Physical properties of MnCl2 fillers incorporated into a PVDF/PVC blend and their complexes
Things that infants can teach us
Infection control: a psychosocial approach to changing practice
A giant bladder calculus with a synchronous giant secondary vaginal stone: a case report
Key issues in education policy
Success with your education research project.
Qualitative research in international settings
Being in the world: the event of learning
An analysis of the British public’s concerns regarding climate change legislation
A child sees God: children talk about Bible stories
Reflections from a Police Research Unit: an inside job
Too little too late: assessing vulnerability
Guides for measuring the impact of educational programmes
Local Authority Development Collaboratives 2008-09 report
Quality development framework for extended services
Extending learning opportunities: a framework for self-evaluation in study support
Mary Cholmondeley, "Diana Tempest"
Fighting cybercrime: legislation in China
Soft, strong and very, very long: An integrated approach to fostering student retention and success
PGCE secondary provision and the new curriculum
Reflection as a facilitator of safe professional practice
Participant observation: how useful is it in an acute hospital setting?
Caring and technology: can we separate them in ITU?
Kent Messenger, Kentish Gazette
Infection control: a psychosocial approach to changing practice
Youth-led innovation: enhancing the skills and capacity of the next generation of innovators
AQA Religious Studies A2: ethics: student's book
AQA GCSE Religious Studies A: Roman Catholicism: Ethics
AQA GCSE Religious Studies A: Christianity: Ethics
Creative teaching for tomorrow
Service composition with Al planning
Accession and migration: Changing policy, society and culture in an enlarged Europe
Conceptual learning in and through technology
Jesus, virtuoso religion and the community of goods
Englishness and the victim hero in One for My Baby by Tony Parsons
The rituals and rhetoric of queenship: medieval to early modern
An analysis of the accuracy and usefulness of Vinetto, Pasco and Mork.pl
A cognitive walkthrough of Autopsy Forensic Browser
Mobile phone forensics: an overview of technical and legal aspects
Special edition editorial: Cybercrime forensics
The process and function of serious care review
Expert versus lay risk discourses in public health: implications for disease prevention
Movement and coordination resources for quality first teaching in primary schools
Exploring early years practitioners' 'effective' verbal interactions in the outdoor environment
Coming of age for arts and health: what we hope to achieve
The state of arts and health in England
Hand hygiene and infection prevention: psychosocial factors and strategies
Corporate social responsibility in the British media industries: preliminary findings
Summer conference report “Is what you see what you get” 4–6 July 2008 The Derbyshire Hotel, Derby
The placebo effect in sports performance: a brief review
Effect of vegetation density on the use of trails by bats in a secondary tropical rain forest
Creative writing: getting students to rap
Research quality considerations for grounded theory research in sport and exercise psychology
How to explain sculpture to a dead owl
Social and cultural perspectives
The denial of ideology in perceptions of "non-native speaker" teachers
Reward management: a critical text
Simulation: issues and challenges
Non-dauer larval dispersal in Caenorhabditis elegans
Psychiatry and oppression: a personal account of compulsory admission and medical treatment
Experience of workplace bullying behaviours in postgraduate hospital dentists: questionnaire survey
Human sequence learning under incidental and intentional conditions
Review paper: more than ringing in the ears: a review of tinnitus and its psychosocial impact
Schizotypy, delusional ideation and well-being in an American new religious movement population
Identifying indices of learning for alpha neurofeedback training
A new critical framework for applying hermeneutic phenomenology
The emotional labour of nursing 1: exploring the concept
The significance of the timing of referral for renal care
An introduction to early childhood studies
Becoming visible in Iran: women in contemporary Iranian society
Orient et Occident; Folk Song Suite; Incantation and Dance
Red power: Native Americans in the 1960s and 70s
The role of culture in English language education: key challenges
Why gender, the professions and the press now?
