The use of religious metaphors by UK newspapers to describe and denigrate climate change

Open innovation and SMEs: exploring policy and the scope for improvement in university based public programmes through a multidisciplinary lens

Volunteer management: an exploratory case study within The British Red Cross

Investigating the value of restorative practice: an action research study of one boy in a mixed secondary school

Blended learning in Higher Education (HE): conceptualising key strategic issues within a Business School

Using student group-work in higher education to emulate professional communities of practice

Seafarers and seafaring

The role of the news media in influencing corporate environmental sustainable development: an alternative methodology to assess stakeholder enegagement

Multi-stakeholder values on the sustainability of dive tourism: case studies of Sipadan and Perhentian islands, Malaysia

Body-reflexive pleasures: exploring bodily experiences within the context of sport and physical activity

Policing the ‘Drugs Intervention Programme’ (DIP): an exploratory study of the Southern UK Policing Region

Labour law (Industrial relations law)

Legislating justiciability provisions

Freedom of speech and the press under Chapter IV of the 1999 Constitution: A comparative analysis

Implementation guidelines under the Cabotage regime in Nigeria

Developmental outcome of very low birth weight infants in a developing country

Ontologies for security requirements: a literature survey and classification’

The battle of the boards

New leaders in early years (NLEY): making a difference for children in England

Investigating the impact of entrepreneurship online teaching on science and technology degrees on students attitudes in developing economies: The case of Egypt

Case study on client-focused business projects

Impact of entrepreneurship teaching in higher education on the employability of scientists and engineers

Parking to achieve conscious competence: A reflection about practice development in the context of people with learning disabilities using hospital services

The role of technology in learning disability nursing

Focus on the future

Bipolar transurethral resection of prostate: Current status in the management of bladder outflow obstruction

Benign schwannoma of seminal vesicle presenting as haematospermia

Ontological security and residential experiences in China: The ‘old’ and the ‘new’ in Shanghai’s Luwan district

Young Chinese in urban China

Becoming a primary mathematics specialist teacher

A novel process for enhancing oil production in algae biorefineries through bioconversion of solid by-products

Dosse, F., Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari – Biographie Croisée

Youth Sport Trust evaluation of the Change 4 Life School Sports Clubs Programme 2011/12: final report: August 2012

Firesetting in the general population: the development and validation of the Fire Setting and Fire Proclivity Scales

Interprofessional working and community

Introduction to community nursing practice

Ballet body belief: perceptions of an ideal ballet body from young ballet dancers

The comquol study

Evidence for evolutionary distinctiveness of a newly discovered population of sooglossid frogs on Praslin island, Seychelles

Genetic consequences of intensive conservation management for the Mauritius parakeet

The influence of Wolfgang Ebner's Ferdinand variations on Bach, Beethoven and others

Book review: Haberfeld, M.R. et al. Terrorism within the international context: The counter-terrorism response and preparedness

Pixar – inside the toy box: Dr. Chris Pallant in conversation with Pixar’s Dan McCoy

Interviewing elites: addressing methodological issues

Evaluation of co-production processes in a community-based mental health project in Wandsworth

Differentiation and trust: Prüm and the institutional design of EU internal security

Identification of functional differences between recombinant human α and β cardiac myosin motors

Can the effectiveness of different forms of feedback be measured? Retention and student preference for written and verbal feedback in level 4 bioscience students

Perceptions of globalization among English language students at Kuwait University: voices of ownership

Investigating the influence of endosymbionts and population genetics on the predacious ladybird Chilocorus nigritus: implications for biocontrol


Reconstructing the teacher as a post-secular pedagogue: a consideration of the new teachers’ standards

Is spirituality evident as part of the caring activity of nurses within a intensive care unit?

Film and pedagogy: learning about teaching at the movies

Post secular trends: issues of faith and education

Human rights education and the post secular turn

Disentangling professional careers: an auto/biographic investigation into the occupational histories and aspirations of professional business workers in the third-age of their employment

Private policing: Mark Brunger considers the recent proposals to outsource elements of frontline policing to private providers.

