Chapter 10: Calculation

Book chapter

Harris, A. 2014. Chapter 10: Calculation. in: Taylor, H. and Harris, A. (ed.) Learning and Teaching Mathematics 0-8 London SAGE Publications. pp. 145-163
AuthorsHarris, A.
EditorsTaylor, H. and Harris, A.

In this chapter you can read about:
•Different forms of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division which children encounter
•How children progress from counting to calculating
•The different mental and written calculation strategies used by children
•Resources and models for supporting understanding of calculation
•The importance of understanding, reliability, efficiency and fluency in calculation.

KeywordsMathematics; Learning and teaching; Primary school
Page range145-163
Book titleLearning and Teaching Mathematics 0-8
PublisherSAGE Publications
Output statusPublished
Place of publicationLondon
Publication dates
PrintNov 2013
Publication process dates
Deposited19 Feb 2025
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Official URL

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