Historic loyalism: Allegiance, patriotism, Irishness and Britishness in Ireland
The development of a screening tool to evaluate gross motor development in HIV infected infants
The development of a screening tool to evaluate gross motor function in HIV-infected infants
Renal nursing and the prevention of cross infection
An instinct to play: an evolutionary approach to pretend play
Theatre for children in hospitals
Care staff perspectives of the role of music in the care of peopleliving with dementia
Caught in the cross-fire: patronage and institutional politics in late twelfth-century Canterbury
New evidence in an old argument: Beethoven's metronome mark for the Trio of the Ninth Symphony
Effects of ozone on species composition in an upland grassland
Intercultural communication and English language education in the global context
Chapter 4: Playground games as a foundation for literacy lessons
Social networking searching and privacy issues
"The man who fell to earth": the messiah and the amphicatastrophe
Developments in peplum filmaking: Disney's Hercules
Reflection: a transitional space for career development
Critical issues in rape investigation: a UK perspective
Acceptance and commitment therapy for chronic pain
Symmetry and proportion: how these issues guide, inform and add coherence to musical composition
Emotions: a brain-based perspective
Study support essentials: guidance for academies
Extending learning opportunities: a framework for self-evaluation in study support
Revealing the elusive obvious: making sense of creative practice through reflection and writing out
No, it was not the Blackberry wot dunnit
The primacy of dignity and human rights education
Human rights and religion in the English secondary RE curriculum
Art gallery-based interventions in dementia care
Preconditions for citizen journalism: a sociological assessment
Teaching citizenship education: a radical approach
Supporting siblings of children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs)
What play therapists do within the therapeutic relationship of humanistic/non-directive play therapy
Positive feedback trading: evidence from futures markets
Lights, camera, action..... take 9
Perioperative glycemic control regimens for preventing surgical site infections in adults
''Ringing in the ears'': narrative review of tinnitus and its impact
How people with psychosis positively contribute to their family: a grounded theory analysis
The child's voice in service evaluation: ethical and methodological issues
Men who make: the "flow" of the amateur designer/maker
American Midrash: Biblical motifs in the work of Bruce Springsteen
A doomed romance? The donna angelicata in Paul Auster’s Fiction
Wretched faces: famine in wartime England, 1793-1801
Donating to disaster victims: responses to natural and humanly caused events
Police discretion: a British perspective
The lives of adults over 30 living with sickle cell disorder
Intergenerational practice in the community: A focused ethnographic evaluation
Understanding the importance of career planning
Strategies for managing conflict within the team
UK trust fundraising - learning to say thank you
Developing professional practice 14-19
Developing inclusive schools: international perspectives
“Telling tales”: using narrative in career guidance
Empowering students and children through literature
Children's self-allocation and use of classroom curricular time
Prisoners' experiences of antipsychotic medication: influences on adherence
Parenting training for intellectually disabled parents: a Cochrane systematic review
Glory days and the future of clinical psychology: a reply to Richard Hassall and John Clements
Developing positive relationships with voices: a preliminary grounded theory
Intergroup forgiveness and reparation in Chile: the role of identity and intergroup emotions
A question of identity: the social exclusion of housed gypsies and travellers
Human behaviour: a bridge too far for complexity
The dynamics of group learning
Is complexity theory useful in describing classroom learning?
Drawing breath: promoting meaning and self-management in COPD
Singing for mental health and wellbeing: community initiatives in England
Workplace learning in health and social care: a student's guide
Personal development plans and workplace learning
Gauging learner voice - e-feedback experience at Canterbury Christ Church University
Deleuze, 'Powers of the False' and Kleist
Deleuze's Bacon: automatism and the pictorial fact
Using Reggio to develop early years education in Wales
Exploring child-initiated learning in the outdoor environment of early years settings
'Soft dandelion seeds and thorns': childhood, nature and early years education
English in Eritrea - imposition or choice?
British Council Panel - English and development
Movies making meaning: creating a video dictionary using Moviemaker
Navigating contested terrain - AP stories from the frontline
Career planning for the future - where to from here?
