Mary Cholmondeley website

Exploring the complementary effect of post-structuralism on sociocultural theory of mind and activity

Understanding the causes of informal and formal discretion in the delivery of enterprise policies: a multiple case study

An introduction to education and values

Emptiness in Mahayana Buddhism: interpretations and comparisons

Mature student experiences in teacher education: widening participation in Greece and England

Multinational federalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina

'Horrors here smile': the poem, the photograph and the punctum

Service orientation and dynamic capabilities in Chinese companies: a macro-analytical approach

Making the case for ‘techno-change alignment’: a processual approach for understanding technology enabled organisational change

Looking at lynching: ethical and practical matters faced when using lynching photographs in the classroom

If you feel that nobody wants you you'll withdraw into your own: Gyspy/Travellers networks and health care utilisation

Organizational grief: an emotional perspective on understanding employee reactions to job redundancy

Is language teaching performance art?

Museums and galleries as partners for public health interventions

Investigative decision making: missing people and sexual offences, crossroads to an uncertain future

The effects of medication-management training on clinicians’ understanding and clinical practice in Hong Kong

Understanding port and regional relationships: a new cooperation/competition matrix

Blackstone's policing for the special constable

A meta-analysis of cognitive therapy for worry in generalized anxiety disorder

The baby room: principles, policies and practice

Government support to information systems innovation in small and medium enterprises

Queer as Kagyu: negotiating dissident identities

At war with their bodies or at war with their minds? A glimpse into the lives and minds of female yo-yo dieters - the curtain has lifted in the UK

Development of prebiotics and prebiotics

Conflicts in the Portsmouth and Thames Gateway: Coastal environmental resources and users

Portsmouth and Thames Gateway: Coastal environmental resources and users

Patients perceptions of the causes of migraine in Flanders (Belgium): A qualitative study

The role of cultural flagships in the perception and experience of urban areas for tourism and culture. Case study: The Royal Opera House in Covent Garden.

How to improve Cabotage law (book review)

Judicial law making

Good governance and poverty reduction: The legislative agenda

Constitutional conferences and political bureaus: Revisiting transition from military to constitutional democracy

Nigerian export processing zone authority: A critique

Legislative methodology in develping economies

Paediatric HIV - Looking beyond CD4 counts

A methodology for defining security requirements using security and domain ontologies

'Honoured of posteryte by record of wrytinge’: Memory, reputation and the role of the book within commemorative practices in Late Elizabethan Kent

''With the consent of the towne, and other skillfull marryners and gentlemen': An examination of textual negotiations in the Elizabethan restoration of Dover Harbour 1582-1605.

An appraisal of family enterprise advisors as enhancers of both group performance and individual family member employability profiles

Problem-solving skills and employability traits amongst Generation Y and Millenials in developed economies

Investigating the impact of entrepreneurship online teaching on science and technology degrees on students attitudes in developing economies: The case of Egypt

Case Study 2: MA in Luxury Brand Management

Collaborations in higher education with employers and their influence on graduate employability; an institutional project

Moving from clinical supervision to person-centred development: A paradigm change

Antifungal potential of extracts from four plants against Acremonium apii and Colletotrichum dematium, two major pathogens of celery (Apium graveolens L.) in Cameroon

Antifungal potential and phytochemical analysis of extracts from seven Cameroonian plants against late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans

Antifungal potential of extracts from three plants against two major pathogens of celery (apium graveolens l.) in Cameroon

How East Kent is making the NHS workforce more inclusive

Networking opportunities for learning disability nurses

CPD from both sides of the fence: Academic vs vocational training

Chapter 9 - Chronology: Radiocarbon dating and Bayesian modelling

Chapter 7- Phase 6: The Late Iron Age village

Evaluation of the pressure leak test in increasing the lifespan of flexible ureteroscopes

Prostate cancer with metastases to the kidney: a rare manifestation of a common disease

Urological complications of inguinal hernia surgery

Fournier's gangrene associated with intradermal injection of cocaine

The effect of item reduction on assortment satisfaction - A consideration of the category of red wine in a controlled retail setting

Devised drama, Shakespeare and creativity: Practical work on Othello’s pathos

Bedside theatre performance and its effects on hospitalised children's well-being

How can questioning to create thoughtful reflection and learning in mathematics?

Youth Sport Trust evaluation of the Change 4 Life Primary School Sport Club Programme 2012/13: final report: August 2013

The effects of pagan healing practices on health and wellbeing

An overview of cold reading strategies

"Say from whence you owe this strange intelligence": investigating explanatory systems of spiritualist mental mediumship using interpretative phenomenological analysis

Children's health

Working to safeguard children

The role of the non-medical programme director

Hybrid bridges: an exploration into how traditionally ‘Romanised’ elements of the town interacted with meaning-laden pre-historic waterscapes

Critic proofing of cognitive aspects of simple games

Eternity and time in science: what role do theories of relativity play in the formation of a coherent model of eternity

Chapter 5: responding to difference, identity and globalisation

The body on display: exploring the role and use of figurines in earlyAnglo-Saxon England

“Singing for breathing”: participants' perceptions of a group singing programme for people with COPD

