C., Brady, M.C., Nicoll, A., Clarke, C.E., Rick, C., Hughes, M., Au, P., Smith, C.H. and Sackley, C.M. 2017. The PD COMM trial: a protocol for the process evaluation of a randomised trial assessing the effectiveness of two types of SLT for people with Parkinson's disease. Trials. 18 (397), p. 2017.
Managing diabetes in people with dementia: a realist review
Bunn, F., Goodman, C., Jones, P.R., Russell, B., Trivedi, D., Sinclair, A., Bayer, A., Rait, G., Rycroft-Malone, J. and Burton, C. 2017. Managing diabetes in people with dementia: a realist review. Perth, Scotland NIHR Journals Library.
Implementation and trial evidence: a plea for fore-thought
Brocklehurst, P.R., Williams, L., Burton, C., Goodwin, T. and Rycroft-Malone, J. 2017. Implementation and trial evidence: a plea for fore-thought. British Dental Journal. 222 (5), pp. 331-335.
What works for whom in the management of diabetes in people living with dementia: a realist review
Bunn, F., Goodman, C., Jones, P. R., Russell, B., Trivedi, D., Sinclair, A., Bayer, A., Rait, G., Rycroft-Malone, J. and Burton, C. 2017. What works for whom in the management of diabetes in people living with dementia: a realist review. BMC Medicine. 15 (141).
Improving skills and care standards in the support workforce for older people: a realist synthesis of workforce development interventions
Rycroft-Malone, J., Burton, C., Williams, L., Edwards, S., Fisher, D., Hall, B., McCormack, B., Nutley, S., Seddon, D. and Williams, R. 2016. Improving skills and care standards in the support workforce for older people: a realist synthesis of workforce development interventions. National Institute of Health Research.
Implementing a Systematic Voiding Program for Patients With Urinary Incontinence After Stroke
French, B., Thomas, L.H., Harrison, J., Burton, C., Forshaw, D., Booth, J., Britt, D., Cheater, F.M., Roe, B. and Watkins, C.L. 2016. Implementing a Systematic Voiding Program for Patients With Urinary Incontinence After Stroke. Qualitative Health Research. 26 (10).
Implementing best practice in infection prevention and control. A realist evaluation of the role of intermediaries
Williams, L., Rycroft-Malone, J. and Burton, C. 2016. Implementing best practice in infection prevention and control. A realist evaluation of the role of intermediaries. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 60, pp. 156-167.
Bringing critical realism to nursing practice: Roy Bhaskar's contribution
Williams, L., Rycroft-Malone, J. and Burton, C. 2016. Bringing critical realism to nursing practice: Roy Bhaskar's contribution. nursing philosophy: an international journal for healthcare professionals. 18 (2).
Managers' use of nursing workforce planning and deployment technologies: protocol for a realist synthesis of implementation and impact
Burton, C., Rycroft-Malone, J., Williams, L., Davies, S., McBride, A., Hall, B., Rowlands, A.M. and Jones, A. 2016. Managers' use of nursing workforce planning and deployment technologies: protocol for a realist synthesis of implementation and impact. BMJ Open. 6 (8).
Improving skills and care standards in the support workforce for older people: a realist synthesis of workforce development interventions
Williams, L., Rycroft-Malone, J., Burton, C., Edwards,S., Fisher, D., Hall, B., McCormack, B., Nutley, S.M., Seddon, D. and Williams, R. 2016. Improving skills and care standards in the support workforce for older people: a realist synthesis of workforce development interventions. BMJ Open. 6 (8).
Strategies to prevent oral disease in dependent older people
Brocklehurst, P., Williams, L., Hoare, Z., Goodwin, T., McKenna, G., Tsakos, G., Chestnutt, I.G., Pretty, I., Wassall, R., Jerkovic-Cosic, K., Hayes, M., Watt, R.G. and Burton, C. 2016. Strategies to prevent oral disease in dependent older people. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
Process evaluations in neurological rehabilitation: a mixed-evidence systematic review and recommendations for future research
Masterson-Algar, P., Burton, C. and Rycroft-Malone, J. 2016. Process evaluations in neurological rehabilitation: a mixed-evidence systematic review and recommendations for future research. BMJ Open. 6 (11).
Managing diabetes in people with dementia: protocol for a realist review
Bunn, F., Goodman, C., Rycroft Malone, J., Reece Jones, P., Burton, C., Rait, G., Trivedi, D., Bayer, A. and Sinclair, A. 2016. Managing diabetes in people with dementia: protocol for a realist review. Systematic Reviews. 5 (5).
Collaboration and co-production knowledge in healthcare: opportunities and challenges
Rycroft-Malone, J., Burton, C.R., Bucknall , T., Graham, I.D., Hutchinson, A. and Stacey, D. 2016. Collaboration and co-production knowledge in healthcare: opportunities and challenges. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 5 (4), pp. 221-223.
Collective action for implementation: a realist evaluation of organisational collaboration in healthcare
Rycroft-Malone, J., Burton, C.R., Wilkinson, J., Harvey, G., McCormack, B., Baker, R., Dopson, S., Graham, I.D., Staniszewska, S., Thompson, C., Ariss, S., Melville-Richards, L. and Williams , L. 2016. Collective action for implementation: a realist evaluation of organisational collaboration in healthcare. Implementation Science : IS. 11 (17).