Triptychs, eternity and the spirituality of the Body
''The shadow which I call pain'': Mary Cholmondeley and the dilemma of bodily weakness
The value of play: constructions of play in government policy in England
Debt maturity structure and the 1997 Asian financial crisis
Beyond knowing how to make it work: the conceptual foundations of designing
Inadvertent systemic risk in financial networks: venture capital and institutional funds
Perceived changes associated with autogenic training for anxiety: a grounded theory study
Active citizenship: a preliminary study into student teacher understandings
Ground rules for talk: the acceptable face of prescription
Is combining child labour and school education the right approach? Investigating the Cambodian case
Evaluating monitoring systems in the European social fund context: a sociotechnical approach
Digitising criminal justice in England and Wales: revisiting information-growth dynamics
Collaborative research and the compilation of the Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century Journalism
Health and social care responses to the Department of Health heatwave plan
Salvaging the self in adult learning
Women managers in higher education: experiences from the UK
Mule cognition: a case of hybrid vigour?
Use of Vapotherm for respiratory support with neonates
Neonatal guidelines: A positive force or an instant turnoff?
Pre-school overweight and obesity in England
Incidence and location of diabetic foot ulcer recurrence
Assessments of parenting and parenting support need: a study of four professional groups
Training for parenting support
The lived experience of mental health service users in a UK community rehabilitation scheme
Sport, masculinities and the body: an exploration
Sport, masculinities and the body
Young offenders' experiences of traumatic life events: a qualitative investigation.
Participant experiences of a mindfulness-based cognitive therapy group for cardiac rehabilitation
Improving middle school climate through teacher-centered change
Teachers as readers: building communities of readers
Towards an understanding of 'well-being' in the Foundation Phase
ESRC/TLRP (WERN) The Foundation Phase: a policy review
Working together for young children: messages from research
Children's participation in democratic decision-making: outcomes evidence
The current and future markets for Playwork NVQs
Children's views of their workforce
Students' decisions about their education and careers
Foundations of character: developing character and value in the early years: report summary
Long-term environmental impact of coral mining at the Wakatobi marine park, Indonesia
Stylistic diversity in European state 1 : 50 000 topographic maps
Leading and managing continuing professional development
Facilitating resource discovery in grid environments with peer-to-peer structured tuple spaces
'Nightscapes and leisure spaces': an ethnographic study of young people's use of free space
The effects of training on gross efficiency in cycling: a review
Fitness cultures and environmental (in)justice?
Behavioural change in type 1 diabetes self-management: Why and how?
Crystallising experiences among young elite dancers
Web services discovery with rough sets
Academic freedom and the diminished subject
Domestic cats (Felis catus) do not show causal understanding in a string-pulling task
Factors associated with physical activity referral completion and health outcomes
Shifting cultures: managerialism and the rise of “performance”
The crusade over the bodies of women
Acupuncture for schizophrenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Effect of the Rotor crank system on cycling performance
Digital investigation as a distinct discipline: a pedagogic perspective
Public health and physical activity
SEXERCISE: heterosexuality and femininity in Jane Fonda’s fitness books 1980-1990
Focus groups and young peoples' views of the Olympic and Paralympic Games
Archival analysis and Olympic research
Olympic research and qualitative media analysis
Fit bodies and intersectionality: the experiences of older Indian women in English fitness gyms
Fat bodies in sport and leisure: discourse of resistance and change?
Giving yourself a good beating: appraisal, attribution, rumination, and counterfactual thinking
Contemplating fatness in the fitness field
A survey of athletes' counterfactual thinking: precursors, prevalence and consequences
Educational relationships and their impact on poverty
Development and change of gender-based prejudice
Assessing research mindedness in practice placements of MA social work students
Geopolitical awareness: geographic knowledge and maps in the news
Avoiding prejudice in dealing with cultural difference: a critical cosmopolitan approach
Interrogating the concept of stereotypes in intercultural communication
English as a lingua franca: “non-native speakers” and cosmopolitan realities
Movement and coordination resources for quality first teaching
Postural management in mainstream primary schools: the views of teachers and teaching assistants
Excellence in clinical practice
Post compulsory withdrawal rates amongst Aimhigher students
Evaluation of the Charlton Athletic Community Scheme
World-views: art and canonical images in the geographical and life sciences
Analysis of beach morphology - airborne or terrestrial laser scanning
The use of LiDAR in digital surface modelling: issues and errors
Blanks on the map... is geographical knowledge in decline?
