The principles of Educational Robotic Applications (ERA): a framework for understanding and developing educational robots and their activities
Journal article
Catlin, D. and Blamires, M. 2012. The principles of Educational Robotic Applications (ERA): a framework for understanding and developing educational robots and their activities. Advancing Education. 2012 (Summer).
Authors | Catlin, D. and Blamires, M. |
Keywords | Educational robotics; educational technology; innovation; technology; robots |
Year | 2012 |
Journal | Advancing Education |
Journal citation | 2012 (Summer) |
Publisher | NAACE |
ISSN | 2050-1331 |
Official URL | |
Publication dates | |
Jul 2012 | |
Publication process dates | |
Deposited | 12 Dec 2012 |
Output status | Published |
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Additional information | A version of this paper was originally published at the 'Constructionism' conference in Paris August 2012. |
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