Disney pluralism: beyond Disney-formalism

The American arcade sanitization crusade and the amusement arcade action group

Power, place and territory in early medieval South-East Wales

Towards a new world economic order: proposal for a world investment court

Race, gender and psychosis: ‘psycho-racial architectures of disordered sociality'

Law’s ethics and sustainability: corporate tax and sustainable social structures

Music and magic

Analysis of a training package for law enforcement to conduct open source research

Effects of students’ preferences in use of lighting and temperature on productivity in a university setting

Use of wearable technology to measure emotional responses amongst tennis players

The roots project: student sustainability, well-being, and global citizenship

Myth, cosmology and the sacred: transformative learning as the bridge between worlds

Singing (and other arts and cultural activities) across the dementias

Editorial: the return to worldview - reflections from the UK

A review of school approaches to increasing pupil resilience

Book review - Tinkering: Australians re-invent DIY culture

Teaching creativity in the context of a business school

A socio-legal analysis of Gone Girl

Citizens’ investigations: recovering the past in contemporary Spain

Numerical study on flow around modern ship hulls with rudder-propeller interactions

The Ulster Unionist Party: Country before party?

Between worlds: bridging the divide between method and theory in understanding the ritual use of caves in later prehistory

Working hard to belong: a qualitative study exploring students from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds experiences of pre-registration physiotherapy education

Students with specific learning disabilities experiences of pre-registration physiotherapy education: a qualitative study.

On existential threats and the need to reorient higher education to inspire and nurture youth activism

Approaching the kind tourist: Planet, animals and me in the world of culinary tourism.

Co-creating learning experiences to support student employability in travel and tourism

Debating the lived experiences of theatre practice and disability among professional directors and actors

What are the characteristics of a professional teacher educator? A think piece

Drafting and negotiation of public-private partnership contracts

Impact of new definitions of pre-eclampsia on incidence and performance of first-trimester screening

Understanding self-harm in older adults: a qualitative study

Decolonising the curriculum - the final frontier: Assessment. Involving service users and carers in formal assessment processes

Changing society's understanding of psychosis - A call to arms

Topological analysis of the electron localisation function (ELF) applied to the electronic structure of oxaziridine: the nature of N-O bond

Topological analysis of electron localisation function: Unlocking the nature of B-C chemical bond. Possible existence of multiple bonds B@C and B„C

The nature of the T=T double bond (T = B, Al, Ga, In) in dialumene and its derivatives: topological study of the electron localization function (ELF)

How can the semantic web and ontologies help history and archeology

The Lullaby Project five years on: Evaluating the well-being impact and legacy of singing a child's story

Rethinking module evaluation: defining, measuring and promoting engagement with teaching excellence by enabling the unfettered student voice.

Chaplains on campus: Understanding chaplaincy in UK universities

Self-harm in older adults: Systematic review

Dopamine manipulations drive changes in information sampling in healthy volunteers

Integrated care in mental health: Next steps after the NHS Long Term Plan

Cognitive correlates of abnormal myelination in psychosis

Self-harm in young people: the exceptional potential of the general practice consultation

Patient and public involvement and engagement in a doctoral research project exploring self-harm in older adults

What is the General Practitioner's understanding of multidisciplinary teamwork?

Protocol for a multi-centre pilot and feasibility randomised controlled trial with a nested qualitative study: rehabilitation following rotator cuff repair (the RaCeR study)

Exploring differences in individual and group judgements in standard setting

Clozapine and cardiotoxicity – A guide for psychiatrists written by cardiologists

Images depicting headache pain – a tool to aid the diagnosis of cluster headache: a pilot study

‘Hybridising’: Positioning of the self

Perceptions of the self: Negotiating intercultural identities and belonging in the context of international migration

Understanding and managing cardiac side-effects of second-generation antipsychotics in the treatment of schizophrenia

Real-world outcomes in the management of refractory psychosis

Neural correlates of positive and negative symptoms through the illness course: an fMRI study in early psychosis and chronic schizophrenia

Algorithmic poetry

Algorithmic poetry in performance

Implementation, impact and costs of policies for safe staffing in acute NHS trusts

What are the Key Characteristics of Vine and how do Audiences Perceive and interact on Vine Platforms?

Exploring the growth challenges of social enterprises: Identifying staffing, earnings-generation and communications as critical success factors

Walking the tightrope between family and business; the owner-manager transition towards a sibling partnership

Migrant entrepreneurs’ views on the potential impacts of Brexit on their UK businesses

Using privacy calculus theory to explore entrepreneurial directions in mobile location-based advertising: Identifying intrusiveness as the critical risk factor

Dissolving and transfiguring monasteries through light

The illuminated past: using light installations to interpret world heritage sites’

Hybridising 'identities'

Persistently scribbling: the literary ambitions of Canterbury's elite in the 1870s.

'Each doing a little much would be accomplished' Elizabeth Fry and her benefactors crowd-funding libraries nineteenth century style

An investigation into peer-to-peer network security using Wireshark

Transfer learning based histopathologic image classification for burns recognition

How public health campaigns promote public health disparities

An investigation into the physical education experiences of children with autism

MeCCSA PGN 2018 Conference: Contemporary News Discourse Around the Globe

Promotional discourse in news coverage of extended reality technologies

Extended Reality Technologies: evolution, news and promotional discourse

The role of fiction in news coverage of extended reality technologies

“The abuse of dress”: Victorian fashion and fatphobia

Quest for Love: A cosy uchronia?

Early cyberpunk film (1980-1999)

Shattering the subject silo: Radical curriculum transformation and enhanced insight through co-created research

Inspiring minds: Widening participation opportunities with big questions on identity and STEM

Opportunities and possibilities raised by teaching science and religion in the digital age

Inspiring minds through informal science learning

Christ, the cosmos and critical realism

Inspiring Minds Through Informal Science Learning: Interim evaluation report. Informing research to increase science learning in schools

Blackstone's handbook for policing students 2020

Advanced flame monitoring and emission prediction through digital imaging and spectrometry

New approaches to engineering higher education: case studies

CDIO Open day learning activity to inspire the next generation of engineering applicants

Developing good practices for industrial engagement in co-creation of CDIO curriculum

How accessible is the STEM post 16 education provision, the pipeline to computing and engineering programmes?