How does learning happen in the workplace?
Efficacy of Turnitin in support of an institutional plagiarism policy
Preparing for the new graduate workforce across health provider organisations
Open spaces, mobile learning: findings from the iBorrow project
Adoption and programme contexts effect in the support to the informatisation of SMEs
Discretion in the implementation of policies for the informatisation of SMEs
F. Anstey, "Vice Versâ, or A Lesson to Fathers"
Institutional plagiarism policy and Turnitin: perceptions and experiences of staff and students
Efficacy of Turnitin in support of an institutional plagiarism policy
Value of blended learning in university and the workplace: some experiences of university students
Faith, Religious Education and whole school issues
The development of a Carer Support Worker service in forensic inpatient mental health settings
The sympathetic individualist: Ouida's late work and politics
A passage to interprofessional learning: the benefits to students from an educational visit to India
The utility of group narrative therapy to facilitate psychological adjustment in multiple sclerosis
Challenges in the management of severe asymptomatic aortic stenosis
The experience of cognitive functioning difficulties in psychosis
Capacity to consent to healthcare in adults with intellectual disabilities
Cultivating compassion in psychological therapists: the potential of loving-kindness meditation
Recovery approaches with women with a diagnosis of personality disorder in secure care
Towards a new social enterprise governance (SEG) conceptual framework
An exploratory study of employee motivation and empowerment at Sainsbury’s
A child, a death and the making of the fairy tale woman
Mary Cholmondeley, "Red Pottage"
Feeling for words: poetry and the logic of experiencing
Fathers' experiences of a mother and baby unit: a qualitative study
Compassion satisfaction, burnout and secondary traumatic stress in UK therapists
Appreciative inquiry in occupational therapy education
Towards aligning pedagogy, space and technology
Learning, spaces and technology: exploring the concept
A grounded theory study of psychologists’ consideration of their clients’ parenthood
Factors affecting the research activity of UK clinical psychologists
The role of socio-emotional and neurocognitive functioning in anorexia nervosa
Religion and parenting a child with a learning disability
Metacognition and recovery style in psychosis
Friendships in the lives of transgender individuals
Illness representations, treatment beliefs and the relationship to self-care in heart failure
Statins moderate coronary stenoses but not coronary calcification: results from meta-analyses
The rehabilitation of offenders diagnosed with severe mental illness
Investigating the relationship between stressful life events, coping style and Parkinson's disease
Motherhood and professional identity in the context of female clinical psychologists with children
Action learning: maximizing learning in the workplace
Refugee women in the UK: factors affecting engagement with mental health services
Exploring psychological processes in reflective practice groups in acute inpatient wards
Exploring recovery in women diagnosed with personality disorder in a secure setting
The psychological benefits of Special Olympic involvement
Caregiver burden in paediatric chronic kidney disease
An exploration into identity formation in young people living with a chronic illness
Emotional intelligence: associations with emotions, emotion regulation and rowing performance
Towards aligning pedagogy, space and technology inside a large-scale learning environment
A hazy mirror? Testing the reflection of society in state topographic maps
Please do not defer: a personal reflection of participation on the PCGLT (HE)
Culture, communication, context and power
Intercultural communication and ideology
Chest reporting by radiographers
Can reporting radiographers produce clinically relevant reports?
Vocation, vocation, vocation: placing meaning in the foreground of career decision-making
Employability from computer forensics programmes
The challenges of live data forensics
What is the best approach for providing Cybercrime Education for Law Enforcement (LE)?
The consequences and control of emotions in elite athletes
Emotion in sport: antecedents and performance consequences
Adherence to anti-hypertensive medication: proposing and testing a conceptual model
Extraction and purification of the lectin found in the tubers of Eranthis hyemalis (winter aconite)
Exploring compulsory admission experiences of adults with psychosis using grounded theory
A distributed systems approach to undergraduate assessment
The future of ITTE: how can we support members in a time of uncertainty?
