Can creativity be assessed? Towards an evidence informed framework for assessing and planning progress in creativity

Journal article

Blamires, M. and Peterson, A. 2014. Can creativity be assessed? Towards an evidence informed framework for assessing and planning progress in creativity. Cambridge Journal of Education. 44 (2), pp. 147-162.
AuthorsBlamires, M. and Peterson, A.

This article considers the role of constructions of creativity in the classroom and their consequences for learning and, in particular, for the assessment of creativity. Definitions of creativity are examined to identify key implications for supporting the development of children’s creativity within classroom. The implications of assessing creativity in order to aid its development within and across subjects are explored through the consideration of existing frameworks for assessing and supporting creativity. Enablers for creative teaching and learning are considered in order to propose a model of assessment and development for creativity.

KeywordsCreativity; curriculum; assessment; professional development
JournalCambridge Journal of Education
Journal citation44 (2), pp. 147-162
PublisherTaylor & Francis
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Publication dates
Print11 Feb 2014
Publication process dates
Deposited28 Oct 2013
Accepted18 Oct 2013
Output statusPublished

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