Q methodology and a Delphi Poll: a useful approach to researching a narrative approach to therapy
The peacock's tail of altruism
Isolation: A threat and means of spatial control. Living with risk in a deprived neighbourhood
Alpha neurofeedback training for performance enhancement: reviewing the methodology
Captive coyotes compared to their counterparts in the wild: does environmental enrichment help?
IAPT - More Pertinent Questions
The role of psychological therapies in acute psychiatric care
Involving service users and carers in clinical psychology placements
Minding our clinical language - letter
Referrers' views of a psychological therapies service
Supporting parents and professionals
Using Cystatin C in the diagnosis of renal disease in the elderly
On becoming a manager in the renal care setting
Introduction to managing and leadership in the renal care setting
Should we be allowed to sell our organs to save people's lives?
Understanding systemic reviews
Occupational therapy in mainstream primary schools: an evaluation of a pilot project
Developing teachers' knowledge of children's literature: teachers as readers, phase II
Bacon's spiritual realism: the spirit in the body
Deleuze, philosophy and the materiality of painting
'Den ikh bin treyfe gevezn': body perceptions in seventeenth-century Jewish autobiographical texts
The Jewish body: corporeality, society, and identity in the Renaissance and early modern period
Negotiating the Belfast Agreement
Pearse's legacy: the partition of Ireland
Outlaws in Medieval and Early Modern England: crime, government and society, c.1066-1600
The Outlaw Hereward the Wake: His companions and enemies
King James as a religious writer
Symposium on critical approaches to coursebooks
Progress in sports tourism research? A meta-review and exploration of futures
Research quality in sport & exercise psychology: Introduction to the collection
Review of ''The Paralympic Games: empowerment or side show?''
Familiarisation and reliability of sprint test indices during laboratory and field assessment
Changes in cycling efficiency during a competitive season
Occurrence of injury during officer safety training at Kent Police
The aesthetic Olympic visions of Baron Pierre de Coubertin
The future of initial police training: a university perspective
Sex-specific differences in the synaptonemal complex in the genus Oreochromis (Cichlidae)
An Excel™ model of a radioactive series
The complete music for Solo Viola da Gamba by Gottfried Finger
Mala knjiga zamki (Serbian translation of A Little Book of Traps)
Geschichten aus dem Wilden Osten (German Translation of Tales from the Wild East by Bonne, E.)
Medusa laughs: birds, thieves and other unruly women
Young people, drugs and alcohol consumption
Only connect: the auto/biographical, psychosocial imagination in researching lives
Claiming sustainable space: families, communities and learning, an auto/biographical perspective
Really reflexive practice: auto/biographical research and struggles for a critical reflexivity
Being a rara avis: the educational experiences of Bulgarian children in schools in London
Forging and fostering relationships in play: whose zone is it anyway?
New research directions in character and values education in the UK
Citizenship and Higher Education: the role of universities in communities and society
The Routledge education studies textbook
The Routledge education studies reader
Human resource solutions? Dimensions of employers' use of temporary agency labour in the UK
'Karma': The transformations of a Buddhist conundrum
The legal issues relating to infection control
Stephen Lawrence as a miscarriage of justice
Crime, media and fear of crime
Late modernity, risk and the construction of fear of crime
Blackstone's student police officer handbook 2010
Understanding criminal investigation
Future challenges in criminal investigation
Criminal investigation in context
Forms of reasoning and the analysis of intelligence
Theories of criminal investigation
Research informed teaching: enhancing the teaching-research nexus in science disciplines
Weaknesses and possibilities to improve the Copine Scale
Lessons learned from Beijing for the London 2012
Cybercrime forensics: two views from opposite sides of the pond
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cybercrime Forensics Education and Training
Towards a wider application of systems approach in information systems and software engineering
Akkulturation und integration ethnischer gruppen
Modelli esplicativi del conflitto tra gruppi sociali
Stereotipi e pregiudizi in azione nell'attività sportiv
Mainstream marginality: ''non-orthodox'' medicine in an ''orthodox'' health service
Conceptual and practical barriers to adaptation: vulnerability and responses to heat waves in the UK
The changing nature of Olympism in the modern Olympic era
Legal method, skills and reasoning
The human body: an introduction for the biomedical and health sciences
Supporting students in the perioperative environment
Strategic alternatives to exclusion from school
Primary English: teaching theory and practice
Primary English: knowledge and understanding
Space to reflect: creative leadership and the science of learning
Let the flowers go: a life of Mary Cholmondeley
Mary Cholmondeley reconsidered
Getting a grip on emotion regulation in sport: conceptual foundations and practical applications
Kings and lords in conquest Cornwall
Prostate kings: demonstrative kingship in late Anglo-Saxon charters
The Family of Wulfric Spott: a Mercian Marcher Dynasty
Queering the system: Baltimore, dissent, abnormality and subversion in The Wire
Remembering 1948 and 1968: Reflections on two pivotal years in Czech and Slovak History
Professionalising investigation
Assessing performance: quantity or quality?
