Learning and inclusion in the Early Years

Journal article

Blamires, M. and Estrada, C. 2013. Learning and inclusion in the Early Years. Navtika: Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education.
AuthorsBlamires, M. and Estrada, C.

This paper considers inclusion in the early years from the perspective of a social model of learning articulated by Wenger (1998). This model is used to highlight key areas of teaching and learning in the early years that enhance participation and achievement. Implications for change in early years settings are considered alongside some priorities for professional development.

KeywordsEarly years Education, Special Educational Needs, Inclusion, Professional Development
JournalNavtika: Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education
PublisherSalwan Public School
Official URLhttp://salwangurgaon.com/Navtika/index.htm
Publication dates
Print01 Nov 2013
Publication process dates
Deposited26 Nov 2013
Accepted author manuscript
Output statusPublished

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