Soviet intelligence plans for the British Isles
Language and reality in Buddhism: the case for moderate linguistic optimism
Sport, young people and wellbeing
Ports and the e-maritime agenda: challenges and opportunities
Tracking EEG changes to alpha and beta binaural beats
The EU and member statebuilding: EU foreign policy and intervention in the Western Balkans
Exploring the role and influence of expectations in achieving VLE benefit success
Essential theory for primary teachers: an introduction for busy trainees
Telling tales: do narrative approaches for career counselling count?
Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) as a positive and versatile approach to teaching games
Reinventing performance: style, innovation and politics in the work of Stan’s Cafe
Associations and propositions: the case for a dual-process account of learning in humans
Optimization of beam mode for high efficiency laser thermal forming within metallurgical constraints
The Democratic Unionist Party: From protest to power
Co-creating futures: The journey towards employment in air travel and tourism
On the multiple B-O bonding using the topological analysis of electron localisation function (ELF)
Standards of judicial integrity: The Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct
Customer due diligence in the financial services industry
An environment for learning: Children's favourite places
Consultancy projects as an alternative to dissertations.
The Patient-Rated Wrist and Hand Evaluation: a systematic review of its validity and reliability
Older adults’ experiences of community integration following traumatic brain injury.
The Multiple Sclerosis Fatigue Self-Efficacy Scale (MS-FSE): initial validation
Bridging the gap between goal intentions and actions: a systematic review in patient populations
Manual mapping of drumlins in synthetic landscapes to assess operator effectiveness
Caves as ritual spaces in later prehistoric Europe
Encounters and Transformations in Iron Age Europe: the ENTRANS Project
The Ellik Evacuator: Evolution in emptying
The regulation of urologists through time: A work in progress
Patient management: urinary retention
Maritime piracy in Nigeria: The national security implications
Theatre, society, and stigma: Mental illness on stage
What is evidence-based practice and why does it matter?
Learning and teaching mathematics 0-8
Investigating preferences for support with life after stroke: a discrete choice experiment
Improving skills and care standards in the support workforce for older people: a realist review
Towards a programme theory for fidelity in the evaluation of complex interventions.
Reflections of a researcher teacher
Pagan spellcasting: discovering the homogenous among the heterogenous
Phantom limbs in the therian community
Making magic(k): esential aspects of successful neo-pagan spell work
Exploring the meaning in meaningful coincidences
Effects of high-intensity running training on soccer-specific fitness in professional male players
Counselling for anomalous experiences
A transpersonal understanding of experience of spirituality in individuals with epilepsy
What can we learn from an exploration of the phenomenology of spiritualist mental mediumship?
Synchronicity in the clinical setting
Paganism in practice: finding the homogeneous within the hetereogeneous
Monkeys' paws, poppets, sheep and goats; or the necessary components of successful spells
Clinical parapsychology in the UK: counselling for anomalous experiences
A mixed methods approach to mediumship research
Non-parapsychological explanations of ostensible mediumship
An interpretative phenomenological analysis of identity in the therian community
Teaching physical education creatively
How might educational research into children’s ideas about light be of use to teachers?
Bearly conscious? Deconstructing Pullman’s postmodern marionettes
A snapshot culture assessment undertaken for Kent and Medway Partnership NHS Trust
It’s contagious! developing sustainability perspectives in academic life at a UK university
Principles of Company law in Uganda
The relationship between cycle tourism and sustainable transport in the UK
Microtonality and the recorder 1961-2013: repertoire, tone colour, and performance
The Villancio in New Spain 1650-1750: morphology, significance and development
Dialogising Stravinsky: a topic theory and gestural interpretation
Combining problem structuring methods with simulation: the philosophical and practical challenges
Improving patient waiting times: a simulation study of an obesity care service
False relationships: Nicola LeFanu, 'I am bread'
The implications of sortilin/vps10p domain receptors in neurological and human diseases.
Autophagy dysfunction and its link to Alzheimer's disease and type II diabetes mellitus.
The relationship between adult attachment style and fibromyalgia as mediated by social cognition
Conclusion: foreign policy analysis and the post-Yugoslav states.
Mediating serious crime: an analysis of adult prison restorative justice mediation
‘They call it democracy’: cultural memory and anti-austerity protests in Spain
Contemporary protest and the legacy of dissent
The human rights Church school: a particular school for the common good?