Introduction: a brief history of criminal investigation
The Routledge companion to science fiction
Physiological responses during cycle time trials: variable versus constant power output
The effect of the Rotor crank system on time-trial cycling performance
Topographic maps: methodological approaches for analyzing cartographic style
A primary provision under occupation
Greater Dublin in the Celtic Tiger economy: towards a polycentric mega-city region?
Mixed methods studies: a guide to critical appraisal
How to succeed as a new renal nurse manager
Leadership and management skills in the renal unit
Women's experience of the menopause and decision making concerning HRT
Fifty key figures in science fiction
The integration of music with other subject disciplines, particularly other art forms
Inclusive psychology and social transformation: responding to the challenges of the new South Africa
Education, disability, and international development
Behaviour for learning: proactive approaches to behaviour management
ESOL issues for teachers in the lifelong learning sector
Inclusion: developing an effective whole school approach
The narrative approach to career guidance
Narrative approaches for career guidance interviews
Narratives and careers guidance: from theory into practice
Trying something new: a narrative approach to career guidance
Station wagon interior perspective
Film score: Films of Emile Cohl - 'Black n White' series at Rag n Bone Co
An exploration of students' perceptions of writing at Masters level
The buddy scheme: an evaluation as an innovative education tool
Communicating and delivering psychosocial interventions with people experiencing psychosis
Spirituality and mental health
Power to our elbow - how clinical psychologists can use the DCP report on bipolar disorder
What next for the profession after IAPT? The future of clinical psychology
Inequalities in the training and implementation of cardiac rehabilitation in the United Kingdom
Romani mobilities in the context of the new EU: what could or should the EU be doing?
Early numeracy: mathematical activities for 3 to 5 year olds
Music and the Rose Review: In praise of the wordless
'Seen and not heard': The dissentient child in early Twentieth Century British fiction
Political correctness and higher education: British and American perspectives
Parenting, caring and educating
The composer–performer relationship in the music of Peter Maxwell Davies
Unadulterated childhood and the Edwardian bestseller: Henry de Vere Stacpoole's ''The Blue Lagoon''
Reality writing: The historical equine context of Black Beauty
Dark horses: The lives of Anna Sewell and Black Beauty
Liberating tasks for teaching grammar
An actor's approach to teaching language and communication
Affect in language teaching: a perfomance approach
Teacher identity and performance teaching
Mentoring english language teachers
Teacher cognition and language education: research and practice
Canterbury art fair group show
Taking the long view of an ideal world
Royal Hibernian Academy 179th Annual Exhibition
Introducing new types of assessment within the discipline of history
The English between the music on Malaysian radio stations
The English between the music on Malaysian radio stations
The promotion of critical thinking through the use of an online discussion board
The dangerous rise of therapeutic education
The international currency of ideas: Anglo-Dutch translation and the Amsterdam book trade
''The Catalogue of Good Kings'': Instructing King James VI&I in his English Heritage
''But why write them down[?]'': Mary Cholmondeley's diaries and the violation of the female artist
''Murderous impulse'': Children as victims of violance in Mary Cholmondeley's major fiction
The materials world: culture and the English language textbook in the 21st century
The ownership of English and the politics of international student culture
A critical qualitative methodology for getting to the bottom of cultural realities
A critical cosmopolitan picture of cultural reality and autonomy
The student voice - students’ experience of Blackboard
A quality education for all: a history of the Lao PDR education project 1993-2009
Mind the gap: staff empowerment through digital literacy
Effective group work with young people
Get a shot: New visions: Promoting Progression in Photography
Ever present absence: Spaces of the other in cinema
Relay of Joy: Cybernetic assemblies; nonrepresentational theory and embodied media geographies
The state of the professions/professional states 1850-1900
''Why not indeed?'': Ouida's The Massarenes (1897) and the Lure of Modernity
What happens when nothing occurs in the films of Terence Malick