Exploring 'dual diagnosis' treatment motivation
The evidence for arts and dementia: recent research findings
What research is telling us about galleries and wellbeing
Instant adulthood and the transition of young people out of state care
Found objects in clinical practice: preliminary evidence
Reality in primary mathematical learning
On becoming a supervisor: an anticipated transition for trainee clinical psychologists
Same-sex relationships and women with intellectual disabilities
Clinical psychology getting lost? Accident, strategy or symptom? Invited commentary
References to history in national identity: interview and focus group data on historical comparisons
Blackstone's handbook for policing students 2012
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cybercrime Forensics Education and Training
Social media, transport chaos and a volcanic ash cloud
PE accreditation in higher education: channelling young people into sport related professions
Assessments and qualifications in physical education
Dilemmas of enablement: inclusive and special technologies
A grounded-theory study of mindfulness practice following mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
Discourse in context, context for discourse: a Foucauldian-Vygotskian approach to semiotic mediation
Interculturalism revisited: identity construction in African and African-Caribbean performance
Trends in twenty-first century African theatre and performance
Practice, theory and reflection: an examination of writing in performance training and research
The politics of early literacy
Teaching early reading and phonics: creative approaches to early literacy
Adult learning and la recherche féminine: reading resilience and Hélène Cixous
Beginning teaching: the theory/practice divide
Where now for citizenship education?
Civic republicanism and civic education: the education of citizens
The common good and citizenship education in England: a moral enterprise?
Republican cosmopolitanism: democratising the global dimensions of citizenship education
Complexity of innovation processes and their impact on policy
The development of clinical psychology past and future perspectives: Monte Shapiro's legacy
...AND...The Winter's Tale and resilient learners
Przemiany w historii Tybetu: Indie, Tibet i Zachód
Karma, Tantra, Action Dharma: liberation and engagement
Queering paradigms II: interrogating agendas
Introduction: queering paradigms: interrogating agendas
Mögen alle Wesen glücklich sein: Meditationstexte des Buddhismus
Collaboration between universities: an effective way of sustaining community-university partnerships
Schools and their communities: pupil and teacher perceptions of community action
Girls and physical activities: an update
'Making politics matter': political education in a 'knowledge-exchange' context
Immaterial labour and the retreat from class: some reflections on Hardt and Negri
Sport, children’s bodies and wellbeing: exploring experiences and reflecting upon pleasure.
Wellbeing, health and sport initiatives aimed at young people: visions, experiences and reflections
An introduction to religious education
Introduction: making a case for the psychoanalytic study of education
Cameron as Prime Minister: the intra-executive politics of Britain’s coalition
Coming in from the cold? Women leaders in higher education
Women leaders in higher education: contradictory positioning
Women leaders in higher education: culture clashes?
Language teaching in primary schools: effective preparation?
Teacher education for primary languages: higher education’s role in employment-based routes
New models of school leadership in English schools: enhancing learning, teaching and communities
The effect of short-term dietary manipulation on gross efficiency during cycling
Group work and people with learning disabilities: sharing ideas from clinical practice
Training and ethnicity: shifting the gaze
Dangerous dialogue: learning from conversations about personal experience
Introduction: leading on inclusion
How did we get here? A brief history of inclusion and special educational needs
Monitoring impact: delivering on expectations
Kumoo Kunda - home of the bees
How to develop...trainee teachers' understanding of diversity through partnership working
ISP Action Plus Training Programme - external evaluation report
The Bosnian crisis and the independence of Kosovo
Social policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina between state-building, democratization and Europeanization
Leading on inclusion: dilemmas, debates and new perspectives
The international student's guide to UK education: unlocking university life and culture
Happiness matters: towards a pedagogy of happiness and well-being
RCN: competence, education and careers in neonatal nursing
A service evaluation: EllenorLions Hospices Children and Young Peoples Service: Executive Summary
Towards a more communicative approach to ELT in India: the missing link between theory and practice
Using technology in the English language classroom in Kerala: what's stopping you?