Groups mind map

Guest editorial

The 'Feeling Better Together' group

What do we know about group work in current psychological clinical practice? Feedback from an email survey of clinical psychologists in the UK

Cognition, behaviour, representation

Benefits of choral singing on health: a comparison of singers with high and low psychological wellbeing

When suffering begets suffering: the psychology of competitive victimhood between adversarial groups in violent conflicts

Effects of the intensity of leg isometric training on the vasculature of trained and untrained limbs and resting blood pressure in middle-aged men

Reflecting on reflections: the role of ‘what might have been’



Host activity and wasp experience affect parasitoid wasp foraging behaviour and oviposition on nematode-infected larvae of the forestry pest Hylobius abietis

The rise and fall of complementary medicine in National Health Service hospitals in England

Psychology and the Paralympics: the role of the classifier for athletes with intellectual disabilities

Paralympic classification of elite athletes with intellectual disabilities

Lesbian co-mothers' experiences of maternity health care services

Factors associated with antipsychotic medication adherence in community-based patients with schizophrenia in Hong Kong: a cross sectional study

Islam and education: the manipulation and misrepresentation of a religion

First Steps: briefing document for schools

Pupil and teacher perceptions of community action: an English context

Study support essentials: guidance for Ofsted Framework 2012

The impact of extended services in Kent

I'm not all gone, I can still speak: the experiences of younger people with dementia: an action research study

Mind-mindedness in parents of pre-schoolers: a comparison between clinical and community samples

Early childhood education and care

Education and schooling 5-11 years

The Routledge companion to education

Education and schooling 11-16 years

Sociology of education

Using MRI for ankylosing spondylitis

Enhancing the teaching-research nexus in the undergraduate curriculum through assessment

Considerable discretion in the implementation of enterprise policy: the influence of policy contexts

What can we learn from the qualitative evaluations of the public assistance to SMEs? A new but necessary practice

Using focused ethnography in psychological research

Viewing together: material objects, art-making and dementia care

Role of galleries and museums in relation to wellbeing

Affirming entrepreneurial education: learning, employability and personal development

The APA handbook of research methods in psychology (volumes 1-3)

Factors associated with parental adaptation to having a child with a cleft lip and/or palate: the impact of parental diagnosis

VOICE: Developing a new measure of service users' perceptions of inpatient care, using a participatory methodology

Reliability of cycling gross efficiency using the Douglas bag method

Psychology of women in the UK: toxin or tonic – our contribution to ‘the admirable transformation of opportunities for women’

Report to Folkestone Harbour Company: results of consultations on Folkestone Seafront - one year on

Dissociating expectancy of shock and changes in skin conductance: an investigation of the Perruchet effect using an electrodermal paradigm

Out of control: an associative account of congruency effects in sequence learning

Development of a reliable, valid measure to assess parents' and teachers' understanding of postural care for children with physical disabilities.

Civic republicanism

Issues of truth and justice

O modelo Ingles de combate a violencia domestica

The improvement of the public assistance to SME innovation: the role of governments, universities and industry

Qualitative approaches as formative evaluations: the missing link in the public support to SMEs

An evaluation of the educational support for teachers who teach children with life-limiting illness in schools

Development of a reliable, valid measure to assess parents' and teachers' understanding of postural care for children with physical disabilities

Globalizing Tibetan Buddhism: modernism and neo-orthodoxy in contemporary Karma bKa’ brgyud organizations

Exploring the role of sustainability in social enterprise: case studies of six social enterprises in Kent

Organisational grief and work engagement: a case study of departmental restructuring in the public sector

Feedback and feed forward: using video podcast to provide student feedback on past examinations and as revision aids

The physiological demands of road cycling

Group identity and peer relations: a longitudinal study of group identity, perceived peer acceptance, and friendships amongst ethnic minority English children

The impact of extended services in Kent

Inaccessible through oversight: the need for inclusive game design

Developing a physical activity legacy from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games: a policy-led systematic review

The child in British literature: literary constructions of childhood, medieval to contemporary

Situating Hardt and Negri

Supervision for education professionals: personal encounters with practice

Bridging gaps

Introduction: minding a gap

Prequels and sequels: a psychoanalytic understanding of developing a professional practice in an education setting

Psychoanalysis and education: minding a gap

Douglas Gordon and cinematic audiovisuality in the age of television: experiencing the experience of cinema

Prime Ministers in power: political leadership in Britain and Australia

Entrepreneurial learning and the IBM Universities Business Challenge

Exploring sustainability in social enterprise: a comparative Polish and UK perspective

Primary English: teaching theory and practice

Primary English: knowledge and understanding

Women leaders in higher education: organizational cultures and personal resilience

Citizenship teachers: different types, different needs

A multiple single case design study of group therapeutic puppetry with people with severe mental illness

Cohesion comunitaria, multiculturalismo y diversidad: ¿que necesitan saber y hacer los profesores? Community cohesion, multiculturalism and diversity: what do teachers need to know and do?

An exploratory validation study of a risk assessment tool for male sex offenders with an intellectual disability.