Police professionalisation: Some structural, cultural and pedagogic issues

Who will redislocate his/her shoulder? Predicting recurrent instability following a first traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation

Digitizing a face-to-face group fatigue management program: exploring the views of people with multiple sclerosis and health care professionals via consultation groups and interviews

Incidence and outcomes of major trauma in New Zealand: findings from a feasibility study of New Zealand’s first national trauma registry

Optimising the real-world impact of rehabilitation reviews: increasing the relevance and usability of systematic reviews in rehabilitation

MS Energize: Field trial of an app for self-management of fatigue for people with multiple sclerosis

The Nijmegen Questionnaire: a valid measure for hyperventilation

Inclusion of learning disability research in nursing journals : a review of 5 international journals 2013-2017

Comparison of electrospray and UniSpray, a novel atmospheric pressure ionization interface, for LC-MS/MS analysis of 81 pesticide residues in food and water matrices

Fan phenomena: Harry Potter (Review)

Carved from the same stone: sculpture in the early medieval insular world

The Sculptor’s Cave, Covesea: Shining new light on an old archive

From macro to micro: multi-scalar digital approaches at The Sculptor’s Cave, NE Scotland

A policy analysis of the Teaching Excellence Framework’s notion of competition for UK higher education

Between worlds: Understanding ritual cave use in later prehistory

Spontaneous haemorrhage of an adrenal angiomyolipoma: case report

The clinical impact of Hexylaminolevulinate-Blue Light Cystoscopy on non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) recurrence and progression: A critical review

Non-muscle-invasive clear cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder: Is cystectomy necessary?

BOXIT-A randomised phase III placebo-controlled trial evaluating the addition of Celecoxib to standard treatment of transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder (CRUK/07/004)

Radiofrequency-induced thermo-chemotherapy effect versus a second course of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin or institutional standard in patients with recurrence of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer following induction or maintenance Bacillus Calmette-Guérin therapy (HYMN): A phase III, open-label, randomised controlled trial

Performance in family firm: Influences of socioemotional wealth and managerial capabilities

Critical theology: why Hegel now?

Žižek reading Bonhoeffer: Towards a radical critical theology

Effects of experience and opponents on pacing behavior and 2-km cycling performance of novice youths

Closing the loop: An evaluation of student-led module feedback at one UK higher education institution

Healthworlds, cultural health toolkits, and choice: How acculturation affects patients’ views of prescription drugs and Prescription Drug Advertising

Investigating plasma levels of sortilin in non-small cell lung carcinoma

A picture and an argument: Mapping for peace with a cartography of hope

Implicit bias, (global) white ignorance, and bad faith: The problem of whiteness and anti‐black racism

The Making of an African Working Class: Politics, Law, and Cultural Protest in the Manual Workers' Union of Botswana, by PninaWerbner. Pluto Press, London, 2014, 306 pp., ISBN: 9780745334950, Price £27.99.

Genetic homogenisation of two major orchid viruses through global trade‐based dispersal of their hosts

Ghostland: An American History in Haunted Places. By Colin Dickey. Penguin. 2016. 320pp. £9.99.

Teilhard de Chardin and Pseudo‐Dionysius: Convergent evolution, hierarchy and divine activity

Greater than the sum of the parts: Impact of radiographer clinical image interpretation

Ontology-based decision tree model for prediction in a manufacturing network

Agent-based distributed manufacturing scheduling: an ontological approach

Knowledge and agent-based system for decentralised scheduling in manufacturing

The rise and fall of the Celtic Tiger and the evolution of an urban system: 1996–2011

Autonomic dysreflexia and boosting in disability sport: exploring the subjective meanings, management strategies, moral justifications, and perceptions of risk among male, spinal cord injured, wheelchair athletes.

Review of working class comic book heroes: class conflict and populist politics in comics edited by Marc DiPaolo Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, April 2018, 240 pages, 45 b&w illustrations, $30 (paperback), ISBN 9781496818188

Live and recorded group music interventions with active participation for people with dementias: a systematic review

Investigating the metabolic consequences of protein misfolding in the yeast Saccheromlycas

Payments per claim model of outstanding claims reserve based on fuzzy linear regression

Fuzzy interacting multiple model H∞ particle filter algorithm based on current statistical model

Decolonizing ethnography: Undocumented immigrants and new directions in social science Carolina Bejarano Alonso, Lucia Juárez López, Marian A. García Mijangos, and Daniel M. Goldstein. 2019. Durham, NJ: Duke University Press. 184 pp. AUS $32.96. Paperback.

Song of heroes to paint: Song lyrics, letterforms and originality: A personal enquiry through artistic practice (painting, collage and montage)

A gendered contribution to play? Perceptions of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) practitioners in England on how their gender influences their approaches to play

‘He enjoyed it more than I did!': young British Sikh women negotiating safe sex in heterosexual encounters

Insights into research-led interdisciplinary approach to teaching Sports related disciplines in Higher Education.3rd Faculty Annual Conference on Learning and Teaching and Scholarship Day: Canterbury Christ Church University, 7th February 2019

Combined Honours: Social inhibition and belonging. 3rd Faculty Annual Conference on Learning and Teaching and Scholarship Day: Canterbury Christ Church University, 7th February 2019

How do we as primary educators prepare children for intra and inter competition in a primary school setting?

Studio Ghibli’s landscapes and animation: design, characteristics and process

A qualitative screening tool to identify athletes with ‘high-risk’ movement mechanics during cutting: The cutting movement assessment score (CMAS)

The effect of coronary calcifications on interpretation of non-invasive investigations for coronary artery disease in patients with typical chest pain

Exploring participatory action research as a driver for sustainable tourism

Teachers' values: An international study of what sustains a fulfilling life in education

Bog bodies

Play, chaos and other concerns – reflection on my studio practice

Investigating local distribution and abundance of common cow-wheat Melampyrum pratense in the Blean Woods National Nature Reserve, Kent.