Tackling inequalities in obesity: a protocol for a systematic review of the effectiveness of public health interventions at reducing socioeconomic inequalities in obesity among adults

Earning its keep: a social return of investment study of CCCU Arts & Culture at the Old Lookout Gallery, Broadstairs

Pilgrimage in 'an Age of Plague': Seeking Canterbury's 'hooly blisful martir' in 1420 and 1470

The ecology of role play: intentionality and cultural evolution

Risk prevention and non-pharmacological management of violence in the acute setting

Redefining the animated landscape

Screenwriting and storyboarding

A distributed SVM ensemble for large scale image classification and annotation

A practice-led investigation into improvising music in contemporary Western culture

The potential value of marine macrofaunal species data

An evaluation of the relationships between golfer characteristics, golfer behaviours and destination selection

Genome wide analysis reveals single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with fatness and putative novel copy number variants in three pig breeds

Trans men and friendships: A Foucauldian discourse analysis

Do METS vary significantly between post MI and healthy matched males during the Modified Bruce treadmill test?

The influence of reputation information on the assessment of undergraduate student work

Caring and technology in an intensive care unit: an ethnographic study

Claire Morgan - Loneliness and communion

Chapter 7: Assessing children's mathematics

Chapter 3: Play and mathematics

Review of 'The varieties of ecstasyexperience: an exploration of person,mind, and body in Sydney's club culture' by S. Leneghan(2011)

Smoking cessation: promoting the health of older people who smoke

Gender and police leadership: time for a paradigm shift?

The influence of parents' education in the Italian standardization sample of the WISC-III

A preliminary report exploring the need for and development of a coherent Personal and Social Education curriculum

Gardening as a mental health intervention: a review

Toward wellbeing: creativity and resilience in the life and work of Madge Gill

Intentional psychology, accidental biography: using a post hoc lens of biography to view the development of a psychological theory of learning and evolution during simultaneous life transitions of becoming a mother and recovering from heroin addiction.

Understanding women's experiences of psychotic phenomena

Ecotourism and community participation

Effects of group singing on well-being: empirical findings and methodological considerations

Modelling the conditional distribution of daily stock index returns: an alternative Bayesian semiparametric model

An empirical investigation on the temporal properties of China's GDP

Rational speculative bubbles in the Asian stock markets: tests on deterministic explosive bubbles and stochastic explosive root bubbles

Early professional development and languages teaching in primary schools: case studies of teachers trained on an employment-based route

Childhood through the ages

Involving service users in student education

Tiptoeing through the minefield: teaching English in Higher Educational Institutes in the United Arab Emirates

ACCESS: a technical framework for adaptive accessibility support

In praise of the inauthentic: the cinematic landscape of The Fighting Prince of Donegal

Tales from the wild East

Distinctively Christian learning?

Teaching participation in occupations to first year occupational therapy students: an action research study

Teaching through the tension: resolving religious and sexuality based schism in social work education

Unimportant failures? The fall and rise of The Man Who Fell to Earth

Biographical learning: a process for promoting person-centredness in nursing

The experiences and coping strategies of United Kingdom-based African women following an HIV diagnosis during pregnancy

Portraits of teachers in landscapes of change: exploring the role of teachers in school improvement

"Now I know I'm a lowlife": controlling play in GTA: IV, Red Dead Redemption, and LA Noire

The animated landscape

Teacher identity – putting the human centre stage: socio-psychological considerations in English language teaching

Conceptualising work engagement: an individual, collective and organisational efficacy perspective

Investor induced contagion during the banking and sovereign debt crisis: evidence from U.S. and European markets

Privatisation of agencies in the public sector

The OSCE mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina: testing the limits of ownership

The curious absence of love stories in women's talk

Why we glitch: process, meaning and pleasure in the discovery, documentation, sharing and use of videogame exploits

Infectious pleasures: ethnographic perspectives on the production and use of illicit videogame modifications on the Call of Duty franchise

The Bologna Process in higher education: an exploratory case study in a Russian context

The influence of professional variables on journalists' uses and views of social media: a comparative study of Finland, Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom

The uses of history in the unmaking of modern suicide

Spatial cognition and perseveration by horses, donkeys and mules in a simple A-not-B detour task

Facilitating reflective practice groups in clinical psychology training: a phenomenological study

Micro-ecopreneurs and the UK Food industry: short-term fad or sustainable reality?

The nature and experience of academic understanding: a response

Older people, isolation and loneliness: implications for community nursing

Accessibility support for older adults with the ACCESS framework.