Unimportant failures: The fall and rise of the man who fell to Earth
Machines extraordinaires: Going beyond the Gernsback-Campbell Continuum in Seventies Science Fiction
Loving that which you can lose: Solaris, the Seventies and the Science Fiction Art Film
Noise, memory, monotony and drones: The sound of film technology
White Noise: The representation of Modernity in the films of Bai Jing-rui
White Noise: The representation of Modernity in the films of Bai Jing-rui
White Noise: The representation of Modernity in the films of Bai Jing-rui
Disorganising organised sound: The silent modernity of Walter Ruttman's Weekend
Claire Morgan: The sculpture of liminal time
How to explain sculpture to a dead owl
Key US decisions for war in Vietnam, 1961-65
Franklin Roosevelt: Founding father of the Atlantic Alliance?
Prohibition in the USA, 1920-33
Introduction to the Canadian papers of the 4th Earl of Minto, Governor General of Canada, 1898-1904
Prostrate kings? Symbolic communication and late Anglo-Saxon politics
Wulfric Spott: a Mercian Marcher Lord?
Charters, ritual and late-Tenth Century English Kingship
The missing dimension: British State repression and the Northern Ireland Peace Process
Kent in the English Civil Wars 1640-1649
Commemorating the 6th of August: The Jesus Day Assize Sermons in Exeter Cathedral
Julius Brenchley: Nineteenth and twenty-first century British perspectives on Native Americans
Augustine House: Scenarios for learning spaces
Musical contexts and the Habsburg Rehabilitation of Czech Saints
Concert life in London in the early 18th century
Transcription of Delius cello sonata for viola
Transcription of Delius cello sonata for viola
Transcription of Delius cello sonata for viola
Transcription of Delius cello sonata for viola
Transcription of Delius cello sonata for viola
Transcription of Delius cello sonata for viola
What do singers say about the effects of choral singing on physical health?
Mendelssohn: A life through performance
Maxwell Davies and performer/composer relationship
Lauridsen's O Magnum Mysterium, Gabrielli's O Magnum Mysterium & Paval Kajan's Our Father
Whitaker's Sleep & Rheinberger's Mass in Eb
Handel's Zadok & Rheinberger's Mass in Eb
The sea; This is a song; String is a pecular thing
Weelkes: Hosanna, Coath come my way
Weelkes: Hosanna, Coath come my way
Weelkes: Hosanna, Coath come my way
Hosannah Britten, Flower Songs
Trio in Eb (Beethoven), Trio in A Minor (Brahms)
As it was bright for flute, vibraphone, cello and electronics
Address as incoming Warden of Composers and Performers Section
Ô saisons, ô chateaux (for soprano, string quartet and electronic keyboard)
Ô saisons, ô chateaux (for soprano, string quartet and electronic keyboard)
The pathway to success: Exploring the relationship between ends and means in instrumental lessons
From the Whitneys to Westworld: cinema, computers and the ''Expanded Field'' of media archaeology
The Generation Game: Exploding the myth behind the Google and Net Generations
Laicity, modernity and orthodoxy in contemporary convert karma bKa' brgyud movements
Teaching theology in a modern university: transition and progression
John, Qumran and Virtuoso Religion
Electronics in Live Performance
Lyotard and Levinas: the logic of obligation
1948 and 1968: dramatic milestones in Czech and Slovak history
Salve Regina by Pavel Vejvanovsky (c. 1633-1694)
Towards an understanding of well-being
Making sense of the foundation phase for Wales: the challenges of multiple meanings
Moving outside: exploring pedagogy in the outdoor environment
The introduction of Early Years Professional Status in England
The South-East coastal communities programme
Deconstructing alien geography
Obama and Iran: Sanctions, the slow death of the Iranian nation
Narratives of resistance and change in Iran
Senior women managers in higher education: Case studies from the UK
Developing research identities: Effective mentoring for teacher educators
Comparing transitions: the professional development of teacher educators in the UK and Greece
Assessment of young carers' needs in the Canterbury district
Masters of the game: Teacher educators and the M level PGCE
Personal narratives and professional stories
Agency, enquiry and inclusion in school improvement
Creativity, challenge and change
Reflections on the meaning of wisdom and knowledge
Transformative education: Biographical perspectives South East Kent
The character and formation of young people in schools 14-16
Review of breaches of security in a low secure mental health unit
Caregivers support within forensic mental health services: A multi-site evaluation
What are the reasons for the publication or non-publication of nursing research?