Dispatches from the field: developing community safety in Northern Ireland

The effects of four weeks home-based isometric exercise training on resting blood pressure

The influence of nutritional interventions on the measurement of gross efficiency during cycling

White dialectics and clinical psychology: an invitation to dialogue

The experience of being a trainee clinical psychologist from a black and minority ethnic group. A qualitative study.

Reflection, renewal and reality: teachers' experience of special educational needs and inclusion

Alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen?- Konkordanzdemokratie im Westlichen Balkan

An evaluation of Linux Cybercrime Forensics courses for European law enforcement

Interventions for promoting reintegration and reducing harmful behaviour and lifestyles in street-connected children and young people (Protocol)

Implementing outcomes-based education in chemistry and chemical engineering

Developing the sports specific classification system for athletes with intellectual disabilities to compete in International Paralympic competition

The impact of involvement in sport on psychological factors such as self-esteem and social networks for people with intellectual disabilities

An exploration of the psychological benefits of Special Olympic involvement

Eligibility and classification of elite athletes with intellectual disabilities for the Paralympics: the role of psychology

Trans men’s construction of friendships

The Paralympic legacy: what will it do for people with intellectual disabilities?

Eligibility and classification in the Paralympics: how this works for athletes with intellectual disabilities

Self esteem and participation in the Special Olympics

Falling through the rabbit hole: elite sports and people with intellectual disabilities

Report to the Creative Foundation on the Folkestone Triennial Review

Sporting initiatives aimed at achieving 'greater' wellbeing and participation in young people: exploring intersections and conflicts

Developing further sensitivity to issues relating to donor conception and lesbian couples

The relationship between indices of fatigue and femoral artery post exercise hyperaemia after double-leg isometric exercise at increasing intensities

Christ Church Canterbury University educational assessment report: Da Nang Hospital for Women and Children NICU/HDU, prepared for Newborns Vietnam

Physiological monitoring of infants and children in the Intensive Care Unit

Promoting learner autonomy among English language learners

Complementary and alternative medicine: gender and marginality

Novel linkages for development: corporate social responsibilty, law and governance: exploring the Nigerian Petroleum Industry Bill

Exploring the relationship between corporate social responsibility, law and development in an African context: Should government be responsible for ensuring corporate responsibility?

Clinical psychologists' beliefs about the purpose of their profession in relation to the wider mental health system: a case study of views on new powers of compulsion

Critical thinking as a conscious, proactive act of argumentation in academic writing

Activity-based language practice

Where do we go from here? Practitioners’ views on the state of ELT in Kerala, Southern India

Networks of revolution

Networks of revolution

The sexual double standard: languages of inequality

Legal rights for people who 'live apart together'?

What is commitment? Women's accounts of intimate attachment

Exploring the psychosocial experiences of adolescents with sequential cochlear implants

Public attitudes towards intellectual disabilities after watching Olympic/Paralympic performance

Sexual minority adolescents and affirming experiences: an exploration of messages “It’s ok to be gay”.

'Evil thought is a dangerous pet.' Jerome K. Jerome and the dark side of passion

'A misunderstood generation': Victorians and the Twentieth Century peepshow

'Let him remember it in that room, years to come!’: myths of childhood and memory in Dombey and Son and The Haunted Man

Below the fairy city: a life of Jerome K. Jerome

Involving service users and carers in mental health education: mental health students' perspectives of the impact of direct involvement on their learning and practice.

Weeds: a story in seven chapters

'A rendezvous for literary London'. Jerome K. Jerome on the Strand

An exploration of the experience of openness in donor conception families in relation to the social and emotional experience of young people.

Robert Cormier

Black Beauty by Anna Sewell

Victorian rebel: the many faces of Mary Braddon

Jerome K. Jerome

'C. L. Pirkis (not “Miss”)’: public women, private lives, and the experiences of Loveday Brooke, Lady Detective

Unadulterated childhood: the child in Edwardian fiction

The child in British literature: an introduction


Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for partnerships

Interrogating researcher participation in an interview study of intercultural contribution in the workplace

Engage and activate: English through drama with young learners

Lessons from the actor: developing teacher presence in the English language classroom

Material culture: archaeology and text

Investigating the relationship between social cognition, neuropsychological function and post-traumatic stress disorder in acquired brain injury

Implicit theories of firesetters

What does the Olympics mean to you?

The patient-provider relationship in chronic pain

School-based interventions to address the stigma associated with mental health problems.