Not everyone is on the internet, Iain Duncan Smith

Designing a better library experience

Antipsychotics in the treatment of psychosis: risks and benefits

The prevalence of metabolic syndrome amongst patients with severe mental illness in the community in Hong Kong – a cross sectional study

Gypsies/Travellers and health: risk categorisation versus being ‘at risk’

Special observation and older persons with dementia/delirium: a disappointing literature review

Police training and education: past, present and future

Adolescent experiences of receiving and living with sequential cochlear implants: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

Self-balancing sanctuarying : a grounded theory of relaxation and autogenic training

Widening access to clinical psychology: regional and local initiatives

Dinas Powys in context: settlement and society in post-Roman Wales

The relative importance of working capital management and its components to SMEs profitability

Modeling human sequence learning under incidental conditions

The role of family, tradition and education in promoting entrepreneurship in India: an exploratory study

Overcoming competitve victimhood and faciliating forgiveness through re-categorization into a common victim or perpetrator identity

Citzens against Europe? Civil society and Eurosceptic protest in Ireland, the United Kingdom and Denmark

Is it cheating or learning the craft of writing? Using Turnitin to help students avoid plagiarism

Introduction to Trees and timber in the Anglo-Saxon world

Brungen of Bearwe: ploughing common furrows in Exeter Book Riddle 21, The Dream of the Rood, and the Æcerbot Charm

Recasting the role of sacred trees in Anglo-Saxon spiritual history: the South Sandbach Cross "Ancestors of Christ" panel in its cultural contexts

Trees and timber in the Anglo-Saxon world

City of the living dead: The Old English Andreas as urban horror narrative

Effective supervision for counsellors: an introduction

Supervision in the helping professions: making the case for support and supervision for career counsellors

Non-party based Euroscepticism in Britain

Evaluating modern electronic trading and supply chain systems integration (SCSI): an analysis of the retail and banking sectors

The IBM Universities Business Challenge: a review of entrepreneurial learning and employability skills development

Exploring teacher self-efficacy for inclusive practices in three diverse countries

How cultural histories shape South African and Finnish teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education: a comparative analysis

Close to home

Open source and accessibility: advantages and limitations

Sport, fun and enjoyment: an embodied approach

Close to home

The collected

The collected

Radio after radio: redefining radio art in the light of new technology


Radio Mind

Worlds apart? Hollywood, Philip K. Dick and other war crimes

Splinter swiftly: the hermeneuting parallax of Adam Roberts’s generic auteurship

Taming death: the construction of human/alien nature in Avatar

The Parent Champion Programme: independent evaluation

Learning to craft a digital story about person centredness

Anglican church school education: moving beyond the first two hundred years

Seven years on: insights from children's developing perspectives in interpreting the wisdom of the biblical creation narrative

Exploring modality switching effects in negated sentences: further evidence for grounded representations

Exploring the myth of the bobby and the intrusion of the state into social space

Accurately representing stimulus conditions in computational simulations

The Tain and the Tain: China Miéville’s gift of uncanny London

Child-initiated learning, the outdoor environment and the ‘underachieving’ child

A radical new approach or a discursive battleground? Making sense of the Foundation Phase for Wales

Professionals partnering with family carers in home-based activity for those with dementia

Connecting Bourdieu, Winnicott, and Honneth: understanding the experiences of non-traditional learners through an interdisciplinary lens

Teachers and Christian religious values

The formation of the Christian teacher: the role of faithfulness to the Bible in conceptualising learning

Evaluating the Foundation Phase: policy logic model and programme theory

The distinctiveness of Christian learning in Church of England schools

Considering the continuing development of inclusive teachers: a case study from Bangkok, Thailand

Relationships between illness representations, treatment beliefs and the performance of self-care in heart failure: a cross-sectional survey

The effects of training mental health practitioners in medication management to address nonadherence: a systematic review of clinician-related outcomes

A feasibility RCT of a brief mindfulness-based internet intervention for students

Spirited away: highland touring, 'Toctor Shonson' and the hauntings of Celtism


Performative inter-actions in African theatre 3: making space, rethinking drama & Ttheatre in Africa

Performative inter-actions in African theatre 2: innovation, creativity & social change

Performative inter-actions in African theatre 1: diaspora representations and the interweaving of cultures

Keeping it together: Talawa Theatre Company, Britishness, aesthetics of scale and mainstreaming the black-British experience

An exploratory study examining work engagement amongst HRM focused academics working in HEIs

Referendum briefing: the referendum on the intergovernmental treaty on stability, coordination and governance in the Economic and Monetary Union in Ireland, 31 May 2012

“Likely to be eaten by a Grue” – the relevance of text games in the modern era

‘Honoured of posteryte by record of wrytinge’: Memory, reputation and the role of the book within commemorative practices in Late Elizabethan Kent

'With the consent of the towne, and other skillfull marryners and gentlemen': an examination of textual negotiations in the Elizabethan restoration of Dover Harbour 1582-1605

Experiences of being a control group: lessons from a UK based randomised controlled trial of group singing as a health promotion initiative for older people

‘“In a land that I love”: working-class identity and the end of empire in Ray Davies’ Arthur or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire

X-ray structures of two forms of the antibiotic oligomycin A: an inhibitor of ATP synthase

John Long

The place of community in professional development: a study of newly qualified teachers and newly appointed heads of department engaged in the Masters in Teaching and Learning

William Alexander, King James, and neo-stoic advice to princes in The Monarchick Tragedies

Storytelling through free social media with mermology.com

Going to the pictures: the influence of home town cinema on cultural agents in the border regions of Ireland: methodology and analysis

Going to the pictures: the influence of home town cinema on cultural agents in the border regions of Ireland

One man show

Steady-state and time-resolved investigations on pyrene-based chemosensors

Genetic mapping of variation in dauer larvae development in growing populations of Caenorhabditis elegans

Openness and the networked researcher

The role and nature of the cultural dimension in primary modern languages

Europeanization, state-building and democratization in the Western Balkans

Interpreting the ‘spirit of Assisi’: challenges to interfaith dialogue in a pluralistic world

Using Facebook as an interactive learning environment in European political studies

Adolescents’ experiences of receiving and living with sequential cochlear implants: an interpretative phenomenological analysis

Using sex pheromone and a multi-scale approach to predict the distribution of a rare saproxylic beetle

“Andromeda is having a rather bad time of it just now”: stories of sacrifice in Caird’s The Wing of Azrael.