Interpretation of clinical imagingexaminations by radiographers:a programme of research
Social context and distress : environment, power, distress and IAPT, a discourse analysis
A Turquia de Erdogan: o início do fim ou somente o fim do início?
"Tangled wires in the head": older migrant Chinese's perception of mental illness in Britain
Cultural health capital and professional experiences of overseas doctors and nurses in the UK
The epistemic criterion: a response to Michael Hand
Techniques, tactics and strategies for conceptual change in school science
Isabella de Forz: a woman in the age of baronial reform and rebellion, 1237-1293
Power and the social construction of service users and clinical psychologists
ECG interpretation — are we getting it right?
(Dis)ability by design: Narratives of bodily perfectionism amongst wheelchair athletes
Implementing an e-learning Masters programme for Practice Development
Medication management training for mental health professionals: a programme of research
Teaching for life: teachers and life limiting conditions
Chapter 4: Seamless transition from the foundation stage to year 1 (ages three to six)
One too many: alcohol consumption and the health risks
The unitary ability of IQ in the WISC-IV and its computation
Comparative experiences of two teacher educators: a self study
Landmarks in the professional and academic development of mid-career teacher educators
Time-varying sparsity in dynamic regression models
U.K. libraries offer free article access to walk-ins
The transition between CAMHS and AMHS for looked after children: mind the gap
Talawa theatre: a boundless leap into mainstream British theatre 1985-1994
Cue competition in human associative learning
The elite ethic of fiduciarity: the heraldry of the Jack Wills brand
Police culture and transformational leadership: outlining the contours of a troubled relationship
Experiences of blended learning
Children's health and wellbeing
Advanced radiographic practice in adult chest imaging
Sign action: towards an ontological affinity of Peirce and Vygotsky on semiotic mediation
Beyond the view: new perspectives on seaside photography
Beyond the view: reframing the Sunbeam Photographic Collection
From Smudger to Sunbeamer: informal professionalism in commercial seaside portraiture
Yurtworks...or pulling out the plug
Beyond the view: reframing the early commercial seaside photograph
Exploring recovery in people with learning disabilities
Novel chromogenic macrocyclic molecular probes with logic gate function using anion/cation inputs
Conversion, Devotion and (Trans-)Mission: Understanding Ole Nydahl
Men, ageing bodies and sport: an embodied approach
Supporting children with life limiting or threatening conditions in mainstream education
The learner, the curriculum and the wardrobe
Conclusion: theory and practice of EU member-state building in the western Balkans
The limits of normative power? EU member state-building in the western Balkans
The foreign policies of the post-Yugoslav states
Practices and perceptions of living apart together
A prediction scheme using perceptually important points and dynamic time warping
A risky business? Taking chances in AFO training
Payback time? Discourses of lack, debt and the moral regulation of teacher education
The effect of vicarious trauma on staff: best practice management and strategies
Charlie-is-so-“English”-like: Nationality and the branded-celebrity person in the age of YouTube
Methodological approaches to researching teacher education
Cognitive biases in anorexia nervosa: the role of inflated responsibility and perfectionism.
Experiences of blended learning and support mechanisms
Radiographer clinical reporting
Commentary: radiographer reporting
Optimizing patient care in radiology through team-working: audit data
Optimizing neonatal X-ray quality: results of an audit
Expansive learning in firearms training: the HE / professional learning interface
The impact of pornography on young people
Video nasties: the effects of sexualised and violent imagery on children and young people
The cognitive impact of art-gallery interventions for people with dementia
Mindfulness and the therapeutic encounter
Correlates and predictors of apathy, depression and fatigue post-stroke
A study of mentoring in the Teach First programme
Psychology and poverty reduction: a global special Issue
"Dangerous and disordered": the discursive construction of "mental illness" in public texts
Sexuality within stroke rehabilitation
Community arts and child wellbeing
Offering mindfulness to trainee therapists and NHS staff
State-trace analysis: dissociable processes in a connectionist network?
Relating on psychiatric inpatient units
Widespread genomic incompatibilities in Caenorhabditis elegans
Social cognition skills in borderline personality disorder
Live radio broadcast on "Underground Britain"
The problem with realism and naturalism in cinema
Arts interventions in dementia care
Disorders of sex development: developmental challenges and mothers' experiences of support
Early adversity, early psychosis and mediating factors
An exploration into gendered experiences in autism
Beckett/Bacon - giving life a new power of laughter in the face of death
Being a pioneer: mental health service users' experiences of peer brokerage
An exploration of psychological interventions in the acute inpatient mental health setting
Polish Migration and the Changing Irish Urban System: 2002-2011
Urban transformations: centres, peripheries and systems
In the shadow of a giant: core-peripheral contrasts in south east England
Psychological support for ex-military families
The art of language teaching: are teacher identity and performative teaching mutually exclusive?