Governing sporting brains: concussion, neuroscience and the biopolitical regulation of sport

Rethinking design: An innovative approach to sunglasses design and manufacture

Sustainable design of packaging for the betterment of the lives of disadvantaged peoples

Just a nudge

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the British press

A typology of British cherry blossom

Acting as the act of translation: domesticating and foreignizing strategies as part of the actor’s performance in the Irish-Polish production of bubble revolution


Design of a game-based rehabilitation system using Kinect sensor

Assessment of joint parameters in a Kinect sensor based rehabilitation game

Rehabilitation strategy for post-stroke recovery using an innovative elbow exoskeleton

A portable elbow exoskeleton for three stages of rehabilitation

Exploring the effectiveness of a self-help website for parents of children with food allergy: Results from the parental support for children with allergies (PASCAL) trial [Abstract].

"Introduction" to special issue of Romantic Textualities

Romantic women's life writing: reputation and afterlife

A mixed methods analysis of factors affecting antenatal care content: A Syrian case study

Big Paul: The death of video and the return of the repressed

Educating the effective digital forensics practitioner: academic, professional, graduate and student perspectives

How New is New media? does new media have the tendency to fall into the same traps of old media? case study of how we watch television

Understanding the changing social structural and corporate agency governance characteristics of (UK) Policing: towards a new relational policing matrix


The effect of personal views of care staff on using music in dementia care settings.

The value of love in higher education: Ethical dilemmas for faculty and students racialised as Black in Britain

Revisiting the home as a site of freedom and resistance

Understanding collaborative governance and leadership

A critical autoethnographic study of compliance and resilience

Personal loss, memory and family: an exploration of family photographs and objects after a bereavement

Radical citizenship education

How can the thought of the heart offer effective ways of engaging with conflict? An imaginal and reflexive study

Barrows in the cultural imagination of later Medieval England

A multimodal analysis of the representation of the Rohingya Crisis in BBC’s Burma with Simon Reeve (2018): building consensus for political action?

nterculturality in the media. Combining critical multimodal discourse analysis and reception theory

Interculturality and the media. Building bridges or burning them?

Media and the transformation of “reality”. A critical discourse analysis of BBC Panorama’s “Slumdogs and millionaires”

Postnatal depression: parents need better support in schools

Through the looking glass: Ghost in the Shell, transhumanism, and transcendence through the virtual

Educational campaign to support pregnant women and new mothers in enjoying and benefiting from an active lifestyle. Insight report.

’Unconsidered soldier’ Horace Vere and the genesis of the British military, 1565-1635

Teaching history in a neoliberal age: policy, agency and teacher voice

“They needed the attention more than I did”: How do the birth children of foster carers experience the relationship with their parents?

‘Who am I?’ How female care-leavers construct and make sense of their identity.

Elizabeth Bowen: I do write, I think, from the eye. Verbal painting in Elizabeth Bowen's Friends and Relations

Developing a ‘students as partners’​ approach in the ​ student research journey​

Performers' Rights in Sri Lanka: Singers' Melancholia

DNA-barcoding of non-biting midge larvae (chironomidae) in heavy metal polluted ponds

The shape of value co-destruction to come

From blue to every shade of grey. An evaluation of a police service’s fast track detective scheme: student and professional perspectives of recruitment and selection of officers for the fast track to detective scheme.

Transitioning novel peptide hits into lead compounds

Non-invasive extraction of Cnidarian venom through the use of autotomised tentacles

Value co-creation and customer citizenship behavior

A study of how middle leaders in a secondary school are making sense of their role in relation to teachers’ professional development

Social disadvantage and the role of physical education and sport-for-all in young people at Cyprus and Greece: discourse of social class, gender and race

Revenue management and pricing strategies in Nigeria small and medium-sized hotels (SMH)

‘Independence 2.0’: digital activism, social media and the Catalan Independence Movement

‘Interpretative phenomenological analysis and ecological theory: a combined approach to understanding disruptive student behaviour’

Christian sound systems in Britain: its origins, functions and theology

A journey from Russia to Heswall

All over the world like a fever: Martin Luther King Jr.’s World House and the movement for Black lives in the United States and United Kingdom

Developing resilience as a policy strategy: the impact of policy as mediated by Ofsted

Blacklisted: the young black male professinal footballer and education in England

An auto/biographical investigation exploring the life-stories of adults with dyslexia.

Designing for digital playing out

Children's literature, Jewish seculariasation and the profesionalisation of kindergarten teachers in Russia and Eastern Europe, 1909-1925

Does the co-creation of service recovery create value for customers? The underlying mechanism of motivation and the role of operant resources

The Reverend Caleb Parfect: person, power, publishing

Police use of force: a contextual study of 'suicide by cop' within the British Police paradigm

“The issues of tomorrow are befogged”: an exploration of American science fiction from 1945-1965

Promoting resilience in occupational therapy rducation, a scoping literature review

Sleep hygiene education and children with developmental disabilities: Findings from a co-design study

Towards safe nurse staffing in England’s National Health Service: progress and pitfalls of policy evolution

Brief smoking cessation in acute Welsh hospitals: A realist approach

Supervision on the frontline

Understanding how and why de-implementation works in health and care: research protocol for a realist synthesis of evidence

A qualitative exploration of the social construction of the asylum-seeker category in UK policy, media discourse and practioner work

Selective rebels: the art of being a teacher - a mulitmedia exploration of how teachers navigate their own values and morals in the current policy climate using IPA

A comparison of the haemodynamic and cardic autonomic responses following an acute bout of isometric wall squat and isometric handgrip exercise

Investigating the effects of animal venoms in ovarian cancer

The effective use of competition as a pedagogical tool to develop competence, confidence and enjoyment in physical education lessons in primary school

The Implications of the doctrine of Joint Enterprise in England on families of imprisoned youth in phenomenological analysis

Emotions and school inspection: an exploration of the way primary and prepartory school teachers in the state and independent sector experience OFSTED and ISI

Perceptions of armed policing: barriers and motivations to becoming an eAuthorised Firearms Officer