Lord Herbert of Cherbury, religions and prayer

Female literacy and the social identity of the clergy family in seventeenth-century England

Policies, mechanisms and systems

Transnational marketing and transnational consumers

Supporting pupils with ADHD: whole-school training materials and resources for Sencos

Observer agreement in the reporting of knee and lumbar spine Magnetic Resonance (MR) Imaging examinations: selectively trained MR radiographers and consultant radiologists compared with an index radiologist

Parental behaviour in paediatric chronic pain: A qualitative observational study

Strengthening healthcare communities through knowledge exchange


Film, nihilism and the restoration of belief

Cataloguing and social media - is it really a good idea?

Can use of reusable comments in electronic feedback promote sustainable feedback?

Beyond the fridge freezer

Cultivating self-care and compassion in psychological therapists in training: the experience of practicing loving-kindness meditation.

A randomised controlled trial of a brief online mindfulness-based intervention

Measuring psychological flexibility: why and how

Viewing and making art together: an eight-week gallery-based intervention for people with dementia and their caregivers

Céline's journey to the cutting edge of literature

The influence of ageing and training status on exercise efficiency and cycling performance

The effect of short-term calorie restriction on exercise performance and efficiency in cyclists

Reductions in resting blood pressure after isometric exercise training are not related to shear stress

Effect of acute isometric bilateral leg extension exercise on brachial and common femoral artery flow-mediated dilatation

The effect of exercise-induced hypohydration upon treadmill running performance

Carbohydrate ingestion improves gross cycling efficiency and subsequent time-trial performance

The effects of isometric wall squat exercise on heart rate and blood pressure in a normotensive population

The influence of training status, age, and muscle fibre type on cycling efficiency and endurance performance

Oral liquid antipsychotic formulation in the treatment of psychosis

Diabetes in the workplace - diabetic's perceptions and experiences of managing their disease at work: a qualitative study

Hot geospatial intelligence from a Cold War: the Soviet military mapping of towns and cities

Why does ingroup essentialism increase prejudice against minority members?

UK report recommends author payments for library ebook lending

Intellectuals, philosophy, and socialist strategy

Cue competition in human associative learning [Abstract]

Implicit learning: a demonstration and a revision to a novel SRT paradigm

Profiling mental health service use in the Square Mile: a report to the City of London Local Involvement Network

Living Apart Together: uncoupling intimacy and co-residency

Living Apart Together sourcebook: national survey of people who Live Apart Together (LAT), Britain 2011

Should we teach children about current affairs?

What makes stereotypes pernicious?

Teaching geography creatively

A question of research

Geography and creativity: developing joyful and imaginative learners

The guided reader to teaching and learning history

A quiet revolution: expansive learning in firearms training

Creativity and learning events

Recent trends in research literature on game-based approaches to teaching and coaching games

A review of game centred approaches to teaching and coaching literature since 2006

Professionalism inside-out: expanding the interface between professionalism and learning

Assessing the mess: challenges to assemblage theory and teacher education

Citizenship education for children of the elite in England

Overcoming the nocebo effect - a radical approach to citizenship education

Exploring adaptations to the modified shuttle walking test

Metabolic equivalents for post-myocardial infarction patients during a graded treadmill walking test

Corrigendum to “A meta-analysis of cognitive therapy for worry in generalized anxiety disorder” [Clin. Psychol. Rev. 33/1 (2013) 120–132]

Understanding aesthetics: the cartographers' response

Staging London: participation and citizenship on the way to the 2012 Olympic Games

Acting (in) action: staging human rights in Debbie Tucker Green’s Royal Court plays

Line management supervision in the helping professions: experiences of clinical supervisors in an organization moving from external supervision to a line manager supervisor model

Group work: Pleasure or pain? An effective guidance activity or a poor substitute for one-to-one interactions with young people?