X-ray crystallographic structure of 3-(Propan-2-ylidene) benzofuran-2(3H)-one
Inflated responsibility in child and adolescent anorexia nervosa
Mindfulness-based interventions: lessons from the clinical literature
Age differences in efficiency of locomotion and maximal power output in well‑trained triathletes
(Dis)ability by design: Narratives of bodily perfectionism
(Dis)abled athletes as the “Ambassadors of transhumanism”
Disabled sporting bodies as sexual beings: Reflections and challenges
‘Missed Vocation? The Failed Writer in Late Victorian Women’s Fiction.’
"Your own feelings will enable you to imagine”: sustaining the Dickensian reader
Resourcing computer forensics courses
Blackstone’s Handbook for Policing Students 2015
Police education in England and Wales: a changing landscape
Evaluation of a brief mood as input intervention for high worriers
Monitoring moths using sex pheromones
Ouida and Victorian popular culture
Moralizing tourism: personal qualities, political issues
Reflection on the DSEP Conference 2013: The paradoxical effects of vulnerability
Researching literacy lives: building communities between home and school
Building communities of engaged readers: reading for pleasure
How value-glamour investors use financial information: UK evidence of investor's confirmation bias
The Europeanization of national constitutions in south east Europe
Constructing narratives of continuity and change: a transdisciplinary approach to researching lives
Remembrance and (Re)membering: contrasting perspectives on the Sunbeam Photographic Collection
I'm streaming of a white Christmas
Geographies of welfare and deprivation in England and Wales
Behaviour change: Physical (in)activity
An electronic weather vane for field science
"I suppose we insensibly invented the rest": Adelaide Procter and the legend of the female poet
“It’s more than just a job”: exploring young people’s views of unemployment in an area of SE England
Markets, mergers and mixed messages
Chest reporting by radiographers: Findings of an accredited postgraduate programme.
Adult chest radiograph reporting by radiographers: Preliminary data from an in-house audit programme
Optimizing patient care in radiology through team-working: A case study
Letterpress re-imagined: printing at Sissinghurst
‘Victorian Women at the Seaside’ travelling exhibition
Children's views of older people
Signing Off: Paul Klee’s Insula dulcamara
Connectedness and its consequences: a study of relationships with the natural environment
InSEA European Regional Congress: Tales of art and curiosity
Assessing the authority of political office-holders: the leadership capital index
Thinking hats and good men: structured techniques in a problem construction task
Book review – Enriching your teaching: Reflective Teaching in Schools
Theology and pedagogy: a response to Sean Whittle
Developing a suicide prevention implementation plan for older adults in Kent and Medway
Cult of the amulets in Southeast Asia: origin, function and transformation
England's self-image as portrayed in public examination Citizenship Education textbooks
Religious pluralism and multinational federalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Reflections of a researcher teacher
Innovative practice in initial teacher education
Suicide: the hidden cost of the financial crisis
Toward an understanding of challenge and threat in athletes
In conversation with Martin Parr
The impact of witnessing other people's trauma: resilience and coping strategies
Thermal duality and gravitational collapse
Deduction through abduction: a Peirce-Vygotskian approach to multimodal discourse analysis
The diversity of school culture
Enabling the Bible to control learning
Beyond New Worlds: John Carnell’s new writings
The safety and clinical usefulness of dobutamine stress echocardiography among octogenarians
Turning the tide? Visitor maps and the place branding of coastal towns in Kent and East Sussex
UNEP environmental data explorer posters – a review essay
Returning 'home': experiences of reintegration for asylum seekers and refugees
Facilitating entry into shea processing: a study of two interventions in northern Ghana
Inside out and upside down (Learning, Teaching and Research strand)
Cultures of cartography: towards a new research agenda
Russia as an energy superpower: media maps and popular geopolitical discourse
Nathan Field's theatre of excess: youth culture and bodily excess on the early modern stage