Carnivore v people conflict: The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) in the Southeast of Brazil
Where are we and where are we going with CPD? - A supportive journey
Appreciative inquiry: an alternative to problem based learning?
Introducing appreciative inquiry into a problem based learning occupational therapy programme
Using outcome measures to influence the design of a referral priority system
Contexts of participation interactive resource
Generating solution focused questions
Carers' strategy for activity engagement of people with dementia in daily activity
The journey of carers' decision-making on engaging people with dementia with activities
Silver song clubs - how do they work?
Occupational therapy for children with developmental coordination disorder
Heatwaves in the UK: Impacts & policy responses
An analysis of the East Kent Outcome System for use in intermediate care
Fostering critical thinking for primary teacher training in Malaysia
Using biographical methods in social research
Migrant children's learning experiences in the UK
Internationalising teacher education - a critical case study
Grappling with global perspectives
Children's hopes and fears for the world in 2050
Evaluation of the Charlton Athletic Social Inclusion Project
Research into post 16 transition amongst Aimhigher Kent
Widening participation strategic assessment: An institutional perspective
Two part equality & diversity tool: Embedding equality and diversity within self-assessment
Two part equality & diversity tool: Embedding equality and diversity within self-assessment
White Other: Case study of an immigrant child
Class consciousness, identity and the motivation to teach
Class consciousness, identity and the motivation to teach
Child labour, education policy and governance in Cambodia
Eating Abroad Together Project: Canterbury Christ Church University
Working development and natural alliances
Caring for children and families receiving palliative care: A phenomenological study
Caring for children and families receiving palliative care: A phenomenological study
How individuals use singing in a group in response to adverse life events
The value of singing for breathing
South East Arts and Health: Challenges facing a regional arts and health organisation
Findings of the health mapping project in Shepway
Evaluation of paramedic practitioners
Risk and protection: CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) use in the NHS
Expert versus lay risk discourses in public health: Implications for disease prevention
Risk, rationality and culpability: Who is really to blame if you die of a heart attack?
Critical perspectives on personal and professional development
The art museum as a health promoting environment
Using photovoice within a community-based intergenerational intervention
Gallery as laboratory: Experiments in new social practices
Intellectual disabilities - UK historical cycles
Intellectual disabilities - UK historical cycles
Women and intellectual disabilities - a historical perspective
External examining - good practice
Narrative therapy: Definition and practice in the UK: A Q-methodological study
Mental Capacity Act and the deprivation of liberties safeguards
Safeguarding vulnerable adults in the NHS
Safeguarding vulnerable adults in the NHS
The Mental Capacity Act in practice
Intervening in families where there are issues of abuse
Supporting people with intellectual disabilities who are dying: what care staff need to know
The work of the Council of Europe in promoting the rights of people with intellectual disabilities
Human rights and protection from abuse
Parents who murder their disabled sons and daughters
Serious case review into events surrounding the death of Mr. A
Serious case review into events surrounding the death of Mrs J
The service user as an educator: Reflections on emerging identities, challenges and achievements
What is the meaning of family-centred Admiral Nursing to carers?