The essence of nationhood: how ordinary people make sense of nationality, and how essentialist beliefs create acculturative problems

Scoping the assessment needs of child carers of adults with long term conditions

Neurofeedback: refining the methodology of brain-computer interface training.

Neuropsychological aspects of chronic pain

Exploring perceptions of success within an exercise referral scheme: a mixed method investigation

The potential power of the Paralympics - changing attitudes towards people with intellectual disabilities

The involvement of service users in developing a children's nursing programme-extending the conversation of children and young people.

An exploration of parental narratives in the context of a child's diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder

Lactate accumulation following isometric exercise training and its relationship with reduced resting blood pressure

Service users' perceptions of Community Treatment Orders and their impact on interpersonal relationships.

Impact of resistance training on blood pressure: are all contractions created equal? Letter to the editor.

The impact of entomopathogenic nematodes on a non-target, service-providing longhorn beetle is limited by targeted application when controlling forestry pest Hylobius abietis

Assessing the impact of parental mental health on child physical health: validation of a measure of carer burden within carers of children with chronic kidney disease

The engagement of further and higher education with the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games II

The role of the group in mindfulness-based interventions.

Caenorhabditis elegans dauer larvae development in growing populations.

Changes and continuities of the ideology of Olympism in the modern Olympic movement

Involving the further and higher education sector

A man or a myth

The contemporary global Olympic movement

Un consensus négocié pour les valeurs Olympiques et Paralympiques

Managing the Olympic experience: challenges and responses – Editorial comment

Olympic education and beyond: Olympism and value legacies from the Olympic and Paralympic Games

Discourses of Olympism: From the Sorbonne 1894 to London 2012

Change in shear rate in the common femoral upon cessation of leg isometric exercise at increasing intensities

Parents' communication to their primary school-aged children about mental health and ill-health.

Employed carers' empathy towards people with learning disabilities.

Beliefs about difficult feelings

The Channel Tunnel: transport patterns and regional impact

The experience of pregnancy for vulnerable women.

Gardening and wellbeing

Response to "Thinking outside the bag (not necessarily outside the lab)"

Professionals' attitudes towards mental disorder

Recovery-orientation in mental health services

Staff reactions to challenging behaviour: a preliminary investigation into their development over the course of an interaction

Studio-based instrumental learning

Active citizens and public policy: the example of the London 2012 Olympic Games

Falls-related psychological concerns in the community-dwelling older adult population.

Police culture: themes and concepts

Eliciting donations to disaster victims: psychological considerations

Familiarity breeds compassion: knowledge of disaster areas and willingness to donate to the disaster victims

Competitive victimhood among Jewish and Palestinian Israelis reflects differential threats to their identities

Young people's beliefs about help-seeking for first episode psychosis

Perceived social stigma and attitudes toward seeking therapy in training: a cross-national study

Art galleries, episodic memory and verbal fluency in dementia: an exploratory study

Mechanical and propelling efficiency in swimming derived from exercise using a laboratory-based whole-body swimming ergometer

The influence of in-game emotions on basketball performance

Froebel, creative thinking and the outdoor environment

Down to the wire: a short introduction to artificial intelligence

The theory of planned behaviour, self-identity, and moral disengagement: what predicts sustainability at work?

Through a black mirror, palely: the perceptions, realities and possibilities of the digital learner

Inverse relationship between VO2max and gross efficiency.

ASC 547 higher education and policing. Report submitted to the Higher Education Academy Social Sciences Cluster

Blackstone's handbook for policing students 2013

Policing research in an age of austerity

Criminal investigation and higher education: a crossroads to an uncertain future

Journalistic investigations into miscarriages of justice: the investigative journalist versus the Criminal Cases Review Commission.

Democratising police governance? A critical reflection on the likely impact of Police and Crime Commissioners

Police Complaints in the United Kingdom

The career and critical reception of Paul Auster

Vietnam and beyond: Tim O’Brien and the power of storytelling

‘Nobody out of context': representations of child corruption in Robert Cormier’s crime novels

The last of the Romantics? The accidental investigator in postmodern detective fiction

The continuing need for 'watchdogs of the wrongly convicted'

Chief police leadership in England and Wales

Submission to the Home Affairs Committee inquiry into leadership and standards in the police. (Written evidence.)

'lest I, too should remain chained here': Jerome K. Jerome’s London

Maps from the past?

Responding to suicidal risks: bridging between research and clinical practice.