The ambitious insulator: revisiting Turkey's position in Regional Security Complex Theory

Translating Europe's security culture

The thrill of defeat and the agony of victory: towards an understanding and transformation of athletes’ emotional experience

The concept of the frontier in Norman chronicles: a comparative approach

Unleashing the animal within: Exploring consumers’ zoomorphic identity motives

Emerging business ventures under market socialism: entrepreneurship in China

New models of school leadership in English schools: enhancing learning, teaching and communities

Acculturation attitudes and social adjustment in British South Asian children: a longitudinal study

Women, politics and local government in the thirteenth century

Community music and interpersonal functioning amongst people with complex mental health needs

State-building in the Western Balkans: European approaches to democratization

Working relationally with looked after children: the role of residential therapeutic carers

Thermal duality and gravitational collapse in heterotic string theories

Exploring how narrative therapy may facilitate psychosocial adjustment following stroke

The territoriality of fiscal solidarity: comparing Swiss equalisation with European Union structural funding

Quantifying the problem of live data forensics

Cutting the costs of cybercrime forensics training without cutting corners

Can creativity be assessed? Towards an evidence informed framework for assessing and planning progress in creativity

Beware of negative ‘IONs’

Creatividad, cultura y education: creativity culture and education

"An immense quantity of clever and thoughtful rubbish"?: Twentieth century Victorians and the problem of history

"An exacting public": Jerome K. Jerome and the new humour

Cruel cities in 'Geoffrey’s Wife’ and 'The Fawn Gloves'

Authorship and autership in the collaborative development process of text-based games

Accessible gaming for people with physical and cognitive disabilities: a framework for dynamic adaptation

The relationship between model fidelity and therapeutic practice

Drama to promote personal and social well-being in six and seven year old children with communication difficulties: The Speech Bubbles Project

The superfast human extraocular myosin is kinetically distinct from the fast skeletal IIa, IIb and Hd isoforms

Trans-European permutations: (non-) negotiating public opinions about homosexuality in a contemporary Buddhist movement

Radical Buddhism as anti-consumerist resistance: the socio-economic model of the Asoke Community in Thailand


Filosofia Mahāyāna e Mahāmudrā: Un profile storico . Crema: I libri di Marpa

Implicit and explicit self-stigma, psychological flexibility and outcomes in first episode psychosis

Inflated responsibility and perfectionism in child and adolescent anorexia nervosa

Assessing for cognitive impairment in people with an acquired brain injury : validation of a brief neuropsychological assessment battery

The role of universities as agents for change on the urban ecology of British Cities: some initial findings

The rise and fall of the Celtic Tiger, and the changing Irish urban system: 1996-2011

A security community in the Balkans? The foreign policies of the post-Yugoslav states

Adolescent mothers in care and their experience of motherhood and of their children

Europe and the rest of the world

Autobiographical memory in Alzheimer's Disease

How do people construct their identity when they are both a 'mental health professional' and a 'mental health service user'?

Out of Africa: the energy-development nexus

International justice: the corrosive effects of corruption

Building a federation within a federation: the curious case of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

An investigation into the effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy with adolescents

Regulation of emotions in individuals experiencing psychogenic non-epileptic seizures

From a dry statement of facts to a thing of beauty: understanding aesthetics in the mapping and counter-mapping of place

Fraud of the rings

Religious tolerance in the Atlantic world: early modern and contemporary perspectives

Get real: how to see through the hype, spin and lies of modern life

Understanding the home workshop: project space, project time, and material interaction

‘Le Syndicat libre dans la profession organisée’: Rural Social Catholicism during the Popular Front, 1936–38

Anxiety in the aftermath of acquired brain injury: prevalence, course and correlates

An investigation into the effect of causal beliefs about depression on attitudes and clinical judgements

Exploring the stories of parents from care backgrounds

A study into the effectiveness of a postural care education programme aimed at improving self-efficacy in carers of children with physical disabilities

Caring for traumatised looked-after children: the costs and gains of caring

Curricular innovation in physical education sport and exercise sciences: entrepreneurship and employability

Experiences of women who elect for a Caesarian section following a previous traumatic birth

A study into the effectiveness of a postural care education programme

'Me and my bump': an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experiences of pregnancy for vulnerable women

Debates in modern language teaching

Primary languages: the next phase

The European Music Portfolio development - the EMP-L: integrated music pedagogies as a framework for learning

Enhancing schools through teacher development

Video nasties: the effects of sexualised and violent imagery on children and young people

The effects of viewing pornography on children and young people

Society and culture in medieval Rouen, 911-1300

Investigating client dropout from psychotherapeutic treatments for personality disorders

Place matters: the importance of place in shaping attitudes towards migrants and migrant integration at a local and regional level

The Jews of Rouen in the eleventh to the thirteenth centuries

Through the city streets: movement and space in Rouen as seen by the Norman chroniclers


Enhanced health screening for people with severe mental illness in Hong Kong - results from a one year prospective case series study

Experiences of relating with the self and others amidst living with fibromyalgia

“Basically... porn is everywhere”: a rapid evidence assessment on the effects that access and exposure to pornography has on children and young people

Witnessing other people’s trauma: what is the real cost of vicarious traumatisation?