Pre-registration nurse training in the UK
Approved mental health professional training evaluation
Enhancing adherence with treatment
Personal tutoring: Having our say
Pharmacology of COPD, medications and inhaler technique
Psychosocial aspects of wound healing
Management of traumatic wounds
Methodological issues about the structure of illness perceptions: Findings from qualitative studies
Team working in the renal setting
Do commercial web-based learning packages help student nurses learn anatomy and physiology?
Do commercial web-based learning packages help student nurses learn anatomy and physiology?
Do commercial web-based learning packages help student nurses learn anatomy and physiology?
Developing the child care workforce through collaboration: friend or foe?
Pedal forces and gross efficiency in cyclists
London 2012, governmentality and youth
The Olympic reformations in the history of the modern Olympic movement
Policing as social engineering : Reflections on the ''Hamsterdam'' experiment
From liberal to democratic policing: Is there a role for toleration within contemporary policing?
How a mediation clinic can inform the curriculum
Applying for your first academic job
Conducting research interviews in a policing context
Investigating crime: The detective versus the investigative journalist
An evaluation of the Broadstairs dispersal area
Climate change: Global warming in its climatic context
Interim report: An evaluation of adult prison RJ (Restorative Justice) mediation
An evaluation of the Broadstairs dispersal area
Restorative justice in prisons
Risk analysis associated with endrocrine disruption in the Manche regions
Using a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) to support undergraduate research in sciences
The impact of extrinsic factors on the success of group-based assignments in undergraduate courses
Teaching European law enforcement forensic scripting using bash
Teaching ''Linux as a Forensic Tool'' (Online) to European Law Enforcement
P2P DDoS: Challenges and Countermeasures
Distributed indexing for resource discovery in P2P(Peer to Peer) networks
P2P(peer to peer) network-targeted DDoS(distributed denial-of-service attacks)
Wireless sensor networks - an introduction
Application of grid computing for fighting cybercrime
Lessons learned from Beijing for the London 2012 Olympics
Computer law and the problems of enforcing it
Cybercrime and the London 2012 Olympics
Cybercrime and the London 2012 Olympics
Cybercrime forensics and the London 2012 Olympics
Neurofeedback as a mechanism to enhance the performance of healthy participants
Gypies/travellers, community and social segregation
Barack Obama: Tidal change or racial token?
Language in animals: What science knows about dog intelligence
The psychology of victimhood: Competitive victimhood in intergroup relations
Forgiving perpetrators of extreme acts of violence: The role of empathy
What aspects of context are relevant for negation processing? An event-related potential study
What constitutes a relevant context for processing negation? An event-related potential study
What constitutes a relevant context for processing negation
An analysis of the British public's concerns regarding climate change legistration
Romani integration in the new EU
Making politics matter: Teaching politics in a knowledge transfer context
Corner shops, NICE guidelines and mothers of invention: Clinical psychology and public policy
The history and future of clinical psychology
Primary school case study on physical education's contribution to physical activity levels
Primary school case study on physical education's contribution to physical activity levels
Sport, tourism and events in the city
Can 4 weeks of isometric exercise lower resting blood pressure in young, healthy, active men?
Factors associated with exercise referral scheme success
The postmodern heritage city: From real to fake: Visual methodology
The postmodern heritage city: From real to fake
The timelessness of the postmodern heritage city
Counterfactuals: Contexts and consequences
The promise of the 2012 games: Social impacts of the paralympics
Paralympic potential - the opportunity and the risk
Evidence informed practice in Primary Education: an unintended but valuable resource
Aligning the ducks: sustaining the quality of CAA in a period of growing demand
The failure of multinational food retailers in Japan: a matter of convenience?
Clinical reporting by radiographers in the UK
The ICT Curriculum Review – towards an ITTE response
Performance in the eighteenth century
Learning to weave an article using Blackboard threads
The end of the beginning: the history and future for clinical psychology
Women and education: aspirations and boundaries
iBorrow research report (pedagogic)
Von Dayton über Sarajewo nach Brüssel
Power-sharing revisited: lessons learned in the Balkans
The pub as a virtual football fandom venue: an alternative to 'being there'?