An exploration of refugees, post traumatic stress disorder and quality of life

Dementia: constructing a relational perspective

Investigative decision making: missing people and sexual offences, crossroads to an uncertain future

The principles of Educational Robotic Applications (ERA): a framework for understanding and developing educational robots and their activities

Managing anxiety with CBT for dummies

Implementing video conferencing in mental health practice

An exploratory study of the relationship between metacognition and recovery style in people with psychosis

The leisure reading habits of first-year, female Emirati university students: an investigation

An investigation into the optimum training paradigm for alpha electroencephalographic biofeedback

State-trace analysis of sequence learning by simple recurrent networks

Implicit learning: a demonstration and a novel SRT paradigm

Demonstrating implicit learning with a novel serial reaction time task

Dissociating expectancy of shock and changes in skin conductance: an investigation of the Perruchet effect using an electrodermal paradigm

Dissociating expectancy of shock and changes in skin conductance: an investigation of the Perruchet effect using an electrodermal paradigm

Why now is the time to invest in e-health technologies

Language use within bilingual families: stories from Istanbul

Foundations of character: methodological aspects of a study of character development in three- to six-year-old children with a focus on sharing behaviours

Building communities: teachers researching literacy lives

Whose hand rocks the cradle? Parallel discourses in the baby room

Orchestrating professional development for baby room practitioners: raising the stakes in new dialogic encounters

Improvement of the public support to SMEs: policy and research implications

Value of the qualitative evaluations of support programmes

Vertikale Hierarchie und archaische Sakralität: Zur mythopoësis des Fußes

Can group narrative therapy facilitate adjustment to multiple sclerosis?

Empowerment of SME associations in the policy process

What sustains a life in education?

Skeletal reporting by radiographers: a review of 27800 cases

ABCs of preliminary plain film image assessment

Navigating Christian space: Jews and Christian images in early modern German lands

Christliche 'Vorzeigekonvertiten' in der Frühen Neuzeit

A novel self-guided approach to alpha activity training using water based electrodes

An exploration of close relatives' experience of help-seeking for dementia

Museums and art galleries as research partners in public health interventions

An art gallery intervention for dementia care

Federalism as a tool of conflict resolution: the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

"It helps to untangle really complicated situations": 'AS IF' supervision for working with complexity

The role of mindfulness and loving-kindness meditation in cultivating self-compassion and other-focused concern in health care professionals

Career learning and development: a social constructivist model for the twenty-first century

A critical assessment of available molecular identification tools for determining the status of Culex pipiens S.L. in the United Kingdom

‘Shall memory be the only thing to die?' Fictions of childhood in Dickens and Jerome K. Jerome

Mechanisms of collaboration to support social interaction in ASC

A ‘personal opposites’ approach to understanding achievement goal questionnaires

The 2 x 2 achievement goal framework in primary school: Do young children pursue mastery avoidance goals?

Maternal scaffolding behavior: links with parenting style and maternal education

More bang for your buck—hardware hacking, real money trade, and transgressive play within console-based first-person shooters

How mastery and performance goals influence learners’ metacognitive help-seeking behaviours when using Ecolab II.

Nāgārjuna on temporary happiness and liberation: readings of the Ratnāvalī in India, China, and Tibet

The county community in seventeenth-century England and Wales

Radio Mind Commission

Changing business models and adaptation strategies of local newspapers

Lance Armstrong: it's not about the doping

Who cares for babies?

Unremarkable stories

Researching participatory arts, well-being and health: some methodological issues

Material thinking in art: subject, object and the subjectile

Escaping the echo chamber: advocacy outside our own circle

White noise: the representation of modernity in the films of Pai Ching-jui

Enlightenment liberalism and the challenge of pluralism

An oral history of the early years of Christ Church College, Canterbury

Unpacking ostensive and performative aspects of organisational routines in the context of monitoring systems: a critical realist approach

Food choice, health information and functional ingredients: An experimental auction employing bread

Social relations in a mixed group of mules, ponies and donkeys reflect differences in equid type

A narrative literature review of the development of obesity in infancy and childhood

Testing a model of research intention among U.K. clinical psychologists: a logistic regression analysis

Psychoanalysis and fantasy

Solar flares: science fiction in the 1970s

He do the polis in different voices: Mieville’s uncanny cities in The City and The City

Social media in law enforcement: the role and issues

A distributed storage system for archiving broadcast media content

A distributed SVM ensemble for image classification and annotation

Computer forensics in communication networks

Monastic authority, landscape and place in the Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis

Strategic disorder, the Office of Policy Coordination and the Inauguration of US political warfare against the Soviet Bloc, 1948-50

The clergy and allegiance at the outbreak of the English Civil Wars: the case of John Marston of Canterbury