Sexting: the challenges of policing the ever changing world of internet child pornography under austerity

Acceptance and commitment therapy groups for individuals with psychosis: a grounded theory analysis

Hindu-Christian dialogue and the blurred boundaries of religious identity

Learning and inclusion in the Early Years

Testament video interview with Ralph Leighton

Adolescents' experiences of a therapeutic inpatient service utilising mentalization-based treatment for borderline personality disorder features

An exploration of change and 'borderline personality disorder (BPD)'

Service user and carer involvement in mental health education: a grounded theory investigation into its impact on (trainee) clinical psychologists' learning

An ecological exploration of personal recovery in the context of severe mental illness

Obsessions and compulsions in autistic spectrum disorders

Landmarks in the professional development of teacher educators in the UK and Greece: living graphs as a methodological tool

Women, higher education and leadership: coming in from the cold

Swimming against the tide? Women leaders promoting research in a new university

Swimming against the tide? Women leaders promoting research in a new university

Why do people live apart together?

Allotment gardening, connectedness to nature and wellbeing

Exploring the experience of pain in adults with sickle cell disease

An introduction to early childhood studies

Seeking Froebel's mother songs in daycare for babies

International snapshots of provision for babies and young children

The experience and significance of sharing creative writing associated with times of personal difficulty

Exploring the relationship between MBCT and spirituality

Do concurrently presented tones enhance sequence learning in humans? Testing a prediction of the RASRN model

Dissociating expectancy of shock and changes in skin conductance: an Investigation of the Perruchet effect using an electrodermal paradigm

Relationships between insecure attachment, mediators and depression

Young people, self-harm and help-seeking

Valued social roles for people with learning disabilities

Pitfalls of efficiency determinaton in cycling ergometry: reply to Boning and Pries

An exploration of the relationships between inpatients and clinical psychologists in forensic mental health services

Therapeutic relationships in acute inpatient mental health settings

Care coordinators' responses to clients' trauma: the role of coping and perceived organisational support

An exploration into the social identity of members of service user groups that train mental health professionals

The use of restorative approaches in a forensic mental health setting

Three years overseas: the impact of a substantial U.K.-based element in a training programme for English Language teachers

Political and religious reactions in the Medway towns of Rochester and Chatham during the English Revolution, 1640-1660

The wounded healer: clinical and counselling psychologists with experience of mental health problems

Using Twitter to collect feedback from users

Training and... body parts

Contributions to more engaged ageing: the arts, health and wellbeing mix

Couples constructing their experiences of dementia: a relational perspective.

The psychological efficacy of arts interventions for early-stage dementia

Museums, art galleries and public health: evaluating health and wellbeing interventions

Gender and the ageing body in physical cultures: an embodied approach.

Cue competition in human associative learning

Cue competition in human incidental learning

Teaching for life

Why do children become overweight?

Life limiting illness in the classroom

Creativity in lifelong learning: events and ethics

The hidden voices of Nuu'Chah'Nulth women

“Precarious professionalism: attempts by nurses and midwives to position themselves as competent practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine in the UK National Health Service”

Integrating mixed method data in psychological research: combining Q methodology and questionnaires in a study investigating cultural and psychological influences on adolescent sexual behavior.

Legal misunderstandings, false normative hopes and the ignorance of political reality. A commentary on the recent ESI report “Lost in the Bosnian Labyrinth”

Business failure prediction using neural networks and wavelet neural networks

Open Range – what happens when firearms training turns into Higher Education?

Evolving partnership and collaboration

Control of a major pest of forestry, Hylobius abietis, with entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi using eradicant and prophylactic strategies

Chest X-Ray interpretation: agreement between consultant radiologists and a reporting radiographer in clinical practice in the United Kingdom

Criminal narratives of mentally disordered offenders

The criminal experience of mentally disordered offenders

Pressing the reset button in Euro-Mediterranean security relations?

Report on the West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group's 'Six Steps End-of-Life Care Programme'

What sustains a fulfilling life in education?

The Channel Tunnel: transport patterns and regional impacts

Book Review of Sharmina Mawani and Anjoon Mukadam (eds) “Gujarati Communities Across the Globe: Memory, Identity and Continuity” (2012), Stoke on Trent: Trentham Books.

Perspectives on punitivity, victimisation and fear of crime: A student case study in the United Kingdom

Blackstone’s handbook for policing students 2014

Towards the validation of a measure of challenge and threat in sport

A life of public service, the career of Benjamin Owen Davies, 1866-1958

Challenging constructions of the world and the individual in the English Language textbook

'Gender, What's that?': Working together and eliminating gender difference in junior korfball

Shorts and Skorts: Endeavouring to Eliminate Difference on the Korfball Pitch

Multi-agency working in local children's service partnerships: so much promise but such varied results

Exploration of the effectiveness and transferability of an English model of health promotion based on participation in singing groups for older adults (Silver Song Clubs) in Italy

Richard, Earl of Cornwall: rebel to Royalist 1225 to 1247

Constructing the concept of 'culture' in a Mexican university language department: the struggles of a small group of English teachers and students

Der narrative Ansatz in der Laufbahnberatung: Von der Theorie zur Praxis

Helping: definitions and purpose

Widening participation in higher education: The legacy for legal education

Genome-wide analysis shows that Ldb1 controls essential hematopoietic genes/pathways in mouse early development and reveals novel players in hematopoiesis.