An occupational therapy intervention for residents with stroke-related disabilities in UK care homes (OTCH): cluster randomised controlled trial with economic evaluation
Sackley, C.M., Walker, M.F., Burton, C.R., Watkins,C.L, Mant, J., Roalfe, A.K., Wheatley, K., Sheehan, B., Sharp, L., Stant, K.E., Fletcher-Smith, J., Steel, K., Barton, G.R., Irvine, L. and Peryer, G. 2016. An occupational therapy intervention for residents with stroke-related disabilities in UK care homes (OTCH): cluster randomised controlled trial with economic evaluation. Health Technology Assessment. 20 (15).
Identifying Continence OptioNs after Stroke (ICONS): an evidence synthesis, case study and exploratory cluster randomised controlled trial of the introduction of a systematic voiding programme for patients with urinary incontinence after stroke in secondary care
Thomas, L. H., French, B., Sutton, C. J., Forshaw, D., Leathley, M. J., Burton, C., Roe, B., Cheater, F. M., Booth, J., McColl, E., Carter, B., Walker, A., Brittain, K., Whiteley, G., Rodgers, H., Barrett, J. and Watkins, C. L. 2015. Identifying Continence OptioNs after Stroke (ICONS): an evidence synthesis, case study and exploratory cluster randomised controlled trial of the introduction of a systematic voiding programme for patients with urinary incontinence after stroke in secondary care. NIHR Journals Library.
An untapped resource: patient and public involvement in implementation comment on "Knowledge mobilization in healthcare organizations": a view from the resource-based view of the firm
Burton, C. and Rycroft-Malone, J. 2015. An untapped resource: patient and public involvement in implementation comment on "Knowledge mobilization in healthcare organizations": a view from the resource-based view of the firm. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 4 (12), pp. 845-847.
Investigating preferences for support with life after stroke: a discrete choice experiment
Burton, C., Fargher, E., Plumpton, C., Roberts, G.W, Owen, H. and Roberts, E. 2014. Investigating preferences for support with life after stroke: a discrete choice experiment. BMC Health Services Research. 14 (63).
Evaluating a systematic voiding programme for patients with urinary incontinence after stroke in secondary care using soft systems analysis and Normalisation Process Theory: findings from the ICONS case study phase.International journal of nursing studies
Thomas, L.H, French, B., Burton, C., Sutton, C., Forshaw, D., Dickinson, H., Leathley, M.J., Britt, D., Roe, B., Cheater, F.M, Booth, J., Watkins, C.L, ICONS Project Team, ICONS Patient and Public and Carer Involvement Groups 2014. Evaluating a systematic voiding programme for patients with urinary incontinence after stroke in secondary care using soft systems analysis and Normalisation Process Theory: findings from the ICONS case study phase.International journal of nursing studies. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 51 (10), pp. 1308-1320.
Improving skills and care standards in the support workforce for older people: a realist review
Rycroft-Malone, J., Burton, C., Hall, B., McCormack, B., Nutley, S., Seddon, D. and Williams, L. 2014. Improving skills and care standards in the support workforce for older people: a realist review. BMJ Open. 4 (5).
Does self-efficacy influence recovery and well-being in osteoarthritis patients undergoing joint replacement? A systematic review
Magklara, E., Burton, C. and Morrison, V. 2014. Does self-efficacy influence recovery and well-being in osteoarthritis patients undergoing joint replacement? A systematic review. Clinical Rehabilitation. 28 (9).
Towards a programme theory for fidelity in the evaluation of complex interventions.
Masterson-Algar, P., Burton, C., Rycroft-Malone, J., Sackley, C.M. and Walker, M.F. 2014. Towards a programme theory for fidelity in the evaluation of complex interventions. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice . 20 (4), pp. 445 - 452.
Investigating the organisational impacts of quality improvement: a protocol for a realist evaluation of improvement approaches drawing on the Resource Based View of the Firm.
Burton, C., Rycroft Malone, J., Robert, G., Willson, A. and Hopkins, A. 2014. Investigating the organisational impacts of quality improvement: a protocol for a realist evaluation of improvement approaches drawing on the Resource Based View of the Firm. BMJ Open. 4:e005650.
Resource based view of the firm as a theoretical lens on the organisational consequences of quality improvement.
Burton, C. and Rycroft-Malone, J. 2014. Resource based view of the firm as a theoretical lens on the organisational consequences of quality improvement. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 3 (3), pp. 113 - 115.
The study protocol of: 'Initiating end of life care in stroke: clinical decision-making around prognosis'.
Burton, C., Payne, S., Turner, M., Bucknall, T., Rycroft-Malone, J., Tyrell, P., Horne, M., Ntambwe, L.I., Tyson, S., Mitchell, H., Williams, S. and Elghenzai, S. 2014. The study protocol of: 'Initiating end of life care in stroke: clinical decision-making around prognosis'. BMC Palliative Care. 13 (55).
Identifying continence options after stroke (ICONS): a cluster randomised controlled feasibility trial.
Thomas, L.H., Watkins, C.L., Sutton, C.J., Forshaw, D., Leathley, M.J., French, B., Burton, C., Cheater, F., Roe, B., Britt, D., Booth, J., McColl, E., The ICONS Project Team and The ICONS Patient, Public and Carer Involvement Groups 2014. Identifying continence options after stroke (ICONS): a cluster randomised controlled feasibility trial. Trials. 15 (509).
What is rehabilitation potential? Development of a theoretical model through the accounts of healthcare professionals working in stroke rehabilitation services
Burton, C.R., Horne, M., Woodward-Nutt, K., Bowen, A. and Tyrrell, P. 2014. What is rehabilitation potential? Development of a theoretical model through the accounts of healthcare professionals working in stroke rehabilitation services. Disability and Rehabilitation. 37 (21), pp. 1955-1960.