Impaired placental perfusion and major fetal cardiac defects

Routine first-trimester screening for fetal trisomies in twin pregnancy: cell-free DNA test contingent on results from combined test

Fetal Medicine Foundation reference ranges for umbilical artery and middle cerebral artery pulsatility index and cerebroplacental ratio

Prediction of adverse perinatal outcome by cerebroplacental ratio in women undergoing induction of labor

Prediction of small for gestational age neonates: screening by maternal factors, fetal biometry, and biomarkers at 35-37 weeks' gestation

Prediction of small-for-gestational-age neonates at 35-37 weeks' gestation: contribution of maternal factors and growth velocity between 20 and 36 weeks

Routine assessment of cerebroplacental ratio at 35-37 weeks' gestation in the prediction of adverse perinatal outcome

Routine ultrasound at 32 vs 36 weeks' gestation: prediction of small-for-gestational-age neonates

Prediction of small-for-gestational-age neonates at 35-37 weeks' gestation: contribution of maternal factors and growth velocity between 32 and 36 weeks

Maternal and neonatal complications of fetal macrosomia: cohort study

Procedure-related risk of miscarriage following chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis

Biomarkers of impaired placentation at 35-37 weeks' gestation in the prediction of adverse perinatal outcome

Risk of miscarriage following amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling: systematic review of literature and updated meta-analysis

Prediction of large-for-gestational-age neonate by routine third-trimester ultrasound

Two-stage approach for prediction of small-for-gestational-age neonate and adverse perinatal outcome by routine ultrasound examination at 35-37 weeks' gestation

Prevention of stillbirths: impact of a two-stage screening for vasa previa

Impact of prospective measurement of outflow tracts in the prediction of coarctation of the aorta

Diagnosis of major heart defects by routine first-trimester ultrasound examination: association with high nuchal translucency, tricuspid regurgitation and abnormal flow in the ductus venosus

Christian universities and schools in relation and context

Singing for people with Parkinson's disease

The political economy of federalism in Nigeria

Resource abundance and the dilemma of fiscal federalism in Nigeria

Understanding new products’ market performance using Google Trends

Modelling market dynamics of multi-brand and multi-generational products

New clamour for “restructuring” in Nigeria: elite politics, contradictions, and good governance

Ethnography and emotions: new directions for critical reflexivity within contemporary qualitative health care research

Shabag, a critical social moment: a collective agency capabilities analysis

The new aural actuality: an exploration of music, sound and meaning in the composed feature documentary podcast

Scotland, the UK and Brexit - at a constitutional crossroads: what next for Scotland?

An outline and analysis of the politics and economics of socialism with Chinese characteristics

Strong mayors' leadership capital: New York, London and Amsterdam (2000-2026)

Undressing readerly anxieties: a study of clothing and accessories in short crime fiction 1841-1911

Reception children’s understanding of fluid intake

An investigation of the impact of ensemble interrelationship on performances of improvised music through practice research

Blow up dolls and a hammer: is there a place for social learning on the National Firearms Instructors Course?

Pompeii & Herculaneum archaeological sites: conservation and management

Analysing and improving methods of horse and rider safety on roads through campaigns and design experiences

Classroom discourse analysis: gender in Algerian EFL classroom interaction

European educational leadership: contemporary issues

Visual demonstration of aliasing in planar nuclear medicine imaging: The importance of correct collimator selection by nuclear medicine practitioners Radiography

Terrorism-affected biographies within us. "Terrorist learning" as pilgrimage towards death.

The legal nature of the recovery and resolution plans in the new architecture of the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive

From corporate responsibility to corporate accountability

Bail-in tool and bank insolvency: theoretical and empirical discourses around a new legal (or illegal) concept

Insolvency law and multinational groups: Theories, solutions and recommendations for business failure

Exploring virtue ethical stewardship for transformative learning in a university's business leadership programmes

The international investment policy of the intergovernmental authority on development member states: the Republic of Uganda

The quest for teacher identity: a qualitative study of professional identity construction of novice English teachers in Algeria

How Christian universities respond to extremism

Isolation of mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow aspirate

Exploring depth connections in therapy: understanding practitioners’ experiences of Open Dialogue training

The importance of democratic control over immigration

Whither national citizenship?

The development of mass tourism

Democratic and intercultural dialogue across universities, movements and communities

Exploring adults’ experiences of sedentary behaviour and participation in nonworkplace interventions designed to reduce sedentary behaviour: a thematic synthesis of qualitative studies

‘We have the time to listen’: community Health Trainers, identity work and boundaries

Comparisons of forensic tools to recover ephemeral data from iOS apps used for cyberbullying

Recovery of forensic artefacts from a smart home IoT ecosystem

BCI controlled robotic arm as assistance to the rehabilitation of neurologically disabled patients

The ghost of the stable path: stories of work-life change at the ‘end of career’

The migrants, me and you: the artistic interpretation of being placed and being displaced

Madness, monks and mutiny: neo-Victorianism in the work of Victoria Holt

Mental health through movement

OECD future of education 2030: making physical education dynamic and inclusive for 2030 international curriculum analysis

The use of narrative therapy in paediatric settings

Understanding the epigenetics of alternative splicing in Arabidopsis thaliana

The educational potential of the Harmony Project

Views from the staffroom: Forest School in English primary schools

Factors influencing academic and employment outcomes: a multiphase Q-methodology study

The Royal Marines and the war at sea 1939-45

The impact on and responses of viewers to product placement: a study of mainstream films.