Personhood, legal judgment, and sovereignty at The Cape, 1793-1810
Patterns of food consumption in conflict affected households in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka
The Essene religious order of ancient Judaea and the origins of Johannine Christianity
Biopolitics and the enemy: on law, rights and proper subjects
The geology and landscape of the Isle of Sheppey
Sheppey: Geology and landscape change
Whole-genome enrichment and sequencing of Chlamydia trachomatis directly from clinical samples
The new wave on radio arts in the UK
The importance of teaching dispute resolution in a 21st century law school
Discussing the Tinnitus Awareness app
Smellmap: Amsterdam - olfactory art & data visualisation
The effects of isometric exercise on resting blood pressure: a home-based approach
Big data management in digital forensics
Digital forensics and NoSQL databases
Employing neural networks for DDoS detection
A MapReduce based distributed LSI for scalable information retrieval
WCM component importance ranking order by SMEs: financial directors perspective
Figuring out peer group hierarchies in secondary school
Book Review - Makers: The New Industrial Revolution
The hermeneutic possibilities of tarot card reading: interpretation and catharsis
Dynamic time warping as a similarity measure: applications in finance
Making sense of acculturation: self-reports and personal experience of international students
Dealing with risk: precision strikes and interventionism in the Obama administration
Social Journalism Study 2014 - Finland
‘Oh c’mon, those stories can’t count in continuity!’ Squirrel Girl and the problem of female power
The translation of St Oswald’s relics to New Minster, Gloucester: royal and imperial resonances
Building a better PR-journalist relationship: a social media segmentation of UK journalists
Evolving social media practices of journalists: an international comparative study
From first idea to first night
Do balcak (To the hilt: story from the wild east)
Heavy weather: Michelangelo Antonioni, Tsai Ming-liang, and the poetics of environmental sound
Storyboarding the “Spielberg-Lucas-Coppola cinema of effects": history and scholarly practice
Sex in Eden: reading, writing and inhabiting fictional worlds
inverted [poem], subliminal [poem], promenade [poem], retreat [poem]
A profession less ordinary? The life, death and resurrection of cartography
Reflections on ‘cultures of map use’
Knowing the rules and understanding the score: the 2010 FIFA Football World Cup in South Africa
Mapping and natural hazard management
Are you cartographically aware?
Are you cartographically aware?
A profession less ordinary? The life, death and resurrection of cartography
Thomas Hill's map of Lyminge, 1685
Olympism, olympic education and learning legacies
The impact of sport on the development of social capital: a systematic literature review
What are the Marie Curie transferable skills
The future of the Olympic Idea
The role of parents in the life of athletes
The Olympic Games, the European Games
The history of an idea: the permanent Olympic Games in Athens
The networks of the Olympic family
Olympism and Olympic Games: facing today's challenges
Interpreting EEG alpha activity
Storyboarding the ‘Spielberg-Lucas-Coppola cinema of effects' [Invited speaker]
Constructing entertainment: storyboarding the ‘Spielberg-Lucas-Coppola cinema of effects'
Between frames: animating the storyboard
Criminal narratives of mentally disordered offenders: an exploratory study
Thinking hats and good men: structured techniques in a problem finding task
Media discourse research with adolescents: a case of isomorphism or non-isomorphism?
The wedding paradox: a pilot study
The Solihull approach: understanding your pupils' behaviour: a pilot study in four primary schools
'Edge of Eternity': before freedom was feared
Othering race and ethnicity in media and popular culture
Selective memories: memory and anti-austerity protests in Spain
Towards a greater dialogue on disability between Muslims and Christians
Neurofeedback: reviewing the methodology
Regulation of emotions in psychogenic nonepileptic seizures
Robin Williams, depression and the complex causes of suicide
It’s not fair! How the human equality condition can hold some people back
Reconceptualising dementia friendly communities
The contrary nature of ‘differentiation’ in higher education
Whatever happened to the F word in higher education?