’In the shade of a ghost gum’: Bruce Chatwin and the rhetoric of the desert
Classroom strategies for developing autonomous vocabulary learners
‘now to the home of which you are the sunbeam': telling stories in The Wing of Azrael
‘you had an idea that we were rather frivolous': Jerome K. Jerome’s editorial strategies
Writing women of the fin de siècle: authors of change
‘She would write… in invisible ink.’ An introduction
'I am not by nature domestic': Mary Cholmondeley and the politics of home
'I had perpetrated a book': reading Victorian women writers in the 21st Century
‘going on before me, an innocent romantic boy’: David Copperfield’s Canterbury tale
The Byzantine silver bowls in the Sutton Hoo ship burial and tree-worship in Anglo-Saxon England
Landscape gardening: remodelling the Hortus Conclusus in Judgement Day II
Acceptance and related processes in adjustment to chronic pain
Psychological advances in chronic pain: a concise selective review of research from 2010
Bias, prejudice, and disparities in health care
Continuous versus accumulated brisk walking in 8-11 year old children
The engagement of further and higher education with the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games
Changes and continuities of the ideology of Olympism in the modern Olympic movement
Olympism: a learning philosophy for physical education and youth sport
Rapid loss of isometric training-induced reductions in resting blood pressure
Innovation in the American urban system
Occupational diversity and specialisation in the British urban system 2001
In the shadow of a giant. Core-pepripheral contrasts in South East England.
Towards interpersonal and socio-psychological harmony in the language classroom
Rebels with a psychological cause (Letter)
An appropriate space: chief officers and police accountability
Policing at the top: the roles, values, and attitudes of chief police officers
Criminal investigation and higher education: a crossroads to an uncertain future
Police research and interviewing police elites
The science of criminal investigation
The detective past and present: an examination of an evolving profession
Police leadership: an historical account of the development of police leaders
Restorative justice in prisons: a presentation to Kent Probation Service victim seminar
Skills and abilities in crime investigation: the investigative journalist versus the detective
The invention of illusions: international perspectives on Paul Auster
Re-trial by TV: the and fall of television investigations into miscarriages of justice
Clinical psychology: training and development
Human sequence learning under incidental conditions
Working with service-users to develop a mood as input based approach to worry
Macho Buddhism: gender and sexualities in the Diamond Way
Neurological problems: nursing care of meningitis
Reflective career thinking: a constructive space for career development
Christian ethnographies of Jews and Judaism
Young children’s choices for play opportunities – a retrospective critique of a consultation project
The baby room: consulting family wish lists
‘Acorns to oak trees’: better ways of working project
Sexual abuse of children with disabilities
Demons into angels? Corporate social responsibility and media organisations
Mediation and experiential learning: how a mediation clinic can inform a law-based curriculum
Developments in mental health service provision: views of service users and carers
An introduction to Voices for the Library
Demystifying Disney: a history of Disney feature animation
A MapReduce based parallel SVM for large scale spam filtering
Missions of patriotism: Joseph H. Jackson and Martin Luther King
Belfast and Derry in revolt: a new history of the start of The Troubles
Revisiting the Semnonenhain: a Norse anthropogonic myth and the Germania
Effective counselling with young people
Election briefing no. 64: the Irish General Election of 25th February 2011
Race and US foreign policy: the African-American foreign affairs network
Caring teachers: teacher-youth transactions to promote resilence
Equity in inclusive education in South Africa
Why is the UK so Eurosceptic? A comparative analysis of the Eurosceptic state
Irish political history and culture
Children's encounters with The Bible as seen in a selection of English literature
Moving outdoors: further explorations of ‘child-initiated’ learning in the outdoor environment
Working in partnership with family carers: the importance of learning from carers’ experiences
Organising the classroom: indoors and out
'Me and my child': parenting experiences of young mothers leaving care
Clinical psychology, training and the arts
"If angels fight": angels, demons and political action in two early Jacobean history plays
Royal Hibernian Academy 181st Annual Exhibition
The contribution of physical education lessons to physical activity levels of primary aged children
Family disputes: science, poetry and subjectivity in biographical narrative research
The UK: Investigating who we are
Core knowledge in the revised curriculum
Undergraduate sports students’ perceptions of a change in learning pedagogy
Experience and reality in religious education
Qu’ en est –il de la subversion en 2011? Que faire d’un(e) air(e) du temps?