Exploring the concept of ‘family recovery' in families and individuals with lived experience of psychosis

Microenvironmental control of sortilin exosomes in lung cancer

Have the old stolen young people’s futures? Our contributors debate

The real meaning of ‘OK Boomer’

Ageism is putting all our retirements at risk

Federalism as a tool of conflict resolution

Irish republican internal politics, c.1965-72: competition, fragmentation, and the adoption of violence

“Ghosts within us”: a study of women writers of gothic modernism

Therianthropy: well-being, schizotypy and autism in individuals who self- identify as non-human

Improving children’s auditory and sensory skills: an intervention-based evaluation of the effectiveness of the ‘Integrated Listening Systems’ (iLS) programme for children with sensory processing difficulties.Improving children’s auditory and sensory skills: An intervention-based evaluation of the effectiveness of the ‘Integrated Listening Systems’ (iLS) programme for children with sensory processing difficulties

The concept of Fortune in the birth of the tarot

Community agency, needs mapping and solidarity economics in resource depleted communities

Patient adherence to cognitive behavioural therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis

The association of trait mindfulness and self‑compassion with obsessive‑compulsive disorder symptoms: results from a large survey with treatment‑seeking adults

The Birds Nest Drawing and accompanying stories in the assessment of attachment security

Explaining ‘carbon’ in community sequestration projects: a key element in the creation of local carbon knowledges

Investigation into cognitive behavioural therapy for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Sports participation for individuals with Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC)

Review of The Journals and Poems of Marjory Fleming, ed. Leslie Robertson and Juliet McMaster et al.

"'What one sees another sees': synchronicity in the Juvenilia of Anna Kingsford and Richard Jefferies"

The Judaean cultural context of community of goods in the Early Jesus Movement: Part V. Voluntary economic association and the creation of economic security through education and occupational training in the Essene fictive kinship groups of Ancient Judaea

The DWELL Project: development and evaluation of an innovative psychoeducational programme for people with type 2 diabetes

To what extent are there clear, identifiable perceptions of tourism impacts in the region of the world heritage site, Machu Picchu?

Expanding worlds: place and collaboration in (and after) the ‘text-as-spatial-event’

'Clutching the wheel of St Catherine', or a visit to a re-enchanted college

Opening the memory boxes: magically hyperreal authenticity, tourism and the Haida People

Whiteness, conviviality and agency: the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40) and conceptuality in the imperial imagination of biblical studies

The impact of gestational diabetes on maternal cardiac adaptation to pregnancy.

Statins Reverse Postpartum Cardiovascular Dysfunction in a Rat Model of Preeclampsia

A first report on competitive inhibition of laccase enzyme by lignin degradation intermediates

“We deal here with grey”: a grounded theory of professional boundary development in a forensic inpatient service.

Large carnivores and zoos as catalysts for engaging the public in the protection of biodiversity

Computed tomography head and facial bones review of a 2,700 year old Egyptian mummy

'Things seen and done otherwise': adaptiveness and the dynamics of difference in A. S. Byatt's 'Morpho Eugenia'

Walking into creative writing

Secret writing in Margate Caves

Effective approaches to health promotion in nursing practice

Britain, Zionism, and the Jewish Legion

When the ground grabs your ankles: or how to write about freaking out

Being Horse

Engaging children in meaningful charity: opening-up the spaces within which children learn to give

Towards a Virtuosity of School Leadership: clinical support and supervision as professional learning

Publish or perish? Using iterative research techniques to trouble the research development narrative.

Supporting the development of early years students’ professional identities through an Action Research programme

Attainment, progression and experiences of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Students- Faculty of Health and Wellbeing

Working with people with intellectual disabilities

Influence of carbon source complexity on porosity, water retention and extracellular matrix composition of Neurospora discreta biofilms

Making music out of architecture and from-architecture-music-an oddyssey

The life of Zaha Hadid

Making music out of architecture by various models—including by new theory: Total Field Theory (TFT)

Assessing the UK public’s ability to identify trees using the analysis of photographic queries

Police learning in the context of change and diversity

Dance to Health : an evaluation of health, social and dance interest outcomes of a dance programme for the prevention of falls

Under this weight: embodiment in dance choreography

Visual function assessment of diagnostic radiography students

Being German: examining national identity as a collective experience

You're pregnant, are you sure you should be doing that?

Physical activity during and beyond pregnancy: The importance of consistent and clear messages

Physical activity and pregnancy

Should physiotherapists recommend swimming to patients with low back pain (LBP) and is further research warrented?

“They turn to you first for everything”: insights into midwives’ perspectives of providing physical activity advice and guidance to pregnant women.

Cryopreservation produces limited long-term effects on the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans

In search of social justice through Ubuntu: a critical analysis of Zimbabwe’s post-colonial Education for All (EFA) policy.

Understanding the experiences of parents using mental health services

Clear-cuts are temporary habitats, not matrix, for endangered grassland burnet moths (Zygaena spp.)

Dry weight model, capacitance and metabolic data as indicators of fungal biomass growth in solid state fermentation

Education reframed: reflecting on negotiated learning in images


Suicide and social justice: discourse, politics and experience

Suicide and social justice: new perspectives on the politics of suicide and suicide prevention

Bump start needed: linking guidelines, policy and practice in promoting physical activity during and beyond pregnancy

Using music to develop a multisensory communicative environment for people with late stage dementia

Created out of mind: shaping perceptions of dementia through art and science

Finding common ground: the conception of community arts festivals as spaces for placemaking

Measuring the determinants and barriers to physical activity for older people

The benefits of student led-health promotion intervention

The adoption of daily mile as an active mile initiative: the children’s and teachers’ voices

Education movies and the promotion of one dimensional thinking: a marcusean examination of films made between 2005 and 2017

Why dictators veto: legislation, legitimation and control in Kazakhstan and Russia

“Never give up”: A mixed methods study into the promotion of resilience within a primary school and the way it is experienced

Making sense of change in an equine assisted intervention

Targeted active screening for tuberculosis in Zimbabwe: are field digital chest X-ray ratings reliable?

Multidisciplinary professional practice and understanding of the psychological needs of stroke survivors

Service users' experiences of coercion and autonomy in inpatient mental health services

Evaluating washing and sifting methods for the assessment of gastropods in freshwater vegetation samples

Gender diversity in assigned females

The cornerstone of economic nationalism: national self-image

Homicide co-victims confidence in the criminal justice system

An evaluation of community-based interventions used on the prevention of female genital mutilation in West African countries

Women with intellectual and developmental impairments: differences not deficits

What is going on?