Forty Years on: Alan Everitt and the community of Kent revisited

Eleanor de Montfort: a rebel countess in Medieval England

The multiple estate model re-considered: power and territory in early medieval Wales

5 October 1968 and the beginning of The Troubles: flashpoints, riots and memories

The accession of King Henry I, August 1100

Career guidance and therapeutic counselling: sharing ‘what works’ in practice with young people’

Counselling young people: counsellors’ perspectives on ‘what works’ – an exploratory study

Mobilization for a new Europe? The no campaigns in Irish and French EU referendums compared

Citizens against Europe: civil society and Eurosceptic protest in Denmark, Ireland and the UK

Understanding teachers’ attitudes and self-efficacy in inclusive education: implications for pre-service and inservice teacher education

Research in a South African faculty of education: a transformative approach

Radio Mind and Commercial Break

Commercial Break, Lone Broadcast and Numbers

Radio art as practice: an overview

Moon: toward the cognitive uncanny

Efficacy of Turnitin in support of an institutional plagiarism policy

'Teaching creates all other professions': what is the definition of a profession? Is teaching a profession - and does it really matter?

Learning from multilingual teachers of English

Contestable beliefs in education: fairness and/or neutrality?

What is a controversial issue? Implications for the treatment of religious beliefs in education.

Equity and inclusion for all in education

‘It’s better than catching frogs’: understanding the importance of local context in the development of inclusive school self-evaluation in Lao PDR

Chronic illness, self-management and techology: type 1 diabetes patients' views of the use of technology to communicate with health professionals about their disease

Cerna dupka

Hotel Europa

Le Demon de Debarmaalo



Tyrants and translations: Dutch interpretations of George Buchanan's political thought

A king translated: the writings of James VI & I and their interpretation in the Low Countries, 1593-1603

Digital dimensions in actorly performance: the aesthetic potential of performance capture

"A Great Sense of Journeying": transport and cultural transition in the novels of D. H. Lawrence: a thesis overview

'So many disguises': questions of identity in Robert Cormier's After the First Death and Heroes

Broadening the lens: an investigation of student teachers' changing perceptions of pedagogy following a teaching placement in a primary school in mainland Europe

Language learning at Key Stage 2: findings from a longitudinal study

Entrepreneurial growth and ownership under market socialism in China: a longitudinal case study of small business growth

The restructuring of market socialism: the contribution of an 'agency' theoretical perspective

Names proper and improper in Richard Millet's Siom novels

The name in evidence: Richard Millet's Le Renard dans le nom

Learning from experience: the case study of a primary school

Royal Hibernian Academy 182nd Annual Exhibition


Moratoria in international politics: a comparative analysis of the moratoria on genetically modified products and commercial whaling

Contested frames: comparing EU versus US GMO policy

‘From the enchanted garden to the steps of my father’s house’: the dissentient child in early twentieth-century British fiction.

The coastal metropolitan corn trade in later seventeenth-century England

The contrasting strategies of owner-managed and foreign-engaged joint ventures under market socialism in China

The use of technology in promoting physical activity of primary aged children

Using accelerometers and Qwizdom to measure the physical activity levels of primary aged children

Is physical education more than just being physically active?

Ensuring all children - including a child with ADHD - can access physical education

What happens in physical education of primary aged children?

What happens in physical education of primary aged children?

An introduction to physical education

Placing an importance on health and physical activity

Staff support for inclusion: an international study

Cartographic design and aesthetics “FAQ”

Psychoanalytic perspectives on learning and the subject called the learner

Using technology to explore new ways of working

Understanding practitioners’ responses to inequality and breaches of human rights

Faith and reason in a post secular age

Beyond the Panopticon: changing gazes in ESOL

Emotion regulation questionnaire for use with athletes

Precarious subjects: ethics of witnessing and responsibility in the plays of Debbie Tucker Green

The BASES expert statement on emotion regulation in sport

Richard Rorty: Une philosophie de l’éducation entre élitisme et conservatisme?

Foreign policy: theories, actors, cases

International history and international relations

Narrative strategies in contemporary Buddhist (auto)hagiographical writings

Ästhetische Erfahrung als Kontemplation

Coming to terms with the ‘other’: towards IR going global

The primary curriculum: a creative approach

Meanings that matter: an investigation of teachers' and children's perceptions of integrating language and music

Schools at the crossroads: innovating in a climate of uncertainty

Early professional development and languages teaching in primary schools

What works and why: a case study investigation of participants' perceptions of the impact of a parenting intervention on parents and their children

Geographies of Mediterranean migration

Performance culture in the UK police forces, a case study of Kent Police.