An investigation into teacher change arising from participation in a project for teaching maths and science through English in Korea

An exploration of the impact of role modelling on adult nursing students' professional development

Performativity & affectivity: lesson observations in England’s further education colleges

Interventions for promoting reintegration and reducing harmful behaviour and lifestyles in street-connected children and young people

Constructing a space for career reflection: ‘The gift of time to think’

"It's not your country any more": contested national narratives and Columbus Day parade protests in Denver

Negotiating professional biographies in uncertain times: a crisis of innovation in career guidance?

Runaway, frightening worlds. Careers counselling, its values and epistemology among marginalised peoples: a psychosocial, auto/biographical narrative exploration.

There and back again: a short history of health service reform in England from 1909-2012

Views of an audience: understanding the orchestral concert experience from player and listener perspectives

Review of 'Generation NGO' ed. by Alisha Nicole Apale and Valerie Stam (Toronto: Between the Lines, 2011)

Mental health law in the UK and the professional sexual abuse of women.

Gaining a picture of children's learning

Evangelism in the classroom: a response to Elmer Thiessen

Information literacy and the secondary school

The impact of a foundation degree in health and social care from a graduate perspective: implications and considerations for managers

The associate practitioner role: the journey from absolutely petrified to awfully proud

Exploring interpretative research

UK university sustainability agenda: underlying motivations

The impact of epistemic communities on governmental accounting change: a case of New Zealand central government

Intimate partner violence in Europe: design and methods of a multinational study

The trial of John Lilburne October 1649: a new perspective

Profiles and institutional context of doctors who sexually abuse their patients or colleagues

In Search of Sophia: Seeking wisdom in adult teaching and learning spaces - An Autoethnographic Inquiry

Britain and the Olympic Games 1908-1920: Perspectives on participation and identity

The implementation of problem based learning styles to teach the Coach-Athlete relationship to undergraduate Sport and Exercise Science students

Time, life and landscape: waving to Mr Henshaw

Warning! Viral memes can seriously alter your worldview

Why we need a new Arno Peters

Phytobiography: an approach to ‘tree-time’ & ‘long-life learning’

Touching the Phoenix trees: life-long learning, long-life learning and phytobiography.

A sideways glance: media map design and public understanding of global issues

Kent’s Phoenix trees: survivors of the Great Storm

Fear, sovereignty and the right to die

Next-generation whole genome sequencing identifies the direction of Norovirus transmission in linked patients

Out of the comfort zone (Part 1)

Origins of the Reporting Radiographer

Patient safety and quality improvement: Iatrogenic venous air embolism in diagnostic imaging

CT head reporting by radiographers: Findings of an accredited postgraduate programme

CT skull base & calvarium normal variant pitfalls

Kent research finds children face 'noise danger'

Smell map narratives of place - Paris

Clear up grey areas: cybercrime legislation progress in China

Working capital management practices of UK SMEs: the role of education and experience

Introduction to 'From Grimm to Reality'

Debates críticos: os estudos de segurança e o futuro dos estudos da paz e dos conflitos

MPS: improving exact string matching through pattern character frequency

'Social Journalism' Studie 2012-2013 - Deutschland

A novel algorithm for online exact string matching

An international study of social media and its role within journalism and the journalist - PR practitioner relationship

Venom: The sharp end of pain therapy

2013 social journalism study: how journalists view and use social media and their relationship with PR

Social media and journalism study 2013 - Sweden

Solving onshore wind energy disputes: lessons from the psychology of conflict resolution

Social Journalism Study 2013 - United Kingdom

Social media and journalism study 2013 - Finland

Public service media in the digital age: international perspectives

Public service media in local communities: a case study from England

Introduction: questioning E Pluribus Unum

Cernodrinski revient a la maison

Ogneni jazici (Tongues of fire)

New York: the animated city


‘I have a question for you’: mediatisation, citizen participation and elections in Catalonia

Ecology and conservation of the maned wolf: introduction

The relationships between the maned wolf and people

Ecology and conservation of the maned wolf: multidisciplinary perspectives

Out of the comfort zone (Part 2)

The writer's hunger: considering a novel in progress

Richter's Paris [poem], Margate, 5th May [poem]

National styles of cartography in the nineteenth century and the introduction of colour lithography

The aesthetics of mapping

Hot geospatial intelligence from a Cold War: The Soviet military mapping of towns and cities

GIS: good design matters

Topographies of terror? The portrayal and identity of wartime landscapes in Germany

Investigating the relationships between formal schooling and ethnoveterinary knowledge in Eluwai village, Tanzania

Cartographic data formats

Cartographic reproduction technology

Cartographic design

Review of "Rediscovering the world: map transformations of human and physical space"

Review of "Cartographer's toolkit: colors, typography, patterns"

How maps inspire us

Four amino acids within a tandem QxVx repeat in a predicted extended α-helix of the Smad-binding domain of Sip1 are necessary for binding to activated Smad proteins.

A contemporary Olympic discourse. Sport for development and international relations

An evaluation of the impacts of mega sporting events on social capital

The use of social media by professional and elite athletes

Legal rights for people who live apart together

The curious absence of love

Couples living apart together - how committed?