Reviewing the situation: practitioner perspectives on the use and effectiveness of 28 day homicide reviews

Arrested fungal biofilms as low-modulus structural bio-composites: water holds the key

Adolescents, beliefs and help-seeking

An evaluation of CT head reporting radiographers' scope of practice within the United Kingdom

Evaluating the impact of the United Mothers programme

Divided and United Kingdom: parents in education and the common issue of inequality across the diversity of four nations

Working within the preference of people with dementia

The impact of childhood health conditions: examining experiences of the family around the child

Self-compassion and compassion towards one’s partner mediate the negative association between insecure attachment and relationship quality.

The subjective experience of out-of-home care and its role in identity development

Water and urbanism in Roman Britain: hybridity and identity

Genome-wide identification of splicing quantitative trait loci (sQTLs) in diverse ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana

Exploring the use of e-portfolios in higher education coaching programs

Parental experiences of having a transgender child

Using the tree of life group in UK mental health contexts

The spirituality of reggae dancehall dance vocabulary: a spiritual, corporeal practice in Jamaican dance

Anti-abortion rhetoric and the undermining of choice: Women’s agency as causing “psychological trauma” following the termination of a pregnancy

Recovery experiences of forensic mental health service users

A surrogate similarity measure for the mean-variance frontier optimization problem under bound and cardinality constraints

Tourism boycotts and animosity: a study of seven events

Male clinical psychologists: role of the male gender in therapy and on the route to qualification

Quality of life in caregivers of children with food allergies

Social media, eating disorders and recovery

An investigation into the effects of sport and physical activity on the wellbeing of people with dementia and those who care for them

Developing new opportunities, entrepreneurial skills and product/service creativity: A ‘Young Enterprise’ (YE) perspective

Teens who intervene: identifying factors related to adolescent cyber-bystander intervention in cyberbullying

Ideology and party system change in consociational systems: the case of non-nationalist parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Earls, knights and bastards: a comparative study of the fortunes and misfortunes of two aristocratic families of England c.1135-1267

So what do you do?(Exploring the conditions of a sustainable plural creative practice)

Sex and relationships education for young people and adults with intellectual disabilities and autism

Training needs and development of online AT training for healthcare professionals in UK and France

A survey of assistive technology (AT) knowledge and experiences of healthcare professionals in the UK and France: challenges and opportunities for workforce development

A literature review of the challenges encountered in the adoption of assistive technology (AT) and training of healthcare professionals

Perceptions of reflection on a pre-service primary teacher education programme in teaching English as a second language in an institute of teacher education in Malaysia

Recovery in forensic mental health services: a review and meta-ethnography of reported accounts of service user experiences

Commentary - guns and psychiatry: what psychiatrists need to know

Putting the human centre stage: practical theatre techniques to develop teacher presence, rapport and a positive classroom community

Identification of female sex pheromone for monitoring the barred tooth striped moth, trichopteryx polycommata, a priority conservation species

Research watch: mental health services supporting social inclusion

Slow philosophy in tourism development in Latvia: the supply side perspective

Nature activities and wellbeing in children and young people: a systematic review

What lies beyond social capital? the role of social psychology in building community resilience to climate change

Improved 1000-m running performance and pacing strategy with caffeine and placebo effect: a balanced placebo design study

The placebo and nocebo effect on sports performance: a systematic review

Meniere's disease treated by grommet insertion

Mary Cholmondeley

Gender dysphoria and autism spectrum condition: the development of gender identity

Adolescents’ engagement with social media

“On the margins”: a qualitative analysis of independent hyperlocal news through a subcultural lens

Mental health and offending in older people: future directions for research

Growing older in secure mental health care: the user experience

The Royal Marines and the war at sea 1939-1945

ESA and NASA: an historical institutionalist reading of European space policy in an age of autonomy and isolationism

An ecology of transformative learning: a shift from the ego to the eco

Seaside photographed

Are students these days more fragile?

The graduate generation: how students navigate the contradictions of higher education.

Knowledge, scholarship, and the ‘schoolification’ of the University

The Judaean cultural context of community of goods in the early Jesus movement: Part IV. The Jesus movement and holy community of life and property amongst the poor of Judaea

Innovative global family research: lessons learnt from the IFNA Acute Care Research Cluster

Engaging with families during critical illness: an international study of nurses’ descriptions and practices of family engagement in intensive care units

Governing excess: boxing, biopolitics and the body

WFOT special issue

Popular but peripheral: the ambivalent status of sociology education in schools in England

Common Cerambycid Pheromone components as attractants for Longhorn Beetles (Cerambycidae) breeding in ephemeral oak substrates in Northern Europe

The gestural body in performance: a practice-based study of the perceptions of physicality and meaning through the invisibly disabled body

Llywarch Hen’s Dyke: place and narrative in early medieval Wales

Experiences of older people with dementia: homecare enablement to support transitions in daily life at home

Genetic diversity and structure of northern populations of the declining coastal plant Eryngium maritimum

Exploring the impact of specially trained dogs on the court experiences of survivors of sexual offending in England and Wales: an exploratory case study

Walk and talk therapy: a pluralistic inquiry into practice, perceptions and client experiences in the UK

Discursive construction of hegemonic masculinity and emphasised femininity in the textbooks of primary education: children’s discursive agency and polysemy of the narratives

Left ventricular function and cardiac biomarker release – the influence of exercise intensity, duration and mode: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Religious education for spiritual bricoleurs? The perceptions of students in ten Christian-ethos secondary schools in England and Wales

The Soviet Military plans of Pembroke and Milford Haven

Everyone has a worldview?

Experiences of group musical intervention for people with dementia

Listening to ab(pre)scence: a derridean approach to the analysis of sound-image relations in early cinema

Facilitating collective psychosocial resilience in the public in emergencies: twelve recommendations based on the social identity approach

What factors influence healthcare professionals to refer children and families to paediatric psychology?