Landmarks in the professional and academic development of mid-career teacher educators: using living graphs

Exploring the political and international relations dimensions of hosting sports mega events through the lens of the 2010 Football World Cup in South Africa

Representing landmarks in the professional development of teacher educators in the UK and Greece: living graphs as a methodological tool.

Living graphs as a methodological tool: representing landmarks in the professional development of mid-career teacher educators

'Ethical' travel and well-being: reposing the issues

Volunteer tourism may not be as good as it seems

The mantra of community participation in context

Demonstrating implicit learning with a novel serial reaction time task

Demonstrating implicit learning with a novel serial reaction time task

Alternative splicing and nonsense-mediated decay modulate expression of important regulatory genes in Arabidopsis

Alternative splicing mediates responses of the Arabidopsis circadian clock to temperature changes

Alternative splicing in plants – coming of age

Thermoplasticity in the plant circadian clock: how plants tell the time-perature

Building portals for evidence informed education: lessons from the dead

An evaluation of the educational support for teachers who teach children with life limiting illness in mainstream schools

An evaluation of the educational support for teachers who teach children with life limiting illness in mainstream schools

An examination of the educational support for teachers who teach children with life limiting illnesss in mainstream schools

The use of technology in recording physical activity levels of primary aged children

Multiple refugia and barriers explain the phylogeography of the Valais shrew, Sorex antinorii (Mammalia: Soricomorpha)

Beyond the bid process: reflections on the ‘Feldenkrais Method in Performer Training’ project and its impact on departmental research, learning and teaching

Reciprocity, recognition and moral worth in the wizarding economy

Single vision lenses - now it’s personal

Two initial teacher educators - two different stories?

Performance on the continuous performance test under parametric increase of working memory load in schizophrenia

Charting and weak-form market efficiency test: an empirical study on NASDAQ and NYSE components

A novel, rule-based technical pattern identification mechanism: identifying and evaluating saucers and resistant levels in the US stock market

Identifying and evaluating horizontal support and resistance levels: an empirical study on US stock markets

e-Learning for Healthcare – Image Interpretation Project

An unusual cause of respiratory distress

Deconstructing the personal narrative through offending behaviour and interpersonal style

Testing the generalised efficacy of technical analysis with bootstrapped aggregated regression trees

A warning from the sun

AIESEP-Bham 2012 Position Statement: Sport (and Exercise) Pedagogy

Novel approach for deriving genome wide SNP analysis data from archived blood spots

Analyses of pig genomes provide insight into porcine demography and evolution

Evaluating the predictiveness and profitability of foreign exchange forecasting models

Forecasting tourist arrivals in Greece and the impact of macroeconomic shocks from the countries of tourists' origin

Current discussions on the pressures for, and the potential impacts of, korfball being awarded entry into the sport-gender-media nexus

Mind the Gap: An analysis of how quality assurance processes influence programme assessment patterns

Scholarly detectives: Police professionalisation via academic education

‘Telling tales’: making narrative approaches count in career counselling

The career thinking session


Higher education reform: conflict of interest or enhanced experience?

Capacity building at the Kenyan Government Chemist

Taking relationships into account in mental health services

The art of the impossible? A case study and reflections on the experience of art in a rural Kenyan primary school

'Telling tales' in career counselling

Interpretive approaches to research: research paradigms 3

The career thinking interview: a reflective space for career development

Narrative in career counselling: telling tales in a hopeful space

Understanding reduced activity in psychosis: the roles of stigma and illness appraisals


The writings and West Country world of Samuel Daniel (1562?-1619)

Chorography: history, theory and potential for archaeological research

Shared stewardship of nature: past, present and future

Spider’s moving castle: re-inscribing a ‘sense of place’

Maps for growing minds: designing atlases for children

Windthrow trees, nature’s survivors: East Kent case studies

Animal? Vegetable? Mineral?