Animating America: Red Dead Redemption (2010) – game structure and game surface

The American Studies Summer Institute at NYU [Roundtable participant]

Nostalgias - visual longing [Invited respondent]

Animated performance – reflections on an interpretational framework

Canterbury Anifest Awards 2013

Book review: Ibáñez, J.C. and Anania, F. Memoria histórica e identidad en cine y televisión.

A historical analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the British press (1948-2009)

Representations of terrorism in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: a postcolonial critical discourse analysis of the British press (1948-2009)

A land of promises: tracing the representations of terrorism in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by the British press

Comparing the representation of the Madrid and London bombings

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the British press: a postcolonial discourse analysis

'We are not goods in the hands of politicians and bankers’: social media and the 15M movement

Sites of protest

Is life a disease?

Is life a disease?

One-man band

Managing gendered expectations upon resettlement: the experiences of Iraqi Kurdish Muslim women in the UK

Art for women’s sake: understanding feminist art therapy as didactic practice re-orientation

Art for women’s sake: understanding feminist art therapy as didactic practice re-orientation

Art for women’s sake: understanding feminist art therapy as didactic practice re-orientation

Sustainable development and allied health professionals

A study into the effectiveness of an education programme for parents and teachers

Pre-induction student support for undergraduate occupational therapy students

Familiarity, information and musicological efficiency

Post-migration wellbeing, community activism and empowerment: the case of Turkish-speaking women in London

Socioeconomic inequalities in victims of intimate partner violence in Europe

Theorising police professionalisation and academic education

Mods! A cosmopolitan youth subculture?

Subjectivities, seductions and subculture: working towards a model of reflexive fieldwork relations in ethnographic studies with young people

Study to assess the effect of a structured communication approach on quality of life in secure mental health settings (Comquol): study protocol for a pilot cluster randomized trial

Carers of forensic mental health in-patients: what factors influence their satisfaction with services?

Glass lenses in modern dispensing

Biopolitics and the enemy: law, rights and proper subjects

The biopolitics of assisted dying

Risking community

Growing old in Cameroon: gender, vulnerability and social capital

The 3-min test does not provide a valid measure of critical power using the SRM isokinetic mode

Citizen strategizing amid a solidarity economy in Cameroon: are village development associations (VDAs) resilient?

High agreement between laboratory and field estimates of critical power in cycling

Religiosity and existentialist approach to poverty in North-West Cameroon

Nostalgias: visualising longing

Using wikis for student group work and collaboration

Non-medical GP programme directors

Critical thinking as an act of argumentation in academic writing

The female bedchamber of Queen Henrietta Maria; politics, familial networks and policy, 1626-1641

Canterbury's martyred archbishop: the 'cult' of Simon Sudbury and relations between city and cathedral

Discord in the public arena: processes and meanings of the St Bartholomew's day festivities in early sixteenth-century Sandwich

Getting beyond the clichés: attempts by B.Ed. TESL student teachers to develop thinking skills in the Malaysian English language classroom

Telling tales: changing discourses of identity in the contemporary 'global' English language coursebook

Online collaborative learning on an ESL teacher education programme


Obsolete Studios (event): Turner Contemporary, Margate


The Behavior Change Technique Taxonomy (v1) of 93 hierarchically clustered techniques: building an international consensus for the reporting of behavior change interventions

Expectancy effects on competitive 5 km time-trial performance

Reproducibility of outdoor 5 km running time-trial in a competitive environment

Locating the place and meaning of physical activity in the lives of young people from low-income, lone-parent families

Latvia – President Bērziņš and the difficulties of forming a new government

Physical literacy bulletin

Advanced pedagogies and physical culture: inclusive practices in physical education and youth sport

A practical guide to career learning and development

The reflective journal: capturing your learning for personal and professional development

Barriers to learning in physical education and sport: does social class still matter?

Archive film of Canterbury and district - screening 4

Archive film of Canterbury and district - screening 5

Event TV: Broadchurch

Visionary vampires: sinking your teeth into the gothic films of Neil Jordan

Visitors at the trench edge: Archaeology and outreach at Historic Dilston, Northumberland, UK

Archaeological complexity: materials, multiplicity and the transitions to agriculture in Britain

Inside, outside and beyond the classroom

Coloured by nostalgia: the juvenilia of Mary Eliza Haweis (1848-98)

Report on the implementation and results of an outcomes focused evaluation of child sexual abuse interventions in the UK

Men behaving nicely: Public goods as peacock tail

Getting stuck in: clinical psychology programmes as provokers of professional and public debate

'From the trilogy to invisible: the politics of Auster’s “metaphysical” thrillers’

Defying the odds: a mixed-methods study of health resilience in deprived areas of England

Defying the odds? Identifying and understanding the relationship between health and resilience

Canterbury catch club

Operation Market Garden - strategic masterstroke or battle of the egos?

Maidstone and the First World War: friendly alien recruitment and the military service convention

The development of pointing perception in infancy: effects of communicative signals on covert shifts of attention

Community DSPD pilot services in South London: rates of reconviction and impact of supported housing on reducing recidivism

The application of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) scaffolds for tendon repair in the rat model

Poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate)/collagen hybrid scaffolds for tissue engineering applications.

A celebration of 50 years of the British cartographic society