Assessing the threat posed by registered firearms dealers in the UK

Engagement of families in ICU from the nursing staff perspective

Beauty for ashes and the oil of gladness: the border-crossing God, Asylum Seekers, and the Church’s exile into hope

Spiritual intelligence as a method to improve spiritual care in nursing students

The effects of social protection policies on health inequalities:evidence from systematic reviews

Arendt and political realism: towards a realist account of political judgement

Walking the path of desire: evaluating a blended learning approach to developing study skills in a multi-disciplinary group

Maintaining the self: meanings of material objects after a residential transition later in life

Using psychological and physiological measures in arts-based activities in a community sample of people with a dementia and their caregivers: a feasibility and pilot study

Living off the land: agriculture in Wales c. 400 to 1600 AD

Navigating the ‘decolonising’ process: avoiding pitfalls and some do’s and don’t’s

Translating the lotus sūtra into social action: hermeneutics and public dharmology

A glossary for research on human crowd dynamics

Television exposure, consumer culture values, and lower well-being among preadolescent children: The mediating role of consumer-focused coping strategies

Preliminary results of high fibular osteotomy (HFO) and cartilage regeneration procedure for medial compartment osteoarthritis of knee with varus deformity

Family-inclusive practice in a psychiatric intensive care unit

Notes and tips on surveys


Assessing the psychosocial factors associated with adherence to exercise referral schemes: a systematic review

Problematic advice from suicide prevention experts

Dose-response meta-regression of mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs): method, challenges & preliminary findings

Changes to police leadership: the legitimisation and the challenges of direct entry

Policing and mental health: do we really get it?

The police education qualification framework: a professional agenda or building professionals?

The role of chromosome segregation and nuclear organisation in human subfertility

Lesson-learning not blame: realistic or optimistic?

Professionalizing criminal investigation: an examination of an early attempt to support specialization in criminal investigation

‘Rogues, devilry and strange wonders’: re-presenting early modernity in Neil Gaiman’s Marvel 1602

Portrait of an artist as collaborator: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of an artist

Supporting children inside and out with physical activity

Cluniac funerary practices

‘The people before us’ project: exploring heritage and well-being in a rapidly changing seaside town

The Soviet mapping of Poland – a brief overview

Why are fiscal multipliers asymmetric? The role of credit constraints

Graduate employability, skills development and the UK’s universities business challenge (UBC) competition: a self-determined learning perspective

Where next after Coman?

Yin-Yang representation of financial crisis: a Korean perspective

Reclaiming the rotten: understanding food fermentation in the Neolithic and beyond

The Judaean cultural context of community of goods in the early Jesus movement: Part III. The distribution of Essene community of goods in Southern Palestine and its poverty-relieving macroeconomic significance at the time of Jesus

The use of therapy dogs to support court users in the waiting room

The psychological and psychosocial interventions offered to forensic mental health in-patients: a systematic review

Denying the binary - a non-boolean approach to queer bodies in theology

An investigation of the impact of data breach severity on the readability of mandatory data breach notification letters: evidence from U.S. firms

The chivalric woman

Symbolic representations of financial events in the Korean media

Engagement with trees as 'long-life learning' for sustainability

Authenticity in North America: place, tourism, heritage, culture and the popular imagination

Fairytale authenticity: historic city tourism, Harry Potter, medievalism and the magical gaze

Analysing multimodal data in complex social spaces

Reasoning with qualitative data: using retroduction with transcript data

The charter material

Career development told through narrative research: exploring the stories of Italian and English young people

The therapeutic method in Buddhist and Hellenistic philosophy

Ensuring quality data: validity, reliability and error.

Flexible autonomy: how online resources and live tutorials have been used successfully to develop and enhance subject knowledge in trainee teachers

A walk around Oxford late at night

Iron girl – patronising or inclusive?

Preventive restructuring frameworks: a possible solution for financially distressed multinational corporate groups in the EU

Iterative music

Iterative music

Iterative Music

Impact of radiographer immediate reporting of chest x-rays from general practice on the lung cancer pathway (radioX)

Secret Soviet maps of Britain and the world

A systematic review of community participation measures for people with intellectual disabilities

Bad at making friends

Global South perspectives on social justice

Gendered chivalry

A history of map-making

Russian cartography and GIS

‘Like a cinema when the last of the audience has gone and only the staff remain’: Biggles and (post )imperial heroism

Passiflora Caerulea

Exploring women’s experiences: embodied pathways and influences for exercise participation

Reappraising maturity models in e-government research: the trajectory-turning point theory

The Schengen evaluation mechanism: exploring the views of experts in the field of police cooperation

Stigma: a linguistic analysis of the UK red-top tabloids press’s representation of ‘schizophrenia’

Conflict, compromise and collusion: dilemmas for psychosocially-oriented practitioners in the mental health system

Online social support group use by breastfeeding mothers: a content analysis

A televised social problem construction? pushing back against the invisibility of the male rape victim in American crime

Study I: Events

Study II En memoire d'Alison

Review of "war map: pictorial conflict maps 1900-1950"

Topographic mapping: past, present and future

Upon hearing Guillaume du Fay


Sport supplement use predicts doping attitudes and likelihood via sport supplement beliefs

A multi-parent recombinant inbred line population of C. elegans allows identification of novel QTLs for complex life history traits

#BalanceforBetter within sport

Researching the intercultural: intersubjectivity and the problem with postpositivism

'Fat' bodies: where do they stand?

Service user involvement in cognitive behavioural therapy training; an interpretive phenomenological analysis

Curriculum design

How the Soviet Union secretly mapped Britain and the world

Psychological mechanisms underlying morality in sport

Study IV: Noreland trio


Streetwalking a walking woman's manifesto

The wondermaps of Max Gill

Study III: Glass

Co-creativity, well-being and agency: a case study analysis of a co-creative arts group for people with dementia

Count Zborowski Screening and premiere of 'The Map'

Symphonic study

Staff experiences of working in a sexual assault referral centre: the impacts and emotional tolls of working with traumatised people

Retaining young Catholics in the church: assessing the importance of parental example

Shelter seeking behaviour of donkeys and horses in a temperate climate

How employers respond to employees who return to the workplace after experiencing the death of a loved one? A review of the literature

International comparison of children’s knowledge, barriers and reported fluid intake across the school day.