Nature, culture and 'sense of place': environmental stewardship of a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the total curriculum

Christ Church Bioversity - The Canterbury UNESCO World Heritage Site as a living learning resource for all

Tracking viral evolution during a disease outbreak: the rapid and complete selective sweep of a Circovirus in the endangered Echo parakeet

Micro-CT X-rays do not fragment DNA in preserved bird skins

Motion comics: modes of adaptation and the issue of authenticity

New archaeomagnetic data recovered from the study of Roman and Visigothic remains from central Spain (3rd–7th centuries)

Archaeomagnetic and rock magnetic study of six kilns from North Africa (Tunisia and Morocco)

The thinking line: defining drawing

Embedding sustainability literacy and employability in a business studies core module

Automatic identification of wildlife using local binary patterns

Journalists views and use of social media: Cision Social Journalism Study 2012: global report

Rapid method for targeted cell (line) selection

The role of social media in the journalist and PR practitioner relationship

Storyboard history: an incomplete history

A journey through the history of mapmaking

European topographic mapping: new directions in Eastern Europe

Review of "Intelligence revealed: maps, plans and views at Horse Guards and the War Office, 1800–1880"

The user and the mapmaker's art: exploring the aesthetics of cartography

The magic of maps

Maps and national identity in Latvia and Slovenia

Olympism, sport for development and international relations: current challenges and stakes

The Olympic Games today

Living apart together: towards a multi-dimensional understanding

Storyboarding American cinema: an incomplete history [Invited speaker]

Red Dead Redemption (2010): animating game structure and game surface

Book review: Postcolonial media culture in Britain

Developing a social constructivist model of nursing’s pedagogic practice using Bernstein’s educational theories

Station wagon interior perspective (requiem for John Fahey)

An evaluation of domestic abuse programmes for adolescents in Kent and Medway

Domestic violence in Europe: study on determinants and characteristics of domestic violence in England

Exploring how to optimise the professional contribution and enhance the psychosocial well-being of migrant and refugee healthcare professionals in the UK

Transferability of locally collected research results: employing theoretical triangulation in a study on migrant social workers in the UK

Evidence of a gender effect in the impact of Intimate Partner Violence victimisation on health-related quality of life

The evolution of the Indian ocean parrots (Psittaciformes): extinction, adaptive radiation and eustacy

Insider voices: addressing the challenge of ventriloquism and edgework in reflexive ethnographic accounts with young people

Model girls in magazine culture: young women, feminism and the American dream. Fashioning Teenagers: A Cultural History of Seventeen Magazine by Kelley Massoni Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, 2010

Schooling the dancer: the evolution of an identity as a ballet dancer

Unpacking employability: BA Media and Communications, experiences and examples of embedding employability

The thinking line: defining drawing

Flotsam, jetsam, lagan and derelict

Upon a painted ocean

Introduction to community nursing practice

Night visit

Nerve scales, a musical and multimedia performance

Anglo-Saxon saints and a Norman archbishop: 'imaginative memory' and institutional identity at St Gregory's Priory, Canterbury

Materials and tasks for developing English language learners critical and media literacies

Implementing a collaborative learning approach in a B.Ed. TESL programme: putting the principles into practice

Paper round

Validation of the theoretical domains framework for use in behaviour change and implementation research

The time-course of recovery from interruption during reading: Eye movement evidence for the role of interruption lag and spatial memory

Behaviour change among overweight and socially disadvantaged adults: a longitudinal study of the NHS Health Trainer Service

'A man, and a good man': youth and misdirection in William Faulkner's The Reivers

How Varroa Parasitism affects the immunological and nutritional status of the honey bee, Apis mellifera

Inclusion and exclusion through youth sport

Young people's embodiment of physical activity: the role of the pedagogized family

Coping strategies of Turkish migrant women in the UK

The Olympic movement and Islamic culture: conflict or compromise for Muslim women?

‘Olympism’ and education: a critical review

Young people's agency and practice: exploring the role of the family.

Formal and informal body pedagogies: exploring the fields of school and family as spaces for (re)production of physical culture.

Mimesis, cover versions and the commercial vocalists’ dilemma; Sri Lankan perspective

Mimesis, Cover versions and the commercial vocalists’ dilemma; Sri Lankan perspective

Archive film of Canterbury and district - screening 2

Archive film of Canterbury and district - screening 3

"Exploring 'Great Expectations.'"

"Dickens's suffering child and Anstey's fabulous mill"

Altruism as show off: a signalling perspective on helping, charity giving, environmental sustainability and other acts of kindness

Nicholas Brourriaud relational aesthetics

The role of the link nurse in infection prevention and control (IPC): developing a link nurse framework

Evaluating qualitative research: issues of reliability and validity

Mediation and your business

SOUND::GENDER::FEMINISM::ACTIVISM - do you trust me - scientific research reaffirming vocal gender

Defying deprivation: a cross-sectional analysis of area level health resilience in England

Operation Market Garden

Review of "figures INFRASTRUCTURES: an Atlas of roads and railways" by Bieke Cattoor and Bruno De Muelder

Review of "information graphics"

POSTED -therapist-led postural care workshop for parents and teaching staff