Deleuze and Bacon: triptychs, eternity and the spirituality of the body
The ownership of English and the politics of international student culture
A critical cosmopolitan picture of cultural reality and autonomy
North Carolina and Nat Turner: honour and violence in a slave insurrection scare
Black and white masculinity in the American South, 1800-2000
Introduction to 'Mary Cholmondeley reconsidered'
Rambo America resisted: intertextual politics in Oliver Stone’s Salvador (1986) and Platoon (1986)
Demythologising urban landscapes in Andreas
Considering the implication of variations within Delphi research
Reviewing ecopsychology research: exploring five databases and considering the future
Components of mindfulness in patients with chronic pain
Human potential: exploring techniques used to enhance human performance
A quality education for all: the history of the LAO PDR inclusive education project 1993 - 2009
Discretion and decision making
Interpreting the Diamond Way: contemporary convert Buddhism in transition
Career learning and development: a bridge to the future
The IAG needs of students taking 14-19 Diplomas
A coming recruitment crunch for young people
Product placement's rise can be good for brand and viewer
Transcriptional changes produced by the bacterial effector protein AvrPtoB
The number and transmission of [PSI+] prion seeds (Propagons) in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
The ligand-binding b' domain of human protein disulphide-isomerase mediates homodimerization
The imperial marriage of Isabella of England, Henry III's sister
Writing the Sixties into Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland into the Sixties
Settlements in unended conflicts: the case of Cyprus
Opposing Europe in Estonia: society trumps politics
Children and young people's views of their workforce
Ireland, Britain and Europe: lessons from Lisbon
Ireland’s second vote on Lisbon
Twenty-first century children's views of angels
Magnificent entrances and undignified exits: chronicling the symbolism of castle space in Normandy
A quality education for all: a history of the Lao PDR Inclusive Education Project 1993-2009
Deliberative democracy and the improvement of children’s rational thinking
Identification and characteristics of surge-type glaciers on Novaya Zemlya, Russian Arctic
Identification and characteristics of surge-type glaciers on Novaya Zemlya, Russian Arctic
Recent changes in glacier extent and climate on Novaya Zemlya, Russian Arctic
Identification and characteristics of surge-type glaciers on Novaya Zemlya, Russian Arctic
Primary school pilot case study on physical education’s contribution to physical activity levels
The political construction of social inclusion through Further Education policy (1997 – 2007)
Orchestrating the experience: authorship of the soul. The case of Mag Nation Melbourne
The passion for educating the ‘‘New Man’’: debates about preschooling in Soviet Russia, 1917–1925
ENP and EMP: the geopolitics of 'enlargement lite'
Spontaneous gene flow and population structure in wild and cultivated chicory, Cichorium intybus L.
The affective quality of human-natural environment relationships
Investigating environmental identity, well-being, and meaning
Comparative genomics in chicken and Pekin duck using FISH mapping and microarray analysis
Community activism and empowerment of Turkish-speaking migrant women in London
'No one knows like we do' - the narratives of mental health service users trained as researchers
Modeling P2P grid information services with colored Petri nets
A grouped P2P network for scalable grid information services
Pixar: the hyphenation of Disney
When the ‘other’ becomes ‘us’: mediated representations, ‘terrorism’ and the ‘war on terror’
Agambian biopolitics and bare life
Eternal town servants: civic elections and the Stuppeny tombs of New Romney and Lydd
Oryzomys couesi en el sureste de México: estimaciones genéticas y filogeográficas
Prior exercise lowers blood pressure during simulated night-work with different meal schedules
Ordnance survey and cartographic style: keeping the good view
Reconstructing the map: post‐communist cartographic identities in Latvia and Slovenia
New language, new identity? cartography in post‐independence Latvia and Slovenia
The Soviet city plans of Southampton and Portsmouth
The Mediation Clinic at Canterbury Christ Church University: report and evaluation
Prisoners’ gang-related activity: the importance of bullying and moral disengagement