Shades of Federalism Volume 3

The effects of majority requirements, selectorate composition and uncertainty in indirect presidential elections: The case of Estonia

The art of abstract writing

Shadow puppets for 'Under Milk Wood'

How topographic maps affect: experiencing Washington, DC through the maps of the “other”

Uncovering soviet maps

Sexuality and secret intimacy: negotiating sexual relationships amongst Nepalese young people in the UK

Bartók Small Prelude-extended

Paddy the Cope, Michael Powell and the story of the unmade film

Genetic background modifies phenotypic and transcriptional responses in a C. elegans model of α-synuclein toxicity

Archive film screening 14


An unknown building in four parts: part I

Using clinical records to evaluate family intervention for psychosis in routine practice

Folkestone bandstand experimental

Teacher practice and the pre-crime space: prevent, safeguarding and teacher engagement with extremism and radicalisation

Chatham Dockyard at the heart of industry and sea power

Political realism and dirty hands: value pluralism, moral conflict and public ethics

Multi-professional image interpretation: performance in preliminary clinical evaluation of appendicular radiographs

Maps, materiality and tactile aesthetics

DEBATE: do interventions based on behavioral theory work in the real world?

Harnessing mobile devices for field trips: enhancing learning through digital technology

How academics learn (or not!): an adventure in space and time (and matter)

An acquired or heritable connective tissue disorder? a review of hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

The haunted tales of L.T.C.Rolt

Border country

Mystic Britain

#Greatcoaching within sport

The vanishing stave?: considering the value of traditional notation skills in undergraduate popular music performance degrees

Cold War cartography: unravelling the secret Soviet military mapping programme" (Invited Lecture)

SROI in the art gallery: valuing social impact

University’s catalytic effect in engendering local development drives: insight into the instrumentality of community-based service learning

Exploring virtue ethical stewardship for transformative learning in a university's business leadership programmes

Cardiac structure and function after revascularization versus medical therapy for renal artery stenosis: the ASTRAL heart echocardiographic sub-study

Childfree women as occupational beings

The relationship between CSR activity and sales growth in the UK retailing sector

Russian Geographic Information Science

Perspective on alternative splicing and proteome complexity in plants

Does co-transcriptional regulation of alternative splicing mediate plant stress responses?

Alternative splicing and protein diversity: plants versus animals

A study of the Zygaenidae (Lepidoptera) fauna of Central Anatolia, Turkey

Primary-school-based art therapy: exploratory study of changes in children’s social, emotional and mental health

Developing an integrated career and competence framework for whole systems approach to urgent and emergency care delivery

A test of telepathy using immersive virtual reality

Value pluralism and public ethics: introduction

Dirty hands and suffering

The graduate generation: how students navigate the contradictions of higher education.

The toddlers have taken over

The futility of generation wars

Challenge and threat: a critical review of the literature and an alternative conceptualization

Sea burial

Horse burial

A Delphi survey to explore best practice for practitioners offering family intervention for psychosis to families with children

European space policy: past consolidation, present challenges and future perspectives

Puzzle octet

Dover tenements

Catch and Glee Club prizes in the long nineteenth century: nurturing a 'national music'

Pattern, form and silence in “Amalgamations”, an extended duration work

Secret Soviet maps

Measuring user preferences in virtual reality (VR): 2D versus 3D urban geovisualizations of topographic data

The Soviet Military plan of Tokyo (1966)

Analysing the symbology of Soviet Military city plans

Exploring secondary school students’ stances on the predictive and explanatory power of science

Developing a cross-curricular session about evolution for initial teacher education: findings from a small-scale study with pre-service primary school teacher

Understanding and perceived fluid intake of children in England and Ireland

A case study of how daily physical activity initiatives of occupational therapy were used to help physical movements for a child with dyspraxia

The complexity of young children's physical education

4 and 5 year olds' understanding of fluid intake within England

The A, B, Cs of physical activity, play and motor learning

The Magical Mountain - score

The Magical Mountain a tone poem

Being Horse

Mapping the world: Russian military mapping and geographic information science

Understanding federalism

Mapping empires: colonial cartographies of land and sea

Red star to red lion: the Soviet military mapping of Oxford

You should be stronger than me

Stop mugging Grandma : the 'generation wars' and why boomer-blaming won't solve anything

Informal institutions and managers’ earnings management choices: evidence from IFRS-adopting countries

Adolescent sex offenders with autism spectrum conditions: currently used treatment approaches and their impact

Application of slow philosophy in destination marketing: the case of Latvia

Parental support for children with allergies (PASCAL study): a randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness of a self-help website for parents of children with food allergy

Psychological factors associated with quality of life and burden in parents of children with food allergy

The magical mountain

Delivery of a preliminary clinical evaluation web based short course in Finland

The Royal Marines and the war at sea 1939-45

Earth light, earth angel

Physical activity recommendations for early childhood: an international analysis of ten different countries’ current national physical activity policies and practices for those under the age of 5

Does specialized psychological treatment for offending reduce recidivism? a meta-analysis examining staff and program variables as predictors of treatment effectiveness

NICER science and religion encounters - year 3 lesson (creation stories)

Measuring precognitive effects using a fast implicit and fast explicit task

Dawn rising (Summer)


An investigation into variables moderating the outcomes of mindfulness meditation

The science behind competition and winning in athletics: using world-level competition data to explore pacing and tactics

Young children's understanding of fluid intake

Curating indigenous knowledge and practices for sustainable development: possibilities for a socio-ecologically-minded university

A collective investment in lived experience practice: examining a co-produced steering group within a mental health peer worker project

Investigative challenges relating to gang-related homicide: senior investigating officers’ perspectives

Elusive tensions in everyday relationship-based social work practice

The drama project: a whole-person approach

Should clinical psychologists be political?

A performative approach to teaching poetry for language development

ZH lines perspectives and distortions squared

Just for the jazz of it

A building site in South London

Veneration for Saint Mary



ZH lines perspectives and distortions


A section of the Daphne Oram building

Contrast I

Music Current 2020 score

Chion's room

Primary school students’ perspectives on questions that bridge science and religion: Findings from a survey study in England