Transforming urgent & emergency care together: phase 1 final report
Exploring the COT Briefing Paper on Sustainable Development: reducing carbon without reducing health
Researching together, inter-professional research in postural care for children with disabilities
Continuing carers: developing a conceptual framework to explore their status & identity
Knowledge transfer between asymmetric partners: the role of motivational factors
Ethnography, youth subcultures and deviance: critical intersections and reflexifity
Doing ethnography with young people: from description to theory
Carers and carers' rights of mentally disordered offenders
The Viennese forerunners of the “Diabelli Project”
Musical borrowing and quotation in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries
‘Play it by ear’ – teachers’ responses to ear-playing tasks during one to one instrumental lessons
Reflection: complete music for viola and piano by Frank Bridge and Benjamin Britten
Constituting the fighter’s body: on being-with in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Helping Haiti: some reflections on contributing to a global disaster relief effort
Cartographic blandscapes and the new noise: finding the good view in a topographical mashup
Community fitness center-based physical activity interventions: a brief review
Identifying what works for local physical inactivity interventions
Firming up institutional policy for deprived elderly in Cameroon
Pat Metheny's Finger Routes: the role of muscle memory in guitar Improvisation
Digital technology, human world making and the avoidance of learning
How learners learn, how teachers teach
Teacher development – 21st century perspectives
A tool for adopting a different perspective on classroom observation and feedback of science lessons
Nunsploitation: the forgotten cycle
Learning from discrete-event simulation: exploring the high involvement hypothesis
'Harmonia Anglicana, or why finger failed in 'The Prize Musick'
The Serpentine River is coming upstairs: rediscovering the music of the Canterbury Catch Club
The Serpentine River is Coming Upstairs: rediscovering the music of the Canterbury Catch Club
As Thomas Was Cudgell’d One Day By His Wife: rediscovering the music of the Canterbury Catch Club
Have you been KIST? Sex, risk and young people
What's in a name? Exploring the use of 'Creature' as a Christian name in early modern Kent
To move the mind: scenes from Christ's life on Faversham's painted pillar
‘Dada at King’s’, a musical and multimedia celebration of the Dada art movement
Global learning and education: key concepts and effective practice
Landscape and vision. Powell and Pressburger's 'A Canterbury Tale' 1944 - 2014
Empathy predicts false belief reasoning ability: evidence from the N400
Transitivity analysis: a framework for the study of social values in the context of points of view
Petrus Nigri: a Dominican Hebraist
Forgone healthcare and intimate partner violence: a study in six European urban centres
Independent learning is the new employability
Employability according to Propp’s Morphology
Progressive spaces and battlelines: Bristol Radical Film Festival
Religion, culture and sport in the lives of young Muslim females: global perspectives.
Who has health problems? class, racialization and health.
Symposium: physical culture, racialization and the body (chair)
Newham Every Child a Sport Person: A Process Evaluation Report
Performers’ rights regime in the Sri Lankan music industry: ten years on
Performers’ rights regime in the Sri Lankan music industry: ten years on
Archive film of Canterbury and district - screening 7
Archive film of Canterbury and district - screening 6
Transformations in cookery and clay: the first thousand years of pottery in prehistoric Oxfordshire
"'Does the road wind uphill all the way?' Christina Rossetti in Frome 1853-54"
Italian torpedoes in the shadow of the Recast Brussels Regulation 2012
Corporate personality: the Achilles' heel of executive remuneration policy
The gradual erosion of the ultra vires doctrine in English company law
Access to employment by persons with disabilities in Uganda
The motivations behind the Uganda Insolvency Act 2011
Lifting the veil of incorporation under common law and statute
A critique of the Uganda Mental Health Treatment Act, 1964
Corporate personality: the unjust foundation of English company law
Success within criminal investigations: is communication a key component?
Anne and Thomas Fairfax and the Vere connection
Tempora Christiana? conversion and Christianisation in Western Britain AD 300-700
Real life experiences influence schizophrenia, says report
Changing UK society’s whole approach to psychosis: articulating a genuinely psychosocial approach
Live radio interview at festival with audience
An analysis of local solicitors’ attitudes to and use of mediation
Reflections on ‘line generalization by repeated elimination of points’
Communion and sacrifice: St. Gregory's war memorial and the great war
Psychological and behavioural characteristics that distinguish street gang members in custody
‘I know how they must feel’: empathy and judging defendants
Co-producing mental health peer support in Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
Sustained PDGF-BB release from PHBHHx loaded nanoparticles in 3D hydrogel/stem cell model
Dizziness and vertigo: an introduction and practical guide
Assessing the Unterberger test: introduction of a novel smartphone application
The intractable sense of an ending: Gethsemane’s Prayer on the Tragic Stage
A study on solid state fermentations of Sugarcane Bagasse using different fungi
Active ageing with music: supporting wellbeing in the third and fourth ages
Presupposition in discourse: theoretical and methodological issues
Reading comprehension questions: the distribution of different types in global EFL textbooks
POSTED - general questionnaire