“Other” stories: action, ethics, citizenship
The political importance of labelling: terrorism and Turkey's discourse on the PKK
Performers under the influence: The Film Sextet
Henri Bergson and the moral conditions of Marranism
Shaking the myosin family tree: biochemical kinetics defines four types of myosin motor
The literary afterlife of Frances Burney and the Victorian periodical press
An introduction to primary languages
Languages in English primary schools: rationales and learning outcomes
Language learning and intercultural development in English primary schools
Creative teaching and training: same issues, new solutions
Space frontiers for new pedagogies: a tale of constraints and possibilities
Volunteer tourism may not be as good as it seems
Can ecotourism contribute to tackling poverty? The importance of ‘symbiosis’
State-trace analysis of serial recurrent networks
Using technology in second language learning: what’s stopping you?
Striding out: trends in twenty-first century African theatre and performance
Have you been KIST? Kent Intervention Screening Tool
The historical contextualisation of korfball
Woodland adventure for marginalized adolescents: environmental attitudes, identity and competence
Reflective career thinking: a constructive space for career development
The future for practitioners: an assessment of the implications for the delivery of adult guidance
Teaching through the tension – an approach to resolving schism in the classroom
A foreign affair – map design and international news
Rounding cape cod by Clipart – tourist maps of New England
World-views: canonical images in the geographical and life sciences
News media mapping: the good, the bad, and the ugly
Sources of geographic information: maps and charts
Stanley Spencer's War Memorial: a celebration of simple pleasures
Zoometrics - biometric identification of wildlife using natural body marks
Localisation of Neuregulin 1-β3 to different sub-nuclear structures alters gene expression
A journey through the history of mapmaking.
A hazy mirror? Testing the reflection of society in state topographic maps.
Soviet military plans of British cities
Urbanimation: representing and reconfiguring New York City through animation
Demystifying Disney: from Mickey Mouse to media institution [Invited speaker]
Searching for Sophia: adult educators and adult learners as wisdom seekers
Review of domestic violence policies in England & Wales
Informing the development of cultural and ethical competence in social work education
Mods! Subaltern cosmopolitanism of a utopian and dystopian youth subculture
New ethnographies of intoxication
Beyond laughing! A critical challenge to the notion of 'binge drinking' among young people?
Writing and publishing your research in peer reviewed journals
Review symposium: Gill Jones Youth Cambridge: Polity, 2009, £14.99 pbk (ISBN: 9780745640952), 224pp
Ethics in sport: between transcendence and immanence
Turning the Western on its head: simple subversion in Sergio Corbucci's The Great Silence (1968)
The social structure of New Romney as revealed in the 1381 Poll Tax returns
Hythe's butcher-graziers: townsmen in the late medieval English countryside
‘Mrs. Darling’s kiss’: a group exhibition at Arch 402 Gallery in Hoxton, London
The materials world: culture and the ‘global’ English language textbook in the 21st century
'Ways of looking' photography festival
Influence of background speech and music in interrupted reading: an eye-tracking study
Notational analysis of sprint kayaking: differentiating between ability level
Multiple voices: improving participation of Muslim girls in physical education and school sport
Embodied faith: Islam, religious freedom and educational practices in physical education
Advanced pedagogies for inclusive practice in physical activity
Advancing the inclusion of Muslim women in sport
Archive film of Canterbury and district - screening 1
Social fabrics: people and pottery at Early Neolithic Kilverstone, Norfolk
Review of "Atlas of the World's Languages" (2nd Ed.)
Review of "OpenStreetMap: Using and enhancing the free map of the world"